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The objective of the present study was to characterize and investigate potential mechanisms for the male reproductive toxicity of trichloroethylene (TCE). Male rats exposed to TCE in drinking water exhibited a dose-dependent decrease in the ability to fertilize oocytes from untreated females. This reduction in fertilizing ability occurred in the absence of treatment-related changes in combined testes/epididymides weight, sperm concentration, or sperm motility. In addition, flow cytometric analysis showed that there were no treatment-related differences in sperm mitochondrial membrane potential or acrosomal stability. TCE caused slight histological changes in efferent ductule epithelium, coinciding with the previously reported ductule localization of cytochrome P450 2E1. However, no alterations were noted in the testis or in any segment of the epididymis. Because there were no treatment-related changes to sperm indices and no clear pathological lesions to explain the reduced fertilization, the present study investigated TCE-mediated sperm oxidative damage. Oxidized proteins were detected by immunochemical techniques following the derivatization of sperm protein carbonyls with dinitrophenyl hydrazine. Immunochemical staining of whole, intact sperm showed the presence of halos of oxidized proteins around the head and midpiece of sperm from TCE-treated animals. The presence of oxidized sperm proteins was confirmed by Western blotting using in vitro-oxidized sperm as a positive control. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances analyses showed a dose-dependent increase in the level of lipid peroxidation in sperm from treated animals, as well. Oxidative damage to sperm may explain the diminished fertilizing capacity of exposed animals and provide another mechanism by which TCE can adversely affect reproductive capabilities in the male.  相似文献   

Since genetic damage induced by ethanol exposure is controversial and incomplete and because germ and somatic cells constitute bioindicators for monitoring reproductive toxicity and genotoxic actions of ethanol consumption, the purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate morphological sperm, oocyte alterations and parental genotoxic effects after sub-chronic ethanol intake in the CF-1 outbred mouse strain. Ethanol 10% was administered to CF-1 adult male (treated males, TM) and female (treated females, TF) mice for 27 days, whereas water was given to controls from both sexes too (CM and CF). Post-treatment micronucleus frequency (MN-PCE/1,000/mouse) and gamete morphology were evaluated. To test whether change of female reproductive status results in maternal genotoxicity, CF-1 females received ethanol 10% (exposed group, periconceptionally treated females (PTF)) or water (control group, pregnant control females (PCF)) in drinking water for 17 days previous and up to 10 days of gestation. TM had a high percentage of abnormal spermatozoa vs CM (p < 0.001) and elevated parthenogenetic activated oocyte frequency appeared in TF vs CF (p < 0.001). Sub-chronic ethanol ingestion induced increased MN frequency in TM and TF (p < 0.01). In PTF, where blood alcohol concentrations were between 19–28 mg/dl, very significantly increased MN frequency was found vs PCF (p < 0.01), whereas MN values were similar to TF. These results show that sub-chronic alcohol ingestion in CF-1 mice produces sperm head dysmorphogenesis and oocyte nuclear anomalies, suggesting that morphological abnormalities in germ cells are probably related to parental genotoxicity after ethanol consumption.  相似文献   

The toxic effect of vincristine on the apical cells of the rat caput epididymis was investigated. The drug was administered at 20 and 40 microg/kg body weight daily for 15 days. Light microscopy using semithin sections, and transmission electron microscopy, of the caput epididymis were undertaken. The results revealed that the basal region of the apical cell was in contact with the basement membrane and the luminal end took part in endocytosis. The apical cells reflected a dose-dependent response to vincristine (VCR) treatment. In general the changes included protrusion of the apical ends deep into the lumen, with the nucleus of the cell located in such protruded ends, and an increase in the abundance of lysosomal bodies and multivesicular bodies. These changes reflected the physiological response of the apical cell to VCR treatment rather than toxic manifestations.  相似文献   

The development of steroid-based oral contraceptives had revolutionized the availability of contraceptive choice for women. In order to expand the contraceptive options for couples by developing an acceptable, safe and effective male contraceptive, scientists have been experimenting with various steroidal/non-steroidal regimens to suppress testicular sperm production. The non-availability of a long-acting androgen was a limiting factor in the development of a male contraceptive regimen since all currently tested anti-spermatogenic agents also concurrently decrease circulating testosterone levels. A combination regimen of long-acting progestogen and androgen would have advantage over an androgen-alone modality since the dose of androgen required would be much smaller in the combination regimen, thereby decreasing the adverse effects of high steroid load. The progestogen in the combination regimen would act as the primary anti-spermatogenic agent. Currently, a number of combination regimens using progestogen or GnRH analogues combined with androgen are undergoing trials. The side effects of long-term use of androgens and progestogens have also undergone evaluation in primate models and the results of these studies need to be kept in view, while considering steroidal regimens for contraceptive use in men. Efforts are also being made to popularize non-scalpel vasectomy and to develop condoms of greater acceptability. The development of contraceptive vaccines for men, using sperm surface epitopes not expressed in female reproductive tract as source, still requires considerable research efforts.  相似文献   

