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Silene vulgaris was introduced into North America sometime prior to 1800. In order to document the population structure that has developed since that time, collections were made from 56 local populations distributed among 9 geographical regions in eastern North America. Individual plants were characterized for chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) haplotype by restriction fragment size analysis of four noncoding regions of cpDNA amplified by polymerase chain reaction. A total of 19 cpDNA haplotypes were detected using this method. The overall gene diversity of 0.85 is quite similar to the diversity detected in these same regions of cpDNA in a previously published sample of S. vulgaris taken from across much of Europe. The spatial distribution of the North American cpDNA diversity was quantified by hierarchical F-statistics that partitioned the genetic variance into variation among local populations within regions, and variation among regions. The average FST among populations within regions was 0.66 and the FST among regions was 0.09. The among-region variation was due to both differences among regions in the frequency of two most common haplotypes, and to the presence of a number of region-specific haplotypes. In order to test for isolation by distance at the regional level, FST values were calculated for all possible pairs of regions, and regressed against the geographical distance between those regions. There was no evidence for isolation by distance. It is suggested that the local population structure is generated by recent extinction/colonization dynamics, and that the among-region structure reflects demographic events associated with range expansion following introduction to North America.  相似文献   

The distribution of the genetic variation within and among natural populations of A. ANGUSTIFOLIA growing in different regions in Brazil was assessed at microsatellite and AFLP markers. Both markers revealed high gene diversity ( H = 0.65; AR = 9.1 for microsatellites and H = 0.27; P = 77.8 % for AFLPs), moderate overall differentiation ( RST = 0.13 for microsatellites and FST = 0.10 for AFLPs), but high divergence of the northernmost, geographically isolated population. In a Bayesian analysis, microsatellite data suggested population structure at two levels: at K = 2 and at K = 3 in agreement to the geographical distribution of populations. This result was confirmed by the UPGMA dendrogram based on microsatellite data (bootstrap support > 95 %). Non-hierarchical AMOVA revealed high variation among populations from different A POSTERIORI defined geographical groups. The genetic distance between sample locations increased with geographical distance for microsatellites ( R = 0.62; P = 0.003) and AFLPs ( R = 0.32; P = 0.09). This pattern of population differentiation may be correlated with population history such as geographical isolation and postglacial colonization of highlands. Implications of the population genetic structure for the conservation of genetic resources are discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation may severely affect survival of social insect populations as the number of nests per population, not the number of individuals, represents population size, hence they may be particularly prone to loss of genetic diversity. Erosion of genetic diversity may be particularly significant among social Hymenoptera such as bumblebees (Bombus spp.), as this group may be susceptible to diploid male production, a suggested direct cost of inbreeding. Here, for the first time, we assess genetic diversity and population structuring of a threatened bumblebee species (Bombus sylvarum) which exists in highly fragmented habitat (rather than oceanic) islands. Effective population sizes, estimated from identified sisterhoods, were very low (range 21-72) suggesting that isolated populations will be vulnerable to loss of genetic variation through drift. Evidence of significant genetic structuring between populations (theta = 0.084) was found, but evidence of a bottleneck was detected in only one population. Comparison across highly fragmented UK populations and a continental population (where this species is more widespread) revealed significant differences in allelic richness attributable to a high degree of genetic diversity in the continental population. While not directly related to population size, this is perhaps explained by the high degree of isolation between UK populations relative to continental populations. We suggest that populations now existing on isolated habitat islands were probably linked by stepping-stone populations prior to recent habitat loss.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and its partition within and among populations and families of two species of Antirrhinum L., A. charidemi Lange and A. valentinum F.Q., have been studied. Both species are narrow-range endemics, self-incompatible, ecologically specialized and form small isolated populations. Despite these similarities, the species differ markedly in the distribution of genetic diversity. In A. valentinum, 61.64% of the total variation was distributed among populations, whereas in A. charidemi it was only 8.55%. A. charidemi showed little population divergence (GST = 0.0542) relative to A. valentinum (GST = 0.4805). In neither species was within-population genetic diversity correlated with population size, nor were there significant correlations between genetic and geographical distances. These results are discussed in relation to differences in flowering time and habitat continuity. They suggest that caution should be taken when making generalizations about levels of genetic variation and patterns of plant reproduction, life history and geographical distribution.  相似文献   

