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Rhodopsin is a kinetically stable protein constituting >90% of rod outer segment disk membrane protein. To investigate the bilayer contribution to rhodopsin kinetic stability, disk membranes were systematically disrupted by octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside. Rhodopsin kinetic stability was examined under subsolubilizing (rhodopsin in a bilayer environment perturbed by octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) and under fully solubilizing conditions (rhodopsin in a micelle with cosolubilized phospholipids). As determined by DSC, rhodopsin exhibited a scan-rate-dependent irreversible endothermic transition at all stages of solubilization. The transition temperature (Tm) decreased in the subsolubilizing stage. However, once the rhodopsin was in a micelle environment there was little change of the Tm as the phospholipid/rhodopsin ratio in the mixed micelles decreased during the fully solubilized stage. Rhodopsin thermal denaturation is consistent with the two-state irreversible model at all stages of solubilization. The activation energy of denaturation (Eact) was calculated from the scan rate dependence of the Tm and from the rate of rhodopsin thermal bleaching at all stages of solubilization. The Eact as determined by both techniques decreased in the subsolubilizing stage, but remained constant once fully solubilized. These results indicate the bilayer structure increases the Eact to rhodopsin denaturation.  相似文献   

Protein folding. Effect of packing density on chain conformation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent lattice polymer simulations by Chan & Dill suggest that compactness may be a significant driving force in the formation of secondary structure. We have addressed the robustness of this conclusion for non-lattice polymers using a rotational isomeric model of proteins. Boundary conditions are used to enforce compactness and excluded volume effects are explicitly incorporated. As in the cubic lattice studies, compactness is seen to influence secondary structure content. This effect is modest for densities comparable to native proteins but dramatic for chains that are approximately 30% more dense than native proteins. alpha-Helical structure is common but beta-sheet structure is rare. It appears that lattices impart to compact chains an organizational bias that favors beta-sheet structure. The strengths and weakness of various simplified representations of polypeptide chains are also discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of oriented 1-stearoyl-2-docosahexaenoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine bilayers with perdeuterated stearoyl- or docosahexaenoyl hydrocarbon chains was investigated by neutron diffraction. Experiments were conducted at two different relative humidities, 66 and 86%. At both humidities we observed that the polyunsaturated docosahexaenoyl chain has a preference to reside near the lipid water interface. That leaves voids in the bilayer center that are occupied by saturated stearoyl chain segments. This uneven distribution of saturated- and polyunsaturated chain densities is likely to result in membrane elastic stress that modulates function of integral receptor proteins like rhodopsin.  相似文献   

S F Scarlata  M Rosenberg 《Biochemistry》1990,29(44):10233-10240
We have investigated the responsiveness of micelle and bilayer surfaces to changes in bulk pH through titrations, and to changes in lipid packing through the application of high hydrostatic pressure using two fluorescent, pH-sensitive surface probes. In micelles, the surface is very sensitive to bulk pH while in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidic acid bilayers the surface charge changed little through a large pH region. Application of pressure on micelles causes proton dissociation due to the volume reduction achieved from the contraction of water around the charges (electrostriction). However, in bilayers, the effect of electrostriction is greatly reduced, most likely due to the energy needed to expand and hydrate the surface. The sign and amount of change in dissociation the probe undergoes with pressure depend on the initial degree of probe dissociation, which is in turn dependent on the particular surface rather than the charge of the lipid head groups comprising the bilayer. This finding may limit the use of fluorescent probes to determine the exact surface potential. By assuming the change in delta V for proton dissociation from the probe is constant for a given pH, we can calculate the changes in local pH that occur under pressure relative to a neutral or uncharged system. In doing so, we find that the local pH around the probe in bilayers changes very little (approximately 0.1 pH unit or less) in the first 2000 bars. Also, if pressure data are coupled with titration curves, we can determine the change that the bulk pH must undergo to produce the observed change in dissociation seen under pressure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) refers to a heterogeneous group of inherited diseases that result in progressive retinal degeneration, characterized by visual field constriction and night blindness. A total of 103 mutations in rhodopsin are linked to RP to date, and the phenotypes range from severe to asymptomatic. To study the relation between phenotype and rhodopsin stability in disease mutants, we used a structure-based approach. For 12 of the mutants located at the protein-lipid interphase, we used the von Heijne water-membrane transfer scale, and we find that 9 of the mutations could affect membrane insertion. For 91 mutants, we used the protein design algorithm FoldX. The 3 asymptomatic mutations had no significant reduced stability, 2 were unsuitable for FoldX analysis since the structure was incorrect in this region, 63 mutations had a significant change in protein stability (> 1.6 kcal/mol), and 23 mutations had energy change values under the prediction error threshold (< 1.6 kcal/mol). Out of these 23, the disease-causing effect could be explained by the involvement in other functions (e.g., glycosylation motifs, the interface with arrestin and transducin, and the cilia-binding motif) for 19 mutants. The remaining 4 mutants were probably incorrectly associated with RP or have functionalities not discovered yet. For destabilizing mutations where clinical data were available, we found a highly significant correlation between FoldX energy changes and the average age of night blindness and between FoldX energy changes and daytime vision loss onset. Our detailed structural, functional, and energetic analysis provides a complete picture of the rhodopsin mutations and can guide mutation-specific therapies.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to examine the effect of oxysterol insertion into normal and sickle RBC membranes and the total lipid extracts of the membranes. Examination of the FTIR C-H stretch and fingerprint regions reveal that the insertion of 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol has the greatest effect on the fluidity of RBC membranes and lipid extracts. The results confirm the observation that sterol molecules are oriented in the membrane so that the 7 position is located in the phospholipid head group region at the lipid/water interface. The substitution of a keto for a hydroxy group at the number seven position decreases the effect of the sterol on membrane packing.  相似文献   

