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在艾滋病实验用猴动物实验中,兽医管理起着重要性的作用,包括实验用猴的挑选和质量控制,动物健康档案的建立和记录,兽医护理,麻醉药物和药品的管理和正确使用,实验期间的实验用猴疾病的预防和治疗,以及动物福利计划。  相似文献   

目的促进实验猕猴心理康乐,既能减少动物异常行为的发生、获得可靠的科学数据,同时也是实现这一珍贵非人灵长类实验动物福利的重要内容。实验猕猴社会化集群、环境优化、婴猴饲养方式是影响动物心理康乐几个较大的因素,本文对其研究进展进行了综述,对推进我国灵长类实验动物福利具有积极作用。  相似文献   

为建立实验猕猴被毛氨基酸含量的参考数据和对猕猴饲料氨基酸配比的筛选提供实验基础数据,挑选不同生活环境的猕猴共30只,即笼养猴10只、半自然圈养(猴园)猴10只、野外猴10只,用氨基酸自动分析仪测定其被毛氨基酸的含量.分析结果表明,按不同生活环境分组,猕猴被毛的脯氨酸、缬氨酸、氨和精氨酸以及胱氨酸的含量是人工饲养猴(包括笼养猴和猴园猴)低于野外猴(P<0.01),被毛赖氨酸、组氨酸和氨基酸总量含量是野外猴高于笼养猴(P<0.05)和猴园猴(P<0.01);按性别分组,只有雄性猴的被毛苏氨酸和组氨酸的含量高于雌性猴(JP<0.05),其余氨基酸均无差异(P>0.05).因此,影响猕猴被毛大部分氨基酸含量的因素不仅是食物相应氨基酸的含量,生活环境也有很大的影响;性别因素对猕猴被毛的大部分氨基酸的含量是没有影响的.  相似文献   

猴痘(monkeypox)是由猴痘病毒感染所致的人兽共患病,主要发生在非洲中部、西部地区。猴痘病毒可感染多种哺乳类动物,主要在动物中流行,人接触感染动物后可被传染。猴痘的临床表现与天花相似(发热、皮疹等),但症状较轻。天花疫苗接种可提供预防猴痘的免疫保护力。然而,因全球天花被消灭而停止接种天花疫苗后,猴痘成为最可能威胁人类的正痘病毒性疾病。近期,其散发病例在欧洲多地出现。2022年5月7日英国报道了猴痘疫情。随后,欧洲报道猴痘确诊和疑似病例超过100例。猴痘主要传播途径包括接触感染动物、与患者直接接触或间接接触。2022年5月20日,世界卫生组织就此次猴痘疫情召开了紧急会议,旨在提高对猴痘的认识,做好防范应对准备。世界卫生组织、美国疾病预防控制中心、英国卫生部门报告了相关疫情并制定了相应的防控措施。截至2022年5月28日我国尚无输入性猴痘报道,但因国际交往频繁等仍须提高警惕。本文介绍了猴痘流行现状及有关防控信息,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

森林的常绿、落叶特征是土地覆被产品的重要属性。由于山区地形复杂,地表遥感辐射信号地形效应明显,导致山区森林常绿、落叶特征遥感自动识别一直是难点。提出了一种基于阈值法的山区森林常绿、落叶特征遥感自动识别简单实用方法。该方法利用多源、多时相遥感影像,选择归一化植被指数(NDVI)为指标,通过统计参考样本的NDVI在生长季和非生长季的差异,自动找出区分常绿、落叶特征的阈值,基于判别规则识别山区森林常绿、落叶特征。以贡嘎山地区为例,分别以多时相Landsat TM影像(简称TM)、多时相环境减灾卫星影像(简称HJ)为单源数据,多时相的HJ、TM组合影像为多源数据,验证该方法的有效性。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效识别山区森林常绿、落叶特征,总体精度达到93.87%,Kappa系数为0.87。该方法适用于山区大面积森林常绿、落叶特征遥感自动提取,已被成功应用于"生态十年"专项西南地区土地覆被数据的生产。  相似文献   

目的建立一种可靠的食蟹猴经股静脉导管长期给药的方法.方法选取20只雄性食蟹猴,麻醉后经股静脉造口,插入静脉导管,将植入式通道与导管连接并将其埋植于背部皮下,通过与植入式通道相连的输液泵进行给药.分别于术前1周、术后1周及术后2周测定血常规、血凝、生化等值.结果全部动物都能完成为期3个月的给药,手术感染率、导管堵塞率较低,分别为10%和5%.术后两周89.5%的生理指标与术前相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论该实验采用的食蟹猴经股静脉插管并通过输液泵进行长期给药是一种安全、有效的方法,可广泛用于药理学及毒理学实验.  相似文献   