We investigated variations in genetic diversity and plant fitness in a rare endemic metallophyte of calamine soils, Viola calaminaria, in relation to population size, population connectivity and population history in order to evaluate and discuss potential conservation strategies for the species. Mean population genetic diversity (H(s) = 0.25) of V. calaminaria was similar to endemic non-metallophyte taxa. Twenty-one per cent of the genetic variation was partitioned among populations and a low (9%) but significant differentiation was found among geographical regions. Our results did not support the hypothesis that the acquisition of metal tolerance may result in reduced genetic diversity, and suggested that strict metallophytes do not exhibit higher inter-population differentiation resulting from scattered habitats. There were no relationships between population genetic diversity and population size. Significant correlations were found between plant fitness and (i) population size and (ii) connectivity index. Recently-founded populations exhibited the same level of genetic diversity as ancient populations and also possessed higher plant fitness. There was no indication of strong founder effects in recently-established populations. The results suggest that the creation of habitats through human activities could provide new opportunities for conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of the globally threatened obligatorily myrmecophilous Large Blue butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) arion (Lepidoptera) was studied, using six microsatellite markers, in a country where its decline is dramatic (Poland). Material was collected on 13 sites showing considerable ecological variation as far as biotope, larval food plant and host ants of the butterfly were concerned. Genetic variability, estimated in terms of number of alleles and heterozygosity, was the lowest in the most isolated populations. However on sites localized in areas where suitable biotopes were extensive and interconnected, P. arion still held relatively high genetic diversity. Pairwise F ST values indicated small and moderate differentiation among samples (F ST = 0.01–0.15), with the exceptions of two isolated localities (0.20). We did not find clear evidence of isolation by distance. The presence of four or five genetic clusters was indicated. Analysis of the membership of each individual to each cluster showed that the vast majority of individuals from three isolated populations were clustered in three separate genetic groups. The most distinct population was the one, which had been found to be specialized towards Myrmica lobicornis in previous studies. Individuals from the remaining populations could not be clustered in separate genetic groups, however some dominance of different clusters in geographical regions was observed. Some portion of the population’s genetic variability could be explained by geographical distribution, however the percentage of variation, explaining the differences between two main regions (S and NE Poland), was very low. We conclude that the main factor shaping the current genetic structure of P. arion in Poland is the recent isolation of populations related to habitat fragmentation but local ecological specializations may be also a potential factor. Therefore the necessity of activities aiming to halt the further reduction of genetic variability, as well as the monitoring of priority populations (e.g. those belonging to unique host races), should be emphasized in future action plans in Central Europe.  相似文献   

The endangered plant species Dianthus gratianopolitanus exhibits a highly fragmented distribution range comprising many isolated populations. Based upon this pattern of distribution, we selected a study region in Switzerland with a lower magnitude of isolation (Swiss Jura) and another study region in Germany with a higher degree of isolation (Franconian Jura). In each region, we chose ten populations to analyze population structure, reproduction, and genetic variation in a comparative approach. Therefore, we determined population density, cushion size, and cushion density to analyze population structure, investigated reproductive traits, including number of flowers, capsules, and germination rate, and analyzed amplified fragment length polymorphisms to study genetic variation. Population and cushion density were credibly higher in German than in Swiss populations, whereas reproductive traits and genetic variation within populations were similar in both study regions. However, genetic variation among populations and isolation by distance were stronger in Germany than in Switzerland. Generally, cushion size and density as well as flower and capsule production increased with population size and density, whereas genetic variation decreased with population density. In contrast to our assumptions, we observed denser populations and cushions in the region with the higher magnitude of isolation, whereas reproductive traits and genetic variation within populations were comparable in both regions. This corroborates the assumption that stronger isolation must not necessarily result in the loss of fitness and genetic variation. Furthermore, it supports our conclusion that the protection of strongly isolated populations contributes essentially to the conservation of a species' full evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

