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Asporogenous mutants of Bacillus subtilis were examined for the change in template specificity of ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase characteristic of wild-type cells undergoing sporulation. Mutants blocked at stages II, III, and IV showed a changed specificity of the enzyme after the end of growth and were in this respect indistinguishable from the wild type. The RNA polymerase of eight stage-zero mutants (out of nine tested) which possess mutations that map at six distinct loci retained the template specificity of vegetative cells.  相似文献   

The incorporation of radioactive uracil into 50s and 30s ribosomal subunits and ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) was studied during the growth cycle of different sporogenic and asporogenic strains of Bacillus subtilis. It was found that partially synchronized cultures of the strains examined incorporated labeled uracil into the two ribosomal subunit species and rRNA during sporulation and during the stationary phase of the asporogenic strains. Kinetic studies have shown that, compared to vegetative cells, the percentage of uracil incorporated into the ribosomal subunits of cells taken 30 min after the end of exponential growth was decreased by about 25 to 35%. This decrease, however, appeared to be a general characteristic of stationary-phase cells and seems to depend on the nature of the sporulation medium and to some extent on the nature of the strain but not on the sp(+) or sp(-) phenotype of the strain. Moreover, by use of actinomycin D it was shown that the labeled uracil incorporated, in the presence of the drug, during the sporulation period was located in the ribosomal subunits (stable RNA). Based on these results, we concluded that during sporulation ribosomal genes are transcribed and consequently rRNA continues to be synthesized, although to a lesser extent than during vegetative growth. These results are discussed in the light of those obtained by Hussey et al.  相似文献   

A mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168 (strain 168 KL), which had lost its normal capacity to accumulate K(+), was used to explore the interrelationship between protein and ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis. In contrast to the wild type, the growth rate of strain 168 KL was markedly dependent on the K(+) concentration in the medium. K(+) uptake in the mutant strain was identical to that in the parent, but the mutant was unable to retain and accumulate K(+). Protein synthesis was markedly dependent on the K(+) concentration in the medium, whereas RNA synthesis was relatively unaffected by changes in the level of K(+). Most of the RNA synthesized during K(+) depletion was ribosomal RNA; it appeared in crude extracts in the form of ribonucleoproteins particles with sedimentation values between 4S and 30S. These particles were converted into mature ribosomes when growth was allowed to resume by the addition of K(+). Simultaneous synthesis of RNA and protein was necessary for the quantitative conversion of the ribonucleoprotein particles into ribosomes. During recovery from K(+) depletion, ribosomal protein was synthesized in preference to the other proteins of the cell.  相似文献   

Messenger Ribonucleic Acid of Dormant Spores of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Evidence of the presence of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in dormant spores of Bacillus subtilis has been obtained. The bulk RNA from spores was isolated and labeled in vitro with tritiated dimethyl sulfate. The spore RNA hybridized to 2.4 to 3.2% of the B. subtilis genome. The RNA hybridized to both the complementary heavy and light fractions of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Bulk RNA from log-phase cells competed with virtually all the spore RNA for the heavy DNA fraction and with part of the spore RNA for the light DNA fraction. Bulk RNA from stage IV cells in sporulation also competed with all of the spore RNA for the heavy DNA fraction and with essentially all the spore RNA for the light DNA fraction. These results indicate that dormant spores contain mRNA species present in both log-phase cells and stage IV cells of sporulation. The RNA polymerase in the developing forespore must be able to recognize promotor sites for both log-phase and sporulation genes.  相似文献   

