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alpha v beta 1 and alpha v beta 3 are two related members of the integrin family of cell surface receptors both of which interact with their ligands through the Arg-Gly-Asp recognition sequence, alpha v beta 1 and alpha v beta 3 share the same cation-binding subunit, alpha v, suggesting a similar cation requirement for both integrins. Instead, we observed that Ca2+ exerts different effects on their binding function. The attachment of alpha v beta 3-loaded liposomes to vitronectin and the alpha v beta 3-mediated adhesion of U 251 cells to an Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptide was supported equally well by Ca2+ and Mg2+. However, IMR 32 cells which bind to Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptides through alpha v beta 1 adhered in Mg2+ but not in Ca2+. In agreement, Ca2+ did not support the attachment of alpha v beta 1-loaded liposomes to the macromolecular ligand fibronectin or the binding of alpha v beta 1 to Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Pro-Lys-Sepharose in affinity chromatography experiments. Furthermore, in the presence of a constant Mg2+ concentration, Ca2+ had opposite effects on the two receptors in that it inhibited the alpha v beta 1-mediated adhesion of IMR 32 cells to the peptide substrate while enhancing alpha v beta 3-mediated adhesion of U251 cells. The Ca2+ effects occurred at physiological cation concentrations and therefore, our data suggest a physiological role for Ca2+ as a regulator of integrin function and indicate a possible involvement of the beta subunits in cation binding.  相似文献   

Innate non-specific cell substratum adhesion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adhesion of motile cells to solid surfaces is necessary to transmit forces required for propulsion. Unlike mammalian cells, Dictyostelium cells do not make integrin mediated focal adhesions. Nevertheless, they can move rapidly on both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. We have found that adhesion to such surfaces can be inhibited by addition of sugars or amino acids to the buffer. Treating whole cells with αlpha-mannosidase to cleave surface oligosaccharides also reduces adhesion. The results indicate that adhesion of these cells is mediated by van der Waals attraction of their surface glycoproteins to the underlying substratum. Since glycoproteins are prevalent components of the surface of most cells, innate adhesion may be a common cellular property that has been overlooked.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to extracellular matrix components involves integrin binding, receptor clustering, and recruitment of cytoskeletal elements, leading to the formation of discrete adhesive structures (focal adhesions). A force balance, macroscopic-to-microscopic model of these adhesive events is presented in the context of experimentally measured parameters. Integrin bond force, bond numbers, and distribution along the contact area strongly modulated the resulting adhesive force. Furthermore, focal adhesion assembly enhanced adhesion strength by 30% over integrin clustering alone. Predicted values are in excellent agreement with experimental results. This model provides a simple framework to systematically analyze the contributions of different adhesive parameters to overall adhesion strength.  相似文献   

Irisin, a myokine released from skeletal muscle, has recently been found to act as a ligand for the integrins αVβ5, αVβ1, and α5β1 expressed on mesenchymal cells, thereby playing an important role in the metabolic remodeling of the bone, skeletal muscle and adipose tissues. Although the immune-modulatory effects of irisin in chronic inflammation have been documented, its interactions with lymphocytic integrins have yet to be elucidated. Here, we show that irisin supports the cell adhesion of human and mouse lymphocytes. Cell adhesion assays using a panel of inhibitory antibodies to integrins have shown that irisin-mediated lymphocyte adhesion involves multiple integrins including not only α4β1 and α5β1, but also leukocyte-specific αLβ2 and α4β7. Importantly, mouse lymphocytic TK-1 cells that lack the expression of β1 integrins have exhibited αLβ2- and α4β7-mediated cell adhesion to irisin. Irisin has also been demonstrated to bind to purified recombinant integrin αLβ2 and α4β7 proteins. Thus, irisin represents a novel ligand for integrin αLβ2 and α4β7, capable of supporting lymphocyte cell adhesion independently of β1 integrins. These results suggest that irisin may play an important role in regulating lymphocyte adhesion and migration in the inflamed vasculature.  相似文献   

