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Anatomy ontologies play an increasingly important role in developing integrated bioinformatics applications. One of the primary relationships between anatomical tissues represented in such ontologies is part-of. As there are a number of ways to divide up the anatomical structure of an organism, each may be represented by more than one valid partonomic (part-of) hierarchy. This raises the issue of how to represent and integrate multiple such hierarchies.  相似文献   



Current efforts within the biomedical ontology community focus on achieving interoperability between various biomedical ontologies that cover a range of diverse domains. Achieving this interoperability will contribute to the creation of a rich knowledge base that can be used for querying, as well as generating and testing novel hypotheses. The OBO Foundry principles, as applied to a number of biomedical ontologies, are designed to facilitate this interoperability. However, semantic extensions are required to meet the OBO Foundry interoperability goals. Inconsistencies may arise when ontologies of properties – mostly phenotype ontologies – are combined with ontologies taking a canonical view of a domain – such as many anatomical ontologies. Currently, there is no support for a correct and consistent integration of such ontologies.  相似文献   

The immunostimulatory effects of bacterial DNA on mammalian cells have been localized to unmethylated CpG motifs, and synthetic CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotides that mimic these effects are known as immunostimulatory sequences (ISS). We have found that the polycationic antibiotic, polymyxin B (PMXB), associates with ISS and serum albumin in vitro and forms microparticles that greatly increase the activity of ISS on plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs). Specifically, ISS/PMXB greatly enhanced IFN-alpha production from PDCs and other activities downstream of IFN-alpha, including IFN-gamma secretion, NK lytic activity, and the expression of genes dependent upon IFN-alpha/IFN-gamma. This amplification was specific for the IFN-alpha pathway since other ISS activities, including B cell proliferation, B cell IL-6 secretion, and PDC maturation, were not affected by PMXB. Both the polycationic peptide and lipophilic fatty acid side chain domains of PMXB, as well as the presence of a third party stabilizing agent such as albumin or Tween 85, were required for particle formation and enhanced ISS activity. The ISS-enhancing activity of PMXB was observed across multiple species (human, primate, and mouse) and in vivo (primate, mouse). These data illustrate the usefulness of formulating ISS with a cationic lipopeptide such as PMXB, which focuses and greatly amplifies the ISS-induced pathway of IFN-alpha-mediated responses.  相似文献   

The strength of the rat as a model organism lies in its utility in pharmacology, biochemistry and physiology research. Data resulting from such studies is difficult to represent in databases and the creation of user-friendly data mining tools has proved difficult. The Rat Genome Database has developed a comprehensive ontology-based data structure and annotation system to integrate physiological data along with environmental and experimental factors, as well as genetic and genomic information. RGD uses multiple ontologies to integrate complex biological information from the molecular level to the whole organism, and to develop data mining and presentation tools. This approach allows RGD to indicate not only the phenotypes seen in a strain but also the specific values under each diet and atmospheric condition, as well as gender differences. Harnessing the power of ontologies in this way allows the user to gather and filter data in a customized fashion, so that a researcher can retrieve all phenotype readings for which a high hypoxia is a factor. Utilizing the same data structure for expression data, pathways and biological processes, RGD will provide a comprehensive research platform which allows users to investigate the conditions under which biological processes are altered and to elucidate the mechanisms of disease.  相似文献   

A small group of around 40 people came together at the Chancellors Conference Centre in Manchester for the Ontologies Workshop, chaired by Alan Rector and Robert Stevens. The workshop was, rather strangely, spread over 2 half days. In hindsight, this programme worked very well as it gave people the opportunity to chat over a drink on the Saturday evening and share ideas, before launching into the second half on the following day. The participants were from various walks of life, all with a common interest in finding out more about ontologies and promoting collaborations between the medical informatics and bioinformatics ontology communities.  相似文献   

With the completion of the Human Genome Project, a new emphasis is focusing on the sequence variation and the resulting phenotype. The number of data available from genomic studies addressing this relationship is rapidly growing. In order to analyze these data as a whole, they need to be integrated, aggregated and annotated in a timely manner. The Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base PharmGKB; () assembles and disseminates these data and their associated metadata that are needed for unambiguous identification and replication. Assembling these data in a timely manner is challenging, and the scalability of these data produce major challenges for a knowledge base such as PharmGKB. However, it is only through rapid global meta-annotation of these data that we will understand the relationship between specific genotype(s) and the related phenotype. PharmGKB has confronted these challenges, and these experiences and solutions can benefit all genome communities.  相似文献   

