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No significant differences were found between four mathematical equations describing the response of CO2 exchange rate to photosynthetic photon flux density in seven poplar clones under laboratory conditions. Choice of an optimal equation for poplar may be based on the contemplated aims. High significant differences (at p<0.001) were found among the clones.Research was supported by the Instituut tot Aanmoediging van het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Nijverheid en Landbouw (I.W.O.N.L.), Brussels.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate whether elevated atmospheric [CO2] alters plant N availability in a native high-elevation grassland in the Swiss Alps using two integrative, relatively non-disruptive methods. Estimates based on seasonal net plant N uptake, and those based on the amounts of NH 4 + -N plus NO 3 -N captured by ion exchange resin (IER) bags, did not differ in plots treated with ambient (355 L L–1) and elevated (680 L L–1) [CO2] in either the second (1993) or third (1994) growing season under treatment with elevated [CO2]. The results of this study suggest that the effects of rising atmospheric [CO2] on plant N availability may be negligible in this grassland. The results also contrast the relatively large effects of elevated atmospheric [CO2] (increases and decreases) reported for highly disturbed artificial systems.  相似文献   

With the ability to symbiotically fix atmospheric N2, legumes may lack the N-limitations thought to constrain plant response to elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2. The growth and photosynthetic responses of two perennial grassland species were compared to test the hypotheses that (1) the CO2 response of wild species is limited at low N availability, (2) legumes respond to a greater extent than non-fixing forbs to elevated CO2, and (3) elevated CO2 stimulates symbiotic N2 fixation, resulting in an increased amount of N derived from the atmosphere. This study investigated the effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration (365 and 700 mol mol–1) and N addition on whole plant growth and C and N acquisition in an N2-fixing legume (Lupinus perennis) and a non-fixing forb (Achillea millefolium) in controlled-chamber environments. To evaluate the effects of a wide range of N availability on the CO2 response, we incorporated six levels of soil N addition starting with native field soil inherently low in N (field soil + 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 g N m–2 yr–1). Whole plant growth, leaf net photosynthetic rates (A), and the proportion of N derived from N2 fixation were determined in plants grown from seed over one growing season. Both species increased growth with CO2enrichment, but this response was mediated by N supply only for the non-fixer, Achillea. Its response depended on mineral N supply as growth enhancements under elevated CO2 increased from 0% in low N soil to +25% at the higher levels of N addition. In contrast, Lupinus plants had 80% greater biomass under elevated CO2 regardless of N treatment. Although partial photosynthetic acclimation to CO2 enrichment occurred, both species maintained comparably higher A in elevated compared to ambient CO2 (+38%). N addition facilitated increased A in Achillea, however, in neither species did additional N availability affect the acclimation response of A to CO2. Elevated CO2 increased plant total N yield by 57% in Lupinus but had no effect on Achillea. The increased N in Lupinus came from symbiotic N2 fixation, which resulted in a 47% greater proportion of N derived from fixation relative to other sources of N. These results suggest that compared to non-fixing forbs, N2-fixers exhibit positive photosynthetic and growth responses to increased atmospheric CO2 that are independent of soil N supply. The enhanced amount of N derived from N2 fixation under elevated CO2 presumably helps meet the increased N demand in N2-fixing species. This response may lead to modified roles of N2-fixers and N2-fixer/non-fixer species interactions in grassland communities, especially those that are inherently N-poor, under projected rising atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Jastrow  J.D.  Miller  R.M.  Owensby  C.E. 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(1):85-97
