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Data on the age of grandparents of 243 children with Down syndrome (DS) born between 1990 and 1999 are considered in this work in comparison with control families of 330 healthy children. In 102 families, where the age of the mother at the birth of a child with DS was younger 30 (or less than 30) years, the median ages of both maternal and paternal grandmothers of probands were actually the same (26 years). Actually, the median age of grandmothers in 226 young families having healthy children were also the same (27 years). No differences in the indicators in question were revealed between 141 families with DS and 104 families with healthy children, where the mothers were older than 29 years. Thus, our results have not confirmed the hypothesis about the influence of the age of DS probands’ grandmothers on the segregation of chromosomes in their daughters’ oogenesis, as well as the hypothesis about a significant contribution of the inherited trisomy of chromosome 21 to the frequency of DS in the general population.  相似文献   

Summary The authors investigated the age of the parents and grandmothers of 262 children with simple trisomy 21. In cases in which the mother was under 30, the mean grandmaternal age was higher than that of the controls. This might mean that some of these cases, being the children of old mothers, began their lives as trisomic zygotes.The authors assume that not only maternal but also paternal mosaicism might be significant. They evaluate their results in light of genetic counseling and in consideration of practical conclusions that can be used in prenatal genetic diagnosis.  相似文献   

The frequency of Down syndrome (DS) in infants of older fathers has been examined in two sets of data. The effect of maternal age was controlled by single years of age. Lack of tight control has been an important weakness of other studies on this subject. Data obtained in metropolitan Atlanta by an intensive case-ascertainment program showed no overall excess of DS infants born to older fathers. Nor was there evidence of such an effect in recent birth certificate data made available by the National Center for Health Statistics. The Atlanta data suggest an increased number of DS infants born to older fathers who had children by women less than or equal to 34 years. However, there was a small deficiency of DS infants born to older fathers by women greater than or equal to 35 years. The possibility of a paternal-age effect remains open, but the available data suggest that, if it exists, it is quite small.  相似文献   

As the result of prolonged (17 years) observations of patients with acute respiratory infections hospitalized in basic departments of clinics of the Research Institute of Influenza, coronavirus infection was found to be the cause of respiratory diseases, on the average, in 12% of cases (in some years in 6.8% to 28.6% of cases). The analysis of extensive morbidity rates among different age groups of the population showed that children were affected by coronavirus infection 5-7 times more often than adults. Three year cycles of this infection were established. The periods of coronaviruses activation were accompanied by their detection in patient material by electron-microscopy, a sharp increase of immune response of patients as well as in the number of nosocomial infections and the proportion of the monoinfection of the coronavirus nature. Coronaviruses played the leading role among other viruses in the etiology of hospital respiratory infections. Mucosal antibodies to coronaviruses in the secretions of the nasal cavity proved to be more important than serum antibodies not only in protection from infection, but also in the pattern of clinical manifestations of the disease.  相似文献   

Growth curves of 105 children with Down syndrome (50 boys and 55 girls) were established. At birth height, weight and head circumference of Down syndrome children were lower than these parameters in controls. This delay remained stable until puberty. For weight there was no clear-cut pubertal growth spurt. For stature, the prepubertal growth spurt occurred earlier (at the age of 11 years in boys and 9 1/2 years in girls) than in controls but was less marked. As a result, Down syndrome patients had a short stature with a quite normal weight. These reference curves, available since prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome is performed routinely, are helpful for monitoring normal and abnormal development in Down syndrome patients.  相似文献   

In September-December 1998 the epidemic rise of outhospital pneumonia (EP) among children was observed in St. Petersburg, which led to a twofold increase in morbidity rate this year. The study of the etiology of EP during the period of 1998-2001 confirmed the prime role of Streptococcus pneumoniae (74.5%) and, for the first time in Russia, revealed the epidemic outbreak of acute chlamydiosis (Chlamydia pneumoniae), diagnosed in 67.3% of children, the maximum occurrence (87.5%) in 1998 with only 19% of the patients having the disease in the form of monoinfection. The prevalence of S. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae in the etiology of EP and more severe course of mixed infection suggested that these infective agents played a leading role in the epidemic outbreak of acute respiratory infections in St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

Dynamics of HIV-infection epidemic in St. Petersburg was analyzed. New features of epidemic process, which were not observed in St. Petersburg earlier, whereas noted in other territories of Russia, were revealed and described.  相似文献   

