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A 9.9-kilobase (kb) BamHI restriction endonuclease fragment encoding the catA and catBC gene clusters was selected from a gene bank of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1c chromosome. The catA, catB, and catC genes encode enzymes that catalyze consecutive reactions in the catechol branch of the beta-ketoadipate pathway: catA, catechol-1,2-dioxygenase (EC; catB, muconate lactonizing enzyme (EC; and catC, muconolactone isomerase (EC A recombinant plasmid, pRO1783, which contains the 9.9-kb BamHI restriction fragment complemented P. aeruginosa mutants with lesions in the catA, catB, or catC gene; however, this fragment of chromosomal DNA did not contain any other catabolic genes which had been placed near the catA or catBC cluster based on cotransducibility of the loci. Restriction mapping, deletion subcloning, and complementation analysis showed that the order of the genes on the cloned chromosomal DNA fragment is catA, catB, catC. The catBC genes are tightly linked and are transcribed from a single promoter that is on the 5' side of the catB gene. The catA gene is approximately 3 kb from the catBC genes. The cloned P. aeruginosa catA, catB, and catC genes were expressed at basal levels in blocked mutants of Pseudomonas putida and did not exhibit an inducible response. These observations suggest positive regulation of the P. aeruginosa catA and catBC cluster, the absence of a positive regulatory element from pRO1783, and the inability of the P. putida regulatory gene product to induce expression of the P. aeruginosa catA, catB, and catC genes.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa transports and phosphorylates fructose via a phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent fructose phosphotransferase system (PTS). Mutant strains deficient in both PTS activity and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity were isolated and were used to select mannitol-utilizing revertant strains singly deficient in PTS activity. These mutants were unable to utilize fructose as a carbon source and failed to accumulate exogenously provided [14C]fructose, and crude cell extracts lacked phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent fructose PTS activity. Thus, the PTS was essential for the uptake and utilization of exogenously provided fructose by P. aeruginosa. Mutations at a locus designated pts, which resulted in a loss of PTS activity, exhibited 57% linkage to argF at 55 min on the chromosome in plasmid R68.45-mediated conjugational crosses. The pts mutations in four independently isolated mutant strains exhibited from 11 to 20% linkage to argF, and one of these mutations exhibited 3% linkage to lys-9015 in phage F116L-mediated transductional crosses.  相似文献   

Chromosome mapping in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAT.   总被引:20,自引:13,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A linkage map of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAT has been derived from the results of conjugation experiments using the plasmids FP2-2, R68, R91-5, and R68.45. FP2-2 and R68 each mobilize the chromosome from single, distinct transfer origins. R91-5 appears to mobilize the chromosome from two such origins, and R68.45 utilizes a number of transfer origins. R68 and R91-5 have both been shown to mobilize the chromosome with a polarity opposite to that by FP2-2. The locations of the transfer origins of these plasmids are such that it has not been possible to demonstrate chromosomal circularity by means of interrupted mating experiments. However, the available time-of-entry data combined with linkage data from plate mating experiments support the conclusion that the chromosome of P. aeruginosa is circular.  相似文献   

Chromosome mapping in Pseudomonas aeruginosa   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  

A long-range restriction map of the pseudo-autosomal or exchange pairing region (corresponding to the terminal parts of the short arms of the human sex chromosomes) has been established using pulsed field gel electrophoresis. A total of seven loci have been located on this physical map based essentially on the analysis of 45,X Turner genomes. The region spans a total of 2600 kb. The 5' end of the MIC2 gene maps at less than 80 kb from the proximal pseudo-autosomal boundary. Since the total pseudo-autosomal linkage interval represents approximately 50% of recombination at male meiosis, 1 cM corresponds to 50-60 kb. This is consistent with the almost 20-fold increase in recombination frequency observed in male versus female meiosis in this region. The present data show no distortion between both physical and linkage maps. The distribution of the CpG-rich restriction sites is notably disequilibrated. A large subset of these sites is concentrated within the 500 kb closest to the telomere whereas others appear in clusters (probably HTF islands) scattered in the rest of the pseudo-autosomal region.  相似文献   

