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Bats are one of the most successful mammalian groups, even though their foraging activities are restricted to the hours of twilight and night-time. Some studies suggested that bats became nocturnal because of overheating when flying in daylight. This is because--in contrast to feathered wings of birds--dark and naked wing membranes of bats efficiently absorb short-wave solar radiation. We hypothesized that bats face elevated flight costs during daylight flights, since we expected them to alter wing-beat kinematics to reduce heat load by solar radiation. To test this assumption, we measured metabolic rate and body temperature during short flights in the tropical short-tailed fruit bat Carollia perspicillata at night and during the day. Core body temperature of flying bats differed by no more than 2°C between night and daytime flights, whereas mass-specific CO(2) production rates were higher by 15 per cent during daytime. We conclude that increased flight costs only render diurnal bat flights profitable when the relative energy gain during daytime is high and risk of predation is low. Ancestral bats possibly have evolved dark-skinned wing membranes to reduce nocturnal predation, but a low degree of reflectance of wing membranes made them also prone to overheating and elevated energy costs during daylight flights. In consequence, bats may have become trapped in the darkness of the night once dark-skinned wing membranes had evolved.  相似文献   

Many animal species migrate over long distances, but the physiological challenges of migration are poorly understood. It has recently been suggested that increased molecular oxidative damage might be one important challenge for migratory animals. We tested the hypothesis that autumn migration imposes an oxidative challenge to bats by comparing values of 4 blood-based markers of oxidative status (oxidative damage and both enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants) between Nathusius' bats Pipistrellus nathusii that were caught during migration flights with those measured in conspecifics after resting for 18 or 24 h. Experiments were carried out at Pape Ornithological Station in Pape (Latvia) in 2016 and 2017. Our results show that flying bats have a blood oxidative status different from that of resting bats due to higher oxidative damage and different expression of both non enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants (glutathione peroxidase). The differences in oxidative status markers varied betwee n sampli ng years and were in depende nt from in dividual body con dition or sex. Our work provides evidence that migratory flight might impose acute oxidative stress to bats and that resting helps animals to recover from oxidative damage accrued en route. Our data suggest that migrating bats and birds might share similar strategies of mitigating and recovering from oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Summary The times of onset and completion of the hunting flights of three colonies of neotropical bats, each comprising 100–200 individuals, were observed for nine months. The colonies were of different species: Molossus ater (M.a.) and Molossus molossus (M.m.) of the Molossidae, and Myotis nigricans (My. n.) of the Vespertilionidae. Individuals of Phyllostomus hastatus (P.h., Phyllostomidae) were also observed. All the bats roosted in a building near Restrepo, Colombia (4°16N, 73°34W). Times of emergence in the evening and the return of the last animals in the morning were recorded on 2 to 3 successive days each month. For all bats, the emergence time changed in parallel with that of sunset, and the return paralleled sunrise (Fig. 1). Accordingly, the duration of the activity period is positively correlated with the duration of the night. No annual periodic changes in phase (re sunset/sunrise) of the onset and end of flight activity could be demonstrated, but there was a close relationship between the timing of activity and particular light intensities during twilight (Fig. 4). The first flyers of M.a. appear at the highest intensity (30–300 lx) and those of My. n. at the lowest (0.1–5 lx); the last flyers to return appear in the opposite sequence. For each species, the return to the roost usually occurs at a lower intensity than the departure. These findings, made with four neotropical bat species, differ from those of Subbaraj and Chandrashekaran (1977) with the emballonurid bat Taphozous that they studied at 9°58 N in India. The ecological factors that may play a role in timing the flight activity of tropical bats are discussed. Sunset-related timing, based on the combined effect of (a) the circadian oscillation in arousal and (b) the transition during twilight to a light-intensity range with reduced inhibition of activity (lightsampling behavior), tends to be the rule in tropical bats; time-of-day-related timing is the exception.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Er 59/1-3+6)  相似文献   

