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Ectoplasmic specializations (ES) facing spermatids were studied in species representative of four classes of non-mammalian vertebrates (Pisces--bluegill; Amphibia--bullfrog; Reptilia--red eared turtle; Aves--domestic chicken). ES was not seen in the bluegill but was present in all other species studied. In the frog, turtle, and chicken, ES did not resemble its mammalian counterpart and could only be characterized by the presence of 6 nm filaments (presumedly actin) within the somatic cell facing the head region of elongating spermatids. ES filaments were sparse in the frog and were sometimes associated with more deeply situated endoplasmic reticulum. Turtle ES filaments were abundant and encircled the acrosomal region of the spermatid head and were delimited by fenestrated saccules of endoplasmic reticulum. In the chicken, ES filaments were prominent but less abundant than in the turtle. Six nanometer filaments of the chicken ES appeared in a tangled mass and were not associated with clearly defined endoplasmic reticulum. In the three species where ES was found, it first developed as spermatids became entrenched within the surrounding somatic cell. Neither cell elongation, nuclear elongation, or movement of the nucleus to the cell surface was synchronized with the onset of ES development. That ES development was seen concomitant with spermatid entrenchment and spermatid orientation suggested a role for ES in these processes. This hypothesis was further strengthened by observations in the fish where ES was lacking and where spermatid entrenchment within the somatic cell, did not occur. The study also supported the hypothesis that ES acts as a cytoskeletal mantle to which other cytoskeletal elements within the cell interact to affect the position of elongate spermatids within the epithelium. The dissolution of ES prior to spermiation and concomitant loss of a close relationship between cells suggests that ES is also related to somatic cell-germ cell adhesion and therefore plays an important role in the spermiation process.  相似文献   

We have investigated, using indirect immunofluorescence techniques, the possibility that vinculin is a component of Sertoli cell ectoplasmic specializations. Affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies produced against human platelet vinculin were used to probe fixed frozen sections of rat testis. Specific fluorescence occurs in Sertoli cell regions adjacent to spermatids and to basally situated junctional complexes, sites at which ectoplasmic specializations are known to occur. Staining also occurs in Sertoli cell regions associated with tubulobulbar complexes. The antibody also labels focal contacts in cultured human dermal fibroblasts, apical junctional sites of rat epididymal epithelium, and dense plaques of smooth muscle. Our results are consistent with the prediction that vinculin is likely a component of ectoplasmic specializations and are also consistent with the hypothesis that these structures are a form of actin-associated adhesion complex.  相似文献   

During spermatogenesis, extensive junction restructuring takes place at the blood-testis barrier (BTB) and the Sertoli cell-spermatid interface known as the apical ectoplasmic specialization (apical ES, a testis-specific adherens junction) in the seminiferous epithelium. However, the mechanism(s) that regulates these critical events in the testis remains unknown. Based on the current concept in the field, changes in the phosphorylation status of integral membrane proteins at these sites can induce alterations in protein endocytosis and recycling, causing junction restructuring. Herein, c-Yes, a non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase, was found to express abundantly at the BTB and apical ES stage-specifically, coinciding with junction restructuring events at these sites during the seminiferous epithelial cycle of spermatogenesis. c-Yes also structurally associated with adhesion proteins at the BTB (e.g., occludin and N-cadherin) and the apical ES (e.g., β1-integrin, laminins β3 and γ3), possibly to regulate phosphorylation status of proteins at these sites. SU6656, a selective c-Yes inhibitor, was shown to perturb the Sertoli cell tight junction-permeability barrier in vitro, which is mediated by changes in the distribution of occludin and N-cadherin at the cell-cell interface, moving from cell surface to cytosol, thereby destabilizing the tight junction-barrier. However, this disruptive effect of SU6656 on the barrier was blocked by testosterone. Furthermore, c-Yes is crucial to maintain the actin filament network in Sertoli cells since a blockade of c-Yes by SU6656 induced actin filament disorganization. In summary, c-Yes regulates BTB and apical ES integrity by maintaining proper distribution of integral membrane proteins and actin filament organization at these sites.  相似文献   

