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Analysis of the haemolysin secretion system by PhoA-HlyA fusion proteins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary We studied the efficiency of the pHly152-derived haemolysin transport system using PhoA-HlyA fusion proteins and different constructs which provide HlyB/HlyD in trans. The optimal C-terminal HlyA signal consists of the last 60 amino acids. Longer stretches of HlyA do not improve the transport efficiency of PhoA-HlyA fusion proteins. The introduction of deletions and/or replacements in the 60 amino acid HlyA signal domain revealed at least three functional regions with different degrees of specificity. Amino acids 1–21 (numbered from the N-terminal part of the 60 amino acid HlyA signal), termed region I, could be replaced by a Pro-containing peptide. The other two regions II and III (amino acids 22–40 and 41–60, respectively) seem to interact directly with the HlyB/HlyD translocator since a PhoA fusion protein which contains either of the two regions was still secreted in a HlyB/HlyD-dependent mode, albeit at low efficiency. An efficient trans-complementing HlyB/HlyD system was only obtained from the pHLy152-encoded hly determinant when the regulatory hlyR element was provided in cis. Secretion of the PhoA-HlyA fusion protein did not interfere with the secretion of HlyA even when the fusion protein was induced to a high level. This suggests that the capacity of the HlyB/HlyD translocation system is high and not normally saturated by its natural HlyA substrate.Dedicated to Prof., Dr. F. Lingens on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

A simple and efficient procedure for the construction of secreted fusion proteins inEscherichia coli is described that uses a new minitransposon, termed TnhlyAs, carrying the secretion signal (HlyAs) ofE. coli hemolysin (HlyA). This transposon permits the generation of random gene fusions encoding proteins that carry the HlyAs at their C-termini. For the construction of model gene fusions we usedlacZ, encoding the cytoplasmicβ-galactosidase (β-Gal), andphoA, encoding the periplasmic alkaline phosphatase, as target genes. Our data suggest that allβ-Gal-HlyAs fusion proteins generated are secreted, albeit with varying efficiencies, by the HlyB/HlyD/TolC hemolysin secretion machinery under Sec-proficient conditions. In contrast, the PhoA-HlyAs fusion proteins are efficiently secreted in asecA mutant strain only under SecA-deficient conditions.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli hemolysin (HlyA) is secreted by a specific export machinery which recognizes a topogenic secretion signal located at the C-terminal end of HlyA. This signal sequence has been variously defined as comprising from 27 to about 300 amino acids at the C-terminus of HlyA. We have used here a combined genetic and immunological approach to select for C-terminal HlyA peptides that are still secretion-component. A deletion library of HlyA mutant proteins was generated in vitro by successive degradation of hy1A from the 5 end with exonuclease III. Secretion competence was tested by immunoblotting of the supernatant of each clone with an antiserum raised against a C-terminal portion of hemolysin. It was found that the hemolysin secretion system has no apparent size limitation for HlyA proteins over a range from 1024 to 62 amino acids. The smallest autonomously secretable peptide isolated in this selection procedure consists of the C-terminal 62 amino acids of HlyA. This sequence is shared by all secretion-competent, truncated HlyA proteins, which suggests that secretion of the E.coli hemolysin is strictly post-translational. The capacity of the hemolysin secretion machinery was found to be unsaturated by the steady-state level of its natural HlyA substrate and large amounts of truncated HlyA derivatives could still be secreted in addition to full-length HlyA.  相似文献   