Lateral chain packing in lipids and membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aliphatic chains of many biologically important lipids are heterogeneous and often related to the functions of the molecules. Certain phospholipids containing arachidonic acid may serve as precursors for prostaglandins, certain diglycerides may serve as second messengers for certain membrane-triggered reactions (43), and other phospholipids containing a very short chain in the two position may serve as vasoactive hormones (44). The packing of such molecules is of interest. The evidence is quite clear from both the conformation of saturated and unsaturated molecules and from mixing experiments in the solid state that long and short chains don't mix well, nor do unsaturated and saturated chains, even if they are of the same chain length. There is even some evidence to indicate that some degree of chain segregation occurs even in the liquid state. However, different chains are often associated through covalent bonds, e.g., in wax esters, diacylglycerols, triacylglycerols, and phospholipids. A variety of possibilities for chain segregation are present in the neat phases of wax esters, ceramides, diacylglycerols, and triacylglycerols. However, in the unique case of membrane lipids like phospholipids or sphingolipids, the two chains are forced to lie side by side by virtue of the interaction of the polar group with water, and thus interactions between different chains must occur. Most of the evidence suggests that, when a solid phase results in these systems, the nonspecific chain packing mode (hexagonal chain packing) is preferred. In fact, for all of the phospholipids studied thus far, clearcut evidence of specific chain-chain interaction in molecules having both unsaturated and saturated chains has never been observed. However, for mixed chain triacylglycerols, evidence of specific chain-chain interactions (beta' and even beta) has been found and some suggestions have been given as to how this might occur through chain segregation mechanisms in the neat state. The literature suggests that further work needs to be done on the interaction of different chains that are covalently linked to the same molecule. Such studies will lead to a better understanding of the structure of lipid bilayers, membranes, lipoproteins, and lipid deposits.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin, the red photosensitive pigment of rod vision, is composed of a specific cis isomer of retinene, neo-b (11-cis), joined as chromophore to a colorless protein, opsin. We have investigated the thermal denaturation of cattle rhodopsin and opsin in aqueous digitonin solution, and in isolated rod outer limbs. Both rhodopsin and opsin are more stable in rods than in solution. In solution as well as in rods, moreover, rhodopsin is considerably more stable than opsin. The chromophore therefore protects opsin against denaturation. This is true whether rhodopsin is extracted from dark-adapted retinas, or synthesized in vitro from neo-b retinene and opsin. Excess neo-b retinene does not protect rhodopsin against denaturation. The protection involves the specific relationship between the chromophore and opsin. Similar, though somewhat less, protection is afforded opsin by the stereoisomeric iso-a (9-cis) chromophore in isorhodopsin. The Arrhenius activation energies (Ea) and entropies of activation (ΔS‡) are much greater for thermal denaturation of rhodopsin and isorhodopsin than of opsin. Furthermore, these values differ considerably for rhodopsins from different species —frog, squid, cattle—presumably due to species differences in the opsins. Heat or light bleaches rhodopsin by different mechanisms, yielding different products. Light stereoisomerizes the retinene chromophore; heat denatures the opsin. Photochemical bleaching therefore yields all-trans retinene and native opsin; thermal bleaching, neo-b retinene and denatured opsin.  相似文献   

