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Summary In the presence of protein, Hansenula polymorpha cultivation medium exhibits a maximum volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kLa, as function of the employed antifoam agents (soy oil and Desmophen 3600). With diminishing superficial gas velocity this maximum disappeas.Symbols EG Relative gas holdup - kLa Volumetric mass transfer coefficient (s–1) - wSL Superficial liquid velocity (cm s–1) - wSG Superficial gas velocity (cm s–1)  相似文献   

Summary The anaerobic growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with six different mono- and disaccharides as energy source was investigated calorimetrically. With mixtures of monosaccharides and disaccharides or disaccharides with each other, biphasic thermograms were obtained. The diauxic growth is discussed in view of constitutive and inducible transport systems and degradation enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary Microcalorimetric experiments on growth ofSaccharomyces under oxygen and nitrogen pressure between 0 and 10 kp/cm2 are described. Within this range there are no alterations of the metabolism by the pressureper se but increased cell volume and a pronounced number of cells are observed. With nitrogen the enthalpy change amounts to a value of 130 cal/g glucose invariable with pressure. For oxygen a maximum heat evolution of 650 cal/g glucose is found in stirred cultures at the minimum pressure of almost 0 kp/cm2. With rising O2 pressure one observes a strong repression of heat flux which drops to a minimum value at 2 kp/cm2. This repression is overcome by substrate concentrations less than 2 mg/ml. In unstirred cultures exposed to oxygen pressure the growth is determined by the geometrical and temporal distribution of cells and oxygen in the vessels. The calorimetric data are discussed in view of the mean volume and the dry weight of the cells.Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Stein zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Summary As part of a project on the production of penicillin, the penicillin production of two strains of Penicillium chrysogenum which have a different penicillin productivity was investigated in bubble column bioreactors and for comparison in stirred fermenters. The main interest of this study were the complicated interrelations between the stirrer speed, the stirrer type, the shear stress, the morphology of the mycelium and broth viscosity as well as the effect of the oxygen transfer behavior on antibiotic productivity.Stirred tank reactors with different turbine stirrers as well as with a draught tube and propeller were employed.The main variable investigated was the stirrer speed. At low stirrer speeds, gas dispersion is inadequate and the insufficient oxygen transfer rate is a limiting factor. At higher stirrer speeds, the oxygen supply of pulpy mycelia is improved and more cell mass is formed. This result is the same for both strains in all three reactors.If the oxygen partial pressure is near the lower cirtical value, a high percentage of the carbon source is converted into penicillin but the penicillin productivity is low due to a low percentage of penicillin producing cells. At oxygen partial pressures just above 8% saturation, the absolute penicillin productivity is maximal. At higher stirrer speeds and dissolved oxygen concentrations the penicillin production phase is shorter, cell growth is higher and a higher percentage of the carbon source is converted into CO2.In reactors with a draught tube and propeller, a lower productivity is attained than in those with turbine stirrers.The behavior of the two strains is fairly similar. The higher producing strain, however, has a more distinct separation between its periods of growth and production than does the low producing one. At high stirrer speeds the increase in the cell growth rate is less significant and the substrate yield coefficients are higher for the high producing strain than for the low producing one.Symbols C Dissolved oxygen concentration (mg l–1) - C* C at saturation (mg l–1) - kLa Volumetric mass transfer coefficient (h–1) - OTR Oxygen transfer rate (mg l–1 h–1) - OUR Oxygen uptake rate (mg l–1 h–1) - rpm Impeller speed (min–1) - X (Dry) biomass concentration (g kg–1) - Vg Volumetric gas flow rate (Nl min–1) - CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose  相似文献   

Summary Microcalorimetric experiments on growth and maintenance metabolism ofSaccharomyces strains ranging from haploid to hexaploid are described. During growth, the mean dry weight, the mean volume and the maximum heat flux of the cells are nearly linear functions of ploidy. These parameters are correlated with the cell concentration in such a manner that the weight-specific heat production and the grown biomass are independent of ploidy. For the metabolism of maintenance, two levels of the specific heat flux are found, the lower of which is occupied by the haploids, diploids and triploids. The higher polyploids exhibit the higher level.  相似文献   

Thermograms of an aerobic batch culture of Escherichia coli K-12 in synthetic medium were obtained by using a newly designed mecrocalorimeter. The thermograms reflected sharp changes of metabolic activity in glucose-, nitrogen-, or oxygen-limited cultures. The thermo chemical analysis for each culture condition was done using the data of the heat evolved, the head of combustion of cells, and the elementary analysis of the cells. The efficiency of energy conversion determined experimentally revealed nutritional differences.  相似文献   

