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The build-up of biodiversity is the result of immigration and in situ speciation. We investigate these two processes for four lineages (Disa, Irideae p.p., the Pentaschistis clade and Restionaceae) that are widespread in the Afrotemperate flora. These four lineages may be representative of the numerous clades which are species rich in the Cape and also occur in the highlands of tropical Africa. It is as yet unclear in which direction the lineages spread. Three hypotheses have been proposed: (i) a tropical origin with a southward migration towards the Cape, (ii) a Cape origin with a northward migration into tropical Africa, and (iii) vicariance. None of these hypotheses has been thoroughly tested. We reconstruct the historical biogeography of the four lineages using likelihood optimization onto molecular phylogenies. We find that tropical taxa are nested within a predominantly Cape clade. There is unidirectional migration from the Cape into the Drakensberg and from there northwards into tropical Africa. The amount of in situ diversification differs between areas and clades. Dating estimates show that the migration into tropical East Africa has occurred in the last 17 Myr, consistent with the Mio-Pliocene formation of the mountains in this area.  相似文献   

Contrasting patterns of radiation in African and Australian Restionaceae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The floras of the Mediterranean-climate areas of southern Africa and southwestern Australia are remarkably species rich. Because the two areas are at similar latitudes and in similar positions on their respective continents, they have probably had similar Cenozoic climatic histories. Here we test the prediction that the evolution of the species richness in the two areas followed a similar temporal progression by comparing the rates of lineage accumulation for African and Australian Restionaceae. Restionaceae (Poales) are typical and often dominant elements in the fynbos vegetation of the Cape Floristic Region of southern Africa and the kwongan vegetation of the Southwestern Floristic Province of Western Australia. The phylogeny of the family was estimated from combined datasets for rbcL and trnL-F sequences and a large morphological dataset; these datasets are largely congruent. The monophyly of Restionaceae is supported and a basal division into an African clade (approximately 350 species) and an Australian clade (146 species) corroborated. There is also support for a futher subdivision of these two large sister-clades, but the terminal resolution within the African clade is very weak. Fossil pollen records provided a minimum age of the common ancestor of Australian and African Restionaceae as 64-71 million years ago, and this date was used to calibrate a molecular clock. A molecular clock was rejected by a likelihood ratio test; therefore, rate changes between the lineages were smoothed using nonparametric rate smoothing. The rate-corrected ages were used to construct a plot of lineages through time. During the Palaeogene the Australian lineage diversity increased consistent with the predictions of the constant birthrate model, while the African lineage diversity showed a dramatic increase in diversification rate in the Miocene. Incomplete sampling obscures the patterns in the Neogene, but extending the trends to the modern extant diversity suggests that this acceleration in the speciation rate continued in the African clade, whereas the Australian clade retained a constant diversification rate. The substantial morphological and anatomical similarity between the African and Australian Restionaceae appear to preclude morphological innovations as possible explanations for the intercontinental differences. Most likely these differences are due to the greater geographical extent and ecological variation in temperate Australia than temperate Africa, which might have provided refugia for basal Restionaceae lineages, whereas the more mountainous terrain of southern Africa might have provided the selective regimes for a more rapid, recent speciation.  相似文献   

Explaining the dramatic variation in species richness across the tree of life remains a key challenge in evolutionary biology. At the largest phylogenetic scales, the extreme heterogeneity in species richness observed among different groups of organisms is almost certainly a function of many complex and interdependent factors. However, the most fundamental expectation in macroevolutionary studies is simply that species richness in extant clades should be correlated with clade age: all things being equal, older clades will have had more time for diversity to accumulate than younger clades. Here, we test the relationship between stem clade age and species richness across 1,397 major clades of multicellular eukaryotes that collectively account for more than 1.2 million described species. We find no evidence that clade age predicts species richness at this scale. We demonstrate that this decoupling of age and richness is unlikely to result from variation in net diversification rates among clades. At the largest phylogenetic scales, contemporary patterns of species richness are inconsistent with unbounded diversity increase through time. These results imply that a fundamentally different interpretative paradigm may be needed in the study of phylogenetic diversity patterns in many groups of organisms.  相似文献   

