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Sixteen of 28 possible biotypes of C. elongatoides-taenia s.lato (C. taenia, C. tanaitica, C. species-1) have been found in Ukrainian waters. Presumably, the biotypes of C. aff. melanoleuca-tanaitica has also been identified. The share of polyploids among Cobitis on average was 65%, where males made up less than 1% with the same ratio among tri- and tetra-polyploids. The absence of amphydiploidy and presence of individuals with recombinant genotype and abnormal electrophoretic specters, whose frequency sometimes is considerable, are attracting increasing interest. There are two centers of polyploid biotypes creation: southern (the Lower Danube) and northern (the Upper Danube, Oder, and Rhine). The C. taenia and C. species-1 type, which is typical for the northwestern basins of Ukraine, participates in the formation of polyploids in the Rhine alongside with C. elongatoides and C. tanaitica. It is determined that biotypes (C. 2(3) elongatoidestanaitica, C. elongatoides-2(3) tanaitica) in comparison with biotypes whose genome includes the chromosome set of C. taenia are limited in distribution towards the East. This is due to the hybridization of females from these biotypes with males of C. taenia afflicted by genetic instability and reduced viability of posterity.  相似文献   

The unusually high diversity of spined loache biotypes in Lower Danube was detected by means of biochemical genetic investigation and cytometric analysis of 358 specimens collected in riverbed and eriks. Along with two diploid species (C. elongatoides and C. "tanaitica") six hybrid forms were revealed: diploid C. elongatoides "tanaitica"; triploid C. 2 elongatoides--"tanaitica", C. elongatoides--2 "tanaitica" and C. 2 elongatoides--species-1 and tetraploid C. 3 elongatoides--"tanaitica", C. elongatoides--species-2--2 "tanaitica". Besides that the specimens with recombinant genotypes occured. In spite of the apomictic mode of reproduction the poliploids do not possess the clonal structure but according to the level of polymorphism and the genotype distribution are isomorphous to the parental diploid species. This means that on the contrary to the polyploid cobitids of the Dnieper which have appeared in this catchment area due to the expansion of their home range the polyploid fishes from the Lower Danube reaches are autochtonous and are produced as a result of hybridization with the local diploid species. The process is seemingly going on without any kind of limitations.  相似文献   

Nine polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for the spined loach, Cobitis taenia (Teleostei: Cobitidae). The loci were validated using 50 individuals from a population in Belgium. Moderate to high levels of polymorphism were detected (two to 11 alleles). In addition, most markers amplified successfully in three closely related taxa that are known to hybridize with C. taenia: C. elongatoides, C. taurica and C. tanaitica. Some of the loci are most likely diagnostic among species. These markers will be valuable for the study of the historical and contemporary interactions within C. taenia and the Cobitis species complex.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of asexual lineages undermines their suitability as models for the studies of evolutionary consequences of sexual reproduction. Using molecular tools we addressed the origin, age and maternal ancestry of diploid and triploid asexual lineages arisen through the hybridization between spiny loaches Cobitis elongatoides, C. taenia and C. tanaitica. Reconstructions of the phylogenetic relationships among mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes, revealed by sequence analyses, suggest that both hybrid complexes (C. elongatoides-taenia and C. elongatoides-tanaitica) contained several asexual lineages of independent origin. Cobitis elongatoides was the exclusive maternal ancestor of all the C. elongatoides-tanaitica hybrids, whereas within the C. elongatoides-taenia complex, hybridization was reciprocal. In both complexes the low haplotype divergences were consistent with a recent origin of asexual lineages. Combined mtDNA and allozyme data suggest that the triploids arose through the incorporation of a haploid sperm genome into unreduced ova produced by diploid hybrids.  相似文献   