Fermentation and aerobic metabolism of cellodextrins by yeasts.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The fermentation and aerobic metabolism of cellodextrins by 14 yeast species or strains was monitored. When grown aerobically, Candida wickerhamii, C. guilliermondii, and C. molischiana metabolized cellodextrins of degree of polymerization 3 to 6. C. wickerhamii and C. molischiana also fermented these substrates, while C. guilliermondii fermented only cellodextrins of degree of polymerization less than or equal to 3. Debaryomyces polymorphus, Pichia guilliermondii, Clavispora lusitaniae, and one of two strains of Kluyveromyces lactis metabolized glucose, cellobiose, and cellotriose when grown aerobically. These yeasts also fermented these substrates, except for K. lactis, which fermented only glucose and cellobiose. The remaining species/strains tested, K. lactis, Brettano-myces claussenii, B. anomalus, K. dobzhanskii, Rhodotorula minuta, and Dekkera intermedia, both fermented and aerobically metabolized glucose and cellobiose. Crude enzyme preparations from all 14 yeast species or strains were tested for ability to hydrolyze cellotriose and cellotretose. Most of the yeasts produced an enzyme(s) capable of hydrolyzing cellotriose. However, with two exceptions, R. minuta and P. guilliermondii, only the yeasts that metabolized cellodextrins of degree of polymerization greater than 3 produced an enzyme(s) that hydrolyzed cellotretose.  相似文献   

The fermentation and aerobic metabolism of cellodextrins by 14 yeast species or strains was monitored. When grown aerobically, Candida wickerhamii, C. guilliermondii, and C. molischiana metabolized cellodextrins of degree of polymerization 3 to 6. C. wickerhamii and C. molischiana also fermented these substrates, while C. guilliermondii fermented only cellodextrins of degree of polymerization less than or equal to 3. Debaryomyces polymorphus, Pichia guilliermondii, Clavispora lusitaniae, and one of two strains of Kluyveromyces lactis metabolized glucose, cellobiose, and cellotriose when grown aerobically. These yeasts also fermented these substrates, except for K. lactis, which fermented only glucose and cellobiose. The remaining species/strains tested, K. lactis, Brettano-myces claussenii, B. anomalus, K. dobzhanskii, Rhodotorula minuta, and Dekkera intermedia, both fermented and aerobically metabolized glucose and cellobiose. Crude enzyme preparations from all 14 yeast species or strains were tested for ability to hydrolyze cellotriose and cellotretose. Most of the yeasts produced an enzyme(s) capable of hydrolyzing cellotriose. However, with two exceptions, R. minuta and P. guilliermondii, only the yeasts that metabolized cellodextrins of degree of polymerization greater than 3 produced an enzyme(s) that hydrolyzed cellotretose.  相似文献   

Many facultatively fermentative yeast species exhibit a "Kluyver effect": even under oxygen-limited growth conditions, certain disaccharides that support aerobic, respiratory growth are not fermented, even though the component monosaccharides are good fermentation substrates. This article investigates the applicability of this phenomenon for high-cell-density cultivation of yeasts. In glucose-grown batch cultures of Candida utilis CBS 621, the onset of oxygen limitation led to alcoholic fermentation and, consequently, a decrease of the biomass yield on sugar. In maltose-grown cultures, alcoholic fermentation did not occur and oxygen-limited growth resulted in high biomass concentrations (90 g dry weight L(-1) from 200 g L(-1) maltose monohydrate in a simple batch fermentation). It was subsequently investigated whether this principle could also be applied to Kluyveromyces species exhibiting a Kluyver effect for lactose. In oxygen-limited, glucose-grown chemostat cultures of K. wickerhamii CBS 2745, high ethanol concentrations and low biomass yields were observed. Conversely, ethanol was absent and biomass yields on sugar were high in oxygen-limited chemostat cultures grown on lactose. Batch cultures of K. wickerhamii grown on lactose exhibited the same growth characteristics as the maltose-grown C. utilis cultures: absence of ethanol formation and high biomass yields. Within the species K. marxianus, the occurrence of a Kluyver effect for lactose is known to be strain dependent. Thus, K. marxianus CBS 7894 could be grown to high biomass densities in lactose-grown batch cultures, whereas strain CBS 5795 produced ethanol after the onset of oxygen limitation and, consequently, yielded low amounts of biomass. Because the use of yeast strains exhibiting a Kluyver effect obviates the need for controlled substrate-feeding strategies to avoid oxygen limitation, such strains should be excellently suited for the production of biomass and growth-related products from low-cost disaccharide-containing feedstocks. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A highly instrumented computer-coupled bioreactor is used to investigate metabolic changes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in aerobic fed-batch systems which are generally applied in bankers' yeast manufacture. The four types of metabolism (oxidation of glucose, aerobic fermentation, oxidation of glucose and ethanol, and oxidation of ethanol) appearing in such systems are characterized by four significant fermentation parameters: Respiratory quotient (RQ), glucose uptake rate (Qg), ethanol turnover rate (QEtOH), and growth yield on glucose (Yg). Below the critical glucose concentration glucose and ethanol are utilized simultaneously. The shift from aerobic fermentation to nondiauxic growth on glucose and ethanol is not only dependent on glucose concentration. but also on the precultivation on cells. The uptake of ethanol is controlled by the glucose supply except in the case when ethanol is limiting; the oxygen uptake rate (Qo2), however, is unaffected by the ratio of Qg and QEtOH. Critical glucose concentration is not a constant value for a particular strain, but varies corresponding to the nutritional state of the cells.  相似文献   

