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Human tracks discovered in 1874 at a site named El Cauce or Acahualinca near the shores of Lake Managua, Nicaragua, are the most famous and abundant human tracks in the Americas. They represent a landmark ichnological discovery during the late 19th century that generated much debate regarding their age and origins. Reported dates for the tracks range from 2,120 to 6,500 B.P. The site, which is now situated within the limits of Nicaragua's capital city of Managua, forms the basis of the Acahualinca Tracks Museum (Huellas de Acahualinca) and has been in place since 1953. However, it is still little known and has not been systematically studied, despite being an important window into Meso-American prehistory. Two exposures of a surface of volcanic ash reveal hundreds of human tracks comprising a minimum of 12 clearly defined trackways, and a trampled zone or path representing at least three more individuals, all heading in the same northwesterly direction. Tracks of deer, opossum and at least one bird are also present. Bison tracks collected from another nearby site (El Recreo) that is no longer accessible are on display at the museum. The Acahualinca tracks are noteworthy for the exceptional quality of preservation. We herein present the first maps of the two exposures, which combine to tell a story of human and animal activity along the shores of ancient Lake Managua several thousand years ago.  相似文献   

Hominid footprints are particularly appealing and evocative of the living activity of our ancestors. The most famous and oldest (Late Pliocene, ca. 3.7 Ma) hominid footprints, from Laetoli in East Africa, have been attributed, with some uncertainly, to genus Homo or Australopithecus. The African track record also yields Early Pleistocene (~1.5 Ma) tracks attributable to Homo erectus. The only well-documented Middle Pleistocene tracks (age ~325,000-385,000 yrs) are reported from Italy and presumably represent a pre-Homo sapiens species.

The oldest Late Pleistocene tracks (~117,000 yrs), from southern Africa, may represent modern humans. However, the majority of Late Pleistocene sites are European, associated with caves in Romania, Greece, France and elsewhere, where hominid track preservation is often of high quality. Dates range from ~10,000 to ~62,000 BP Cavesite mammal tracks are almost exclusively those of carnivores, thus representing a distinctive underground ecology. Late Pleistocene open air sites are reported from widely scattered locations in Africa, Turkey, Tibet, Korea, Australia and even in the New World (Chile, Argentina and Mexico).

Early to Middle Holocene sites (> ~4,000 yrs BP) mainly occupy riparian, lacustrine, estuarine and littoral settings where the ichnofaunas are dominated by ungulates and shorebirds. Among these sites from England, Nicaragua, Argentina and Mexico and the United States, a few have been described in some detail. Younger Holocene sites are frequently associated with specified cultural periods (e.g., Neolithic, Bronze Age) or specific indigenous cultures, where supplemental archeological evidence may be directly associated with the footprint evidence.

At most surficial and some subterranean hominid tracksites, mammal and/or bird tracks are quite common and of use in creating a paleoecological picture of local faunas. The global distribution of human and hominid tracks is consistent with body fossil evidence and the record of archeological, cultural artifacts. However, in a few cases tracks suggest colonization of certain regions (Tibetan Plateau and the New World) earlier than previously thought. Tracks also give clues to behavior, age and health status of the trackmakers.  相似文献   

Russell H. Tuttle 《Ichnos》2013,20(3-4):158-165
In 1978 and 1979 at Laetoli, Northern, Tanzania, Mary D. Leakey and assistants excavated the most compelling evidence for the existence of bipedalism in Pliocene (3.5 Ma) hominids. They have stimulated controversy over the extent to which the three individuals had feet and gaits that are like those of humans versus having ape-like features and gaits. A short trail of bipedal tracks discovered in 1977 at Laetoli site A are probably not those of a hominid and more closely resemble the prints of bears. One of the original researchers on the Laetoli prints claimed that she could identify individual modern humans from their footprints, partial footprints and shoe prints because each individual has distinctive foot morphology on a par with the individuality of fingerprints. Courts of law should not have allowed her unproven (and now discredited) method to be used forensically prior to thorough review by scientific peers.  相似文献   


