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The Las Losas site (approximately 500 m2) was cleared in July 1998 and revealed 375 theropod dinosaur footprints. Statistical surveys of their biomorphical and morphometrical data are congruent with a continuous morphological transition among the theropod footprints—a transition which does not allow us to differentiate ichnogroups. Certain footprints show a longitudinal groove in their toes. The foot movement of their trackmakers can be inferred from these grooves. There are also, in this outcrop, i) trackways whose ichnites are either regular or anomalous according to the position of crossing, ii) semiplantigrade trackways with digitigrade sections and iii) trackways that cross the footprint site without variation in their footprints. These facts allow us to infer that: i) the substrate hardness was different in different zones at particular moments, and ii) the variation in the regularity and shape of the footprints depended upon the mud conditions at the moment they were made. Three preferential directions of march are shown by the trackways, suggesting different phases of activity.  相似文献   

Human and other hominid fossil footprints provide rare but important insights into anatomy and behavior. Here we report recently discovered fossil trackways of human footprints from the Willandra Lakes region of western New South Wales, Australia. Optically dated to between 19-23 ka and consisting of at least 124 prints, the trackways form the largest collection of Pleistocene human footprints in the world. The prints were made by adults, adolescents, and children traversing the moist surface of an ephemeral soak. This site offers a unique glimpse of humans living in the arid inland of Australia at the height of the last glacial period.  相似文献   

The skeletal record of tyrannosaurids is well-documented, whereas their footprint record is surprisingly sparse. There are only a few isolated footprints attributed to tyrannosaurids and, hitherto, no reported trackways. We report the world’s first trackways attributable to tyrannosaurids, and describe a new ichnotaxon attributable to tyrannosaurids. These trackways are from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian - Maastrichtian) of northeastern British Columbia, Canada. One trackway consists of three tridactyl footprints, and two adjacent trackways consist of two footprints each. All three trackways show animals bearing southeast within an 8.5 meter-wide corridor. Similarities in depth and preservation of the tyrannosaurid tracks indicate that these three trackways were made by track-makers walking concurrently in the same direction. These trackways add significantly to previous osteology-based hypotheses of locomotion and behavior in Tyrannosauridae by providing ichnologic support for gregariousness in tyrannosaurids, and the first record of the walking gait of tyrannosaurids.  相似文献   

Were some dinosaurs gregarious?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A careful survey of the dinosaur footprints and trackways (identified as Eubrontes, Anchisauripus and Grallator) at the Mt. Tom site north of Holyoke, Massachusetts, and plots of their orientations reveal that an improbable percentage (70%) of the tracks are oriented in a nearparallel course. All but one of these coincident ancient traverses were probably made by the same kind of Triassic dinosaur (the footprints of which are referred to as Eubrontes). Comparable trackway orientation patterns have been reported by Albritton (1942) near Comanche, Texas for an Early Cretaceous dinosaur (iguanodobntid?) and Bird (1941, 1944) cited paralled sauporod trackways of Early Cretaceous age near the Paluxy River in Texas. Probability dictates that these sub-parallel traverses were not independent events and the presence of other deviating trackways at all three sites indicates that the trackmakers probably were not confined in their passage by physical barriers. Furthermore, the coincidental occurrence of such natural barriers at all of the sites mentioned here seems highly improbable. the combinedevidence of the Massachusetts site and the two Texas localities, together with the apparently widespread occurrence of dinosaur trackway lineation, strongly indicates gregarious habits for several different kinds of dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Abstract:  New findings of dinosaur footprints are described from the Upper Jurassic Iouaridène ichnosite of Morocco. On the top of two surfaces, stratigraphically close to that bearing the famous Breviparopus taghbaloutensis trackways, two footprints were excavated and assigned to the ichnogenus Deltapodus . This ichnogenus is well known from the Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire and also occurs in Upper Jurassic deposits from Iberia and the United States. This finding represents the first record of Deltapodus from Africa. These footprints, probably produced by stegosaurian dinosaurs, add new data on the distribution of this type of dinosaur and on the connection between the northern and southern margin of Tethys. 3D models have been generated to allow more detailed studies and to record these unique footprints.  相似文献   