The endemic Hawaiian lobeliads are exceptionally species rich and exhibit striking diversity in habitat, growth form, pollination biology and seed dispersal, but their origins and pattern of diversification remain shrouded in mystery. Up to five independent colonizations have been proposed based on morphological differences among extant taxa. We present a molecular phylogeny showing that the Hawaiian lobeliads are the product of one immigration event; that they are the largest plant clade on any single oceanic island or archipelago; that their ancestor arrived roughly 13 Myr ago; and that this ancestor was most likely woody, wind-dispersed, bird-pollinated, and adapted to open habitats at mid-elevations. Invasion of closed tropical forests is associated with evolution of fleshy fruits. Limited dispersal of such fruits in wet-forest understoreys appears to have accelerated speciation and led to a series of parallel adaptive radiations in Cyanea, with most species restricted to single islands. Consistency of Cyanea diversity across all tall islands except Hawai ;i suggests that diversification of Cyanea saturates in less than 1.5 Myr. Lobeliad diversity appears to reflect a hierarchical adaptive radiation in habitat, then elevation and flower-tube length, and provides important insights into the pattern and tempo of diversification in a species-rich clade of tropical plants.  相似文献   

Although tropical environments are often considered biodiversity hotspots, it is precisely in such environments where least is known about the factors that drive species richness. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to study correlates of species richness for the largest Neotropical amphibian radiation: New World direct-developing frogs. Clade-age and species richness were nonsignificantly, negatively correlated, suggesting that clade age alone does not explain among-clade variation in species richness. A combination of ecological and morphological traits explained 65% of the variance in species richness. A more vascularized ventral skin, the ability to colonize high-altitude ranges, encompassing a large variety of vegetation types, correlated significantly with species richness, whereas larger body size was marginally correlated with species richness. Hence, whereas high-altitude ranges play a role in shaping clade diversity in the Neotropics, intrinsic factors, such as skin structures and possibly body size, might ultimately determine which clades are more speciose than others.  相似文献   

Isolated oceanic archipelagos are excellent model systems to study speciation, biogeography, and evolutionary factors underlying the generation of biological diversity. Despite the wealth of studies documenting insular speciation, few of them focused on marine organisms. Here, we reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among species of the marine venomous gastropod genus Conus from the Cape Verde archipelago. This small island chain located in the Central Atlantic hosts 10% of the worldwide species diversity of Conus. Analyses were based on mtDNA sequences, and a novel nuclear marker, a megalin-like protein, member of the low-density lipoprotein receptor gene family. The inferred phylogeny recovered two well-defined clades within Conus. One includes Cape Verde endemic species with larger shells, known as the "venulatus" complex together with C. pulcher from the Canary Islands. The other is composed of Cape Verde endemic and West Africa and Canary Island "small" shelled species. In both clades, nonendemic Conus were resolved as sister groups of the Cape Verde endemics, respectively. Our results indicate that the ancestors of "small" and "large" shelled lineages independently colonized Cape Verde. The resulting biogeographical pattern shows the grouping of most Cape Verde endemics in monophyletic island assemblages. Statistical tests supported a recent radiation event within the "small shell" clade. Using a molecular clock, we estimated that the colonization of the islands by the "small" shelled species occurred relatively close to the origin of the islands whereas the arrival of "large" shelled Conus is more recent. Our results suggest that the main factor responsible for species diversity in the archipelago may be allopatric speciation promoted by the reduced dispersal capacity of nonplanktonic lecithotrophic larvae.  相似文献   

The enormous species richness in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of Southern Africa is the result of numerous radiations, but the temporal progression and possible mechanisms of these radiations are still poorly understood. Here, we explore the macroevolutionary dynamics of the Restionaceae, which include 340 species that are found in all vegetation types in the Cape flora and are ecologically dominant in fynbos. Using an almost complete (i.e., 98%) species‐level time calibrated phylogeny and models of diversification dynamics, we show that species diversification is constant through the Cenozoic, with no evidence of an acceleration with the onset of the modern winter‐wet climate, or a recent density‐dependent slowdown. Contrary to expectation, species inhabiting the oldest (montane) and most extensive (drylands) habitats did not undergo higher diversification rates than species in the younger (lowlands) and more restricted (wetland) habitats. We show that the rate of habitat transitions is more closely related to the speciation rate than to time, and that more than a quarter of all speciation events are associated with habitat transitions. This suggests that the unbounded Restionaceae diversification resulted from numerous, parallel, habitat shifts, rather than persistence in a habitat stimulating speciation. We speculate that this could be one of the mechanisms resulting in the hyperdiverse Cape flora.  相似文献   