The distribution of genetic variation within and among plant populations is influenced by both contemporary and historical factors. I used isozyme analysis of band phenotypes to examine genetic structure in the rare prairie forb Silene regia. Relationships between current-day population size, isolation, and phenotypic variation were assessed for 18 populations in two regions with differing postglacial history. Western populations from unglaciated southern Missouri and Arkansas were more genetically diverse based on the Shannon-Weaver index (H) and a polymorphic index than were more eastern populations. These differences may be due to loss of variation with repeated founding of new populations in previously glaciated sites in Indiana and Ohio. Within the western region, population size was not significantly correlated with genetic variation. In the east, size was correlated with Shannon-Weaver diversity. There was no relationship between variation and isolation in either region, but eastern populations were slightly more differentiated. Greater among-population differentiation and the demonstrated connection between population size and variation in the eastern sites may reflect lower levels of interpopulation gene flow in the fragmented remnant prairies of Indiana and Ohio.  相似文献   

The nuclear genetic variation within and among 21 populations of sessile oak was estimated at 31 RAPD loci in conjunction with previous estimates of variation at eight allozyme loci. The aim of the study was to assess the relative role of isolation-by-distance and postglacial history on patterns of nuclear variation. Because of its small effective population size and maternal transmission, the chloroplast genome is a good marker of population history. Both kinds of nuclear variation (RAPD and allozyme) were therefore compared, first, to the geographical distances among populations and, secondly, to chloroplast DNA restriction polymorphism in the same populations. Multiple Mantel tests were used for this purpose. Although RAPDs revealed less genetic diversity than allozymes, levels of genetic differentiation ( G ST) were identical. The standard genetic distance calculated at all RAPD loci was correlated with geographical distances but not with the genetic distance calculated from chloroplast DNA data. Conversely, allozyme variation was correlated with chloroplast DNA variation, but not with geography. Possibly, divergent selection at two allozyme loci during the glacial period could explain this pattern. Because of its greater number of loci assayed, RAPDs probably provided a less biased picture of the relative role of geography and history.  相似文献   

Neutral genetic markers are commonly used to understand the effects of fragmentation and population bottlenecks on genetic variation in threatened species. Although neutral markers are useful for inferring population history, the analysis of functional genes is required to determine the significance of any observed geographical differences in variation. The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are well‐known examples of genes of adaptive significance and are particularly relevant to conservation because of their role in pathogen resistance. In this study, we survey diversity at MHC class I loci across a range of tuatara populations. We compare the levels of MHC variation with that observed at neutral microsatellite markers to determine the relative roles of balancing selection, diversifying selection and genetic drift in shaping patterns of MHC variation in isolated populations. In general, levels of MHC variation within tuatara populations are concordant with microsatellite variation. Tuatara populations are highly differentiated at MHC genes, particularly between the northern and Cook Strait regions, and a trend towards diversifying selection across populations was observed. However, overall our results indicate that population bottlenecks and isolation have a larger influence on patterns of MHC variation in tuatara populations than selection.  相似文献   