A unique polypeptide containing the repeated structure of core sequence from cell adhesion molecules, poly(Arg-Gly-Asp), was successfully prepared by the polymerization procedure with diphenylphosphoryl azide. This polypeptide dramatically inhibited the aggregation of platelets induced by adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or malignant melanoma cells.  相似文献   

Episialin (MUC1) is a transmembrane molecule with a large mucin-like extracellular domain protruding high above the cell surface. The molecule is located at the apical side of most glandular epithelial cells, whereas in carcinoma cells it is often present at the entire surface and it is frequently expressed in abnormally large quantities. We have previously shown that overexpression of episialin reduces cell- cell interactions. Here we show that the integrin-mediated adhesion to extracellular matrix of transfectants of a melanoma cell line (A375), a transformed epithelial cell line (MDCK-ras-e) and a human breast epithelial cell line (HBL-100) is reduced by high levels of episialin. This reduction can be reversed by inducing high avidity of the beta 1 integrins by mAb TS2/16 (at least for beta 1-mediated adhesion). The adhesion can also be restored by redistribution of episialin on the cell surface by monoclonal antibodies into patches or caps. Similarly, capping of episialin on ZR-75-1 breast carcinoma cells, growing in suspension, caused adherence and spreading of these cells. We propose that there is a delicate balance between adhesion and anti-adhesion forces in episialin expressing cells, which can be shifted towards adhesion by strengthening the integrin-mediated adhesion, or towards anti-adhesion by increasing the level of expression of episialin.  相似文献   

Many integrins mediate cell attachment to the extracellular matrix by recognizing short tripeptide sequences such as arginine-glycine-aspartic acid and leucine-aspartate-valine. Using phage display, we have now found that the leukocyte-specific beta(2) integrins bind sequences containing a leucine-leucine-glycine (LLG) tripeptide motif. An LLG motif is present on intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, the major beta(2) integrin ligand, but also on several matrix proteins, including von Willebrand factor. We developed a novel beta(2) integrin antagonist peptide CPCFLLGCC (called LLG-C4), the structure of which was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance. The LLG-C4 peptide inhibited leukocyte adhesion to ICAM-1, and, interestingly, also to von Willebrand factor. When immobilized on plastic, the LLG-C4 sequence supported the beta(2) integrin-mediated leukocyte adhesion, but not beta(1) or beta(3) integrin-mediated cell adhesion. These results suggest that LLG sequences exposed on ICAM-1 and on von Willebrand factor at sites of vascular injury play a role in the binding of leukocytes, and LLG-C4 and peptidomimetics derived from it could provide a therapeutic approach to inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

