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Mammalian type C retroviral envelope proteins contain a variable proline-rich region (PRR), located between the N-terminal receptor-binding domain and the more highly conserved C-terminal portion of the surface (SU) subunit. We have investigated the role of the PRR in the function of murine leukemia virus (MuLV) envelope protein. In the MuLVs, the PRR contains a highly conserved N-terminal sequence and a hypervariable C-terminal sequence. Despite this variability, the amphotropic PRR could functionally substitute for the ecotropic PRR. The hypervariable region of the PRR was not absolutely required for envelope protein function. However, truncations in this region resulted in decreased levels of both the SU and TM proteins in viral particles and increased amounts of the uncleaved precursor protein, Pr85. In contrast, the N-terminal conserved region was essential for viral infectivity. Deletion of this region prevented the stable incorporation of envelope proteins into viral particles in spite of normal envelope protein processing, wild-type levels of cell surface expression, and a wild-type ability to induce syncytia in an XC cell cocultivation assay. However, higher levels of the SU protein were shed into the supernatant, suggesting a defect in SU-TM interactions. Our data are most consistent with a role for the PRR in stabilizing the overall structure of the protein, thereby affecting the proper processing of Pr85, SU-TM interactions, and the stable incorporation of envelope proteins into viral particles. In addition, we have demonstrated that the PRR can tolerate the insertion of a peptide-binding domain, making this a potentially useful site for constructing targetable retroviral vectors.  相似文献   

Murine leukemia virus strains fall into three categories with respect to their ability to propagate in cells of National Institutes of Health (NIH) Swiss and BALB/c mouse embryos. Cultures of NIH cells are 100- to 1,000-fold more sensitive to "N-tropic" strains than BALB/c cell cultures, but are 30- to 100-fold less sensitive to "B-tropic" strains. Some virus strains (dually tropic or "NB-tropic") propagate equally well in both cells. M-MSV pseudotypes show the host-range characteristics of the virus supplying the envelope, both in vitro and in vivo. The host-range characteristics appear to be genetically determined and could not be explained by host-induced modification or virus mixtures. There was no correlation between host range and Gross-AKR or FMR serotype.  相似文献   

A continuous cell line of highly contact-inhibited cells (NIH/3T3) has been developed from NIH Swiss mouse embryo cultures. Its growth properties are similar to those of 3T3 and BALB/3T3. Although 3T3 is relatively insensitive to focus formation by murine sarcoma viruses, cloned lines of both NIH/3T3 and BALB/3T3 have been isolated that are highly sensitive to sarcoma virus focus formation and leukemia virus growth. The sensitivity and specificity are comparable to those found with primary embryo cells. MSV-transformed lines of NIH/3T3 have been obtained.  相似文献   

Virtually all of our present understanding of endogenous murine leukemia viruses (MLVs) is based on studies with inbred mice. To develop a better understanding of the interaction between endogenous retroviruses and their hosts, we have carried out a systematic investigation of endogenous nonecotropic MLVs in wild mice. Species studied included four major subspecies of Mus musculus (M. m. castaneus, M. m. musculus, M. m. molossinus, and M. m. domesticus) as well as four common inbred laboratory strains (AKR/J, HRS/J, C3H/HeJ, and C57BL/6J). We determined the detailed distribution of nonecotropic proviruses in the mice by using both env- and long terminal repeat (LTR)-derived oligonucleotide probes specific for the three different groups of endogenous MLVs. The analysis indicated that proviruses that react with all of the specific probes are present in most wild mouse DNAs tested, in numbers varying from 1 or 2 to more than 50. Although in common inbred laboratory strains the linkage of group-specific sequences in env and the LTR of the proviruses is strict, proviruses which combine env and the LTR sequences from different groups were commonly observed in the wild-mouse subspecies. The “recombinant” nonecotropic proviruses in the mouse genomes were amplified by PCR, and their genetic and recombinant natures were determined. These proviruses showed extended genetic variation and provide a valuable probe for study of the evolutionary relationship between MLVs and the murine hosts.  相似文献   

