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1. Conspecific populations living in habitats with different risks of predation often show phenotypic variation in defensive traits. Traits of two species of mayflies (Baetidae: Baetis bicaudatus and Baetis sp. nov.) differ between populations living in fish and fishless streams in a high altitude drainage basin in western Colorado, U.S.A. We tested for genetic differentiation between mayfly populations in these two habitat types, assuming that lack of genetic differentiation would be consistent with the hypothesis that those traits are phenotypically plastic. 2. Previous work has shown that larvae of both species behave differently and undergo different developmental pathways in adjacent fish and fishless streams. These phenotypic differences in behaviour and development have been induced experimentally, suggesting that populations from fishless streams have the genetic capability to respond to fish. 3. During summer 2001 we collected Baetis larvae from several fish and fishless streams, and from fish and fishless sections of the same streams. We used allozymes and a fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 mitochondrial gene to examine genetic variation of Baetis individuals within and among streams. 4. Results showed that genetic variation exists among populations of the same species of Baetis from different streams, but none of that variation was associated with the presence or absence of fish. These data confirm that populations of Baetis living in fish and fishless streams are not genetically distinct, and are consistent with the hypothesis that traits associated with environments of different risk are phenotypically plastic.  相似文献   

1. The solubility of oxygen in water increases with decreasing temperature. This has led to a general perception of cold, high mountain streams as more oxygen rich than warmer lowland streams, and that macroinvertebrates inhabiting high altitude streams have had no need to adapt to critical oxygen conditions. However, this fails to take into account that oxygen solubility declines with decreasing atmospheric pressure, which may be of importance at high altitudes. 2. Based on samples of macroinvertebrate benthos and in situ measurements of respiratory oxygen demand of macroinvertebrates in small streams from sea level to 4000 m a.s.l. in Ecuador, we determined predicted oxygen availability, oxygen demand and macroinvertebrate assemblage structure along this wide altitudinal gradient. 3. We show that the predicted oxygen availability at 4000 m a.s.l. is only one fifth of that at sea level, whereas the mean weight‐specific respiratory rate of macroinvertebrates declined by only 50%, from 400 to 3800 m. We suggest that this disproportionately large gap between availability and demand of oxygen at high altitudes may imply a potential oxygen deficiency for the fauna, and we discuss how oxygen deficiency can be expected to affect macroinvertebrates in high altitude streams. 4. Finally, we present preliminary data on the predicted response to oxygen deficiency of macroinvertebrate assemblages in high altitude streams. Compared with lowland streams, assemblages in natural high altitude streams include relatively few groups normally regarded as oxygen‐sensitive. Nevertheless, high altitude assemblages react more strongly to lowering of oxygen saturation, and are thus more sensitive to organic pollution. 5. Oxygen deficiency has been overlooked completely in studies of the altitudinal distribution of species and aquatic communities. We argue that oxygen deficiency may be a potentially important factor, and that more focus on this topic is likely to produce significant new insights in aquatic community ecology.  相似文献   

How many fish populations in Finland are affected by acid precipitation?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis The number of fish populations affected or lost from small lakes in southern and central Finland due to acid precipitation is estimated. Tolerance limits (pH and labile aluminum) of common fish species were obtained from a fish status survey of 80 lakes. These tolerance values were used to estimate the proportion of affected lakes from the water chemistry data of 783 statistically selected lakes. The proportion of anthropogenically acidified lakes was estimated by calculating pre-acidification pH and aluminum concentrations of the lakes, using a steady-state model based on water chemistry. The number of fish populations for which acidification has affected growth or population structure was estimated at between 2200 and 4400. Out of these, the number of fish populations that have disappeared due to acid precipitation would be about 1000–2000. Almost 60% of the affected or lost populations are roach, Rutilus rutilus, the most sensitive of the common fish species in small lakes in southern and central Finland. Less than 15% of the damaged population is European perch, Perca fluviatilis, the most common species. This is due to the substantially higher tolerance of perch to acidified water in comparison with roach.  相似文献   

