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Human dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III) is a zinc-exopeptidase with implied roles in protein catabolism, pain modulation, and defense against oxidative stress. To understand the mode of ligand binding into its active site, we performed molecular modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, and biochemical analyses. Using the recently determined crystal structure of the human DPP III we built complexes between both, the wild-type (WT) protein and its mutant H568N with the preferred substrate Arg-Arg-2-naphthylamide (RRNA) and a competitive inhibitor Tyr-Phe-hydroxamate (Tyr-Phe-NHOH). The mutation of the conserved His568, structurally equivalent to catalytically important His231 in thermolysin, to Asn, resulted in a 1300-fold decrease of k(cat) for RRNA hydrolysis and in significantly lowered affinity for the inhibitor. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed the key protein-ligand interactions as well as the ligand-induced reorganization of the binding site and its partial closure. Simultaneously, the non-catalytic domain was observed to stretch and the opening at the wide side of the inter-domain cleft became enhanced. The driving force for these changes was the formation of the hydrogen bond between Asp372 and the bound ligand. The structural and dynamical differences, found for the ligand binding to the WT enzyme and the H568N mutant, and the calculated binding free energies, agree well with the measured affinities. On the basis of the obtained results we suggest a possible reaction mechanism. In addition, this work provides a foundation for further site-directed mutagenesis experiments, as well as for modeling the reaction itself.  相似文献   

Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is a promising therapy for heart failure patients with a conduction disturbance, such as left bundle branch block. The aim of CRT is to resynchronize contraction between and within ventricles. However, about 30% of patients do not respond to this therapy. Therefore, a better understanding is needed for the relation between electrical and mechanical activation. In this paper, we focus on to what extent animal experiments and mathematical models can help in order to understand the pathophysiology of asynchrony to further improve CRT.  相似文献   

Calcium and other cofactors can feature as key additions to a molecular interface, to the extent that the cofactor is completely buried in the bound state. How can such an interaction be regulated then? The answer: By facilitating a switch through an allosteric network. Although a number of unbinding mechanisms are being characterized, an extensive computational study by Joswig et al. reveals a detailed model for the pattern recognition receptor langerin.  相似文献   

Human ocular albinism type 1 protein (OA1)—a member of the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily—is an integral membrane glycoprotein expressed exclusively by intracellular organelles known as melanocytes, and is responsible for the proper biogenesis of melanosomes. Mutations in the Oa1 gene are responsible for the disease ocular albinism. Despite its clinical importance, there is a lack of in-depth understanding of its structure and mechanism of activation due to the absence of a crystal structure. In the present study, homology modeling was applied to predicting OA1 structure following thorough sequence analysis and secondary structure predictions. The predicted model had the signature residues and motifs expected of GPCRs, and was used for carrying out molecular docking studies with an endogenous ligand, l-DOPA and an antagonist, dopamine; the results agreed quite well with the available experimental data. Finally, three sets of explicit molecular dynamics simulations were carried out in lipid bilayer, the results of which not only confirmed the stability of the predicted model, but also helped witness some differences in structural features such as rotamer toggle switch, helical tilts and hydrogen bonding pattern that helped distinguish between the agonist- and antagonist-bound receptor forms. In place of the typical “D/ERY”-motif-mediated “ionic lock”, a hydrogen bond mediated by the “DAY” motif was observed that could be used to distinguish the agonist and antagonist bound forms of OA1. In the absence of a crystal structure, this study helped to shed some light on the structural features of OA1, and its behavior in the presence of an agonist and an antagonist, which might be helpful in the future drug discovery process for ocular albinism.  相似文献   

Aggregation and self-association in protein-based biotherapeutics are critical quality attributes that are tightly controlled by the manufacturing process. Aggregates have the potential to elicit immune reactions, including neutralizing anti-drug antibodies, which can diminish the drug's efficacy upon subsequent dosing. The structural basis of reversible self-association, a form of non-covalent aggregation in the native state, is only beginning to emerge for many biologics and is often unique to a given molecule. In the present study, crystal structures of the infliximab (Remicade) Fc and Fab domains were determined. The Fab domain structures are the first to be reported in the absence of the antigen (i.e., tumor necrosis factor), and are consistent with a mostly rigid complementarity-determining region loop structure and rotational flexibility between variable and constant regions. A potential self-association interface is conserved in two distinct crystal forms of the Fab domain, and solution studies further demonstrate that reversible self-association of infliximab is mediated by the Fab domain. The crystal structures and corresponding solution studies help rationalize the propensity for infliximab to self-associate and provide insights for the design of improved control strategies in biotherapeutics development.  相似文献   

