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杂交白头叶猴F1代及其后代性状和行为跟踪观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对白头叶猴与黑叶猴杂交所得的雌杂白头叶猴F1代(F1f)的性状及行为观察,以及F1代与黑叶猴进行回交繁殖出来的后代Be1、Be2、Be3和Be4的性状表现及生长发育的长期观察,结果表明:杂交白头叶猴及其回交代的性状、形态特征与黑叶猴十分相似,黑毛性状占绝对的优势。白头叶猴所拥有的性状在杂白头叶猴及其后代中几乎不表现,仅是在生长中存在部分印记,在发育过程中的颜色转变时间延长,毛色转变也有痕迹的现象。这说明白头叶猴的基因控制在回交代中只起到辅助作用,但总的以黑叶猴的基因控制为主。白头叶猴回交代个体弱仔率比例高达50%,高于同期的黑叶猴弱仔率,后者一般为10%—20%,呈现出远交衰退迹象。杂交代F1在繁殖行为及对后代的哺育投资上与黑叶猴无明显区别;回交代的生长发育和行为发育与黑叶猴的行为有趋同性。综合上述特征,结合杂交白头叶猴F1f的连续繁殖成功,可以断定白头叶猴不是一个独立种,而是黑叶猴的一个亚种。  相似文献   

开展近缘物种觅食行为比较对理解动物的行为可塑性及适应性具有重要意义。白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)和黑叶猴(T.francoisi)是近缘物种,体形大小相近,社会结构和栖息环境相似,是广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区喀斯特季节性雨林中邻域分布的灵长类。为了探索两个物种在喀斯特生境中是否有相似的觅食策略,我们于2012年1—12月采用瞬时扫描取样法对两种叶猴的觅食行为进行研究。结果表明,白头叶猴与黑叶猴在不同时段均为叶食性,树叶是两种叶猴各个时段主要食物,其中白头叶猴日均取食树叶77.0%±4.4%,黑叶猴日均取食68.9%±8.3%,两者对树叶的采食比例均没有显著的日时段差异(白头叶猴:χ2=6.602,df=11,P=0.830;黑叶猴:χ2=11.393,df=11,P=0.411)。两种叶猴的觅食行为都在猴群清晨离开夜宿石洞后和进入过夜山洞前的时段中频繁发生。白头叶猴在09:00—10:59和16:00—17:59出现觅食高峰,时间占比分别为41.7%和46.3%;黑叶猴同样在09:00—10:59...  相似文献   

2012年10~12月采用访问法、小区蹲点数量统计方法对广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区驮逐片及周边相邻的昌平片的黑叶猴种群数量与分布进行了调查。结果显示,驮逐片黑叶猴分布面积为9714 hm2,种群数量为10群55只;昌平片黑叶猴分布面积为1073 hm2,种群数量为7群33只;两处合计为17群88只。驮逐片和昌平片黑叶猴种群数量分别占广西黑叶猴种群数量的14%和10%。驮逐片通过加强能力建设、宣传力度和保护力度,昌平片通过建立自然保护小区,加大对黑叶猴及其栖息地的保护力度。  相似文献   

笼养白头叶猴夏季水分摄入与消耗的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄乘明  卢立仁 《兽类学报》1997,17(2):100-106
叶片中的水分含量是白头叶猴水分的主要来源,占水分需求总量的83.68%,其它的16.32%来自于自由水。在笼养条件下,白头叶猴可饮用自来水,野生状态下,动物饮用露水或雨水。尽管饮水行为不是每天都有,但能经常观察到,特别是在夏季雨后.除了体表和呼吸系统的水分蒸发外,白头叶猴通过尿和粪便丢失的水分含量分别是44.68%和55.32%。  相似文献   

RAPD分析与白头叶猴分类地位探讨   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
为确定白头叶猴的分类地位,分析了菲氏叶猴、紫面叶猴、长尾叶猴、黑叶猴、白头叶猴、共13个个体的随机扩增DNA多态。用于检测的30个随机引物中有22个产生清晰的条带。根据遗传距离建立的系统树显示,黑叶猴与白头叶猴亲缘关系最近,且两者都不是单系群。白头叶猴3与黑叶猴6的亲缘关系比与白头叶猴1、2的更近。根据系统树中的关系对群体进行了t检验,结果显示:在5%水平上,白头叶猴与黑叶猴有显著差异;然而,在同  相似文献   

白头叶猴及其觅食生物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白头叶猴仅分布在我国广西南部四县境内的喀斯特石山地区,数量少,分布范围狭窄,栖息环境特殊,白头叶猴偏爱植物丰富的山脚部分;选择生物量大的植物为食,并选择含水量高的部位。  相似文献   

黑叶猴和菲氏叶猴的皮纹   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  

白头叶猴的分布及生态习性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
江海声  吴名川 《兽类学报》1991,11(3):236-237,193

白头叶猴的性比与社会结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
白头叶猴的性比与社会结构STUDYONSEXRATIOANDSOCIO-STRUCTUREOFFWHITE-HEADEDLEAFMONKEYKeywordsWhite-headedleafmonkey;Sexratio;Socio-structure...  相似文献   