Summary The FhuA protein (formerly TonA) is located in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12. Fusions between fhuA and phoA genes were constructed. They determined proteins containing a truncated but still active alkaline phosphatase of constant size and a variable FhuA portion which ranged from 11%–90% of the mature FhuA protein. The fusion sites were nearly randomly distributed along the FhuA protein. The FhuA segments directed the secretion of the truncated alkaline phosphatase across the cytoplasmic membrane. The fusion proteins were proteolytically degraded up to the size of alkaline phosphatase and no longer reacted with anti-FhuA antibodies. The fusion proteins were more stable in lon and pep mutants lacking cytoplasmic protease and peptidases, respectively. The larger fusion proteins above a molecular weight of 64000 dalton were predominantly found in the outer membrane fraction. They were degraded by trypsin when cells were converted to spheroplasts so that trypsin gained access to the periplasm. In contrast, FhuA protein in the outer membrane was largely resistant to trypsin. It is concluded that the larger FhuA-PhoA fusion proteins were associated with, but not properly integrated into, the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Secretion of Escherichia coli hemolysin is mediated by a sec-independent pathway which requires the products of at least three genes, hlyB, hlyD and tolC. Two regions of HlyD were studied. The first region (region A), consisting of the 33-amino acid, C-terminal part of the HlyD protein, is predicted to form a potential helix-loop-helix structure. This sequence is conserved among HlyD analogues of similar transport systems of other bacterial species. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that the amino acids Leu475, Glu477 and Arg478 of this region are essential for HlyD function. The last amino acid of HlyD, Arg478, is possibly involved in the release of the HlyA protein, since cells bearing a hlyD gene mutant at this position produce similar amounts of HlyA to the wild-type strain, but most of the protein remains cell-associated. Competition experiments between wild-type and mutant HlyD proteins indicate that region A interacts directly with a component of the secretion apparatus. The second region of HIyD (region B), located between amino acids Leul27 and Leu170, is highly homologous to the otherwise unrelated outer membrane protein TolC. Deletion of this region abolishes secretion of hemolysin. This sequence of HlyD also seems to interact with a component of the hemolysin secretion machinery since a hybrid HIyD protein carrying the corresponding TolC sequence, although inactive in the transport of HlyA, is able to displace wild-type HlyD from the secretion apparatus.  相似文献   

UnlikeEscherichia coli, the closely related bacteriumSalmonella typhimurium is relatively unresponsive to the mutagenic effects of DNA-damaging agents. Previous experiments have suggested that these phenotypic differences might result from reduced activity of theS. typhimurium UmuC protein. To investigate this possibility, we have taken advantage of the high degree of homology between the UmuC proteins ofE. coli andS. typhimurium and have constructed a series of plasmid-encoded chimeric proteins. The possibility that the phenotypic differences might be due to differential expression of the respective UmuC proteins was eliminated by constructing chimeric proteins that retained the first 25 N-terminal amino acids of either of the UmuC proteins (and presumably the same translational signals), but substituting the remaining 397 C-terminal amino acids with the corresponding segments from the reciprocal operon. Constructs expressing mostlyE. coli UmuC were moderately proficient for mutagenesis whereas those expressing mostlyS. typhimurium UmuC exhibited much lower frequencies of mutation, indicating that the activity of the UmuC protein ofS. typhimurium is indeed curtailed. The regions responsible for this phenotype were more precisely localized by introducing smaller segments of theS. typhimurium UmuC protein into the UmuC protein ofE. coli. While some regions could be interchanged with few or no phenotypic effects, substitution of residues 212–395 and 396–422 ofE. coli UmuC with those fromS. typhimurium resulted in reduced mutability, while substitution of residues 26–59 caused a dramatic loss of activity. We suggest, therefore, that the primary cause for the poor mutability ofS. typhimurium can be attributed to mutations located within residues 26–59 of theS. typhimurium UmuC protein.  相似文献   

Summary A sequence (hlyR) of about 600 bp which enhances the expression of hemolysin (HlyA) more than 50-fold was identified in the plasmid pHly152-specific hemolysin (hly) determinant. Deletion of this entire hlyR sequence led to the same low level of hemolysin synthesis and excretion as that expressed by the recombinant plasmid pANN202-312. HlyR was active in cis but its activity was orientation-dependent. The enhancing sequence, hlyR, is separated from the promoter phlyI transcribing hlyC, hlyA and possibly hlyB by more than 1.5 kb including an IS2 element. Stepwise removal of the hlyR sequence from its 5 end by exonuclease III (ExoIII) digestion yielded several types of deletion mutants which expressed decreasing amounts of hemolysin. A similar observation was made when hlyR was shortened by ExoIII from its 3 end, which suggests that more than one functional region may be present in the hlyR sequence. A deletion of 717 bp within the adjacent IS2 element reduced the activity of hlyR only slightly, indicating that IS2 is not directly involved in the enhancement mechanism but that it may support an optimal positioning in hlyR relative to the hly promoter. The nucleotide sequence of hlyR is rich in A+T and does not contain an extended open reading frame, but exhibits several sequence motives that may represent sites for protein binding and DNA bending.  相似文献   