Recent advances in population history reconstruction offered a powerful tool for comparisons of the abilities of sexual and clonal forms to respond to Quaternary climatic oscillations, ultimately leading to inferences about the advantages and disadvantages of a given mode of reproduction. We reconstructed the Quaternary historical biogeography of the sexual parental species and clonal hybrid lineages within the Europe-wide hybrid complex of Cobitis spiny loaches. Cobitis elongatoides and Cobitis taenia recolonizing Europe from separated refuges met in central Europe and the Pontic region giving rise to hybrid lineages during the Holocene. Cobitis elongatoides due to its long-term reproductive contact with the remaining parental species of the complex--C. tanaitica and C. spec.--gave rise to two clonal hybrid lineages probably during the last interglacial or even earlier, which survived the Würmian glaciation with C. elongatoides. These lineages followed C. elongatoides postglacial expansion and probably decreased its dispersal rate. Our data indicate the frequent origins of asexuality irrespective of the parental populations involved and the comparable dispersal potential of diploid and triploid lineages.  相似文献   

The diversity of the 5S rDNA fragment among three loach species: Cobitis taenia, C. elongatoides and Sabanejewia aurata was investigated using universal PCR primers for this gene. Three amplification products were obtained: 220 bp length for C. taenia and C. elongatoides, and 330 bp for S. aurata. Two amplicons with the same length (in Cobitis) were digested with TaqI restriction endonuclease. This enzyme found one restriction site T/CGA in the C. elongatoides fragment, while in the case of C. taenia no cleavage effect was observed. On this basis we constructed an easy and cheap method for loach species discrimination. It seems adequate for effective support of conservation initiatives for endangered loaches.  相似文献   

The extremely high diversity of spined loach biotypes in the Lower Danube has been detected by biochemical genetic investigation and cytometric analysis of 358 specimens collected in the riverbed and shallow channels. Along with two diploid species (C. elongatoides and C. “tanaitica”), six hybrid forms were revealed, namely, diploid C. elongatoides-“tanaitica”; triploid C. 2 elongatoides-“tanaitica,” C. elongatoides-2 “tanaitica,” and C. 2 elongatoides-species-1; and tetraploid C. 3 elongatoides-“tanaitica” and C. elongatoides-species-2-2 “tanaitica.” In addition, specimens with recombinant genotypes were also found. In spite of the apomictic mode of reproduction, the polyploids did not possess clonal structure, but according to the level of polymorphism and the genotype distribution, they were isomorphous to parental diploid species. Thus, in contrast to the polyploidy in Cobitids of the Dnieper, which have appeared in the basin due to the expansion, the polyploids of the Lower Danube are autochthonous and were derived by crossing with local diploid species. The process is apparently proceeds without any limitations.  相似文献   

We evaluate the hypothesis of no geographic structure in the Huchen (Hucho hucho), a large, predatory salmonid endemic to the Danube basin. Forty-seven individuals sampled from throughout the Huchen’s native range were genetically characterized. Extremely limited sequence diversity across 1,800 bases of mtDNA (the complete control region and partial NADH-1 subunit) evidenced by four closely related mtDNA haplotypes was found. Nonetheless, the geographic distribution of mtDNA repeats (5–10, 82-bp long copies per individual) as well as allelic diversity across two microsatellite loci indicated large-scale geographic structure between the north-western (Austria and Slovenia) distribution area and eastern (Slovakia and Ukraine) or southern (Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro) sample sites. An extremely slow rate of substitution for the H. hucho mtDNA is considered along with the alternative hypotheses to explain the limited mtDNA diversity. Considering the regional genetic structure implied by our data, we advocate restrictions on the transport of brood fish or yearlings across the range of the species distribution and sale of Huchen across international boundaries. Future genetic analysis to support local conservation and monitoring efforts must focus on developing a high-resolution screen that may be applied to identify hatchery versus naturally reproduced individuals in the wild.  相似文献   

