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A method for preparing large membrane fragments and cell ghosts was developed for uninfected and Rous sarcoma virus-transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts in culture. Membrane proteins were analyzed by electrophoresis in acrylamide gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate. A major amino-acid-containing component of uninfected cell membranes was greatly diminished in amount or absent in membranes of virus-transformed cells. This component, called MP-1, had an electrophoretic mobility in sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing gels similar to that of a protein of a mol wt of 1.42 x 10(5). MP-1 was not altered by changes in cell growth rate or in cells infected with the nontransforming virus RAV-1.  相似文献   

The number of Rous viral genomes in the cellular DNA from two subclones (RS2/3, RS2/6) derived from the same clone of hamster BHK-21 cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus was determined by hybridization with viral complementary DNA made in vitro, and the capacity of the cellular DNA to infect (transfect) chicken embryo fibroblasts was compared before and after shearing this DNA to about the size of the provirus (6 x 10(6) to 7 x 10(6) daltons). The two subclones differed widely both in their capacity to give rise to virus (inducibility) after fusion with chicken embryo fibroblasts and in level of expression of viral proteins. It was shown that cells of both subclones contain a single copy of Rous DNA and yield infectious DNA. However, whereas transfection of chicken embryo fibroblasts was successful with both unsheared (>/=18 x 10(6) daltons) and sheared DNA from the most inducible subclone (RS2/3 subclone), which also expresses viral proteins to an appreciable amount, transfection with DNA from the least inducible subclone (RS2/6 subclone), in which viral proteins are not expressed, succeeded only with sheared DNA. It was then about as successful as with sheared or unsheared RS2/3 DNA. The lack of infectivity of unsheared RS2/6 DNA may be explained by the hypothesis proposed by Cooper and Temin (G. M. Cooper and H. T. Temin, J. Virol. 17:422-430, 1976) to explain the lack of infectivity of DNA from certain chicken cells producing spontaneously low amounts of RAV-0 and resistant to exogenous RAV-0 infection, that is, that the viral genome (proviral DNA) is linked to a cis-acting control element which blocks its expression. This linkage might originate, in RS2/6 cells, from translocation of cellular DNA containing the single proviral copy.  相似文献   

Rat cells transformed by the B77 strain of avian sarcoma virus produce no virus-like particles, yet B77 virus was rescued from these cells by Sendai virus-mediated fusion with chicken cells. This virus rescue was not affected by treatment of the chicken cells with agents that rendered the cells incapable of dividing, although such treatment greatly reduced the ability of the chicken cells to plate as infectious centers after infection with B77 virus. Fusion of R(B77) cells with chicken erythrocytes also led to virus rescue, although with less efficiency than fusion with chicken fibroblasts. Therefore, virus rescue was probably due to a factor or factors contributed by chicken cells which aid in virus production.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of two classes of revertants of Simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed 3T3 cells to retransformation by SV40 or murine sarcoma virus (MSV) was studied. Both serum-sensitive and density-sensitive revertants are not retransformable by SV40. MSV can transform both types of revertants. The MSV-transformed revertants grow to high cell densities and form colonies when suspended in semi-solid methylcellulose medium, but are unable to grow in 1% calf serum. The MSV-transformed revertants produce infectious MSV and murine leukemia virus and possess the same number of chromosomes as the untransformed revertants.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay has been developed for detection of avian C-type virus (30,000 mol wt) group-specific (gs) antigen. The method is 10- to 1,000-fold more sensitive than immunological methods previously available. By the radioimmunoassay technique, normal chicken embryo cells, which have previously been classified as gs negative or weakly gs positive, contain clearly detectable amounts of gs antigen. The assay has been used to study the effect of chemical induction and superinfection by mammalian C-type viruses on the expression of avian gs antigen in mammalian cells nonproductively transformed by avian sarcoma viruses.  相似文献   

