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2014年4月—2016年3月,对上海郊区释放的狗獾所建立的洞巢进行了调查。结果表明:异地引入的狗獾在大规模城市化的上海郊区仍能找到合适的栖息地,并能很好地适应野外的自然环境。生境特征分析显示:释放后的狗獾喜好在有地下空间、地势较高的竹林、靠近水源、远离公路的生境中营巢定居;在乔木密度高、草本长势好、远离公路的生境中觅食。狗獾食源地调查显示:上海郊区狗獾冬季主要食物是蚯蚓和土壤昆虫,其主要来源依次为:果林、落叶阔叶林、针叶林、竹林、常绿阔叶林。在上海郊区,重引入狗獾释放成功须满足5个条件:可利用的地下空间,地势较高长势好的竹林,成熟的果林、落叶阔叶林、针叶林提供食物,充足的水源以及避免人为干扰。  相似文献   

上海郊区狗獾活动规律的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2007年1月~2008年1月在上海郊区奉贤,通过红外监视仪埘狗獾Meles meles活动规律进行了研究.结果表明,狗獾晚间出洞活动,出洞时间集中在19:00~22:00,该时间段出洞次数占总次数的72.7%.返回洞穴的时间集中在凌晨2:00-4:00,该时间段回洞次数占总数的84.5%.狗獾每晚在洞外活动持续时间平均6 h.季节间的活动持续时间存在显著差异,其巾秋季活动持续时间最长达8.23 h,冬季活动持续时间最短为3.11 h.上海郊区生活的狗獾无冬眠行为.  相似文献   

李峰  蒋志刚 《生物多样性》2014,22(6):758-580
青海湖地区是目前已知的狗獾分布海拔最高点。为了解狗獾在青藏高原严酷生态环境下的生活史特点, 并验证是否人类干扰造成了狗獾夜行性的假说, 我们利用红外相机技术, 结合无线电遥测和野外调查研究了青海湖湖东地区亚洲狗獾(Meles leucurus)的种群密度、洞穴口的行为及活动节律。结果表明: (1)研究地区狗獾的平均种群密度为1.2 ± 0.6只/km2, 其分布受食物丰富度的影响; (2)狗獾基本在夜间活动, 出洞时间集中在20:00-23:00之间, 而回洞时间则集中在清晨4:00-7:00之间, 23:00-4:00之间是狗獾的活动高峰; (3)狗獾离洞前行为主要是警戒行为, 回洞穴时的行为主要是嬉戏行为, 其他行为较少见, 表达具有特定的时间性; (4)人类活动对于狗獾活动没有显著性影响(P < 0.05)。  相似文献   

罗晓  李峰  陈静  蒋志刚 《生物多样性》2016,24(6):694-233
本研究选择线粒体细胞色素b (cytochrome b, Cyt b)和控制区(control region, CR)片段作为分子标记, 探讨了青海湖地区狗獾(Meles sp.)的系统发育地位和狗獾属分歧时间。研究结果支持目前将狗獾属分为4个种的结论。Cyt b和CR片段序列拼接后总长1,652 bp, 23条序列共定义了21个单倍型。研究结果表明欧亚大陆狗獾分为东西两个支系, 每个支系进一步分为两个种: 东部支系包括亚洲狗獾(M. leucurus)和日本狗獾(M. anakuma); 西部支系包括欧洲狗獾(M. meles)和西南亚狗獾(M. canescens)。贝叶斯树和单倍型网络关系图都支持青海湖地区狗獾属于亚洲狗獾。分歧时间的估算结果与古生物学证据相符, 东部支系和西部支系在2.24 Ma左右产生分歧, 西南亚狗獾在1.27 Ma左右从欧洲狗獾分出, 而日本狗獾和亚洲狗獾的分化时间为0.99 Ma左右。  相似文献   

欧亚大陆狗獾食性的研究概述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
狗獾广布于欧亚大陆[1,2],几乎遍布西欧各国[3].在西欧涉及狗獾习性、种群及行为的文献甚多[4~6],然而有关食性及捕食对策方面的文献则较分散.文献中一般认为狗獾是杂食性的(Omnivorous)、随机性的(Opportunistic)或广食性的(Generalistic)的捕食者.以Kruuk[7]为代表的研究者,在一些研究地区(Scotland)发现,狗獾的食物几乎全部为蚯蚓(Lumbricus terrestris).然而,在亚洲、西欧北部、特别是斯堪地拉维亚及英国的研究文献并非如此[1,8~9].相反,在地中海地区的狗獾几乎很少食蚯蚓[10].在前苏联,狗獾的食性及生态也得到广泛研究[11~13],其结果也并非如此.  相似文献   

