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Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. is an obligate hemiparasiticangiosperm which can cause severe losses of yield in cerealcrops in the semi-arid tropics. The effects of this parasiteon the growth and stomatal conductance of three varieties ofmaize (Zea mays L.) during the first 6 weeks of the associationhave been studied. From 24 d after planting (DAP), infectedplants were significantly shorter than uninfected controls.When the plants were harvested 45 DAP, infected plants had fewerfully expanded leaves, less leaf biomass and less pseudo-stembiomass than uninfected controls. However, the parasitized plantshad more root biomass and hence a higher root:shoot ratio thanuninfected controls. The stomatal conductance of infected hostswas severely inhibited by comparison with that in uninfectedplants. The possibility that abscisic acid (ABA) may be involved inthe regulation of the parasitic association was investigated.ABA concentrations in leaf tissue of maize (cv. Cargimontana)and S. hermonthica were determined by radioimmunoassay. Whilethere was a difference between cultivars in the extent of theresponse, the concentrations of ABA were significantly higherin infected maize plants than in the uninfected controls. InS. hermonthica, leaf tissue ABA concentration was found to bean order of magnitude higher than in the host leaf tissue. Detachedleaves of S. hermonthica which were dehydrated at room temperatureuntil they had lost 10–20% of their fresh weight containedthree times the ABA concentration of control leaves. This suggeststhat leaves of S. hermonthica can synthesize or re-mobilizeABA in response to water deficit. It is not yet known whetherthis contributes to the higher concentration in infected hosts,but the results suggest that ABA has a role in this parasiticassociation. Key words: Striga hermonthica, abscisic acid, growth, parasitic angiosperm, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

Liang  J.  Zhang  J.  Wong  M. H. 《Photosynthesis research》1997,51(2):149-159
Effects of leaf water deficit and increase in endogenous ABA on photosynthesis of two tropical trees, t Acacia confusa and t Leucaena leucocephala, were investigated with two soil-drying methods, i.e. half or whole root system was subjected to soil drying. Half-root drying was achieved by allowing upper layer of soil column to dry and lower layer of soil column to remain watered. Half-root drying had little effect on leaf water potential, but when compared to the well-watered control, both methods of soil drying substantially increased the ABA concentration in xylem and reduced leaf conductance in both species. There was a significant relationship between leaf conductance and xylem ABA concentrations in both species, which was comparable to the same relationship that was generated by feeding ABA to excised twigs. The rate of photosynthesis was inhibited substantially in both soil-drying treatments and in both species, but photochchemical efficiency, measured as a ratio of variable fluorescence to a peak fluorescence emission of a dark-adapted leaf (Fv/Fm), was not reduced except in the whole root-dried t L. leucocephala plants where leaf water potential was reduced to –2.5 MPa. In all the cases where photosynthesis was inhibited, there was a concomitant reduction in both leaf conductance and calculated internal CO2 concentration. After two days of rewatering, leaf water potential and xylem ABA concentration rapidly returned to pre-treatment levels, but leaf conductance and photosynthesis of both whole-root and half root dried t L. leucocephala remained inhibited substantially. Rewatering led to a full recovery of both stomatal conductance and photosynthesis in soil-dried t A. confusa, although its photosynthesis of whole-root dried plants did not recover fully but such difference was not significant statistically. These results suggest that drought-induced decline of photosynthesis was mainly a result of the stomatal factor caused by the increase of ABA concentration in the xylem sap. Non-stomatal factors, e.g. reduced photochemical activity and/or carbon metabolic activity, were species-specific and were brought about only at very low water potential.  相似文献   