Cultured cells of mammalian tumors induced by ribonucleic acid (RNA)-containing oncogenic viruses were examined for production of virus. The cell lines were established from tumors induced in rats and hamsters with either Rous sarcoma virus (Schmidt-Ruppin or Bryan strains) or murine sarcoma virus (Moloney strain). When culture fluids from each of the cell lines were examined for transforming activity or production of progeny virus, none of the cell lines was found to be infectious. However, electron microscopic examination of the various cell lines revealed the presence of particles in the rat cells transformed by either Rous sarcoma virus or murine sarcoma virus. These particles, morphologically similar to those associated with murine leukemias, were found both in the extracellular fluid concentrates and in whole-cell preparations. In the latter, they were seen budding from the cell membranes or lying in the intercellular spaces. No viruslike particles were seen in preparations from hamster tumors. Exposure of the rat cells to (3)H-uridine resulted in the appearance of labeled particles with densities in sucrose gradients typical of virus (1.16 g/ml.). RNA of high molecular weight was extracted from these particles, and double-labeling experiments showed that this RNA sedimented at the same rate as RNA extracted from Rous sarcoma virus. None of the hamster cell lines gave radioactive peaks in the virus density range, and no extractable high molecular weight RNA was found. These studies suggest that the murine sarcoma virus produces an infection analogous to certain "defective" strains of Rous sarcoma virus, in that particles produced by infected cells have a low efficiency of infection. The control of the host cell over the production and properties of the RNA-containing tumorigenic viruses is discussed.  相似文献   

Revertants of Kirsten sarcoma virus transformed nonproducer BALB/3T3 cells (KA31 cells) were isolated after exposing the transformed cells to 5-fluorodeoxyuridine at high cell density, or when suspended in methylcellulose. Revertants were also isolated by treating KA31 cells with the lectin, concanavalin A, which is manyfold more toxic to transformed cells than for normal cells. The revertants resemble BALB/3T3 cells in their morphology and growth characteristics in that they have a low saturation density, fail to grow in 1% calf serum or when suspended in methylcellulose, and cease to synthesize DNA after reaching their saturation density. Infection by murine leukemia virus rescues Kirsten sarcoma virus from only the concanavalin-A-selected variants, though all the revertants are susceptible to infection by leukemia virus. The concanavalin A revertants also become transformed after infection with murine leukemia virus. All the revertants can be transformed by Kirsten sarcoma virus but not by simian virus 40.  相似文献   

Viral-specific RNA has been purified by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography from sarcoma virus-transformed nonproducer cells. This RNA comprises approximately 3% of the purified RNA, as judged by RNA-DNA hybridization.  相似文献   

Rat liver cells in vitro were transformed with chicken sarcoma virus B77, giving RL(B77) cells, and with murine sarcoma virus (Harvey), giving RL(MSV) cells. Rat liver cells transformed spontaneously in vitro were designated RL cells. In addition, the RL(MSV) cell line was adapted for growth in culture fluid containing 25 mug of 5-bromodeoxyuridine per ml. All cell lines were tumorigenic in 1-wk-old rats. The number of cells needed for induction of tumor growth was 1,000-fold higher in the case of RL(B77) cells in comparison with RL(MSV) cells and RL cells. No production of viral particles from any of the cell lines investigated was detected by plating concentrated supernatant fluid of the cultures on different secondary embryo cells with and without fusion by Sendai virus, by labeling with uridine-5-(3)H, or by assay for deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase activity. The viral genome was rescued by fusion of RL(B77) cells with chicken cells. Chicken sarcoma virus rescued from (RL(B77) cells differed in plating efficiency on duck cells from B77 virus rescued from transformed rat embryo cells. No virus was rescued after fusion of RL(MSV) and RL cells with mouse, rat, or chicken embryo cells. Infectious murine sarcoma virus can be induced by 5-bromodeoxyuridine from RL(MSV) cells.  相似文献   

Enhancement of tumor induction by oncornaviruses through a dual viral infection has been described by several investigators. The mechanism(s) of this enhancement has not as yet been determined. By using a murine sarcoma virus and a Bunyawera group arbovirus (Guaroa virus) in an in vitro system, evidence was obtained for enhancement of the oncogenic potential of the viruses by genetic interaction with the nononcogenic virus as well as the production of increased amounts of the oncogenic virus. These results confirm and extend similar responses obtained in in vivo systems.  相似文献   

