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对分布于我国的3种姬蛙:饰纹姬蛙Microhyla ornata、粗皮姬蛙M. butleri和小弧斑姬蛙M. heymonsi的骨骼系统进行了比较研究.研究发现这3种蛙的第8椎体皆为双凹型,属参差型椎体;左、右上喙软骨在中线处愈合,属典型的固胸型肩带;3种姬蛙的前喙骨、锁骨以及前胸骨都不同程度地退化甚至缺失;后胸骨保留较为完整,并且3种姬蛙的后胸骨有较为明显的差异.对姬蛙科中相关的成员进行了简单比较.  相似文献   

杨棋  刘绍龙  吴贯夫 《四川动物》2008,27(3):412-416
研究了中国林蛙Rana chensinensis的骨骼系统,对各部分的形态结构进行了详细的描述.鼻骨与已报道的粗皮蛙和泽蛙有所不同;鼻腔骨的形状与粗皮蛙差异极大,而与泽蛙较为接近;第8椎体双凹型,属典型的参差型脊柱;肩胸骨的基部无分叉,也无缺刻,与泽蛙和粗皮蛙不相同,上胸骨较粗皮蛙大,形状与泽蛙有差异.肩带为固胸型.  相似文献   

对太行隆肛蛙的骨骼系统进行了详细的观察和描述:鼻骨较大,蝶筛骨在背而部分显露,额顶骨前后几等宽,前耳骨大.舌骨体宽明显大于长.上胸软骨小于剑胸软骨,肩胸骨基部不分叉,与中胸骨几等长,剑胸软骨呈扇形状,后端有缺刻.第8椎体为舣凹型椎体,肩带固胸型.  相似文献   

大凉疣螈的骨骼系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了大凉疣螈 Tylototriton taliangensis 的骨骼系统,对各部分的形态结构进行了详细的描述.胸骨、喙骨、耻骨的形状与已报道的贵州疣螈 Tylototriton kweichowensis 不同;腕骨、跗骨数目存在个体差异;前颌骨、鼻突等与无斑肥螈、尾斑瘰螈的亦不相同.  相似文献   

粗皮蛙的骨骼系统   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
吴贯夫  赵蕙 《四川动物》2006,25(2):218-222,I0001
详细记述了我国产粗皮蛙Rana rugosa Temmict et Schegel全套骨骼形态结构特征。第8椎体双凹椎amphicoelous vertebra,属于典型的参差型脊柱DIPLASIOCOELA Noble;肩带固胸型Firmisternia,肩胸骨基部正中央缺刻或深或浅;蝶筛骨前截背面暴露区向前延伸至与鼻骨相对的水平位。在个体间并不一致,可能与年龄变化相关而呈递增的趋势。本文首次描述了位于鼻腔软骨囊外侧边缘上镶嵌的一小骨块,目前文献上尚未查到该骨块的命名及有关功能、适应的记载,为便于叙述起见,暂称“鼻腔骨”加以描述。  相似文献   

温晓敏  吴贯夫  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2005,24(4):459-462,F0003
对倭蛙属(Nanorana)已知3种:高山倭蛙(Nanorana parkeri)、倭蛙(N. pleskei)和腹斑倭蛙(N. ventripunctata)的肩带作了连续切片后进行Masson染色,发现其上喙骨(epicoracoid)的融合与重叠的状况与虎纹蛙(Rana rugulosa)较相似,而与无尾目中其它物种已知的肩带形态存在较大的差异.倭蛙属和虎纹蛙等与已知肩带类型的蛙亚科其它的物种在系统进化中可能来源于不同的最近共同祖先.  相似文献   

秃鹫骨骼的解剖学特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对秃鹫(aegypius monachus)骨骼进行了详细的观察、描述和功能分析.结果表明,其头骨较宽;上喙粗长、前端近垂直下弯;前额骨游离,眶突发达;龙骨突不发达;叉骨呈"U"形,叉骨头膨大、具发达的叉骨,乌喙骨关节面;前肢骨明显长于后肢骨;第一掌骨伸肌突发达;跗跖骨前后宽扁,跗后跟嵴短;足部近端趾节略长于远端趾节.这些特征与秃鹫的取食方法与偏好及飞行与栖息特点密切相关.  相似文献   