Human secreted proteins play a very important role in signal transduction. In order to study all potential secreted proteins identified from the human genome sequence, systematic production of large amounts of biologically active secreted proteins is a prerequisite. We selected 25 novel genes as a trial case for establishing a reliable expression system to produce active human secreted proteins in Escherichia coli. Expression of proteins with or without signal peptides was examined and compared in E. coli strains. The results indicated that deletion of signal peptides, to a certain extent, can improve the expression of these proteins and their solubilities. More importantly, under expression conditions such as induction temperature, N-terminus fusion peptides need to be optimized in order to express adequate amounts of soluble proteins. These recombinant proteins were characterized as well-folded proteins. This system enables us to rapidly obtain soluble and highly purified human secreted proteins for further functional studies.  相似文献   

Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Homoptera: Aphididae), when feeding on a sucrose solution, secreted primarily three proteins of 154, 69, and 66 kilodaltons (kDa). The sequence of the first nine amino acids at the N-terminus of the 66 and 69 kDa proteins was identical suggesting that they differ only in processing at the C-terminus. The N-terminus of the 154 kDa protein was different, yet had some similarity to the N-terminus of the 66 and 69 kDa proteins. There was an immunological cross-reaction between the 154 kDa and the 66 and 69 kDa proteins indicating some amino acid sequence similarity. The probable relationships of these proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