沂泗水流域狗獾的洞道结构及其功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
狗獾的一个主要生活习性就是在地面高处和人工堤坝上打洞。狗獾一生几乎一半的时间是在洞内渡过的。狗獾英文‘Badger’一字来自法语的‘bedieurl’一字,意为打洞者。对洞栖狗獾来说,需要花费大量时间和能量营造主洞和其它洞作为睡眠、栖息、繁殖和逃避天...  相似文献   

2013年3~10月,使用红外监控设备对哈尔滨市松北区某狗獾养殖场的24只笼养东北亚种狗獾(Meles meles amurensis)的繁殖行为进行全天候观察记录。狗獾3月末至5月初交配,翌年3月末至4月初产仔,妊娠期长达11~12个月。以往国内文献报道狗獾交配时间主要分布于7~8月,这种交配时间的变化表明其延迟着床的时间可能也存在较大变化。对交配期内全天各时段交配频次的观察发现,交配可在全天任一时间段发生,昼、夜差异不大。交配时长10~110 min,多数交配的时长为60~80 min。观察还发现,狗獾交配期内交配频次和时长具有明显的周期性变化。  相似文献   

探索狗獾的消化生理,为狗獾的人工饲养技术研究提供基础依据,对3只雌性狗獾的主要消化器官进行了解剖学研究.结果表明,狗獾为单式胃,呈“U”形囊状,小肠为消化管中最长的一段,全长3557 mm,约为体长的5~6倍,十二指肠形似“(U)”形,空肠、回肠无明显的界限,空肠形成半径约88 mm的扇形肠袢.大肠不发达,全长170 mm,只有结肠和直肠,无盲肠,结肠无肠袋与纵带.消化腺较发达,肝脏很大,占据腹腔最前部位置.胰脏分左右两臂,左臂长于右臂.  相似文献   

栖息地破碎是生物多样性下降的主要原因之一。栖息地破碎引起的面积效应、隔离效应和边缘效应能影响动物种群的绝灭阈值、分布、多度、种间关系以及生态系统过程, 最终影响动物种群的数量分布。2006年10-11月和2007年10-11月, 利用全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和样方法定量分析京杭运河邵伯至高邮段狗獾栖息地破碎化程度, 确定不同斑块的面积、斑块距离、斑块隔离度以及栖息地质量对斑块中狗獾数量分布的影响。结果表明, 各个斑块内狗獾的洞口数、粪堆数与该斑块的面积显著的正相关(r=0.961, P=0.039; r=0.999, P=0.023), 但与斑块距离、斑块隔离度无显著的相关性(P>0.05)。栖息地的质量也会影响狗獾的数量分布, 多元线性逐步回归分析表明, 人类干扰和与栖息地的郁闭性显著的影响狗獾的数量分布。以上结果说明, 京杭运河邵伯高邮段栖息地的破碎化程度对狗獾的数量分布还没有造成显著的直接影响, 但会间接降低栖息地的质量, 进而影响狗獾的生存。  相似文献   

狗獾秋季对生境的选择——以黑龙江省方正林业局为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在黑龙江省方正林业局新风林场利用痕迹检验法和洞穴辨别法对狗獾秋季生境选择进行研究。通过在选定的15个林班的23条样线进行调查,共测定了106个利用样方和106个对照样方的19种生态因子。结果表明,狗獾秋季利用样方和对照样方在优势乔木、坡向、灌木密度和灌木高度4种生态因子上差异极显著(P0.001),在灌木距离上差异显著(P0.05),其余的生态因子无显著差异(P0.05),相对于对照样方而言,狗獾秋季更偏爱选择位于阳坡,优势乔木为紫椴和黄菠萝,灌木密度大、高度高、距离近的生境。在典则系数的直方图上可以看出秋季狗獾的利用样方与对照样方存在一定的重叠,但是Wilk’sλ值显示秋季狗獾的利用样方与对照样方具有较高的差异性(Wilk’sλ=0.507,χ2=141.524,df=3,P0.001),较高比例的(84.0%)正确判别率也支持了这种差异性。逐步判别分析表明在区分秋季狗獾的利用样方与对照样方方面有3个生态因子发挥作用,依照贡献值的大小依次为:郁闭度、灌木密度和植被盖度。  相似文献   

