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To evaluate the effects of climate change on boreal forest ecosystems, both atmospheric CO2 (to 560 ppmv) and air temperature (by 3°–5°C above ambient) were increased at a forested headwater catchment in southern Norway. The entire catchment (860 m2) is enclosed within a transparent greenhouse, and the upper 20% of the catchment area is partitioned such that it receives no climate treatment and serves as an untreated control. Both the control and treatment areas inside the greenhouse receive deacidified rain. Within 3 years, soil nitrogen (N) mineralization has increased and the growing season has been prolonged relative to the control area. This has helped to sustain an increase in plant growth relative to the control and has also promoted increased N export in stream water. Photosynthetic capacity and carbon–nitrogen ratio of new leaves of most plant species did not change. While the ecosystem now loses N, the long-term fate of soil N is a key uncertainty in predicting the future response of boreal ecosystems to climate change. Received 18 November 1997; accepted 13 April 1998.  相似文献   

The concentration of CO2 in stream water is a product of not only instream metabolism but also upland, riparian, and groundwater processes and as such can provide an integrative measure of whole catchment soil respiration. Using a 5-year dataset of pH, alkalinity, Ca2+, and Mg2+ in surface water of the West Fork of Walker Branch in eastern Tennessee in conjunction with a hydrological flowpath chemistry model, we investigated how CO2 concentrations and respiration rates in stream, bedrock, and soil environments vary seasonally and interannually. Dissolved inorganic carbon concentration was highest in summer and autumn (P < 0.05) although the proportion as free CO2 (pCO2) did not vary seasonally (P > 0.05). Over the 5 years, pCO2 was always supersaturated with respect to the atmosphere ranging from 374 to 3626 ppmv (1.0- to 10.1-fold greater than atmospheric equilibrium), and CO2 evasion from the stream to the atmosphere ranged from 146 to 353 mmol m−2 d−1. Whereas pCO2 in surface water exhibited little intra-annual or interannual variation, distinct seasonal patterns in soil and bedrock pCO2 were revealed by the catchment CO2 model. Seasonally, soil pCO2 increased from a winter low of 8167 ppmv to a summer high of 27,068 ppmv. Driven by the seasonal variation in gas levels, evasion of CO2 from soils to the atmosphere ranged from 83 mmol m−2 d−1 in winter to 287 mmol m−2 d−1 in summer. The seasonal variation in soil CO2 tracked soil temperature (r 2= 0.46, P < 0.001) and model-derived estimates of CO2 evasion rate from soils agreed with previously reported fluxes measured using chambers (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.62, P < 0.05) supporting the model assumptions. Although rates of CO2 evasion were similar between the stream and soils, the overall rate of evasion from the channel was only 0.4% of the 70,752 mol/d that evaded from soils due to the vastly different areas of the two subsystems. Our model provides a means to assess whole catchment CO2 dynamics from easily collected and measured stream-water samples and an approach to study catchment scale variation in soil ecosystem respiration. Received 24 July 1997; accepted 14 November 1997.  相似文献   

Although it is widely accepted that elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N) deposition, and climate change will alter ecosystem productivity and function in the coming decades, the combined effects of these environmental changes may be nonadditive, and their interactions may be altered by disturbances, such as fire. We examined the influence of a summer wildfire on the interactive effects of elevated CO2, N deposition, and increased precipitation in a full-factorial experiment conducted in a California annual grassland. In unburned plots, primary production was suppressed under elevated CO2. Burning alone did not significantly affect production, but it increased total production in combination with nitrate additions and removed the suppressive effect of elevated CO2. Increased production in response to nitrate in burned plots occurred as a result of the enhanced aboveground production of annual grasses and forbs, whereas the removal of the suppressive effect of elevated CO2 occurred as a result of increased aboveground forb production in burned, CO2-treated plots and decreased root production in burned plots under ambient CO2.The tissue nitrogen–phosphorus ratio, which was assessed for annual grass shoots, decreased with burning and increased with nitrate addition. Burning removed surface litter from plots, resulting in an increase in maximum daily soil temperatures and a decrease in soil moisture both early and late in the growing season. Measures of vegetation greenness, based on canopy spectral reflectance, showed that plants in burned plots grew rapidly early in the season but senesced early. Overall, these results indicate that fire can alter the effects of elevated CO2 and N addition on productivity in the short term, possibly by promoting increased phosphorus availability.  相似文献   

