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实验动物病理检测是实验动物质量监督检验的重要环节,病理学研究是对实验动物质量综合评估的最好方法 ,针对目前的检测现状,本文在制定实验动物病理检测标准的重要性、病理检测内容以及检测标准的制定原则方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

我国实验动物科学经过近三十年的发展,逐步建立了较为完善的组织管理体系、法规标准体系和质量保障体系,推动了实验动物质量的提高。国家标准是实验动物依法管理、质量检测的科学依据和技术支撑。实验动物国家标准体系建设一直是实验动物行业发展的重点之一。  相似文献   

20 0 3年 10月 12~ 19日 ,实验动物微生物检测技术培训班在中国药品生物制品检定所 (国家实验动物微生物检测中心 )举办。在目前已经建立并开展检测工作的 15个省级实验动物质量检测机构中 ,来自 14个省级检测机构 (除湖南省外 )共 2 8名检测人员参加了培训。国家科技部条财司副处长于海英高级工程师、中国药品生物制品检定所副所长王军志博士、北京市实验动物管理办公室主任 (项目管理专家 )荣瑞章研究员和中国医学科学院实验动物研究所所长秦川教授出席了开幕式并致词。此次培训班是国家科技部以项目《实验动物质量检测标准与体系的研究…  相似文献   

近年来,实验动物已被视为生命科学实验研究中不可偏废的基本要素之一而愈加受到重视。从国家行政部门到广大的科学工作者已逐步认识到,没有通过微生物和遗传检测认定符合国家、国际标准的实验动物,是做不出赶超世界先进水平的实验结果的。在科学发达国家,标准实验动物已如同其它商品一样供应于使用者。我国目前还保持着自繁自用的小而全生产方式,阻碍着实验动物质量的提高,因为实验动物生产规模越小,动物供应的可能性越小,浪费越大,成本亦越高,要对动物进行全面的、系统的质量控制亦越难保证。实验动物社会化生产的优点是便于质量控制;提高…  相似文献   

在遗传学及其他生命科学研究领域, 实验用鱼已成为一类应用越来越广的实验动物, 但是尚缺少标准化的质量控制标准和监管。在我国, 实验动物实行严格的许可证制度和质量监督制度。实验用鱼遗传质量控制标准是实验用鱼质量控制的基础。为了规范实验用鱼的遗传质量, 避免实验用鱼种质退化、遗传漂移, 导致实验结果误差, 开展了本标准的研究。依据《实验动物管理条例》, 参考国内外实验用鱼遗传学相关的研究成果, 结合我国实验用鱼生产和使用的实际情况, 在全面收集、分析实验数据和广泛征询专家意见的基础上, 以实验用斑马鱼和剑尾鱼遗传质量控制为规范对象, 研究制定了实验用鱼遗传质量控制标准, 供科研工作者参考、讨论。本标准对实验用斑马鱼和剑尾鱼的遗传分类及命名原则、实验用鱼的繁殖方法、近交系和封闭群的遗传质量监测进行了规范。新标准将为实验用鱼的使用和管理提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

实验动物标准化由实验动物生产条件的标准化、实验动物质量标准化、动物实验条件的标准化以及与之相适应的饲养管理规范化和动物实验规范化几个部分组成。实验动物法制化管理是实验动物标准化的保证。动物实验是医学生物学必需的是实验手段之一,用标准的实验动物进行标准的动物实验是科研实验的基本要求。  相似文献   

实验动物质量直接影响科研数据的准确性,通过定期微生物检测,可对实验动物质量进行控制,因此对检测结果进行质量控制是对检测工作进行日常管理和监督的有效和必要的手段。实验室通过总结近年检测工作经验,对微生物检测质量控制工作进行探讨,为实验动物质量检测提供相关资料。  相似文献   

由实验动物饲料配方的经济分析谈现代管理科学在生物制品企业中的应用王小兵(卫生部兰州生物制品研究所,兰州730046)一、问题的引入健康、洁净的实验动物在生物制品企业的生产和质量检测中具有十分重要的作用。实验动物质量的优劣主要取决于营养全面、合理的饲料...  相似文献   

实验动物的质量直接影响科研实验结果,日常管理和定期检测相结合才能使实验动物的质量得到根本控制。本文以实验动物小鼠为对象,分别从日常饲养管理、环境管理、微生物质量定期监控等途径,探讨了小鼠微生物学质量控制的过程管理方法,为在生产实践中控制实验动物的微生物质量提供基本思路。  相似文献   

经国务院批准、国家科委颁布的《实验动物管理条例》(下简称《条例》),是我国第一部关于实验动物的法规。《条例》的发布与实施,是国家加强对实验动物的宏观管理、提高实验动物科学水平及实验动物质量的重要措施。为保证《条例》的实施,国务院有关部门还将在技术监督方面制定统一的检测标准,逐步推行实验动物合格认证制度。实验动物是生命科学研究的基础。在生命科学研究中许多研究均要借助动物实验以探索生物的进化、揭示遗传的奥秘、研究疾病的病因、阐明衰老的机理;在监测公害和环境污染,生产和检定药品、生物制品、食品、化妆品,以及国…  相似文献   

