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In an accompanying paper a computational procedure is described, which introduces new ligand-binding sites into proteins of known structure. Here we describe the experimental implementation of one of the designs, which is intended to introduce a copper-binding site into Escherichia coli thioredoxin. The new binding site can be introduced with a minimum of four amino acid changes. The binding site is buried so that structural rules for making mutations in the hydrophobic core of a protein, as well as for the introduction of new functions, are being tested in this experiment. The mutant protein is folded even in the absence of metals, and variants that retain the original activity of thioredoxin can be isolated. The protein has gained a metal-binding site specific for transition metals. The metal co-ordination chemistry at the binding site varies depending on the metal that is introduced into it. Mercury(II) is co-ordinated in the expected manner. Copper(II) binds in a way that was not anticipated in the original design. It appears to use two of the four residues intended to form the co-ordination sphere, and two other residues that were not part of the original set of mutations. It is therefore necessary not only to introduce new functional groups to form a new site, but also to consider and remove alternative modes of binding.  相似文献   

The mammalian X-ray cross-complementing group 1 protein (XRCC1) is an important player in base excision repair of damaged DNA. Two new findings help to elucidate its role - biochemical data suggest that this multidomain protein interacts not only with three different enzymes, but also with the nicked DNA itself, and NMR data reveal the structure of the domain that interacts with both DNA polymerase beta and DNA.  相似文献   

Immunochromatographic strip test is a unique type of rapid test that has been developed for use as part of a diagnostic kit for the rapid detection of antibodies and/or other proteins of interest. For the detection of target proteins, most of the commercial tests are assembled based on the conjugation of colloidal gold particles to monoclonal antibodies embedded within the conjugate pad of a strip test. In this study, we tested the novel concept of using an artificial non-antibody structure for generating a colloidal gold conjugate (CGC). We exploited the property of an ankyrin repeat protein that specifically binds to the HIV-1 capsid protein termed AnkGAG1D4. This construct was applied as a model structure to create Ank1D4-CGC and used as a new type of visible detector system and termed it ankyrin-based immunochromatographic strip (ABIS) test. The ABIS test was shown to be highly sensitive with a lower limit of detection of the target protein at 0.1 μg/ml. Moreover, the ABIS test was not only highly sensitive but also shared a level of specificity within the same range of the commercial test kit. The results of the studies presented herein therefore demonstrate the novel application of an artificial non-immunoglobulin structure (ankyrin repeat protein) as the new line of a visible detector using a rapid diagnostic test with characteristics that have the potential to be superior to those that utilize antibody-based tests.  相似文献   

Classification of protein sequences and structures into families is a fundamental task in biology, and it is often used as a basis for designing experiments for gaining further knowledge. Some relationships between proteins are detected by the similarities in their sequences, and many more by the similarities in their structures. Despite this, there are a number of examples of functionally similar molecules without any recognisable sequence or structure similarities, and there are also a number of protein molecules that share common structural scaffolds but exhibit different functions. Newer methods of comparing molecules are required in order to detect similarities and dissimilarities in protein molecules. In this article, it is proposed that the precise 3-dimensional disposition of key residues in a protein molecule is what matters for its function, or what conveys the "meaning" for a biological system, but not what means it uses to achieve this. The concept of comparing two molecules through their intramolecular interaction networks is explored, since these networks dictate the disposition of amino acids in a protein structure. First, signature patterns, or fingerprints, of interaction networks in pre-classified protein structural families are computed using an approach to find structural equivalences and consensus hydrogen bonds. Five examples from different structural classes are illustrated. These patterns are then used to search the entire Protein Data Bank, an approach through which new, unexpected similarities have been found. The potential for finding relationships through this approach is highlighted. The use of hydrogen-bond fingerprints as a new metric for measuring similarities in protein structures is also described.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of higher eukaryotic cells is a dynamic network of interconnected membrane tubules that pervades almost the entire cytoplasm. On the basis of the morphological changes induced by the disruption of the cytoskeleton or molecular motor proteins, the commonly accepted model has emerged that microtubules and conventional kinesin (kinesin-1) are essential determinants in establishing and maintaining the structure of the ER by active membrane expansion. Surprisingly, very similar ER phenotypes have now been observed when the cytoskeleton-linking ER membrane protein of 63 kDa (CLIMP-63) is mutated, revealing stable attachment of ER membranes to the microtubular cytoskeleton as a novel requirement for ER maintenance. Additional recent findings suggest that ER maintenance also requires ongoing homotypic membrane fusion, possibly controlled by the p97/p47/VICP135 protein complex. Work on other proteins proposed to regulate ER structure, including huntingtin, the EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding protein p22, the vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B and kinectin isoforms further contribute to the new emerging concept that ER shape is not only determined by motor driven processes but by a variety of different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Proteins are the active players in performing essential molecular activities throughout biology, and their dynamics has been broadly demonstrated to relate to their mechanisms. The intrinsic fluctuations have often been used to represent their dynamics and then compared to the experimental B-factors. However, proteins do not move in a vacuum and their motions are modulated by solvent that can impose forces on the structure. In this paper, we introduce a new structural concept, which has been called the structural compliance, for the evaluation of the global and local deformability of the protein structure in response to intramolecular and solvent forces. Based on the application of pairwise pulling forces to a protein elastic network, this structural quantity has been computed and sometimes is even found to yield an improved correlation with the experimental B-factors, meaning that it may serve as a better metric for protein flexibility. The inverse of structural compliance, namely the structural stiffness, has also been defined, which shows a clear anticorrelation with the experimental data. Although the present applications are made to proteins, this approach can also be applied to other biomolecular structures such as RNA. This present study considers only elastic network models, but the approach could be applied further to conventional atomic molecular dynamics. Compliance is found to have a slightly better agreement with the experimental B-factors, perhaps reflecting its bias toward the effects of local perturbations, in contrast to mean square fluctuations. The code for calculating protein compliance and stiffness is freely accessible at https://jerniganlab.github.io/Software/PACKMAN/Tutorials/compliance .  相似文献   