We determined the effects of elevated [CO2] on the quantity and quality of below-ground biomass and several soil organic matter pools at the conclusion of an eight-year CO2 enrichment experiment on native tallgrass prairie. Plots in open-top chambers were exposed continuously to ambient and twice-ambient [CO2] from early April through late October of each year. Soil was sampled to a depth of 30 cm beneath and next to the crowns of C4 grasses in these plots and in unchambered plots. Elevated [CO2] increased the standing crops of rhizomes (87%), coarse roots (46%), and fibrous roots (40%) but had no effect on root litter (mostly fine root fragments and sloughed cortex material >500 μm). Soil C and N stocks also increased under elevated [CO2], with accumulations in the silt/clay fraction over twice that of particulate organic matter (POM; >53 μm). The mostly root-like, light POM (density ≤1.8 Mg m-3) appeared to turn over more rapidly, while the more amorphous and rendered heavy POM (density >1.8 Mg m-3) accumulated under elevated [CO2]. Overall, rhizome and root C:N ratios were not greatly affected by CO2 enrichment. However, elevated [CO2] increased the C:N ratios of root litter and POM in the surface 5 cm and induced a small but significant increase in the C:N ratio of the silt/clay fraction to a depth of 15 cm. Our data suggest that 8 years of CO2 enrichment may have affected elements of the N cycle (including mineralization, immobilization, and asymbiotic fixation) but that any changes in N dynamics were insufficient to prevent significant plant growth responses. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The nature of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 is evaluated from the results of over 40 studies focusing on the effect of long-term CO2 enrichment on the short-term response of photosynthesis to intercellular CO2 (the A/Ci response). The effect of CO2 enrichment on the A/Ci response was dependent on growth conditions, with plants grown in small pots (< 5 L) or low nutrients usually exhibiting a reduction of A at a given Ci, while plants grown without nutrient deficiency in large pots or in the field tended to exhibit either little reduction or an enhancement of A at a given Ci following a doubling or tripling of atmospheric CO2 during growth. Using theoretical interpretations of A/Ci curves to assess acclimation, it was found that when pot size or nutrient deficiency was not a factor, changes in the shape of A/Ci curves which are indicative of a reallocation of resources within the photosynthetic apparatus typically were not observed. Long-term CO2 enrichment usually had little effect or increased the value of A at all Ci. However, a minority of species grown at elevated CO2 exhibited gas exchange responses indicative of a reduced amount of Rubisco and an enhanced capacity to metabolize photosynthetic products. This type of response was considered beneficial because it enhanced both photosynthetic capacity at high CO2 and reduced resource investment in excessive Rubisco capacity. The ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 (the Ci/Ca ratio) was used to evaluate stomatal acclimation. Except under water and humidity stress, Ci/Ca exhibited no consistent change in a variety of C3 species, indicating no stomatal acclimation. Under drought or humidity stress, Ci/Ca declined in high-CO2 grown plants, indicating stomata will become more conservative during stress episodes in future high CO2 environments.Abbreviations A net CO2 assimilation rate - Ci (Ca) intercellular (ambient) partial pressure of CO2 - operational Ci intercellular partial pressure of CO2 at a given ambient partial pressure of CO2 - gs stomatal conductance - normal CO2 current atmospheric mole fraction of CO2 (330 to 355 mol mol–1) - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that elevated CO2 would stimulate proportionally higher photosynthesis in the lower crown of Populus trees due to less N retranslocation, compared to tree crowns in ambient CO2. Such a response could increase belowground C allocation, particularly in trees with an indeterminate growth pattern such as Populus tremuloides. Rooted cuttings of P. tremuloides were grown in ambient and twice ambient (elevated) CO2 and in low and high soil N availability (89 ± 7 and 333 ± 16 ng N g−1 day−1 net mineralization, respectively) for 95 days using open-top chambers and open-bottom root boxes. Elevated CO2 resulted in significantly higher maximum leaf photosynthesis (A max) at both soil N levels. A max was higher at high N than at low N soil in elevated, but not ambient CO2. Photosynthetic N use efficiency was higher at elevated than ambient CO2 in both soil types. Elevated CO2 resulted in proportionally higher whole leaf A in the lower three-quarters to one-half of the crown for both soil types. At elevated CO2 and high N availability, lower crown leaves had significantly lower ratios of carboxylation capacity to electron transport capacity (V cmax/J max) than at ambient CO2 and/or low N availability. From the top to the bottom of the tree crowns, V cmax/J max increased in ambient CO2, but it decreased in elevated CO2 indicating a greater relative investment of N into light harvesting for the lower crown. Only the mid-crown leaves at both N levels exhibited photosynthetic down regulation to elevated CO2. Stem biomass segments (consisting of three nodes and internodes) were compared to the total A leaf for each segment. This analysis indicated that increased A leaf at elevated CO2 did not result in a proportional increase in local stem segment mass, suggesting that C allocation to sinks other than the local stem segment increased disproportionally. Since C allocated to roots in young Populus trees is primarily assimilated by leaves in the lower crown, the results of this study suggest a mechanism by which C allocation to roots in young trees may increase in elevated CO2. Received: 12 August 1996 / Accepted: 12 November 1996  相似文献   