The neutral/neutral and neutral/alkaline two-dimensional gel electrophoretic techniques are sensitive physical mapping methods that have been used successfully to identify replication initiation sites in genomes of widely varying complexity. We present detailed methodology for the preparation of replication intermediates from mammalian cells and their analysis by both neutral/neutral and neutral/alkaline two-dimensional gel approaches. The methods described allow characterization of the replication pattern of single-copy loci, even in mammalian cells. When applied to metazoans, initiation is found to occur at multiple sites scattered throughout zones that can be as long as 50 kb, with some subregions being preferred. Although these observations do not rule out the possibility of genetically defined replicators, they offer the alternative or additional possibility that chromosomal context may play an important role in defining replication initiation sites in complex genomes. We discuss novel recombination strategies that can be used to test for the presence of sequence elements critical for origin function if the origin lies in the vicinity of a selectable gene. Application of this strategy to the DHFR locus shows that loss of sequences more than 25 kb from the local initiation zone can markedly affect origin activity in the zone.  相似文献   

Various mutants (lip) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO 2302 that lacked extracellular lipase activity were isolated. They were selected on a calcium-triolein agar. The phenotypic characteristics of two of these mutants suggested that they were defective in the gene coding for lipase: both lip mutants produced no lipase in liquid- and on solid medium. They were nonpleiotropic with regard to various other exoproducts. None of the mutants released any putatively cell-bound lipase after treatment of cells with Triton X-100 or alginate. The electrophoretic protein- and LPS-profiles of outer membranes derived from lip mutants and the parental strain were identical. The lip locus was mapped on the chromosome of P. aeruginosa PAO 1 by FP5- and R68. 45-mediated crossings and by transduction with phage G101. The lip locus was cotransduced with pyrF only (60%) indicating a map position at about 57 min. The lipase gene was cloned on a 3.1 kb SalI fragment using vector pKT248. The newly constructed plasmid was able to complement the lipase deficiency of the two lip mutants of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Two independently derived, exotoxin A-deficient (Tox- phenotype), nitroso-guanidine-induced mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 were isolated by using sensitive immunological assays. One mutant, designated PAOT10, was detected as a colony which failed to produce a halo of immunoprecipitation in an antiserum-agar assay. The other mutant (PAOT20) was independently isolated and was detected by a negative reaction in a staphylococcal coagglutination assay with protein A-containing staphylococci and affinity-purified antibodies. Both mutants produced parental levels of extracellular protein. However, whereas the qualitative and quantitative compositions of proteins produced by PAOT20 were indistinguishable from those of the parental strain as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and measurement of extracellular protease, there were marked differences between PAOT10 and the parental strain. The mutation in PAOT10 (tox-1) as mapped by linkage analysis was located between trp-6 and proA. In contrast, linkage analysis and cotransduction placed the mutation in PAOT20 (tox-2), very near trp-6. Data are presented which suggest that tox-1 and tox-2 are regulatory loci.  相似文献   

An insertion mutation constructed by gene replacement methods was used to map the gene corresponding to the hemolytic phospholipase C (plcS gene) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 by R68.45-mediated conjugation. plcS mapped approximately at 67 min on the 75-min chromosomal map (B. W. Holloway, K. O'Hoy, and H. Matsumoto, p. 213-221, in S. J. O'Brien, ed., Genetic Maps 1987, vol. 4, 1987), between the markers pur-67 and pru-375 and considerably distal to the regulatory genes plcA and plcB, which are located at approximately 12 min.  相似文献   

We isolated deletion mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa plasmid R91-5 by both in vitro and in vivo means. Many of the deletion mutants selected on the basis of resistance to donor-specific phages fell into a few groups of apparently identical mutants, although the mutants were nonsibs. By analyzing plasmids with large deletions, we found that the essential replication genes of R91-5 were within a 3.85-kilobase region between coordinates 45.5 and 48.9. The origin of plasmid transfer (oriT) was mapped to a 4.5-kilobase region between coordinates 1.7 and 6.2. We indirectly determined the direction of plasmid transfer from oriT. By combining the data from our analysis of the deletions with data from complementation tests between cloned R91-5 fragments and known reference mutants, we ordered and mapped the 10 known transfer (tra) cistrons of R91-5. All of the tra cistrons mapped within the Tra2 region, and their order was as follows: traX, -Y, -T, -Q, -(V, R), -U, -(S, Z), -W (the cistrons in parentheses could not be ordered with respect to each other).  相似文献   

