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Tamura  Sachiko  Yamamoto  Kiyohiko  Takai  Masayuki  Oki  Iwashiro  Kawakatsu  Masaharu 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):321-327
In southern Japan, two dugesiid species of freshwater planarians are known: Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu, 1964, and Dugesia ryukyuensis Kawakatsu, 1976. D. japonica is a common and polymorphic species widely distributed in the Far East (karyotypes: n=8, 2x=16, 3x=24). D. ryukyuensis is a species recorded only from the Southwest Islands of Japan (Nansei Shotô) (karyotypes: n=7, 2x=14, 3x=21). Recently, small populations of D. ryukyuensis were found in the lowland areas in Kyûshû on the East China Sea (the Nishisonogi Peninsula, the Shimabara Peninsula, the Gotô Islands, the Satsuma Peninsula, and the Ôsumi Peninsula). The current geographical distribution of D. japonica and D. ryukyuensis in southern Japan can be explained from geological and faunal viewpoints, as follows: (1) two separate inversions by the ancestor of D. japonica, one in the Miocene and one after early Quaternary; (2) only one expansion of its domain by the ancestor of D. ryukyuensis in the Miocene.  相似文献   

Biological characteristics of “Kunimasu” (Oncorhynchus kawamurae), poorly known even before the species was prematurely believed extinct, have now become apparent following the examination of 59 specimens from Lake Saiko, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan and comparison with 58 examples of “Himemasu” (kokanee of Oncorhynchus nerka in Japan), also from Lake Saiko. Significant (p < 0.01) differences between Kunimasu and Himemasu from Lake Saiko occurred in counts of anal-fin rays, pectoral-fin rays, gill rakers (no overlap found) and pyloric caeca. Secondary sexual characters related to maturity level were also found in Kunimasu, the body being more compressed in pre-spawning and spawning males and females than in immature and maturing individuals. Furthermore, maturing male Kunimasu and Himemasu also differed in body shape. Body coloration of Kunimasu also differed according to level of maturity, the nuptial coloration in both sexes being olive-green when alive and black when fresh. Dark dots, found in ca. 40 % of Kunimasu individuals examined, were less distinct than in Himemasu. The spawning season of Kunimasu extended through winter and early spring in Lake Saiko, with spawning males and females remaining near the bottom, compared with non-spawning individuals which occupied the upper and middle profundal zones in the daytime.  相似文献   

N,N-二甲基乙酰胺(DMA)的大量应用导致其越来越多的进入环境.然而水环境中的DMA对水生生物的毒性尚不明确.通过急毒性、再生、抗氧化酶活力及彗星电泳试验.探讨DMA对东亚三角涡虫(Dugesia japonica)的毒性作用.研究发现,DMA处理涡虫24、48、72、96 h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为27.7、18.4、10.7、6.7 g/L;浓度大于0.9 g/L的DMA会损伤再生组织,延缓涡虫完成再生;处理48 h后,DMA浓度为0~5 g/L时,涡虫体内过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)活力呈上升趋势,大于5 g/L时酶活力开始下降,而过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力在DMA浓度小于1 g/L时呈下降趋势,大于1 g/L后呈现上升趋势;DMA对涡虫DNA的损伤作用不明显,浓度达到10 g/L后才表现出遗传毒性(P<0.05).结果表明DMA对涡虫有明显的生物毒性,同时涡虫对DMA毒性的反应灵敏,可用于监测水环境DMA污染.  相似文献   

The possibility of interspecific hybridization between Kunimasu (Oncorhynchus kawamurae) and Himemasu (Oncorhynchus nerka) was investigated in a large number of specimens, in a search for basic data relevant to conservation needs. A Bayesian-based clustering method using five microsatellite DNA loci separated 144 specimens from Lake Saiko, Yamanashi Prefecture, into two genetically distinct groups, corresponding to Kunimasu and Himemasu. Application of a threshold of individual proportion of membership of 0.90, so as to separate hybrids from purebreds, resulted in all specimens except two having high probability of purebred. These results implied that Kunimasu and Himemasu have been maintained as independent genetic entities in Lake Saiko.  相似文献   

Restoration should be a part of an overall strategy for national, regional and local land management, rather than an independent action. A hierarchically structured approach for restoration is examined by introducing actual policy and work for reestablishment of natural forest in Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. The goal set by Tokushima Prefectural Government is to increase the quality of biotope for indigenous plants and animals through increasing the area of natural and semi-natural vegetation and their connectivity. A networking map indicating high priority areas to be conserved or to be restored has been produced, using Natural Environment GIS provided by the Ministry of Environment of Japan. Having the estimated distribution of natural forests is helpful for selecting the targets for restoration, because natural forests have already disappeared from most regions due to land development. For reforestation at the cutover site, a method for designing work was developed. In order to select species and plan planting zones, ecotope types were identified both in natural forest as a reference and at the cutover site. A system for supplying indigenous seedlings was established.  相似文献   



Norovirus (NoV) is a major cause of gastroenteritis during the autumn and winter seasons in Japan as well as in other temperate climate regions. Most outbreaks are thought to occur by secondary attacks through person-to-person infection by fecal-oral route. Severe cases are found in young children or patients with chronic diseases. Clarifying the patterns of epidemic diffusion is important for considering effective monitoring and surveillance as well as possible prevention.