We have investigated the arrangement and function of actin filament bundles in Sertoli cell ectoplasmic specializations found adjacent to junctional networks and in areas of adhesion to spermatogenic cells. Tissue was collected, from ground squirrel (Spermophilus spp.) testes, in three ways: seminiferous tubules were fragmented mechanically; segments of intact epithelium and denuded tubule walls were isolated by using EDTA in a phosphate-buffered salt solution; and isolated epithelia and denuded tubule walls were extracted in glycerol. To determine the arrangement of actin bundles, the tissue was fixed, mounted on slides, treated with cold acetone (-20 degrees C), and then exposed to nitrobenzoxadiazole-phallacidin. Myosin was localized using immunofluorescence. To investigate the hypothesis that ectoplasmic specializations are contractile, glycerinated models were exposed to exogenous ATP and Ca++; then contraction was assessed qualitatively by using nitrobenzoxadiazole-phallacidin as a marker. Actin bundles in ectoplasmic specializations adjacent to junctional networks circumscribe the bases of Sertoli cells. When intact epithelia are viewed from an angle perpendicular to the epithelial base, honeycomb staining patterns are observed. Filament bundles in Sertoli cell regions adjacent to spermatogenic cells dramatically change organization during spermatogenesis. Initially, the bundles circle the region of contact between the developing acrosome and nucleus. They then expand to cover the entire head. As the spermatid flattens, filaments on one side of the now saucer-shaped head orient themselves parallel to the germ cell axis while those on the other align perpendicularly to it. Before sperm release, all filaments course parallel to the rim of the head. Contrary to the results we obtained with myoid cells, we could not convincingly demonstrate myosin in ectoplasmic specializations or induce contraction of glycerinated models. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that actin in ectoplasmic specializations of Sertoli cells may be more skeletal than contractile.  相似文献   

Cryptorchidism was simulated in 13-15-day-old rats by severing the gubernaculum testis and fixing the testis to the abdominal wall. Ultrastructural examination of the testis was made 100 days after birth when a number of modifications to the seminiferous tubules were noted. Germ cells were scanty, with only occasional spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes persisting. The nuclei of Sertoli cells were regular and oval or indented in shape. Their cytoplasm was characterized by a rich smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lipid inclusions and mitochondria with tubulo-vesicular cristae indicative of stero?dogenic activity. The decrease in the number of the germ cells induced a membrane rearrangement with numerous tight junctions and interdigitations between the Sertoli cells. Sertoli cell-specific junctional complexes were very extensive. The lamina propria of the seminiferous tubule appeared thickened and folded and the multilayered basal lamina had complex folds. After fixation with glutaraldehyde containing lanthanum, the latter substance was identified in the basal intercellular spaces of the seminiferous tubules indicating that the blood-testis barrier remains functional in the intra-abdominal testis.  相似文献   

Volume density of Sertoli cells in mature rats was estimated in different stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Manual point-counting on electron micrograph montages revealed a more than 40% increase in Sertoli cell volume from just before to just after spermiation. It is suggested that this variation should be considered in studies of stage-dependent cyclic variations in activity of Sertoli cells and/or germ cells.  相似文献   

Adult rat Leydig cell aromatase activity is stimulated 2.5 fold by LH or dbcAMP. Spent media prepared from seminiferous tubules or Sertoli cells of immature rats depress both the basal and the LH stimulated estradiol syntheses (25 and 20% decreases, respectively). These inhibitory effects are further enhanced when FSH is added to the culture medium of seminiferous tubules or Sertoli cells. Rat serum as well as culture media from other cell lines are ineffective while seminiferous tubule media from other immature animals (mouse, guinea-pig, calf) inhibit the aromatase activity. This Sertoli cell factor is a heat stable protein (molecular weight greater than 10 kDa), different from the LHRH-like Sertoli cell compound, which acts on the aromatase activity at a step beyond the adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

