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Meningococci are facultative-pathogenic bacteria endowed with a set of adhesins allowing colonization of the human upper respiratory tract, leading to fulminant meningitis and septicemia. The Neisseria adhesin NadA was identified in about 50% of N. meningitidis isolates and is closely related to the Yersinia adhesin YadA, the prototype of the oligomeric coiled-coil adhesin (Oca) family. NadA is known to be involved in cell adhesion, invasion, and induction of proinflammatory cytokines. Because of the enormous diversity of neisserial cell adhesins the analysis of the specific contribution of NadA in meningococcal host interactions is limited. Therefore, we used a non-invasive Y. enterocolitica mutant as carrier to study the role of NadA in host cell interaction. NadA was shown to be efficiently produced and localized in its oligomeric form on the bacterial surface of Y. enterocolitica. Additionally, NadA mediated a β1 integrin-dependent adherence with subsequent internalization of yersiniae by a β1 integrin-positive cell line. Using recombinant NadA(24-210) protein and human and murine β1 integrin-expressing cell lines we could demonstrate the role of the β1 integrin subunit as putative receptor for NadA. Subsequent inhibition assays revealed specific interaction of NadA(24-210) with the human β1 integrin subunit. Cumulatively, these results indicate that Y. enterocolitica is a suitable toolbox system for analysis of the adhesive properties of NadA, revealing strong evidence that β1 integrins are important receptors for NadA. Thus, this study demonstrated for the first time a direct interaction between the Oca-family member NadA and human β1 integrins.  相似文献   

Pili have been shown to play an essential role in the adhesion of Neisseria meningitidis to epithelial cells. However, among piliated strains, both inter- and intrastrain variability exist with respect to their degree of adhesion to epithelial cells in vitro (Virji et al., 1992). This suggests that factors other than the presence of pili per se are involved in this process. The N. meningitidis pilin subunit undergoes extensive antigenic variation. Piliated low- and high-adhesive derivatives of the same N. meningitidis strain were selected and the nucleotide sequence of the pilin gene expressed in each was determined. The highly adhesive derivatives had the same pilin sequence. The alleles encoding the pilin subunit of the low-adhesive derivatives were completely different from the one found in the high-adhesive isolates. Using polyclonal antibodies raised against one hyperadhesive variant, it was confirmed that the low-adhesive piliated derivatives expressed pilin variants antigenically different from the highly adhesive strains. The role of antigenic variation in the adhesive process of N. meningitidis was confirmed by performing allelic exchanges of the pilE locus between low-and high-adhesive isolates. Antigenic variation has been considered a means by which virulent bacteria evade the host immune system. This work provides genetic proof that a bacterial pathogen, N. meningitidis, can use antigenic variation to modulate their degree of virulence.  相似文献   

R R Isberg  J M Leong 《Cell》1990,60(5):861-871
Mammalian cell receptors that promote entry of intracellular bacteria into nonphagocytic cells have not been identified. We show here that multiple members of the integrin superfamily of cell adhesion receptors bind the Y. pseudotuberculosis invasin protein prior to bacterial penetration into mammalian cells. Affinity chromatography of crude detergent extracts demonstrated that integrins containing the subunit structures alpha 3 beta 1, alpha 5 beta 1, and alpha 6 beta 1 bound to immobilized invasin. Furthermore, phospholipid vesicles containing isolated integrin proteins were able to attach to invasin. Specificity for invasin binding to the identified integrin receptors was also demonstrated, as immunoprobing and phospholipid reconstitution studies showed that the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin, beta 2 chain integrins, and vitronectin receptor (alpha v beta 3) were not involved in cellular attachment to invasin.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis is a frequent commensal of the human nasopharynx causing severe invasive infections in rare cases. A functional two-partner secretion (TPS) system in N. meningitidis, composed of the secreted effector protein HrpA and its cognate transporter HrpB, is identified and characterized in this study. Although all meningococcal strains harbor at least one TPS system, the hrpA genes display significant C-terminal sequence variation. Meningococcal genes encoding the TPS effector proteins and their transporters are closely associated and transcribed into a single mRNA. HrpA proteins are translocated across the meningococcal outer membrane by their cognate transporters HrpB and mainly released into the environment. During this process, HrpA is proteolytically processed to a mature 180-kDa form. In contrast to other known TPS systems, immature HrpA proteins are stable in the absence of HrpB and accumulate within the bacterial cell. A small percentage of mature HrpA remains associated with the bacteria and contributes to the interaction of meningococci with epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The attachment of pathogenic Neisseria species to human cells, in which type IV pili (Tfp) play a key but incompletely defined role, depends on the ability of these bacteria to establish contacts with the target cells but also interbacterial interactions. In an effort to improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of N. meningitidis adherence to human cells, we screened a collection of defined mutants for those presenting reduced attachment to a human cell line. Besides underscoring the central role of Tfp in this process, this analysis led to the identification of mutants interrupted in a novel gene termed pilX, that displayed an adherence as impaired as that of a non-piliated mutant but quantitatively and qualitatively unaltered fibres. Moreover, the pilX gene, which encodes a pilin-like protein that copurifies with Tfp fibres, was also found to be essential for bacterial aggregation. We provide here several piece of evidence suggesting that PilX has intrinsic aggregative but no adhesive properties and that the reduced numbers of adherent bacteria seen with a pilX mutant result from the absence of interbacterial interactions. These data extend the current model for Tfp-facilitated adherence of N. meningitidis to human cells by suggesting that the pili lead to an increase in net initial adherence primarily by mediating a cooperation between the bacteria, which is supported by the finding that a major effect on initial adherence could be observed in a wild-type (WT) genetic background after a mechanical removal of the bacterial aggregates.  相似文献   

