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K. L. Tuen 《Hydrobiologia》1994,285(1-3):1-5
Since the early 1980s, the Malaysian Meteorological Service (MMS) has made concerted efforts to build up adequate meteorological data base for the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca. Close rapport with local oil companies and universities has enabled MMS to widen its sources of such data.This data base has been used to carry out a study on the influence of the sea surface temperature (SST) variations in the South China Sea on the atmosphere during the northern hemisphere winter. Encouraging results of the study has prompted MMS to initiate real-time monitoring of the SST in the South China Sea. These data are available to local scientists who are interested in studying the effects of such variation on marine life in the Malaysian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).  相似文献   

Using various methods of hypothermia and halothane-diethyl ether azeotrope anesthesia whole-body temperature gradients were evaluated in 20 adult mongrel dogs. Simultaneous measurements were taken of brain, rectal, esophageal, pharyngeal, liver, jugular vein, shoulder muscle, thigh muscle, and subcutaneous temperatures during (i) surface, (ii) perfusion (slow and rapid cooling), and (iii) combined surface/perfusion methods of hypothermia. Throughout cooling and rewarming core temperature gradients averaged 1.2 °C and during circulatory arrest core temperatures decreased an average of 0.3 °C under pure surface hypothermia. Animals, thermoregulated by extracorporeal methods only, developed larger core temperature gradients during cooling and a significant increase (average = 3.1 °C) was noted in core temperatures during circulatory arrest. This pattern was particularly pronounced during rapid perfusion cooling. Hypothermia induction by combined surface/perfusion, in contrast to pure perfusion methods, resulted in smaller gradients without remarkable increase in core temperature (average = 1.3 °C) during the arrest period. These findings when correlated with the shorter total operating time and ease of operative management and resuscitation lead us to the conclusion that combined surface/ perfusion hypothermia techniques have certain advantages over either pure surface or pure perfusion techniques alone.  相似文献   

The response of oceanic phytoplankton to climate forcing in the Arctic Ocean has attracted increasing attention due to its special geographical position and potential susceptibility to global warming. Here, we examine the relationship between satellite-derived (sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor, SeaWiFS) surface chlorophyll-a (CHL) distribution and climatic conditions in the Barents Sea (30–35°E, 70–80°N) for the period 1998–2002. We separately examined the regions north and south of the Polar Front (∼76°N). Although field data are rather limited, the satellite CHL distribution was generally consistent with cruise observations. The temporal and spatial distribution of CHL was strongly influenced by the light regime, mixed layer depth, wind speed and ice cover. Maximum CHL values were found in the marginal sea-ice zone (72–73°N) and not in the ice-free region further south (70–71°N). This indicates that melt-water is an important contributor to higher CHL production. The vernal phytoplankton bloom generally started in late March, reaching its peak in late April. A second, smaller CHL peak occurred regularly in late summer (September). Of the 5 years, 2002 had the highest CHL production in the southern region, likely due to earlier ice melting and stronger solar irradiance in spring and summer.  相似文献   

基于地表温度-植被指数关系的地表温度降尺度方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂建亮  武建军  杨曦  刘明  张洁  周磊 《生态学报》2011,31(17):4961-4969
地表温度(Land Surface Temperature, LST)在空间上和时间上均存在很大的差异性。而通过卫星遥感技术来监测地表温度存在着空间分辨率和时间分辨率上的矛盾:空间分辨率高的卫星时间分辨率低,反之亦然。为了解决这个矛盾,首先利用TsHARP (An algorithm for sharpening thermal imagery)温度降尺度方法将LSTMODIS,1km(1km MODIS(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)地表温度)图像(2004年9月9日上午)降尺度为LSTMODIS,500m(500m MODIS地表温度)图像。为了对降尺度LSTMODIS,500m图像进行验证,对研究区内同一天(2004年9月9日上午)的ETM图像的第6波段的辐亮度值升尺度到500m后,再利用Sobrino ETM(Enhanced Thematic Mapper)温度反演方法反演得到LSTETM,500m(500m ETM地表温度)图像,将LSTETM,500m图像作为当日地表温度的实测值,对降尺度LSTMODIS,500m图像的降尺度效果进行验证。对比结果表明降尺度LSTMODIS,500m图像更加精细刻画LSTMODIS,1km图像在空间上的分布格局;定量对比3种降尺度LSTMODIS,500mLSTETM,500m的RMSE分别为0.786、1.002,0.754℃,降尺度结果达到预期效果。  相似文献   