韩琳  王鸽 《生态学杂志》2012,31(8):1893-1902
以长白山阔叶红松混交林为研究对象,于2006—2008年原位模拟不同形态氮((NH4)2SO4、NH4Cl和KNO3)沉降水平(22.5和45kgN·hm-2·a-1),利用树脂芯法技术(resin-core incubation technique)测定了表层(有机层0~7cm)和土层(0~15cm)土壤氮素净矿化、净氨化和净硝化通量的季节和年际变化规律。同时,结合前人报道的有关林地碳、氮过程及其环境变化影响的结果,力求有效预估森林生态系统中氮素年矿化通量对大气氮沉降量和水热条件等因子变化的响应。结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林地土壤氮素年净矿化通量为1.2~19.8kgN·hm-2·a-1,2008年不同深度的土壤氮素年净矿化通量均显著高于2006和2007年(P<0.05)。随着模拟氮沉降量增加,土壤氮素净矿化通量也随之增加,尤其外源NH4+-N输入对净矿化通量的促进作用更为明显(P<0.05),但随着施肥年限的延长,这种促进作用逐渐减弱。与林地0~15cm土壤相比,氮沉降增加对0~7cm有机层氮素净氨化和净矿化通量的促进作用更为明显,尤其NH4Cl处理的促进作用更大。结合前人报道的野外原位观测结果,土壤氮素年净矿化通量随氮素沉降量的增加而增大,氮沉降量对不同区域森林土壤氮素净矿化通量的贡献率约为52%;氮沉降量(x1)和pH值(x2)可以解释区域森林土壤氮素年净矿化通量(y)变化的70%(y=0.54x1-18.38x2-109.55,R2=0.70,P<0.0001)。前人研究结果仅提供区域年均温度,未考虑积温的影响,这可能是造成年净矿化通量与温度无关的原因。今后的研究工作应该加强区域森林土壤积温观测,进而更加准确地预估森林土壤氮素的年净矿化通量。  相似文献   

Schaaf  W. 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):505-511
Main objective of this study was to test the effects of Mg(OH)2-fertilization in a Norway spruce ecosystem showing severe symptoms of Mg-deficiency.The site is characterized by high atmospheric inputs with deposition rates of 1.25 kg H, 42 kg S, and 32 kg N per ha and year. The typic Dystrochrept derived from granite is acidified down to greater depths. The pH-values in soil solution of the organic surface layer and the upper mineral soil are around 3.5. Concentrations of Al, SO4 2-, and especially NO3 - and DOC are very high. The element balance indicates a significant influence of N-inputs and processes of N-turnover on the chemical status of the soil and probably on tree nutrition. Nitrification in the upper mineral soil leads to a transformation of a major part of NH4 + into NO3 -, which is quantitatively leached, resulting in an ecosystem-internal H+-production of 1.8 keq ha-1yr-1. NO3 - and SO4 2- govern the seepage output from the ecosystem.Mg(OH)2 fertilization resulted in manifold increased Mg2+ concentrations in soil solution down to 70 cm soil depth and to a significant increase of pH down to 25 cm mineral soil depth. Nitrate concentrations were elevated after fertilization, but decreased within 15 months below the level of the control plot. As a mean over the whole experimental period, N-output was not increased by fertilization. Despite an elevated internal proton production due to nitrification, acid buffering in the soil was clearly increased, but enhanced Al-mobilization was not observed. Mg/Al- and Ca/H-ratios in soil solution indicate much more favourable conditions for fine root growth. Fertilization also increased the amount of exchangeable Mg down to 40cm mineral soil depth. Mg contents in current-year needles increased after three vegetation periods. Thirty months after application, only 10% and 4% of the fertilized Mg had left the organic surface layer and the mineral soil with seepage water output, respectively.  相似文献   