An analysis of 30 craniological characters of Eurasian badgers (Meles spp.) revealed different levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and geographic variation in the three different species. SSD is displayed mostly in the general size of the skull (condylobasal length, zygomatic width, width of rostrum, and cranial height) and mandible (height of the vertical mandibular ramus, total length of the mandible, and length between the angular process and infradentale), and in some dental characters (length of the upper molar M1). The most stable size dimorphism is manifested in the size of the canines, which is pronounced in all studied samples. SSD is not apparent in the length of the auditory bulla, the postorbital width, the minimum palatal width, the length of the lower molar M2, and the talonid length of the lower carnassial tooth M1.In both the European badgers, Meles meles, and the Asian badgers, Meles leucurus, two geographic forms that differ in the degree of SSD have been found. The most pronounced SSD of cranial characters is found in the Transcaucasian form of Meles meles and the Far-Eastern form of Meles leucurus. In the large European form of Meles meles, SSD is less pronounced in both absolute and relative criteria than in the smaller Transcaucasian form. An analogous situation is observed in the larger Siberian and smaller Far-Eastern forms of Meles leucurus. In the Japanese badgers, Meles anakuma, a downsizing of the skull is accompanied by a decrease in SSD (except in canine size) in comparison to the continental species. The significant differences in the manifestation of SSD in the Eurasian badgers support an earlier hypothesis (Abramov, 2001. Proc. Zool. Inst. Russ. Acad. Sci. 288, 221-233; Abramov, 2002. Russ. J. Theriol. 1 (1), 57-60; Abramov, 2003. Small Carnivore Conserv. 29, 5-7) that Meles meles, Meles leucurus, and Meles anakuma are separate species. The differences in the level of SSD among and within these three species of badgers may be attributed not to differences in the diet or social structure, but to the history of speciation events and formation of intraspecific distribution ranges.  相似文献   

Paleontological and molecular data suggest that the divergence of the European and Asian badgers (Meles meles and Meles leucurus, respectively) from their ancestor Meles thorali might have taken place in the Middle to Late Villafranchian boundary (ca. 1.8 Ma). However, the available record of Late Villafrachian European badgers is scanty and poorly known, and this hypothesis needs more paleontological data in order to be tested. The badger hemimandible from the Iberian locality of Fuente Nueva 3, a locality placed in the beginning of the Late Villafranchian, supports the idea of an early divergence between European and Asian badgers.  相似文献   

Niche relations among three sympatric Mediterranean carnivores   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Previous studies carried out in the Doñana National Park reported that red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were killed by Iberian lynxes (Lynx pardinus), whereas similar-sized Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) were not. Therefore, we predicted that fox would avoid lynx predation risk by niche segregation whereas we did not expect such a segregation between badger and lynx. As an approach for evaluating our predictions, we compared their diet, activity patterns, and habitat use in an area of Doñana where the three carnivores are sympatric. Lynxes preyed almost uniquely on European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and though badgers and foxes were omnivorous, rabbits also were a major prey, resulting in high overlaps throughout the year. However, badgers preyed largely on small rabbits, whereas lynxes and foxes preyed mainly on medium-sized rabbits. There were also interspecific differences in activity patterns. Maximum levels of activity among lynxes were during sunrise and dusk (49–67%). Foxes were most active during dusk and night (34–67%), and badgers were mainly nocturnal (53–87%). Though there were seasonal differences in the amount of activity of each species, specific activity patterns changed little throughout the year. There was a strong difference in annual habitat use by the three species (P?MAX) and the resting (PMIN) periods. During PMIN, foxes used the Mediterranean scrubland intensively (40% of locations on average), but during PMAX, they used the pastureland much more intensively despite this habitat being poorer in their main prey (rabbits). As a consequence, foxes and lynxes exhibited segregation in their habitat use during the active period. Badgers also used the Mediterranean scrubland intensively, especially during PMIN. There were no seasonal differences in habitat use for lynx and fox, but there was for badgers (P?相似文献   