Morphological systematics makes it clear that many non-volant animal groups have undergone extensive transmarine dispersal with subsequent radiation in new, often island, areas. However, details of such events are often lacking. Here we use partial DNA sequences derived from the mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes (up to 684 and 320 bp, respectively) to trace migration and speciation in Tarentola geckos, a primarily North African clade which has invaded many of the warmer islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. There were four main invasions of archipelagos presumably by rafting. (i) The subgenus Neotarentola reached Cuba up to 23 million years (Myr) ago, apparently via the North Equatorial current, a journey of at least 6000 km. (ii) The subgenus Tarentola invaded the eastern Canary Islands relatively recently covering a minimum of 120 km. (iii) The subgenus Makariogecko got to Gran Canaria and the western Canary Islands 7-17.5 Myr ago, either directly from the mainland or via the Selvages or the archipelago of Madeira, an excursion of 200-1200 km. (iv) A single species of Makariogecko from Gomera or Tenerife in the western Canaries made the 1400 km journey to the Cape Verde Islands tip to 7 Myr ago by way of the south-running Canary current. Many journeys have also occurred within archipelagos, a minimum of five taking place in the Canaries and perhaps 16 in the Cape Verde Islands. Occupation of the Cape Verde archipelago first involved an island in the northern group, perhaps São Nicolau, with subsequent spread to its close neighbours. The eastern and southern islands were colonized from these northern islands, at least two invasions widely separated in time being involved. While there are just three allopatric species of Makariogecko in the Canaries, the single invader of the Cape Verde Islands radiated into five, most of the islands being inhabited by two of these which differ in size. While size difference may possibly be a product of character displacement in the northern islands, taxa of different sizes reached the southern islands independently.  相似文献   

The Cape Floristic Region is exceptionally species-rich both for its area and latitude, and this diversity is highly unevenly distributed among genera. The modern flora is hypothesized to result largely from recent (post-Oligocene) speciation, and it has long been speculated that particular species-poor lineages pre-date this burst of speciation. Here, we employ molecular phylogenetic data in combination with fossil calibrations to estimate the minimum duration of Cape occupation by 14 unrelated putative relicts. Estimates vary widely between lineages (7-101 Myr ago), and when compared with the estimated timing of onset of the modern flora's radiation, it is clear that many, but possibly not all, of these lineages pre-date its establishment. Statistical comparisons of diversities with lineage age show that low species diversity of many of the putative relicts results from a lower rate of diversification than in dated Cape radiations. In other putative relicts, however, we cannot reject the possibility that they diversify at the same underlying rate as the radiations, but have been present in the Cape for insufficient time to accumulate higher diversity. Although the extremes in diversity of currently dated Cape lineages fall outside expectations under a constant underlying diversification rate, sampling of all Cape lineages would be required to reject this null hypothesis.  相似文献   

Floral sexuality is characterized for the flora of the Cape region of South Africa. Among angiosperms (N = 8,497), monostylous hermaphroditism constitutes the largest proportion of species with 77.7%, followed by gynomonoecism (7.1%), dioecism (6.6%), andromonoecism (4.0%), monoecism (2.6%), heterostylous hermaphroditism (1.9%), polygamomonoecism (0.01%) and polygamodioecism (0.01%). The incidence of dioecism is significantly higher (P < 0.001) at the species level for two smaller floras within the Cape flora that consist mostly of species-rich fynbos vegetation (Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve: 11.6% [N = 1,349], Cape Hangklip: 9.7% [N = 1,046]). The relatively high incidence of dioecism in all three floras compared to other temperate floras is due to the large number of Restionaceae species. Excluding these rush-like plants, dioecism at the species level is only 3.0% for the Cape flora, 4.2% for the Cape Hangklip flora and 3.6% for the Cape of Good Hope flora. At the generic level there are no significant differences in the incidence of dioecism between the three floras. Among dioecious species and genera in the Cape flora, there is a higher than expected incidence of wind pollination, fleshy fruits and nonwoodiness when each variable is analyzed independently. The association between nonwoodiness and dioecy has not been reported for other floras and is due to the large proportion of nonwoody wind-pollinated Restionaceae. If this family is excluded from the analysis, dioecy becomes associated with biotic pollination, fleshy fruits, and woodiness. Interactions among the variables themselves as well as with dioecism indicate the need for a joint analysis of the variables. At the genus level, analyses reveal the following: 1) There is a higher than expected incidence of wind pollination among dioecious plants with dry fruits. If the Restionaceae are excluded from the analysis, wind pollination is more common than expected only for woody plants with dry fruits. 2) Dioecious plants that are biotically pollinated have a significantly higher incidence of fleshy fruits than expected. 3) Dioecious plants with dry fruits that are biotically pollinated have a higher than expected incidence of woodiness. If the Restionaceae are excluded from the analysis, woodiness is more common than expected among both nonwind and wind-pollinated dioecious genera.  相似文献   