Landmanagement practices such as no-tillage agriculture and tallgrass prairie restoration have been proposed as a possible means to sequester atmospheric carbon, helping to refurbish soil fertility and replenish organic matter lost as a result of previous agricultural management practices. However, the relationship between land-use changes and ecosystem structure and functioning is not yet understood. We studied soil and vegetation properties over a 4-year period (1995–98), and assembled measurements of microbial biomass, soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N), N-mineralization, soil surface carbon dioxide (CO2) flux, and leached C and N in managed (maize; Zea mays L.) and natural (prairie) ecosystems near the University of Wisconsin Agricultural Research Station at Arlington. Field data show that different management practices (tillage and fertilization) and ecosystem type (prairie vs maize) have a profound influence on biogeochemistry and water budgets between sites. These measurements were used in conjunction with a dynamic terrestrial ecosystem model, called IBIS (the Integrated Biosphere Simulator), to examine the long-term effects of land-use changes on biogeochemical cycling. Field data and modeling suggest that agricultural land management near Arlington between 1860 and 1950 caused SOC to be depleted by as much as 63% (native SOC approximately 25.1 kg C m−2). Reductions in N-mineralization and microbial biomass were also observed. Although IBIS simulations depict SOC recovery in no-tillage maize since the 1950s and also in the Arlington prairie since its restoration was initiated in 1976, field data suggest otherwise for the prairie. This restoration appears to have done little to increase SOC over the past 24 years. Measurements show that this prairie contained between 28% and 42% less SOC (in the top 1 m) than the no-tillage maize plots and 40%–47% less than simulated potential SOC for the site in 1999. Because IBIS simulates competition between C3 and C4 grass species, we hypothesized that current restored prairies, which include many forbs not characterized by the model, could be less capable of sequestering C than agricultural land planted entirely in monocultural grass in this region. Model output and field measurements show a potential 0.4 kg C m−2 y−1 difference in prairie net primary production (NPP). This study indicates that high-productivity C4 grasslands (NPP = 0.63 kg C m−2 y−1) and high-yield maize agroecosystems (10 Mg ha−1) have the potential to sequester C at a rate of 74.5 g C m−2 y−1 and 86.3 g C m−2 y−1, respectively, during the next 50 years across southern Wisconsin. Received 28 December 1999; accepted 11 December 2000.  相似文献   

A seven year chemical budget of a minerotrophic conifer swamp located on the PreCambrian Shield, Ontario, Canada and subjected to anthropogenically acidified deposition is presented. Contrary to other published studies, this swamp retains sulphate during wet years and exports it during dry years. Alkalinity is always retained (acidity is exported) and base cations are almost always exported. It is predicted that if this pattern continues, the cation exchange sites of the swamp will become increasingly saturated with protons and aluminum ions, and the waters passing through the swamp will be increasingly acidified.  相似文献   

甘肃省河西走廊由于远离海洋和受高山阻隔而成为干旱区。但因特殊的地理环境而有南部祁连山水源涵养林调蓄降水和冰雪融水,形成了三大内陆河水系,灌溉河西走廊7.0×10~5  相似文献   