Regional extirpations of pikas (Ochatona princeps) within the last few decades have been attributed to global warming. Other recent global alterations such as increased nitrogen (N) deposition and associated selenium (Se) deficiency may further stress pika populations. In 2003 and 2004, we live-trapped pikas from three populations in Wyoming and measured Se values in their hair. We also sampled hair and liver from museum specimens collected throughout the Northern Rocky Mountains in 1987 and 1988. Our results suggest that liver and hair values were related, and that pika hair reflected the Se concentrations of the geologic parent materials. We determined that animals residing in several remote areas in the Rocky Mountain region could be Se deficient and that increase in N deposition correlated with an increase rather than a decrease in Se values in pika hair. In addition, we found no relation between Se contents in hair and body condition index, suggesting that low Se levels may not have negative effects on individual pikas. Whether Se levels influence reproductive success of pikas is unknown and should be the focus of future studies.  相似文献   

Long-term studies have revealed population declines in fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. In birds, and particularly amphibians, these declines are a global phenomenon whose causes are often unclear. Among reptiles, snakes are top predators and therefore a decline in their numbers may have serious consequences for the functioning of many ecosystems. Our results show that, of 17 snake populations (eight species) from the UK, France, Italy, Nigeria and Australia, 11 have declined sharply over the same relatively short period of time with five remaining stable and one showing signs of a marginal increase. Although the causes of these declines are currently unknown, we suspect that they are multi-faceted (such as habitat quality deterioration, prey availability), and with a common cause, e.g. global climate change, at their root.  相似文献   

Harvest of Brazil nuts from the large, iconic tree Bertholletia excelsa generates substantial income for smallholders, providing a strong incentive to conserve the mature forests where it grows. Although much previous work has focused on the impact of nut harvest on new seedling recruits into B. excelsa populations, the connection between harvest rates and long‐term population stability is still unclear. Moreover, there is additional uncertainty for Brazil nut management in terms of population response to climate change and other anthropogenic influences. We drew on 14 years of research in two sites in Acre, Brazil with different B. excelsa nut harvest intensities (39% and 81%), to produce stochastic and deterministic matrix population models which incorporated parameter uncertainty in vital rates. Adult abundance was projected to remain close to the current observed abundance or higher through the next 50 years. Elasticity analyses revealed that the asymptotic population growth rate (λ) was most sensitive to stasis vital rates in sapling, juvenile, and adult stages. Deterministic transition matrices calculated using diameter growth rates dependent on rainfall yielded average λ values around 1.0 under extreme high, extreme low, and average annual rainfall. While sustained high rates of Brazil nut harvest and climate change could potentially negatively impact B. excelsa populations, changes in human use of the forested landscape are more immediate concern. To reduce the risk of population decline, smallholders and managers of B. excelsa rich forests should focus on conservation of pre‐mature and mature individuals.  相似文献   

In reviews on effects of roads on animal population abundance we found that most effects are negative; however, there are also many neutral and positive responses [Fahrig and Rytwinski (Ecol Soc 14:21, 2009; Rytwinski and Fahrig (Biol Conserv 147:87–98, 2012)]. Here we use an individual-based simulation model to: (1) confirm predictions from the existing literature of the combinations of species traits and behavioural responses to roads that lead to negative effects of roads on animal population abundance, and (2) improve prediction of the combinations of species traits and behavioural responses to roads that lead to neutral and positive effects of roads on animal population abundance. Simulations represented a typical situation in which road mitigation is contemplated, i.e. rural landscapes containing a relatively low density (up to 1.86 km/km2) of high-traffic roads, with continuous habitat between the roads. In these landscapes, the simulations predict that populations of species with small territories and movement ranges, and high reproductive rates, i.e. many small mammals and birds, should not be reduced by roads. Contrary to previous suggestions, the results also predict that populations of species that obtain a resource from roads (e.g. vultures) do not increase with increasing road density. In addition, our simulations support the predation release hypothesis for positive road effects on prey (both small- and large-bodied prey), whereby abundance of a prey species increased with increasing road density due to reduced predation by generalist road-affected predators. The simulations also predict an optimal road density for the large-bodied prey species if it avoids roads or traffic emissions. Overall, the simulation results suggest that in rural landscapes containing high-traffic roads, there are many species for which road mitigation may not be necessary; mitigation efforts should be tailored to the species that show negative population responses to roads.  相似文献   