The evolution of flapping flight in bats from an arboreal gliding ancestor appears on the surface to be a relatively simple transition. However, bat flight is a highly complex functional system from a morphological, physiological, and aerodynamic perspective, and the transition from a gliding precursor may involve functional discontinuities that represent evolutionary hurdles. In this review, I suggest a framework for a comprehensive treatment of the evolution of complex functional systems that emphasizes a mechanistic understanding of the initial state, the final state, and the proposed transitional states. In this case, bats represent the final state and extant mammalian gliders are used as a model for the initial state. To explore possible transitional states, I propose a set of criteria for evaluating hypotheses about the evolution of flight in vertebrates and suggest methods by which we can advance our understanding of the transition from gliding to flapping flight. Although it is impossible ever to know with certainty the sequence of events landing to flapping flight, the field of possibilities can be narrowed to those that maintain the functional continuity of the wing and result in improved aerodynamic performance across this transition. The fundamental differences between gliding and flapping flight should not necessarily be seen as evidence that this transition could not occur; rather, these differences point out compelling aspects of the aerodynamics of animal wings that require further investigation.  相似文献   

Nectarivorous feeding mechanisms in bats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cranio-dental characteristics are quantified between micro- and megachiropteran nectarivores and compared with microchiropteran animalivores, frugivores, and megachiropteran frugivores. Microchiropteran nectarivores share many characteristics with megachiropteran nectarivores and frugivores, but differ in having a long, narrow head. Megachiropterans have wide zygomata, which would allow for more jaw musculature. Diminutive cheekteeth are characteristic of nectarivory in both suborders, but both have relatively large canines. Teeth in nectarivores can occupy as little as a tenth of the palatal area compared to nearly two-thirds in microchiropteran animalivores. The proportion that the dilambdodont stylar shelf occupies of molars in microchiropteran nectarivores can be as much as that in microchiropteran animalivores (insectivorous and carnivorous bats) or as little as that in microchiropteran frugivores but not as extreme as either. In addition to dimunitive teeth, nectarivores have fused mandibles and upper canines that are worn from contact with the lower canines (thegosis). These characteristics may be necessary for the lower jaw to support an elongated, mobile tongue. While microchiropteran nectarivory, frugivory, and carnivory probably evolved independently from an insectivorous microchiropteran ancestor, megachiropteran nectarivory probably evolved from megachiropteran frugivory or the reverse.  相似文献   

The evolution of flight and echolocation in bats: another leap in the dark   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The earliest known complete bats, from the Eocene (49–53 Mya), were already capable of flapping flight and echolocation. In the absence of direct fossil evidence there have been many speculative scenarios advanced to explain the evolution of these behaviours and their distributions in extant bats. Theories assuming chiropteran monophyly have generally presumed the ancestral pre‐bat was nocturnal, arboreal and insectivorous. Following this assumption hypotheses can be divided into the echolocation first, flight first and tandem development hypotheses, all of which assume that flight evolved only once in the lineage. In contrast, the chiropteran diphyly hypothesis suggests that flight evolved twice. Evidence supporting and refuting the different hypotheses are reviewed. It is concluded that there are significant problems attached to all the current models. A novel hypothesis is advanced, which starts from the assumption that bats are monophyletic and the ancestral pre‐bat was arboreal, but diurnal and frugivorous. After the evolution of flight it is suggested that these animals were driven into the nocturnal niche by the evolution of raptorial birds, and different groups evolved either specialised nocturnal vision (megachiropterans) or echolocation (microchiropterans). A block on sensory modality transfer has retained this distribution of perceptual capabilities ever since, despite some Megachiroptera evolving rudimentary echolocation, and the dietary convergence of some Microchiroptera with the Megachiroptera. The new hypothesis overcomes many of the problems identified in previous treatments.  相似文献   

Echolocating bats assess target range by the delay in echo relative to the emitted sonar pulse. Earlier studies in FM bats showed that a population of neurons in auditory centers above the inferior colliculus (IC) is tuned to echo delay, with different neurons tuned to different echo delays. A building block for delay-tuned responses is paradoxical latency shift (PLS), featuring longer response latencies to more intense sounds. PLS is first created in the IC, where neurons exhibit unit-specific quantum increase in response latency with increasing sound level. Other IC neurons display oscillatory discharges whose period is unit-specific and level tolerant, indicating that this is attributable to cell’s intrinsic properties. High-threshold inhibition of oscillatory discharge produces PLS, indicating that oscillatory discharge is a building block for PLS. To investigate the cellular basis of oscillatory discharges, we performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from IC neurons in leopard frogs (which also exhibit oscillatory discharges and PLS). These recordings show that IC neurons are heterogeneous displaying diverse biophysical phenotypes; each phenotype (and cell) has its own membrane time constant, input resistance, and strengths of I h, I kir, I kv—these intrinsic properties give rise to cell-specific resonance which can be observed through current and afferent stimulations.  相似文献   