T J McIntosh  A D Magid  S A Simon 《Biochemistry》1989,28(19):7904-7912
Well-ordered multilamellar arrays of liquid-crystalline phosphatidylcholine and equimolar phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol bilayers have been formed in the nonaqueous solvents formamide and 1,3-propanediol. The organization of these bilayers and the interactions between apposing bilayer surfaces have been investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis of liposomes compressed by applied osmotic pressures up to 6 X 10(7) dyn/cm2 (60 atm). The structure of egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC) bilayers in these solvents is quite different than in water, with the bilayer thickness being largest in water, 3 A narrower in formamide, and 6 A narrower in 1,3-propanediol. The incorporation of equimolar cholesterol increases the thickness of EPC bilayers immersed in each solvent, by over 10 A in the case of 1,3-propanediol. The osmotic pressures of various concentrations of the neutral polymer poly(vinylpyrrolidone) dissolved in formamide or 1,3-propanediol have been measured with a custom-built membrane osmometer. These measurements are used to obtain the distance dependence of the repulsive solvation pressure between apposing bilayer surfaces. For each solvent, the solvation pressure decreases exponentially with distance between bilayer surfaces. However, for both EPC and EPC-cholesterol bilayers, the decay length and magnitude of this repulsive pressure strongly depend on the solvent. The decay length for EPC bilayers in water, formamide, and 1,3-propanediol is found to be 1.7, 2.4, and 2.6 A, respectively, whereas the decay length for equimolar EPC-cholesterol bilayers in water, formamide, and 1,3-propanediol is found to be 2.1, 2.9, and 3.1 A, respectively. These data indicate that the decay length is inversely proportional to the cube root of the number of solvent molecules per unit volume.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectroscopy of rhodopsin in retinal disk membranes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
A R Oseroff  R H Callender 《Biochemistry》1974,13(20):4243-4248

Transient electric birefringence studies have been made on bovine rhodopsin solubilized in the detergent lauryldimethylamine oxide from glutaraldehyde fixed rod outer segment (ROS) membranes. It was found that fixation caused no appreciable differences in the measured relaxation times when compared with unfixed ROS. On the basis of these findings a model for the orientation of rhodopsin in photoreceptor membranes is proposed which accounts for translational diffusion and two modes of rotational diffusion. The proposed model is related to a number of experimentally determined biophysical properties reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Six rhodopsin mutants containing disulfide cross-links between different cytoplasmic regions were prepared: disulfide bond 1, between Cys65 (interhelical loop I-II) and Cys316 (end of helix VII); disulfide bond 2, between Cys246 (end of helix VI) and Cys312 (end of helix VII); disulfide bond 3, between Cys139 (end of helix III) and Cys248 (end of helix VI); disulfide bond 4, between Cys139 (end of helix III) and Cys250 (end of helix VI); disulfide bond 5, between Cys135 (end of helix III) and Cys250 (end of helix VI); and disulfide bond 6, between Cys245 (end of helix VI) and Cys338 (C-terminus). The effects of local restrictions caused by the cross-links on transducin (G(T)) activation and phosphorylation by rhodopsin kinase (RK) following illumination were studied. Disulfide bond 1 showed little effect on either G(T) activation or phosphorylation by RK, suggesting that the relative motion between interhelical loop I-II and helix VII is not crucial for recognition by G(T) or by RK. In contrast, disulfide bonds 2-5 abolished both G(T) activation and phosphorylation by RK. Disulfide bond 6 resulted in enhanced G(T) activation but abolished phosphorylation by RK, suggesting the structure recognized by G(T) was stabilized in this mutant by cross-linking of the C-terminus to the cytoplasmic end of helix VI. Thus, the consequences of the disulfide cross-links depended on the location of the restriction. In particular, relative motions of helix VI, with respect to both helices III and VII upon light activation, are required for recognition of rhodopsin by both G(T) and RK. Further, the conformational changes in the cytoplasmic face that are necessary for protein-protein interactions need not be cooperative, and may be segmental.  相似文献   

The successful reconstitution of rhodopsin, the rod outer segment (ROS) G protein, and the ROS phosphodiesterase (PDE) into partially polymerized bilayer membranes is described. Purified bovine rhodopsin (Rh) was inserted into performed partially polymerized lipid vesicles. Sonicated vesicles composed of approximately equal moles of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) (or 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine) and 1,2-bis(octadeca-2,4-dienoyl)phosphatidylcholine (DENPC) were photolyzed with 254-nm light to polymerize the DENPC and form domains of DOPC and polyDENPC in the vesicle wall. Rh-octyl glucoside (OG) micelles were slowly added to the vesicle suspension to give 15 mM OG (below the OG critical micelle concentration). The suspension was incubated and then dialyzed and purified on a sucrose gradient. Ultracentrifugation revealed a major Rh-lipid band which was harvested and found to contain a 100 +/- 10 phosphatidylcholine to rhodopsin ratio (Rh-polyDENPC/DOPC). The orientation of Rh in the membrane was determined by limited proteolytic digestion of Rh and by competitive inhibition of monoclonal antibody binding to solubilized disk membranes. Results were compared with control membranes of Rh-DOPC (1:43) prepared by insertion and Rh-phospholipid membranes prepared by detergent dialysis. Visual inspection of thermolysin proteolytic patterns of Rh indicates one major population cleaved at the carboxy terminus, as is found in disk membranes with an asymmetric arrangement of Rh. In contrast, proteolysis of a Rh-egg PC/PE (1:50/50) membrane (detergent dialysis) produced two Rh populations, which indicates a symmetric arrangement of Rh. The Rh-polyDENPC/DOPC (1:100) membranes were allowed to compete with solubilized, immobilized disk membranes for the monoclonal antibody R2-15 (specific for the amino-terminal region of Rh). They were intermediate between the asymmetric ROS disk membranes and the symmetric dialysis membranes in their ability to bind the R2-15 monoclonal antibody. The data indicate approximately 80% of the Rh's in Rh-polyDENPC/DOPC are in the normal orientation found in disks. These Rh-containing polymerized bilayer membranes demonstrated functionality as determined by chemical regeneration, kinetic spectrophotometry, and cGMP cascade reconstitution experiments. In the latter experiments the peripheral proteins, ROS G protein and PDE, bound with comparable efficiency to both the polymerized PC bilayers and egg PC bilayers. Thus the biocompatibility of the phosphatidylcholine membrane surface was maintained after polymerization of DENPC.  相似文献   