The demographic traits of the solitary azooxanthellate scleractinian Leptopsammia pruvoti were determined in six populations on a sea surface temperature (SST) gradient along the western Italian coasts. This is the first investigation of the growth and demography characteristics of an azooxanthellate scleractinian along a natural SST gradient. Growth rate was homogeneous across all populations, which spanned 7 degrees of latitude. Population age structures differed between populations, but none of the considered demographic parameters correlated with SST, indicating possible effects of local environmental conditions. Compared to another Mediterranean solitary scleractinian, Balanophyllia europaea, zooxanthellate and whose growth, demography and calcification have been studied in the same sites, L. pruvoti seems more tolerant to temperature increase. The higher tolerance of L. pruvoti, relative to B. europaea, may rely on the absence of symbionts, and thus the lack of an inhibition of host physiological processes by the heat-stressed zooxanthellae. However, the comparison between the two species must be taken cautiously, due to the likely temperature differences between the two sampling depths. Increasing research effort on determining the effects of temperature on the poorly studied azooxanthellate scleractinians may shed light on the possible species assemblage shifts that are likely to occur during the current century as a consequence of global climatic change.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of environmental variations on ecosystems is a major topic in ecology. In this study, we estimated demographic parameters of a seabird population, the thin-billed prion (Pachyptila belcheri) at Kerguelen Islands, and then tested for relationships with inter-annual variations of climatic indices, using long-term capture–recapture data. The annual adult survival probability was 0.825±0.009 and the breeding success was 0.519±0.090. Sea surface temperature anomalies were negatively related with breeding success. By contrast, winter sea ice concentration in the Antarctic seasonal ice zone seemed to negatively influence adult survival. This suggests a connection between sub-Antarctic and Antarctic ecosystems. The actual context of large climatic changes in the Austral Ocean seems to explain a large part of the decreasing trends observed for both the breeding success and the adult survival. Thus, a decrease of the population size of thin-billed prions at Kerguelen could be strongly suspected in the near future.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed the heterogeneity of high-elevation vegetation on three mountains along a west-east transect at 41 °S lat. in the Andes of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. In this area, high-Andean vegetation occurs as islands on mountain tops above Nothofagus pumilio forests ? with the timberline at ca. 1700 m a.s.l. We recorded floristic, topographic and substrate data in 166 sites stratified according to longitude, altitude, slope and aspect. Vegetation data were classified with TWINSPAN and ordinated with Detrended Correspondence Analysis. The relationship between environmental and floristic variation was analysed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. In order of importance, geographical longitude, altitude and aspect were the major determinants of vegetation variation, whereas substrate texture and slope appeared less important. The combination of these factors resulted in two main vegetation gradients. The first gradient is related to a moisture availability gradient, primarily determined by longitude and secondarily to variation in wind exposure (east vs. west aspect). The second vegetation gradient is related to variation in temperature, primarily determined by altitude, and secondarily by variation in insolation related to the contrast between north and south aspects. The four communities obtained with TWINSPAN are therefore associated with four characteristic habitat types: moist-cold, moist-warm, dry-cold and dry-warm. The community of warm and dry environments is the richest and has elements in common with dry steppe communities situated at lower elevations to the east, while the vegetation of the cold-moist habitat type has unique elements that are typical of the southern Andes. Although current climatic factors appear to be the major determinants of high-Andean vegetation gradients, historical events of Pleistocene times probably also affected the vegetation patterns we see today.  相似文献   