白头叶猴种群的调查研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1991年7—10月,作者在广西扶绥县(山弄)癝对白头叶猴种群进行调查。结果表明:生活在(山弄)癝栖息地的白头叶猴为166只,分属28个猴群和3只雄性独猴。最大群有16只,最小群2只,平均每群5.3只。种群密度为每平方公里8只。在已划分年龄组的23个猴群中,成年猴88只,占67.6%,青年猴25只,占20.2%,幼猴20只,占12.2%。  相似文献   

Abstract: The reproduction performance of captive owl monkeys, a breed used extensively in biomedical research, was observed at the Battelle Primate Facility (BPF). The colony grew through captive breeding, imports from the Peruvian Primatological Project, and others to a peak size of 730. It included seven karyotypes of Aotus sp. Results showed that owl monkeys can breed successfully in a laboratory in numbers sufficient to sustain modest research programs. Reproductive success increases when pairs are compatible, of the same karyotype, and stabilized; however, mated pairs of different karyotype are also productive. Under conditions of controlled lighting and heating, owl monkeys at BPF showed no birth peak nor birth season.  相似文献   

Feeding trials were conducted with a troop of six proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) at the New York Zoological Park to quantify aspects of digestive physiology. Diets consumed comprised, on an as-fed basis, 55% browse and green produce, 11% fruit, 9% commercial primate diets, 9% root vegetables, and 16% miscellaneous items. Total feed intake averaged 12% of body mass; dry matter intake was 3%. Dry matter and plant cell wall disappearance exceeded 80%. Passage marker studies (three 6-day trials) revealed: transit time=14 hr; mean passage time=49 hr; and 5–80% retention time=52 hr. Digestion coefficients and retention times were greater than expected based on body size. These results might reflect the low fiber content of the diets fed, or alternatively, provide evidence that proboscis monkeys are efficient digesters of cell wall constituents.  相似文献   

Asian leaf-eating monkeys have flexible, environmentally adaptable feeding strategies. The diet and food choices of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) have, however, not yet been studied in the Nongguan Karst Hills in China, where one of the two main surviving populations of this endangered species lives. From 2000 to 2002 inclusive, we adopted an innovative video playback analysis method to identify the food species used by the langurs and to calculate the corresponding feeding frequency for each species. The video-aided methodology was shown to be efficient. It provided high-quality images, and the plant species could be identified in 98.3% of the feeding records. Based on this analysis, we found that the langurs in Nongguan fed on 70 species of plants, among which 24 were identified as their staple food species. The cumulative curve for the staple food species reached a plateau at 255 (43.7%) feeding records. This result indicated that most of the langurs' staple food species had been identified by the analysis.  相似文献   

A female patas monkey (Erythrocebus patas) housed with two males of different species, Hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas), and vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops pigerythrus), gave birth to a female offspring in a semi-open enclosure on June 11, 1975. Karyological analyses and electrophoretic examinations were carried out in order to determine the real father of the hybrid. From the results of these observations it was concluded that the father of the hybrid individual wasCercopithecus aethiops. Additionally, somatometric and hematological investigations were performed.  相似文献   

Clinical and pathologic data were reviewed for 72 owl monkeys that died between January 1987 and May 1990 at the Center for Reproduction and Conservation of Nonhuman Primates in Iquitos, Peru. Tissue samples from 39 animals were examined. Hypertrophic cardiac disease (51% of animals examined), dilative cardiomyopathy (26%), and nephropathy (87%) were the most common diagnoses. The incidence of all three diseases appeared to increase with time in captivity. Nephropathy was less severe in colony-born animals.  相似文献   

This report describes a suppurative meningitis in a young cynomolgus. The animal had neutrophil aggregation in the subarachnoid space and hemorrhage in bilateral adrenal glands. Staphylococcus was identified by FISH in brain. To our knowledge, this is the first case of staphylococcal meningitis with Waterhouse‐Friderichsen syndrome in a cynomolgus monkey.  相似文献   

A case of adoption of a 1-month-old howler infant by an adult female spider monkey living in captivity and its development over a six-month period are reported. The female had adopted a spider monkey infant two years before the interspecific adoption reported here. The female displayed a strong maternal response toward the howler infant and also produced milk and fed the infant.  相似文献   

The formation and fate of the corpus luteum have been described for a previously un researched species of South-east Asian colobine, the Dusky leaf monkey, Presbytis obscura. Histological material from 44 wild female monkeys collected at various stages of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and lactation over a 12-month period was available for study. The corpus luteum of the menstrual cycle was a cystic structure and consisted of a thin rim of luteal tissue surrounding a central cavity filled with a meshwork of fibrin. At the end of the luteal phase the corpus luteum either degenerated into a corpus albicans, or became transformed into a corpus aberrans. Corpora aberrantia have previously only been described in the ovaries of the rhesus monkey, where they may persist for many months. Ultimately the corpus aberrans may also degenerate into a corpus albicans. Small corpora lutea atretica were observed during early pregnancy but there was no evidence of corpora lutea accessoria. Anovulatory cycles were common amongst the females included in this study and may play a role in limiting the growth of troops in their natural environment. Comparisons have been drawn between the findings presented here and those published for other species of catarrhine primate.  相似文献   

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