B12-dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase catalyses the interchange of a hydrogen atom and the carbonyl-CoA group on adjacent carbons of methylmalonyl-CoA to give the rearranged product, succinyl-CoA. The first step in this reaction involves the transient generation of cofactor radicals by homolytic rupture of the cobalt-carbon bond to generate the deoxyadenosyl radical and cob(II)alamin. This step exhibits a curious sensitivity to isotopic substitution in the substrate, methylmalonyl-CoA, which has been interpreted as evidence for kinetic coupling. The magnitude of the isotopic discrimination is large and a deuterium isotope effect ranging from 35.6 at 20 degrees C to 49.9 at 5 degrees C has been recorded. Arrhenius analysis of the temperature dependence of this isotope effect provides evidence for quantum tunnelling in this hydrogen transfer step. The mechanistic complexity of the observed rate constant for cobalt-carbon bond homolysis together with the spectroscopically silent nature of many of the component steps limits the insights that can be derived by experimental approaches alone. Computational studies using a newly developed geometry optimization scheme that allows determination of the transition state in the full quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical coordinate space have yielded novel insights into the strategy deployed for labilizing the cobalt-carbon bond and poising the resulting deoxyadenosyl radical for subsequent hydrogen atom abstraction.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Limited to 2003-2004 publications, this review focuses on 'big picture' concepts learned from rat genetic studies of cardiovascular disease. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: Analysis reveals insights into pathogenic paradigms, as well as experimental perspectives into rat-based systems of analyses of complex cardiovascular disease. Key concepts are forwarded. Multiple susceptibility genes underlie several quantitative trait loci for blood pressure suggesting a 'quantitative trait loci cluster' concept; hypertension end-organ disease quantitative trait loci are distinct from blood pressure quantitative trait loci indicating differential susceptibility paradigms for hypertension and each complication (stroke, renal disease, cardiac hypertrophy); distinct blood pressure quantitative trait loci are found in males and females indicating gender-specific susceptibility; and genetic subtypes comprise polygenic hypertension in rat models suggesting a genetic basis for clinical heterogeneity of human essential hypertension. Gender specific genetic susceptibility plays a key role in coronary artery disease susceptibility; multiple distinct quantitative trait loci underlie hyperlipidemia and type-2 diabetes, indicating multiple susceptibilities in risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Studies in transgenic inbred rat-strain models demonstrate value for serial, complex, cardiovascular pathophysiological analyses within a genetic context. SUMMARY: Cognizant of the limitations of animal model studies, observations from rat genetic studies provide insight into respective modeled human cardiovascular diseases and risk factor susceptibility, as well as systematically dissect the multifaceted complexities apparent in human complex cardiovascular disease. Given the recapitulation of many features of human cardiovascular disease, the value of rat model-based genetic studies for complex cardiovascular disease is unequivocal, thus mandating the expansion of resources for maximization of rat-based genetic studies.  相似文献   

Domains are the building blocks of proteins and play a crucial role in protein-protein interactions. Here, we propose a new approach for the analysis and prediction of domain-domain interfaces. Our method, which relies on the representation of domains as residue-interacting networks, finds an optimal decomposition of domain structures into modules. The resulting modules comprise highly cooperative residues, which exhibit few connections with other modules. We found that non-overlapping binding sites in a domain, involved in different domain-domain interactions, are generally contained in different modules. This observation indicates that our modular decomposition is able to separate protein domains into regions with specialized functions. Our results show that modules with high modularity values identify binding site regions, demonstrating the predictive character of modularity. Furthermore, the combination of modularity with other characteristics, such as sequence conservation or surface patches, was found to improve our predictions. In an attempt to give a physical interpretation to the modular architecture of domains, we analyzed in detail six examples of protein domains with available experimental binding data. The modular configuration of the TEM1-beta-lactamase binding site illustrates the energetic independence of hotspots located in different modules and the cooperativity of those sited within the same modules. The energetic and structural cooperativity between intramodular residues is also clearly shown in the example of the chymotrypsin inhibitor, where non-binding site residues have a synergistic effect on binding. Interestingly, the binding site of the T cell receptor beta chain variable domain 2.1 is contained in one module, which includes structurally distant hot regions displaying positive cooperativity. These findings support the idea that modules possess certain functional and energetic independence. A modular organization of binding sites confers robustness and flexibility to the performance of the functional activity, and facilitates the evolution of protein interactions.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of plant genotype, soil type and nutrient use efficiency on the composition of different bacterial communities associated with rice roots were investigated. Thus, total bacteria, Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria, Pseudomonas and Actinobacteria were studied using PCR, followed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Rice genotype determined, to a large extent, the composition of the different bacterial communities across cultivars. Several cultivars belonging to Oryza sativa ssp. indica tended to select similar bacterial communities, whereas those belonging to subspecies japonica and aromatica selected ones with divergent community structures. An effect of soil type was pronounced for the Actinobacteria communities, while a small effect of 'improved' and 'traditional' plants was noted for all communities analyzed. A few dominant bands in PCR-DGGE, affiliated with Rhizobium radiobacter, Dickeya zeae, Mycobacterium bolletii and with members of the Rhizobiales, Rhodospirillaceae and Paenibacillaceae, were spread across cultivars. In contrast, a majority of bands (e.g. affiliated with Enterobacter cloacae or Burkholderia kururiensis) was only present in particular cultivars or was erratically distributed among rice replicates. These findings suggested that both bacterial adaptation and plant genotype contribute to the shaping of the dynamic bacterial communities associated with roots of rice plants.  相似文献   