Background and Aims The green orchid Goodyera repens has been shown to transfer carbon to its mycorrhizal partner, and this flux may therefore be affected by light availability. This study aimed to test whether the C and N exchange between plant and fungus is dependent on light availability, and in addition addressed the question of whether flowering and/or fruiting individuals of G. repens compensate for changes in leaf chlorophyll concentration with changes in C and N flows from fungus to plant.Methods The natural abundances of stable isotopes of plant C and N were used to infer changes in fluxes between orchid and fungus across natural gradients of irradiance at five sites. Mycorrhizal fungi in the roots of G. repens were identified by molecular analyses. Chlorophyll concentrations in the leaves of the orchid and of reference plants were measured directly in the field.Key Results Leaf δ13C values of G. repens responded to changes in light availability in a similar manner to autotrophic reference plants, and different mycorrhizal fungal associations also did not affect the isotope abundance patterns of the orchid. Flowering/fruiting individuals had lower leaf total N and chlorophyll concentrations, which is most probably explained by N investments to form flowers, seeds and shoot.Conclusions The results indicate that mycorrhizal physiology is relatively fixed in G. repens, and changes in the amount and direction of C flow between plant and fungus were not observed to depend on light availability. The orchid may instead react to low-light sites through increased clonal growth. The orchid does not compensate for low leaf total N and chlorophyll concentrations by using a 13C- and 15N-enriched fungal source.  相似文献   

The spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a threatening risk for human health at a global scale. Improved knowledge on the cycle of antibiotic resistance spread between human and the environment is a major requirement for the management of the current crisis. Compared to the well-studied cycle in clinical settings much less is known about the factor allowing their persistence in the environment. In fact, lakes and rivers exposed to high anthropogenic impact seem to become long-term reservoirs for resistance genes. The presence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) within the resident microbiome of large subalpine lakes (i.e. Lake Geneva, Lake Maggiore) has recently been investigated in both the water column and the sediment. These studies suggest a correlation between the abundance of some ARGs and the anthropogenic impact. Within the system, however, abiotic factors and the food-web structure determine the survival of specific bacterial genotypes and thus the resistance genes they harbour. Thus, a growing body of work suggests an important role of ecological interactions in the persistence or elimination of such genes from the environment. This article reviews the current literature regarding the presence of ARGs in subalpine lakes, the impact of anthropogenic pollution on their appearance and the potential role of various ecological interactions on their persistence in the system.  相似文献   

1. Behavioural differences among prey species may result from evolutionary adaptations that facilitate coexistence with different predators and influence vulnerability to predators. It has been hypothesised that prey species modify their behaviour in relation to the risk posed by particular predators. 2. We examined the relationship between anti‐predator behaviour and predation risk in five species of larval odonates in combination with three predatory fish species (perch, gudgeon and rudd) that differ in foraging behaviour. The odonates, Platycnemis pennipes, Coenagrion puella, Lestes sponsa, Sympetrum striolatum and Libellula depressa, differ with regard to their life cycle and habitat, including water depth, occurrence in temporary ponds and co‐existence with fish. 3. The odonate species differed in their response to fish: (i) Two species showed a flexible response. Larval C. puella reduced activity in the presence of fish, regardless of species, whereas L. depressa altered their activity only in the presence of gudgeon. (ii) Independent of fish species, all odonates except L. depressa exhibited spatial avoidance of fish. This was interpreted as a more general anti‐predator response. (iii) In some cases the odonates showed no response to predators and their behaviour was thus independent of predation risk. 4. Our results confirm that all odonates responded to the presence of at least some predatory fish, and that some odonate species discriminated between fish species. However, we found no significant correlation between behavioural modifications and predation risk, indicating that anti‐predator responses and predation risk depend on the particular predator and the species being preyed on.  相似文献   