The envelope (Env) protein of Moloney murine leukemia virus is the primary mediator of viral entry. We constructed a large pool of insertion mutations in the env gene and analyzed the fitness of each mutant in completing two critical steps in the virus life cycle: (i) the expression and delivery of the Env protein to the cell surface during virion assembly and (ii) the infectivity of virions displaying the mutant proteins. The majority of the mutants were poorly expressed at the producer cell surface, suggesting folding defects due to the presence of the inserted residues. The mutants with residual infectivity had insertions either in the amino-terminal signal sequence region, two disulfide-bonded loops in the receptor binding domain, discrete regions of the carboxy-terminal region of the surface subunit (SU), or the cytoplasmic tail. Insertions that allowed the mutants to reach the cell surface but not to mediate detectable infection were located within the amino-terminal sequence of the mature Env, within the SU carboxy-terminal region, near putative receptor binding residues, and throughout the fusion peptide. Independent analysis of select mutants in this group allowed more precise identification of the defect in Env function. Mapping of mutant phenotypes to a structural model of the receptor-binding domain provides insights into the protein's functional organization. The high-resolution functional map reported here will be valuable for the engineering of the Env protein for a variety of uses, including gene therapy.  相似文献   

Entry of Rauscher leukemia virus into mouse embryo fibroblasts was studied by electron microscopy. The polycation diethylaminoethyl-dextran enhanced viral attachment and subsequent entry. At the site of viral attachment to the cell membrane, three distinct interactions occurred between the viral envelope and cell membrane, namely, (i) dissolution of viral envelopes on the cell membrane, which itself remained unaltered; (ii) simultaneous dissolution of both the envelope and cell membrane, resulting in passage of viral nucleoids directly into the cytoplasm; and (iii) dissolution of the cell membrane with direct penetration of intact enveloped particles into the cytoplasm, followed by intracytoplasmic disruption of the envelope, resulting in release of nucleoids into the cytoplasm. These interactions occurred with both mature and immature C-type particles. At no time was fusion of viral envelopes with the cell membrane observed. The mechanism of these interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Goat and rabbit antisera prepared against a purified Rauscher murine leukemia virus glycoprotein (gp69/71) rapidly neutralized spleen focus-forming virus in Rauscher and Friend virus preparations. Absorption studies revealed that most of the neutralizing activity of goat anti-Rauscher virus gp69/71 serum was directed against type- and group-specific determinants.  相似文献   

Retroviruses containing inserts of exogenous sequences frequently eliminate the inserted sequences upon spread in susceptible cells. We have constructed replication-competent murine leukemia virus (MLV) vectors containing internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-transgene cassettes at the env-3' untranslated region boundary in order to examine the effects of insert sequence and size on the loss of inserts during viral replication. A virus containing an insertion of 1.6 kb replicated with greatly attenuated kinetics relative to wild-type virus and lost the inserted sequences in a single infection cycle. In contrast, MLVs containing inserts of 1.15 to 1.30 kb replicated with kinetics only slightly attenuated compared to wild-type MLV and exhibited much greater stability, maintaining their genomic integrity over multiple serial infection cycles. Eventually, multiple species of deletion mutants were detected simultaneously in later infection cycles; once detected, these variants rapidly dominated the population and thereafter appeared to be maintained at a relative equilibrium. Sequence analysis of these variants identified preferred sites of recombination in the parental viruses, including both short direct repeats and inverted repeats. One instance of insert deletion through recombination with an endogenous retrovirus was also observed. When specific sequences involved in these recombination events were eliminated, deletion variants still arose with the same kinetics upon virus passage and by apparently similar mechanisms, although at different locations in the vectors. Our results suggest that while lengthened, insert-containing genomes can be maintained over multiple replication cycles, preferential deletions resulting in loss of the inserted sequences confer a strong selective advantage.  相似文献   

A new type of mink cell focus-inducing virus was persistently isolated from the leukemic tissues of SL mice. In contrast to the dual tropic mink cell focus-inducing viruses reported to date, the new virus has the host range of the xenotropic murine leukemia virus. Analysis of RNase T(1) fingerprints of genomic RNAs suggested that the mink cell focus-inducing virus with the xenotropic host range isolated from SL mice is a recombinant virus deriving from xenotropic murine leukemia virus.  相似文献   

A test is reported for the in vivo detection of the replicative ability of murine leukemia viruses (MLV) in the BALB/c mouse strain. Growth in the spleen was assayed by the complement-fixation assay for MLV group-specific antigen after injection of newborn mice. Low doses of laboratory-derived and wild-type MLV from cell-culture and animal-grown sources were detected as early as 7 to 14 days postinoculation. The sensitivity of this in vivo test compared favorably with in vitro assays for MLV. In vivo detection of MLV replication was correlated with long-term oncogenicity.  相似文献   