Caesalpinia digyna (Rottl.) (Family: Fabaceae) is an essential medicinal plant for it's conventional uses against a kind of human disorders. This research aims to investigate the antidiarrheal, antibacterial and antifungal properties of the methanol extract of the stems extracts of the C. digyna (MECD). The in vivo antidiarrheal activity of the stem extracts were evaluated by using castor oil-induced diarrhea, castor oil-induced enteropooling and charcoal induced intestinal transit in mice model. Besides, in vitro antimicrobial potentiality of MECD was investigated by the disc diffusion method. In silico activity of the isolated compounds were performed by Schrödinger-Maestro (Version 11.1) software. In addition, The ADME/T analysis and PASS prediction were implemented by using pass online tools. In the antidiarrheal investigation, the MECD exhibited a notable inhibition rate in all test approaches which were statistically significant (p < 0.05, p < 0.1, p < 0.01). MECD 400 mg/kg showed the maximum antidiarrheal potency in all the test methods. In vitro antimicrobial analysis unveiled that, MECD revealed higher potentiality against almost all pathogens and indicates dose-dependent activity against almost all the bacteria and fungi. In the case of in silico evaluation of anti-diarrheal, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity, all three isolated compounds met the pre-conditions of Lipinski's five rules for drug discovery. Pass predicted study also employed for all compounds. However, The chemical constituents of the C. digyna can be a potent source of anti-diarrheal, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal medicine and further modification and simulation studies are required to establish the effectiveness of bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

正G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), also known as seven-transmembrane (7TM) receptors, are crucial components of numerous cellular signaling cascades. There are about 900 GPCRs in the human genome, making GPCRs the largest family of cell-surface receptors (Lappano and Maggiolini, 2011). GPCRs are classified into six classes based on sequence homology and functional similarity: rhodopsin-like receptors (Class A ), the secretin receptor family (Class B), metabotropic glutamate receptors (Class C), fungal mating pheromone receptors (Class D),  相似文献   

High levels of endogenous estrogens are associated with increased risks of breast cancer. Estrogen levels are mainly increased by the activity of the aromatase enzyme and reduced by oxidative/conjugative metabolic pathways. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time that catechol estrogen metabolites are potent aromatase inhibitors, thus establishing a link between aromatase activity and the processes involved in estrogen metabolism. In particular, the anti-aromatase activity of a set of natural hydroxyl and methoxyl estrogen metabolites was investigated using biochemical methods and subsequently compared with the anti-aromatase potency of estradiol and two reference aromatase inhibitors. Catechol estrogens proved to be strong inhibitors with an anti-aromatase potency two orders of magnitude higher than estradiol. A competitive inhibition mechanism was found for the most potent molecule, 2-hydroxyestradiol (2-OHE(2)) and a rational model identifying the interaction determinants of the metabolites with the enzyme is proposed based on ab initio quantum-mechanical calculations. A strong relationship between activity and electrostatic properties was found for catechol estrogens. Moreover, our results suggest that natural catechol estrogens may be involved in the control mechanisms of estrogen production.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependant Anion Channels, also known as mitochondrial porins, are pore-forming proteins located in the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) that, in addition to forming complexes with other proteins that localize to the MOM, also function as the main conduit for transporting metabolites between the cytoplasm and mitochondria. VDACs are encoded by a multi-member gene family, and the number of isoforms and specific functions of VDACs varies between species. Translating the well-described in vitro characteristics of the VDAC isoforms into in vivo functions has been a challenge, with the generation of animal models of VDAC deficiency providing much of the available information about isoform-specific roles in biology. Here, we review the approaches used to create these insect and mammalian animal models, and the conclusions reached by studying the consequences of loss of function mutations on the genetic, physiologic, and biochemical properties of the resulting models. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: VDAC structure, function, and regulation of mitochondrial metabolism.  相似文献   

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