The deposition of anthropogenically fixed nitrogen (N) from the atmosphere onto land and plant surfaces has strong influences on terrestrial ecosystem processes. Although recent research has expanded our understanding of how N deposition affects ecosystems directly, less attention has been directed toward the investigation of how N deposition may affect ecosystems indirectly by modifying interactions among organisms. Empirical evidence suggests that there are several mechanisms by which N deposition may affect interactions between plants and insect herbivores. The most likely mechanisms are deposition-induced shifts in the quality and availability of host plant tissues. We discuss the effects of N deposition on host plant chemistry, production, and phenology, and we review the evidence for the effects of N deposition on insect herbivores at the individual, population, and community levels. In general, N deposition has positive effects on individual insect performance, probably due to deposition-induced improvements in host plant chemistry. These improvements include increased N and decreased carbon-based defensive compound concentrations. The evidence to date suggests that N deposition may also have a positive effect on insect populations. These effects may have considerable ecological, as well as economic consequences if the rates of herbivory on economically important timber species continue to increase. Deposition-induced changes in plant–herbivore relationships may affect community and ecosystem processes. However, we predict that the larger-scale consequences of interactions between N deposition and herbivory will vary based on site-specific factors. In addition, interactions between N deposition and other global-scale changes may lead to nonadditive effects on patterns of herbivory.  相似文献   

We compared Englemann spruce biogeochemical processes in forest stands east and west of the Continental Divide in the Colorado Front Range. The divide forms a natural barrier for air pollutants such that nitrogen (N) emissions from the agricultural and urban areas of the South Platte River Basin are transported via upslope winds to high elevations on the east side but rarely cross over to the west side. Because there are far fewer emissions sources to the west, atmospheric N deposition is 1–2 kg N ha−1 y−1 on the west side, as compared with 3–5 kg N ha−1 y−1 on the east side. Species composition, elevation, aspect, parent material, site history, and climate were matched as closely as possible across six east and six west side old-growth forest stands. Higher N deposition sites had significantly lower organic horizon C:N and lignin:N ratios, lower foliar C:N ratios, as well as greater %N, higher N:Ca, N:Mg, and N:P ratios, and higher potential net mineralization rates. When C:N ratios dropped below 29, as they did in east-side organic horizon soils, mineralization rates increased linearly. Our results are comparable to those from studies of the northeastern United States and Europe that have found changes in forest biogeochemistry in response to N deposition inputs between 3 and 60 kg ha−1 y−1. Though they are low by comparison with more densely populated and agricultural regions, current levels of N deposition, have caused measurable changes in Englemann spruce forest biogeochemistry east of the Continental Divide in Colorado. Received 22 January 2001; accepted 11 June 2001.  相似文献   

采用连续钻取土芯法在生长季内对东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场17年生水曲柳人工林根系取样,研究水曲柳不同直径根系现存生物量、比根长和根长密度及垂直分布状况.结果表明,水曲柳人工林根系总生物量为1 637.6 g·m-2,其中活根生物量占85%,死根占15%.在活根生物量当中,粗根(直径5~30 mm)占的比例最高(69.95%),其次为活细根(直径<1 mm,13.53%),小根(1~2 mm)和中等直径的根(2~5 mm)比例较小(分别为7.21%和9.31%).直径<1 mm活细根的比根长为32.20 m·g-1,直径5~30 mm粗根的比根长为0.08 m·g-1.单位面积上活根的总长度为6 602.54 m·m-2,其中直径<1 mm的细根占92.43%,其它直径等级则不到活根总长度的8%.直径<1 mm的细根生物量与根长密度具显著线性关系(R2=0.923),但与比根长无显著相关关系(R2=0.134).  相似文献   