The area occupied by Sertoli cell lipid inclusions--electron-lucent lipid vacuoles (LLV) and electron-dense lipid droplets (DLD)--at each stage of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium was measured on electron micrographs in young adults and elderly men, and expressed as the ratio "area occupied by lipid inclusions/area occupied by the Sertoli cell cytoplasm". For LLV this ratio increased from stage I to stage III, and decreased from stage IV to stage VI in young adults. These results suggest that the development of LLV is synchronized with the spermatogenic process: the residual bodies released in stages I and II are phagocytized by Sertoli cells and transformed into LLV; the amounts of LLV decrease in the subsequent stages of the cycle and increase again when new residual bodies appear. In elderly men the ratio LLV/Sertoli cell cytoplasm was 1.9-2.9 times higher than in young adults at each stage of the cycle. This increase may be related to the increased germ-cell degeneration observed in ageing testes, DLD were less abundant than LLV and the DLD/Sertoli cell cytoplasm ratio did not undergo cyclic changes in young adults or elderly men.  相似文献   

Summary Two variants of a method for determining the quantitative structure of the human seminiferous epithelium are described. Both versions (counting cells in whole tubules and in CA's) utilize specific criteria for the identification of cells, tubules and /or CA's. Both methods utilize the Sertoli cell as a constant with the cell types expressed as numbers of cells per Sertoli cell. One hundred biopsies were quantitated by the tubular method and 100 by the CA method. Counts were found to be reproducible and consistent. Comparisons were made between the two methods, different individuals doing the quantitation, quantitations of the right and left testes of the same subject and between biopsies from the same subject taken at different times. No difference was found between the right and left testes or biopsies from the same subject taken at different times. Quantitation of biopsies from one individual before and after testicular X-ray irradiation show how the method can be applied.This investigation was supported in part by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT(45-1)1780 and Grant No. 680-0806 from The Ford Foundation.The authors wish to express their thanks and appreciation to Dr. Yves Clermont (Montreal) and Dr. Eugene Oakberg (Oak Ridge) for their aid in the conception of the project and the general outline of the protocol, and again to the latter for personally performing some of the tubular counts once the method had been established, to Mr. Malcom Hobbs for assistance with the subjects, to Dr. Daniel DiIaconi for performing the biopsy technique and to Dr. Kathleen O'Keefe for the statistical analysis.  相似文献   

The occurrence of plasminogen activators of the urokinase-type (u-PA) and tissue-type (t-PA) at various stages of the epithelial cycle was studied immunohistochemically in rat seminiferous tubule segments. u-PA immunoreactivity was detected exclusively at stages VII and VIII in Sertoli cells, displaying a distinct granular cytoplasmic staining. t-PA immunoreactivity was found during mid- and late pachytene and diakinesis (stages VII-XIII) in spermatogenic cells, displaying a granular cytoplasmic staining with maximal intensity in stages IX-XIII. The specificity of the stainings was supported by staining controls, including absorption of the antibodies with purified preparations of the activators. It was also supported by zymographic studies of the occurrence of u-PA and t-PA in extracts of tubular segments at different stages of the cycle, isolated by transillumination-assisted microdissection. The possible functions of the two types of plasminogen activators in the seminiferous epithelium are discussed.  相似文献   

Techniques of quantitative stereology have been utilized to determine the relative volume occupied by the Sertoli cells and germ cells in two particular stages (I and VII) of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Sertoli cell volume ranged from 24% in stage I of the cycle to 32% in stage VII. Early germ cells occupied 3.4% in stage I (spermatogonia) and 8.7% in stage VII (spermatogonia and preleptotene spermatocytes). Pachytene spermatocytes occupied 15% (Stage I) and 24% (stage VII) of the total volume of the seminiferous epithelium. In stage I the two generations of spermatids comprised 58% of the total epithelium by volume, whereas in stage VII, after spermiation, the acrosome phase spermatids occupied 35% of the total seminiferous epithelial volume.  相似文献   