Derepression of tyrosyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase in Bacillus subtilis was observed in strains grown with limiting tyrosine, but not in regulatory mutants derepressed in biosynthetic enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of chloramphenicol on the synthesis and accumulation of ribonucleic acid (RNA) in Bacillus subtilis was studied. In the presence of chloramphenicol, transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA were synthesized as rapidly 2 to 3 hr after challenge as they were just prior to the addition of the antibiotic. However, under the same conditions, net RNA accumulation ceased after only 30 to 45 min. The failure to accumulate RNA after this time resulted from a rapid degradation of ribosomal RNA synthesized in the presence of chloramphenicol and a slow degradation of mature ribosomes. Since transfer RNA was not appreciably degraded, the ratio of transfer RNA to total RNA increased during the challenge.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) was analyzed for the occurrence of thionucleotides by in vivo labeling with (35)S and fractionation by methylated albumin kieselguhr column chromatography. Alkaline hydrolysates of tRNA were also examined by column chromatography and paper electrophoresis, and the amino acid-accepting ability of thionucleotide-containing tRNA was tested after iodine oxidation. The results showed that B. subtilis tRNA contains 4-thiouridylate, a second nucleotide with properties similar to 2-thiopyrimidine, and a third unidentified thionucleotide. The amino acid-accepting ability for serine, tyrosine, lysine, and glutamic acid was markedly inhibited after oxidation of the tRNA with iodine, suggesting the presence of thionucleotides in these tRNA species. This inhibition could be reversed by thiosulfate reduction. The iodine treatment totally inactivated all lysine tRNA species, partially inactivated the serine tRNA species, and did not affect the accepting ability for valine. A comparison of tRNA from cells in the log and stationary phases and from spores revealed similar iodine inactivation patterns in all cases. The thionucleotide content in B. subtilis tRNA differed from that in Escherichia coli, both in extent and in distribution. A possible function of the thionucleotides in tRNA is discussed.  相似文献   

A relatively simple immunochemical procedure for estimating flagellar protein was developed. This procedure involved measuring the binding of purified, radioactively labeled, antiflagellar antibodies to bacteria. The assay was used to determine the requirements for ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein synthesis during flagellar regeneration in Bacillus subtilis. Immediate inhibition of flagella development was observed when chloramphenical or puromycin was added to cells. This inhibition indicated the absence of a large pool of flagella precursors that could be assembled in the absence of protein synthesis. When the cells were starved for uracil or treated with actinomycin D to inhibit RNA synthesis, the ability of the cells to regenerate flagella decayed with a half-life of 5.5 min. When B. subtilis auxotrophs were starved for tryptophan, they continued to synthesize flagella, although this process was also inhibited by actinomycin D. On the basis of these results, we concluded that (i) the system involved in flagellar regeneration does not have unusual metabolic stability, (ii) regeneration requires both concomitant protein and RNA syntheses, and (iii) B. subtilis continues to synthesize messenger RNA during tryptophan starvation.  相似文献   

The presence or absence of certain amino acids has different effects on the ability of Bacillus subtilis to sporulate, and the intracellular pool size of amino acids has been reported to vary during sporulation. The idea that these variations might exert a regulatory effect through aminoacylation of transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) was investigated by studying the levels of aminoacylation in vivo in the logarithmic or stationary phase of growth. Both the periodate oxidation method and the amino acid analyzer were used to evaluate in vivo aminoacylation. The results indicated that in general the level of aminoacylation of tRNA's remained constant through stage III of sporulation, although there were detectable variations for specific amino acid groups. Our studies also showed that periodate oxidation damaged certain tRNA's; therefore, the results obtained by such a method should be interpreted with caution. Because the damage can affect certain isoaccepting species specifically, the periodate oxidation method cannot be used to establish which isoaccepting species are acylated in vivo. We also investigated the possibility of preferential use of particular tRNA species by polyribosomes. These results demonstrated a preferential use of lysyl-tRNA's at different growth stages. Control mechanisms operating during the early stages of sporulation, therefore, do not affect the overall level of aminoacylation. However, there is an effect on the levels of aminoacylation of specific amino acids and on which isoaccepting species are utilized by the polyribosome system.  相似文献   