Three fossilized trackways of human footprints were discovered in a pyroclastic flow dated to 385–325 ka, along the western margin of the Roccamonfina volcanic complex in Southern Italy. The pyroclastic flow is zeolite-rich and was probably emplaced at a relatively low temperature, forming a nonwelded pyroclastic deposit. The well-preserved footprints show the interesting strategies used by ancient humans in descending steep slopes. The footprints, short and very broad, are entaxonic, plantigrade, with an average length of 24cm and an average width of 10 cm. The three trackways are narrow with an oblique pace of about 60 cm and a stride of about 120 cm.

If dating constraints are correct, the Roccamonfina human fossil footprints are the oldest known in Europe and among the oldest in the world. Moreover, they are preserved on a steep slope lying in a subaerial setting and are associated with handprints. For their potential in preserving evidence of behavior, these tracks provide unique insight into the activities of some of the earliest known Europeans.  相似文献   

安徽省黄山地区恐龙(足迹)脚印化石的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简要报道了安徽省黄山地区所发现的恐龙足迹化石。从脚印的形态和足迹上看,至少有三种不同的恐龙(蜥脚类、兽脚类、鸟脚类)共同生存过,其中多数恐龙为两足行走性的。记述了两个典型的小型兽脚类和小型鸟脚类恐龙所留下的脚印化石。黄山地区恐龙足迹、骨骼化石及其蛋化石的发现,对于研究晚白垩世恐龙生活习性以及古气候环境均有着一定的意义。  相似文献   

Laetoli, a paleoanthropological site in Northern Tanzania, is perhaps best known for its famous fossil hominid footprints that were discovered by Mary Leakey and her co-workers in 1978. The site not only preserves the hominid footprints but also trackways, which provide a snapshot of Pliocene faunal communities from East Africa and their inferred environments. Unlike the hominid footprints at site G, which have received tremendous attention, the animal trackways, especially at Localities 7, 8 and 10 have been neglected and are fast disappearing. In this paper, we discuss animal tracks at a newly discovered exposure and provide preliminary data on the tracks at this exposure and other sites. We also discuss the importance of the animal trackways as ecological indicators, which we have investigated as part of ongoing research and conservation efforts initiated by the Tanzania Field School in Paleoanthropology and the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) Tanzania Semester Abroad programs.  相似文献   


Three parallel, manus-only sauropod trackways from the Coffee Hollow A-Male tracksite (Glen Rose Formation, Kendall County, Texas) were studied separately by researchers from the Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country and the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Footprint and trackway measurements generally show good agreement between the two groups’ data sets. Footprints appear to be shallowly impressed true tracks rather than undertracks. One of the Coffee Hollow trackways shows marked asymmetry in the lengths of paces that begin with the left as opposed to the right forefoot, and two of the Coffee Hollow trackways are unusually broad. The Coffee Hollow trackways differ enough from the manus portions of other Glen Rose Formation sauropod trackways to suggest that they were made by a different kind of sauropod. Greater differential pressure exerted on the substrate by the forefeet than the hindfeet probably explains the Coffee Hollow trackways, like other manus-only sauropod trackways, but the possibility that they indicate unusual locomotion cannot at present be ruled out.  相似文献   

In 1961, two human footprints were excavated from the Cuatro Cienegas region of Coahuila, Mexico, but for decades were not studied scientifically or deposited in any museum. Consequently, knowledge of the locality where they were found was lost. Once the two tracks were relocated they found their way to the Museo del Desierto, Saltillo (Coahuila) where they were placed on display with a tentative label suggesting an early Holocene age (10,000 B.C.). This inference was based only on the known antiquity of humans in the region determined from previous archaeological work and two dated sediment cores close to the footprint site. It was not until 2006 that the presumed footprint discovery site was rediscovered, revealing more than 20 additional well-preserved prints, in at least four trackways representing several different individuals with foot lengths ranging from about 23–27 cm. The tracks include one well-preserved trackway providing step and stride measurements. A poorly preserved cervid trackway and a possible duck footprint have also been identified. The footprints are preserved in hard tufa. Geochemical evidence suggests the tracks were made during periods of increased aridity.  相似文献   