Redox sensitivity of actin toward an exogenous oxidative stress has recently been reported. We report here the first evidence of in vivo actin redox regulation by a physiological source of reactive oxygen species, specifically those species generated by integrin receptors during cell adhesion. Actin oxidation takes place via the formation of a mixed disulfide between cysteine 374 and glutathione; this modification is essential for spreading and for cytoskeleton organization. Impairment of actin glutathionylation, either through GSH depletion or expression of the C374A redox-insensitive mutant, greatly affects cell spreading and the formation of stress fibers, leading to inhibition of the disassembly of the actinomyosin complex. These data suggest that actin glutathionylation is essential for cell spreading and cytoskeleton organization and that it plays a key role in disassembly of actinomyosin complex during cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Thrombin, in addition to its central role in hemostasis, possesses diverse cellular bioregulatory functions implicated in wound healing, inflammation, and atherosclerosis. In the present study we demonstrate that thrombin molecules modified either at the procoagulant or catalytic sites induce endothelial cell (EC) adhesion, spreading, and cytoskeletal reorganization. The most potent adhesive thrombin analogue (NO2-alpha-thrombin) was obtained by nitration of tyrosine residues. The cell adhesion promoting activity of NO2-alpha-thrombin was blocked upon the formation of thrombin-antithrombin III (ATIII) complexes and by antiprothrombin antibodies, but was unaffected by hirudin. Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptides, fully inhibited EC adhesion to NO2-alpha-thrombin, while synthetic peptides corresponding to thrombin "Loop B" mitogenic site and the thrombin-derived chemotactic fragment "CB67-129", were uneffective. Immunofluorescence studies indicated that EC adhesion to NO2-alpha-thrombin was followed by cell spreading, actin microfilament assembly, and formation of focal contacts. By the use of specific antibodies, the vitronectin (vn) receptor (alpha v beta 3) was found to be localized in clusters upon cell adhesion to NO2-alpha-thrombin. An anti alpha v beta 3 antibody blocked EC adhesion and spreading while antifibronectin (fn) receptor (alpha 5 beta 1) antibodies were uneffective. While native thrombin exhibited a very low cell attachment activity, thrombin that was incubated at 37 degrees C before coating of plastic surfaces induced EC attachment and spreading. We propose that under certain conditions the naturally hindered RGD domain within thrombin is exposed for interaction with alpha v beta 3 on EC. This in turn promotes cell adhesion, spreading, and reorganization of cytoskeletal elements, which may altogether contribute to repair mechanisms in the disturbed vessel wall. This study defines a new biological role of thrombin and characterizes a new recognition mechanism on EC for this molecule.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) suspension culture cells adhere readily to substrata coated with extracellular matrix proteins such as fibronectin, vitronectin, or laminin. In the case of fibronectin, it is known that adhesion is mediated by an integrin-type, cell surface fibronectin receptor (FnR). We demonstrate here that treatment of CHO cells with submicromolar concentrations of phorbol ester produces a remarkable increase in the ability of these cells to adhere to fibronectin. Both the rate of adhesion and the efficiency of adhesion are enhanced about four- to fivefold. Further, phorbol ester treatment renders the fibronectin-mediated adhesion process less sensitive to inhibitors, including GRGDSP peptide and PB1, a monoclonal anti-FnR antibody. By contrast, nonspecific adhesion processes, for example cell attachment to substrata coated with polylysine or concanavalin A, are not affected by phorbol ester treatment. Thus integrin-mediated adhesion is modulated by phorbol esters, but nonspecific adhesion is not. Neither the number of cell surface FnRs nor the receptor affinity, as measured by 125I-fibronectin and 125I-anti-FnR antibody binding, is altered by phorbol ester treatment. Thus, the effect of phorbol ester on cell adhesion seems to occur at a step subsequent to initial ligand-receptor binding events. Since phorbol ester is a potent activator of protein kinase C, we examined phosphorylation patterns in control and phorbol-treated cells. In immunoprecipitates of lysates from suspension culture cells, there was no evidence of phorbol ester-stimulated phosphorylation of FnR or of talin, a protein thought to interact with FnR. These results suggest that phorbol ester effects on fibronectin-dependent adhesion are not due to phosphorylation of the FnR itself but rather may be due to postreceptor events, possibly the phosphorylation of cytoskeletal proteins involved in integrin-mediated adhesion.  相似文献   

During hematogenous cancer metastasis, tumor cells separate from a primary mass, enter the bloodstream, disperse throughout the body, migrate across vessel walls, and generate distant colonies. The later steps of metastasis superficially resemble leukocyte extravasation, a process initiated by selectin-mediated cell tethering to the blood vessel wall followed by integrin-mediated arrest and transendothelial migration. Some cancer cells express P-selectin ligands and attach to immobilized P-selectin, suggesting that these cells can arrest in blood vessels using sequential selectin- and integrin-mediated adhesion, as do leukocytes. We hypothesize that selectin binding may regulate subsequent integrin-mediated steps in metastasis. Using a model system of cultured Colo 320 human colon adenocarcinoma cells incubated with soluble P-selectin-IgG chimeric protein, we have found that P-selectin can stimulate activation of the alpha(5)beta(1) integrin resulting in a specific increase of adhesion and spreading of these cells on fibronectin substrates. P-selectin binding also induced activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K). PI3-K inhibitors blocked P-selectin-mediated integrin activation, cell attachment, and cell spreading. Inhibition of p38 MAPK activation blocked cell spreading, but not cell attachment. P-selectin binding also resulted in formation of a signaling complex containing PI3-K and p38 MAPK. These results suggest that P-selectin binding to tumor cells can activate alpha(5)beta(1) integrin via PI3-K and p38 MAPK signaling pathways leading to increased cell adhesion. We propose that P-selectin ligands are important tumor cell signaling molecules that modulate integrin-mediated cell adhesion in the metastatic process.  相似文献   