RCASBP-M2C is a retroviral vector derived from an avian sarcoma/leukosis virus which has been modified so that it uses the envelope gene from an amphotropic murine leukemia virus (E. V. Barsov and S. H. Hughes, J. Virol. 70:3922-3929, 1996). The vector replicates efficiently in avian cells and infects, but does not replicate in, mammalian cells. This makes the vector useful for gene delivery, mutagenesis, and other applications in mammalian systems. Here we describe the development of a derivative of RCASBP-M2C, pGT-GFP, that can be used in gene trap experiments in mammalian cells. The gene trap vector pGT-GFP contains a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene. Appropriate insertion of the vector into genes causes GFP expression; this facilitates the rapid enrichment and cloning of the trapped cells and provides an opportunity to select subpopulations of trapped cells based on the subcellular localization of GFP. With this vector, we have generated about 90 gene-trapped lines using D17 and NIH 3T3 cells. Five trapped NIH 3T3 lines were selected based on the distribution of GFP in cells. The cellular genes disrupted by viral integration have been identified in four of these lines by using a 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends protocol.  相似文献   

The cell culture lines HTG2 and HTG3 were established from a transplantable hamster tumor induced by a murine sarcoma virus (strain Gz-MSV) after 17 and 60 in vivo passages, respectively. The viruses released by these two cell lines markedly differ in morphology, antigenic composition, infectivity, transforming ability, and enzymatic activity. HTG2 virions contained the sarcoma genome but were noninfectious for mouse and hamster cells (S+H-virus). HTG3 virions transformed hamster but not mouse cells. Whereas HTG2 cells and its virus contained murine type C virus gs-1 antigen, all HTG3 clonal lines expressed both murine and hamster type C virus gs-1 antigens. The RNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity of HTG2 virus was very low, whereas that of HTG3 virus was relatively high. HTG2 virions contained electron-lucent centers only. HTG3 virus consisted of the expected mixture of virions with electron-dense and electron-lucent centers. Many broken or incomplete virions were present in both viruses. HTG2 virus is a noninfectious "defective" sarcoma virus without detectable helper virus. Data obtained in these experiments suggest that HTG3 virus is a hamster type C virus pseudotype of Gz-MSV (Gz-MSV [HaLV]). The genome of Gz-MSV is capable of antigenic expression in heterologous cells and in the presence of heterologous viruses. Attempts to chemically activate hamster type C virus (HaLV) from HTG2 cells were unsuccessful. The HTG1 cell culture line, established from another Gz-MSV-induced hamster tumor, initially released a virus indistinguishable from the HTG2 virus. After in vitro passage, spontaneous activation of HaLV occurred in HTG1 cells, and the resultant Gz-MSV (HaLV) had properties similar to those of the HTG3 virus.  相似文献   

A continuous cell line of highly contact-inhibited cells (NIH/3T3) has been developed from NIH Swiss mouse embryo cultures. Its growth properties are similar to those of 3T3 and BALB/3T3. Although 3T3 is relatively insensitive to focus formation by murine sarcoma viruses, cloned lines of both NIH/3T3 and BALB/3T3 have been isolated that are highly sensitive to sarcoma virus focus formation and leukemia virus growth. The sensitivity and specificity are comparable to those found with primary embryo cells. MSV-transformed lines of NIH/3T3 have been obtained.  相似文献   

Normal rat kidney (NRK) fibroblasts were infected with the Schmidt-Ruppin strain (SR-D) of avian sarcoma virus (ASV) and cloned 20 h after infection without selection for the transformed phenotype. Most infected clones initially exhibited the flat, nontransformed morphology that is characteristic of uninfected NRK cells. In long-term culture, however, the majority of the SR-D NRK clones began segregating typical ASV-transformed cells. Transforming ASV could be rescued by fusion with chicken embryo fibroblasts from most of the infected clones tested. Three predominantly flat, independently infected clones were further analyzed by subcloning 8 to 10 weeks after infection. Most flat progeny subclones derived at random from two of these "parental" SR-D NRK clonal lines did not yield virus upon fusion with chicken embryo fibroblasts, although a nondefective transforming ASV was repeatedly recovered from the parental clones. This observation suggested that most, but not all, daughter cells in these SR-D NRK clones lost the ASV provirus after cloning. The progeny of the third independent parental cell clone, c17, gave rise to both flat and transformed subclones that carried ASV. In this case, ASV recovery by fusion and transfection from the progeny subclones was equally efficient regardless of the transformation phenotype of the cells. The 60,000-dalton phosphoprotein product of the ASV src gene was, however, expressed at high level only in the transformed variants. The results of a Luria-Delbruck fluctuation analysis and of Newcombe's respreading test indicated that the event leading to the spontaneous conversion to the transformed state occurred at random in dividing cultures of these flat ASV NRK cells at a rate predicted for somatic mutation.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses have defined a single gene (src) as that portion of the avian sarcoma virus (ASV) genome which encodes the protein directly responsible for ASV-induced neoplastic transformation. We have recently identified the polypeptide product of the src gene of the Schmidt-Ruppin (SR) strain of ASV, a 60,000-dalton phosphoprotein designated pp60(src), and have further determined that pp60(src) acts as a protein kinase. Essential to the identification and characterization of the pp60(src) protein of SR-ASV was the use of serum (TBR serum) from rabbits bearing SR-ASV-induced tumors. TBR serum was, however, strain specific, recognizing pp60(src) from SR-ASV-transformed cells only. We report here that sera from marmosets bearing tumors induced by the Bryan or SR strains of ASV (TBM sera) contain antibody which precipitates the transforming gene product from cells transformed by the SR, Bryan, Prague, or Bratislava strains of ASV. In contrast, rabbits bearing tumors induced by either the Bratislava or Bryan strains of ASV, or hamsters with SR-ASV-induced tumors did not produce antibody to pp60(src) from any strain of ASV. The 60,000-dalton polypeptides immunoprecipitated with TBM serum from cells transformed by each of the above virus strains are phosphoproteins. One-dimensional peptide mapping by limited proteolysis revealed that the pp60(src) proteins are structurally very similar, but not identical. Furthermore, all of the viral pp60(src) proteins have an associated phosphotransferase activity. In addition to detecting the viral src proteins, TBM serum was able to immunoprecipitate an antigenically related protein from normal uninfected avian cells.  相似文献   

