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Collapse and sudden death in physical training are the most serious complications of sickle cell trait (SCT). There is evidence that erythrocytes in SCT patients aggregate during strenuous exercise, likely because of adhesive interactions with the extracellular matrix (ECM) and endothelial cells, and because of their irregular viscoelastic properties. This results in inflammation, blood flow impairment, and vaso-occlusive events. However, the exact role of stress conditions and how they lead to these complications is virtually unknown. Using single-molecule atomic force microscopy experiments, we found that epinephrine, a hormone that is secreted under stressful conditions, increases both the frequency and strength of adhesion events between basal cell adhesion molecule (BCAM/Lu) and ECM laminin, and between intercellular adhesion molecule-4 (ICAM-4) and endothelial α(v)β(3), compared with nonstimulated SCT erythrocytes. Increases in adhesion frequency provide significant evidence of the role of epinephrine in BCAM/Lu-laminin and ICAM-4-α(v)β(3) bonding, and suggest mechanisms of vaso-occlusion during physical exertion in SCT.  相似文献   

In sickle cell anemia (SCA), inflammatory (i.e., intravascular sickling and transient vasoocclusive) events result in chronic endothelial activation. In addition to sickling behavior, sickle (SS) red blood cells exhibit abnormal interaction with the vascular endothelium, which is considered to have an important role in initiation of vasoocclusion. Upregulation of endothelial adhesion molecules caused by oxidants (and cytokines) may lead to increased SS red cell adhesion. We hypothesize that endothelial activation is indispensable in SS red cell adhesion to the endothelium and that antioxidants will have an inhibitory effect on this interaction. We examined the effect of selected antioxidants in ex vivo mesocecum vasculature, a well-established model that allows measurement of hemodynamic parameters and, by intravital microscopy, can allow quantification of adhesion. We tested antioxidant enzymes (SOD and catalase) and an intravascular SOD mimetic, polynitroxyl albumin (PNA), in the presence of platelet-activating factor (PAF); the latter causes endothelial oxidant generation and endothelial activation, which characterize SCA. In ex vivo preparations, PAF not only induced marked endothelial oxidant generation, it also enhanced SS red cell adhesion, resulting in frequent blockage of small-diameter venules. The adhesion, inversely related to venular diameter, and vasoocclusion were markedly inhibited by antioxidants, resulting in improved hemodynamics. PNA, the most effective antioxidant, also abolished SS red cell adhesion in non-PAF-activated preparations. Thus SS red cell adhesion and related vasoocclusion may be ameliorated by antioxidant therapy with a stable and long-acting molecule (e.g., PNA).  相似文献   

Two types of oligomeric derivatives of prostaglandin E1 were synthesized, a free-acid type and a lipophilic ester type. Neither compound inhibited sickling of red blood cells from sickle cell anaemia patients. However, both were found to inhibit the in vitro formation of dehydrated, dense cells (DC) caused by repeated cycles of sickling and unsickling of sickle cells. Both inhibited the formation of DC in a dose-related manner, but the ester type compound was more effective than the acid-type compound. Concentrations at which these compounds inhibit the DC formation by 50% were 5.2 microM and 40 microM for ester and free-acid compounds, respectively. A possible inhibition mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of normal erythrocytes appear to be largely determined by those of the red cell membrane. In sickle cell disease, the intracellular polymerization of sickle hemoglobin upon deoxygenation leads to a marked increase in intracellular viscosity and elastic stiffness as well as having indirect effects on the cell membrane. To estimate the components of abnormal cell rheology due to the polymerization process and that due to the membrane abnormalities, we have developed a simple mathematical model of whole cell deformability in narrow vessels. This model uses hydrodynamic lubrication theory to describe the pulsatile flow in the gap between a cell and the vessel wall. The interior of the cell is modeled as a Voigt viscoelastic solid with parameters for the viscous and elastic moduli, while the membrane is assigned an elastic shear modulus. In response to an oscillatory fluid shear stress, the cell--modeled as a cylinder of constant volume and surface area--undergoes a conical deformation which may be calculated. We use published values of normal and sickle cell membrane elastic modulus and of sickle hemoglobin viscous and elastic moduli as a function of oxygen saturation, to estimate normalized tip displacement, d/ho, and relative hydrodynamic resistance, Rr, as a function of polymer fraction of hemoglobin for sickle erythrocytes. These results show the transition from membrane to internal polymer dominance of deformability as oxygen saturation is lowered. More detailed experimental data, including those at other oscillatory frequencies and for cells with higher concentrations of hemoglobin S, are needed to apply fully this approach to understanding the deformability of sickle erythrocytes in the microcirculation. The model should be useful for reconciling the vast and disparate sets of data available on the abnormal properties of sickle cell hemoglobin and sickle erythrocyte membranes, the two main factors that lead to pathology in patients with this disease.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the exposure of mouse microvascular endothelium (MME) to tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) led to the increased binding of mouse mastocytoma cells (P815) to endothelial monolayers (Bereta et al., in press). In the current study we examined the possible involvement of protein kinases in TNF signal transduction in the endothelial cells. PKA does not appear to play a role in the potentiation of binding by TNF. We found that the TNF-generated signal is inhibited by H-7 and sangivamycin, but not by staurosporine. TNF did not cause translocation of PKC to the cell membrane and its effect could not be completely mimicked by PMA nor by PMA in the presence of calcium-raising agents. Thus, we concluded that the "classical" PKC pathway is not completely responsible for TNF signalling in this system. We also found that staurosporine itself strongly enhanced adhesion of tumor cells to endothelium, utilizing a mechanism distinct from that of TNF. Although the data provide evidence for the role of kinases in the effect of TNF on binding of tumor cells to MME, this role appears to be a complex one.  相似文献   