2006年10-11月和2007年10-11月,在京杭运河邵伯-高邮段的西侧堤坝上,采用样方法测定了狗獾3个不同类型栖息地的特征变量和利用强度,结果表明:狗獾主要生活在郁闭度较高的森林中,对泡桐、泡桐-杨树次生林的利用强度显著的高于杨树人工林(P<0.05);多元线性逐步回归分析表明:洞口数主要受灌木密度、大树密度、草本植物盖度、土壤含水率和人为干扰强度的影响(P=0.002),而粪堆数主要受灌木密度、大树密度和人为干扰强度的影响(P=0.012)。整体来看,影响狗獾栖息地选择的因素主要是郁闭度、人为干扰水平有关的因子。  相似文献   



Badgers are involved in the transmission to cattle of bovine tuberculosis (TB), a serious problem for the UK farming industry. Cross-sectional studies have shown an association between bite wounds and TB infection in badgers which may have implications for M. bovis transmission and control, although the sequence of these two events is unclear. Transmission during aggressive encounters could potentially reduce the effectiveness of policies which increase the average range of a badger and thus its opportunities for interaction with other social groups.


Data were obtained on badgers captured during a long term study at Woodchester Park, UK (1998–2006). Many badgers had multiple observations. At each observation, the badger was assigned a “state” depending on presence of bite wounds and/or TB infection. Hence each badger had a “transition” from the previous state to the current state. We calculated the numbers of each type of transition and the time spent in each state. Transition rates were calculated for each transition category, dividing the number of such transitions by the total time at risk. We compared the rate of bite wound acquisition in infected badgers with that for uninfected badgers and the rate of positive M.bovis test results in bitten badgers with that in unbitten badgers.


The rate of bite wound acquisition in infected badgers (0.291 per year) was 2.09 (95% CI: 1.41, 3.08) times that in uninfected badgers (0.139 per year). The rate of positive M.bovis test results in bitten badgers (0.097 per year) was 2.45 (95% CI: 1.29, 4.65) times that in unbitten badgers (0.040 per year).


We found strong evidence of both potential sequences of events consistent with transmission via bite wounds and distinctive behaviour in infected badgers. The complex relationship between behaviour and infection must be considered when planning TB control strategies.  相似文献   

Aim The annual and circadian rhythms and duration of activity of Eurasian badger Meles meles (Linnaeus 1758) were studied in a low‐density population inhabiting the primeval woodland in the European temperate zone. Results were compared with available data from the literature on seasonal changes in body mass and winter inactivity of badgers from across the Palaearctic region. Location Field work was carried out in Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest, eastern Poland. Biogeographical variation was reviewed based on twenty‐three localities in the Palaearctic region (from Western Europe to Central Siberia). Methods Thirteen badgers were radio‐collared in 1997–2001. Their circadian activity was sampled by 24‐h sessions of continuous radio‐tracking with location taken at 15‐min intervals. Annual activity was studied by radio‐tracking and inspections of setts. Earthworm (badgers’ main food) biomass was estimated in four types of habitats throughout the year. Results Badgers were nocturnal with one long bout of activity. Their rhythms of diel activity differed between spring and autumn, and between adult and subadult individuals. On average, badgers emerged from setts at 19:00 hours and returned to them at 03:42 hours. The highest level of activity was recorded between 20:00 and 03:00 hours. Duration of daily activity was, on average, 8.2 h day?1, but varied significantly between seasons. The seasonal changes were inversely related to the abundance of earthworms. Duration of activity also depended on daily temperature, especially in the cold season. In winter, badgers stayed inactive for an average of 96 days per year. In autumn, they built fat reserves and their body mass nearly doubled compared with the spring values. The literature review on annual cycle of activity and body mass changes in Eurasian badgers showed that fat storage and duration of winter sleep strongly depended on climate (best approximated by January mean temperature). In regions with warm climates, badgers were active year round and their body mass changed only slightly, while in regions with severe winters badgers increased their body mass twofold from spring to autumn, and stayed inactive for as long as 6 months per year. Main conclusion We propose that, in the temperate and boreal zones of the Palaearctic region, the ultimate determinant of biogeographical variation in badgers’ annual activity is the winter shortage of earthworms, which are the main component of badger diet.  相似文献   