Itoic Acid Synthesis in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
Under conditions of iron deficiency, strains of Bacillus subtilis produced 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB), 2,3-dihydroxybenzolyglycine (DHBG), or both of these compounds. DHB(G) production [production of DHB(G) refers to the production of DHB, or DHBG, or both] was proportional to the amount of iron present and occurred logarithmically, paralleling growth. Supplementation of media with more than 150 mug of iron per liter at zero-time inhibited DHB accumulation completely. In the presence of DHB, lower levels of iron inhibited DHB(G) production, so that the actual inhibitor of synthesis may involve the Fe(3+):[DHB(G)](3) complex. The strains producing DHBG also produced coproporphyrin III during iron-deficient growth, whereas a strain producing DHB did not produce coproporphyrin III under these conditions. Accumulation of DHB(G) was influenced by the levels of aromatic amino acids and anthranilic acid in the medium. In vivo experiments with strain B-1471 demonstrated that DHB was coupled to added glycine to form DHBG. Metabolism of DHB(G) was observed in two of the strains studied.  相似文献   

Nuclear Synthesis of Cytoplasmic Ribonucleic Acid in Amoeba proteus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The enucleation technique has been applied to Amoeba proteus by several laboratories in attempts to determine whether the cytoplasm is capable of nucleus-independent ribonucleic acid synthesis. This cell is very convenient for micrurgy, but its use requires a thorough starvation period to eliminate the possibility of metabolic influence by food vacuoles and frequent washings and medium renewal to maintain asepsis. In the experiments described here, amoebae were starved for periods of 24 to 96 hours, cut into nucleated and enucleated halves, and exposed to either C-14 uracil, C-14 adenine, C-14 orotic acid, or a mixture of all three. When the starvation period was short (less than 72 hours), organisms (especially yeast cells) contained within amoeba food vacuoles frequently showed RNA synthesis in both nucleated and enucleated amoebae. When the preperiod of starvation was longer than 72 hours, food vacuole influence was apparently negligible, and a more meaningful comparison between enucleated and nucleated amoebae was possible. Nucleated cells incorporated all three precursors into RNA; enucleated cells were incapable of such incorporation. The experiments indicate a complete dependence on the nucleus for RNA synthesis. The conflict with the experimental results of others on this problem could possibly stem from differences in culture conditions, starvation treatment, or experimental conditions. For an unequivocal answer in experiments of this design, ideally the cells should be capable of growth on an entirely synthetic medium under aseptic conditions. The use of a synthetic medium (experiments with A. proteus are done under starvation conditions) would permit, moreover, a more realistic comparison of metabolic capacities of nucleated and enucleated cells.  相似文献   

When starved for leucine, strains of Bacillus subtilis do not complete chromosome replication to the terminus. The amount of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) made poststarvation is characteristic of the strain. In this study, four strains differing in their DNA response were examined for ribonucleic acid (RNA) regulation during leucine starvation. Each of the strains was judged to be stringent for RNA control based on the amount of RNA made poststarvation. Sucrose gradient profiles on RNA made with and without leucine starvation support this conclusion. Accumulation of guanosine tetraphosphate during leucine starvation showed no correlation with the amount of DNA synthesized. We concluded that modulation control of DNA synthesis during leucine starvation is independent of RNA control.  相似文献   

Morphological studies of a conditionally temperature-sensitive ribonucleic acid polymerase mutant of Bacillus subtilis have revealed that sporulation is inhibited at stage II when the cells are grown at 47.5 C. Growth and sporulation occur normally at 30 C with the mutant. The mutant grows normally at 47.5 C but is prevented from sporulating at the nonpermissive temperature by an abnormal septation during forespore membrane formation which prevents the subsequent engulfment process (stage III). The mutation affects the normal functioning of ribonucleic acid polymerase at the nonpermissive temperature resulting in abortive sporulation.  相似文献   