The core site in the Moloney murine leukemia virus (Moloney MLV) enhancer was previously shown to be an important determinant of the T-cell disease specificity of the virus. Mutation of the core site resulted in a significant shift in disease specificity of the Moloney virus from T-cell leukemia to erythroleukemia. We and others have since determined that a protein that binds the core site, one of the core-binding factors (CBF) is highly expressed in thymus and is essential for hematopoiesis. Here we test the hypothesis that CBF plays a critical role in mediating pathogenesis of Moloney MLV in vivo. We measured the affinity of CBF for most core sites found in MLV enhancers, introduced sites with different affinities for CBF into the Moloney MLV genome, and determined the effects of these sites on viral pathogenesis. We found a correlation between CBF affinity and the latent period of disease onset, in that Moloney MLVs with high-affinity CBF binding sites induced leukemia following a shorter latent period than viruses with lower-affinity sites. The T-cell disease specificity of Moloney MLV also appeared to correlate with the affinity of CBF for its binding site. The data support a role for CBF in determining the pathogenic properties of Moloney MLV.  相似文献   

Infection by the neuropathogenic murine leukemia virus (MLV) TR1.3 results in hemorrhagic disease that correlates directly to in vivo syncytium formation of brain capillary endothelial cells (BCEC). This phenotype maps to amino acid 102 in the envelope (Env) protein of TR1.3. Substitution of glycine (G) for tryptophan (W) at this position (W102G Env) in the nonpathogenic MLV FB29 induces both syncytium formation and neurologic disease in vivo. Using an in vitro gene reporter cell fusion assay, we showed that fusion either with murine NIH 3T3 cells or with nonmurine target cells that expressed receptors at or below endogenous murine levels mirrored that seen in BCEC in vivo. In these instances only TR1.3 and W102G Env induced cell fusion. In contrast, when receptor levels on nonmurine cells were raised above endogenous murine levels, FB29 Env was as fusogenic as the neuropathogenic TR1.3 and W102G Env. These results indicate that TR1.3 Env and W102G Env are intrinsically more fusogenic than FB29 Env, that the induction of fusion requires a threshold number of receptors that is greater for FB29 Env than for TR1.3 or W102G Env, and that receptor density on murine NIH 3T3 cells and BCEC is below the threshold for FB29-dependent fusion. Surprisingly, receptor density on NIH 3T3 cells could not be increased by stable expression of exogenous receptors, and FB29-dependent fusion was not observed in NIH 3T3 cells that transiently expressed elevated receptor numbers. These results suggest that an additional undefined host cell factor(s) may limit both receptor expression and fusion potential in murine cells.  相似文献   

A tissue culture cell system for isolation and identification of members of the murine leukemia virus group (the complement fixation for murine leukemia test) was modified to permit the isolation of naturally occurring virus from leukemic and normal mice. The important factors for increasing the sensitivity of the test were the use of National Institutes of Health (NIH) strain Webster Swiss embryo cell cultures and the selection of rat-immune sera having complement-fixing antibodies to tissue culture antigens of both the Gross and FMR subgroups. In all, 163 strains of mouse leukemia virus, from 11 inbred mouse strains, have been isolated. Representative virus isolates were shown to possess the properties of the murine leukemia virus group; i.e., they were chloroform-sensitive, noncytopathic agents which replicated in mouse embryo tissue culture and produced group-reactive, complement-fixing antigen and budding C-type particles visible by electron microscopy. These viruses could serve as helpers in the rescue of Moloney sarcoma virus genome from non-producer hamster sarcoma cells, yielding pseudotypes. All of the 19 field isolates tested were neutralized by Gross passage A antiserum but not by potent antisera to the Moloney, Rauscher, and Friend strains. Virus was recovered regularly from embryos and from the plasma and spleen of adult mice of high leukemic strains. In low leukemic mouse strains, different patterns of virus detection were observed. In C3H/He mice, virus was occasionally present in embryos and was found in 40% of adult spleens. BALB/c mice were virus-negative as fetuses or weanlings, but spleens of more than half of the mice over 6 months of age yielded virus. NIH mice have never yielded virus. In reciprocal matings between AKR and BALB/c mice, virus recovery from embryos was maternally determined. The development of tissue culture isolation procedures made possible for the first time the application of classical infectious disease methods to the study of the natural history of murine leukemia virus infection.  相似文献   