青海沙蜥红原亚种的骨骼系统解剖及分类意义探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用透明骨骼染色法,观测到了青海沙蜥红原亚种雌体比较完整的骨骼系统,为沙蜥属的分类及演化提供骨骼方面的资料.其特征是高颅型头骨,眼窝完整;颈椎8枚,躯椎13枚,荐椎2枚,尾椎多于21枚.我们第1次详细描述了眶间隔,鼻甲软骨,耳柱骨软骨部分等结构,并且在硬骨系统中也对以往的沙蜥骨骼系统有所补充:在前肢肱骨与尺骨间的韧带内,存在1块小骨,这块骨对应于后肢髌骨的位置,我们暂时称之为肘骨.在前肢腕骨与掌骨的腹面,有1块平面方形的骨骼,位于连接腕骨与各掌骨的韧带中间,我们暂时称之为垫骨.  相似文献   

解剖研究了织金瘰螈Paramesotriton zhijinensis骨骼系统的形态结构,对各骨块的形状、位置及与邻近骨块的关系进行了描述,为研究瘰螈属的分类、演化及动物实验提供基础资料.  相似文献   

小动物是鲫鱼、蛙、蜡除、蛇、家鸽、白鼠、小兔(小于1000g)等,这些小动物的骨骼比较细小脆弱,在制作过程中容易脱落或断裂,不易串接复位。介绍一种简便易行快速的制作方法。问川。动物的处理用放血的方法杀死动物,剥皮去脏,(注意;切勿损伤骨骼)剪除大块肌肉(各关节囊保留,不得剪断),在较大的骨块两端钻出通孔,再用注射器吸水冲洗出骨髓。(2)用氢氧化钾(K()H)腐蚀肌肉与脱脂先用0·5/~1%K()H水溶液浸泡骨骼3~4天,取出骨骼用水冲洗后,剪去较大块的肉(关节囊不剪)。换新的O·5%~1%KOll液再浸泡脱脂4~5…  相似文献   

对摩拉水牛头骨形态特征进行研究,并对2例(1,4号)摩拉水牛头骨的顶间骨进行研究,与2例(2,3号)江汉水牛头骨的顶间骨进行形态特征比较,结果表明摩拉水牛顶间骨发达,是由完整的对骨组成.该研究进一步论证了摩拉水牛头骨的顶间骨形态结构与江汉水牛头骨的顶间骨之间存在很明显差异,摩拉水牛顶间骨比江汉水牛的顶间骨发达.  相似文献   

An os trigonum is a small, round bone situated just behind the ankle joint. Clinical research shows that the os trigonum is present in about 5-15 % of normal feet. It occurs when one part of the bone does not fuse with the rest of the talus during growth. The present study is made on the skeletons, which were found in the Karagündiiz, Dilkaya and Van Kalesi-Eski Van Sehri settlements, Van province, Anatolia, dated in the Middle Ages. In this study 228 skeletons were examined, 120 males and 108 females. 376 tall were studied: 227 from Karagiindtiz, 93 from Dilkaya, and 56 from Van Kalesi-Eski Van Sehri. The percentage of the os trigonum syndrome was recorded as 6.6 %.  相似文献   

The development of the os penis in normal male rats and the os clitoridis in the females treated with testosterone were studied histologically and histochemically. Alcian blue-positive materials, alkaline phosphatase activities and calcium deposit were detected. The os penis of the rats was composed of a proximal segment and a distal one. The proximal segment of the os penis was formed by the fusion of a membrane bone in its distal half and an ossifying hyaline cartilage in its proximal half. The distal segment of the os penis developed as a fibrocartilage bone.
Two steps were demonstrated in the development of the os penis: the formation of the rudiments, and the differentiation of the proximal and distal segments. The treatment of newborn females with testosterone induced an os clitoridis homologous to the proximal segment of the os penis. The development of the os clitoridis was compared with that of the os penis.  相似文献   