Primaclade is a web-based application that accepts a multiple species nucleotide alignment file as input and identifies a set of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers that will bind across the alignment. Primaclade iteratively runs the Primer3 application for each alignment sequence and collates the results. Primaclade creates an HTML results page that recaps the original alignment, provides a consensus sequence and lists primers for each alignment area, with primers color-coded to reflect the level of degeneracy in the primer.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: A major challenge in modern biology is to link genome sequence information to organismal function. In many organisms this is being done by characterizing phenotypes resulting from mutations. Efficiently expressing phenotypic information requires combinatorial use of ontologies. However tools are not currently available to visualize combinations of ontologies. Here we describe CRAVE (Concept Relation Assay Value Explorer), a package allowing storage, active updating and visualization of multiple ontologies. RESULTS: CRAVE is a web-accessible JAVA application that accesses an underlying MySQL database of ontologies via a JAVA persistent middleware layer (Chameleon). This maps the database tables into discrete JAVA classes and creates memory resident, interlinked objects corresponding to the ontology data. These JAVA objects are accessed via calls through the middleware's application programming interface. CRAVE allows simultaneous display and linking of multiple ontologies and searching using Boolean and advanced searches.  相似文献   

1. Additive partitioning of three measures of diversity (species richness, Shannon's diversity index H and Simpson's diversity D) was used to study the relationship between local and regional diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate communities of boreal lakes (littoral habitats) and streams (riffle habitats) across three spatial scales (sampling sites, ecoregions and biogeographic regions). 2. Alpha (α) and beta (β) diversity are defined as within‐habitat and between‐habitat diversity, respectively. According to the concept of additive partitioning, diversity can be partitioned across multiple spatial scales such that the total (γ) diversity on one spatial scale becomes within‐habitat (α) diversity at the next higher scale. Hence, the total diversity at one scale is determined by the α diversity and the between‐habitat diversity (β) at the next lower scale. Consequently, one of the advantages of additive partitioning is that it is possible to study simultaneously β diversity and the regional‐local species relationship and the scale dependence of α and β components. 3. For both lakes and streams α diversity was low for sites and ecoregions, whereas β diversity was high, indicating that among‐site factors are important in describing the variability among the lakes and streams studied here. 4. Weak, albeit significant, evidence was found for regional and local species saturation patterns. Multiple stepwise regression indicated that local processes might be more important in structuring lake‐littoral and stream‐riffle species assemblages than regional processes. From these results we conclude that environmental heterogeneity may act as an important factor contributing to species coexistence, resulting in the observed saturation patterns. 5. Our study supports the use of additive partitioning for identifying specific patterns of macroinvertebrate diversity on multiple spatial scales and the underlying processes generating these patterns. This information is needed to improve understanding of the relation between patterns and processes affecting (decreasing) trends in aquatic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Chickpea has been considered as a restrictive host for nodulation by rhizobia. However, recent studies have reported that several Mesorhizobium species may effectively nodulate chickpea. With the purpose of investigating the evolutionary relationships between these different species with the ability of nodulating the same host, we analysed 21 Portuguese chickpea rhizobial isolates. Symbiosis genes nifH and nodC were sequenced and used for phylogenetic studies. Symbiotic effectiveness was determined to evaluate its relationship with symbiosis genes. The comparison of 16S rRNA gene-based phylogeny with the phylogenies based on symbiosis genes revealed evidence of lateral transfer of symbiosis genes across different species. Chickpea is confirmed as a nonpromiscuous host. Although chickpea is nodulated by many different species, they share common symbiosis genes, suggesting recognition of only a few Nod factors by chickpea. Our results suggest that sequencing of nifH or nodC genes can be used for rapid detection of chickpea mesorhizobia.  相似文献   

