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We report on the γ- diversity of Rotifera in freshwater habitats of the River Mun floodplain, Northeast Thailand. Qualitative samples were collected during the pre-monsoon (April) and post-monsoon (October) periods of 2000, from 70 habitats spanning a diverse array of freshwater habitat types. Of the 184 species identified, most belong to Lecane (31.0%), followed by Trichocerca (12.0%), Lepadella (11.4%) and Brachionus (8.2%). Oriental, Australasian, and Eastern hemisphere taxa account for 4.3%, 3.3% and 7.1%, respectively, of the total rotifer fauna, and 8.8%, 1.7% and 10.5%, respectively, of Lecane. Although comparison between studies is difficult, these numbers conform to previous reports on the diversity and composition of the rotifer fauna of Thai freshwater habitats, and of tropical floodplain ecosystems. Diversity is lowest during the post-monsoon period, which may result from disturbance by monsoon conditions. Two morphospecies, Brachionus srisumonaen. sp., and Lecane niwati n. sp., are described as new to science. Additional noteworthy occurrences are, Lecane robertsonae Segers, previously considered a Neotropical endemic, and L. subtilis Harring & Myers, a tropicopolitan species new to Thailand and the Oriental region.  相似文献   

The species composition of the rotifer fauna of Lake Kud-Thing, Nong Khai Province, northeast Thailand was investigated in a monthly sampling program from January to December 1998. A remarkably rich rotifer community consisting of 183 taxa was recorded, including 32 new records to the Thai fauna. The most diverse genera were Lecane (23.5%), followed by Trichocerca (16.9%) and Lepadella (11.5%). Lecane isanensis n. sp. is described and figured. Thirteen species (Aspelta circinator, Collotheca tenuilobata, Lecane nelsoni, Lepadella benjamini, Lepadella eurysterna, Sinantherina ariprepes, Testudinella cf. insinuata, Trichocerca abilioi, Trichocerca inermis, Trichocerca montana, Trichocerca orca, Trichocerca rosea and Trichocerca simonei) are new to the Oriental region. Notably, the record of Trichocerca orca is the first since its discovery in New Zealand in 1913. The rotifers can be classified into three groups based on duration of appearance; (1) common, perennial; (2) uncommon, perennial; and (3) uncommon, sporadic species. The high species richness of rotifers, particularly members of the genera Lecane and Trichocerca, but low diversity of Brachionus together suggest that the lake is probably not eutrophicated.  相似文献   

The biogeography of littoral Lecane Rotifera   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Hendrik Segers 《Hydrobiologia》1996,323(3):169-197
Little is known on the biogeography of Rotifera, particularly regarding the littoral taxa. Here, the biogeography of the most specious group of littoral Rotifera, Lecane, is discussed based on a recent revision of the group, and considering only verified records.Only 41.3% of all 167 Lecane morphospecies are widely distributed. Of these, 21 (12.6%) are cosmopolitan (sensu strictu), 26 (15.6%) are Tropicopolitan. There are 6 (3.6%) Arctic-temperate and Pantropical taxa. These categories of widely distributed taxa are not clear-cut, as differences in latitudinal distribution are largely gradual. Ten taxa have odd distributions. Most of these are insufficiently known and some may be recent introductions.All the major zoogeographical regions have their share of endemic taxa, with endemicity rates varying from 6.5% to 21.8%. Thirteen Holarctic, one widespread Eastern hemisphere, eleven Palaearctic, six Palaeotropical, one Australasian and five widespread Western hemisphere taxa have circumscribed ranges encompassing more than one region. The Palaeotropical and Holarctic components are particularly noteworthy, and may result from relatively recent faunal exchange between the Palaearctic and Nearctic, and between the African, Oriental and Australian regions. The different orientation of the major mountain chains of the Eastern and Western hemisphere, and the presence of extensive arid regions in Northern Africa, Arabia and Asia may explain the difference in faunal similarity between the tropical and temperate faunas of the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Ornithochoric dispersal and human introductions may have played a role in the exchange of faunas.The analysis of pairs or groups of closely related taxa only rarely reveals a causal relation between tectonical events and phylogeny. Most vicariant distributions are readily explained by climatological rather than by tectonical considerations. The ranges of some closely related taxa indicate that they have different capacities of dispersal.When compared to pelagic Rotifera, littoral Lecane exhibit a relatively wide variety of distribution patterns, and relatively many have restricted distributions. This may be a consequence of, either or both, their lower abundance, or be related to the littoral habitat which, being less predictable, implies more specific adaptations. Lecane is tropic-centred, which may be a consequence of avoidance of competition and/or predation by Cladocera and, eventually, Ostracoda.The most striking feature in rotifer chorology is the large range of many morphospecies. As such, the group's biogeography is more similar to that of freshwater algae than to that of other freshwater zooplankton. The likely explanations for this are the group's great ability for passive dispersal, combined with a short life-cycle and high fecundity, which are consequences of their parthenogenetic reproduction. So, relatively recent long-distance dispersal defines the ranges of the morphospecies. Vicariance plays a role in the distribution of Rotifera, but its importance is generally subordinate to that of dispersal. However, insufficient taxonomic resolution may be responsible for the apparently large ranges of some morphospecies.  相似文献   