Within the Macroscelidea 15 species of elephant-shrews are recognized, of which nine occur in the southern African subregion. The Cape rock elephant-shrew (Elephantulus edwardii) is the only strictly endemic South African elephant-shrew species. Recent distribution data suggest that E. edwardii is continuously distributed from Namaqualand in the Western Cape Province to Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape Province. Molecular sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and variable control region indicate significant substructure within the Cape rock elephant-shrew across its distribution. Our data unequivocally showed the presence of a northern Namaqua and central Fynbos clade with four evolutionary lineages identified within the latter. The geographical delimitation of the northern and central clades corresponds closely with patterns reported for other rock-dwelling vertebrate species, indicating a shared biogeographical history for these taxa in South Africa. A coalescent method revealed the effects of ancestral polymorphism in shaping the Namaqua and Fynbos populations since their divergence ~1.7 million years ago. Furthermore, our analyses uncovered a distinct Karoo lineage(s) that does not correspond to any of the previously described and/or currently recognized species, and we therefore argue for the possible recognition of a new sister taxon to E. edwardii. The taxonomic affinities of this clade were examined by sequencing corresponding regions from the type specimens of species described in the past, but which presently are synonimized within E. edwardii. Our results reveal the morphological misidentification of one of these types, accentuating the problems of field identification.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic associations among 13 currently recognized African leaf chameleon species were investigated by making use of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data (44 taxa and 4145 characters). The gene tree indicates two divergent clades within Rhampholeon; this finding is congruent with previous morphological suggestions. The first clade (I) comprises three taxa (R. kerstenii, R. brevicaudatus and R. brachyurus) and is widely distributed in lowland forest and or non-forest biomes. The second clade (II) comprises the remaining Rhampholeon species and can be subdivided into three subclades. By contrast, most taxa belonging to clade II are confined to relict montane forest biotopes. Based on geographical, morphological and molecular evidence, it is suggested that the taxonomy of Rhampholeon be revised to include two genera (Rieppeleon and Rhampholeon) and three subgenera (Rhampholeon, Bicuspis and Rhinodigitum). There is a close correlation between geographical distribution and phylogenetic relatedness among Rhampholeon taxa, indicating that vicariance and climate change were possibly the most influential factors driving speciation in the group. A relaxed Bayesian clock suggests that speciation times coincided both with the northern movement of Africa, which caused the constriction of the pan African forest, and to rifting in east Africa ca. 20 Myr ago. Subsequent speciation among taxa was probably the result of gradual desiccation of forests between 20 and 5 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Zeh JA  Zeh DW  Bonilla MM 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(10):2759-2769
Molecular and geological evidence indicates that the emergence of the Isthmus of Panamá influenced the historical biogeography of the Neotropics in a complex, staggered manner dating back at least 9 Myr bp. To assess the influence of Isthmus formation on the biogeography of the harlequin beetle-riding pseudoscorpion, Cordylochernes scorpioides, we analysed mitochondrial COI sequence data from 71 individuals from 13 locations in Panamá and northern South America. Parsimony and likelihood-based phylogenies identified deep divergence between South American and Panamanian clades. In contrast to low haplotype diversity in South America, the Panamanian Cordylochernes clade is comprised of three highly divergent lineages: one clade consisting predominantly of individuals from central Panamá (PAN A), and two sister clades (PAN B1 and PAN B2) of western Panamanian pseudoscorpions. Breeding experiments demonstrated a strictly maternal mode of inheritance, indicating that our analyses were not confounded by nuclear-mitochondrial pseudogenes. Haplotype diversity is striking in western Atlantic Panamá, where all three Panamanian clades can occur in a single host tree. This sympatry points to the existence of a cryptic species hybrid zone in western Panamá, a conclusion supported by interclade crosses and coalescence-based migration rates. Molecular clock estimates yield a divergence time of approximately 3 Myr between the central and western Panamanian clades. Taken together, these results are consistent with a recent model in which a transitory proto-Isthmus enabled an early wave of colonization out of South America at the close of the Miocene, followed by sea level rise, inundation of the terrestrial corridor and then a second wave of colonization that occurred when the Isthmus was completed approximately 3 Myr bp.  相似文献   

