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Folding of the human coxsackie and adenovirus receptor immunoglobulin (Ig) variable-type domain (CAR D1) during overexpression in the Escherichia coli cytoplasm was shown previously to be partially rescued by fusion to a 22-residue C-terminal peptide. Here, peptide sequence features required for solubilization and folding of CAR D1 and similar Ig variable-type domains from two other human membrane proteins were investigated. Peptide extensions with net negative charge > -6 fully solubilized CAR D1, and approximately half of the peptide-solubilized protein was correctly folded. The Ig variable-type domains from human A33 antigen and myelin P-zero proteins were only partially solubilized by peptide extensions with net charge of -12, however, and only the solubilized P-zero domain appeared to fold correctly whereas the A33 domain formed soluble microaggregates of misfolded protein. Our results suggest a model where the large net charge of peptide extensions increases electrostatic repulsion between nascent polypeptides. The resulting decrease in aggregation rate can enable some polypeptides to fold spontaneously into their native protein conformations. Analysis of the solubility and folding status of sets of structurally homologous proteins, such as the Ig variable-type domains described here, during overexpression could provide insights into how amino acid and gene sequences influence the efficiency of spontaneous protein folding.  相似文献   

Selective modification of arginine residues of LDL by cyclohexanedione or acetylation of lysine residues of LDL deminishes their high affinity binding and internalisation by human skin fibroblast up to 50% as compared with native LDL. The enhanced negative charge of the modified LDL particles results in an accelerated electrophoretic mobility towards the anode. Neuraminidase treatment of cyclohexanedione-modified LDL and acetyllysine-LDL normalizes not only their electrophoretic mobility, but also restores more than 80% of the original binding and uptake capacity, the specificity of this effect being indicated by using fibroblasts deficient in LDL receptor and by competitive binding and internalization experiments.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique to replica plate mammalian cells grown on plastic dishes using low melt agarose. This method is simpler than previously described methods that use polyester membranes to grow and transfer cells. We have tested the effectiveness of this technique on normal and immortal cell lines and have found that we can transfer cells with an efficiency of 80–90%. We have used this technique to rapidly screen clones for insertion of a lentivirally encoded gene without a selectable marker.  相似文献   

It is concluded on the basis of literature data, that apolipoprotein B-100 is the most high-molecular, hydrophobic, and positive charged protein compared to the other apoproteins of the plasma lipoproteins. Low density lipoproteins of healthy subjects, mainly containing apo B-100, have little heterogeneity on both charge and isoelectric point, in spite of heterogeneity on sizes and apolipoprotein composition. The reason of formation of subfraction with elevated negative charge is the damage with the free radicals and/or aldehydes. The reason of formation of more cationized subfraction is unclear. LDL charge changes are noted in some diseases and syndromes (ischemic heart diseases, familial hyper-alpha-lipoproteinemia, Tangier disease, X-bound ichthyosis and, possibly, others). Some IHD patients treatment with antioxidants leads to the disappearance of negative charged LDL subfraction, that shows participation of peroxidation products in their formation. Electrical characteristics of LDL of tissue fluids and of aorta wall differ essentially from those of the same class plasma lipoproteins. Lipid peroxidation and influences of several enzymes play the main role in these differences.  相似文献   

The technique of isoelectric focusing has been extended to the study of the cell surface. A few tumour cell types and normal liver cells have been examined and are found to have characteristic isoelectric points. The isoelectric point of a cell, it is shown, provides information about the ionogenic groups present on its surface. The net electric charge borne by cells at their isoelectric points can be used to predict their electrophoretic mobilities in buffers at physiological pH and ionic strengths.  相似文献   

Benzhydrylamine-resin (BHAR), a copolymer of styrene-divinylbenzene containing phenylmethylamine groups, used as solid support for peptide synthesis, was examined regarding physicochemical and anion exchanger chromatographic properties. The greater the ionic strength of the medium the poorer the solvation of beads. This effect is less pronounced the higher the amino group content of BHAR. The BHAR chromatographic behavior was compared with commercial cationic resins in columns of constant cation binding capacity. Three negatively charged heparan sulfate disaccharides were successfully purified in a 2.4 mmol/g BHAR that showed as good or better anion exchange performance than classical tertiary or quaternary amino group-containing resins. The BHAR chromatographic resin exclusion limit was estimated to be 30 kDa based on purification experiments of heparins of different molecular weight.  相似文献   