A major Arg-Gly-Asp-directed receptor on M21 human melanoma cells is a heterodimer of alpha and beta chains which under reducing conditions have molecular masses of 130 and 105 kDa, respectively. This receptor is one member of a large family of cell adhesion receptors that shares antigenic determinants with the vitronectin receptor of fibroblasts and the platelet IIb X IIIa complex. Both subunits of the M21 cell adhesion receptor acquire high mannose-type oligosaccharides that are processed before transport to the cell surface. In addition, the alpha chain undergoes a proteolytic cleavage step. Pulse-chase immunoprecipitation analysis demonstrates that, following its synthesis, the beta chain remains unbound to alpha chain for 1-2 h and in this free form is unable to bind an Arg-Gly-Asp containing heptapeptide. Conversely, the biosynthetic precursor of the alpha chain is fully capable of binding the Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptide immediately after its synthesis. Thus, Arg-Gly-Asp recognition by one member of this cell adhesion receptor family requires its 130-kDa alpha chain which appears to be functional prior to post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

Anti-cell adhesive activity was examined by the synthetic polypeptide, containing repetitive Arg-Gly-Asp sequence of cell attachment site from fibronectin, poly (Arg-Gly-Asp). The attachment of tumour cells to fibronectin substrate was specifically inhibited by adding poly (Arg-Gly-Asp) in cell surface receptor-mediated and divalent cation-dependent manners, but not by unrelated peptides. In our previous study, the lung metastatic formation of tumour cells was dramatically reduced by intravenous co-injection of anti-cell adhesive poly (Arg-Gly-Asp) with B16-BL6 melanoma cells. These findings suggest that polypeptide-mediated inhibition of pulmonary metastasis is partly due to interference with tumour cell adhesion to the substrates including fibronectin in target organs or tissues.  相似文献   

Integrins are transmembrane receptors for cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix. In cell migration, integrins are endocytosed from the plasma membrane or the cell surface, transported in vesicles and exocytosed actively at the cell front. In the present study, we examined the roles of VAMP3, a SNARE protein that mediates exocytosis, in cell migration and integrin trafficking. Small interfering RNA (siRNA)-induced silencing of VAMP3 inhibited chemotactic cell migration by more than 60% without affecting cell proliferation. VAMP3 silencing reduced the levels of β1 integrin at the cell surface but had no effect on total cellular β1 integrin, indicating that VAMP3 is required for trafficking of β1 integrin to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, VAMP3 silencing diminished cell adhesion to laminin but not to fibronectin or collagen. Taken together, these data suggest that VAMP3-dependent integrin trafficking is crucial in cell migration and cell adhesion to laminin.  相似文献   

A synthetic oligopeptide, composed of Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) and its synergistic Pro-His-Ser-Arg-Asn (PHSRN) motifs and a six glycines (G6) linker, promoted human osteoblast-like cell (MG-63) adhesion, spreading and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity in a similar manner to a positive fibronectin control. This synthetic oligopeptide may therefore be a useful osteo-inductive material.  相似文献   

