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The yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, contains two citrate synthase isoenzymes, mitochondrial (CS1) and cytosolic (CS2). In this study, we have examined the metabolic consequences of the absence of CS1, CS2, and both isoenzymes in the respective mutant strains CS1-, CS2-, and CS1-CS2-. No significant differences were found in the growth rates of the parental, CS1-, or CS2- strains when grown in the single carbon sources galactose, glycerol, lactate, pyruvate, or glutamate. However, in nonfermentable carbon sources, the lag period in growth of CS1- was approximately 4 times that of the parental strain and the CS2- mutant. This difference was found even in glutamate. The CS1- mutant failed to grow on acetate in either complete or minimal liquid medium. Total cellular citrate concentration in the CS1- compared to the parental strain was higher when the cells were grown in lactate or pyruvate. On these same substrates, the malate concentration was 2-fold higher in the CS1-mutant when compared to the parental or CS2- strains. The production of 14CO2 by CS1- from [1-14C]acetate was 36% and that from [2-14C]acetate was 9.2% of the amount from the parental or CS2- strains. The 14CO2 production from [1-14C]glutamate was 28% and 20% in CS1- and CS1-CS2-, respectively, compared to the parental strain. Since these results are not easily explained solely by the absence of mitochondrial citrate synthase enzyme, we also determined the activity of some other enzymes of the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain. We found decreased activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, and aconitase, while the rest of the citric acid cycle enzymes and oxidative enzymes did not change significantly. The same changes in enzyme activities were found in two different yeast strains carrying the same citrate synthase mutations.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has three distinct citrate synthases, two located in mitochondria (mature Cit1p and Cit3p) and one in peroxisomes (mature Cit2p). While the precursor of the major mitochondrial enzyme, Cit1p, has a signal for mitochondrial targeting at its N-terminus (MTS), Cit2p has one for peroxisomal targeting (PTS1) at its C-terminus. We have previously shown that the N-terminal segment of Cit2p is removed during import into peroxisomes [Lee, H.S. et al. (1994) Kor. J. Microbiol. 32, 558-564], which implied the presence of an additional N-terminal sorting signal. To analyze the function of the N-terminal region of Cit2p in protein trafficking, we constructed the N-terminal domain-swapped versions of Cit1p and Cit2p. Both fusions, Cit1::Cit2 and Cit2::Cit1, complemented the glutamate auxotrophy caused by the double-disruption of the CIT1 and CIT2 genes. In addition, part of the Cit2::Cit1 fusion protein, as well as Cit1::Cit2, was shown to be transported into both mitochondria and peroxisomes. The subcellular localization of the recombinant fusion proteins containing various N-terminal segments of Cit2p fused to a mutant version of green fluorescent protein (GFP2) was also examined. As a result, we found that the 20-amino acid N-terminal segment of Cit2p contains a cryptic cleavable targeting signal for both peroxisomes and mitochondria. In addition, we show that the peroxisomal import process mediated by the N-terminal segment of Cit2p was not affected by the disruption of either PEX5 (encoding PTS1 receptor) or PEX7 (encoding PTS2 receptor).  相似文献   

The tripeptide serine-lysine-leucine (SKL) occurs at the carboxyl terminus of many peroxisomal proteins and serves as a peroxisomal targeting signal. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two isozymes of citrate synthase. The peroxisomal form, encoded by CIT2, terminates in SKL, while the mitochondrial form, encoded by CIT1, begins with an amino-terminal mitochondrial signal sequence and ends in SKN. We analyzed the importance of SKL as a topogenic signal for citrate synthase, using oleate to induce peroxisomes and density gradients to fractionate organelles. Our experiments revealed that SKL was necessary for directing citrate synthase to peroxisomes. C-terminal SKL was also sufficient to target a leaderless version of mitochondrial citrate synthase to peroxisomes. Deleting this tripeptide from the CIT2 protein caused peroxisomal citrate synthase to be missorted to mitochondria. These experiments suggest that the CIT2 protein contains a cryptic mitochondrial targeting signal.  相似文献   