A method is described for the fractionation of prostaglandins and their metabolites in urine. Following acidification and extraction on Amberlite XAD-2, samples were separated by chromatography on the lipophilic anion exchanger diethyl-aminohydroxypropyl Sephadex LH-20 into fractions containing neutral compounds, monocarboxylic, dicarboxylic and polycarboxylic acids. The compounds in resulting fractions were further separated by reversed phase partition chromatography. As an application, the metabolic profiles in urine of [9β-3H]-labeled prostaglandin F1 and prostaglandin analogs 15-methyl-PGF and 16,16-dimethyl-PGF were investigated in the cynomolgus monkey. It was demonstrated that the resolution of individual prostaglandin metabolites by reversed phase partition chromatography was considerably simplified by initial group separation on the anion exchanger, and several metabolites were much purified. A glucuronic acid conjugate of the main metabolite of 15-methyl-PGF (dinor-15-methyl-PGF) was tentatively identified using computerized gas chromatography - mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Small resting B lymphocytes were highly enriched and completely depleted of all preactivated large B lymphocytes using countercurrent centrifugal elutriation and free flow electrophoresis. They required T lymphocytes, monocytes, and a mitogen to produce antibodies after 5 days of preincubation. Large activated B lymphocytes were obtained in cell fractions which were free of resting ones. They produced antibodies even in the absence of a mitogen. Two groups were distinguished, differing in their stage of differentiation and their negative surface charge density. The cells of one group had an electrophoretic mobility (EM) like resting B lymphocytes ranging from 0.85 to 0.99 X 10(-4) (cm2 V-1 s-1). They took 2 to 3 days of preincubation before they started to secrete antibodies. Interleukin 2 and pokeweed mitogen enhanced their antibody production capability. The cells of the other group had an EM between 0.99 and 1.13 X 10(-4) (cm2 V-1 s-1). They secreted antibodies even during the first day of incubation. The quantity of the antibodies which they produced depended only on the blood donor. It could not be influenced by a mitogen or by interleukin 2. The study shows that large B lymphocytes with high negative surface charge density are in a later maturation stage than those with lower negative surface charge density.  相似文献   

An exponential gradient gel with 0-10% acrylamide and 0.5% agarose was developed for electrophoresis of intact high molecular weight lipoproteins. This system resolves very low density lipoproteins, intermediate density lipoproteins, lipoprotein a, and low density lipoproteins in a size-dependent fashion. The characteristic relative mobility of these species can be determined in relation to protein and colloidal gold reference materials. Electron microscopy of selected lipoprotein fractions confirmed that relative mobility was related to apparent lipoprotein diameter. The composite gel medium can be used with prestained lipoproteins and permits immunoelectroblotting for qualitative analysis of apolipoprotein constituents.  相似文献   

Serous cells secreteCl and HCO3 and play an importantrole in airway function. Recent studies suggest that aCl/HCO3 anion exchanger (AE) maycontribute to Cl secretion by airway epithelial cells.However, the molecular identity, the cellular location, and thecontribution of AEs to Cl secretion in serous epithelialcells in tracheal submucosal glands are unknown. The goal of thepresent study was to determine the molecular identity, the cellularlocation, and the role of AEs in the function of serous epithelialcells. To this end, Calu-3 cells, a human airway cell line with aserous-cell phenotype, were studied by RT-PCR, immunoblot, andelectrophysiological analysis to examine the role of AEs inCl secretion. In addition, the subcellular location of AEproteins was examined by immunofluorescence microscopy. Calu-3 cellsexpressed mRNA and protein for AE2 as determined by RT-PCR and Westernblot analysis, respectively. Immunofluorescence microscopy identified AE2 in the basolateral membrane of Calu-3 cells in culture and rattracheal serous cells in situ. InCl/HCO3/Na+-containingmedia, the 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate(CPT-cAMP)-stimulated short-circuit anion current (Isc) was reduced by basolateral but not byapical application of 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid(50 µM) and 4,4'-dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid [DNDS (500 µM)], inhibitors of AEs. In the absence of Na+ in thebath solutions, to eliminate the contributions of the Na+/HCO3 andNa+/K+/2Cl cotransporters toIsc, CPT-cAMP stimulated a small DNDS-sensitive Isc. Taken together with previous studies, theseobservations suggest that a small component of cAMP-stimulatedIsc across serous cells may be referable toCl secretion and that uptake of Cl acrossthe basolateral membrane may be mediated by AE2.