目的了解RT-SHIV感染中国恒河猴的感染特点,研究RT-SHIV在中国恒河猴中传代特点;建立RT-SHIV中国恒河猴动物模型,为评价HIV-1药物有效性提供动物平台。方法选择4只健康恒河猴,其中两只动物经上肢静脉感染RT-SHIV病毒,感染急性期采取外周血分离CD8-PBMC,扩增病毒,将新制备的病毒静脉感染另外两只中国恒河猴,通过监测血浆病毒载量,CD4+/CD8+比值,CD4+T淋巴细胞和B淋巴细胞的绝对数,了解实验猴的感染状态,同时分析病毒RT基因变异情况。结果 4只动物均获得系统性感染,且传代动物急性期表现更为强烈,RT基因在感染和传代的过程中共观察到3个氨基酸的改变。结论本研究为RT-SHIV中国恒河猴模型的建立提供了基础信息。  相似文献   

人工饲养恒河猴、食蟹猴的繁殖性能初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探索北京地区人工饲养恒河猴与食蟹猴的繁殖性能,为温带地区猕猴的人工饲养和繁殖方式提供借鉴。方法对军事医学科学院实验动物中心饲养的317只恒河猴繁殖群(30只雄猴,287只雌猴)和78只食蟹猴繁殖群(8只雄猴,70只雌猴)近两年的繁殖性状进行观察和统计分析。结果恒河猴母猴妊娠率、繁殖率和成活率分别为60.73%、54.45%和96.89%。食蟹猴母猴妊娠率、繁殖率和成活率分别为79.86%、56.12%和75.00%。结论食蟹猴和恒河猴可以成功的在温带地区饲养和繁殖,但人工饲养食蟹猴的妊娠率与产仔率较恒河猴高,而仔猴成活率则低于恒河猴。  相似文献   

兔、犬、猴硬脊膜外腔及椎管内置管法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硬脊膜外腔及椎管内用药是目前临床镇痛和麻醉药物的常用施药途径,在镇痛麻醉药物临床前研究中需要对动物施以硬脊膜外与椎管内置管手术以便进行药效与毒性研究。本研究建立一种实用于兔,犬,猴等较大动物的硬脊膜外及蛛网膜下腔的短期(数天)和长期(数月)置管方法。该方法结合临床穿刺和造影术定位,并根据动物的不同种类和差异进行适配和改进。上述置管法应用于虎纹镇痛肽(HWAP-I)的临床前药效和毒理研究,经200多例次兔,犬和猴动物实验证明,这是一种定位准确稳定可靠的置管法。  相似文献   

在世界范围内,观赏和投喂野生猿猴是最常见的野生动物旅游形式之一。其中游客与动物的关系越来越成为动物学、人类学和社会学学者研究关注的热点。游客在娱乐的过程中,存在被猿猴威胁甚至咬伤等问题。对人猴接触行为的客观分析,是提高旅游服务管理和保障游客安全的必要措施。本研究记录了2012-2014年海南南湾猴岛景区内游客与猕猴的接触行为,并分析了景区医务室近两年的游客就诊记录,主要探讨:(1)哪些游客会参与人猴接触,及其游客的认识误区;(2)哪些猕猴会频繁参与人猴接触;(3)哪些原因会引发人猴接触行为。本文旨在了解景区内游客与猿猴的互动关系,探讨游客受伤原因及其解决办法,为完善野生动物旅游的健康发展提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Nine years of experience in our laboratory, using more than 1500 cynomolgus monkeys in 138 tests, has shown that the new neurovirulence test (NVT) adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) for live, oral monovalent vaccine of each poliovirus type, was a reproducible and sensitive assay likely to ensure the safety of this vaccine in humans. Our findings were the following: (1) when the test vaccine and the appropriate homotypic reference vaccine were tested in a single group of monkeys, the concurrent use of the reference vaccine considerably increased the reproducibility of the NVT; (2) in the assessment of the degree of attenuation of each lot of vaccine, the use of 12 monkeys for types 1 and 2 vaccines and 20 monkeys for type 3 vaccine (inoculated intraspinally each for reference and test vaccine) was satisfactory; (3) the virus dose used per monkey (10(5.6) to 10(6.6) pfu per monkey) was found not to be critical, i.e. the lower virus dose yielded mean lesion scores in the central nervous system of monkeys at least as high or higher than the tenfold higher virus dose; (4) the statistical analysis of our data showed that the old intrathalamic (IT) assay was considerably less sensitive than the new intraspinal (IS) assay, i.e., a test vaccine with a twofold increase in monkey neurovirulence would have a 41% chance of failing in the IT test (using 30 monkeys per vaccine), while this chance increased to 99% in the WHO IS assay (using 12 or 20 monkeys per vaccine). Since the introduction of the WHO NVT in Canada, the laboratory findings in monkeys were confirmed by vaccine experience in humans; the number of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis cases in the population showed a further decline.  相似文献   