Stipa capillata L. (Poaceae) is a rare grassland species in Central Europe that is thought to have once been widespread in post‐glacial times. Such relict species are expected to show low genetic diversity within populations and high genetic differentiation between populations due to bottlenecks, long‐term isolation and ongoing habitat fragmentation. These patterns should be particularly pronounced in selfing species. We analysed patterns of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation in the facultatively cleistogamous S. capillata to examine whether genetic diversity is associated with population size, and to draw initial conclusions on the migration history of this species in Central Europe. We analysed 31 S. capillata populations distributed in northeastern, central and western Germany, Switzerland and Slovakia. Estimates of genetic diversity at the population level were low and not related to population size. Among all populations, extraordinarily high levels of genetic differentiation (amova : φST = 0.86; Bayesian analysis: θB = 0.758) and isolation‐by‐distance were detected. Hierarchical amova indicated that most of the variability was partitioned among geographic regions (59%), or among populations between regions when the genetically distinct Slovakian populations were excluded. These findings are supported by results of a multivariate ordination analysis. We also found two different groups in an UPGMA cluster analysis: one that contained the populations from Slovakia, and the other that combined the populations from Germany and Switzerland. Our findings imply that Scapillata is indeed a relict species that experienced strong bottlenecks in Central Europe, enhanced by isolation and selfing. Most likely, populations in Slovakia were not the main genetic source for the post‐glacial colonization of Central Europe.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of recently established populations are challenging because the assumption of equilibrium underlying many analyses is likely to be violated. Using microsatellites, we investigated determinants of genetic structure and migration among invasive European-Chinese mitten crab populations, applying a combination of traditional population genetic analyses and nonequilibrium Bayesian methods. Consistent with their recent history, invasive populations showed much lower levels of genetic diversity than a native Chinese population, indicative of recent bottlenecks. Population differentiation was generally low but significant and especially pronounced among recently established populations. Significant differentiation among cohorts from the same geographical location (River Thames) suggests the low effective population size and associated strong genetic drift that would be anticipated from a very recent colonization. An isolation-by-distance pattern appears to be driven by an underlying correlation between geographical distance and population age, suggesting that cumulative homogenizing gene flow reduces founder bottleneck-associated genetic differentiation between longer-established populations. This hypothesis was supported by a coalescent analysis, which supported a drift + gene flow model as more likely than a model excluding gene flow. Furthermore, admixture analysis identified several recent migrants between the UK and Continental European population clusters. Admixture proportions were significantly predicted by the volume of shipping between sites, indicating that human-mediated transport remains a significant factor for dispersal of mitten crabs after the initial establishment of populations. Our study highlights the value of nonequilibrium methods for the study of invasive species, and also the importance of evaluating nonequilibrium explanations for isolation by distance patterns.  相似文献   

Species may often exhibit geographic variation in population genetic structure due to contemporary and historical variation in population size and gene flow. Here, we test the predictions that populations on the margins of a species' distribution contain less genetic variation and are more differentiated than populations towards the core of the range by comparing patterns of genetic variation at five microsatellite loci between disjunct and core populations of the perennial, allohexaploid herb Geum triflorum. We sampled nine populations isolated on alvar habitat within the eastern Great Lakes region in North America, habitats that include disjunct populations of several plant species, and compared these to 16 populations sampled from prairie habitat throughout the core of the species' distribution in midwestern Canada and the USA. Alvar populations exhibited much lower within-population diversity and contained only a subset of alleles found in prairie populations. We detected isolation by distance across the species' range and within alvar and prairie regions separately. As predicted, genetic differentiation was higher among alvar populations than among prairie populations, even after controlling for the geographic distance between sampled populations. Low diversity and high differentiation can be accounted for by the greater contemporary spatial isolation of alvar populations. However, the genetic structure of alvar populations may also have been influenced by postglacial range expansion and contraction. Our results are consistent with alvar populations being founded during an expansion of prairie habitat during the warmer, hypsithermal period approximately 5000 bp and subsequently becoming stranded on isolated alvar habitat as the climate grew cooler and wetter.  相似文献   