Cyclic Protein-2 (CP-2), a stage-specific secretory product of the rat seminiferous epithelium, has been isolated from seminiferous tubule fluid (STF) and Sertoli cell culture medium. Isolation from STF was accomplished by mixing STF with radiolabeled proteins secreted by Stage VI-VII seminiferous tubules and sequential fractionation of these proteins by hydroxylapatite, DEAE-agarose, and quaternary amine ion-exchange chromatography. Radiolabeled proteins were used to identify the chromatographic fractions that contained CP-2. Through use of these procedures, a highly purified preparation of radioinert CP-2 was obtained from seminiferous tubule fluid. Cyclic Protein-2 was also isolated from Sertoli cell culture medium, indicating that the Sertoli cell is its most likely source. Preliminary characterization of CP-2 was conducted. First, CP-2 appeared to be highly enriched in methionine. Second, the molecular weight of CP-2 was found to be 20,000. Third, analysis by reverse-phase hydrophobic chromatography indicated that CP-2 was relatively hydrophobic. We conclude that CP-2 is a small hydrophobic glycoprotein secreted in vivo and in vitro in a stage-specific manner by Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

The morphological response of the Sertoli cells to partial or complete withdrawal of testosterone was studied in adult rats following hypophysectomy or administration of ethane dimethanesulphonate (EDS), a toxicant known to destroy selectively the Leydig cells of the testis. To assess the role of germ cells in effecting changes to Sertoli cells following withdrawal of testosterone, germ cell-deficient rats with Sertoli-cell-only testes (SCO) were treated with EDS to remove the source of testosterone. At 6 days after hypophysectomy or 4,6 and 8 days after EDS treatment, stage VII and VIII seminiferous tubules showed degenerating germ cells and numerous basally-located vacuoles approximately 1–15 m in diameter. Ultrastructural analysis indicated that most of the vacuoles were multiple focal dilations of the intercellular space associated with Sertoli cell junctional complexes. In SCO rats, treatment with EDS resulted in a significant (P<0.05) increase in the formation of many vacuoles particularly in the base but also in the trunk of the Sertoli cells and again electron microscopic analysis showed multiple, localized expansions of the intercellular space associated with Sertoli cell junctional complexes. The appearance of intercellular spaces in SCO testes following androgen withdrawal cannot be attributed to shrinkage of degenerating germ cells since the seminiferous tubules did not contain germ cells. It is concluded that withdrawal of androgen induces early morphological alterations of the Sertoli cell junctional complexes in which the sites of membrane fusions representing tight junctions remain intact whereas the intercellular spaces exhibit major focal dilations. The results are discussed in relation to the fluid secretion by the seminiferous tubules which is regulated by the Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

The ectoplasmic (‘junctional’) specialization, a subsurface modification of the Sertoli cell that is often seen facing germ cells, was studied in relation to the development and maturation of these germ cells. This structure is composed of sub-surface bundles of filaments and more deeply placed endoplasmic reticulum. The data indicate that these subsurface modifications of Sertoli cells are reutilized in a cyclic fashion, being transferred from their position facing late spermatids to one opposing less mature germ cells. Ectoplasmic specializations appeared to function mechanically in grasping the heads of the spermatids which are undergoing the elongation and maturation phases of spermiogenesis rather than in actually attaching Sertoli cells to these germ cells. It is postulated that the ectoplasmic specialization imparts rigidity to that area of the Sertoli cell that surrounds the head region of the germ cell, forming a recess and a mantle by which the germ cell may be moved toward the base or toward the surface of the seminiferous epithelium. The observed linkage of microtubules to the cisternae of the complex provided a morphological basis for the changes in the cytoarchitecture of the Sertoli cell, which must accompany these movements.  相似文献   