Responses of soil biota to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
Increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 could have dramatic effects upon terrestrial ecosystems including changes in ecosystem structure, nutrient cycling rates, net primary production, C source-sink relationships and successional patterns. All of these potential changes will be constrained to some degree by below ground processes and mediated by responses of soil biota to indirect effects of CO2 enrichment. A review of our current state of knowledge regarding responses of soil biota is presented, covering responses of mycorrhizae, N-fixing bacteria and actinomycetes, soil microbiota, plant pathogens, and soil fauna. Emphasis will be placed on consequences to biota of increasing C input through the rhizosphere and resulting feedbacks to above ground systems. Rising CO2 may also result in altered nutrient concentrations of plant litter, potentially changing decomposition rates through indirect effects upon decomposer communities. Thus, this review will also cover current information on decomposition of litter produced at elevated CO2. Summary Predictably, the responses of soil biota to CO2 enrichment and the degree of experimental emphasis on them increase with proximity to, and intimacy with, roots. Symbiotic associations are all stimulated to some degree. Total plant mycorrhization increases with elevated CO2. VAM fungi increase proportionately with fine root length/mass increase. ECM fungi, however, exhibit greater colonization per unit root length/mass at elevated CO2 than at current atmospheric levels. Total N-fixation per plant increases in all species examined, although the mechanisms of increase, as well as the eventual benefit to the host relative to N uptake may vary. Microbial responses are unclear. The assumption that changes in root exudation will drive increased mineralization and facilitate nutrient uptake should be examined experimentally, in light of recent models. Microbial results to date suggest that metabolic activity (measured as changes in process rates) is stimulated by root C input, rather than population size (measured by cell or colony counts). Insufficient evidence exists to predict responses of either soil-borne plant pathogens or soil fauna (i.e., food web responses). These are areas requiring attention, the first for its potential to limit ecosystem production through disease and the second because of its importance to nutrient cycling processes. Preliminary data on foliar litter decomposition suggests that neither nutrient ratios nor decomposition rates will be affected by rising CO2. This is another important area that may be better understood as the number of longer term studies with more realistic CO2 exposures increase. Evidence continues to mount that C fixation increases with CO2 enrichment and that the bulk of this C enters the belowground component of ecosystems. The global fate and effects of this additional C may affect all hierarchical levels, from organisms to ecosystems, and will be largely determined by responses of soil biota.  相似文献   

Soil respiration in a cropland is the sum of heterotrophic (mainly microorganisms) and autotrophic (root) respiration. The contribution of both these types to soil respiration needs to be understood to evaluate the effects of environmental change on soil carbon cycling and sequestration. In this paper, the effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on hetero- and autotrophic respiration in a wheat field were differentiated and evaluated by a novel split-root growth and gas collection system. Elevated atmospheric pCO2 of approximately 200 μmol mol−1 above the ambient pCO2 significantly increased soil respiration by 15.1 and 14.8% at high nitrogen (HN) and low nitrogen (LN) application rates, respectively. The effect of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on root respiration was not consistent across the wheat growth stages. Elevated pCO2 significantly increased and decreased root respiration at the booting-heading stage (middle stage) and the late-filling stage (late stage), respectively, in HN and LN treatments; however, no significant effect was found at the jointing stage (early stage). Thus, the effect of increased pCO2 on cumulative root respiration for the entire wheat