Sharma  B. K.  Sharma  Sumita 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):305-313
One hundred and sixteen species of Rotifera are recorded from seven floodplain lakes of the Brahmaputra basin (northeastern India), the highest rotifer biodiversity recorded from these biotopes in the Indian subcontinent to date. The Australasian Brachionus dichotomus reductus and Lecane batillifer; the Oriental Keratella edmondsoni, Lecane blachei and L. acanthinula; the Palaeotropical Lecane braumi, L. lateralis, L. unguitata, Trichocerca tropis, Testudinella greeni and T. brevicaudata; the Pantropical Brachionus donneri and a rather widely distributed Horaella brehmi represent taxa of biogeographical interest. Three species are new additions to the Indian rotifer fauna and eight are new to the N.E. region. Lecanidae > Brachionidae = Colurellidae > Trichocercidae > Testudinellidae comprise the largest fraction (68.0%) of the examined fauna. Comments are made on the general nature and composition of the rotifer taxocoenosis as well as on acidophilic elements, ecology of various taxa and on the species richness of different lakes.  相似文献   

Green  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,313(1):47-56
Samples were taken from a Malaysian estuary along a salinity gradient from full strength sea water down to a conductivity of 27 µS cm–1. In a region where the conductivity fluctuated between 6500 and 14000 µS only empty loricas of Keratella cochlearis and Lecane bulla were found. Where the salinity reached a maximum of 3800 µS Lecane bulla was the dominant rotifer, and 17 other species were found. Where the conductivity remained below 1000 µS at all stages of the tidal cycle there were more species of rotifers, up to 33 at one station.The rotifer fauna of the estuary was compared to the assemblage found in two local ponds. Of the 63 species found in the estuary only 29 were also found in the ponds. Compared to the total known rotifer fauna of Malaysia the estuary has a higher proportion of Lecane species (40%), and the genera Brachionus and Trichocerca are under-represented.Species associated with inland saline waters, such as Brachionus plicatilis, B. dimidiatus and Hexarthra jenkinae were not found in the estuary.  相似文献   

The Rotifera of Malaysia and Singapore with remarks on some species   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
Summary An intensive and extensive sampling of all types of Malaysian and Singaporean freshwaters for zooplankton gave 165 species, sub-species and varieties of Rotifera, mainly belonging to the Monogononta. Bdelloida were rarely identified. The present records bring Malaysia and Singapore in line with other well studied tropical countries as far as Rotifera records are concerned. 7 new genera and over 50 species, subspecies, varieties and forms have been added to the Malaysian and Singaporean Rotifera records and interesting and marked morphological and size variation in species from previous records, have been noted.The richest (in species) fauna of Rotifera occurs in rice fields and ponds which have a seasonal succession of dry to wet conditions and vegetation which shelters the rotifers.The Malaysian and Singaporean Rotifera fauna is typically tropical with a dominance of the genus Brachionus over temperate genera like Keratella. Also very rare or missing are typical temperate genera like Ploesoma, Notholca and Synchaeta. The dominance of Brachionus in Malaysia is less evident than expected because only a very small proportion of samples were taken in limnetic situations where Brachionus clearly dominates in the tropics.  相似文献   