目的探索建立利用微卫星遗传标记对中国恒河猴免疫遗传学同质性分群的方法。方法根据已报道的中国恒河猴和印度恒河猴微卫星标记和与MHC基因高度连锁的微卫星遗传标记,对52只恒河猴进行了微卫星检测和遗传同质性分群。结果依据判断标准,可以将检测的恒河猴分为印度恒河猴,中国恒河猴和无法判定来源的恒河猴3个地理类别,并根据MHC附近的微卫星遗传标记将其分为若干MHC基因相同的同质性群体。结论此方法的建立将有利于恒河猴参与的实验分组,也为恒河猴繁殖管理提供了参考。  相似文献   

目的对恒河猴粪便中分离到的一株克罗诺杆菌进行鉴定,为实验恒河猴疾病检测、鉴别诊断和治疗提供参考依据j方法通过细菌培养特性、菌落形态观察及微生物鉴定系统(ID32E)生化试验进行菌落鉴定;并进行抗生素敏感试验和小白鼠致病性试验;用PCR方法扩增分离菌株的23SrRNA基因并测序,并将其与GenBank上参考菌株23SrRNA基因核苷酸序列进行同源性分析。结果经细菌形态学和生化鉴定该细菌为克罗诺杆菌,23SrRNA基因序列与GenBank中分离自婴幼儿配方奶粉中的阪崎克罗诺杆菌(CP004091)同源性为98%。药敏试验表明该菌对甲硝哒唑耐药,对其他15种抗生素敏感。致病性试验证明该分离菌株对小白鼠有强致病性。结论该株从恒河猴中分离到的克罗诺杆菌具有较强的致病性,对实验恒河猴饲养及相关研究人员有潜在的危害,因此,在恒河猴饲养及研究过程中应引起重视。头孢、庆大霉素和诺氟沙星等药物可作为治疗恒河猴克罗诺杆菌感染的临床用药。  相似文献   

目的建立实验猴群及相关生物制品猴泡沫病毒(SFV)的PCR检测方法。方法选择SFV-1、SFV-3、SFVCPZ前病毒序列的pol基因同源性较高的区域设计嵌套引物对SFV-1毒种进行RT-nestedPCR扩增并克隆测序,以确定其准确性,通过验证方法的特异性和敏感性,初步应用该方法对恒河猴外周血淋巴细胞(PBLs),常用猴肾传代细胞及猴源性生物制品进行检测。结果经RT-nestedPCR扩增出的片断与SFV-1 cDNA序列同源性达到99%,对10只恒河猴的检测结果为5只阳性,5只阴性,对常用猴肾传代细胞及脊髓灰质炎疫苗的检测结果均为阴性。结论所建立的SFV RT-nestedPCR检测方法能准确的检测出恒河猴SFV的感染情况,对控制实验猴群的质量具有重要意义。该方法可用于检测猴源性生物制品中SFV的污染情况,为保证生物制品应用的安全性提供一定依据。  相似文献   

Howler monkey capture is an arduous and expensive task requiring trained and specialized professionals. We compared strategies and methods to most efficiently capture Alouatta guariba clamitans in remnants of the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro and its bordering states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo. We tested whether or not the success of expeditions in the forest with anesthetic darts, nets, and baited traps differed with and without the support of an information network, a contact chain built with key institutions and inhabitants to continuously monitor howler monkey presence. The influence of forest conditions (vegetation type and fragment size) upon darting success was also evaluated. We captured 24 free‐living A. guariba clamitans. No howler monkey was caught with traps, probably due to the predominantly folivore feeding to high local plant diversity providing a great variety of food options. Captures based on an information network were significantly more efficient in terms of numbers of caught monkeys than without it. Captures with darts were considerably more efficient when performed in semideciduous forests and small forest fragments as opposed to ombrophilous forests or large woods. Although we walked great distances within the forest searching for howler monkeys, all but one animal were captured at the forest fringes. Hindrances to search and the darting method in the Atlantic Forest, for example, the steep terrain, high tree canopies, hunt pressure, and low A. guariba clamitans population density, were mitigated with the use of the information network in this monkey capture. Moreover, the information network enhanced the surveillance of zoonotic diseases, which howler monkeys and other nonhuman primates are reservoirs in Brazil, such as malaria and yellow fever.  相似文献   