We utilised genetic markers (ISSR's) to investigate population structuring in Crambe maritima , a coastal perennial found in isolated populations on either side of the English Channel. Despite the expectation that smaller populations would contain lower levels of genetic diversity, we found no correlation with total population size or the number of flowering plants and genetic diversity. Although populations were genetically differentiated from each other, isolation by distance was not apparent in the whole data set or within the UK samples.
Despite being sampled from a wide geographic range, the majority of diversity (71%) was contained within populations, with no unique genotype, or even allele, identifying any population. When genetic distances were plotted using MDS techniques, samples from each population had a tendency to cluster, but the spread of points was wide indicating high levels of gene flow. High levels of gene flow, through the dispersal of seeds, were verified by assignment testing, which showed that 8.7% of individuals were assigned to a population other than the one they were collected from. The pattern of genetic variation can be explained by examining the direction of currents in the English Channel and Bay of Biscay. Gene flow, via seed dispersal, is possible between UK and French populations on either side of the English Channel. In contrast, French populations on the Bay of Biscay coast are effectively isolated by the direction of currents and consequently show a greater degree of genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 33 protein loci was investigated in 41 wild brown trout populations from four river basins in Galicia (northwest Spain) to analyse the amount and distribution of genetic diversity in a marginal area, located in the distribution limit of the anadromous form of this species. The genetic diversity detected within populations (H between 0 and 6%) lies within the range quoted for this species in previous reports. The Mino, the most southern river basin analysed, showed a significantly lower genetic diversity and the highest genetic differentiation among the river basins studied. The hierarchical gene diversity analysis showed high population differentiation in a restricted area (GST = 27%), mostly due to differences among populations within basins (GSC = 22%). The reduction of GST observed when the isolated samples were excluded from the analysis (GST = 17%) showed the importance of habitat fragmentation on the heterogeneity detected. Gene flow among populations was comparatively evaluated by three indirect methods, which in general revealed low figures of absolute number of migrants per generation, slightly higher than 1. The gene flow among basins reflected a positive relationship with geographical distance. This trend was confirmed by the significant correlation observed between geographical and genetic distances, including all population pairs, which suggests a component of isolation by distance in brown trout genetic structure. Nevertheless, the nonsignificant intrabasin correlation demonstrates the complexity of genetic relationships among populations in this species. The model of genetic structure in brown trout is discussed in the light of the results obtained.  相似文献   

To investigate whether changes in land use and associated forest patch turnover affected genetic diversity and structure of the forest herb Primula elatior, historical data on landscape changes were combined with a population genetic analysis using dominant amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Based on nine topographic maps, landscape history was reconstructed and forest patches were assigned to two age classes: young (less than 35 years) and old (more than 35 years). The level of differentiation among Primula populations in recently established patches was compared with the level of differentiation among populations in older patches. Genetic diversity was independent of population size (P > 0.05). Most genetic variation was present within populations. Within-population diversity levels tended to be higher for populations located in older forests compared with those for populations located in young forests (Hj = 0.297 and 0.285, respectively). Total gene diversity was also higher for old than for young populations (Ht = 0.2987 and 0.2828, respectively). The global fixation index FST averaged over loci was low, but significant. Populations in older patches were significantly more differentiated from each other than were populations in recently established patches and they showed significant isolation by distance. In contrast, no significant correlations between pairwise geographical distance and FST were found for populations in recently established patches. The location of young and old populations in the studied system and altered gene flow because of increased population density and decreased inter-patch distances between extant populations may explain the observed lower genetic differentiation in the younger populations. This study exemplifies the importance of incorporating data on historical landscape changes in population genetic research at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in allele frequencies are often assumed in studies addressing the history of populations affected by different anthropogenic and natural impacts at different time scales. Yet, few studies directly compare the genetic composition of populations over time spans of more than 10 years. Therefore, to test the genetic effects of 15 years of population isolation in the butterfly Lycaena helle, we analysed 472 individuals from 27 samples, of which nine were collected in 1991 and 18 in 2006. Sampling was performed in five mountain regions (Pyrenees, Massif Central, Jura, Vosges and Ardennes). Genetic analyses were performed using five polymorphic microsatellites. Old and new samples of identical or neighbouring populations revealed similar genetic differentiations among these five mountain regions. A comparatively strong genetic differentiation among populations combined with a high amount of private alleles for each mountain area was detected, but mountain‐specific alleles were in most cases identical in 1991 and 2006. Nevertheless, the obtained data also indicate moderate changes between 1991 and 2006 in the species’ genetic structure – genetic differentiation among local populations increased marginally and allele frequencies showed corresponding modifications. A significant decline in genetic diversity was not detectable, and nine private alleles exclusive to a single mountain region were only detected in samples from the year 1991, whereas eleven were only observed in the individuals collected in 2006. These observations might indicate the results of genetic drift within isolated populations.  相似文献   