Knowledge relative to the reproduction of nonhibernating bats is reviewed. Events in the male, as they are now understood, are summarized for all families for which data exist. Attention is given to the wide species diversity of male accessory sex oragns in respect to gross structure and glandular complement. Stability or variability or organization of the male reproductive system is noted. Functional relationships between primary and accessory sex organs are considered and any synchrony between these organs and their functional cyclicity identified. Various frequencies of male reproductive cycles are examined for each species within families. Factors influencing male reproductive evens in nonhibernating Chiroptera are briefly considered. It has long been speculation that reproductive cycles under natural conditions are strikingly related to the environment, with such features as temperature, moisture, length of day and available food all implicated. These cues, however, appear to be filtered through varied genetic potential and physiological patterns, since not all species respond similarly, even though residing together in a homogeneous environment. Variation between certain species in frequency and length of the oestrous cycle seem to be accommodated to by parallel adjustments in the male, including extended sperm production or storage and continued secretory activity of accessory sex glands.  相似文献   

Arsenic, a known human carcinogen, was given to mice via drinking water as sodium arsenite at a dose 53.39, 133.47, 266.95 and 533.90 mol l for 35 days. A decrease in the activity of 17 HSD along with increase in LDH, GT activity were observed at 533.90 mol l. The observed sperm count, motility and morphological abnormalities in sperm were similar to control at lower dose levels. However at 533.90 mol l a significant decrease in sperm count and motility along with increase in abnormal sperm were noticed. Significant accumulation of arsenic in testes and accessory sex organs may be attributed to the arsenic binding to the tissues or greater cellular uptake. No effects were observed on indices studied for reproductive effects at 53.39 mol l arsenic close to which human being are exposed through drinking water under the present set of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Patterns of three variables of reproductive strategies in male New World primates are examined: (i) how males obtain access to potential mates; (ii) how males obtain actual mating opportunities; and (iii) how males affect infant survival and female reproductive success. Male opportunities to associate with females, whether by remaining in their natal groups, dispersing and forming new groups, or dispersing and taking over or joining established groups, are strongly influenced by local population densities and correlate with female reproductive rates and the extent of female reproductive seasonality and synchrony. Differences in male mating success are affected by female accessibility, whether male-male and male-female relationships are hierarchical or egalitarian, and whether female reproduction is seasonally restricted. Patterns of male behavior toward infants, characterized as active assistance, overt interference, or benign tolerance, appear to co-vary with differences in the degree to which males can affect female reproductive rates. These qualitative analyses suggest that the reproductive strategies of male New World primates can be classified along a continuum ranging from conservative to daring depending on whether female reproductive rates are relatively slow or fast and whether reproduction is strongly or weakly linked to seasonal ecological variables. Males adopt the conservative strategy of staying in their natal groups, forfeiting exclusive mating opportunities, and treating infants with tolerance when female reproduction is constrained by ecological factors. Conversely, males adopt the more daring strategy of dispersing and competing when potential payoffs through their ability to affect female reproduction are high.  相似文献   

Male reproductive effect of nickel sulphate in mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nickel sulphate was administered orally to adult male mice at dose level of 5 and 10 mg/kg body weight (5 days per week) for 35 days. There was no change in body weight. However a significant decrease in absolute and organ-to-body weight ratios of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and prostate gland was observed. The sperm abnormality, associated with decrease in sperm motility and sperm count was also observed. Significant alterations in the activities of marker testicular enzymes, viz. sorbitol dehydrogenase (decreases), lactate dehydrogenase (increases) and -glutamyl transpeptidase (increases) associated with histopathological changes in testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles, were also observed. Accumulation of nickel in testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles was also observed. The study reveals that the oral exposure to nickel may affect the histology of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and sperms morphology. These testicular and spermatotoxic changes may be responsible for observed male mediated developmental toxic effects.  相似文献   

Access to sexually receptive baboon females has been linked to male dominance rank. An intensive 19-month field study of mate choice and mate competition among savanna baboons was undertaken in order to elucidate those factors influencing mating success. During this study, male agonistic rank was not correlated with male mating success among adult males. However, the inclusion of adolescent males into the analysis yielded significant correlations between rank and mating success. Examination of prior fieldwork revealed that no baboon field study has conclusively demonstrated a significant correlation between male rank and reproduction among adult males. Most studies reporting a correlation between male rank and reproduction have included subadult males in the analysis. It is concluded that male rank is an unreliable predictor of male reproductive activity among adult male baboons. A low agonistic rank need not reduce male mating success because adult male baboons utilize a variety of reproductive tactics in gaining access to consort females.  相似文献   