APOBEC3 proteins are potent restriction factors against retroviral infection in primates. This restriction is accompanied by hypermutations in the retroviral genome that are attributable to the cytidine deaminase activity of the APOBEC3 proteins. Studies of nucleotide sequence diversity among endogenous gammaretroviruses suggest that the evolution of endogenous retroelements could have been shaped by the mutagenic cytidine deaminase activity of APOBEC3. In mice, however, APOBEC3 appears to restrict exogenous murine retroviruses in the absence of detectable levels of deamination. AKV is an endogenous retrovirus that is involved in causing a high incidence of thymic lymphoma in AKR mice. A comparative analysis of several mouse strains revealed a relatively low level of APOBEC3 expression in AKR mice. Here we show that endogenous mouse APOBEC3 restricts AKV infection and that this restriction likely reflects polymorphisms affecting APOBEC3 abundance rather than differences in the APOBEC3 isoforms expressed. We also observe that restriction of AKV by APOBEC3 is accompanied by G→A hypermutations in the viral genome. Our findings demonstrate that APOBEC3 acts as a restriction factor in rodents affecting the strain tropism of AKV, and they provide good support for the proposal that APOBEC3-mediated hypermutation contributed to the evolution of endogenous rodent retroviral genomes.Viruses that are restrained to infect only a specific animal species, subspecies, or strain have acquired particular features that enable them to circumvent the immune defenses of that particular host. Conversely, the natural hosts for these pathogens are alive today because they have evolved strategies to restrain the infectivities of their own pathogens. A virus with a broad host tropism will typically have evolved under selective pressure from several host factors that it will have encountered and successfully evaded. Ecotropic murine retroviruses generally have a restricted host range, due not only to the limited availability of their cellular receptor, mCAT-1 (58), but also to the various intrinsic restriction factors present in a specific host (7). Fv1 and Fv4 are the expression products of defective endogenous retroviruses that are present as germ line integrations and can interfere with and even block the infectivities of ecotropic retroviruses (6, 25).Mouse APOBEC3 is another type of host-encoded intrinsic restriction factor that can display deoxycytidine deaminase activity on single-stranded DNA (16, 54). APOBEC3 proteins have a potent inhibitory effect on retroelements ranging from primate lentiviruses to murine retrotransposons (reviewed in reference 17). In humans and primates there are seven APOBEC3 genes, most of which have been proposed to act as restriction elements for viruses and retroelements. The most extensively characterized of the primate APOBEC3 proteins are APOBEC3F and APOBEC3G, which constitute powerful restriction factors for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) (reviewed in reference 17). The evidence that these lentiviruses are targets for APOBEC3 action does not come just from in vitro experiments: tissue samples from HIV type 1 (HIV-1)-infected humans contain retroviral sequences exhibiting a pattern of G→A hypermutation that is characteristic of APOBEC3F/G-dependent deoxycytidine deamination (4, 12, 26, 56, 57).In contrast to primates, mice have only a single APOBEC3 gene. This murine APOBEC3 has been shown to be able to inhibit retrotransposition of mouse MusD and intracisternal A particle elements in cotransfection assays (22, 23). However, the lack of any obvious signs of disease, developmental defect, or infertility in APOBEC3-deficient mice indicates that APOBEC3 may not play an essential role in suppressing the transposition of endogenous retroelements in laboratory mice (38, 40). With regard to exogenous retroviruses, mouse APOBEC3 has been shown to hinder the in vivo infectivity of the betaretrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) as well as that of the gammaretrovirus Friend murine leukemia virus (MLV) (40, 55); its activity against Moloney MLV (MoMLV), another gammaretrovirus, is apparently considerably weaker—likely reflecting the fact that MoMLV may have found ways to avoid APOBEC3-mediated restriction (14, 34, 46, 61). In none of these cases, however, does it appear that mouse APOBEC3 hypermutates the retroviral replication intermediates, suggesting that deamination is not central to its mechanism of restricting these retroviruses. Notwithstanding this failure to observe hypermutation of mouse retroviruses by mouse APOBEC3, recent studies of nucleotide sequence diversity among endogenous gammaretroviruses have suggested that the evolution of endogenous retroelements has been shaped by the mutagenic cytidine deaminase activity of APOBEC3 (28, 42). Thus, the picture which emerges is that APOBEC3 acts as one of several restriction factors of mouse retroelements, with some viruses having found ways to avoid APOBEC3-mediated restriction.Different mouse strains exhibit different patterns of APOBEC3 expression (41, 47, 55). Thus, two major mouse APOBEC3 alleles have been identified: one encodes a protein whose sequence is similar to that of the allele expressed in C57BL/6 mice, and the other resembles that of BALB/c mice (47, 55). Two major splicing isoforms of APOBEC3, which either do or do not include exon 5, have also been detected: the relative abundance of these two isoforms differs between strains (36, 41, 47, 55). The restriction of Friend MLV and that of MMTV both appear to be dependent on the identity of the mouse strain, and it has been proposed that this reflects the polymorphism in the sequence and splicing isoforms of APOBEC3 (41, 47, 55).In the course of our work on mouse APOBEC3, we discovered that APOBEC3 was expressed only at a low level in AKR mice. The AKR mouse strain harbors several germ line insertions of an endogenous ecotropic MLV designated AKV, which belongs to the gammaretrovirus family (5, 15, 27, 44, 45). A complex set of recombination events between AKV and nonecotropic endogenous retroviruses results in the production of leukemogenic mink cell focus-inducing viruses that are responsible for inducing a lethal form of thymic lymphoma of T-cell origin in these mice (19, 53). We were interested in determining whether the susceptibility of AKR mice to AKV infection could in part be explained by a failure of the APOBEC3 allele expressed in AKR mice to restrict this virus.Here we show that endogenous murine APOBEC3 in C57BL/6 mice not only acts to restrict AKV infection but also hypermutates AKV replication intermediates, likely providing a powerful block to natural transmission of the virus between mouse strains. We find that the different isoforms of APOBEC3 (whether or not they include exon 5) are effective in AKV restriction and that the differential resistance of lymphocytes from different mouse strains/mutants to AKV infection correlates with the abundance of endogenous APOBEC3 mRNA. Our results indicate that APOBEC3 confers effective protection against germ line integration of retroviral pathogens in rodents, and they provide tangible support to the proposal that DNA editing by APOBEC3 may have participated in the evolution of endogenous retroviral genomes.  相似文献   