  • Environmental gradients, and particularly climatic variables, exert a strong influence on plant distribution and, potentially, population genetic diversity and differentiation. Differences in water availability can cause among‐population variation in ecological processes and can thus interrupt populations’ connectivity and isolate them environmentally. The present study examines the effect of environmental heterogeneity on plant populations due to environmental isolation unrelated to geographic distance.
  • Using AFLP markers, we analyzed genetic diversity and differentiation among 12 Salvia spinosa populations and 13 Salvia syriaca populations from three phytogeographical regions (Mediterranean, Irano‐Turanian and Saharo‐Arabian) representing the extent of the species’ geographic range in Jordan. Differences in geographic location and climate were considered in the analyses.
  • For both species, flowering phenology varied among populations and regions. Irano‐Turanian and Saharo‐Arabian populations had higher genetic diversity than Mediterranean populations, and genetic diversity increased significantly with increasing temperature. Genetic diversity in Salvia syriaca was affected by population size, while genetic diversity responded to drought in S. spinosa. For both species, high levels of genetic differentiation were found as well as two well‐supported phytogeographical groups of populations, with Mediterranean populations clustering in one group and the Irano‐Turanian and Saharo‐Arabian populations in another. Genetic distance was significantly correlated to environmental distance, but not to geographic distance.
  • Our data indicate that populations from moist vs. arid environments are environmentally isolated, where environmental gradients affect their flowering phenology, limit gene flow and shape their genetic structure. We conclude that environmental heterogeneity may act as driver for the observed variation in genetic diversity.

Geographic and environmental isolations of islands and the mainland offer excellent opportunity to investigate colonization and survival dynamics of island populations. We inferred and compared evolutionary processes and the demographic history of Rhododendron tsusiophyllum, in the Izu Islands and the much larger island Honshu, treated here as the mainland, using thousands of nuclear SNPs obtained by ddRAD-seq from eight populations of R. tsusiophyllum and three populations of R. tschonoskii as an outgroup. Phylogenetic relationships and their habitats suggest that R. tsusiophyllum had evolved and migrated from cold north to warm south regions. We detected clear genetic divergence among populations in three regions of Honshu and the Izu Islands, suggesting restricted migration between them due to isolated habitats on mountains even in the mainland. The three regions have different changes in effective population size, especially, genetic diversity and population size of the Izu Islands are small compared to the others. Further, habitats of populations in the Izu Islands are warmer than those in Honshu, suggesting that they have undergone adaptive evolution. Our study provides evidences of montane rather than insular isolation on genetic divergence, survival of populations and significance of adaptive evolution for island populations with small population size and low genetic diversity, despite close proximity to mainland populations.Subject terms: Genetic variation, Plant evolution, Conservation biology  相似文献   

七筋菇自然居群的遗传结构分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用ISSR分子标记,对七筋菇(Clintonia udensis)17个居群的遗传多样性与遗传结构进行了研究。结果表明:七筋菇不同居群的多态位点百分率PPB为11.90%~59.52%,总的多态位点百分率PPB为98.8%,具有高的遗传多样性。Shannon多样性指数(0.6903)和基因分化系数(GST=0.6944)均揭示出七筋菇居群间存在明显的遗传差异,AMOVA分析结果也显示遗传变异主要发生在居群之间(81.47%),而居群内部的遗传变异仅为18.53%。七筋菇居群间的遗传距离从0.1871~0.6632,平均为0.3838,大于同一物种居群间的平均遗传距离值(0.05),同样表明七筋菇居群间的遗传多样性存在较大差异。七筋菇居群间的基因流Nm=0.2200,远远低于一般广布种植物的基因流(Nm=1.881)。Mantel检测显示居群间的遗传距离与地理距离之间没有显著相关性(r=0.029,P=0.3196)。七筋菇分布范围广以及其进化历史是其具有高遗传多样性的原因;居群间存在较高遗传变异可能是由于七筋菇本身的生物学特性、有限的基因流以及遗传漂变等原因造成的。  相似文献   

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