Using COS (African green monkey kidney) cells transfected with cDNAs encoding human cell surface molecules, we have identified human cellular receptors for meningococcal virulence-associated Opa proteins, which are expressed by the majority of disease and carrier isolates. These receptors belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules and are expressed on epithelial, endothelial and phagocytic cells. Using soluble chimeric receptor molecules, we have demonstrated that meningococcal Opa proteins bind to the N-terminal domain of biliary glycoproteins (classified as BGP or CD66a) that belong to the CEA (CD66) family. Moreover, the Opa proteins of the related pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae , responsible for urogenital infections, also interact with this receptor, making CD66a a common target for pathogenic neisseriae. Over 95% of Opa-expressing clinical and mucosal isolates of meningococci and gonococci were shown to bind to the CD66 N-domain, demonstrating the presence of a conserved receptor-binding function in the majority of neisserial Opa proteins.  相似文献   

Shigella flexneri is the causative agent of bacillary dysentery in humans. Shigella invasion of epithelial cells is characterized by cytoskeletal rearrangements and formation of cellular projections engulfing the bacterium in a macropinocytic process. We show here that vinculin, a protein involved in linking actin filaments to the plasma membrane, is a direct target of Shigella during cell invasion. IpaA, a Shigella protein secreted upon cell contact, rapidly associates with vinculin during bacterial invasion. Although defective for cell entry, an ipaA mutant is still able to induce foci of actin polymerization, but differs from wild-type Shigella in its ability to recruit vinculin and alpha-actinin. Presumably, IpaA-vinculin interaction initiates the formation of focal adhesion-like structures required for efficient invasion.  相似文献   

NadA (N eisseria meningitidisadhesin A), a meningococcal surface protein, mediates adhesion to and invasion of human cells, an activity in which host membrane proteins have been implicated. While investigating these host factors in human epithelial cells by affinity chromatography, we discovered an unanticipated interaction of NadA with heat shock protein (Hsp) 90, a molecular chaperone. The specific in vitro interaction of recombinant soluble NadA and Hsp90 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitations, dot and far-Western blot. Intriguingly, ADP, but not ATP, was required for this association, and the Hsp90 inhibitor 17-AAG promoted complex formation. Hsp90 binding to an Escherichia coli strain used as carrier to express surface exposed NadA confirmed these results in live bacteria. We also examined RNA interference, plasmid-driven overexpression, addition of exogenous rHsp90 and 17-AAG inhibition in human epithelial cells to further elucidate the involvement of Hsp90 in NadA-mediated adhesion and invasion. Together, these data suggest an inverse correlation between the amount of host Hsp90 and the NadA adhesive/invasive phenotype. Confocal microscopy also demonstrated that meningococci interact with cellular Hsp90, a completely novel finding. Altogether our results show that variation of host Hsp90 expression or activity interferes with adhesive and invasive events driven by NadA.  相似文献   