Summary Microcalorimetry was used to study the energetic aerobic growth of Cellulomonas sp. 21399 on glucose, cellobiose and amorphous and crystalline cellulose. The thermochemical aspect of growth on glucose was established with regard to the anabolic contribution. The results obtained allowed the use of glucose as a reference substrate for cellulose degradation. The experimental enthalpy change and the maximum catabolic activity, calculated from the maximum power evolved by the culture, were, respectively,-1079 kJ/mol and 0.85 mmol glucose per hour per dry weight of cells. The growth response on amorphous cellulose was equivalent to that demonstrated on glucose. However, on crystalline cellulose media, Cellulomonas sp. 21399 exhibited eight times less power and the quantity of heat evolved during growth showed that 50% of the cellulose was degraded. Quantitative results and the shape of power-time curves achieved indicate that the structural features of cellulose strongly influence its microbial degradability.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether central nitrogen metabolism may influence the triggering of ethanol fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain CEN.PK122 grown in the presence of different N-sources (ammonia, glutamate, or glutamine) under conditions in which the carbon to nitrogen (C : N) ratio was varied. An exhaustive quantitative evaluation of yeast physiology and metabolic behavior through metabolic flux analysis (MFA) was undertaken. It is shown that ethanol fermentation is triggered at dilution rates, D (growth rate), significantly lower (D=0.070 and 0.074 h(-1) for glutamate and glutamine, respectively, and D=0.109 h(-1) for ammonia) under N- than C-limitation (approximately 0.18 h(-1) for all N-sources). A characteristic specific rate of glucose influx, q(Glc), for each N-source at Dc, i.e., just before the onset of respirofermentative metabolism, was determined (approximately 2.0, 1.5, and 2.5, for ammonia, glutamate, and glutamine, respectively). This q(Glc) was independent of the nutritional limitation though dependent on the nature of the N-source. The onset of fermentation occurs when this "threshold q(Glc)" is overcome. The saturation of respiratory activity appears not to be associated with the onset of fermentation since q(O(2)) continued to increase after Dc. It was remarkable that under respirofermentative conditions in C-limited chemostat cultures, the glucose consumed was almost completely fermented with biomass being synthesized from glutamate through gluconeogenesis. The results obtained show that the enzyme activities involved in central nitrogen metabolism do not appear to participate in the control of the overflow in carbon catabolism, which is driven toward ethanol production. The role of nitrogen metabolism in the onset of ethanol fermentation would rather be realized through its involvement in setting the anabolic fluxes directed to nitrogenous macromolecules. It seems that nitrogen-related anabolic fluxes would determine when the threshold glucose consumption rate is achieved after which ethanol fermentation is triggered.  相似文献   

The enthalpies of interactions of porcine arterial elastin with alkali metal and alkali earth halides and sulphates were investigated by means of flow microcalorimetry and the stoichiometry measured using radiotracer techniques. In aqueous solutions, all alkali earth halides interacted exothermically at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 2.5M. All the alkali metal halides, particularly NaCl, exhibited complex concentration-dependent interactions, exothermic at low concentrations and endothermic at high concentrations. Both the anion and cation contributed to the response, although the anion seemed to dominate. SO interacted most strongly of the anions tested. All interactions were reversible in the sense that repeat experiments gave identical results, but the enthalpy of “adsorption” was generally different from that of “desorption.” The enthalpy of interaction depended on the conformation of the elastin in a salt-specific manner. For example, CaCl2 and MgCl2 interacted similarly in water but very differently in 1 : 1 water : methanol. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

For the mouse hybridoma cell line VO 208, kinetics of growth, consumption of glucose and glutamine, and production of lactate, ammonia and antibodies were compared in batch and continuous cultures. At a given specific growth rate, different metabolic activities were observed: a 40% lower glucose and glutamine consumption rate, but a 70% higher antibody production rate in continuous than in batch culture. Much higher metabolic rates were also measured during the initial lag phase of the batch culture. When representing the variation of the specific antibody production rate as a function of the specific growth rate, there was a positive association between growth and antibody production in the batch culture, but a negative association during the transient phase of the continuous culture. The kinetic differences between cellular metabolism in batch and continuous cultures may be result of modifications in the physiology and metabolism of cells which, in continuous cultures, were extensively exposed to glucose limitations.Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, ENSAIA BP 172, 2 avenue de la forêt de Haye, 54505, Vandoeuvre Cedex France  相似文献   

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