We have carried out a genetic analysis of Escherichia coli HlyB using in vitro(hydroxylamine) mutagenesis and regionally directed mutagenesis. From random mutagenesis, three mutants, temperature sensitive (Ts) for secretion, were isolated and the DNA sequenced: Glyl0Arg close to the N-terminus, Gly408Asp in a highly conserved small periplasmic loop region PIV, and Pro624Leu in another highly conserved region, within the ATP-binding region. Despite the Ts character of the Gly10 substitution, a derivative of HlyB, in which the first 25 amino acids were replaced by 21 amino acids of the Cro protein, was still active in secretion of HlyA. This indicates that this region of HlyB is dispensable for function. Interestingly, the Gly408Asp substitution was toxic at high temperature and this is the first reported example of a conditional lethal mutation in HlyB. We have isolated 4 additional mutations in PIV by directed mutagenesis, giving a total of 5 out of 12 residues substituted in this region, with 4 mutations rendering HlyB defective in secretion. The Pro624 mutation, close to the Walker B-site for ATP binding in the cytoplasmic domain is identical to a mutation in HisP that leads to uncoupling of ATP hydrolysis from the transport of histidine. The expression of a fully functional haemolysin translocation system comprising HlyC,A,B and D increases the sensitivity of E. coli to vancomycin 2.5-fold, compared with cells expressing HlyB and HlyD alone. Thus, active translocation of HlyA renders the cells hyperpermeable to the drug. Mutations in hlyB affecting secretion could be assigned to two classes: those that restore the level of vancomycin resistance to that of E. coli not secreting HlyA and those that still confer hypersensitivity to the drug in the presence of HlyA. We propose that mutations that promote vancomycin resistance will include mutations affecting initial recognition of the secretion signal and therefore activation of a functional transport channel. Mutations that do not alter HlyA-dependent vancomycin sensitivity may, in contrast, affect later steps in the transport process.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic expression of complex eukaryotic proteins inEscherichia coli usually yields inactive protein preparations. In some cases, (part) of the biological activity can be recovered by rather inefficient denaturation-renaturation procedures. Recently, novel concepts have been developed for the expression of fully functional eukaryotic proteins inE. coli. Essential to the success of these procedures is the transport of such proteins across the inner membrane to the periplasmic space, allowing proper folding and the establishment of disulfide bonding. Subsequently, fully functional proteins can be exposed on the surface of filamentous (bacterio)phages, provided a system is employed that consists of a cloning vector (e.g. the phagemid pComb3, Barbas et al., 1991) that generates phage particles in the presence of a helper phage. The main advantage of surface display of recombinant proteins is to facilitate the screening of very large numbers of different molecules by simple selection methods (panning). In addition, periplasmic expression yields relatively large quantities (e.g. 1 mg l–1 of culture) soluble protein. In this review, the principle aspects of this novel expression system based on the phagemid pComb3 will be discussed. Two examples for functional periplasmic expression of human proteins inE. coli will be presented, namely i) the antigen-binding moiety (Fab fragment) of human immunoglobulins (IgGs) and ii) the human plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, an essential regulator of the plasminogen activation system. Finally, perspectives for the application of this system to express mutant proteins, fragments of proteins and peptides are indicated.Abbreviations ApR ampicillin resistance - cfu colony forming unit(s) - cpIII gene III-encoded coat protein of M13 - cpVIII gene VIII-encoded coat protein of M13 - ER endoplasmic reticulum - Fab fragment of Ig containing light chain, variable region and first constant region of heavy chain - Fd variable region and first constant region of the heavy chain - Fv fragment containing variable regions of heavy and light chain - Ig immunoglobulin - KmR kanamycin resistance - kb kilobase or 1000 basepairs - PAI-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 - t-PA tissue-type plasminogen activator - u-PA urokinase-type plasminogen activator  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of solubilising N-terminal fusion proteins on the yield of target protein after removal of the fusion partner and subsequent purification using immobilised metal ion affinity chromatography. We compared the yield of 45 human proteins produced from four different expression vectors: three having an N-terminal solubilising fusion protein (the GB1-domain, thioredoxin, or glutathione S-transferase) followed by a protease cleavage site and a His tag, and one vector having only an N-terminal His tag. We have previously observed a positive effect on solubility for proteins produced as fusion proteins compared to proteins produced with only a His tag in Escherichia coli. We find this effect to be less pronounced when we compare the yields of purified target protein after removal of the solubilising fusion although large target-dependent variations are seen. On average, the GB1+His fusion gives significantly higher final yields of protein than the thioredoxin+His fusion or the His tag, whereas GST+His gives lower yields. We also note a strong correlation between solubility and target protein size, and a correlation between solubility and the presence of peptide fragments that are predicted to be natively disordered.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