Mutations causing deficiencies in the inducible, membrane-associated sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (glpD) and in inducible glucose transport (glcT) were mapped on the Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 chromosome by using the generalized transducing phages F116L and G101. These mutations, in separate catabolic regulatory units, were cotransducible with a previously described cluster of carbohydrate catabolic gene loci (zwf-1 eda-9001 edd-1) that maps at ca. 50 to 53 min on the chromosome. Mutant strain PFB362 (glcT1) did not transport glucose and did not produce a functional, periplasmic, glucose-binding protein that is required for glucose transport. This mutation was cotransducible with zwf-1 (70%), nalA (29%), and phe-2 (19%) but not with glpD1 or leu-10. The glpD1 mutation in strain PRP408 was cotransducible with zwf-1 (5%), eda-9001 (4%), and edd-1 (1%) and also with ami-151 (17%) and phe-2 (33%). These results expand the number of known carbohydrate catabolism genes that are clustered in the 50- to 55-min region of the PAO1 chromosome and allow us to propose the following relative gene order: ami-151 glpD1 phe-2 nalA zwf-1 eda-9001 edd-1 glcT1 leu-10. Three independently obtained nal determinants for high-level resistance to nalidixic acid, which were employed in these studies, exhibited similar cotransduction frequencies with several flanking marker mutations.  相似文献   

We isolated 15 mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO which were defective in the formation of certain extracellular proteins, such as elastase, staphylolytic enzyme, and lipase ( Xcp mutants). The mutations were mapped on the chromosome by conjugation and transduction. The locations were xcp -1 near 0', with the gene order cys-59- xcp -1- proB , and loci xcp -2, xcp -3, and xcp -31 at 35', with the gene order trpC , D- xcp -3/ xcp -31- xcp -2- argC . Loci xcp -4 and xcp -41 through xcp -44 were cotransducible with proA at 40'; loci xcp -5, xcp -51, xcp -52, and xcp53 were located at 55', with the gene order leu-10- trpF -met-9010- xcp -53- xcp -5/ xcp -51/ xcp+ ++-52, and xcp -6 was located at 65' to 70', between catA and mtu-9002. Nine mutations ( xcp -2, xcp -3, xcp -31, xcp -4, and xcp -41 through xcp -45) caused decreased production of extracellular enzymes. Six strains with mutations xcp -1, xcp -5, xcp -51, xcp -52, xcp -53, and xcp -6 produced cell-bound exoproteins and had defective release mechanisms. The regulation of production of alkaline phosphatase and phospholipase C is different from other exoproteins , such as elastase, but they all seem to share a common release mechanism. Alkaline protease had separate mechanisms for regulation and release, since this protease was found in culture supernatants of all but one of the mutants, and none of the strains had cell-bound enzyme.  相似文献   

We isolated two mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO with defective iron uptake. In contrast to the wild-type strain, the mutants produced extracellular protease activity in media containing high concentrations of salts or iron and hyperproduced elastase, staphylolytic enzyme, and exotoxin A in ordinary media (Xch mutants). The mutations were located in the 55' region of the chromosome, between the markers met-9011 and pyrD.  相似文献   

Summary A physical map of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) chloroplast DNA has been generated using SalI, PstI, KpnI and HindIII restriction endonucleases. The circular plastid genome (151 kbp) has the usual inverted repeat. Heterologous probes containing psbA, rbcL, atpA or rrnA structural genes mapped colinearly with spinach and other chloroplast genomes.  相似文献   

Small bacteriophage D3112 transposable elements deleted for most of the phage-lytic functions while retaining the sites required for transposition and packaging were constructed to facilitate genetic studies in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These mini-D derivatives were constructed with the terminal 1.85 kilobases (kb) of the phage left end and 1.4 kb of the phage right end and either the Tn5 kanamycin resistance or the pSC101 (pBR322) tetracycline resistance determinant. Thermally induced lysates of strains lysogenic for both a mini-D element and D3112 cts (temperature-sensitive repressor) transduced P. aeruginosa PAO recipients to drug resistance at frequencies of between 10(-4) and 10(-5)/PFU of the helper phage. As for the parent plaque-forming D3112 phage, the mini-D171 element could insert itself into many different sites in the chromosome but the frequency of insertion into particular genes varied widely. Among 1,000 insertions, none resulted in auxotrophy but 10 resulted in pigment production. Insertions were also selected in a cloning plasmid with a transduction scheme. At least eight different insertion sites were found to have been used among 10 individual insertions. Transductants harboring these mini-D elements were immune to infection by D3112, since they contained the D3112 repressor gene in the left 1.85-kb terminal fragment. Chromosomal genes were transduced in a generalized fashion 100 to 1,000 times more frequently by the mini-D-D3112 cts lysates than by the D3112 cts phage alone. Mini-D171-D3112 cts lysates also yielded some transductants that retained the drug resistance marker of the mini-D element and which were unstable for the chromosomal transduced marker. This is consistent with the miniduction properties of Mu whereby transduced genes are flanked by two mini-D elements in the same orientation.  相似文献   

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