Eighty-three children with Down syndrome were submitted to hematological and biochemical studies; 69 normal children were included as controls. The variables analyzed were: HbF, HbA2, serum B12 vitamin (B12), folates, total iron and iron binding capacity, hematic cytology, and the red blood cell enzymes adenosine deaminase (ADA), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The most relevant results were: macrocytosis, normal leucocytes, HbF, B12 and folates, as well as high levels of the enzymes ADA and G6PD. An indirect association between macrocytosis, ADA and G6PD is discussed.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. It is estimated that 5-13% of persons affected by DS have seizures. Infantile spasms are the most common type of seizures and usually are well controlled with steroids and antiepileptic drugs. We present 11 children at the age of 3 years and 4 months to 10 years and 7 months with DS and infantile spasms, treated at Children's Hospital Zagreb from January 2000 until July 2009. Infantile spasms began at the age of 5 to 10.5 months in 10 children, in one child at the age of 16 months. Only one child had perinatal risk factors for the development of IS. Changes in EEG correlated to hypsarrhythmia. Infantile spasms were treated initially with antiepileptic drugs, most often with valproic acid. Treatment was inefficient in 10/11 patients. After application of ACTH, infantile spasms stopped between 7 and 15 days in 6 patients, until 28th day in 4 patients. Hypsarrhythmia vanished in all children. During follow-up period (2 years and 7 months to 9 years and 5 months) none of the children developed another type of seizures. No major epileptogenic changes were registered in EEG. Antiepileptic therapy was discontinued in 4 children (aged 4 years and 2 months to 5 years). In this group is the boy who died of heart failure. Infantile spasms associated with DS are categorized into symptomatic group. The existence of cerebral pathology and delayed psycho-motor development precedes occurrence of seizures. It is possible to achieve good control of seizures and disappearance of hypsarrhythmia with application of ACTH and antiepileptic drugs.  相似文献   



To provide cross-sectional height and head circumference (HC) references for healthy Dutch children with Down syndrome (DS), while considering the influence of concomitant disorders on their growth, and to compare growth between children with DS and children from the general population.

Study design

Longitudinal growth and medical data were retrospectively collected from medical records in 25 of the 30 regional hospital-based outpatient clinics for children with DS in the Netherlands. Children with Trisomy 21 karyotype of Dutch descent born after 1982 were included. The LMS method was applied to fit growth references.


We enrolled 1,596 children, and collected 10,558 measurements for height and 1,778 for HC. Children with DS without concomitant disorders (otherwise healthy children) and those suffering only from mild congenital heart defects showed similar growth patterns. The established growth charts, based on all measurements of these two groups, demonstrate the three age periods when height differences between children with and without DS increase: during pregnancy, during the first three years of life, and during puberty. This growth pattern results in a mean final height of 163.4 cm in boys and 151.8 cm in girls (−2.9 standard deviation (SD) and −3.0 SD on general Dutch charts, respectively). Mean HC (0 to 15 months) was 2 SD less than in the general Dutch population. The charts are available at www.tno.nl/growth.


Height and HC references showed that growth retardation in otherwise healthy children with DS meanly occurs in three critical periods of growth, resulting in shorter final stature and smaller HC than the general Dutch population shows. With these references, health care professionals can optimize their preventive care: monitoring growth of individual children with DS optimal, so that growth retarding comorbidities can be identified early, and focusing on the critical age periods to establish ways to optimize growth.  相似文献   

HLA-A and B antigens were determined in a study of 37 couples and their children with trisomy 21 Down syndrome (DS), using a standard microlymphocytotoxicity test. The comparison groups included 76 couples and their healthy children. All individuals were Caucasians from the same geographical area, and there was no history of consanguinity. The parents of children with DS did not show an association with a specific HLA antigen or haplotype. Sixteen of the 37 couples (43.24%) having children with DS share two or more antigens at the A and/or B locus. This was significantly higher than the proportion in the control group (6/76, or 7.88%). Of the 16 couples having children with DS and sharing two or more antigens, eight had a haplotype in common, in contrast with only two couples in the control group. The data suggest that sharing of parental HLA-A and B antigens may be related either to the occurrence of trisomy 21 zygotes or to prenatal survival of affected embryos and fetuses.  相似文献   