17 species of rotifers have been recorded from Lake Surinsar, Jammu (J & K), India of which some are either exclusively limnetic (Brachionus angularis, Hexarthra sp., Filinia opliensis), or littoral (Brachionus patulus, M. ventralis, Trichotoria sp., Platyias quadricornis, Lecane (Monostyla) decipiens, L (M), bulla and Lecane sp.) and others (Keratella tropica, Anuraeopsis fissa, Brachionus quadridentatus, B. calyciflorus, Trichocera sp., T. similis, and Polyarthra sp.) seem to be wandering species. Seasonal maxima for both littoral and limnetic zones are reported. Most population maxima are contributed mainly by one or at best two species.Physico-chemical factors like temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, calcium, magnesium, and total alkalinity have been studied and their infuence on these rotifer species are discussed. On their thermal responses, the available rotifer species have been classified as warm stenothermal, cold stenothermal or eurythermal. The importance of Mytilina ventralis as a biological indicator for dissolved oxygen in this lake has been pointed out.  相似文献   

A contrast between temperate and tropical Cladocera, Copepoda and Rotifera zooplankton fauna shows a markedly different size composition and species diversity. There are fewer species, and these are generally smaller in the tropics than in either the North or South Temperate Zones. Larger species of the genera Daphnia and Simocephalus are relatively rare in the tropics, while members of Eurycerus and Saycia are absent. Members of the families Holopedidae, Leptodoridae and Polyphemidae increase in abundance toward the temperate regions. Two small cyclopoid copepods are common in tropical zooplankton, while many of the common larger species of other regions are absent or very rare. The chief rotifer components are Keratella tropica and species of Brachionus.  相似文献   

We investigated monogonont rotifers in two natural Macedonian lakes that greatly differ in age, size and trophic state: Lake Ohrid and Lake Dojran. A main characteristic of Lake Ohrid is the scarcity of nutrients and consequently a low level of primary production. Lake Dojran represents a typical eutrophic lake. Results clearly indicate that species numbers are negatively correlated with trophic degree. Qualitative analyses of rotifer compositions in Lakes Ohrid and Dojran showed the presence of 70 and 55 taxa, respectively. Rotifer assemblages differed in their community structure, population densities, and the occurrence pattern of dominant species. The density of rotifers increased with increasing nutrient concentration, varying from min. 0.67 ind. L−1 in June, 2006 to max. 8.2 ind. L−1 in July, 2004 in Lake Ohrid, whereas min. 28.8 ind. L−1 (in December, 2005) and max. 442.5 ind. L−1 (in September, 2005) were recorded in Lake Dojran. Gastropus stylifer and Keratella cochlearis were the most abundant species in the pelagic zone of Lake Ohrid, averaging monthly densities of 1.2 ind. L−1 and 0.6 ind. L−1, respectively, thereby contributing 29% and 15% to rotifer abundance. In contrast, Lake Dojran rotifers were dominated by Brachionus spp. Brachionus diversicornis and Brachionus calyciflorus f. amphiceros were most abundant, comprising 40% and 25% of the total rotifer density. These results corroborate our idea, that the trophic state is an important factor in determining the composition of rotifer communities.  相似文献   

Global diversity of rotifers (Rotifera) in freshwater   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Rotifera is a Phylum of primary freshwater Metazoa containing two major groups: the heterogonic Monogononta and the exclusively parthenogenetic Bdelloidea. Monogononta contains 1,570 species-level taxa, of which a majority (1,488) are free-living fresh or inland water taxa. Bdelloidea contains 461 “species,” only one of which is marine, but with many limnoterrestrial representatives or animals of unknown ecology. Actual numbers may be much higher, considering the occurrence of cryptic speciation in Monogononta and the unsatisfactory nature of taxonomic knowledge. Rotifers, mostly monogononts, occur in all types of water bodies, worldwide. They are particularly diverse in the littoral zone of stagnant waterbodies with soft, slightly acidic water and under oligo- to mesotrophic conditions. The rotifer record is highest in the Northern hemisphere, which may be due to the concentration of studies in those regions. Diversity is highest in the (sub)tropics; hotspots are northeast North America, tropical South America, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Lake Baikal, endemicity is low in Africa (including Madagascar), Europe, the Indian subcontinent, and Antarctica. Although the lack of fossil evidence and of molecular phylogenetic studies are major hindrances, contrasting hypotheses on the origin and evolutionary history of Brachionus, Macrochaetus, and Trichocerca are presented. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The rotifer fauna has been studied in four water reservoirs in the Khanh Hoa Province, Central Vietnam. A total of 65 species and subspecies and 22 genera representing 15 families have been found; 25 species and subspecies are identified as new to Vietnam. Morphometric characteristics are given for Filinia camascela Myers, Brachionus donneri Brehm, and B. dichotomus reductus Koste et Shiel. The rotifer fauna of Central Vietnam and those of other countries of Southeast Asia are compared. Some of the tropical and subtropical species recorded have been repeatedly reported from Russia.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal dynamics of rotifers in relation to the physico-chemical parameters in Fish-Culture Research Station (Southern Tunisia) were studied monthly from February 2005 to January 2006. Thirteen rotifer species were found: Brachionus urceolaris, Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus sp., Lecane stichaea, Lecane rhytida, Lecane sp., Hexarthra mira, Rotaria tardigrada, Conochiloides natans, Trichocerca marina, Keratella quadrata, Keratella cochlearis and Notommata codonella. The most dominant rotifer was B. urceolaris (76% of total abundance). Rotifer density and water temperature were negatively correlated (r=−0.94, n=12, p=0.001). The highest abundance of rotifers was found in basin 4 (1.5×105 ind m−3, in June 2005).  相似文献   