growing season was not significant. Cumulative root respiration accounted for approximately 25–30% of cumulative soil respiration in the entire wheat growing season. Consequently, cumulative microbial respiration (soil respiration minus root respiration) increased by 22.5 and 21.1% due to elevated pCO2 in HN and LN, respectively. High nitrogen application significantly increased root respiration at the late stage under both elevated pCO2 and ambient pCO2; however, no significant effects were found on cumulative soil respiration, root respiration, and microbial respiration. These findings suggest that heterotrophic respiration, which is influenced by increased substrate supplies from the plant to the soil, is the key process to determine C emission from agro-ecosystems with regard to future scenarios of enriched pCO2.  相似文献   

Acclimation of photosynthetic proteins to rising atmospheric CO2   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In this review we discuss how the photosynthetic apparatus, particularly Rubisco, acclimates to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ca). Elevated ca alters the control exerted by different enzymes of the Calvin cycle on the overall rate of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, so altering the requirement for different functional proteins. A decreased flux of carbon through the photorespiratory pathway will decrease requirements for these enzymes. From modeling of the response of CO2 uptake (A) to intracellular CO2 concentration (ci) it is shown that the requirement for Rubisco is decreased at elevated ca, whilst that for proteins limiting ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate regeneration may be increased. This balance may be altered by other interactions, in particular plasticity of sinks for photoassimilate and nitrogen supply; hypotheses on these interactions are presented. It is speculated that increased accumulation of carbohydrate in leaves developed at elevated ca may signal the down regulation of Rubisco. The molecular basis of this down regulation is discussed in terms of the repression of photosynthetic gene expression by the elevated carbohydrate concentrations. This molecular model is then used to predict patterns of acclimation of perennials to long term growth in elevated ca.  相似文献   

We previously used dual stable isotope techniques to partition soil CO2 efflux into three source components (rhizosphere respiration, litter decomposition, and soil organic matter (SOM) oxidation) using experimental chambers planted with Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seedlings. The components responded differently to elevated CO2 (ambient + 200 mol mol–1) and elevated temperature (ambient + 4 °C) treatments during the first year. Rhizosphere respiration increased most under elevated CO2, and SOM oxidation increased most under elevated temperature. However, many studies show that plants and soil processes can respond to altered climates in a transient way. Herein, we extend our analysis to 2 years to evaluate the stability of the responses of the source components. Total soil CO2 efflux increased significantly under elevated CO2 and elevated temperature in both years (1994 and 1995), but the enhancement was much less in 1995. Rhizosphere respiration increased less under elevated temperature in 1995 compared with 1994. Litter decomposition also tended to increase comparatively less in 1995 under elevated CO2, but was unresponsive to elevated temperature between years. In contrast, SOM oxidation was similar under elevated CO2 in the 2 years. Less SOM oxidation occurred under elevated temperature in 1995 compared with 1994. Our results indicate that temporal variations can occur in CO2 production by the sources. The variations likely involve responses to antecedent physical disruption of the soil and physiological processes.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to examine the response of wheat plants to a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration on: (1) carbon and nitrogen partitioning in the plant; (2) carbon release by the roots; and (3) the subsequent N uptake by the plants. The experiment was performed in controlled laboratory conditions by exposing fast-growing spring wheat plants, during 28 days, to a 14CO2 concentration of 350 or 700 L L–1 at two levels of soil nitrogen fertilization. Doubling CO2 availability increased total plant production by 34% for both N treatment. In the N-fertilized soil, the CO2 enrichment resulted in an increase in dry mass production of 41% in the shoots and 23% in the roots; without N fertilization this figure was 33% and 37%, respectively. In the N-fertilized soil, the CO2 increase enhanced the total N uptake by 14% and lowered the N concentration in the shoots by 23%. The N concentration in the roots was unchanged. In the N-fertilized soil, doubling CO2 