The Kyoto protocol has focused the attention of the public and policymarkers on the earth's carbon (C) budget. Previous estimates of the impacts of vegetation change have been limited to equilibrium “snapshots” that could not capture nonlinear or threshold effects along the trajectory of change. New models have been designed to complement equilibrium models and simulate vegetation succession through time while estimating variability in the C budget and responses to episodic events such as drought and fire. In addition, a plethora of future climate scenarios has been used to produce a bewildering variety of simulated ecological responses. Our objectives were to use an equilibrium model (Mapped Atmosphere–Plant–Soil system, or MAPSS) and a dynamic model (MC1) to (a) simulate changes in potential equilibrium vegetation distribution under historical conditions and across a wide gradient of future temperature changes to look for consistencies and trends among the many future scenarios, (b) simulate time-dependent changes in vegetation distribution and its associated C pools to illustrate the possible trajectories of vegetation change near the high and low ends of the temperature gradient, and (c) analyze the extent of the US area supporting a negative C balance. Both models agree that a moderate increase in temperature produces an increase in vegetation density and carbon sequestration across most of the US with small changes in vegetation types. Large increases in temperature cause losses of C with large shifts in vegetation types. In the western states, particularly southern California, precipitation and thus vegetation density increase and forests expand under all but the hottest scenarios. In the eastern US, particularly the Southeast, forests expand under the more moderate scenarios but decline under more severe climate scenarios, with catastrophic fires potentially causing rapid vegetation conversions from forest to savanna. Both models show that there is a potential for either positive or negative feedbacks to the atmosphere depending on the level of warming in the climate change scenarios. Received 12 May 2000; accepted 22 November 2000.  相似文献   

Short photoperiod induces growth cessation in seedlings of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.] Karst.). Application of different gibberellins (GAS) to seedlings growing under a short photoperiod show that GA9 and GA20 can not induce growth. In contrast application of GA, and GA4 induced shoot elongation. The results indicate that 3β-hydroxylation of GA9 to GA4 and of GA20 to GA1 is under photoperiodic control. To confirm that conclusion, both qualitative and quantitative analyses of endogenous GAs were performed. GA1, GA3, GA4, GA7, GA9, GA12, GA15, GA15, GA20, GA29, GA34 and GA51 were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in shoots of Norway spruce seedlings. The effect of photoperiod on GA levels was determined by using deuterated and 14C-labelled GAs as intermal standards. In short days, the amounts of GA9, GA4 and GA1 are less than in plants grown in continuous light. There is no significant difference in the amounts of GA3, GA12, and GA20 between the different photoperiods. The lack of accumulation of GA9 and GA20 under short days is discussed.  相似文献   

CO2 and CH4 fluxes were monitored over 4 years in a range of taiga forests along the Tanana River in interior Alaska. Floodplain alder and white spruce sites and upland birch/aspen and white spruce sites were examined. Each site had control, fertilized, and sawdust amended plots; flux measurements began during the second treatment year. CO2 emissions decreased with successional age across the sites (alder, birch/aspen, and white spruce, in order of succession) regardless of landscape position. Although CO2 fluxes showed an exponential relationship with soil temperature, the response of CO2 production to moisture fit an asymptotic model. Of the manipulations, only N fertilization had an effect on CO2 flux, decreasing flux in the floodplain sites but increasing it in the birch/aspen site. Landscape position was the best predictor of CH4 flux. The two upland sites consumed CH4 at similar rates (approximately 0.5 mg C m−2 d−1), whereas the floodplain sites had lower consumption rates (0–0.3 mg C m−2 d−1). N fertilization and sawdust both inhibited CH4 consumption in the upland birch/aspen and floodplain spruce sites but not in the upland spruce site. The biological processes driving CO2 fluxes were sensitive to temperature, moisture, and vegetation, whereas CH4 fluxes were sensitive primarily to landscape position and biogeochemical disturbances. Hence, climate change effects on C-gas flux in taiga forest soils will depend on the relationship between soil temperature and moisture and the concomitant changes in soil nutrient pools and cycles. Received 10 March 1998; accepted 29 December 1999.  相似文献   