The 8303 hamster tumor cells transformed by Moloney strain of murine sarcoma virus (M-MSV), but which do not produce virus, do contain murine virus-induced proteins. The virus-induced proteins within the cell were identified either as free proteins or in association with membranous material, including the plasma membrane. In addition, some were excreted by the 8303 hamster tumor cells into the growth medium. Most virus-induced proteins were larger than 68,000 daltons, and they did not dissociate into components of smaller size in the presence of detergent and a reducing agent. A small amount of virus-induced protein with a molecular weight of less than 20,000 was also found in the hamster tumor cells. No virus-specific proteins with the identical antigenic specificity or size of the major internal group specific antigen (molecular weight about 30,000) of the murine leukemia viruses were present in these cells. There is a common cell surface antigen present in three other tumor cell lines, both virus-producing and non-virus-producing, identical in reactivity to that of the murine virus-induced antigen of the 8303 hamster tumor cell. This antigen is not present on the cell surface of normal mouse embryo cells.  相似文献   



Human and rat salivary gland cell lines derived from tumors or genetic modification are currently available for research. Here, we attempted to culture and characterize long-term cultured cells spontaneously derived from wild type murine submandibular glands (SGs).


SGs were removed from 3-week-old C57B/6J female mice and dissociated by collagenase type 1 and hyaluronidase digestion. Isolated SG epithelial cells were cultured in low calcium, serum-free growth media in the presence of cholera toxin (CT) during early passages. Single-cell colonies were isolated by limiting dilution culture after 25 passages. Early- and late-stage cell cultures were characterized for keratin 14, keratin 18, α-smooth muscle actin, and p63 by immunostaining and quantitative real-time PCR analysis.


SG epithelial cells cultured in optimized media maintained their proliferative ability and morphology for over 80 passages. Long-term cultured cells expressed keratin 14, keratin 18, and p63, indicative of an epithelial phenotype.


Epithelial cells originating from wild type murine SGs could be cultured for longer periods of time and remain phenotypically similar to ductal basal epithelium.  相似文献   

The size and quantity of virus-specific RNA in five non-virus-producing mouse cells transformed by the Moloney isolate of murine sarcoma virus (MSV) was determined. Hybridization of RNA from transformed cells with the [(3)H]DNA product of the RNA-directed DNA polymerase of the murine sarcoma-leukemia virus was used to detect and quantitate virus-specific RNA. The amount of virus-specific RNA in non-virus-producing cells was less than one-sixth of that found in virus-producing cells. A striking correlation was found between the amount of intracellular virus-specific RNA and the degree of agglutination by conconavalin A previously reported for the four non-virus-producing NIH/3T3 cell lines (Salzberg and Green, 1974). A major RNA subunit sedimenting at 26 to 28S was detected in all five MSV-transformed non-virus-producing cells. This could represent the RNA genome of defective MSV.  相似文献   

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