David L. Roberts 《Ichnos》2013,20(3-4):190-207
Two Late Pleistocene hominid footprint sites are known in South Africa, one on the west coast (Langebaan) and the other on the southeast coast (Nahoon). Both trackways occur in calcareous eolianites and are dated to the Last Interglacial (~120 ka). The chief objective is to infer anatomical features of these early anatomically modern hominid footprint makers, about which little is known. At Nahoon, trackways of at least five species of vertebrates, including three hominid footprints, are preserved as casts. One footprint preserves excellent detail, appearing in all respects to be modern, but possibly with a deformity of the small toe. The impressions are shallow and suggest slight build. The stature of the footprint maker, as estimated from foot length (19.2 cm), is ~127 cm, considerably less than modern adult Khoi-San and was probably made by a juvenile. The step length is short relative to foot length, a consequence of walking uphill on a yielding substrate. The Langebaan trackway (preserved as natural impressions) comprises two intact prints and remnants of a third. Pronounced push up mounds flank the prints and preservation of toe impressions is poor. The foot length is 22.8 cm, indicating a stature of ~1.57 m. This falls within the range of modern adult Khoi-San, lending some support to the notion that Middle Stone Age people were of small stature. The depth of the prints and clumsy progression are suggestive of heavy build.  相似文献   

Donald Henderson 《Ichnos》2013,20(2-4):99-114
Three-dimensional, dynamic, computer models of the pelvis and hind limbs of theropods and ornithopods are used to produce synthetic trackways using a range of gait angles and degrees of limb joint flexion. The hip heights of the modeled stances are compared with the predictions of hip heights computed with various formulae that incorporate parameters measured from footprints and trackways. The tested formulae include: 4*footprint-length and other morphometric methods where the coefficients vary according to the size and taxonomic group of the inferred trackmaker, allometric methods with size and taxon specific coefficients and exponents, and pace-length divided by 0.6. The best fit (least difference) between model and predicted hip heights is achieved with the simple 4*footprint-length formula. The pace-length formula also works well, but only for a very narrow gait range. With one exception, a small theropod, the variable morphometric and allometric formulae consistently overestimate the hip heights in all case. For large theropods and ornithopods the overestimates can be up to 84% in extreme cases. There was also a trend for the magnitudes of overestimation to increase with increasing size of the trackmaker. The overestimates of hip height using these methods results in underestimation of the computed velocities attributed to the dinosaurs that made the trackways.  相似文献   

Dinosaur footprints occur in shallow marine sedimentary units of the Berriasian Villar del Arzobispo Formation in the Aliaga basin, NE Spain. Las Cerradicas is a small outcrop (25 m2), near Galve, with four dinosaur trackways. Three tridactyl trackways indicate bipedal animals, and have parallel orientation. A fourth or‐nithopod trackway indicates a quadrupedal animal and is the smallest among any reported in the literature (L = 23 cm, W = 23 cm of pes tracks). It has manus prints that are oval‐shaped impressions. These and other recent discoveries shed much light on the abundance of quadrupedal ornithopods during the early Cretaceous.  相似文献   


Four large limestone blocks with dinosaur footprints have been discovered in a large landslide situated in the Sarca Valley (northeast Italy). The trampled sediments have been ascribed to the upper part (Pliensbachian) of the Lower Jurassic Calcari Grigi Formation, which in the Sarca Valley consists of oolitic‐bioclastic limestones. These carbonates were originally deposited on the western margin of the Trento Platform, a paleogeographic structural high that was located in the northern tropical belt at the westernmost end of Tethys. Several footprints form trackways of quadrupedal dinosaurs. The data suggest the presence, within the ichnoassociation, of possible prosauropods and basal Thyrephora. This inference is consistent with the chronological and geographical distribution of both prosauropods and Thyreophora.  相似文献   