Male bimaturism and reproductive success in Sumatran orang-utans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although orang-utans live solitary lives most of the time, theyhave a complex social structure and are characterized by extremesexual dimorphism. However, whereas some adult male orang-utansdevelop full secondary sexual characteristics, such as cheekflanges, others may stay in an "arrested" unflanged conditionfor up to 20 years after reaching sexual maturity. The resultis a marked bimaturism among adult males. Flanged males allowfemales to overlap with their home range and often toleratethe presence of unflanged males. However, wherever possibleflanged males actively prevent unflanged males from copulatingwith females. Two competing hypotheses, previously untested,have been advanced to explain male reproductive behavior andbimaturism in orang-utans: (1) the "range-guardian" hypothesis,which asserts that the flanged males are postreproductive anddefend a range in which they tolerate sexually active, unflangedmale relatives; and (2) the "female choice" hypothesis, whichasserts that flanged males tolerate unflanged males in their range because they rely on female preference to favor flangedmales. We investigated these hypotheses and a third hypothesisthat the two male morphs represent co-existing alternativemale reproductive strategies ("sitting, calling, and waiting"for flanged males versus "going, searching, and finding" forunflanged males). Fecal samples were collected from a well-studiedpopulation in Indonesia, and eight human microsatellites wereanalyzed for 30 individuals that have been behaviorally monitoredfor up to 27 years. By carrying out paternity analysis on 11offspring born over 15 years, we found that unflanged malesfathered about half (6) of the offspring. Relatedness betweensuccessful unflanged males and resident dominant males wassignificantly lower than 0.5, and for some unflanged/flangedmale pairs, relatedness values were negative, indicating thatunflanged males are not offspring of the flanged males.  相似文献   

Paternity assessment through DNA fingerprinting by synthetic oligonucleotide probes was applied to one birth cohort in a social group of free-ranging rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago. The 11 group males and 9 males from other groups were observed mating with the females. Paternity was determined for 11 of the 15 infants. Male dominance rank was not associated with reproductive success. High-ranking resident males (N=5) sired 27% of the infants born during a one-year study. Four of the 11 infants of known paternity were sired by males of other social groups. The four infants of unknown paternity were sired either by males not observed mating with the females or the low-ranking male who was not fingerprinted. Male dominance rank was not associated with reproductive activity during conception cycles. These results suggest that the effect of rank on male reproductive success is not a predictable correlation, but a conditional probability.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In order to justify clinical studies in women of child-bearing age with artemisone, a new artimisinin derivative, studies to assess fertility and early embryonic development in rats, developmental toxicity in rats and rabbits, and peri-post natal development in rats were performed. METHODS AND RESULTS: In the study on fertility and early embryonic development (dose levels 0-5-20-80 mg/kg bw/day), doses inducing clinical and organ toxicity were used. Only in severe toxicity conditions, a reduction of the number of estruses, a prolonged time to insemination, decreased numbers of corpora lutea, implantation sites, and viable fetuses were found. Two developmental toxicity studies were performed in rats (dose levels 0-1-2 mg/kg bw/day) and rabbits (dose levels 0-2.5-5.0-7.5 mg/kg bw/day). It was shown that rats were about 5 times more sensitive than rabbits. In rats, artemisone induced total litter loss (late resorptions) at 2 mg/kg body weight and above with an increased incidence of a common vascular variation and retarded ossification at this dose. In rabbits, maternal toxicity, abortion and a slightly increased incidence of cardiac ventricular septal defects was observed at 7.5 mg/kg body weight. In a pre- and postnatal developmental toxicity study in rats (dose levels 0-1-2-4 mg/kg bw/day), 4 mg/kg body weight artemisone induced clinical symptoms and affected postnatal survival, body weight gain in the F1 pups, and motor activity. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, artemisone was shown to be embryo- and fetotoxic and induced cardiac ventricular septal defects and retarded ossification in dosages where total litter loss and abortions were observed. However, no effect on reproductive and developmental parameters below severe toxic dosages could be observed. Birth Defects Res (Part B)86: 131-143, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive success has been a topic of interest since the beginning of primatology. From a theoretical point of view the existence or absence of this relationship has great implications with respect to the meaning of dominance rank and more general of the social relationships between individuals within social groups. Until fairly recently mating behaviour has been used as an indicator of reproductive success, but these two variables need not be correlated. The relations between mating success, reproductive success, and dominance rank indicate whether selective mating is involved (different mating partners at different phases of fertility, for example through male contest or female choice). With the development of genetic techniques to determine reproductive success directly, it has now become possible to investigate these relations. In our study on wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) we find a relatively strong correlation between rank and reproductive success which is attributable to selective mating by the alpha male during fertile periods of the females. In most previous studies no such clear results have been obtained, and we discuss the differences in outcome in relation to the study conditions, group sizes, and possible differences between species in terms of reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