availability increased N uptake by 32% but did not change the N concentrations, in either shoots or roots. The CO2 enrichment increased total root-derived carbon by 12% with N fertilization, and by 24% without N fertilization. Between 85 and 90% of the total root derived-14C came from respiration, leaving only 10 to 15% in the soil as organic 14C. However, when total root-derived 14C was expressed as a function of root dry weight, these differences were only slightly significant. Thus, it appears that the enhanced carbon release from the living roots in response to increased atmospheric CO2, is not due to a modification of the activity of the roots, but is a result of the increased size of the root system. The increase of root dry mass also resulted in a stimulation of the soil N mineralization related to the doubling atmospheric CO2 concentration. The discussion is focused on the interactions between the carbon and nitrogen allocation, especially to the root system, and the implications for the acquisition of nutrients by plants in response to CO2 increase.Abbreviations N soil fertilization without nitrogen - N soil fertilization with nitrogen  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that increased carbohydrate flux under elevatedCO2 regulates accelerated development using rice (Oryzasativa L. cv. Jarrah). Plants were grown either in flooded soil orsolution culture at either 360 or 700 L CO2L–1. Total dry mass, shoot elongation rates (SER),tiller appearance rates (TAR) and ethylene release from intact rice seedlingswere measured from 5 to 42 days after planting (DAP). At maturity, shoot andsheath length, tiller number and grain mass were also measured. ElevatedCO2 had a profound effect on growth, morphology and development andthe effects were more pronounced during the early growth phase. Total aboveground biomass increased at elevated CO2 and this was accounted for by enhanced tiller number. Grain yield was increased by 56% under elevated CO2mainly due to increased tiller number and hence panicle number. TAR and SERwereenhanced at elevated CO2 but SER increased only untill 25 DAP.Elevated CO2 stimulated a 2-3-fold increase in endogenous andACC-mediated ethylene release but the ACC concentration in the leaves waslittleaffected showing that rates of ACC synthesis matched its oxidation. Inhibitionof ethylene action by 1-aminocyclopropane (1-MCP) had a more pronouncedinhibitory effect on ethylene release in plants that were grown at 700 ascompared to 360 L CO2 L–1. Feedingsucrose to intact plants enhanced ethylene synthesis and these results areconsistent with the hypothesis that increased accumulation of sucrose atelevated CO2 may enhance expression of genes in the ethylenebiosynthetic pathway. We conclude that increase in ethylene release may becentral in promoting accelerated development under elevated CO2 andthis coincides with the release of auxiliary buds and accelerated rates oftiller appearance hence increased grain yield at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

We studied the responses of an aquatic microcosm in two different eutrophic conditions to elevated atmospheric CO2concentration. We used microcosms, consisting of Escherichia coli(bacteria), Tetrahymena thermophila(protozoa) and Euglena gracilis(algae), in salt solution with 50 and 500 mg l–1of proteose peptone (eutrophic and hypereutrophic conditions, respectively) under ambient and elevated CO2(1550±100 l l–1) conditions. The density of E. gracilisincreased significantly under elevated CO2in both eutrophic and hypereutrophic microcosms. In the eutrophic microcosm, the other elements were not affected by elevated CO2. In the hypereutrophic microcosm, however, the concentrations of ammonium and phosphate decreased significantly under elevated CO2. Furthermore, the density of T. thermophilawas maintained in higher level than that in the microcosm with ambient CO2and the density of E. coliwas decreased by CO2enrichment. Calculating the carbon biomasses of T. thermophilaand E. colifrom their densities, the changes in their biomasses by CO2enrichment were little as compared with large increase of E. graciliscarbon biomass converted from chlorophyll a. From the responses to elevated CO2in the subsystems of the hypereutrophic microcosm consisting of either one or two species, the increase of E. graciliswas a direct effect of elevated CO2, whereas the changes in the density of E. coliand T. thermophilaand the decreases in the concentration of ammonium and phosphate are considered to be indirect effects rather than direct effects of elevated CO2. The indirect effects of elevated CO2were prominent in the hypereutrophic microcosm.  相似文献   