Pathology in sickle cell disease begins with nucleation-dependent polymerization of deoxyhemoglobin S into stiff, rodlike fibers that deform and rigidify red cells. We have measured the effect of erythrocyte membranes on the rate of homogeneous nucleation in sickle hemoglobin, using preparations of open ghosts (OGs) with intact cytoskeletons from sickle (SS) and normal adult (AA) red cells. Nucleation rates were measured by inducing polymerization by laser photolysis of carboxy sickle hemoglobin and observing stochastic variation of replicate experiments of the time for the scattering signals to reach 10% of their respective maxima. By optical imaging of membrane fragments added to a hemoglobin solution we contrast the rate of nucleation immediately adjacent to membrane fragments with nucleation in a region of the same solution but devoid of membranes. From analysis of 29,272 kinetic curves obtained, we conclude that the effect of AA OGs is negligible (10% enhancement of nucleation rates +/-20%), whereas SS OGs caused 80% enhancement (+/-20%). In red cells, where more membrane surface is available to Hb, this implies enhancement of nucleation by a factor of 6. These experiments represent a 10-fold improvement in precision over previous approaches and are the first direct, quantitative measure of the impact of erythrocyte membranes on the homogeneous nucleation process that is responsible for polymer initiation in sickle cell disease.  相似文献   

Several vital functions/physical characteristics of erythrocytes (including glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, ion fluxes, and cellular deformability) display dependence on the state of hemoglobin oxygenation. The molecular mechanism proposed involves an interaction between deoxyhemoglobin and the cytoplasmic domain of the anion-exchange protein, band 3 (cdB3). Given that band 3 also binds to membrane proteins 4.1 and 4.2, several kinases, hemichromes, and integral membrane proteins, and at least three glycolytic enzymes, it has been suggested that the cdB3-deoxyhemoglobin interaction might modulate the pathways mediated by these associated proteins in an O(2)-dependent manner. We have investigated this mechanism by synthesizing 10-mer peptides corresponding to the NH(2)-terminal fragments of various vertebrate cdB3s, determining their effects on the oxygenation reactions of hemoglobins from the same and different species and examining binding of the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase to the erythrocytic membrane of mouse erythrocytes. The cdB3 interaction is strongly dependent on pH and the number of negative and positive charges of the peptide and at the effector binding site, respectively. It lowers the O(2) association equilibrium constant of the deoxygenated (Tense) state of the hemoglobin and is inhibited by magnesium ions, which neutralize cdB3's charge and by 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, which competes for the cdB3-binding site. The interaction is stronger in humans (whose erythrocytes derive energy predominantly from glycolysis and exhibit higher buffering capacity) than in birds and ectothermic vertebrates (whose erythrocytes metabolize aerobically and are poorly buffered) and is insignificant in fish, suggesting that its role in the regulation of red cell glycolysis increased with phylogenetic development in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor is an important mediator of the behavioral effects of ethanol in the central nervous system. Previous studies have demonstrated sites in the third and fourth membrane-associated (M) domains of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor NR2A subunit that influence alcohol sensitivity and ion channel gating. We investigated whether two of these sites, Phe-637 in M3 and Met-823 in M4, interactively regulate the ethanol sensitivity of the receptor by testing dual substitution mutants at these positions. A majority of the mutations decreased steady-state glutamate EC(50) values and maximal steady-state to peak current ratios (I(ss)/I(p)), whereas only two mutations altered peak glutamate EC(50) values. Steady-state glutamate EC(50) values were correlated with maximal glutamate I(ss)/I(p) values, suggesting that changes in glutamate potency were attributable to changes in desensitization. In addition, there was a significant interaction between the substituents at positions 637 and 823 with respect to glutamate potency and desensitization. IC(50) values for ethanol among the mutants varied over the approximate range 100-325 mm. The sites in M3 and M4 significantly interacted in regulating ethanol sensitivity, although this was apparently dependent upon the presence of methionine in position 823. Molecular dynamics simulations of the NR2A subunit revealed possible binding sites for ethanol near both positions in the M domains. Consistent with this finding, the sum of the molecular volumes of the substituents at the two positions was not correlated with ethanol IC(50) values. Thus, there is a functional interaction between Phe-637 and Met-823 with respect to glutamate potency, desensitization, and ethanol sensitivity, but the two positions do not appear to form a unitary site of alcohol action.  相似文献   