Pili are indispensable in adhesion of encapsulated Neisseria meningitidis (MC) to eukaryotic cells. Intrastrain variability with respect to the degree of adhesion is the result of pilin antigenic variation. We have localized the region responsible for this variability to the 20-amino-acid hypervariable domain of pilin. The replacement of an aspartic acid, located in the hypervariable region of a low-adhesive variant by a lysine restored high adhesiveness. To assess whether hyperadhesiveness confered by some pilin variants was related to the generation of a new pilus-associated ligand, high- and low-adhesive variants were purified. In a first step, low- and high-adhesive pilins were fused to maltose binding protein (MBP). These hybrid proteins bound epithelial cells with the same affinity. Truncated MBP pilin fusions identified a cell-binding domain within the 77 residues of the N-terminal end of mature pilin. This region of the protein is common to low- and high-adhesive derivatives used in this work, thus eliminating the possibility that high adhesiveness confered by some pilin variants was because of the generation of a new pilus-associated ligand. Electron-microscopic examination showed that low-adhesive derivatives expressed long and distinct pili and adhered as single cells. In contrast, pili of derivatives expressing high-adhesive pilins, either wild type or mutagenized from the low-adhesive variant, formed large bundles which bound bacteria and caused them to grow as colonies on infected mono-layers. These data demonstrate that aggregative pili promote high adhesiveness of encapsulated MC.  相似文献   

Temporal relationship between viral and bacterial infections has been observed, and may arise via the action of virus-induced inflammatory cytokines. These, by upregulating epithelial receptors targeted by bacteria, may encourage greater bacterial infiltration. In this study, human epithelial cells exposed to interferon-gamma but not tumour necrosis factor-alpha or interleukin 1-beta supported increased meningococcal adhesion and invasion. The increase was related to Opa but not Opc or pili adhesin expression. De novo synthesis of carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1), a major Opa receptor, occurred in epithelial cells exposed to the cytokine, or when infected with Opa-expressing bacteria. Cell line-dependent differences in invasion that were observed could be correlated with CEACAM expression levels. There was also evidence for Opa/pili synergism leading to high levels of monolayer infiltration by capsulate bacteria. The use of nuclear factor-kappa B (NFkappaB) inhibitors, diferuloylmethane (curcumin) and SN50, abrogated bacterial infiltration of both untreated and interferon-gamma-treated cells. The studies demonstrate the importance of CEACAMs as mediators of increased cellular invasion under conditions of inflammation and bring to light the potential role of NFkappaB pathway in Opa-mediated invasion by meningococci. The data imply that cell-surface remodelling by virally induced cytokines could be one factor that increases host susceptibility to bacterial infection.  相似文献   

There is currently no effective vaccine for Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) serogroup B. Generation of optimal immune responses to meningococci could be achieved by targeting meningococcal antigens to human dendritic cells (DCs). Recent studies have shown that diverse DC responses and subsequent generation of protective immunity can be observed if the microbes are viable or killed. This is important because the host is likely to be exposed to both live and killed bacteria during natural infection. There are currently few data on comparative DC responses to live and killed meningococci. We show here that exposure of human DC to live meningococci does not result in a typical maturation response, as determined by the failure to upregulate CD40, CD86, HLA-DR and HLA-Class I. Despite this, live meningococci were potent inducers of IL-12 and IL-10, although the ratios of these cytokines differed from those to killed organisms. Our data also suggest that enhanced phagocytosis of killed organisms compared with live may be responsible for the differential cytokine responses, involving an autocrine IL-10-dependent mechanism. The consequences of these findings upon the effectiveness of antigen presentation and T-cell responses are currently under investigation.  相似文献   