In fish, nerve fibers of taste buds are organized within the bud's nerve fiber plexus. It is located between the sensory epithelium consisting of light and dark elongated cells and the basal cells. It comprises the basal parts and processes of light and dark cells that intermingle with nerve fibers, which are the dendritic endings of the taste sensory neurons belonging to the cranial nerves VII, IX or X. Most of the synapses at the plexus are afferent; they have synaptic vesicles on the light (or dark) cells side, which is presynaptic. In contrast, the presumed efferent synapses may be rich in synaptic vesicles on the nerve fibers (presynaptic) side, whereas the cells (postsynaptic) side may contain a subsynaptic cistern; a flat compartment of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. This structure is regarded as a prerequisite of a typical efferent synapse, as occurring in cochlear and vestibular hair cells. In fish taste buds, efferent synapses are rare and were found only in a few species that belong to different taxa. The significance of efferent synapses in fish taste buds is not well understood, because efferent connections between the gustatory nuclei of the medulla with taste buds are not yet proved.  相似文献   

Abstract. Snowdrop lectin ( Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, GNA) confers partial resistance to several aphid species when incorporated into an artificial diet and/or expressed in transgenic potato. First-tier laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to assess the potential effect of GNA on the longevity and fecundity of female parasitoid Aphelinus abdominalis (Dalman) that had developed in Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) fed artificial diet containing 0.1% GNA (w/v). In a previous study it was shown that GNA ingested by A. abdominalis larvae is not acutely toxic. It was also shown that GNA has a host-size mediated effect on parasitoid sex ratio and larval development, but no apparent direct effect.         In this study, we report that A. abdominalis larvae that developed in GNA-dosed aphids that were smaller than control aphids of the same age, produced smaller adults with a reduced longevity and fecundity. Aphelinus abdominalis larvae that developed in GNA-dosed aphids older than the control but of the same size, produced adults of similar size that lived as long as the control but had a reduced fecundity.         Our results suggest that GNA fed to aphids in artificial diet has both a host-mediated effect (via aphid-size) and a direct effect on adult parasitoid fecundity. It is not known how GNA affects parasitoid larval development and subsequently adult fecundity, but it is hypothesized that GNA acted as an antifeedant to parasitoid larvae, thus disturbing nutrient assimilation and conversion necessary for egg maturation.  相似文献   

Extreme temperature events are projected to increase in frequency in a future climate. As successive extremes could occur more frequently, patches of vulnerable tundra vegetation were exposed to two consecutive heat waves (HWs) of 10 d each, with a 5-d recovery period in between. Surface temperatures during the HWs were increased approximately 6 degrees C using infrared irradiation sources. In three of the four target species (Pyrola grandiflora, Polygonum viviparum and Carex bigelowii), plant conditions improved upon the first exposure. Depending on species, leaf relative growth, leaf chlorophyll content or maximal photochemical efficiency was increased. In P. grandiflora the positive effects of the heat on the photosynthetic apparatus led to augmented net photosynthesis. By contrast, Salix arctica responded mainly negatively, indicating species-specific responses. During the second HW, leaf mortality suddenly increased, indicating that the heat stress induced by the extreme events lasted too long and negatively influenced the species resistance to high temperature. After the HWs, when plants were exposed to (low) ambient temperatures again, plant performance deteriorated further, indicating possible loss of cold resistance.  相似文献   