An important puzzle in structural biology is the question of how proteins are able to fold so quickly into their unique native structures. There is much evidence that protein folding is hierarchic. In that case, folding routes are not linear, but have a tree structure. Trees are commonly used to represent the grammatical structure of natural language sentences, and chart parsing algorithms efficiently search the space of all possible trees for a given input string. Here we show that one such method, the CKY algorithm, can be useful both for providing novel insight into the physical protein folding process, and for computational protein structure prediction. As proof of concept, we apply this algorithm to the HP lattice model of proteins. Our algorithm identifies all direct folding route trees to the native state and allows us to construct a simple model of the folding process. Despite its simplicity, our model provides an account for the fact that folding rates depend only on the topology of the native state but not on sequence composition.  相似文献   

Structural stability of DNA in nonaqueous solvents   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One of the defining physicochemical features of DNA in aqueous solution is its ability to maintain a double-helical structure and for this structure to undergo a cooperative, heat-induced denaturation (melting). Herein we show that a 21-mer synthetic DNA can form and maintain such a duplex structure not only in water but even in 99% glycerol; moreover, this double-helical structure reversibly and cooperatively melts in that solvent, with a T(m) value of some 30 degrees lower than in water. Two much larger, natural DNAs, from calf thymus and salmon testes, exhibit similar behavior in glycerol. All three DNAs can also sustain a double-helical structure in 99% ethylene glycol, although its thermostability (as reflected by the melting temperature) is some 20 degrees lower than in glycerol. In contrast, no duplex structure of any of the DNAs was detected in 99% formamide, methanol, or DMSO. This solvent trend resembles that previously observed in studies of protein structure and folding and underscores the importance of hydrophobic interactions in both protein and DNA structure and stability. Our findings suggest that water may not be unique as a suitable medium not only for protein structure but also for that of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Sladek F 《Molecular cell》2002,10(2):219-221
Published online this week in Structure, Wisely et al. present a high-resolution X-ray crystallographic structure of the ligand binding domain of human hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 gamma (HNF4gamma). They find fatty acids filling the ligand binding pocket of this receptor long considered an orphan, but these "ligands" appear to be locked into the protein and not readily amenable to exchange. Not only does this present a new paradigm for nuclear receptors but it also provides new insights into their evolutionary origins.  相似文献   