Feeding, reproductive and locomotor activities of fourDrosophila species were studied under short and long daylengths at 15°C. A short daylength induced firm reproductive diapause in experimental strains ofD. subauraria andD. triauraria from northern Japan, but very shallow diapause in those ofD. lutescens andD. rufa from southern Japan. A subtropical strain ofD. triauraria had no diapause. The influence of diapause on feeding activity was detected only in aged (> 12 day old) females; that is, the feeding activity was lower in diapausing females than in non-diapausing ones. Females that do not produce eggs would not require so much energy. On the other hand, young adults of the study species exhibited a high feeding activity and rapidly increased bodyweight irrespective of sex and the diapause state. They would need nutrition to build up their adult body. In males, the feeding activity decreased with age irrespective of the diapause state. Males would not require so much energy for reproductive activity. Diapausing males became heavier than non-diapausing males, perhaps because they accumulated triacylglycerols in fat bodies. However, female bodyweight did not differ by the diapause state, perhaps because diapausing females accumulated triacylglycerols and reproducing females had eggs in their ovaries. InD. triauraria, diapausing individuals exhibited somewhat lower locomotor activity than non-diapausing ones.  相似文献   

Until recently, one widespread species of the genus Cobitis was thought to be present in Europe, the common spined loach Cobitis taenia . Recent studies have shown that the diversity of spined loaches is considerably higher due to (1) presence of several species as well as C. taenia and (2) presence of hybrid biotypes, living together with species. Here knowledge about distribution and diversity of spined loaches in Europe is summarized by combining original with published data. In Southern Europe, a number of distinct species occur allopatrically, while in Central and Eastern Europe a few species have wide distribution areas. Hybrid biotypes were found exclusively in Central and Eastern Europe. They were not restricted to the contact areas between the parental species, but occur in almost the entire area. In total, 15 hybrid biotypes with different genomic compositions were recorded. In the most diverse complex, four hybrid biotypes were associated with one species. In general, a syntopic occurrence of different species of Cobitis can be considered as exceptional, while the association of species with hybrid biotypes is the rule in Central and Eastern Europe. The composition of complexes seems to be most strongly influenced by the kind of associated species and by local history. Implications for conservation are (1) not to disturb the natural patterns of diversity, (2) to consider the known richness in legislation, and (3) to consider the evolutionary significance of hybrid biotypes.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years, new species, asexual reproduction, polyploidy and hybridization have all been reported within the genus Cobitis. An understanding of the current distribution and baseline phylogeographical history of 'true' nonhybrid Cobitis species is crucial in order to unravel these discoveries. In the present work, we investigated the phylogeography of the spined loach, Cobitis taenia, using 1126 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 174 individuals collected at 47 sites. In total, 51 haplotypes that differed at 49 positions (4.35%) were detected. We deduce that C. taenia survived European glaciations in at least three refugees in the Ponto-Caspian area. Two of these refugees each provided a major lineage that recolonized Europe in separate directions: one westward to England and the other spreading north into Russia before moving west. A third (minor) lineage that contributed little to the recolonization of Europe was also revealed--remaining near its Black Sea refuge. However, more recent history was difficult to resolve with colonization from a more western refugium during the last glacial maximum (LGM) a distinct possibility. Nested clade analysis indicates a pattern of restricted gene flow with isolation by distance at the first two levels and overall. Unlike many other European freshwater fish species, the Danube is not part of the current distribution of C. taenia, nor was it used as either a refuge or a source of colonization of Europe. Low genetic diversity within C. taenia suggests that its colonization of Europe is relatively recent. Demographic analyses revealed a history of recent expansion and isolation by distance.  相似文献   

Several phylogeographic studies using mtDNA sequence data have revealed an expressed geographic structure in nearly every European freshwater fish species studied. The authors present a phylogeographic study of Misgurnus fossilis on the base of 43 specimens from 17 localities across a major part of the known distribution area of M. fossilis . Despite the large geographic distance between the sampling points and their origin from different major European river systems, only eight closely related haplotypes in the sequences of the whole mitochondrial cytochrome b were detected. The most common haplotype I included more than 60% of specimens and occurred in the North Sea basin in northern Germany, in the Danube and Elbe basins in the Czech Republic, in the Nieman basin in Poland and in the Dniester and Vistula basins in the Ukraine. Since the highest number of haplotypes (six out of eight) and the most divergent haplotypes were found in the Danube, the authors tentatively consider the Danube to have acted as a refuge area for Misgurnus during the glaciation maxima in the Pleistocene. From this refuge, the species presumably recolonized Central and Eastern Europe but failed to stretch to Western Europe.  相似文献   

