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Mini-CEX 在住院医师培养中的应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住院医师培养制度现已逐步在中国各城市开始实施,住院医师培养最主要的目标是培养临床能力合格的医师。对住院医师临床能力的评估,最好的方式应该是在临床的实践工作中的给予评估。Mini-CEX(Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise)是在传统的CEX基础上,发展出的一套用来评估住院医师临床技能并具有教学功能的测评工具,包括观察和评价住院医师的知识、技能、态度和主治医师的适时反馈。Mini-CEX为一种迷你型的多次重点式评估,在门诊、急诊或住院等临床例行工作中均可以开展,具备相当可靠的信效度和极好的便利性。Mini-CEX具有一个参与双方的信息及时反馈。应用Mini-CEX能增强评估的科学性,并能促进学习和培训。Mini-CEX作为目前医学教育体系中应用最广泛的一种评估手段之一,受到了国内外医学教育工作者的关注,并开始逐渐引入我国。Mini-CEX将在中国住院医师培养制度中发挥非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

卢东红  李其斌 《蛇志》2011,23(3):327-329
循证医学(Evidense—based medicine,EBM)是一门新兴临床学科,著名流行病学专家David Sackett教授将循证医学定义为:慎重、准确和明智地应用能获得的最好研究依据来确定患者的治疗措施。其实质就是医生诊治患者的一个过程,是精益求精地认识疾病的本质,从而去寻求最佳证据,并联系的实际情况,取得最佳治疗效果。循征医学的3个基本要素是临床医生的个人专业技能、最好的科学证据、患者的价值和愿望。  相似文献   

目的:通过对比研究PBL(Problem-Based Learning)教学方法及LBL教学方法的特点,探索和总结PBL教学方法的特点,在老年医学科第一阶段住院医师规范化培训中的应用体会和效果评价。方法:将入老年医学科进行临床轮转的第一阶段住院医师30名,随机分为观察组(N=15)和对照组(N=15)。观察组采用PBL模式进行教学培训,对照组采用传统教学法(LBL),通过临床技能及理论知识考评、问卷形式评价及自我评价等方式来评估教学效果。结果:PBL教学组无论是笔试成绩还是问诊成绩均优于LBL组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);PBL教学组的课堂满意度明显优于LBL组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);两组培训医师对学习过程中的自我评价显示,PBL组培训医师对4个自我测评项目的结果显示均明显高于LBL组,具有显著性统计学差异(P0.01或0.05)。结论:PBL教学法有助于提高老年医学科住院医师的临床水平,有利于住院医师规范化培训的体系建设。  相似文献   

2015年,我国将在全国范围内全面启动住院医师规范化培训,针对规范化培训的教学改革引起了学者的广泛关注。随着现代信息技术的不断发展,"微课"这一新的教学模式在现代教学活动中的发挥的作用越来越突出,其短时有效的教学内容能快捷、方便、反复的获取,提高了学生学习效率和学习质量。依托规范化培训基地,将"微课"融入住院医师规范化培训,通过微视频、动漫、3D模型等方式,直观形象向住院医师讲解疾病及诊疗操作相关内容,并让住院医师参与"微课"设计、制作、学习的整个过程,能够提高住院医师规范化培训的效果、缓解医患矛盾、丰富医学大数据。本文就"微课"在住院医师规范化培训中的几点想法与同行共享。  相似文献   

目的 调查分析医院开展住院医师规范化培训现状。方法 选取2011—2013年进入医院住院医师规范化培训基地的住院医师,采用现场发放调查问卷方法进行无记名调查分析。将调查内容分为报名招录、轮转培训、各类考核、组织管理和其他板块。结果 96.7%认为医院招录过程合理或基本合理,92.6%认为培训计划制定具有一定的合理性,90.1%住院医师能够按照规定完成培训内容,各类考核内容基本能够反映住院医师的培训水平。在众多培训期间存在困难中,依次为收入偏低、个人婚恋生育计划难以实施以及工作和学习压力过大。结论 住院医师基本认同目前医院的培训管理制度和方法,逐步提高住院医师薪酬待遇,有效疏导培训压力和加强师资队伍建设是提高住院医师培训积极性和培训质量的保证。  相似文献   