In France, several surveillance programmes have been carried out to monitor the presence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in badgers in regions where cattle or wildlife show high bTB prevalence (Seine-Maritime, Côte d’Or, Dordogne/Charente). Diagnostic methods include post-mortem examination, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or microbiological culture. The frequency of visible lesions was significantly higher in Dordogne/Charente (14/283, 4.9 %) than in Côte d’Or (19/1146, 1.7 %) and Seine-Maritime (2/160, 1.25 %) (Fisher’s exact test, p?<?0.001). Lesions were mainly located in cephalic and thoracic lymph nodes with one badger showing generalised tuberculosis. Near infected cattle farms or pastures, Mycobacterium bovis was detected using the culture method in roughly 1 % (1/103) of the badgers sampled in Seine-Maritime and in 5.6 % (49/878) of the badgers sampled in Côte d’Or. In Dordogne/Charente, the prevalence determined by PCR was 13.3 % (29/218). M. bovis was not found in badgers trapped in areas where there are no infected cattle. Spoligotyping and multiple locus variable number tandem repeat analysis showed that all M. bovis strains isolated from badgers were of the same genotype as those isolated from cattle in the vicinity, demonstrating an epidemiological link between both species. These are the first cases of bTB in badgers reported in France. Further surveys and research are needed to investigate the role badgers play in the epidemiology of bTB.  相似文献   

A long-term research programme has been underway in Ireland to evaluate the usefulness of badger vaccination as part of the national bTB (bovine tuberculosis) control strategy. This culminated in a field trial which commenced in county Kilkenny in 2009 to determine the effects of badger vaccination on Mycobacterium bovis transmission in badgers under field conditions. In the present study, we sought to optimise the characteristics of a multiplex chemiluminescent assay for detection of M. bovis infection in live badgers. Our goal was to maximise specificity, and therefore statistical power, during evaluation of the badger vaccine trial data. In addition, we also aimed to explore the effects of vaccination on test characteristics. For the test optimisation, we ran a stepwise logistic regression with analytical weights on the converted Relative Light Units (RLU) obtained from testing blood samples from 215 badgers captured as part of culling operations by the national Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM). The optimised test was applied to two other datasets obtained from two captive badger studies (Study 1 and Study 2), and the sensitivity and specificity of the test was attained separately for vaccinated and non-vaccinated badgers. During optimisation, test sensitivity was maximised (30.77%), while retaining specificity at 99.99%. When the optimised test was then applied to the captive badger studies data, we observed that test characteristics did not vary greatly between vaccinated and non-vaccinated badgers. However, a different time lag between infection and a positive test result was observed in vaccinated and non-vaccinated badgers. We propose that the optimized multiplex immunoassay be used to analyse the vaccine trial data. In relation to the difference in the time lag observed for vaccinated and non-vaccinated badgers, we also present a strategy to enable the test to be used during trial evaluation.  相似文献   

Interactions between intraguild species that act as both competitors and predator–prey can be especially complex. We studied patterns of space use by the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes), a prairie dog (Cynomys spp.) specialist, and the American badger (Taxidea taxus), a larger generalist carnivore that competes for prairie dogs and is known to kill ferrets. We expected that ferrets would spatially avoid badgers because of the risk of predation, that these patterns of avoidance might differ between sexes and age classes, and that the availability of food and space might influence these relationships. We used location data from 60 ferrets and 15 badgers to model the influence of extrinsic factors (prairie dog density and colony size) and intrinsic factors (sex, age) on patterns of space use by ferrets in relation to space use by different sex and age categories of badgers. We documented asymmetric patterns of avoidance of badgers by ferrets based on the sex of both species. Female ferrets avoided adult female badgers, but not male badgers, and male ferrets exhibited less avoidance than female ferrets. Additionally, avoidance decreased with increasing densities of prairie dogs. We suggest that intersexual differences in space use by badgers create varying distributions of predation risk that are perceived by the smaller carnivore (ferrets) and that females respond more sensitively than males to that risk. This work advances understanding about how competing species coexist and suggests that including information on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors might improve our understanding of behavioral interactions between sympatric species.  相似文献   

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