An investigation of the genetic structure of the Aporrectodea caliginosa-A. trapezoids diploidpolyploid complex of earthworms found in the Ukraine is performed by means of biochemical genetic marking with respect to six loci (Aat, Es-1,-2,-3, and-4, and Mdh) and karyotyping. All 646 individuals from 21 samples are analyzed at the biochemical gene level and karyotype samples are obtained from 70 specimens. As a result, diploid amphimictic A. caliginosa individuals (2n = 36), which form panmictic populations, and triploid (2n = 54) A. trapezoides individuals, represented by 19 hypothetical clones discovered in the course of an analysis of 157 specimens, are clearly differentiated. A clear trend towards dominance of the triploid forms in the steppe zone of Ukraine is discovered. Here they represent roughly 70% as against 12% of all A. (superspecies) caliginosa individuals in the northern forest regions. Based on the stated nature of the heterozygosity of the loci studied and the behavior of the chromosomes in meiosis, it may be claimed that the cloned forms are allotriploids, formed as a result of hybridization of a series of related forms, which, judging from the allelic pools, does not include amphimictic species that now inhabit the territory of Ukraine. That is, either the apomictic clones of A. trapezoides lack a local origin and their appearance among the fauna of Ukraine is a consequence of settlement in arid steppe regions that are unfavorable for earthworms or, on the other hand, amphimictic A. caliginosa is an invasive species.  相似文献   

The common collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) exhibits considerable geographical colour variation, particularly among males. Populations of this diurnal saxicolous iguanian inhabit patches of rocky habitat throughout the species’ broad distribution in North America and are anticipated to experience local differences in selective pressures that influence colouration. Specifically, while social interactions might favour conspicuous colouration, crypsis may be advantageous in interactions with visually orienting predator and prey species. To address the local relationship between lizard and substrate colouration we compared the reflectance spectra of two geographically distant and phenotypically divergent populations of collared lizards with the rocky substrates they inhabit. Our northern study population (C. c. auriceps in eastern Utah) occurs on red rocks, where males exhibit boldly coloured turquoise bodies and bright yellow heads. In contrast, our southern study population (C. c. fuscus in southern New Mexico) lives on grey and tan rocks, and males in this location exhibit subdued brown and tan dorsal colours. Spectral comparisons revealed that males in the northern population contrasted strongly with their local rocks, whereas males in the southern population matched their rock colours with reasonably good fidelity. This relationship held under a variety of lighting conditions. Females in both populations were less conspicuously coloured than males, although northern females contrasted more with their rocks than did southern females. In addition, sexual dichromatism was pronounced in the northern population but minimal in the southern population. Finally, sexual size and weight dimorphism was strong in the southern population while being virtually absent in the northern population. A comparison of the local predator and prey assemblages suggests that the conspicuous and sexually dichromatic colouration of the northern population may have evolved in response to reduced pressure from visually orienting predators as well as reduced dependence on saurian prey. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 77 , 67–85  相似文献   