Preincubation of yeast cells in the presence of benzoate or sorbate at an extracellular pH value of 6.8 elicited a set of metabolic effects on sugar metabolism, which became apparent after the subsequent glucose addition. They can be summarized as follows: a) reduced glucose consumption; b) inhibition of glucose- and fructose-phosphorylating activities; c) supression of glucose-triggered peak of hexoses monophosphates; d) substantial reduction of glucose-triggered peak of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate; e) block of catabolite inactivation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, but not of cytoplamic malate dehydrogenase. On the whole this pattern resulted in prevention of glucose-induced switch of metabolism from a gluconeogenetic to a glycolytic state. Our data also show that, unlike former assumptions, intracellular acidification is not likely to mediate the bulk of metabolic effects of benzoate and sorbate, since under our working conditions intracellular pH kept close to neutrality.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two genes, CIT1 and CIT2, encoding functional citrate synthase (K.-S. Kim, M. S. Rosenkrantz, and L. Guarente, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:1936-1942, 1986). We show here that CIT2 encodes a nonmitochondrial form of citrate synthase. The DNA sequence of CIT2 presented provides a possible explanation for why the CIT2 product, unlike the CIT1 product, fails to be imported into mitochondria. While the products of these two genes are highly homologous, they diverge strikingly at their amino termini. The amino terminus of the CIT1 primary translation product extends 39 residues beyond the amino termini of Escherichia coli and porcine citrate synthases. This extension consists of a typical mitochondrial targeting motif. The amino terminus of the CIT2 primary translation product extends 20 residues beyond the amino termini of the E. coli and porcine enzymes. The CIT2-encoded extension is not homologous to that of CIT1, resulting in a nonmitochondrial localization of the product. The CIT2-encoded extension, however, does bear certain similarities to mitochondrial targeting sequences. The possible role of this sequence in targeting this CIT2 product to a nonmitochondrial organelle is discussed.  相似文献   

Two chitin synthases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Disruption of the yeast CHS1 gene, which encodes trypsin-activable chitin synthase I, yielded strains that apparently lacked chitin synthase activity in vitro, yet contained normal levels of chitin (Bulawa, C. E., Slater, M., Cabib, E., Au-Young, J., Sburlati, A., Adair, W. L., and Robbins, P. W. (1986) Cell 46, 213-225). It is shown here that disrupted (chs1 :: URA3) strains have a particulate chitin synthetic activity, chitin synthase II, and that wild type strains, in addition to chitin synthase I, have this second activity. Chitin synthase II is measured in wild type strains without preincubation with trypsin, the condition under which highest chitin synthase II activities are obtained in extracts from the chs1 :: URA3 strain. Chitin synthase II, like chitin synthase I, uses UDP-GlcNAc as substrate and synthesizes alkali-insoluble chitin (with a chain length of about 170 residues). The enzymes are equally sensitive to the competitive inhibitor Polyoxin D. The two chitin synthases are distinct in their pH and temperature optima, and in their responses to trypsin, digitonin, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, and Co2+. In contrast to the report by Sburlati and Cabib (Sburlati, A., and Cabib, E. (1986) Fed. Proc. 45, 1909), chitin synthase II activity in vitro is usually lowered on treatment with trypsin, indicating that chitin synthase II is not activated by proteolysis. Chitin synthase II shows highest specific activities in extracts from logarithmically growing cultures, whereas chitin synthase I, whether from growing or stationary phase cultures, is only measurable after trypsin treatment, and levels of the zymogen do not change. Chitin synthase I is not required for alpha-mating pheromone-induced chitin synthesis in MATa cells, yet levels of chitin synthase I zymogen double in alpha factor-treated cultures. Specific chitin synthase II activities do not change in pheromone-treated cultures. It is proposed that of yeast's two chitin synthases, chitin synthase II is responsible for chitin synthesis in vivo, whereas nonessential chitin synthase I, detectable in vitro only after trypsin treatment, may not normally be active in vivo.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal (nonmitochondrial) citrate synthase (CS2) has been purified from a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain in which the gene for the mitochondrial citrate synthase (CS1) had been disrupted and no CS1 protein is produced. The enzyme, CS2, the sequence of which had been previously determined from its DNA, behaved differently from CS1 in its purification, kinetics, stability, and binding to the inner surface of mitochondrial inner membranes.  相似文献   

Membrane lipids of yeast mitochondria have been enriched by growing yeast cells in minimal medium supplemented with specific unsaturated fatty acids as the sole lipid supplement. Using the activity of marker enzymes for the outer (kynurenine hydroxylase) and inner (cytochrome c oxidase and oligomycin-sensitive ATPase) mitochondrial membranes, Arrhenius plots have been constructed using both promitochondria and mitochondria obtained from O2-adapting cells in the presence of a second unsaturated fatty acid (i.e. linoleate (N2) to elaidic (O2)). Transition temperatures which reflect the unsaturated fatty acid enrichment of the new membranes reveal interesting features involved in the mechanism of the assembly of these two mitochondrial membranes. This approach was further enforced with both lipid depletion and mitochondrial protein inhibition studies. Kynurenine hydroxylase which does not require fatty acid for its continued synthesis during aerobiosis seems to be incorporated into the preformed linoleate-anaerobic outer membrane. The newly synthesized activities of inner mitochondrial membrane enzymes on the other hand, appear to integrate their activity into newly formed aerobic-elaidic-rich inner membrane. These latter enzymes show a distinct dependence on fatty acid supplement for their continued synthesis during their aerobic phase. This suggests that O2-dependent proteo-lipid precursors are formed before these enzymes are integrated into their membrane mosaic. Two separate models are proposed to explain these results, one for the lipid-rich outer mitochondrial membrane and another for the protein-rich inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Ribosomal proteins from the cytoplasm and mitochondria of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were compared by immunoblotting techniques. Antibodies raised against cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins cross-react with five mitochondrial ribosomal proteins, four of which are located in the large and one in the small mitochondrial subunits. The possible existence of common ribosomal proteins for cytoplasmic and mitochondrial ribosomes is discussed.Abbreviations cyto cytoplasmic - mito mitochondrial  相似文献   