郑林丰  张贵祥 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7135-7138
住院医师培训是国、内外公认的医师成长必由之路。2010年上海市实施新形势下的住院医师规范化培训,医学影像科作为独立的学科进行住院医师规范化培训,如何在新的体制下构建医学影像科住院医师规范化培训模式面临新的挑战。本文针对医学影像科的特点,从我院医学影像科住院基地的概况、生源构成及培训的初步经验进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的:探究三甲综合医院住院医师职业倦怠的发生现状及其影响因素,为预防三甲综合医院住院医师发生职业倦怠提供依据。方法:选择三甲综合医院各临床住院医师218名为研究对象,采用问卷调查住院医师性别、年龄、文化程度、职务、婚姻状况、职称、工作时间、编制及身体健康情况等基线资料及职业倦怠程度,采用logistics回归分析住院医师职业倦怠的影响因素。结果:218例三甲住院医师中119例人(54.59%)发生职业倦怠,其中轻度倦怠者60人(27.52%),中度倦怠者49人(22.48%),重度倦怠者10人(4.59%);身体健康状况一般、差(OR=1.547,5.342;P0.05)是住院医师发生职业倦怠的危险因素,职称为初级、中级、副高及以上(OR=0.893,0.827,0.736;P0.05)是住院医师发生职业倦怠的保护因素。结论:三甲住院医师职业倦怠发生的现状不容乐观,无编制、身体健康状况一般、差是住院医师发生职业倦怠的危险因素,职称为初级、中级、副高及以上是住院医师发生职业倦怠的保护因素。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是培养具有独立执业能力和高超临床技能的专业医学人才的重要环节。通过对3年来口腔颌面外科住院医师规范化培训教学工作经验的总结,根据现代医学素质教育理念,结合口腔颌面外科的学科特点,探讨更加适合口腔住院医师规范化受训人员的教学方法,以促进受训住院医师临床实践综合能力的提高。我们在规范化培训中按纲施训,从转变临床思维模式、强调学习自主性、加强临床基本技能训练、注重人文思想的渗透等多方面入手,针对临床实践中的薄弱环节进行培训,为培养高素质医学人才奠定了基础,取得了教与培的满意效果。  相似文献   

目的 梳理我国住院医师规范化培训存在的问题,借鉴国际经验,提出相关政策建议。方法 对现阶段我国住院医师规范化培训存在问题和典型国家住院医师培训开展文献调研和专家咨询。结果 我国 住院医师规范化培训存在管理制度不完善,培训过程和内容不合理,考核制度不健全,动员机制不顺畅等问题。结论 根据 国际经验,提出厘清各部门分工,充分发挥行业组织的桥梁和纽带作用;加强顶层设计和政策配套,保障培训制度的落实;拓宽培养内容,加强学员考核,提高培养质量等政策建议。  相似文献   

通过对比中英两国“注册前住院医师”临床执业现状,从培养模式、医师资格获取的时间点、临床执业资质以及执业法律环境等多个角度,分析两国“注册前住院医师”临床执业的不同之处,在借鉴英国经验的基础上提出相关建议,旨在解决我国“注册前住院医师”临床执业中的现存问题,保障“注册前住院医师”临床执业的合法性。  相似文献   

始于2010年的上海市住院医师规范化培训模式是我国新的医师培养模式,经历3年的实践及完善,从制度及培训基地建设与管理、培训模式及教学经验等方面均取得了可喜的成绩。鉴于放射科住院医师在一定程度上的特殊性,本文以我院放射科基地为例,从基地医师的教育及知识背景、后续的继续教育及职业规划等方面对编写上海市医学影像科(放射科)住院医师规范化培训教材的必要性及可行性进行了分析与探讨,然后对编写此教材的定位、知识体系、参编人员构成、教材编写中的注意事项等提出了具体的看法并进行了初步探讨,供各基地教学实施过程中借鉴,共同推动上海市医学影像科(放射科)住院医师规范化工作,提高医学影像学(放射科)规范化培训医师的整体水平。  相似文献   

通过对临床专业学位研究生培养与住院/专科医师培训模式的比较研究,尝试对两者进行同一化管理,将利于量化临床型研究生临床能力培养情况,提高招生吸引力,利于挑选优秀临床型研究生,与住院医师规范化培训对象招录工作相衔接。  相似文献   

D. G. Fish 《CMAJ》1966,94(15):800-805
In the view of residents in their last year of specialty training, the Fellowship is now becoming the operative standard for obtaining hospital privileges in urban centres and they felt that this implied that the two standards, the Certificate and the Fellowship of the Royal College, were not achieving the purpose for which they were designed. Although 80% of the residents intended to write the Fellowship, few viewed a year in a basic science department or in research as of intrinsic value in terms of their future practice.The examinations of the Royal College were the subject of criticism, most residents feeling that the examinations did not test the knowledge and ability gained in training. Most expressed a desire for ongoing evaluation during the training period.Service responsibilities were generally regarded as too heavy.Despite the criticism of both training and examination, most residents felt that their training had provided them with the experience and background they needed to practise as specialists.  相似文献   

住院医师培训是医学教育中重要环节之一,是提高临床医疗水平的关键。因此,如何探索科学、合理的住院医师培养方案,已成为临床医学教育探索的重要课题。本文对肝胆外科住院医师规范化培训的实践进行了总结分析,希望对提高肝胆外科住院医师规范化培训效果起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