Partially synchronized cultures of a Bacillus subtilis thermosensitive sporulation mutant (ts-4) and the 168 trytry (168tt) parental strain were infected with the virulent phage e at various times during their growth cycle at 30 and 42 C (permissive and restrictive temperatures, respectively). It was shown that at the restrictive temperature the burst size in the parental strain was two- to threefold lower than in the ts-4 mutant. No such difference was observed at the permissive temperature. However, the time at which this difference was observed excludes a correlation between the burst size and initiation of the sporulation process. It was further found that the capacity to transcribe in vitro phage e deoxyribonucleic acid by partially purified ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase from both strains decreased sharply if the source of enzyme was sporulating cells instead of vegetative ones. However, a similar decrease, although to a lesser extent, was observed with the RNA polymerase isolated from stationary-phase cells of the ts-4 mutant grown at the nonpermissive temperature, or with the enzyme derived from several other zero-stage sporulation mutants. At no time was a structural modification in the β subunits of the RNA polymerase observed during growth of the sporulating bacteria. We have also shown that, in addition to the relatively low specific activity of the RNA polymerase, the level of the intracellular protease activity is about 15-fold lower in the ts-4 mutant grown at the restrictive temperature than that of the parental strain grown at the same temperature. At the permissive temperature no such difference was observed between these two strains. However, the present data do not allow us to establish a correlation among the low content of intracellular protease, the weak specific activity of the RNA polymerase, and the loss of the sporulation capacity in the ts-4 mutant grown at the restrictive temperature.  相似文献   

The paracrystal fractions of two species of Bacillus contain similarly structured fibrous material whose unit cell is hexagonal, with cell dimensions of a = 0.719 nm and c = 0.963 nm.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was used to analyze sporulating cells and spores of Bacillus subtilis mutants (Rif(r)) which are resistant to rifampin, an inhibitor of ribonucleic acid polymerase. The spores of Rif-18 are pleomorphic and frequently exhibit terminal knobs. These knobs first occur during late stage IV and early stage V of sporulation and are extensions of the inner and outer spore coats. Since the rifampin resistance and altered spore morphology of Rif-18 are 100% cotransformable, these data suggest that the altered spore morphology is the result of an alteration in ribonucleic acid polymerase genes. The morphology and physical dimensions are also reported for spores from Rif-11, Rif-15, and Rif-21. Significant differences in size from the wild type were observed for these mutants.  相似文献   

Several tests were devised to further characterize deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in toluenized Bacillus subtilis cells. Vigorous agitation of toluenized cells (localization test) demonstrated that the DNA replication is exclusively a cell-associated process. A DNA "repair" condition was also applied to toluenized cells and shown to be distinct from DNA replication in its DNA polymerase I dependency and its ability to synthesize DNA on template which is either cell associated or free, outside the cell. This repair condition was used in conjunction with the localization test to demonstrate the penetration of deoxyribonuclease I and possibly DNA polymerase I into toluenized cells. Therefore, we suggest that the localization test can be used to test the penetration of proteins into toluenized cells for both the DNA repair and replication processes.  相似文献   

The large-particle fraction from the cytoplasm of chick embryo fibroblasts infected with Semliki Forest virus was found to catalyze the incorporation of the 5'-triphosphates of guanosine, adenine, cytidine, and uridine into an acid-insoluble alkali-labile product. The conditions affecting the preparation and assay of this enzyme were investigated. The ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase was not present in uninfected cells, and it appeared in infected cells at the time of rapid viral RNA synthesis. The polymerase was found to catalyze the synthesis of a species of RNA which was resistant to ribonuclease and which exhibited the sedimentation properties, buoyant density, and thermal transition temperature of the double-stranded RNA found in vivo in chick cells infected with Semliki forest virus. Attempts to demonstrate that the reaction product of this enzyme also included single-stranded viral RNA were not successful. Although other interpretations are possible, these results give some support to the suggestion that more than one enzyme may be involved in the replication of viral RNA.  相似文献   

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