The human temporal bone includes an upper and a lower allostotic component, which are referred to, respectively, as the pars squamosa and pars tympanica in the adult and as the os squamosum and os tympanicum in the fetus. The consensus is that the former is descended from a cheek bone and the latter from a jaw bone in piscine osleolepipods. However, no corroborating evidence supports this view. It is concluded here that both these allostotic components of the human temporal bone derive from spiracular allostoses, except for the zygomatic process of the pars squamosa, this being a cheek allostosis that has been secondarily united with the squama. This is the first recognition of erstwhile spiracular allostoses in tetrapods. These conclusions challenge the widely accepted Reichert-Gaupp theory as well as the oft-alleged monophyletic status of the mammals and their derivation from therapsid reptiles.  相似文献   

Preliminary investigation has indicated that the use of the ventral arc, subpubic concavity, and medial aspect of the ischio-pubic ramus as sexing criteria allows one to sex the os pubis with an accuracy in excess of 95%. The method described here is simple and objective enough to allow the beginning researcher to sex hip bones accurately while requiring the presence of only a small fragment of the bone.  相似文献   

The ventral arc is a ridge of bone which may occur on the ventral surface of the corpus of the os pubis in adult females. Recently, this feature of the human public bone has regained attention as being of value in ascribing sex. The ventral arc should not be confused with a somewhat similar crest that can occur in adult males, which is characterized by a different position and configuration than that of the ventral arc. The corpus is the site of both muscular and ligamentous attachments. The tissues correlated with adult bony morphology and its development in females and males during growth are described. The primary research question addresses the factors involved in the determination of bony differences between the sexes. Sexual dimorphism in bony features of the ventral aspect of the human os pubis relates to muscular origin and to differential growth patterns between males and females.  相似文献   

四川资阳人遗址因人类头骨化石的发现而备受关注,但该遗址1951年出土的唯一一件有机质工具——骨锥却鲜被提及。该骨锥长度约为10 cm,距今超过7500年。本文利用体视显微镜、扫描电镜能谱和激光元素仪等技术手段,对这件骨锥的形态、原料选择、制作技术、使用与废弃过程及锥尖部的红色残留物进行了观察分析。研究结果显示,骨锥的制作原料取自大型鹿类胫骨骨干;主要采用刮削技术制作而成,但刮削痕迹并不规整,推测制作者更侧重器型的规整和对称;锥尖部的磨圆、抛光和横向擦痕可能是穿孔过程中产生的,其工作对象主要应为兽皮等软性材料。值得注意的是,锥尖部还发现有赭石粉末残余,表明当时的人类已经掌握了利用赭石处理皮毛及缝制衣物的技术。资阳骨锥应是中国史前规范骨器中一器多用的典型例证,也是中国首次发现的沾染赭石的有机质工具。  相似文献   

A Vilmann  H Vilmann 《Acta anatomica》1983,117(2):136-144
Histomorphological and histochemical aspects of the proximal cartilage of os penis and its surrounding perichondrium in 60 rats aged between 1 and 100 days are described. Comparisons at 11-14 days with the mandibular condylar cartilage reveal a slight difference in their general morphological composition. The developmental changes which take place in the os penis cartilage reveal histomorphologic events, some of which may be brought into agreement with previous observations of patterns of transformations of the bone. Observations on an age-dependent morphological appearance of the area adjacent to the proximal surface of the cartilage suggest certain agreements between the mandibular angular cartilage and the os penis cartilage. The study of phosphomonoesterases in the os penis cartilage and its perichondrium reveals significant, unexplained differences in the distribution of alkaline phosphatase between this cartilage and the mandibular condylar cartilage.  相似文献   

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