We considered the predominant viral genotype from the laboratory result obtained from Infectious Agents Surveillance Report (IASR) of National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID). We investigated the increase of NoV cases nationwide for the 2006–07 to 2008–09 seasons using sentinel gastroenteritis data collected from about 3000 pediatric clinics on National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (NESID) acquired from the kriging method in the geographic information system (GIS).


During these three seasons, the majority of the detected virus was GII.4, which ranged from 60.4 to 88.9%. The number of cases (per sentinel site) at the peak week was 22.81 in the 2006–07 season and it decreased in the following seasons. NoV cases began to increase earlier in the southern areas and gradually extended into the northern areas, similarly, over the seasons. The average period from when the increase of cases was detected in the southern area to when it reached the northern area was 12.7 weeks.


The decrease of the number of sentinel cases at the peak week may suggest the development of herd immunity after a period of high prevalence. Although the NoV epidemic is thought to be associated with cold weather, its cases first increased in the southern area with relatively warm temperature, indicating there are other climate factors involved. Geographic study using the sentinel data could enhance the monitoring and surveillance of and preparedness against epidemics.  相似文献   

H. Gee  J. O. Young 《Hydrobiologia》1993,254(2):99-106
The invasion of Llyn Coron in North Wales by the American immigrant Dugesia tigrina resulted in the almost entire displacement of the native Polycelis tenuis and P. nigra populations. Because competition for food is the most important factor controlling and regulating populations of British lake-dwelling triclads, the diets of the invasive and native triclads in the lake were examined in an attempt to explain the successful invasion.A serological technique, the precipitin test, identified the gut contents of field-collected triclads. Niche breadth, electivity and niche overlap indices were used in analysis of the data. A broad food niche was recorded for all the triclad species. Oligochaetes predominated in the diet of D. tigrina followed by Asellus and chironomids, in almost equal proportions, snails and caddisflies, with mayflies scarcely eaten. Both Polycelis species fed heavily on oligochaetes followed by Asellus. P. tenuis ate slightly higher proportions of chironomids and caddisflies than snails and mayflies, whilst P. nigra consumed similar proportions of these four prey taxa. Gammarus, scarce in Llyn Coron, and cladocerans were not eaten by the Polycelis species and by only a few D. tigrina.To-date there has been no apparent shift in the diet of the Polycelis species as a consequence of the invasion by D. tigrina. In the absence of any evidence for the partitioning of food on the basis of prey size or condition, the considerable overlap in the diets of D. tigrina and the Polycelis species suggests the potential for severe inter-specific competition for food. The superior exploitation by D. tigrina of the available food resource requires explanation.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) and metallothionein (MT) concentrations were determined in the subcellular fractions of the gills of the clam Ruditapes decussatus. Clams were collected monthly during the period of sexual development (from June to August 2001) from two different sites situated in the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia). These sites differ by their degree of metal contamination. Differences in condition index (CI) were observed in June and August between clams from both sites. In clams from both sites, cadmium was approximately equally distributed between the soluble (S1) and insoluble (C1) fractions. MT levels varied according to month but not sex. Site and body mass of clams seem to be important factors to explain the variation of MT levels compared to cadmium.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of environmental variation on assemblages of dragonfly larvae (Odonata). We hypothesize that there is a significant correlation between species richness, species composition, and abundance of Odonata individuals, and habitat integrity and abiotic variables. To test this hypothesis, we sampled odonate larvae at 12 streams in the Suiá-Miçú River basin in Mato Grosso, Brazil, during three different periods of the year. Local physical and chemical variables (temperature, pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), total dissolved solids (TDS), and oxidation reduction potential (ORP)) were measured at each site using a multi-parameter probe, and integrity was assessed using the Habitat Integrity Index (HII). The variation in richness, abundance, and composition of Odonata species was related to the environmental variables analyzed, primarily by the abiotic factors pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, and oxidation reduction potential. Our hypothesis was corroborated for the suborder Anisoptera, which showed a significant relationship with these variables, whereas Zygoptera was only related to pH. Our results show the importance of physical and chemical conditions in ecological studies using Odonata larvae as tools for the management and conservation of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

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