实验动物病毒学检测项目、检测方法、检测频率等在实际应用中仍存在诸多问题。本文简要介绍国内外常用实验动物病毒检测的内容和方法。结合目前我国实验动物病毒检测实际工作中值得关注的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

The present study contains information about proper microbiological monitoring of laboratory animals' health and the standardization of microbiological monitoring methods in Korea. Microbiological quality control for laboratory animals, composed of biosecurity and health surveillance, is essential to guard against research complications and public health dangers that have been associated with adventitious infections. In this study, one hundred and twenty-two mice and ninety rats from laboratory animal breeding companies and one animal facility of the national universities in Korea were monitored in 2000-2003. Histopathologically, thickening of the alveolar walls and lymphocytic infiltration around the bronchioles were observed in mice and rats from microbiologically contaminated facilities. Cryptosporidial oocysts were observed in the gastric pits of only conventionally-housed mice and rats. Helicobacter spp. infection was also detected in 1 of 24 feces DNA samples in mice and 9 of 40 feces DNA samples in rats by PCR in 2003, but they were not Helicobacter hepaticus. This paper describes bacteriological, parasitological, and virological examinations of the animals.  相似文献   

Proper health surveillance is vitally important to the evaluation of the microbial status of laboratory animals and the performance of standardized experiments with a minimum number of animals. Sufficient and reliable information about animals health status has become even more important during the last decade with the rapid development and worldwide exchange of new genetically modified rodents. But a universal testing strategy for the assessment of pathogen status in rodent populations and internationally recognized standards and definitions of their quality do not exist, even though health data can provide consistent information only when based on systematic sampling and testing. Although there have been repeated calls for the development of international health monitoring standards and reporting, there are also objections. This article presents both the advantages and limitations of guidelines. After an overview of major factors to consider I discuss previous attempts to harmonize health monitoring procedures. The health monitoring recommendations for rodents issued by the Federation of European Laboratory Science Associations (FELASA) could serve as a model for global recommendations and for international harmonization. Given the increased significance of accurate health information when exchanging animals, research institutions and universities would benefit from universal standards, which would also help scientists as well as reviewers and readers of publications to better assess the validity of research results.  相似文献   

Results of the bacteriological and serological tests of patients with Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis infections for the period from 1994 to 2004 were analyzed. Main reasons of imperfect laboratory diagnostics were revealed, such as, low sensitivity of bacteriologic test, nonobservance of existing recommendations on diagnostics of Yersinia infections, performing of single but not repeated serologic test, absence of necessary laboratory equipment. Main ways of improving of quality of Y. enterocolitica infections and differential diagnostics were of Y. pseudotuberculosis defined.  相似文献   

Tularemia is a highly infectious zoonosis, in Sweden usually occurring in the varying hare. The risk of human infections when diagnosing this disease in the laboratory is high. Therefore, a method for diagnosing tularemia in formalin fixed material with the FA-technique has been tested. 46 necropsied varying hares were examined using this method. 28 of the examined animals were diagnosed with tularemia based on conventional post mortem, histological and bacteriological examinations. 96 per cent of them were positive to the FA-technique test. 18 other animals infected with different bacteria and Toxoplasma were also tested. All the controls were negative.  相似文献   

淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎病毒(lymphocytic chorimeningtis virus,LCMV)能广泛感染啮齿类动物和人,是一种重要的人畜共患病病原。近些年LCMV感染人的检测得到加强,在实验动物中的感染率一直控制在较低水平。我国的实验动物国家标准要求豚鼠、地鼠必需检测LCMV,小鼠只在必要时检测,而国外普遍要求对大鼠等动物也作为常规检测项目。为了提高对实验动物感染LCMV的检测意识,本文对不同国家和地区LCMV感染实验动物的情况做一综述。  相似文献   

Assessing the quality of measurements is of interest to organizers of external quality assessment schemes (EQAS, or proficiency testing schemes), laboratory analysts and managers, users of laboratory results and other agencies. Scheme organizers run test programmes, define standards of acceptable and non-acceptable performance, and interact with participants and oversight authorities. Laboratory personnel are responsible for the quality management system and to choose whether to accept the standards set by scheme organizers or to adopt their own. Users receive and act upon the laboratory results.Schemes within the same analytical sector are often organized very differently causing contradictory assessment of performance. The Network of EQAS in occupational and environmental laboratory medicine established collaborative projects designed to enhance assessment of measurement quality and to improve the reliability of laboratory results.To address the issue of variations in assessing the quality of measurements, and in response to comments from some participants, standards derived from biological variation, rather than on the analytical performance of participants have been developed. Evaluation of test materials with respect to homogeneity and stability, and work on methods to give the assigned value to test materials, has also been undertaken. Following from these projects, further collaboration is planned which will provide better quality assessment of measurement to scheme participants and their users.  相似文献   

垫料与实验动物关系密切,是对实验动物产生直接作用和影响的环境因素.本文从实验动物垫料的种类和消毒、垫料质量控制与评价体系的建立、垫料的商品化等方面的问题进行探讨.为实验动物垫料的研发和完善实验动物国家标准提供重要参考依据.  相似文献   

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