Incorporating connectivity into the design of marine protected areas (MPAs) has met with conceptual, theoretical, and practical challenges, which include: 1) the need to consider connectivity for multiple species with different dispersal abilities, and 2) the role played by variable habitat quality in determining the spatial patterns of connectivity. We propose an innovative approach, combining biophysical modeling with a routinely‐used tool for marine‐reserve design (Marxan), to address both challenges by using ecologically‐informed connectivity parameters. We showed how functional demographic connectivity for four candidate reef‐associated species with varying dispersal abilities and a suite of connectivity metrics weighted by habitat quality can be used to set conservation objectives and inform MPA placement. Overall, the strength of dispersal barriers varied across modeled species and, also across species, we found a lack of spatial concordance of reefs that were high‐quality sources, self‐persistent, and stepping‐stones. Including spatially‐heterogeneous habitat quality made a considerable difference to connectivity patterns, significantly reducing the potential reproductive output from many reefs. We also found that caution is needed in combining connectivity data from modeled species into multi‐species matrices, which do not perform reliably as surrogates for all connectivity metrics of individual species. We then showed that restricting the habitat available for conservation has an inequitable impact on different connectivity objectives and species, with greatest impact on betweenness centrality and long‐distance dispersers. We used Brazilian coral reefs as a case study but our approach is applicable to both marine and terrestrial conservation planning, and offers a holistic way to design functionally‐connected reserves to tackle the complex issues relevant to planning for persistence.  相似文献   

Integrating function across marine life cycles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Complex life cycles involve a set of discrete stages that candiffer dramatically in form and function. Transitions betweendifferent stages vary in nature and magnitude; likewise, thedegree of autonomy among stages enabled by these transitionscan vary as well. Because the selective value of traits is likelyto shift over ontogeny, the degree of autonomy among stagesis important for understanding how processes at one life-historystage alter the conditions for performance and selection atothers. We pose 3 questions that help to define a research focuson processes that integrate function across life cycles. First,to what extent do particular transitions between life-historystages allow those stages to function as autonomous units? Weidentify the roles that stages play in the life history, typesof transitions between stages, and 3 forces (structural, genetic/epigenetic,and experiential) that can contribute to integration among stages.Second, what are the potential implications of integration acrosslife cycles for assumptions and predictions of life-historytheory? We provide 3 examples where theory has traditionallyfocused on processes acting within stages in isolation fromothers. Third, what are the long-term consequences of carryoverof experience from one life cycle stage to the next? We distinguish3 scenarios: persistence (effects of prior experience persistthrough subsequent stages), amplification (effects persist andare magnified at subsequent stages), and compensation (effectsare compensated for and diminish at subsequent stages). We usethese scenarios to differentiate between effects of a carryoverof state and carryover into subsequent processes. The symposiumintroduced by our discussion is meant to highlight how discretestages can be functionally coupled, such that life cycle evolutionbecomes a more highly integrated response to selection thancan be deduced from the study of individual stages.  相似文献   

A major challenge confronting neuroscientists is associated with the multiple spatial and temporal scales of investigation of neural structure and function. I shall discuss the use of computational neural modeling as one method to bridge some of the different spatial and temporal levels. This approach will be illustrated using large-scale, neurobiologically realistic network models of auditory and visual pattern recognition that relate neuronal dynamics to fMRI data. It will be demonstrated that the models are capable of exhibiting the salient features of both electrophysiological neuronal activities and fMRI values that are in agreement with empirically observed data.  相似文献   

Populations are from time to time exposed to stressful temperatures. Their thermal resistance levels are determined by inherent and plastic mechanisms, which are both likely to be under selection in natural populations. Previous studies on Drosophila species have shown that inherent resistance is highly species specific, and differs among ecotypes (e.g., tropical and widespread species). Apart from being exposed to thermal stress many small and fragmented populations face genetic challenges due to, for example, inbreeding. Inbreeding has been shown to reduce inherent resistance levels toward stressful temperatures, but whether adaptation to thermal stress through plastic responses also is affected by inbreeding is so far not clear. In this study, we test inherent cold resistance and the ability to respond plastically to temperature changes through developmental cold acclimation in inbred and outbred lines of five tropical and five widespread Drosophila species. Our results confirm that tropical species have lower cold resistance compared to widespread species, and show that (1) inbreeding reduces inherent cold resistance in both tropical and widespread species, (2) inbreeding does not affect the ability to respond adaptively to temperature acclimation, and (3) tropical species with low basal resistance show stronger adaptive plastic responses to developmental acclimation compared to widespread species.  相似文献   

Increasingly, high-dimensional genomics data are becoming available for many organisms.Here, we develop OrthoClust for simultaneously clustering data across multiple species. OrthoClust is a computational framework that integrates the co-association networks of individual species by utilizing the orthology relationships of genes between species. It outputs optimized modules that are fundamentally cross-species, which can either be conserved or species-specific. We demonstrate the application of OrthoClust using the RNA-Seq expression profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster from the modENCODE consortium. A potential application of cross-species modules is to infer putative analogous functions of uncharacterized elements like non-coding RNAs based on guilt-by-association.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/gb-2014-15-8-r100) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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