About 50 years ago, the German entomologist Willi Hennig presented a new approach in biological systematics that he called a phylogenetic systematics. The main difference between his approach and traditional Linnean systematics was that he distinguished two new kinds of groups that he called mono- and paraphyletic groups, and whereof he considered only monophyletic groups to be natural groups. However, almost immediately after publication of his approach in English, some biological systematists commented that his monophyletic groups rather ought to be called holophyletic groups. The comment sparked a heated debate about the definition of the concept 'monophyletic groups', but the debate never reached consensus. In this paper, I claim that the controversy does not concern the definition of the concept monophyletic groups per se , but instead conceptualization of phylogenies (i.e. dichotomously branching processes) in a general sense. I discuss the relation between mono-, holo- and paraphyletic groups, and conclude that Hennig's conceptualization of phylogenies is both inconsistent and empirically wrong, whereas Linné's instead is consistent and correct.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 217–220.  相似文献   

高尔基体是一个非常重要的细胞器,最近研究表明,它除了蛋白加工外,还能参与细胞分化、细胞间信号传导和细胞凋亡, 其功能障碍也许和疾病的发生、发展有着某种联系。随着蛋白组学技术的发展,使得筛选新的肿瘤标志物成为可能,其中高尔基 体蛋白73(GP73)被认为是最值得期待的血清标志物之一,尤其是早期肝癌的血清标志物。本文对近年来有关GP73 结构、表达分 布以与及消化系统疾病的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

高尔基体是一个非常重要的细胞器,最近研究表明,它除了蛋白加工外,还能参与细胞分化、细胞间信号传导和细胞凋亡,其功能障碍也许和疾病的发生、发展有着某种联系。随着蛋白组学技术的发展,使得筛选新的肿瘤标志物成为可能,其中高尔基体蛋白73(GP73)被认为是最值得期待的血清标志物之一,尤其是早期肝癌的血清标志物。本文对近年来有关GP73结构、表达分布以与及消化系统疾病的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The study of carbohydrate sugar chains, or glycans, has been one of slow progress mainly due to the difficulty in establishing standard methods for analyzing their structures and biosynthesis. Glycans are generally tree structures that are more complex than linear DNA or protein sequences, and evidence shows that patterns in glycans may be present that spread across siblings and into further regions that are not limited by the edges in the actual tree structure itself. Current models were not able to capture such patterns. RESULTS: We have applied a new probabilistic model, called probabilistic sibling-dependent tree Markov model (PSTMM), which is able to inherently capture such complex patterns of glycans. Not only is the ability to capture such patterns important in itself, but this also implies that PSTMM is capable of performing multiple tree structure alignments efficiently. We prove through experimentation on actual glycan data that this new model is extremely useful for gaining insight into the hidden, complex patterns of glycans, which are so crucial for the development and functioning of higher level organisms. Furthermore, we also show that this model can be additionally utilized as an innovative approach to multiple tree alignment, which has not been applied to glycan chains before. This extension on the usage of PSTMM may be a major step forward for not only the structural analysis of glycans, but it may consequently prove useful for discovering clues into their function.  相似文献   

The sizes of atomic groups are a fundamental aspect of protein structure. They are usually expressed in terms of standard sets of radii for atomic groups and of volumes for both these groups and whole residues. Atomic groups, which subsume a heavy-atom and its covalently attached hydrogen atoms into one moiety, are used because the positions of hydrogen atoms in protein structures are generally not known. We have calculated new values for the radii of atomic groups and for the volumes of atomic groups. These values should prove useful in the analysis of protein packing, protein recognition and ligand design. Our radii for atomic groups were derived from intermolecular distance calculations on a large number (approximately 30,000) of crystal structures of small organic compounds that contain the same atomic groups to those found in proteins. Our radii show significant differences to previously reported values. We also use this new radii set to determine the packing efficiency in different regions of the protein interior. This analysis shows that, if the surface water molecules are included in the calculations, the overall packing efficiency throughout the protein interior is high and fairly uniform. However, if the water structure is removed, the packing efficiency in peripheral regions of the protein interior is underestimated, by approximately 3.5 %.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of a protein multiple sequence alignment can reveal groups of positions that undergo interdependent mutations throughout evolution. At these so-called correlated positions, only certain combinations of amino acids appear to be viable for maintaining proper folding, stability, catalytic activity or specificity. Therefore, it is often speculated that they could be interesting guides for semi-rational protein engineering purposes. Because they are a fingerprint from protein evolution, their analysis may provide valuable insight into a protein’s structure or function and furthermore, they may also be suitable target positions for mutagenesis. Unfortunately, little is currently known about the properties of these correlation networks and how they should be used in practice. This review summarises the recent findings, opportunities and pitfalls of the concept.  相似文献   