We examine the relative importance of processes that underlie plant population abundance and distribution. Two opposing views dominate the field. One posits that the ability to establish at a site is determined by the availability of suitable microsites (establishment limitation), while the second asserts that recruitment is limited by the availability of seeds (seed limitation). An underlying problem is that establishment and seed limitation are typically viewed as mutually exclusive. We conducted a meta-analysis of seed addition experiments to assess the relative strength of establishment and seed limitation to seedling recruitment. We asked (1) To what degree are populations seed and establishment limited? (2) Under what conditions (e.g., habitats and life-history traits) are species more or less limited by each? (3) How can seed addition studies be better designed to enhance our understanding of plant recruitment? We found that, in keeping with previous studies, most species are seed limited. However, the effects of seed addition are typically small, and most added seeds fail to recruit to the seedling stage. As a result, establishment limitation is stronger than seed limitation. Seed limitation was greater for large-seeded species, species in disturbed microsites, and species with relatively short-lived seed banks. Most seed addition experiments cannot assess the relationship between number of seeds added and number of subsequent recruits. This shortcoming can be overcome by increasing the number and range of seed addition treatments.  相似文献   

1. Floodplain wetlands are productive components of lowland rivers and are thought to be important habitat and nurseries for many fish species. Fish assemblages inhabiting floodplain wetlands vary considerably through space and time and are largely shaped by wetting/drying cycles, although there is little understanding how many aspects of flooding (e.g. magnitude, timing, duration, frequency) influence the fish assemblages. As a consequence, decisions on flooding of wetlands by managers aimed at restoring native fish assemblages are often based on limited knowledge. 2. This study examined the importance of total duration of flooding on the temporal and spatial dynamics of wetland fish assemblages in the Murray River, in south‐eastern Australia. The study examined: (i) how the abundance of 0+ and 1+ fish varied with wetland, season and the duration of wetland filling; (ii) how environmental parameters, including food production changed in relation to the duration of wetland filling; (iii) changes in condition indices for the most abundant species and (iv) changes in species richness and total abundance over time. 3. The 0+ fish assemblage varied more through space and time than the 1+ assemblage. Longer cumulative river–wetland filling was associated with greater total abundances of newly recruited (0+) fish; this was particularly true for common carp (Cyprinus carpio, alien) and carp gudgeon (Hypseleotris spp., native). The body condition of carp gudgeon also increased with the duration of filling, even though static measures of food production declined. The small flooding events that occurred as part of this study did not translate into measurable improvements in the fish assemblage over the longer term (3 years), but did prevent wetlands from drying and thus maintained these habitats as refuges.  相似文献   

1. The striking variation in fecundity of the noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) was assessed from 1981 to 2009 in the lake Steinsfjorden, Norway. 2. Egg size showed no distinct variation with crayfish size or between years and seems to be a fairly fixed property. Ovarian egg numbers increased linearly with body size, from a mean of 70 eggs at maturity to nearly 250 eggs in the largest individuals. There were strong and significant interannual differences in the size‐specific fecundity, and variation in size and among years explained 60% of the observed variance in fecundity. 3. The proportion of mature females in the population ranged from 0.068 to 0.817, with extreme year‐to‐year fluctuations. The proportion of mature females increased significantly over the years, in parallel with increased temperature, but we were unable to link maturity with ambient temperature either in the same year or in the previous year. 4. While several indices point to increased crayfish productivity with higher temperature in this population, there is also a complex and apparently chaotic interplay between life‐cycle attributes, density‐dependent parameters and ambient conditions that lead to high variability in annual recruitment. This probably reflects the slow and delayed life‐cycle responses to a changing environment.  相似文献   

Lee P  Smith G 《Social biology》2000,47(1-2):127-134
Earlier studies reported a decline in September mortality in New York City and Budapest during years when Yom Kippur was in the interval September 28 through October 3, and fewer deaths among Californians with Jewish surnames during the week preceding Passover than during the week after Passover. These studies suggest that some Jews are able to postpone their deaths until after the celebration of an important religious event. We reexamine these findings using new data and find no statistically persuasive evidence that Jewish deaths decline before religious holidays. We do find an increase in deaths in the weeks shortly before and after birthdays.  相似文献   

Limnology - Invasive crayfish can cause shifts in lakes from clear, macrophyte-dominated states to eutrophic, phytoplankton-dominated states because of their burrowing and foraging behavior. While...  相似文献   

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