There is a great demand for a formal training programme for tissue bank technologists not only for the Asia Pacific Region but also for technologists in other regions including Latin America and Africa. To meet this need, National University Hospital (NUH) Tissue Bank was established as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)/National University of Singapore (NUS) Regional Training Centre for training tissue bank operators in the Asia Pacific Region (Regional co-operative Agreement, RCA) in November 1997. The training centre conducts a one-year distance learning Diploma in Tissue Banking offered by the NUS. The syllabus for the Diploma Course included the multi-media IAEA curriculum on tissue banking. The first Diploma Course has been successfully completed in October 1998. Twelve students convocated, 4 with Distinction, 5 with Credit and 3 with Pass. Sixteen candidates from the Asia Pacific Region registered for the Second Diploma Course in April 1999. This second batch will be due to sit for their Diploma Examination in April 2000. With the increasing popularity of this Diploma Course, the third batch of students which will be registered in April 2000, will include technologists not only from Asia Pacific Region but also from other regions including Africa.  相似文献   

Ghana, a developing country in West Africa, has major medical burdens in taking care of a large population with limited resources. Its three medical schools produce more than 200 graduates per year, but most emigrate to developed lands after training. Ghana is working to educate and retain locally trained physicians, but it is difficult to get them to work in rural settings where the need is greatest. This article details the establishment of a General Medicine residency at a 150-bed hospital in rural Ghana. Early training comprises 6 months each in Medicine, Surgery, OB/GYN, and Pediatrics; the hospital in Techiman also has a Surgery residency. House officers choose the program for more hands-on experience than they can get in larger centers. They perform many tasks, including surgery, sooner and more independently than do residents in developed countries. The training program includes a morning report, clinical teaching rounds, and rotations on in-patient wards and in the Emergency Department and clinics. Teaching focuses on history, physical examination, good communication, and proper follow-up, with rigorous training in the OR and some clinical research projects pertinent to Ghana. Trainees work hard and learn from one another, from a dedicated faculty, and by evaluating and treating very sick patients. Ghana’s rural residencies offer rigorous and attractive training, but it is too soon to tell whether this will help stem the “brain drain” of young physicians out of West Africa.  相似文献   

为培养学生的岗位职业能力,实现与岗位零对接,基因工程综合实训以工作任务为线索确定教学内容,以产品生产流程为载体设计教学过程,以职业能力为依据改革教学方法,以发展性评价为手段,强化技能形成。实践证明,"基因工程综合实训"教学改革,有利于培养学生的动手能力和实践创新能力,有利于促进以职业能力培养为核心的教育。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the response to non-tackle and tackle field-based training on upper- and lower-limb neuromuscular function in elite rugby union players. Nine elite senior elite rugby union players (mean age = 21 ± 2 years; height = 184 ± 7 cm; body mass 91.0 ± 9 kg) were evaluated before and immediately following 17 training sessions. A total of 306 assessments were performed. Data on neuromuscular function of plyometric push-up and countermovement jump were calculated from force signals using inverse dynamics. The change from pre- to post-session was investigated across non-tackle and tackle training using a linear mixed model. Considering upper-limb neuromuscular function, peak concentric power [P = 0.024; ES = 0.33 95%CI (0.04, 0.62)] was significantly lower after tackle compared to non-tackle training. In addition, peak countermovement jump eccentric power was significantly lower after non-tackle compared to tackle training [P = 0.044; ES = -0.4 95%CI (-0.69, -0.1)] in lower-limb neuromuscular function. Overall, the results indicated that the type of training influences upper- and lower-limb neuromuscular function differently immediately after training. Indeed, due to physical contact, the upper-body neuromuscular function increased during tackle training. In contrast, lower-body neuromuscular function emerged only in non-tackle training, due to the greater distance covered during this type of training session. Coaches and practitioners should plan adequate weekly training sessions according to this information.  相似文献   

研究型医院是指以完成临床医疗工作为基本任务,以培养优秀人才为突出优势,以创新性科学研究为重要使命,以制定和修定临床医学标准和规范为水平标志的大型综合型医院。其是我国医院管理界的新生事物。要走研究型医院快速、持续发展之路,提高医院的整体诊治水平,就必须大力培育复合型人才。研究生培养作为研究型医院优秀人才培养的重要组成部分,在培养过程中必然需要新的培养方式。建立与研究型医院发展相适应的研究生培养机制,诱导研究生国际视野,培养研究生创新意识,激发研究生求知欲望,训练研究生专项特长,树立研究生转化医学思维,才能培养出适应研究型医院发展需要的研究生。本文就研究型医院研究生培养的几点想法与同行共享。  相似文献   

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