We sequenced 998 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b and 799 bp of nuclear gene BRCA1 in the Lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens group) over its geographic range from Portugal to Japan. The aims of the study were to identify the main clades within the group and respective refugia resulting from Pleistocene glaciations. Analyses revealed the Asian lesser white-toothed shrew (C. shantungensis) as the basal clade, followed by a major branch of C. suaveolens, subdivided sensu stricto into six clades, which split-up in the Upper Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene (1.9-0.9 Myr). The largest clade, occurring over a huge range from east Europe to Mongolia, shows evidence of population expansion after a bottleneck. West European clades originated from Iberian and Italo-Balkanic refugia. In the Near East, three clades evolved in an apparent hotspot of refugia (west Turkey, south-west and south-east of the Caucasus). Most clades include specimens of different morphotypes and the validity of many taxa in the C. suaveolens group has to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

The radiation of the Cape flora, southern Africa   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The flora of the south-western tip of southern Africa, the Cape flora, with some 9000 species in an area of 90,000 km2 is much more speciose than can be expected from its area or latitude, and is comparable to that expected from the most diverse equatorial areas. The endemism of almost 70%, on the other hand, is comparable to that found on islands. This high endemism is accounted for by the ecological and geographical isolation of the Cape Floristic Region, but explanations for the high species richness are not so easily found. The high species richness is accentuated when its taxonomic distribution is investigated: almost half of the total species richness of the area is accounted for by 33 'Cape floral clades'. These are clades which may have initially diversified in the region, and of which at least half the species are still found in the Cape Floristic Region. Such a high contribution by a very small number of clades is typical of island floras, not of mainland floras. The start of the radiation of these clades has been dated by molecular clock techniques to between 18 million years ago (Mya) (Pelargonium) and 8 Mya (Phylica), but only six radiations have been dated to date. The fossil evidence for the dating of the radiation is shown to be largely speculative. The Cenozoic environmental history of southern Africa is reviewed in search of possible triggers for the radiations, climatic changes emerge as the most likely candidate. Due to a very poor fossil record, the climatic history has to be inferred from larger scale patterns, these suggest large-scale fluctuations between summer wet (Palaeocene, Early Miocene) and summer dry climates (Oligocene, Middle Miocene to present). The massive speciation in the Cape flora might be accounted for by the diverse limitations to gene flow (dissected landscapes, pollinator specialisation, long flowering times allowing much phenological specialisation), as well as a richly complex environment providing a diversity of selective forces (geographically variable climate, much altitude variation, different soil types, rocky terrain providing many micro-niches, and regular fires providing both intermediate disturbances, as well as different ways of surviving the fires). However, much of this is based on correlation, and there is a great need for (a) experimental testing of the proposed speciation mechanisms, (b) more molecular clock estimates of the age and pattern of the radiations, and (c) more fossil evidence bearing on the past climates.  相似文献   

Evolutionary diversification of clades of squamate reptiles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analysed the diversification of squamate reptiles (7488 species) based on a new molecular phylogeny, and compared the results to similar estimates for passerine birds (5712 species). The number of species in each of 36 squamate lineages showed no evidence of phylogenetic conservatism. Compared with a random speciation-extinction process with parameters estimated from the size distribution of clades, the alethinophidian snakes (2600 species) were larger than expected and 13 clades, each having fewer than 20 species, were smaller than expected, indicating rate heterogeneity. From a lineage-through-time plot, we estimated that a provisional rate of lineage extinction (0.66 per Myr) was 94% of the rate of lineage splitting (0.70 per Myr). Diversification in squamate lineages was independent of their stem age, but strongly related to the area of the region within which they occur. Tropical vs. temperate latitude exerted a marginally significant influence on species richness. In comparison with passerine birds, squamates share several clade features, including: (1) independence of species richness and age; (2) lack of phylogenetic signal with respect to clade size; (3) general absence of exceptionally large clades; (4) over-representation of small clades; (5) influence of region size on clade size; and (6) similar rates of speciation and extinction. The evidence for both groups suggests that clade size has achieved long-term equilibrium, suggesting negative feedback of species richness on the rate of diversification.  相似文献   

The Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus flavigularis) is an endangered species restricted to a small area in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. To evaluate its phylogeographic structure, population genetics, and demographic history we sequenced the mitochondrial Control Region hypervariable domain (CR-1) for 42 individuals representing the entire species range. Phylogenetic patterns indicated that this species is subdivided into two highly divergent clades, with an average nucleotide genetic distance of 3.7% (TrN) between them. Clades A and B are geographically distributed in non-overlapping areas to the west and to the east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, respectively. Genetic diversity indices showed reduced genetic variability in L. flavigularis when compared to other species of Lepus within main clades and within populations. This low genetic diversity coupled with the restricted distribution to very small areas of occurrence and limited gene flow suggest that genetic drift has played an important role in the evolution of this species. Historical demographic analysis also pointed out that these two clades underwent a recent population expansion that started about 9,000 years ago for clade A and 3,200 years ago for clade B during the Holocene. Consequently, from the conservation perspective our results suggest that populations included in clades A and B should be regarded as distinct evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

The Cape region of South Africa is one of the most remarkable hotspots of biodiversity with a flora comprising more than 9000 plant species, almost 70% of which are endemic, within an area of only ± 90,000 km2. Much of the diversity is due to an exceptionally large contribution of just a few clades that radiated substantially within this region, but little is known about the causes of these radiations. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of plant diversification, using near complete species-level phylogenies of four major Cape clades (more than 470 species): the genus Protea, a tribe of legumes (Podalyrieae) and two speciose genera within the iris family (Babiana and Moraea), representing three of the seven largest plant families in this biodiversity hotspot. Combining these molecular phylogenetic data with ecological and biogeographical information, we tested key hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the radiation of the Cape flora. Our results show that the radiations started throughout the Oligocene and Miocene and that net diversification rates have remained constant through time at globally moderate rates. Furthermore, using sister-species comparisons to assess the impact of different factors on speciation, we identified soil type shifts as the most important cause of speciation in Babiana, Moraea, and Protea, whereas shifts in fire-survival strategy is the most important factor for Podalyrieae. Contrary to previous findings in other groups, such as orchids, pollination syndromes show a high degree of phylogenetic conservatism, including groups with a large number of specialized pollination syndromes like Moraea. We conclude that the combination of complex environmental conditions together with relative climatic stability promoted high speciation and/or low extinction rates as the most likely scenario leading to present-day patterns of hyperdiversity in the Cape.  相似文献   

The acquisition of hypsodont molars is often regarded as a key innovation in the history of ruminant ungulates. Hypsodont ruminants diversified rapidly during the later Neogene, circa 15-2 Myr ago, and came to dominate the ruminant fossil record in terms of species diversity. Here we show that hypsodont clades had higher speciation and diversification rates than other clades. Hypsodont species had, on average, shorter stratigraphic durations, smaller range size and lower occupancy than non-hypsodont species. Within hypsodont clades, some species were very common and acquired large geographical ranges, whereas others were quite rare and geographically limited. We argue that hypsodont clades diversified in an adaptive radiation-like fashion, with species often splitting cladogenetically while still in the expansive phase of their occupancy history.  相似文献   

The demographic trend of a species depends on the dynamics of its local populations, which can be compromised by local or by global phenomena. However, the relevance of local and global phenomena has rarely been investigated simultaneously. Here, we tested whether local phenomena compromised a species’ demographic trend using the Eurasian common lizard Zootoca vivipara, the terrestrial reptile exhibiting the widest geographic distribution, as a model species. We analyzed the species’ ancient demographic trend using genetic data from its 6 allopatric genetic clades and tested whether its demographic trend mainly depended on single clades or on global phenomena. Zootoca vivipara’s effective population size increased since 2.3 million years ago and started to increase steeply and continuously from 0.531 million years ago. Population growth rate exhibited 2 maxima, both occurring during global climatic changes and important vegetation changes on the northern hemisphere. Effective population size and growth rate were negatively correlated with global surface temperatures, in line with global parameters driving long-term demographic trends. Zootoca vivipara’s ancient demography was neither driven by a single clade, nor by the 2 clades that colonized huge geographic areas after the last glaciation. The low importance of local phenomena, suggests that the experimentally demonstrated high sensitivity of this species to short-term ecological changes is a response in order to cope with short-term and local changes. This suggests that what affected its long-term demographic trend the most, were not these local changes/responses, but rather the important and prolonged global climatic changes and important vegetation changes on the northern hemisphere, including the opening up of the forest by humans.  相似文献   

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