Previously it was reported that the 16-amino-acid (aa) C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMLV) transmembrane protein Pr15E is cleaved off during virus synthesis, yielding the mature, fusion active transmembrane protein p15E and the 16-aa peptide (R peptide or p2E). It remains to be elucidated how the R peptide impairs fusion activity of the uncleaved Pr15E. The R peptide from MoMLV was analyzed by Tricine-sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunostained with antiserum against the synthetic 16-aa R peptide. The R peptide resolved with an apparent molecular mass of 7 kDa and not the 4 kDa seen with the corresponding synthetic peptide. The 7-kDa R peptide was found to be membrane bound in MoMLV-infected NIH 3T3 cells, showing that cleavage of the 7-kDa R-peptide tail must occur before or during budding of progeny virions, in which only small amounts of the 7-kDa R peptide were found. The 7-kDa R peptide was palmitoylated since it could be labeled with [(3)H]palmitic acid, which explains its membrane association, slower migration on gels, and high sensitivity in immunoblotting. The present results are in contrast to previous findings showing equimolar amounts of R peptide and p15E in virions. The discrepancy, however, can be explained by the presence of nonpalmitoylated R peptide in virions, which were poorly detected by immunoblotting. A mechanistic model is proposed. The uncleaved R peptide can, due to its lipid modification, control the conformation of the ectodomain of the transmembrane protein and thereby govern membrane fusion.  相似文献   

The gypsy element of Drosophila melanogaster is the first retrovirus identified so far in invertebrates. Previous data suggest that gypsy ENV-like ORF3 mediates viral infectivity. We have produced in the 293GP/LNhsp70lucL.3 human cell line a Moloney murine leukemia virus-based retroviral vector pseudotyped by the gypsy ENV-like protein. We have shown by immunostaining that the gypsy envelope protein is produced in 293GP/LNhsp70lucL.3 cells and that vector particles collected from these cells can infect Drosophila cells. Our results provide direct evidence that the infectious property of gypsy is due to its ORF3 gene product.  相似文献   

The B-IV and B-IX zonal ultracentrifuge rotors were applied to the concentration and purification of the Moloney and Rauscher murine leukemia viruses from large volumes of infected tissue culture fluids and animal materials. Potassium tartrate, potassium citrate and sucrose gradients were used to obtain viral concentrates from the density 1.16 to 1.18 zone. Proteolytic enzyme digestion of tissue culture preparations prior to zonal ultracentrifuge processing was effective in releasing virus from cell debris and producing highly purified, though nonleukemogenic, viral concentrates. Infected Rauscher mouse plasma was processed to give highly purified infectious virus fractions. A single centrifugation of crude Rauscher mouse spleen homogenates resulted in partially purified infectious concentrates with high virus particle counts.  相似文献   

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