We have isolated a subcellular fraction of small vesicles (mean diameter, 300 nm) from frog photoreceptors, that accumulate newly synthesized rhodopsin with kinetics paralleling its appearance in post-Golgi membranes in vivo. This fraction is separated from other subcellular organelles including Golgi and plasma membranes and synaptic vesicles that are sorted to the opposite end of the photoreceptor cell. The vesicles have very low buoyant density in sucrose gradients (rho = 1.09 g/ml), a relatively simple protein content and an orientation of rhodopsin expected of transport membranes. Reversible inhibition of transport by brefeldin A provides evidence that these vesicles are exocytic carriers. Specific immunoadsorption bound vesicles whose protein composition was indistinguishable from the membranes sedimented from the subcellular fraction. Some of these proteins may be cotransported with rhodopsin to the rod outer segment; others may be involved in vectorial transport.  相似文献   

The stabilizing role of sugars on dehydrated membranes is well established. The formation of a glassy matrix and the direct interaction between the sugars and the lipids are some of the mechanisms proposed to be involved in this stabilizing effect. Phospholipidic systems have been studied extensively as models for biological membranes and also due to the practical applications of liposomes as vehicles for drug delivery. In this work, we evaluate the effect of sugar-phosphate mixtures on the transition temperature of dehydrated 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, and also examine some physical characteristics of these mixtures, such as the glass transition temperature and water sorption properties. The addition of phosphate salts to sugar systems has several interesting features that merit its consideration in formulations to protect dehydrated labile biomaterials. In particular, sucrose-phosphate mixtures provide an interesting alternative to pure saccharide formulations due to their high glass transition temperatures and their increased ability to maintain a low melting transition temperature in the presence of small amounts of water.  相似文献   

Higher plant thylakoid membranes contain a protein kinase that phosphorylates certain threonine residues of light-harvesting complex II (LHCII), the main light-harvesting antenna complexes of photosystem II (PSII) and some other phosphoproteins (Allen, Biochim Biophys Acta 1098:275, 1992). While it has been established that phosphorylation induces a conformational change of LHCII and also brings about changes in the lateral organization of the thylakoid membrane, it is not clear how phosphorylation affects the dynamic architecture of the thylakoid membranes. In order to contribute to the elucidation of this complex question, we have investigated the effect of duroquinol-induced phosphorylation on the membrane ultrastructure and the thermal and light stability of the chiral macrodomains and of the trimeric organization of LHCII. As shown by small angle neutron scattering on thylakoid membranes, duroquinol treatment induced a moderate (~10%) increase in the repeat distance of stroma membranes, and phosphorylation caused an additional loss of the scattering intensity, which is probably associated with the partial unstacking of the granum membranes. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements also revealed only minor changes in the chiral macro-organization of the complexes and in the oligomerization state of LHCII. However, temperature dependences of characteristic CD bands showed that phosphorylation significantly decreased the thermal stability of the chiral macrodomains in phosphorylated compared to the non-phosphorylated samples (in leaves and isolated thylakoid membranes, from 48.3°C to 42.6°C and from 47.5°C to 44.3°C, respectively). As shown by non-denaturing PAGE of thylakoid membranes and CD spectroscopy on EDTA washed membranes, phosphorylation decreased by about 5°C, the trimer-to-monomer transition temperature of LHCII. It also enhanced the light-induced disassembly of the chiral macrodomains and the monomerization of the LHCII trimers at 25°C. These data strongly suggest that phosphorylation of the membranes considerably facilitates the heat- and light-inducible reorganizations in the thylakoid membranes and thus enhances the structural flexibility of the membrane architecture.  相似文献   

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