Spheroplasts of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae oxidize pyruvate at a high respiratory rate, whereas isolated mitochondria do not unless malate is added. We show that a cytosolic factor, pyruvate decarboxylase, is required for the non-malate-dependent oxidation of pyruvate by mitochondria. In pyruvate decarboxylase-negative mutants, the oxidation of pyruvate by permeabilized spheroplasts was abolished. In contrast, deletion of the gene (PDA1) encoding the E1alpha subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase did not affect the spheroplast respiratory rate on pyruvate but abolished the malate-dependent respiration of isolated mitochondria. Mutants disrupted for the mitochondrial acetaldehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALD7) did not oxidize pyruvate unless malate was added. We therefore propose the existence of a mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase bypass different from the cytosolic one, where pyruvate is decarboxylated to acetaldehyde in the cytosol by pyruvate decarboxylase and then oxidized by mitochondrial acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. This pathway can compensate PDA1 gene deletion for lactate or respiratory glucose growth. However, the codisruption of PDA1 and ALD7 genes prevented the growth on lactate, indicating that each of these pathways contributes to the oxidative metabolism of pyruvate.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a useful model system for examining the biosynthesis of sterols in eukaryotic cells. To investigate underlying regulation mechanisms, a flux analysis of the ergosterol pathway was performed. A stoichiometric model was derived based on well known biochemistry of the pathway. The model was integrated in the Software COMPFlux which uses a global optimization algorithm for the estimation of intracellular fluxes. Sterol concentration patterns were determined by gas chromatography in aerobic and anaerobic batch cultivations, when the sterol metabolism was suppressed due to the absence of oxygen. In addition, the sterol concentrations were observed in a cultivation which was shifted from anaerobic to aerobic growth conditions causing the sterol pools in the cell to be filled. From time-dependent flux patterns, possible limitations in the pathway could be localized and the esterification of sterols was identified as an integral part of regulation in ergosterol biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Dihydrouridine modification of tRNA is widely observed in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, as well as in some archaea. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae every sequenced tRNA has at least one such modification, and all but one have two or more. We have used a biochemical genomics approach to identify the gene encoding dihydrouridine synthase 1 (Dus1, ORF YML080w), using yeast pre-tRNA(Phe) as a substrate. Dus1 is a member of a widespread family of conserved proteins, three other members of which are found in yeast: YNR015w, YLR405w, and YLR401c. We show that one of these proteins, Dus2, encoded by ORF YNR015w, has activity with two other substrates: yeast pre-tRNA(Tyr) and pre-tRNA(Leu). Both Dus1 and Dus2 are active as a single subunit protein expressed and purified from Escherichia coli, and the activity of both is stimulated in the presence of flavin adenine dinucleotide. Dus1 modifies yeast pre-tRNA(Phe) in vitro at U17, one of the two positions that are known to bear this modification in vivo. Yeast extract from a dus1-A strain is completely defective in modification of yeast pre-tRNAPhe, and RNA isolated from dus1-delta and dus2-delta strains is significantly depleted in dihydrouridine content.  相似文献   

A conditional respiratory deficiency in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is expressed as a result of a nuclear mutation in sup1 and sup2 genes (II and IV chromosomes, respectively), coding for a component of cytoplasmic ribosomes (Ter-Avanesyan et al. 1982). One such strain is studied here in detail. The strain is temperature-dependent and expresses a respiratory deficient phenotype at 20 degrees C but not at 30 degrees C. Moreover, the strain is simultaneously chloramphenicol-dependent and is able to grow on media containing glycerol or ethanol as a sole carbon source only in the presence of the drug. Chloramphenicol has a differential effect on protein synthesis in mitochondria of the parent strain and the mutant. Since chloramphenicol is a ribosome-targeting antibiotic we suggest that the differential effect of the drug on parent and mutant mitochondrial protein synthesis is due to the altered properties of mito-ribosomes of the mutant compared to those of the parent strain. Mitochondria of the mutant synthesize all the mitochondrially encoded polypeptides, however, in significantly lowered amounts. A suggestion is put forward for the existence of a common component (a ribosomal protein) for mito and cyto-ribosomes.  相似文献   

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