Dynamic hydrochemical and vegetation gradients in fens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mixing of groundwater, river water and precipitation was studied in a discharge and a recharge fen in the Vechtplassen area, the Netherlands. The aim of the study was to characterize relationships between vegetation in fens, the chemical composition of the fen water, and the hydrologic regimes. We were particularly interested in the influence of polluted water from the river Vecht on vegetation and nutrient dynamics. Analyses were made for Ionic Ratio (IR = 2[Ca]/(2[Ca] + [Cl]), molar concentrations) and Electrical Conductivity (EC), all indices of the relative importance of each of the three main water sources: groundwater, river water and precipitation.During winter, water in the discharge fen was strongly influenced by calcium-rich groundwater (high IR, moderate EC), while the recharge fen was entirely fed by precipitation (low IR and EC). During summer, river water with a moderate IR and high EC infiltrated the fens and caused a dramatic change in the chemical composition of the fen water. In the discharge fen, infiltration occurred predominantly as sheetflow, causing inundation of the entire fen surface. River water infiltration affected the surface peat of this fen more severely than deeper peat layers. Spatial variation in water chemistry along the transect was small, and only one type of plant community was found. In the recharge fen, river water infiltration occurred in subsurface water, and rainwater that had accumulated during the winter persisted in the central parts of the fen. Gradients in fen water chemistry were correlated with the observed distribution of three plant associations. Differences in water chemistry could also be attributed to intra-site variation in the relative importance of the three water sources. In both fens, there was considerable temporal variation in the chemical composition of the fen water, clearly related to dynamics of the hydrologic regime, particularly infiltration of river water. There are indications that characteristic mesotraphent fen plant communities are negatively affected by water from the river Vecht. River water supply should therefore be avoided as much as possible if these fen plant communities are to be maintained.  相似文献   

Abstract. Compositional gradients of forest vegetation in Finland were determined using detrended correspondence analysis, and ecologically interpreted with regression analysis. The data were collected in association with the 8th National Forest Inventory, and they comprised 1514 samples and 472 species, covering the whole forested land area of Finland. In the ordination space the first, very stable axis (DCA1) was much stronger than the following three, more unstable axes (DCA2 - 4). Site fertility (reflected by the forest site type series) and latitude had strongest covariation with the ordination space, followed by a number of variables primarily related to forest age or tree stand volume. Fertility variables were most closely parallel with DCA1, latitudinal ones with DCA1 and DCA2, and successional variables with DCA3. The results indicate that compositional overlap of sites classified into different Caj ander site types is considerable.  相似文献   

Coastal barrens in Nova Scotia are heathlands characterised by short, predominantly ericaceous vegetation, sparse tree cover, exposed bedrock, pockets of Sphagnum bog, and stressful climatic conditions. Although coastal barrens are prominent in the physical and cultural landscape, they are largely unprotected. We selected six barrens along the Atlantic coast, and surveyed 20 1-m2 plots at each barren for vascular plants, macrolichens, mosses and environmental factors. We recorded 173 species (105 vascular, 41 macrolichen, 27 moss), including six provincially rare vascular species found predominantly in nearshore areas with high levels of substrate salt and nutrients, variable substrate depth, and short vegetation. Although vascular plant and moss richness were similarly correlated with vegetation height, substrate depth, organic matter content, and rock exposure, there were no clear correlations between vascular plant, macrolichen and moss richness across all sites. Vascular plant rarity and species richness were not correlated, but had inverse relationships with key environmental gradients. Tailoring conservation efforts to protect areas of high richness may thus mean that rare species are missed, and vice versa. Ordination and ANOSIM show that barrens vegetation differs widely among sites; therefore, protecting any singular coastal barren will not protect the entire range of vegetation communities and species in this heathland type. Conservation planning should emphasize protecting environmental gradients correlated with richness, rarity and plant community structure, including substrate depth and moisture, and vegetation height. Additionally, protected areas should include a coastal-inland gradient and a diversity of substrate types, including exposed rock and trees.  相似文献   