There is evidence that neuropeptide Y (NPY) acts as a neurotransmitter in vascular smooth muscle and is released with norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves. We hypothesized that NPY Y(1) receptor stimulation would produce vasoconstriction in resting and exercising skeletal muscle. Nine mongrel dogs were instrumented chronically with flow probes on the external iliac arteries of both hindlimbs and a catheter in one femoral artery. The selective NPY Y(1) receptor agonist [Leu(31),Pro(34)]NPY was infused as a bolus into the femoral artery catheter at rest and during mild, moderate, and heavy exercise. Intra-arterial infusions of [Leu(31),Pro(34)]NPY elicited reductions (P < 0.05) in vascular conductance of 38 +/- 3, 25 +/- 2, 17 +/- 1, and 11 +/- 1% at rest, 3 miles/h, 6 miles/h, and 6 miles/h and 10% grade, respectively. The agonist infusions did not affect (P > 0.05) blood flow in the contralateral iliac artery. To examine whether nitric oxide (NO) is responsible for the attenuated vasoconstrictor response during exercise to NPY Y(1) receptor stimulation, the infusions were repeated after NO synthase blockade. These infusions yielded reductions (P < 0.05) in vascular conductance of 47 +/- 3, 23 +/- 2, 19 +/- 3, and 12 +/- 2% at rest, 3 miles/h, 6 miles/h, and 6 miles/h and 10% grade, respectively. NPY Y(1) receptor responsiveness was attenuated (P < 0.05) during exercise compared with rest. Blockade of NO production did not affect (P > 0.05) the attenuation of NPY Y(1) receptor responsiveness during exercise. These data support the hypothesis that NPY Y(1) receptors can produce vasoconstriction in exercising skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Despite the considerable variation in milk composition found among mammals, a constituent common across all groups is lactose, the main sugar and osmole in most eutherians milk. Exceptions to this are the families Otariidae (fur seals and sea lions) and Odobenidae (walruses), where lactose has not been detected. We investigated the molecular basis for this by cloning alpha-lactalbumin, the modifier protein of the lactose synthase complex. A mutation was observed which, in addition to preventing lactose production, may enable otariids to maintain lactation despite the extremely long inter-suckling intervals during the mother's time at sea foraging (more than 23 days in some species).  相似文献   

Lucy Gilbert 《Oecologia》2010,162(1):217-225
The impact of climate change on vector-borne infectious diseases is currently controversial. In Europe the primary arthropod vectors of zoonotic diseases are ticks, which transmit Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (the agent of Lyme disease), tick-borne encephalitis virus and louping ill virus between humans, livestock and wildlife. Ixodes ricinus ticks and reported tick-borne disease cases are currently increasing in the UK. Theories for this include climate change and increasing host abundance. This study aimed to test how I. ricinus tick abundance might be influenced by climate change in Scotland by using altitudinal gradients as a proxy, while also taking into account the effects of hosts, vegetation and weather effects. It was predicted that tick abundance would be higher at lower altitudes (i.e. warmer climates) and increase with host abundance. Surveys were conducted on nine hills in Scotland, all of open moorland habitat. Tick abundance was positively associated with deer abundance, but even after taking this into account, there was a strong negative association of ticks with altitude. This was probably a real climate effect, with temperature (and humidity, i.e. saturation deficit) most likely playing an important role. It could be inferred that ticks may become more abundant at higher altitudes in response to climate warming. This has potential implications for pathogen prevalence such as louping ill virus if tick numbers increase at elevations where competent transmission hosts (red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus and mountain hares Lepus timidus) occur in higher numbers.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and aging: a role for the permeability transition?   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
When mitochondria are subjected to oxidative stress and relatively high [Ca2+], they undergo a "permeability transition" in which the inner membrane becomes freely permeable to low-molecular-weight solutes. This phenomenon reflects reversible deformation of the adenine nucleotide translocase, the loss of its native gating properties and the stabilization of the deformed state by cyclophilin-D. The permeability transition may be a factor in cell dysfunction associated with aging. This can manifest in a number of ways ranging, in the most severe, from impaired energy transduction and compromised viability to more subtle influences on the propagation of Ca2+ signals. This article critically examines data relevant to this issue.  相似文献   

Parchment, a biologically based material obtained from the processed hides of animals such as cattle and sheep, has been used for millennia as a writing medium. Although numerous studies have concentrated on the structure and degradation of collagen within parchment, little attention has been paid to noncollagenous components, such as lipids. In this study, we present the results of biochemical and structural analyses of historical and newly manufactured parchment to examine the potential role that lipid plays in parchment stability. The lipid fraction extracted from the parchments displayed different fatty acid compositions between historical and reference materials. Gas chromatography, small-angle X-ray scattering, and solid-state NMR were used to identify and investigate the lipid fraction from parchment samples and to study its contribution to collagen structure and degradation. We hypothesize that the origin of this lipid fraction is either intrinsic, attributable to incomplete fat removal in the manufacturing process, or extrinsic, attributable to microbiological attack on the proteinaceous component of parchments. Furthermore, we consider that the possible formation of protein-lipid complexes in parchment over the course of oxidative degradation may be mediated by reactive oxygen species formed by lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Filarial nematodes harbour intracellular bacteria of the genus Wolbachia. These bacteria are thought to be beneficial to the host nematode. Indeed, tetracycline treatments reduce the population of Wolbachia in filarial worms and have detrimental effects on the nematode. Even though various antibiotic-curing experiments have been performed on filariae, the actual role of Wolbachia in the biology of these nematodes is not yet clear. To address this issue, we designed a first experiment on a model filaria (Brugia pahangi), maintained in the gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). In this experiment, timing of tetracycline treatment was set on the basis of the larval stage of the nematode. This first experiment showed that 2 weeks of treatment started after the L(4)-L(5) moult of males, but before the moult of females, led to significant sex-ratio distortion of the nematodes. We thus hypothesised that tetracycline interferes with the moult in B. pahangi. To test this hypothesis, we designed a second experiment in which antibiotic treatments were started (1). before the moult of both sexes, (2). after the moult of males but before the moult of females, or (3). after the moult of both sexes. Treatment 1 determined a reduction of worm recovery with no sex bias. Treatment 2 led to a male-biased sex-ratio. Treatment 3 had no effect on either worm recovery or sex-ratio. These results thus support the hypothesis that tetracycline treatment interferes with the L(4)-L(5) moult of B. pahangi. The nematodes recovered from the treated and control animals were examined for the presence of Wolbachia using both immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR. In general, nematodes from treated animals showed a dramatic reduction in Wolbachia content. In one group, Wolbachia depletion, as observed at the end of the treatment, was followed by a rebound to 'normal' values 160 days later. Prospects for antifilarial therapy using Wolbachia-targeted tetracycline treatments should thus take into account the possibility of Wolbachia rebound.  相似文献   