Junctional Adhesion Molecules (JAMs) have been described as major components of tight junctions in endothelial and epithelial cells. Tight junctions are crucial for the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity. During tumor development, they are remodeled, enabling neoplastic cells to escape from constraints imposed by intercellular junctions and to adopt a migratory behavior. Using a carcinoma cell line we tested whether JAM-C could affect tight junctions and migratory properties of tumor cells. We show that transfection of JAM-C improves the tight junctional barrier in tumor cells devoid of JAM-C expression. This is dependent on serine 281 in the cytoplasmic tail of JAM-C because serine mutation into alanine abolishes the specific localization of JAM-C in tight junctions and establishment of cell polarity. More importantly, the same mutation stimulates integrin-mediated cell migration and adhesion via the modulation of beta1 and beta3 integrin activation. These results highlight an unexpected function for JAM-C in controlling epithelial cell conversion from a static, polarized state to a pro-migratory phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary Anchorage-dependent mammalian cells were cultivated at high cell density in a novel culture system using polyurethane foam (PUF) as a substratum for cell attachment. PUF has a macroporous structure giving a high surface area to volume ratio. Monkey kidney cells (Vero) and Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1) attached to the internal surface of PUF and grew to a high cell density (1.04 × 108 cells/ cm3 PUF and 3.5 × 107 cells/ cm3 PUF, respectively) in PUF stationary cultures. In addition, we have designed a PUF-particle packed-bed culture system for high density mass cell culture. A maximum cell density of 2.4 × 107 cells/cm3 culture vessel volume was obtained in a packed-bed culture of Vero cells. Offprint requests to: K. Funatsu  相似文献   

Type XVII collagen (BP180) is a keratinocyte transmembrane protein that exists as the full-length protein in hemidesmosomes and as a 120-kDa shed ectodomain in the extracellular matrix. The largest collagenous domain of type XVII collagen, COL15, has been described previously as a cell adhesion domain (Tasanen, K., Eble, J. A., Aumailley, M., Schumann, H., Baetge, J, Tu, H., Bruckner, P., and Bruckner-Tuderman, L. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 3093-3099). In the present work, the integrin binding of triple helical, human recombinant COL15 was tested. Solid phase binding assays using recombinant integrin alpha(1)I, alpha(2)I, and alpha(10)I domains and cell spreading assays with alpha(1)beta(1)- and alpha(2)beta(1)-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cells showed that, unlike other collagens, COL15 was not recognized by the collagen receptors. Denaturation of the COL15 domain increased the spreading of human HaCaT keratinocytes, which could migrate on the denatured COL15 domain as effectively as on fibronectin. Spreading of HaCaT cells on the COL15 domain was mediated by alpha(5)beta(1) and alpha(V)beta(1) integrins, and it could be blocked by RGD peptides. The collagen alpha-chains in the COL15 domain do not contain RGD motifs but, instead, contain 12 closely related KGD motifs, four in each of the three alpha-chains. Twenty-two overlapping, synthetic peptides corresponding to the entire COL15 domain were tested; three peptides, all containing the KGD motif, inhibited the spreading of HaCaT cells on denatured COL15 domain. Furthermore, this effect was lost by mutation from D to E (KGE instead of KGD). We suggest that the COL15 domain of type XVII collagen represents a specific collagenous structure, unable to interact with the cellular receptors for other collagens. After being shed from the cell surface, it may support keratinocyte spreading and migration.  相似文献   

To investigate the function of calpain in T cells, we sought to determine the role of this protease in cellular events mediated by beta1 integrins. T cell receptor cross-linked or phorbol ester-stimulated T cells binding to immobilized fibronectin induce the translocation of calpain to the cytoskeletal/membrane fraction of these cells. Such translocation of calpain is associated with proteolytic modification of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B, increased cellular adhesion, and dramatic alterations in cellular morphology. However, affinity-related increases in T cell adhesion induced by the anti-beta1 integrin antibody 8A2 occur in a calpain-independent manner and in the absence of morphological shape changes. Furthermore, calpain undergoes activation in response to either alpha4beta1 or alpha5beta1 integrin binding to fibronectin in appropriately stimulated T cells, and calpain II as well as protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B accumulates at sites of focal contact formation. Inhibition of calpain activity not only inhibits the proteolytic modification of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B, but also decreases the ability of T cells to adhere to and spread on immobilized fibronectin. Thus, we describe a potential regulatory role for calpain in beta1 integrin-mediated signaling events associated with T cell adhesion and cell spreading on fibronectin.  相似文献   

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