Naturalists as early as Darwin observed terrestrial basking in green turtles (Chelonia mydas), but the distribution and environmental influences of this behaviour are poorly understood. Here, we examined 6 years of daily basking surveys in Hawaii and compared them with the phenology of local sea surface temperatures (SST). Data and models indicated basking peaks when SST is coolest, and we found this timeline consistent with bone stress markings. Next, we assessed the decadal SST profiles for the 11 global green turtle populations. Basking generally occurs when winter SST falls below 23°C. From 1990 to 2014, the SST for these populations warmed an average 0.04°C yr−1 (range 0.01–0.09°C yr−1); roughly three times the observed global average over this period. Owing to projected future warming at basking sites, we estimated terrestrial basking in green turtles may cease globally by 2100. To predict and manage for future climate change, we encourage a more detailed understanding for how climate influences organismal biology.  相似文献   

On created in laboratory heat-physical model of a rabbit body reflecting basic heat-physical parameters of the body such as: weight, size of a relative surface, heat absorption and heat conduction, heat capacity etc., a change of radial distribution of temperature and size was found across a superficial layer of evaporation of water from its surface, that simulates sweating, with various ratio of environmental temperature and capacity of electrical heater simulating heat production in animal. The experiments have shown that with evaporation of moisture from a surface of model in all investigated cases, there is an increase of superficial layer of body of a temperature gradient and simultaneous decrease of temperature of a model inside and on the surface. It seems that, with evaporation of a moisture from a surface of a body, the size of a temperature gradient in a thin superficial layer dependent in our experiments on capacity for heat production and environmental temperature, is increased and can be used in a live organism for definition of change in general heat content of the body with the purpose of maintenance of its thermal balance with environment.  相似文献   

Changes in the altitudinal lapse rate of temperature (ALRT) and temperature distribution at sea level were studied all over China, using temperature records from 671 meteorological stations during a statistical period from 1951 to 1980. ALRT varied regularly with distance from the eastern and south eastern coast (DC) with a minimum at about 600 km DC and a maximum at 1600–2000 km DC. The ALRT curve pattern was closely related to the mean altitude. The reliability of this trend was verified by calculating ALRT for each latitude group. Values of ALRT did not show any latitidinal trend within a distance group from the coast. An empirical equation was proposed for the relation between the DC and ALRT, and the ALRT for each meteorological station was estimated from the equation. The annual and monthly mean temperatures at sea level were calculated using the ALRT, and distribution maps were constructed. The isotherms ran almost parallel to latitude in January, and roughly parallel to the coastline in July. High temperatures at sea level were remarkable in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau, Sichuan Basin, Daxingan Ling and the area surrounding the Tien Shan Mountains.  相似文献   

Vegetation cover creates competing effects on land surface temperature: it typically cools through enhancing energy dissipation and warms via decreasing surface albedo. Global vegetation has been previously found to overall net cool land surfaces with cooling contributions from temperate and tropical vegetation and warming contributions from boreal vegetation. Recent studies suggest that dryland vegetation across the tropics strongly contributes to this global net cooling feedback. However, observation-based vegetation-temperature interaction studies have been limited in the tropics, especially in their widespread drylands. Theoretical considerations also call into question the ability of dryland vegetation to strongly cool the surface under low water availability. Here, we use satellite observations to investigate how tropical vegetation cover influences the surface energy balance. We find that while increased vegetation cover would impart net cooling feedbacks across the tropics, net vegetal cooling effects are subdued in drylands. Using observations, we determine that dryland plants have less ability to cool the surface due to their cooling pathways being reduced by aridity, overall less efficient dissipation of turbulent energy, and their tendency to strongly increase solar radiation absorption. As a result, while proportional greening across the tropics would create an overall biophysical cooling feedback, dryland tropical vegetation reduces the overall tropical surface cooling magnitude by at least 14%, instead of enhancing cooling as suggested by previous global studies.  相似文献   