This review is an attempt to retrace the chronicle of the discovery of the role of high-potential iron–sulfur proteins (HiPIPs) as electron carriers in the photosynthetic chain of bacteria. Data and facts are presented through the magnifying lenses of the authors, using their best judgment to filter and elaborate on the many facets of the research carried out on this class of proteins over the years. The tale is divided into four main periods: the seeds, the blooming, the ripening, and the harvest, representing the times from the discovery of these proteins to the most recent advancements in the understanding of the relationship between their structure and their function.  相似文献   

A Trypanosoma congolense cysteine protease (congopain) elicits a high IgG response in trypanotolerant but not in trypanosusceptible cattle during primary infections. As discussed here by Edith Authié, this observation suggests that congopain, like other parasite cysteine proteases, may play a role in pathogenicity and that more efficient immune responses to congopain may contribute to trypanotolerance.  相似文献   

AIMS: The current study aimed at assessing, in vitro, the potential use of probiotics for the skin. METHODS AND RESULTS: Propionibacteria were chosen as potential probiotics as they are members of the normal cutaneous microbiota. Dairy strains were chosen because of their documented safe use. Production of anti-microbial substances was assessed, against selected skin pathogens. Only production of organic acids was detected. Two of the tested strains were found to exhibit high adhesion to human keratin, in vitro. Despite this high adhesion, no inhibition of skin pathogen adhesion to human keratin was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The current strains assessed may not be optimal for use as skin probiotics. However, the results of the study show that the methodology works for investigating this kind of application. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Methods for selecting probiotics for potential application on the skin are presented.  相似文献   

The C4 cereal Sorghum bicolor was grown under either ambient (350 μmol mol?1) or elevated (700 μmol mol?1) [CO2] in either the presence or absence of the C3 obligate root hemi-parasites Striga hermonthica or S. asiatica. Both uninfected and infected sorghum plants were taller and had greater biomass, photosynthetic rates, water-use efficiencies and leaf areas under elevated compared with ambient [CO2]. There was no evidence of any downregula-tion of photosynthesis in sorghum grown at elevated [CO2]. Biomass of infected sorghum was lower under both ambient and elevated [CO2], and although infected plants were larger under elevated [CO2] the relative impact of infection on host biomass was either the same (S. asiatica) or only slightly less (S. hermonthica) than under ambient [CO2]. In contrast, biomass of S. hermonthica and S. asiatica per host was lower under elevated than ambient [CO2], although rates of photosynthesis were higher at elevated [CO2] and parasite stomatal conductance was not responsive to [CO2]. Parasites emerged above-ground and flowered earlier under ambient compared with elevated [CO2]. It appears that the mechanism(s) by which the parasites affect host growth is (are) relatively insensitive to increased atmospheric [CO2], although the parasites themselves were adversely affected by growth at elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

Obstruction of the lower urinary tract was diagnosed by ultrasound in 11 fetuses. One pregnancy was therapeutically aborted. Four of the neonates died within 48 hours because of pronounced pulmonary hypoplasia, which is associated with obstruction of the urinary tract. The remaining six survived with adequate renal function but one, now aged 4, is obviously too small for his age. Intervention in utero for obstruction of the urinary tract is safe, but those fetuses for whom it is appropriate cannot yet be identified because of difficulties in diagnosing the condition of the whole fetus.  相似文献   