In many species, males can influence the amount of resources their mates invest in reproduction. Two favoured hypotheses for this observation are that females assess male quality during courtship or copulation and alter their investment in offspring accordingly, or that males manipulate females to invest heavily in offspring produced soon after mating. Here, we examined whether there is genetic variation for males to influence female short-term reproductive investment in Drosophila melanogaster, a species with strong sexual selection and substantial sexual conflict. We measured the fecundity and egg size of females mated to males from multiple isofemale lines collected from populations around the globe. Although these traits were not strongly influenced by the male's population of origin, we found that 22 per cent of the variation in female short-term reproductive investment was attributable to the genotype of her mate. This is the first direct evidence that male D. melanogaster vary genetically in their proximate influence on female fecundity, egg size and overall reproductive investment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Resource allocation between somatic and reproductive structures has important fitness consequences for individuals, and optimal trade-offs are expected to depend not only on mating system differences among species but also on levels of resource stress within species. We tested the prediction that polyandry (associated with increased sperm competition) will increase male reproductive allocation in bioluminescent fireflies in Photinus spp. by comparing the relative mass of testes, seminal vesicles, and reproductive accessory glands among a monandrous and several polyandrous species. In addition, we examined a single population of a polyandrous species, Photinus greeni , to see how reproductive allocation might shift between years in response to different levels of larval resource stress. As predicted, males of P. collustrans , a monandrous species, showed a fivefold lower allocation to sperm production and a 100-fold lower allocation to reproductive accessory glands compared with males from polyandrous species. We also found evidence within P. greeni of a trade-off between allocation either to reproduction or to somatic tissue; following larval resource stress, males eclosed at significantly shorter body lengths, yet showed a 35% increase in their reproductive allocation. These results demonstrate that mating systems strongly influence male allocation to reproductive accessory glands as well as to sperm production. Furthermore, these results suggest that under larval resource stress males of Photinus spp. increase their allocation to reproduction at the expense of somatic tissue, thus maximizing their ability to produce nuptial gifts required for reproductive success.  相似文献   

Sperm number and male accessory gland compounds are often importantdeterminants of male mating success but have been little studiedin social insects. This is because mating in social insectsis often difficult to manipulate experimentally, and first evidencefor an explicit influence of accessory gland secretions on malemating success in social insects was obtained only recently.Here we perform a comparative analysis of male sexual organsacross 11 species of attine fungus-growing ants, representingboth genera with single- and multiple-queen mating. We foundthat the general morphology of the male sexual organs was verysimilar across all species, but the relative sizes of the accessoryglands and the sperm-containing accessory testes vary significantlyacross species. Small testes and large accessory glands characterizespecies with singly mated queens, whereas the opposite is foundin species with multiply mated queens. However, in the socialparasite Acromyrmex insinuator, in which queens have secondarilyreverted to single mating, males have accessory gland characteristicsreminiscent of the lower attine ants, but without having significantlyreduced their investment in sperm production. We hypothesizethat the main function of accessory gland compounds in attineants is to monopolize male paternity in similar ways as knownfrom other social insects. This would imply that the evolutionof polyandry in the terminal clade of the fungus-growing ants(the leafcutter ants) has resulted in selection for decreasedinvestment by males in accessory gland secretions and increasedinvestment in sperm number, in response to sperm competitionfor sperm storage.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the hypothesis that male sand crickets, Gryllus firmus, experience a trade-off between flight capability and reproductive potential expressed as reduced testis weight in flight-capable morphs. We used a half-sib design with 130 sires, three dams per sire and an average of 5.66 males per dam family, for a total of 2206 F1 offspring. Traits measured were head width, somatic dry weight, testis weight, wing morph (micropterous/macropterous), weight of the dorso-longitudinal flight muscles (DLM) and the functional status of these muscles. Heritabilities of all traits were significant and ranged from 0.14 to 0.43. All traits were positively correlated with body size, but removal of this covariance revealed a highly significant trade-off, both phenotypically and genetically, between testes size and flight capability as measured by wing morph, DLM size or DLM status. The possible implications of this for morph-specific reproductive tactics are discussed.  相似文献   

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