Roelf Pot 《Hydrobiologia》1996,340(1-3):59-65
Changes in vegetation under reduced control measures over 3 to 5 years in watercourses in a rural environment in The Netherlands were evaluated. A method to deal with slow changes on a steep gradient is presented. The gradient with various vegetation types between the middle of the watercourse and the bank-top was split up into zones. Species composition of each zone was evaluated using literature on syntaxonomy. Cover of character species, multiplied by the width of the zones, was used to quantify the contribution of various syntaxa in the vegetation. Changes in these contribution data were used to evaluate changes over the years. The method was applied to two experiments in which cleaning frequency was reduced. Submerged vegetation of Callitriche-Ranunculetum penicillati in one and of Potamogetonetalia pectinati in the other case, hardly changed. Emergent vegetation of Nasturtio-Glycerietalia or Sparganio-Glycerietum fluitans tended to expand into the submerged zone. Bank vegetation began to show signs of development into ruderal vegetation, as a shift from Molinio-Arrhenatheretea into Artemisietea was detected. The method allowed the conclusion that conditions were too eutrophic in both experiments for a diverse brook vegetation development without additional habitat improvement.  相似文献   

Abstract. Moisture and nutrient gradients consistently explain much of the variation in plant species composition and abundance, but these gradients are not spatially explicit and only reveal species responses to resource levels. This study links these abstract gradients to quantitative, spatial models of hill‐slope assembly. A gradient analysis in the mixed‐wood boreal forest demonstrates that patterns of upland vegetation distribution are correlated to soil moisture and nutrient gradients. Variation in species abundance with time since the last fire is removed from the gradient analysis in order to avoid confounding the physical environment gradients. The physical‐environment gradients are related to qualitative positions on the hill slope i.e. crest, mid‐slope, bottom‐slope. However, hill‐slope shape can be quantitatively described and compared by fitting allometric equations to the slope profiles. Using these equations, we show that hill‐slope profiles on similar surficial materials have similar parameters, despite coming from widely separated locations. We then quantitatively link the moisture and nutrient gradients to the equations. Moisture and nutrients significantly increase as distance down‐slope from the ridgeline increases. Corresponding vegetation composition changes too. These relationships characterize the general pattern of vegetation change down most hill slopes in the area. Since hill slopes are a universal feature of all landscapes, these principles may characterize landscape scale spatial patterns of vegetation in many environments.  相似文献   

Salt marsh vegetation: Latitudinal gradients in the zonation patterns   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Summary Zonation patterns of salt marsh vegetation were examined at latitudes ranging from 44°40N at Halifax, Nova Scotia, to 58°50N at Churchill, Manitoba. It was found that in all areas examined the landward boundaries of the species' zones were more nearly coincident (i.e., more clustered) than their seaward boundaries. A conspicuous latitudinal trend was found: the clustering of both landward and seaward boundaries increased with increasing latitude. Evidence that between-species competition influences the locations of zone boundaries was also obtained. Possible implications of the results in terms of a relationship between intrapopulation polymorphism and latitude are discussed.  相似文献   

The growth of tropical rainforest in Amazon is critically vulnerable to the change in rainfall and radiation than in temperature, and that amount of rainfall and cloudiness in the northeast region of South American is strongly affected by the Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST). Results from recent model experiments for future climate projection have indicated a reduction of Amazonian greenness by a weakening of tropical vapor circulation system related with the change in SST. Therefore, the observational investigation of the relations between the Amazon greenness and Atlantic SST is fundamental to understand the response of Amazonian tropical forest to climate change. In this study, the effect of Atlantic SST on the spatial and temporal change of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in the Amazonian region is examined by using satellite remote sensing data for the period of 1981–2001. A strong correlation between NDVI and SST is found for certain regions in Amazon during the periods of 1980s and 1990s, respectively. In addition, strong correlations with NDVI lagging behind SST for two months and one year, respectively, are also identified from the interannual December-to-February (rain season) variations during 1981–2001. Despite these findings, the mechanisms behind the identified correlation remain unclear. Further analyses using observed precipitation and radiation data are required to understand the potential changes of Amazonian rainforest in the context of global warming.  相似文献   

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