Down syndrome (DS) is the most common and best-known chromosomal disorder and is associated with several other pathologic conditions including immunodeficiency which makes a significant contribution to morbidity and mortality. Various immunological theories and observations to explain the predisposition of individuals with DS to various infections have been published, one of which is increased apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Paternal age and Down syndrome in British Columbia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Among Down syndrome cases born in 1964--1976 reported to the British Columbia Registry for Handicapped Children, the mean parental age was about half a year greater than in the entire population of live births after controlling for maternal age, a difference significant at the .05 level. After adjustment for maternal age, a regression analysis was consistent with an increase of 1.024-fold for each year of paternal age. Among Down syndrome cases in 1952--1963, however, for which ascertainment appears likely to be less complete, there was no evidence for a significant paternal age effect. The reasons for the variation between the two groups investigated here and the heterogeneity in results among studies of other populations are discussed.  相似文献   

In the surveillance of the incidence of rubella in the northwestern region of Russia, an analysis was conducted of swabs from the noses and pharynxes of 37 patients with rubella treated in Solovev District Military Clinical Hospital No. 442. To isolate the virus, the RK-13 cell line was used, in total 22 strains were allocated. The strains of the Rubella virus isolated in St. Petersburg during the 2007 outbreak belong to the 1E genotype. In the culture of RK-13 cells, changes of cellular morphogenesis and the formation of replicative complexes, as well as the shells of virions of rubella viruses, were detected.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant status and oxidative stress biomarkers in the blood of children and teenagers with Down syndrome.

Main methods

The analysis of enzymatic antioxidant defenses, such as the activities of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione transferase (GST), non-enzymatic antioxidants, such as levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), uric acid (UA) and vitamin E, as well as oxidative damage indicators, such as protein carbonyls (PC) levels and lipoperoxidation (TBARS), of DS individuals (n = 20) compared to healthy controls (n = 18). Except the vitamin E was measured by HPLC, all other markers were measured spectrophotometrically.

Key Findings

Antioxidant enzymes analysis showed significant increases in the SOD (47.2%), CAT (24.7%) and GR (49.6%) activities in DS subjects. No significant difference in GPx activity was detected while GST activity (61.2%) was decreased, and both responses may be consequence of the depletion of GSH (24.9%) levels. There were no significant differences in TBARS levels, while PC levels showed decreased (31.7%) levels compared to healthy controls, which may be related to the increase (16.1%) found in serum UA. Levels of vitamin E showed no significant differences between DS individuals compared to controls.


The results revealed a systemic pro-oxidant status in DS individuals, evidenced by the increased activity of some important antioxidant enzymes, together with decreased GSH levels in whole blood and elevated UA levels in plasma, probably as an antioxidant compensation related to the redox imbalance in DS individuals.  相似文献   

Cytokines participate in many physiological processes including the regulation of immune and inflammatory responses. Production of some important cytokines in children with Down syndrome (DS) is depressed or increased. In this study we analysed the selected anti- inflammatory cytokines: interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-10 (IL-10), interleukin-13 (IL-13) in plasma of children and adolescents with DS. The study group consisted of 20 patients with Down syndrome and 33 healthy subjects at the age of 5-17 years. Levels of: IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13 in plasma samples were determined by specific enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques according to manufacturer's instructions. IL-4 was detectable in 25% subjects with Down syndrome and in 28.6% healthy subjects. IL-13 was detectable in 15% patients with Down syndrome and in 15.2% healthy subjects, respectively. IL-10 was detectable in 1 of 20 patients with Down syndrome and in 2 of 33 healthy subjects only. No significant correlations between measurable cytokine levels and age and gender were found. No significant increased concentration of selected anti- inflammatory cytokines were detected.  相似文献   

The anthropology of post-socialism has largely been framed around a suspension of judgement of the so-called 'transition to market capitalism'. In this article I explore this theme as an ethnographic question and ask how social context is marked locally. I argue that while suspending judgements about the nature of context is nearly impossible in a sustained fashion – marriages must be planned, universities attended, etc. – in many ways people have a practical disposition that does in fact resemble the anthropological hesitance to pass judgement. I argue that ways of imagining context have more to do with historically informed practices of personhood and 'pretence' than with crisis and chaos.  相似文献   

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