A topological model for the haemolysin translocator protein HlyD   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary A topological model for HlyD is proposed that is based on results obtained with gene fusions of lacZ and phoA to hlyD. Active H1yD-LacZ fusion proteins were only generated when lacZ was fused to hlyD. within the first 180 by (60 amino acids). H1yD-PhoA proteins exhibiting alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity were obtained when phoA was inserted into hlyD. between nucleotides 262 (behind amino acid position 87) and 1405 (behind amino acid position 468, only 10 amino acids away from the C-terminus of HlyD Active insertions of phoA into the middle region of hlyD. were not observed on in vivo transposition but such fusions exhibiting AP activity could be constructed by in vitro techniques. A fusion protein that carried the PhoA part close to the C-terminal end of HlyD proved to be the most stable HlyD-PhoA fusion protein. In contrast to the other, rather unstable, HlyD-PhoA+ fusions, no proteolytic degradation product of this HlyD-PhoA protein was observed and nearly all the alkaline phosphatase activity was membrane bound. Protease accessibility and cell fractionation experiments indicated that the alkaline phosphatase moiety of this fusion protein was located in the periplasm as for all other HlyD-PhoA+ proteins. These data and computer-assisted predictions suggest a topological model for HlyD with the N-terminal 60 amino acids located in the cytoplasm, a single transmembrane segment from amino acids 60 to 80 and a large periplasmic region extending from amino acid 80 to the C-terminus. Neither the HlyD fusion proteins obtained nor a mutant HlyD protein that had lost the last 10 amino acids from the C-terminus of HlyD exhibited translocator activity for HlyA or other reporter proteins carrying the HlyA signal sequence. The C-terminal 10 amino acids of HlyD showed significant similarity with the corresponding sequences of other HlyD-related proteins involved in protein secretion.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the possibility that the recA441 mutation, which partially suppresses the UV sensitivity of uvr recF mutant bacteria, exerts its effect by coding for an altered RecA protein that competes more efficiently than the RecA+ protein with SSB for ssDNA in vivo. Using an assay measuring recombination between UV-damaged DNA and intact homologous DNA, we found that the introduction of the recA441 mutation partially suppressed the defects in recombination in bacteria lacking RecF activity but not in bacteria with excess SSB, although recombination was affected more in recF mutants than in bacteria overproducing SSB. These results therefore do not support the hypothesis that RecA441 protein, or RecA protein with the help of RecF protein, is required during recombination of UV-damaged DNA to compete with SSB for ssDNA.  相似文献   

The bacterium Escherichia coli is one of the most popular model systems to study the assembly of membrane proteins of the so-called helix-bundle class. Here, based on this system, we review and discuss what is currently known about the assembly of these membrane proteins. In addition, we will briefly review and discuss how E. coli has been used as a vehicle for the overexpression of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Summary An out-of-frame fusion between the penicillinase gene (penP) of Bacillus licheniformis and the -galactosidase gene (lacZ) of Escherichia coli was shown to direct the synthesis of an active -galactosidase with the same electrophoretic mobility as the wild-type protein, both in B. subtilis and E. coli. This synthesis was dependent on translation of the truncated penP gene and appeared to result from translational coupling. The fusion point between penP and lacZ contained the sequence AUAG, in which the UAG and AUA codons were in-frame with the penP and lacZ reading units, respectively. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of the -galactosidase protein suggested that, both in B. subtilis and E. coli, reinitiation of translation occurred at the AUA codon present at the gene fusion point.  相似文献   

Herbaspirillum seropedicae is an endophytic bacterium that associates with rice, sugarcane and other economically important crops. Secreted proteins play a key role in the plant–bacterial interaction. Using 2D electrophoresis and peptide mass fingerprint mass spectrometry, 63 protein spots representing 41 different secreted proteins were identified during growth of H. seropedicae under nitrogen-sufficient conditions. In silico analysis showed that 25.4% of the proteins had signal peptides and 15.9% were predicted to be non-classically secreted. Among the most abundant were flagellar components and ABC-type transport system proteins. Nine secreted proteins had also been identified in the cellular proteome, suggesting that they also play a role in the extracellular environment. No type III secreted proteins were detected by comparison of the wild type strain with an hrcN mutant strain.  相似文献   

The activation of DnaA protein by cardiolipin is inhibited by fluphenazinein vitro. We therefore examined the sensitivity of temperature-sensitivednaA mutants ofEscherichia coli to fluphenazine and other phenothiazine derivatives. Among the eightdnaA mutants tested,dnaA5, dnaA46 dnaA602, anddnaA604, mutants with mutations in the putative ATP binding site of DnaA protein, showed higher sensitivities to phenothiazine derivatives than did the wild-type strain. ThednaA508 anddnaA167 mutants, which have mutations in the N-terminal region of DnaA protein, also showed higher sensitivities to phenothiazine derivatives. On the other hand, thednaA204 anddnaA205 mutants, with lesions in the C-terminal region of the DnaA protein, showed the same sensitivity to phenothiazine derivatives as the wild-type strain. Complementation analysis with a plasmid containing the wild-typednaA gene and phage P1-mediated transduction confirmed thatdnaA mutations are responsible for these sensitivity phenotypes.  相似文献   

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