This study presents an ichnotaxonomical assessment of bird footprints from a coastal plain setting in the Eocene lower to middle Aspelintoppen Formation in Brongniartfjellet and Storvola, Svalbard. These footprints are unique evidence for Paleogene birds from Svalbard and the second evidence of Paleogene avifauna of the Arctic (along with scarce fossil remains from Ellesmere Island). The analyzed footprints are assigned to six ichnotaxa belonging to three ichnofamilies: Aquatilavipes isp., avian footprint morphotype A and B (ichnofamily Avipedidae); Gruipeda cf. G. abeli, Gruipeda cf. G. dominguensis (ichnofamily Gruipedidae); and Gyeongsangornipes isp. (ichnofamily unknown). Associated invertebrate ichnofossils include Helminthoidichnites tenuis, Cochlichnus anguineus, and Helminthopsis isp. The avian footprints reflect small, medium-sized and rare large birds that can be morphologically compared to those of modern relatives including crane, heron, plover, moorhen, gallinule, oystercatcher and curlew. It is also proposed that in situ sets of shorebird footprints showing a preferred orientation, not composing trackways and showing overprinting, can be used as an indicator of the position and orientation of the shoreline.  相似文献   

Cretaceous tetrapod (dinosaur and pterosaur) tracks from Zhaojue County in Sichuan Province are locally very abundant. Large scale quarrying operations at the Sanbiluoga Copper Mine site have produced extensive exposures, and track material for detailed study. However, natural track-bearing outcrops also occur at a site in Jiefang Township. The traditions of the local Yi people, indigenous to the area, attribute such tracks to Zhigealu, a central creator hero-ancestor, who made the footprints while riding his heavenly steed through the area. Through seeing tracks exposed by quarrying the local people offered these legend-based interpretations, and reported the Jiefang site which was previously unknown to scientists from outside the area. Thus, it is important to pay attention to local legends about track makers since they may lead directly to significant fossil footprint discoveries. Thereby paleontology and ichnological research can benefit largely from archeological sciences as well as from oral narratives from the local people. The recently discovered sauropod trackway from Jiefang is an excellent example. It comprises 16 pes-manus sets arranged in a narrow-gauge pattern. A peculiarity is the combination of this feature with morphological characteristics known from typical wide-gauge Brontopodus trackways suggesting a tentative assignment to cf. Brontopodus. The discovery enlarges the distribution and diversity of Brontopodus-like trackways and their producers in the Cretaceous Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   

Ardley Quarry, Oxfordshire, central England, preserves a most remarkable ichnological record of dinosaur activity on a single 168 Ma old trackway-bearing horizon. This horizon reveals over 40 dinosaur trackways, most of them sauropod, but including several giant theropod trackways tentatively attributed to Megalosaurus, the first creature of its kind recognized and assigned to Dinosauria. A 60 meter-long portion of one theropod trackway (no. 80) is systematically characterized in terms of pitch, yaw, and roll of successive footprints. Variations among these parameters correspond closely with acceleration/deceleration intervals in the trackway, impressed by the animal in wet calcareous mud within the tidewater zone of a mid-Jurassic coastal plain. Energy expended (1.4 watts) by the animal in making each footprint in the trackway is comparable to the resting metabolic rate of modern birds and mammals. Efforts by the theropod to accelerate are reflected by intervals of forward pitch of footprints; here the backward component of the force exerted upon the ground exceeds the forward component. Conversely, during braking (deceleration) intervals, footprints tend to exhibit a backward pitch in which the forward component of the force will have exceeded the backward component. Maximum positive yaw (outward from the midline of the trackway) generally corresponds with forward pitch. Positive yaw is greatest where positive (outward) roll is maximum. Measurements of pitch, yaw, and roll of dinosaur footprints hold potential for revealing fundamental locomotor characteristics of dinosaurs and for estimating acceleration and speed of an animal from its footprint record.  相似文献   

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