In patchy habitats, the relationship between animal abundance and cover of a preferred habitat may change with the availability of that habitat, resulting in a functional response in habitat use. Here, we investigate the relationship of two specialized herbivores, willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) and mountain hare (Lepus timidus), to willows (Salix spp.) in three regions of the shrub tundra zone-northern Norway, northern European Russia and western Siberia. Shrub tundra is a naturally patchy habitat where willow thickets represent a major structural element and are important for herbivores both as food and shelter. Habitat use was quantified using feces counts in a hierarchical spatial design and related to several measures of willow thicket configuration. We document a functional response in the use of willow thickets by ptarmigan, but not by hares. For hares, whose range extends into forested regions, occurrence increased overall with willow cover. The occurrence of willow ptarmigan showed a strong positive relationship to willow cover and a negative relationship to thicket fragmentation in the region with lowest willow cover at landscape scale, where willow growth may be limited by reindeer browsing. In regions with higher cover, in contrast, such relationships were not observed. Differences in predator communities among the regions may contribute to the observed pattern, enhancing the need for cover where willow thickets are scarce. Such region-specific relationships reflecting regional characteristics of the ecosystem highlight the importance of large-scale investigations to understand the relationships of habitat availability and use, which is a critical issue considering that habitat availability changes quickly with climate change and human impact.  相似文献   

A new family of fatty acid- and retinoid-binding proteins has recently been identified in nematodes. These are apparently nematode specific and have very different structures and binding characteristics to their mammalian counterparts. Retinoids have important roles in vision, tissue differentiation and repair, and can profoundly affect collagen synthesis. Binding proteins released by a parasite might therefore play a part in the generation of the skin and eye pathology seen in river blindness. They might also be involved in the formation of the subcutaneous nodules induced by this parasite.  相似文献   

The majority of convincingly documented cases of hybridization in angiosperms has involved genetic introgression between the parental species or formation of a hybrid species with increased ploidy; however, homoploid (diploid) hybridization may be just as common. Recent studies, including one in BMC Evolutionary Biology, show that pollinator shifts can play a role in both mechanisms of hybrid speciation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A major characteristic of asthmatic airways is an increase in mucin (the glycoprotein component of mucus) producing and secreting cells, which leads to increased mucin release that further clogs constricted airways and contributes markedly to airway obstruction and, in the most severe cases, to status asthmaticus. Asthmatic airways show both a hyperplasia and metaplasia of goblet cells, mucin-producing cells in the epithelium; hyperplasia refers to enhanced numbers of goblet cells in larger airways, while metaplasia refers to the appearance of these cells in smaller airways where they normally are not seen. With the number of mucin-producing and secreting cells increased, there is a coincident hypersecretion of mucin which characterizes asthma. On a cellular level, a major regulator of airway mucin secretion in both in vitro and in vivo studies has been shown to be MARCKS (myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate) protein, a ubiquitous substrate of protein kinase C (PKC). GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: In this review, properties of MARCKS and how the protein may regulate mucin secretion at a cellular level will be discussed. In addition, the roles of MARCKS in airway inflammation related to both influx of inflammatory cells into the lung and release of granules containing inflammatory mediators by these cells will be explored. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biochemistry of Asthma.  相似文献   

Immature hypophysectomized, estrogen-treated rats were used to study the regulation of luteinization. Particular attention was focused on the potential role of the oocyte in this process. Rats were injected for 2 days with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to stimulate follicular development. Within 48 h following FSH treatment, many follicles became luteinized, as determined by morphometric analysis. This luteinization occurred in the absence of detectable levels of luteinizing hormone (LH). The number of follicles undergoing luteinization was dependent on the FSH dose. In addition, ovulation occurred in some of the animals receiving the highest doses of FSH (3-micrograms or 5-micrograms injections). The majority of follicles undergoing luteinization or ovulation were greater than 400 microns in diameter. Luteinized follicles exhibited positive reactivity for cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, lipid, and alkaline phosphatase, which was similar to that found in corpora lutea of the cycle. Serum progesterone (P0) and 20 alpha-hydroxypregn-4-en-one levels were elevated in animals with luteinized follicles, especially in those animals that also underwent ovulation. Morphological evaluation of oocytes showed that the majority of luteinized follicles contained a degenerating oocyte. Oocyte degeneration was highly correlated (r = 0.94) to luteinization. These results demonstrate that luteinization and ovulation can occur in the FSH/estrogen-primed hypophysectomized rats in the absence of detectable serum LH. Furthermore, LH-independent luteinization was strongly correlated to degenerative changes in the oocyte. These results provide new evidence to support the concept that the oocyte may be an intraovarian regulator of luteinization.  相似文献   

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