Net productions of permanent soil atmosphere gases (N2, CO2, O2) and temporary gases (N2O, NO) were monitored in soil cores using a non-interfering, fully automated measuring technique allowing highly time resolved measurements over prolonged periods. The influence of changes in available organic carbon on CO2, N2O, NO and N2 production was studied by changing the soil carbon content through aerobic preincubations of different length, up to 21 days.The aerobic preincubation caused an increase in NO3 - concentration and a decrease in available carbon content. Available carbon content dominated both CO2 and total N gas (N2+N2O+NO) production during anaerobiosis. Both CO2 and total N gas production rates decreased with increasing length of the previous aerobic preincubation, this in spite of the higher initial NO3 - concentration.Total denitrification rates were closely related to the anaerobic CO2 production rates. No relation was found between water soluble carbon content and total denitrification. The N2O/N2 ratio could be explained by an interaction of carbon availability, NO3 - concentration and enzyme status. Net N2O consumption was monitored. The balance between cumulative total N gas production and NO3 - consumption varied according to the different treatments. Cumulative N2O production exceeded cumulative N2 production for 0 up to 5 days.  相似文献   

Populations of the annual hemiparasites Melampyrum pratense L. and Melampyrum sylvaticum L. were studied at the treeline in the Swiss Alps after 3 years of in situ CO2 enrichment. The total density of Melampyrum doubled to an average of 44 individuals per square meter at elevated CO2 compared to ambient CO2. In response to elevated CO2, the height of the more abundant and more evenly distributed M. pratense increased by 20%, the number of seeds per fruit by 21%, and the total seed dry mass per fruit by 27%, but the individual seed size did not change. These results suggest that rising atmospheric CO2 may stimulate the reproductive output and increase the abundance of Melampyrum in the alpine treeline ecotone. Because hemiparasites can have important effects on community dynamics and ecosystem processes, notably the N cycle, changing Melampyrum abundance may potentially influence the functioning of alpine ecosystems in a future CO2-rich atmosphere.  相似文献   

Kellomäki  Seppo  Wang  Kai-Yun 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(2):229-248
Starting in early spring of 1994, naturally regenerated, 30-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees were grown in open-top chambers and exposed in situ to doubled ambient O3,doubled ambient CO2 and a combination of O3 and CO2 from 15 April to 15 September. To investigate daily and seasonal responses of CO2 exchange to elevated O3 and CO2, the CO2 exchange of shoots was measured continuously by an automatic system for measuring gas exchange during the course of one year (from 1 Januray to 31 December 1996). A process-based model of shoot photosynthesis was constructed to quantify modifications in the intrinsic capacity of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance by simulating the daily CO2 exchange data from the field. Results showed that on most days of the year the model simulated well the daily course of shoot photosynthesis. Elevated O3 significantly decreased photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance during the whole photosynthetic period. Elevated O3 also led to a delay in onset of photosynthetic recovery in early spring and an increase in the sensitivity of photosynthesis to environmental stress conditions. The combination of elevated O3 and CO2 had an effect on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance similar to that of elevated O3 alone, but significantly reduced the O3-induced depression of photosynthesis. Elevated CO2 significantly increased the photosynthetic capacity of Scots pine during the main growing season but slightly decreased it in early spring and late autumn. The model calculation showed that, compared to the control treatment, elevated O3 alone and the combination of elevated O3 and CO2 decreased the annual total of net photosynthesis per unit leaf area by 55% and 38%, respectively. Elevated CO2 increased the annual total of net photosynthesis by 13%.  相似文献   

Large intact soil cores of nearly pure stands of Pascopyrum smithii (western wheatgrass, C3) and Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama, C4) were extracted from the Central Plains Experimental Range in northeastern Colorado, USA and transferred to controlled environment chambers. Cores were exposed to a variety of water, temperature and CO2 regimes for a total of four annual growth cycles. Root subsamples were harvested after the completion of the second and fourth growth cycles at a time corresponding to late winter, and were examined microscopically for the presence of mycorrhizae. After two growth cycles in the growth chambers, 54% of the root length was colonized in P. smithii, compared to 35% in blue grama. Field control plants had significantly lower colonization. Elevation of CO2 increased mycorrhizal colonization in B. gracilis by 46% but had no effect in P. smithii. Temperatures 4° C higher than normal decreased colonization in P. smithii by 15%. Increased annual precipitation decreased colonization in both species. Simulated climate change conditions of elevated CO2, elevated temperature and lowered precipitation decreased colonization in P. smithii but had less effect on B. gracilis. After four growth cycles in P. smithii, trends of treatments remained similar, but overall colonization rate decreased.  相似文献   