The rotifer fauna of 100 fresh and saline wetlands of southwest Western Australia is documented. A systematic list of 83 recorded taxa is given, with eleven new records for the continent and two new species (Brachionus pinneenaus n. sp. and Lecane boorali n. sp.) described and figured. Species assemblages are distinct from those of eastern Australia, with predominant taxa halophilous or indicative of ephemeral waters. Evolutionary and biogeographical relationships of the Western Australian rotifers are considered.  相似文献   

B. K. Sharma 《Hydrobiologia》2005,533(1-3):209-221
The rotifer communities of 15 acidic – alkaline and soft – marginally hard water floodplain lakes of the lower Assam valley of the Brahmaputra river basin, characterized by low ionic concentrations, reveal 164 species (178 taxa) belonging to 39 genera and 20 families and represent the richest biodiversity known to date in these ecotones of the Indian subcontinent. Nine species are new to the Indian Rotifera. Cosmopolitan (59.7%) > pantropical (15.2%) > cosmotropical (12.2%) species dominate the taxocoenosis. Biogeographically interesting elements constitute a notable component (13.4%); important members of this category include six Oriental, two Australasian and seven Palaeotropical species. The examined fauna depicts a tropical character with predominance of Lecanespp. (28.0%). Littoral or periphytic rotifers (76.2%) dominate the planktonic species. Rotifers comprise a dominant qualitative (67–103, 79.1±11.0 species) and an important quantitative (mean: 41.1–65.9%) component of zooplankton in all floodplain lakes, register a moderate diversity (mean: 2.036–2.642), low dominance (mean: 0.019–0.216) and high evenness (mean: 0.840–0.893). The examined material indicates several interesting acidophilous elements. Richness depicts significant inverse correlation with pH. Water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity record significant direct relationships with the rotifer abundance. Diversity is influenced by abundance and is also directly correlated with water temperature and conductivity. Canonical analysis shows a notable cumulative impact of six abiotic factors on richness, density and diversity.  相似文献   

The species diversity and distribution of rotifers between different habitats (elodeids, helophytes and open water) of 34 field and 31 forest ponds, differing in regard to origin, size, depth, macrophyte cover, overshading and the presence of fish were examined (N = 381). 197 taxa were found in both types of ponds with 32 species being rare, endangered or new to Polish fauna. The species composition and Shannon‐Wiener index distribution reflected heterogeinity of the habitats, while rotifer mean densities revealed a reverse pattern in both types of water bodies. The great variability of limnological features contributed to a lack of significant differences in rotifer abundance between both types of water bodies. Although some rotifers preferred one specific type of water body (forest vs. field), the type of habitat was a much stronger predictor of their distribution, which reflects a necessity to examine ponds in relation to their microhabitats created by various macrophytes. Rotifers revealed a strict division into two groups – of pelagic origin (e.g., Polyarthra vulgaris), which were attributed to the open water and helophytes, and of littoral origin (e.g., Lepadella patella), which were associated with elodeids, biomass of a plant habitat and a lack of fish. The selective choice of the most complex habitat (elodeids) by only littoral species suggests the weak impact of fish in the studied ponds and the most advantageous conditions for littoral rotifers among such a habitat. The first group comprised species characteristic of field ponds, while the second was characteristic of forest ponds. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