Identifying common local segments, also called motifs, in multiple protein sequences plays an important role for establishing homology between proteins. Homology is easy to establish when sequences are similar (sharing an identity > 25%). However, for distant proteins, it is much more difficult to align motifs that are not similar in sequences but still share common structures or functions. This paper is a first attempt to align multiple protein sequences using both primary and secondary structure information. A new sequence model is proposed so that the model assigns high probabilities not only to motifs that contain conserved amino acids but also to motifs that present common secondary structures. The proposed method is tested in a structural alignment database BAliBASE. We show that information brought by the predicted secondary structures greatly improves motif identification. A website of this program is available at www.stat.purdue.edu/~junxie/2ndmodel/sov.html.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle is continually subjected to microinjuries that must be repaired to maintain structure and function. Fluorescent dye influx after laser injury of muscle fibers is a commonly used assay to study membrane repair. This approach reveals that initial resealing only takes a few seconds. However, by this method the process of membrane repair can only be studied in part and is therefore poorly understood. We investigated membrane repair by visualizing endogenous and GFP-tagged repair proteins after laser wounding. We demonstrate that membrane repair and remodeling after injury is not a quick event but requires more than 20 min. The endogenous repair protein dysferlin becomes visible at the injury site after 20 seconds but accumulates further for at least 30 min. Annexin A1 and F-actin are also enriched at the wounding area. We identified a new participant in the membrane repair process, the ATPase EHD2. We show, that EHD2, but not EHD1 or mutant EHD2, accumulates at the site of injury in human myotubes and at a peculiar structure that develops during membrane remodeling, the repair dome. In conclusion, we established an approach to visualize membrane repair that allows a new understanding of the spatial and temporal events involved.  相似文献   

Korndörfer IP  Beste G  Skerra A 《Proteins》2003,53(1):121-129
The artificial lipocalin FluA with novel specificity toward fluorescein was derived via combinatorial engineering from the bilin-binding protein, BBP by exchange of 16 amino acids in the ligand pocket. Here, we describe the crystal structure of FluA at 2.0 A resolution in the space group P2(1) with two protein-ligand complexes in the asymmetric unit. In both molecules, the characteristic beta-barrel architecture with the attached alpha-helix is well preserved. In contrast, the four loops at one end of the beta-barrel that form the entrance to the binding site exhibit large conformational deviations from the wild-type protein, which can be attributed to the sidechain replacements. Specificity for the new ligand is furnished by hydrophobic packing, charged sidechain environment, and hydrogen bonds with its hydroxyl groups. Unexpectedly, fluorescein is bound in a much deeper cavity than biliverdin IX(gamma) in the natural lipocalin. Triggered by the substituted residues, unmutated sidechains at the bottom of the binding site adopt conformations that are quite different from those observed in the BBP, illustrating that not only the loop region but also the hydrophobic interior of the beta-barrel can be reshaped for molecular recognition. Particularly, Trp 129 participates in a tight stacking interaction with the xanthenolone moiety, which may explain the ultrafast electron transfer that occurs on light excitation of the bound fluorescein. These structural findings support our concept of using lipocalins as a scaffold for the engineering of so-called "anticalins" directed against prescribed targets as an alternative to recombinant antibody fragments.  相似文献   

运用计算机进行核酸和蛋白质的序列分析是分子生物学研究的一个较新发展,这项技术已越来越多地用于研究大量积累的序列数据。蛋白质功能区是蛋白质分子中能独立折叠成具有一定结构并执行特定功能的结构域,所有具有同一类功能区的分子统称为一个蛋白质的超族(protein superfamily)。本文通过对免疫球蛋白(Ig)超族及其功能区序列所进行的分析,建立了一种根据功能区之保守片段残基组成的模式匹配分析检索蛋白质功能区的方法,它先根据多序列的对准比较确定某一类功能区之保守片段,再对已知的保守片段各位置上氨基酸残基组成进行统计分析,然后根据与统计数值相匹配的方法,计算待检序列残基组成的统计学意义,由此确定功能区的存在。该方法的优点在于它不仅可以检出已知的具有某一类功能区的分子,而且还可能发现新的具有该功能区的分子,从而推测后者的功能。  相似文献   

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