Scales on the hairs of pollinating bats spread out at an angle to the main hair shaft. In contrast, the hairs of most bats not associated with plants are relatively smooth. Both megachiropteran and microchiropteran flower-feeding bats show this divaricate scale structure which may aid in the collection of a heavy coating of pollen. Some of the pollen is transferred to subsequent flowers, but most is groomed from the fur and ingested as the only reliable nitrogen source for the bat. The tongues of nectar-feeding bats also show structural modifications which allow efficient uptake of the carbohydrate fraction of the diet. Structural specializations of the hiars and tongue are analogous to those seen in other nectar-feeding animals.  相似文献   

Aerodynamic corrections for the flight of birds and bats in wind tunnels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Few wind tunnel studies of animal flight have controlled or corrected for distortions to behaviour, physiology or flight aerodynamics representing the difference between flight in the tunnel and flight in free air. Aerodynamic correction factors are derived based on lifting-line theory and the method of images for an animal flying freely within closed- and open-section wind tunnels; the method is very similar to that used to model flight in ground effect, and as in ground effect the corrections to induced drag may be substantial. These correction factors are used to estimate bound wing circulation, drag and mechanical power for comparison with free flight, and to derive testable predictions of optimum flight strategies for an animal in a tunnel. In an open-section tunnel, mechanical power is increased compared to free flight, and the animal should fly at the tunnel centre. In a closed tunnel mechanical power is usually reduced, and substantial savings are available, particularly at low speeds, if the animal flies close to the tunnel roof. Anecdotal observations confirm that birds and bats adopt this strategy. The mechanical power-speed curve in a closed tunnel is flatter than the curve for free flight, and this may explain the flat metabolic power-speed curves for birds and bats obtained in some measurements.  相似文献   

Habitat preference and flight activity of bats in a city   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Three groups of specialist nectar-feeders covering a continuous size range from insects, birds and bats have evolved the ability for hovering flight. Among birds and bats these groups generally comprise small species, suggesting a relationship between hovering ability and size. In this study we established the scaling relationship of hovering power with body mass for nectar-feeding glossophagine bats (Phyllostomidae). Employing both standard and fast-response respirometry, we determined rates of gas exchange in Hylonycteris underwoodi (7 g) and Choeronycteris mexicana (13–18 g) during hover-feeding flights at an artificial flower that served as a respirometric mask to estimate metabolic power input. The O2 uptake rate ( o2) in ml g−1 h−1 (and derived power input) was 27.3 (1.12 W or 160 W kg−1) in 7-g Hylonycteris and 27.3 (2.63 W or 160 W kg−1) in 16.5-g Choeronycteris and thus consistent with measurements in 11.9-g Glossophagasoricina (158 W kg−1, Winter 1998). o2 at the onset of hovering was also used to estimate power during forward flight, because after a transition from level forward to hovering flight gas exchange rates initially still reflect forward flight rates. o2 during short hovering events (<1.5 s) was 19.0 ml g−1 h−1 (1.8 W) in 16-g Choeronycteris, which was not significantly different from a previous, indirect estimate of the cost of level forward flight (2.1 W, Winter and von Helversen 1998). Our estimates suggest that power input during hovering flight P h (W) increased with body mass M (kg) within 13–18-g Choeronycteris (n = 4) as P h  = 3544 (±2057 SE) M 1.76 (±0.21 SE) and between different glossophagine bat species (n = 3) as P h  = 128 (±2.4 SE) M 0.95 (±0.034 SE). The slopes of three scaling functions for flight power (hovering, level forward flight at intermediate speed and submaximal flight power) indicate that: 1. The relationship between flight power to flight speed may change with body mass in the 6–30-g bats from a J- towards a U-shaped curve. 2. A metabolic constraint (hovering flight power equal maximal flight power) may influence the upper size limit of 30–35 g for this group of flower specialists. Mass-specific power input (W kg−1) during hovering flight appeared constant with regard to body size (for the mass ranges considered), but differed significantly (P < 0.001) between groups. Group means were 393 W kg−1 (sphingid moths), 261 W kg−1 (hummingbirds) and 159 W kg−1 (glossophagine bats). Thus, glossophagine bats expend the least metabolic power per unit of body mass supported during hovering flight. At a metabolic power input of 1.1 W a glossophagine bat can generate the lift forces necessary for balancing 7 g against gravitation, whereas a hummingbird can support 4 g and a sphingid moth only 3 g of body mass with the same amount of metabolic energy. These differences in power input were not fully explained by differences in induced power output estimated from Rankine-Froude momentum-jet theory. Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