Stage-dependent variations of Sertoli cell organelles during the seminiferous epithelial cycle were analyzed morphometrically in rats by use of a point-counting method. Cyclic changes in volume and surface area of various organelles were observed. Mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum increased at stages VII-VIII and stage VII, respectively. Lipid droplets accumulated markedly after spermiation, decreased rapidly after meiotic division, and remained at low levels for stages IV-VIII. The most prominent change was a topographic alteration of the Golgi apparatus. It was usually located exclusively in the basal cytoplasm, but shifted upwards to the mid and apical cytoplasm at stages VII-VIII. This shift may be implicated in an increase of plasma membrane and lysosomes in these regions. Consecutive increases of primary and secondary lysosomes were observed twice in the basal and mid cytoplasm. The first peak of the primary lysosomes at stage IV was followed by the first peak of the secondary lysosomes at stage VI; and the second peak of the primary lysosomes at stages VII-IX was followed by the second peak of the secondary lysosomes at stage IX. These consecutive increases may indicate that Sertoli cells anticipate the increase of structures to be removed and accordingly produce primary lysosomes before their appearance.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis, a tightly regulated developmental process of male germ cells in testis, is associated with temporal and spatial expression of gap junction proteins, such as the connexin family members. Perturbation of their expressions may lead to spermatogenic arrest as manifested by disruption of cell-cell interaction. To explore the role(s) of connexins during spermatogenesis, we utilized the small peptide antagonistic approach to specifically deplete connexin 31, connexin 33, and pan-connexin. Three connexin peptides corresponding to the extracellular binding domain of connexin 31 and connexin 33 and to the extracellular conserved domain of connexins were designed and synthesized commercially. Peptides (at single dosage of 0.5, 1, or 2 mg per animal) were injected into rat testes and testes were collected on day 0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 30 after microinjection. In situ TUNEL assay demonstrated the induction of apoptosis in the testes after pan-connexin peptide treatment in a dose-dependent manner from day 3 and onward. Unlike the pan-connexin peptide, connexin 31 and connexin 33 peptides appeared to have little effect on inducing apoptosis and germ cell loss. CD45 staining also detected the occasional presence of infiltrating lymphocytes in the seminiferous tubules. Accompanied with the apoptotic events, two apoptotic markers, NF-κB and caspase 3, demonstrated a general up-regulation in their expressions. In adjacent testis sections, eliminations of connexin 31, 32, and 43 were observed. However, an induction of connexin 33 expression was detected. This suggests the versatility and functional diversity of connexins in the testis. The expression of ZO-1, the only known adaptor of connexins in the testis, was reduced and remained in a low level in the seminiferous epithelium. As such, the alterations of connexins in seminiferous epithelium may induce apoptotic signaling in the testis via the caspase 3 and the NF-κB pathway. This demonstrates the significant role of testicular connexins to maintain the survival of germ cells by regulating inter-cellular communications among germ cells and adjacent supporting cells during spermatogenesis. In addition, the inter-relationship between connexins and other junction proteins and associated signaling protein were investigated. After pan-connexin peptide treatment, a dys-localization of N-cadherin, an adherens junction protein, and diminution of occludin, a tight junction protein, level were detected. In addition, inductions of junction regulatory protein, cathepsin L, was observed during the course of peptide-mediated germ cell loss in the testes. In summary, pan-connexin peptide treatment triggered apoptosis and germ cell loss in the testes. This event influenced the localization and expression of different junction proteins and junction-associated protein in the testes. Financial support: The work was funded by a grant from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (HKU 7272/01M).  相似文献   

Summary The effect of taxol, an inhibitor of microtubule degradation, on the seminiferous epithelium was studied. Taxol arrested spermatogenesis at metaphase in both mitotic and meiotic germ cell division. Microtubules were seen to accumulate, especially in the cytoplasm of the spermatogonia, and also in the early spermatids and Sertoli cells. No microtubule accumulation was observed in germ cells during meiotic prophase. Formation of the flagellum was affected in developing spermatids. Peculiar lamellar structures, probably derived from degenerating mitochondria, were seen in the cytoplasm of late spermatids and Sertoli cells.The results are compared with the effects of other mitotic inhibitors such as colchicine and vinca alcaloids.  相似文献   

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