During the austral summer 1997/98, a survey was made of a series of freshwater bodies on the Kerguelen Islands, Subantarctica (49° S–69° E), in the area of Port-aux- Français and Val Studer. The rotifer fauna from plankton of 17 lentic freshwaters is listed and commented upon. Species richness (39 taxa) and species diversity are fairly low. Only 6 taxa are euplanktic, the others are facultative plankters or littoral/benthic species. Three of the true plankters found are restricted to the Southern Hemisphere, whereas the rest of the rotifers (apart from two unidentified monogononts) shows a wide-spread or cosmopolitan distribution. Thirty-three taxa are new to the Kerguelen archipelago. A comparison is made with the rotifer assemblages observed on other Subantarctic islands. Taxonomic notes on little known species are added. The validity of Cephalodella gibba microdactyla as separate subspecies is rejected, and Filinia terminalis kergueleniensisis recognized as junior synonym of F. pejleri.  相似文献   

The zooplankton in the littoral and open water zones of Bahir Dar Gulf, Lake Tana, collected in June and July 2007, were investigated using basic statistical measurement of diversity indices and one way analysis of variance to characterize the zooplankton fauna, with respect to its composition, abundance and spatial distribution patterns. The zooplankton composition was typical of a tropical freshwater lake, with a total of 44 species made up of sixteen rotifers, sixteen c1adocerans and twelve copepods and their developing stages in the following order of dominance; Rotifera > Cladocera > Cylopoida > Calanoida. Variation in spatial distribution was noticeable, the abundance of zooplankton was significantly higher ( P  < 0.05) at the littoral zone (Stations 2 and 3) than the open water (Station 1) as a result of the preponderance of the small-bodied nauplii stages, small rotifers and c1adocerans particularly Bosmina longirostris . Species richness, evenness, and diversity also increased as abundance increased in the littoral zones of the lake. The rotifers, particularly the brachionids Keratella and Brachionus spp., which are considered good indicators of lake trophic status constituted the dominant zooplankton group in terms of abundance and diversity, thus indicating that the lake has a high fisheries potential.  相似文献   

We confirmed the presence and expression of exocytotic membrane proteins: Syntaxin-1, Syntaxin-4, SNAP-23, and SNAP-25 in the rotifers Brachionus calyciflorus, Lecane quadridentata, and Philodina roseola. These proteins were identified by immunohistochemistry and immunoblot analysis using antibodies against Syntaxin-1, Syntaxin-4, SNAP-23, and SNAP-25. The presence of these proteins were observed mainly in regions of the nervous, reproductive, and glandular systems of these rotifer species, which underlines the fundamental role of exocytotic docking and fusion membrane proteins in the vesicular release of secretory proteins. The immunoblot analysis confirmed the expression of Syntaxin-1, Syntaxin-4, and SNAP-23 in the three rotifer studied, but not of SNAP-25. This study contributes to rotifer biology by revealing the presence of conservative exocytotic machinery such as SNAREs proteins in the phylum Rotifera, including members of the Class Bdelloidea the highest taxa of metazoans where sexual reproduction does not exist. Handling editor: S. I. Dodson  相似文献   

Ninety-three freshwater habitats in the north-eastern part of Thailand were surveyed for rotifers during March–October 1993. Two hundred species were identified, 120 of which are new to Thailand. Brachionus africanuss Segers, B. lyratus Shephard and Trichocerca hollaerti De Smet are new to Asia. Brachionus niwati n.sp. is described and figured. Brachionus donneri Brehm, Keratella edmondsoni (Ahlstrom) and Lecane blachei Berzi, endemic to south and southeast Asia, were found also.Comments are presented on some insufficiently known taxa. Of special zoogeographic interest is the record of several species previously considered endemic to Australia. An attempt is made to characterise the Thai rotifer fauna in the light of recent developments in rotifer zoogeography.  相似文献   

Rotifers as indicators of lake types in Estonia   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
Aare Mäemets 《Hydrobiologia》1983,104(1):357-361
Data on the pelagic rotifer fauna in 10 Estonian lakes accumulated for 20 years, as well as published data are analysed. It is possible to distinguish three main indicator groups among rotifers: (1) for oligo- and mesotrophic lakes (Ploesoma hudsoni, Keratella serrulata, Synchaeta grandis, Asplanchna herricki, Ascomorpha ovalis, Gastropus stylifer, Conochilus hippocrepsis); (2) for meso-and eutrophic lakes (Trichocerca capucina, Filinia longiseta, F. limnetica, Keratella quadrata, K. cochlearis tecta, K.c. hispida, Polyarthra euryptera, Keratella hiemalis, Trichocerca porcellus, T. pusilla); (3) for eutrophic lakes (Brachionus spp., Anuraeopsis fissa, Pompholyx sulcata, P. complanata, Trichocerca cylindrica, Hexarthra mira).  相似文献   

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