We analyzed mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms to search for evidence of the genetic structure and patterns of admixture in 124 populations (N = 1407 trees) across the distribution of Scots pine in Europe and Asia. The markers revealed only a weak population structure in Central and Eastern Europe and suggested postglacial expansion to middle and northern latitudes from multiple sources. Major mitotype variants include the remnants of Scots pine at the north-western extreme of the distribution in the Scottish Highlands; two main variants (western and central European) that contributed to the contemporary populations in Norway and Sweden; the central-eastern European variant present in the Balkan region, Finland, and Russian Karelia; and a separate one common to most eastern European parts of Russia and western Siberia. We also observe signatures of a distinct refugium located in the northern parts of the Black Sea basin that contributed to the patterns of genetic variation observed in several populations in the Balkans, Ukraine, and western Russia. Some common haplotypes of putative ancient origin were shared among distant populations from Europe and Asia, including the most southern refugial stands that did not participate in postglacial recolonization of northern latitudes. The study indicates different genetic lineages of the species in Europe and provides a set of genetic markers for its finer-scale population history and divergence inference.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate genetic composition of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) populations in the Western Balkans, the partial mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was sequenced and 12 microsatellite loci genotyped in 14 populations originating from tributaries of the Adriatic and Danube drainages. Eleven mtDNA haplotypes were found, one confined to the Adriatic clade, one to the Alpine group and the rest to the ‘Balkan’ grayling phylogenetic clade. Haplotypes from the Balkan clade were confined to the Danube drainage and constituted two groups: northern group with haplotypes found in the Slovenian part of the Danube drainage, and southern group, consisting from Bosnia–Herzegovina and Montenegro. Substantial genetic distance between northern and southern groups of haplotypes (0.75–1.8%) and well supported divisions within the northern group indicate very structured grayling population within the studied Danube basin that most probably did not evolve due to vicariance but rather as a consequence of multiple colonization waves that might have occurred during the Pleistocene. Furthermore, genetic distance of ~4% between Adriatic and Danube populations’ haplotypes, suggest that their separation occurred in mid-Pliocene. These findings imply a complex colonization pattern of the Western Balkans drainages. Microsatellite data also confirm high genetic diversity in Western Balkans populations of grayling (on average 7.5 alleles per microsatellite locus and H exp 0.58). Limited stocking activities were detected based on microsatellites and mtDNA data. Regarding current knowledge of grayling phylogeography appropriate management strategies were proposed to preserve unique, autochthonous grayling populations in Western Balkan.  相似文献   

Linking southeastern Europe and central Europe, the Danube Valley plays a key role in the models of the first colonization of Europe by anatomically modern humans about 40 thousand years ago (Danube Corridor hypothesis). The middle course of the river, the Carpathian Basin occupies a fundamental place in the search for archaeological evidences of the expansion of modern humans. Surveys carried out in northern Hungary in the last two decades have discovered numerous open-air sites whose lithic material can be attributed to the period concerned. Our excavations carried out in the region of Eger demonstrated the presence of the Aurignacian but also allowed the recognition of a macrolaminar industry of the Initial Upper Palaeolithic. The lithic material collected on the surface of the Andornaktálya 2 site provided rich assemblages of these two industries. The macrolaminar industry has techno-morphological connections with the leptolithic tools of Sokyrnytsia and Korolevo in Transcarpathian Ukraine. The Aurignacian industry has several characteristics in common with those of Košice-Barca and Seňa in southeastern Slovakia. Unfortunately, the chronological position of the macrolaminar and Aurignacian industries cannot be specified at the sites of the Eger region, although their age of Interpleniglacial seems evident from the stratigraphic considerations and the dating of the sediments. Despite these chronological inaccuracies, our results support the model, published by J.K. Kozłowski in 2010, of two waves of the immigration of modern humans across the Danube Corridor.  相似文献   

Biochemical, genetic, cytometric and morphological analyses of spined loaches of the middle stream of Severskiy Donetz river revealed 3 bisexual species: Cobitis taenia s.l. (68% of the sample); C. melanoleuca (11%); Sabanejewia aurata (9%) and 2 hybrid forms: triploid C. taenia(2)-sp. (9%) and diploid C. taenia-melanoleuca (3%). Distinctive features of genetic structure of polyploid hybrids C. taenia(2)-sp. as well as taxonomic identity of diploid C. taenia s.l. of Severskiy Donetz river were discussed in regard to the Dnieper population ones.  相似文献   

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