We have used polarized absorbance to observe the process of monomer accretion and polymer alignment which occurs in domains of sickle hemoglobin that are formed and maintained by laser photolysis. These diffusion and alignment processes have been studied as a function of initial concentration and temperature (initial and final), as well as beam size and domain number. Monomers are found to diffuse into growing polymer domains with a rate that is essentially temperature and concentration independent, but which depends on the size of the final domain boundaries, and the number of domains within a boundary. The final concentrations achieved are very close to those found in packed centrifugation experiments (50-55 g/dl) and are approximately independent of starting temperature and concentration. The influx of monomers is accompanied by polymer alignment, and the amount aligned is proportional to the amount diffused throughout the process. We propose that polymer alignment controls the influx of added monomers into the growing domain.  相似文献   

The influence of the gravity on flow distribution of erythrocytes in microcirculation was examined. We developed a new centrifuge system with a rotation disc. An observation system of blood flow in a micro-flow channel was arranged on the disc. Erythrocyte flow in the micro-flow tube was displaced under the gravity. This study suggests that the gravity affects the transfer of substances from blood vessels to tissues.  相似文献   

BioNetGen allows a user to create a computational model that characterizes the dynamics of a signal transduction system, and that accounts comprehensively and precisely for specified enzymatic activities, potential post-translational modifications and interactions of the domains of signaling molecules. The output defines and parameterizes the network of molecular species that can arise during signaling and provides functions that relate model variables to experimental readouts of interest. Models that can be generated are relevant for rational drug discovery, analysis of proteomic data and mechanistic studies of signal transduction.  相似文献   

We have used a spin label analog of cholesterol bearing a nitroxide on the alkyl chain (26-nor-25-doxylcholestanol) to study cholesterol-protein interactions in the human erythrocyte membrane. As judged from the ESR spectrum, the spin label is readily incorporated into the membrane when added from a concentrated ethanolic solution to a cell or ghost suspension. With intact erythrocytes or white ghosts in isotonic buffer, the ESR spectrum is a superposition of a mobile component and a strongly immobilized component (outer hyperfine splitting 61–63 G). The latter corresponds to approx. 45% of the signal, a percentage which is barely affected by varying the temperature between 5 and 37°C. Removal of the cytoskeletal proteins spectrin and actin by low ionic strength treatment or of all extrinsic proteins by alkali treatment of ghosts reduces the immobilized fraction to approx. 25%. The effect of controlled proteolysis of intrinsic proteins was also tested. Pre-treatment of cells with chymotrypsin or pre-treatment of unsealed ghosts with trypsin has no effect on the ESR spectrum obtained with alkali-treated membranes. On the other hand, after chymotrypsin treatment of unsealed ghost, which reduces the band 3 protein to a 17.5 kDa membrane fragment, the strongly immobilized component is no longer observable. These data show that the cholesterol analog 26-nor-25-doxylcholestanol interacts strongly with one or several proteins of the erythrocyte membrane. That the intrinsic protein band 3 is involved is suggested by the disappearance of the immobilized fraction occurring upon chymotrypsin digestion of this protein. Our results are thus consistent with the proposal of a selective cholesterol-band 3 interaction in the erythrocyte membrane (Schubert, D. and Boss, K. (1982) FEBS Lett. 150, 4–8). Our data also suggest that this interaction is influenced by cytoskeletal proteins, an effect which can be explained considering the known linking of band 3 to the erythrocyte cytoskeleton via ankyrin. Experiments have also been carried out with 3-doxylandrostanol, a more commonly used cholesterol spin-label analog. With this spin label, at all temperatures investigated, we found it impossible to demonstrate unambiguously the existence of two separate spectral components. It is suggested that 26-nor-25-doxylcholestanol is a better reporter of cholesterol behavior in membranes.  相似文献   