The facilitative glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) mediates the passive diffusion of d-glucose across the cell membrane, providing the energy resource in glycolysis in the erythrocytes. Anion exchanger 1 (band 3) is another important membrane protein that mediates rapid exchange of CO(2) through Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange across the erythrocyte membrane. For verifying the presumption over a decade that GLUT1 and band 3 in the erythrocyte would be interacting with each other, we cloned and expressed both the cytoplasmic domains of GLUT1 and band 3 in Escherichia coli, and tested their binding ability. By coimmunoprecipitation we found that among the tested N-terminal, C-terminal, and loop fraction of GLUT1, only the C-terminal of GLUT1 can interact with cytoplasmic domain of band 3. The interaction was further verified by coimmunoprecipitation and pull-down assay using both proteins as bait and target. These results showed that GLUT1 and band 3 form a protein complex that can regulate the activities of the proteins within it.  相似文献   

A permanent cell line with inducible expression of the trout anion exchanger protein (trAE1) was constructed in a derivative of human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293). In the absence of the inducer, muristerone A, the new cell line had no detectable trAE1 protein by Western analysis, biotinylation, and (36)Cl(-) flux. The amount of trAE1 protein increased with increasing dose and incubation time with muristerone A. Anion exchange inhibitors significantly inhibited the inducible flux of anions (i.e., (36)chloride and (35)sulfate) and taurine in isotonic media. The transfected cells had the characteristics of trAE1-mediated transport in intact trout erythrocytes: (1) inhibition by anion transport inhibitors, (2) pH independence over the pH range of 6.5-7.5, and (3) activation of (35)sulfate efflux by external anions in the selective order of Cl > Br > I > or = F. These cells, in contrast to trout erythrocytes, were not sensitive to the anion exchange inhibitor, 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), suggesting some difference in the properties of the transfected AE1. These results demonstrate the inducible expression of new anion transport membrane protein in HEK-293 cells. This is the first expression of trAE1 in a mammalian system.  相似文献   

A thin layered agarose film on microscope slides provides a versatile support for the preparation of arrayed molecular libraries. An activation step leading to the formation of aldehyde groups in the agarose creates reactive sites that allow covalent immobilization of molecules containing amino groups. Arrays of oligonucleotides and PCR products were prepared by tip printing. After hybridization with complementary fluorescence labeled nucleic acid probes strong fluorescence signals of sequence-specific binding to the immobilized probes were detected. The intensity of the fluorescence signals was proportional to the relative amount of immobilized oligonucleotides and to the concentration of the fluorescence labeled probe. We also used the agarose film-coated slides for the preparation of protein arrays. In combination with specific fluorescence labeled antibodies these protein arrays can be used for fluorescence linked immune assays. With this approach different protein tests can be performed in parallel in a single reaction with minimal amounts of the binding reagents.  相似文献   

Procedure of polydispersity determinations of low density lipoproteins (LDL) on low concentration scale (0.04%) using analytical ultracentrifuge with absorption optics was produced. No corrections for Johnston-Ogston effect and hydrostatic compressibility effect are required. Isothermal compressibility of LDL particles was estimated to be equal to 1.9 X 10(-5) Bar-1. An equation was obtained relating the flotation coefficients of LDL from different sources with solvent density and buoyant density of their particles. It was revealed that LDL particles from individual human plasma are divided into three-four subgroups having specific flotation characteristics and particular quantities of the material in these subgroups.  相似文献   

The use of serum from rat fetuses instead of serum from adult rats for preparation of LDL by preparative ultracentrifugation leads to an LDL fraction containing apoB-100 and apoB-95 as the only protein moieties without need for any further purification. The yield of LDL is five times greater compared to the use of adult rat serum. Lipid composition and particle size of LDL from fetal and adult rats are quite similar. The method described allows a simple way for preparation of sufficient amounts of apoE-free LDL for use in metabolic studies.  相似文献   

We have calculated the rate acceleration in decarboxylation reactions that can be accomplished by charge-charge repulsion between the substrate carboxylate and an adjacent negative charge in media of various dielectric constants. It has been shown that a full negative charge or surrounding partial negative charges will have the same effect. It is concluded that the rate of decarboxylation could be greatly accelerated by the presence of a negative charge nearby. For example, in media with dielectric constants from 5.62 to 20.7, a 10(8)-fold rate acceleration could be achieved by a negative charge placed 3.77 A away from the substrate carboxylate group. However, pK(a) perturbation on two carboxylate groups at close proximity may limit the extent of catalysis. It should also be noted that the extent of catalysis does not change much when the dielectric constant varies from 5.62 to 20.7.  相似文献   

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