1. Bracken ( Pteridium aquilinum ) is an important fern with a global distribution. Little is known of the response of this species to elevated CO2. We investigated the effects of high CO2 (570 compared with 370 μmol mol–1) with and without an increased nutrient supply (a combined N, P, K application) on the growth and physiology of bracken, growing in containers in controlled-environment glasshouses, over two full growing seasons. Results of growth and physiology determinations are reported for the second season.
2. Elevated CO2 had little impact on the growth or allocation of dry mass in bracken. No significant changes were detected in dry mass of the total plant or any of the organs: rhizomes, roots and fronds. In contrast to the small effects of high CO2, the high nutrient treatment caused a three-fold stimulation of total plant dry mass and an increase in the allocation of dry mass to above ground when compared with low nutrient controls.
3. Net photosynthetic rates in saturating light were increased by both high CO2 and nutrient treatments, particularly in spring months (May and June). Growth in elevated CO2 did not cause a down-regulation in light-saturated rates of photosynthesis. The increased carbon gain in the high CO2 treatments was accompanied, in the low-nutrient plants, by higher concentrations of carbohydrates. However, in high-nutrient plants the CO2 treatment did not cause an accumulation of carbohydrates. The absence of a growth response to elevated CO2 in bracken despite significant increases in photosynthesis requires further investigation.  相似文献   

研究了温度、水分和演替阶段及其交互作用对中亚热带丘陵红壤区森林土壤氮素矿化过程及其矿化速率的影响.结果表明:温度和演替阶段对土壤氨化速率影响显著,其中12 ℃<24℃<36 ℃,灌丛林和马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林低于常绿阔叶林(P<0.05);而水分的影响不显著.水分和演替阶段对土壤硝化速率有显著影响,土壤半饱和含水量高于自然含水量及饱和含水量,且马尾松林高于灌丛林(P<0.05);而温度的影响不显著.温度、水分和演替阶段对土壤氮净矿化速率的影响均显著,其中12 ℃<24 ℃<36 ℃,土壤半饱和含水量高于自然含水量和饱和含水量,灌丛林<马尾松林<常绿阔叶林(P<0.05).温度升高有利于提高土壤氨化速率和净矿化速率,温度过高则抑制土壤硝化速率;土壤含水量适中有利于土壤氮素矿化过程;顺行演替将提高土壤供氮能力,且抑制过强的硝化作用.  相似文献   

樊后保    刘文飞    徐雷  李燕燕  廖迎春  王启其  张子文 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2546-2546~2553
在12年生的杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林中开展模拟氮沉降试验,分N0(对照)、N1、N2、N3等4种处理,N沉降量依次为0、60、120、240 kg N hm-2 a-1,每处理重复3次.通过2 a的监测和分析发现,经N0、N1、N2、N3处理后,凋落物分解过程中C平均含量分别为46.47%、46.35%、46.79%、46.6%,各处理之间无显著差异,但均随着分解时间的增加呈下降趋势.氮沉降明显增加了凋落物中的N含量,且随着沉降水平的增加而增加.各处理凋落物C的分解系数依次为0.739、0.744、0.936、0.708,周转期为4.26 a、4.26 a、3.46 a、4.41 a;而N的分解系数分别为0.458、0.543、0.776、0.565,周转期为6.26 a、5.44 a、3.91 a、5.20 a.N1处理表现出促进N释放的作用,但对C释放影响不明显;N2处理促进了凋落物C、N元素的释放,而N3处理则表现出一定的抑制作用.氮沉降处理也明显降低了凋落物的C/N比,N1、N2、N3处理使C/N比分别比N0下降8.59%、14.20%和17.54%.  相似文献   

采用人工模拟降雨的试验手段,设定6个降雨强度(31.8~114.0 mm·h-1),通过测试径流量、泥沙量、径流中总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)浓度,研究了浙江省2种不同经营方式竹林(用材竹林和笋竹林)坡地(坡度20°)径流的载荷特征及机理.结果表明:用材竹林地的总径流量和径流系数均高于笋竹林地;笋竹林地的径流含沙量和总产沙量远大于用材竹林地;相同雨强下,笋竹林地降雨径流中的TN浓度为用材竹林地的5~6倍,笋竹林坡地径流中TN浓度随雨强增大而减小;用材竹林地降雨径流中TP浓度高于笋竹林地,笋竹林地泥沙中TP流失量是用材竹林地的数百倍;在TN和TP随径流泥沙的流失过程中,产流前期浓度起主要作用,后期径流量和产沙量起决定作用.  相似文献   

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