To study the effect of sickling on dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC)-induced vesiculation, sickle (SS) red blood cells were incubated with sonicated suspensions of DMPC under either room air or nitrogen. Like normal red cells, when sickle cells were incubated with DMPC under oxygenated conditions, incorporation of DMPC into the erythrocyte membrane occurred, followed by echinocytic shape transformation and subsequent release of membrane vesicles. On the other hand, when SS cells were induced to sickle by deoxygenation, DMPC-induced vesiculation of these cells was dramatically reduced. However, upon reoxygenation, release of vesicles from these sickle erythrocytes occurred immediately. When SS cells were incubated under hypertonic (500 mosM) and deoxygenated conditions (where hemoglobin polymerization occurs but red cells do not show the typical sickle morphology), a similar decrease in the extent of vesiculation was observed. Experiments with radiolabelled lipid vesicles indicated that incorporation of DMPC into erythrocyte membranes occurred in all cases and therefore was not the limiting factor in the reduction of vesiculation in deoxygenated SS cells. Taken together, these results indicate that cellular viscosity and membrane rigidity, both of which are influenced by hemoglobin polymerization, are two important factors in process of vesicle release from sickle erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) is a DNA mimic in which the nucleobases are linked by an N-(2-aminoethyl) glycine backbone. Here we report that PNA can interact with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in a non-sequence-specific fashion. We observed that a 15mer PNA inhibited the ssDNA-stimulated ATPase activity of a bacteriophage T4 helicase, Dda. Surprisingly, when a fluorescein-labeled 15mer PNA was used in binding studies no interaction was observed between PNA and Dda. However, fluorescence polarization did reveal non-sequence-specific interactions between PNA and ssDNA. Thus, the inhibition of ATPase activity of Dda appears to result from depletion of the available ssDNA due to non-Watson–Crick binding of PNA to ssDNA. Inhibition of the ssDNA-stimulated ATPase activity was observed for several PNAs of varying length and sequence. To study the basis for this phenomenon, we examined self-aggregation by PNAs. The 15mer PNA readily self-aggregates to the point of precipitation. Since PNAs are hydrophobic, they aggregate more than DNA or RNA, making the study of this phenomenon essential for understanding the properties of PNA. Non-sequence-specific interactions between PNA and ssDNA were observed at moderate concentrations of PNA, suggesting that such interactions should be considered for antisense and antigene applications.  相似文献   

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a hemolytic disorder caused by a mutation in beta‐globin gene and affects millions of people worldwide. Though clinical manifestations of the disease are quite heterogeneous, many of them occur due to erythrocyte sickling at reduced oxygen concentration and vascular occlusion mediated via blood cell adhesion to the vessel wall. We have followed proteomic approach to resolve the differentially regulated proteins of erythrocyte cytosol. The deregulated proteins mainly fall in the group of chaperone proteins such as heat shock protein 70, alpha hemoglobin stabilizing protein, and redox regulators such as aldehyde dehydrogenase and peroxiredoxin‐2 proteoforms. Proteasomal subunits are found to be upregulated and phospho‐catalase level also got altered. Severe oxidative stress inside erythrocyte is evident from the ROS analysis and OxyblotTM experiments. Peroxiredoxin‐2 shows significant dimerization in the SCD patients, a hallmark of oxidative stress inside erythrocytes. One interesting fact is that most of the differentially regulated proteins are also common for hemoglobinopathies such as Eβ thalassemia. These could provide important clues in understanding the pathophysiology of SCD and lead us to better patient management in the future.  相似文献   

Zheng C  Hayes JJ 《Biopolymers》2003,68(4):539-546
The core histone tail domains are "master control switches" that help define the structural and functional characteristics of chromatin at many levels. The tails modulate DNA accessibility within the nucleosome, are essential for stable folding of oligonucleosome arrays into condensed chromatin fibers, and are important for fiber-fiber interactions involved in higher order structures. Many nuclear signaling pathways impinge upon the tail domains, resulting in posttranslational modifications that are likely to alter the charge, structure, and/or interactions of the core histone tails or to serve as targets for the binding of ancillary proteins or other enzymatic functions. However, currently we have only a marginal understanding of the molecular details of core histone tail conformations and contacts. Here we review data related to the structures and interactions of the core histone tail domains and how these domains and posttranslational modifications therein may define the structure and function of chromatin.  相似文献   

PtdIns and PtdInsP kinases from normal erythrocyte (AA) membranes and sickle cell anaemia erythrocyte (SS) membranes have been characterized. PtdIns kinase was studied in native membranes under conditions in which PtdInsP kinase and PtdInsP phosphatase do not express any activity. Kinetic analysis of the AA and SS PtdIns kinases indicate similar Km values for PtdIns and ATP but higher Vmax values for SS PtdIns kinase. PtdInsP kinase was partially purified from erythrocyte ghosts by NaCl extraction. The kinetic parameters of PtdInsP kinase determined under these conditions were similar in AA and SS NaCl extracts. These data suggest the presence of some effector of PtdIns kinase in SS cell membranes, resulting in a greater activity of the enzyme. This leads consequently, to increase the PtdInsP pool and to activate PtdInsP kinase, in agreement with our previous observations of a greater [32P]Pi incorporation in both polyphosphoinositides in SS cells relatively to AA cells.  相似文献   

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