The capability of monkeys for recognition and comparison by identity of two-dimensional images and three-dimensional objects of different color and number (from 1 to 5) was studied at solution of tasks of the “selection by sample” type. The study was carried out on two species of the lower monkeys of different levels of phylogenetic development: rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and brown capuchins (Cebus apella). Representatives of the studied monkey species were established to able to differentiate two-dimensional stimuli (images of squares) and three-dimensional stimuli (objects of rounded shape) of red, yellow, and green color in different quantitative ratios (from 1 to 5) by selecting identical signs when solving modifications of the “selection by sample” tasks. The obtained data indicate the presence in primates of numerical notion and their ability to differentiate objects in the number from 1 to 5 regardless of the color of these objects. Speciesspecific differences in monkeys were revealed; rhesus macaques, as compared with capuchins, experienced difficulties at solution of complex combinatory tasks. The obtained experimental results give grounds to believe the presence in the lower monkeys the notion “quantity” as well as of the sufficiently high level of pre-verbal thinking.  相似文献   

The reproductive physiology and skeletal anatomy of nonhuman primates are very similar to those of women and these similarities have prompted studies of the effects of ovariectomy in monkeys on bone metabolism. Following ovariectomy, monkey bone exhibits increases in remodeling activity resulting in bone loss. Since similar bone changes occur after menopause in women, ovariectomized monkeys provide an excellent model of the early skeletal events following menopause and have been employed to study the skeletal actions of drugs designed to treat postmenopausal osteoporosis. This review describes the motivations for examining monkeys, practical aspects of working with monkeys, comparisons of human and monkey bone anatomy, endocrinological aspects of monkey bone metabolism, and the available data obtained in monkeys related to postmenopausal and other forms of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

目的探索恒河猴麻疹病的诊断、治疗及防制方法。方法隔离病猴,采集猴血清,环境消毒,对病死猴进行病理学观察、抗体ELISA和病毒免疫组织化学检测,以及治疗。结果病猴被确诊为患猴麻疹,隔离发病猴3只,其中死亡1只,康复2只,未出现麻疹病的进一步扩大流行。采用头孢曲松钠、地塞米松、利巴韦林等治疗取得了显著治疗效果。结论预防是控制麻疹病的关键,运输及环境改变是致病的诱因,快速诊断、科学用药和综合防治是减少损失的关键。  相似文献   

While habitat disturbance and food availability are major factors thought to determine the abundance of primates, evidence for their importance is uneven. We assessed the effects of these factors on three monkey species, guerezas ( Colobus guereza ) , blue monkeys ( Cercopithecus mitis ) and redtails ( Cercopithecus ascanius ), in four areas of the Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Group densities of guerezas and blue monkeys were higher in areas where disturbance levels were also higher. Food availability measured as basal area density of food trees did not correlate significantly with the group densities of any of the three monkeys. The diversity of food trees, another potential measure of food abundance did, however, correlate with group densities of guerezas and blue monkeys suggesting that food availability may positively influence monkey density, and may sometimes increase with disturbance. Group densities of redtails did not correlate with any habitat variable examined, suggesting that factors other than those we considered may have influenced the abundance of this species particularly.  相似文献   

Complex behavior forms and the ability of monkeys to recognize and to compare by identity the two-dimensional images and three-dimensional objects of various colors in the amount from 5 to 9 were studied. The study was carried out on two species of the lower monkeys of different levels of phylogenetic development: on rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and on brown capuchins (Cebus apella). It has been established that the representatives of the studied monkey species are able to differentiate large counted multitudes of two-dimensional (images of squares) and three-dimensional (objects of round shape) stimuli of red, yellow, and green colors in different quantitative ratios—from 5 to 9 at solving modifications of task of the type “choice by the sample.” In the course of learning, species-related differences of the monkeys’ behavior are revealed. The brown capuchins managed solving all tasks and their combinations better than rhesus monkeys. The obtained data indicate the capability for recognition of counted multitudes (from 5 to 9) regardless of color of the stimuli and the existence of quantitative notions of the idea of “quantity” in the lower monkeys.  相似文献   

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