All bats experience daily and seasonal fluctuation in body mass. An increase in mass requires changes in flight kinematics to produce the extra lift necessary to compensate for increased weight. How bats modify their kinematics to increase lift, however, is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the effect of a 20% increase in mass on flight kinematics for Cynopterus brachyotis, the lesser dog-faced fruit bat. We reconstructed the 3D wing kinematics and how they changed with the additional mass. Bats showed a marked change in wing kinematics in response to loading, but changes varied among individuals. Each bat adjusted a different combination of kinematic parameters to increase lift, indicating that aerodynamic force generation can be modulated in multiple ways. Two main kinematic strategies were distinguished: bats either changed the motion of the wings by primarily increasing wingbeat frequency, or changed the configuration of the wings by increasing wing area and camber. The complex, individual-dependent response to increased loading in our bats points to an underappreciated aspect of locomotor control, in which the inherent complexity of the biomechanical system allows for kinematic plasticity. The kinematic plasticity and functional redundancy observed in bat flight can have evolutionary consequences, such as an increase potential for morphological and kinematic diversification due to weakened locomotor trade-offs.  相似文献   

The structure of the mouthparts and foregut of some caraboid beetles has been correlated with their type of feeding mechanism. These may be adapted to fragmentary feeding, fluid feeding (where pre-oral digestion is important), or to mixed feeding (a large category which ranges from a mainly fluid to a mainly solid intake). Head structures concerned with feeding have been discussed in relation to these methods; they include the mandibles, maxillae, labrum-epipharynx and anterior foregut, proventriculus, labium-hypopharynx and the head floor. Different types of head floor were denned in relation to gular structure, in particular the presence or absence of the mid-gular apodeme. Convergent evolution of feeding mechanisms was noted amongst both fragmentary feeders and fluid feeders; in the latter group, sucking pumps have been evolved in the Carabitae, Scarites , Cicindelidae, Paussini and some other caraboids. It was suggested that head shape in caraboids may reflect locomotory adaptations more frequently than feeding adaptations.  相似文献   

Philosophers of science have developed an account of causal-mechanical explanation that captures regularity, but this account neglects variation. In this article I amend the philosophy of mechanisms to capture variation. The task is to explicate the relationship between regular causal mechanisms responsible for individual development and causes of variation responsible for variation in populations. As it turns out, disputes over this relationship have rested at the heart of the nature–nurture debate. Thus, an explication of the relationship between regular causal mechanisms and causes of variation and between individual development and variation offers both the necessary amendment to the philosophy of mechanisms and the resources to mediate the dispute.  相似文献   

Larvae of the neotropical frogs Phyllomedusa are distinctive in that they feed normally in mid-water on phytoplankton, maintaining neutral buoyancy by means of an independently beating tail filament. The feeding mechanism of larval Phyllomedusa trinitatis was studied morphologically and experimentally. The primary feeding mechanism involves a buccal rasp which may in some circumstances render food into small particles, a pumping mechanism which forces water through the buccal cavity and the gill filters, an entanglement system which traps particles in mucous strings produced in special organs, and the formation of mucous cords which transport particles to the oesophagus. In mid-water feeding and surface feeding the buccal rasp serves only its other function in preventing backflow of the respiratory stream. The primary feeding mechanism is discussed and compared with schemes proposed for Rana temporaria and R. agilis. Little agreement exists between these schemes and that which is here proposed. It is concluded that the primary feeding mechanism is the same in the three forms but that there are behavioural differences in feeding generally. Some comment is made on the primary feeding mechanism in the Microhylidae.  相似文献   

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