The effect of variations in Neisseria meningitidis pili on bacterial interactions with three epithelial cell lines as well as human umbilical vein endothelial cells was studied using a panel of seven strains expressing Class I or Class II pili. Comparison of adherence of piliated and pilus-deficient variants of each strain to epithelial cells suggested that Class I pili may mediate bacterial adherence with all three epithelial cell lines. In contrast, Class II pili of the strains used did not increase bacterial adherence to Hep-2 larynx carcinoma cells, although an increase in adherence to Chang conjunctival and A549 lung carcinoma epithelial cells was observed in the Class II pili-expressing strains. In addition to these interclass functional variations, differences in adherence to epithelial cells were also observed among Class I and Class II strains. Functionally different pilin variants of one Class I strain, MC58, were obtained by single colony isolation. One piliated variant was identified which had concurrently lost the ability to adhere to both Chang and Hep-2 cells ('non-adherent' phenotype; adherence of less than 2 bacteria per cell). In addition, several adherent pilin variants were isolated from non-adherent Pil- and Pil+ bacteria by selection on Chang cells (adherence of 10-25 bacteria per cell). In contrast to epithelial cells, all variant pili, whether of Class I or Class II, adhered to endothelial cells in substantially larger numbers (greater than 50 bacteria per cell) and therefore implied the existence of distinct mechanisms in pilus-facilitated interactions of N. meningitidis with endothelial and epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae can invade into cervical epithelial cells to overcome this host defense barrier. We developed a beta-lactamase reporter system that allowed us to quantify at the single cell level if a host cell internalized a viable or nonviable microorganism. We autodisplayed beta-lactamase on the surface of FA1090 [FA1090Phi(bla-iga')] and demonstrated by confocal fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry that FA1090Phi(bla-iga') cleaved the beta-lactamase substrate CCF2-AM loaded into host cells only when gonococci were internalized by these host cells. While FA1090Phi(bla-iga') adhered to almost all ME180 cells, viable N. gonorrhoeae were internalized by only a subset of cells during infection. Nonviable gonococci adhered to, but were not internalized by ME180 cells, and failed to recruit F-actin to sites of adherent bacteria. Overall, we show that epithelial cell invasion is a dynamic process that requires viable N. gonorrhoeae. We demonstrate the advantages of the beta-lactamase reporter system over the gentamicin protection assay in quantifying bacterial invasion. The reporter system that we have developed can be adapted to studying the internalization of any bacterial species into any host cell.  相似文献   

Adherence and phagocytosis of invasive and noninvasive Neisseria meningitidis strains was investigated using light, fluorescence and electron microscopy. Invasive strains were isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid and/or blood of the patients with invasive meningococcal disease and noninvasive strains from the nasopharynx and/or larynx of healthy carriers. Adherence/endocytosis was studied on monkey kidney cells (the LLC-MK2 cell line) and phagocytosis on mouse monocytes and human macrophages (the P388D1 and U-937 cell lines, respectively). Although invasive and noninvasive meningococci isolated in the same cluster showed identical genotype and phenotype markers, they were found to interact differently with epithelial cells as well as with monocytes/macrophages. Invasive isolates displayed higher adherence to the surface of LLC-MK2 cells compared to noninvasive ones. Phagocytosis by P388D1 cells of noninvasive strains was effective and the bacteria were damaged by cytolysis. In contrast, invasive bacteria frequently persisted in "coiling" vacuoles and in effect could destroy the host cell. This is the first demonstration of coiling phagocytosis induced by meningococci. Efficiency of phagocytosis by U-937 cells was significantly higher for the noninvasive than invasive strains. Different behaviour of invasive and noninvasive strains of N. meningitidis observed during 4 hours of interactions with epithelial cells and monocytes/macrophages reflects well the higher pathogenic potential of invasive bacteria.  相似文献   

Translocation of the nasopharyngeal barrier by Neisseria meningitidis occurs via an intracellular microtubule‐dependent pathway and represents a crucial step in its pathogenesis. Despite this fact, the interaction of invasive meningococci with host subcellular compartments and the resulting impact on their organization and function have not been investigated. The influence of serogroup B strain MC58 on host cell polarity and intracellular trafficking system was assessed by confocal microscopy visualization of different plasma membrane‐associated components (such as E‐cadherin, ZO‐1 and transferrin receptor) and evaluation of the transferrin uptake and recycling in infected Calu‐3 monolayers. Additionally, the association of N. meningitidis with different endosomal compartments was evaluated through the concomitant staining of bacteria and markers specific for Rab11, Rab22a, Rab25 and Rab3 followed by confocal microscopy imaging. Subversion of the host cell architecture and intracellular trafficking system, denoted by mis‐targeting of cell plasma membrane components and perturbations of transferrin transport, was shown to occur in response to N. meningitidis infection. Notably, the appearance of all of these events seems to positively correlate with the efficiency of N. meningitidis to cross the epithelial barrier. Our data reveal for the first time that N. meningitidis is able to modulate the host cell architecture and function, which might serve as a strategy of this pathogen for overcoming the nasopharyngeal barrier without affecting the monolayer integrity.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis, a potentially fatal condition that particularly affects children. Multiple steps are involved during the pathogenesis of infection, including the colonisation of healthy individuals and invasion of the bacterium into the cerebrospinal fluid. The bacterium is capable of adhering to, and entering into, a range of human cell types, which facilitates its ability to cause disease. This article summarises the molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions at the cellular level during meningococcal carriage and disease.  相似文献   

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