Summary Mono-specific communities of the C3 sedge, Scirpus olneyi and the C4 grass, Spartina patens, were exposed to normal ambient or elevated CO2, (ca. 680 l l–1) throughout the 1987 and 1988 growing seasons in open-top field chambers located on a tidal marsh. Single stems of C3 plants grown in ambient or elevated CO2 showed an increased photosynthetic rate when tested at elevated CO2 for both seasons. This increase in photosynthetic response in the C3 species was maintained throughout the 1987 and 1988 growing season. The stimulation of photosynthesis with elevated CO2 appeared to increase as temperature increased and decreased as photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) increased. Analysis of the photosynthetic response of the C3 species during the 1988 season indicated that significant differences in light-saturated photosynthetic rate between ambient and elevated CO2 conditions continued until October. In contrast to the C3 sedge, the C4 grass showed no significant photosynthetic increase to elevated CO2 except at the beginning of the 1988 season.  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment on responses of weedy species from an orchard ecosystem to elevated CO2 (700–800 μmol mol−1) under low phosphorus (P) soil in an environment-controlled growth chamber. Twelve local weedy species, Poa annua L., Lolium perenne L., Avena fatua L., Vicia cracca L., Medicago lupulina L., Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl., Veronica didyma Ten., Plantago virginica L., Gnaphalium affine D.Don., Echinochloa crusgalli var. mitis (L.) Beauv., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. and Setaria glauca (L.) P. Beauv., grouped into four functional groups (C3 grass, C3 forb, legume and C4 grass), were used in the experiment. The total plant biomass, P uptake, and mycorrhizal colonization were measured. The results showed that the total biomass of the 12 weedy species tended to increase under elevated CO2. But changes in the total biomass under elevated CO2 significantly differed among functional groups: legumes showed the greatest increase in the total biomass of all functional groups, following the order C3 forbs > C4 grasses > C3 grasses. Elevated CO2 significantly increased mycorrhizal colonization and P uptake of legumes, C3 forbs and C4 grasses but did not change C3 grasses. Positive correlations between mycorrhizal colonization and shoot P concentration, and between total P uptake and total biomass were found under elevated CO2. The results suggested that the interspecific difference in CO2 response at low P availability was caused by the difference in CO2 response in mycorrhizae and P uptake. These differences among species imply that plant interaction in orchard ecosystems may change under future CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   

Root exudation has been hypothesized as one possible mechanism that may lead to increased inputs of organic C into the soil under elevated atmospheric CO2, which could lead to greater long-term soil C storage. In this study, we analyzed exudation of dissolved organic C from the roots of seedlings of the N-fixing tree Robinia pseudoacacia L. in a full factorial design with 2 CO2 (35.0 and 70.0 Pa) × 2 temperature (26° and 30 °C during the day) × 2 N fertilizer (0 and 10.0 mM N concentration) levels. We also analyzed the decomposition rates of root exudate to estimate gross rates of exudation. Elevated CO2 did not affect root exudation of organic C. A 4 °C increase in temperature and N fertilization did, however, significantly increase organic C exudation rates. Approximately 60% of the exudate decomposed relatively rapidly, with a turnover rate of less than one day, while the remaining 40% decomposed more slowly. These results suggest that warmer climates, as predicted for the next century, may accelerate root exudation of organic C, which will probably stimulate rapid C cycling and may make a minor contribution to intermediate to more long-term soil C storage. However, as these losses to root exudation did not exceed 1.2% of the net C fixed by Robinia pseudoacacia, root exudation of organic C appears to have little potential to contribute to long-term soil C sequestration. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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