Nine dinosaur ichnospecies from the Lower Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous of Japan, including two that are new, are described herein. The new ichnotaxa are Asianopodus pulvinicalx ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. and Schizograllator otariensis ichnosp. nov. The Japanese ichnotaxa are allied to Lower Jurassic ichnospecies in South China, North America, Western Europe and South Africa, and Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous ichnospecies from Southeast and East Asia. This suggests they were part of a global ichnofauna before continental drift began in the Middle Jurassic, leading to the development of a more endemic dinosaur fauna in the Cretaceous. At least two assemblages, an ornithopod-gracile-toed theropod-dominated community, in northeastern Asia, and a robust theropod- and sauropod-dominated community in the southern part of the continent, existed in the Cretaceous. This parallels North American dinosaur distribution patterns in the Cretaceous and seems to be a reflection of paleolatitudinal controls.  相似文献   

Palaeosauropus primaevus is a tetrapod footprint ichnotaxon first described from the Upper Mississippian (Visean) Mauch Chunk Formation near Pottsville, Pennsylvania, United States. Our relocation of the type locality and stratigraphic horizon of P. primaevus, a long-available but unstudied collection of tetrapod footprints from these strata, and our new collections allow a much fuller characterization of this ichnotaxon and the range of extramorphological variation encompassed by it. P. primaevus is characterized as the footprints of a quadruped with a pentadactyl pes and a tetradactyl manus, in which the pes frequently oversteps the manus and with which tail drags are common. In the manus, all digits are relatively broad and have rounded tips, digit III is longest, and digit IV is more widely separated from digit III than the other digits are from each other. The pes has five digits that are also wide and blunt-tipped, digit IV is longest, and digit V projects nearly laterally. P. primaevus is the track of a relatively large temnospondyl (~400 mm gleno-acetabular length) and documents the Mississippian presence of such large amphibians long before their body fossil record. Palaeosauropus also occurs in Mississippian strata in Indiana and is distinguished from the geologically younger but similar temnospondyl footprint ichnogenus Limnopus by its relatively narrower manus and pes that lack broad and rounded sole impressions.  相似文献   

It is traditionally believed that human ancestors evolved in a warm and dry environment. The available evidence, however, favours the vision that it happened in a warm and wet environment. The paleo-environmental data suggest that the early australopithecinesAustralopithecus anamensis, afarensis andafricanus lived in warm, moist, and wooded landscapes such as gallery forests. In the Pleistocene, the robust australopithecinesA. robustus andboisei seem to have dwelt in more open, possibly cooler and generally dryer places, in the vicinity of shallow and relatively stagnant waters of lakesides, lagoons, marshes and riverbanks. Dental and microwear studies suggest that the australopithecines, more than Western lowland gorillas, regularly fed on aquatic herbaceous vegetation (AHV). Homo fossils, on the other hand, as suggested by the paleo-environmental data, are more frequently discovered near lakes, seas and rivers where molluscs were abundant. Shellfish could provide a dietary supplement for their omnivorous diet. This is how early hominines might have learned to use stones to crack bivalves. This subsequently could have led to stone tool use for other purposes.  相似文献   

Some theoretical and methodological morphometrical approaches in evolutionary anthropology and paleoanthropology are reviewed in this study. It is shown which are the contemporary possibilities of sophisticated biometrical and biostatistical methods and the role of the morphometrical approach. A new approach, experimental morphometrics, is presented, reflecting recent trends in evolutionary morphology as well as sophisticated biostatistical methods. The approach emphasizes the complex inter-related approach to the data processing and a double nature of morphometric data, i.e. biological and biostatistical one. The practical use of experimental morphometry is given for the two examples of analyses of the evolution of the hominoid and hominid femur and tibia. The hypothesis on a two stage restructuring of morphology of the hominid femur and tibia is supported by experimental results. Two different steps during this restructuring could be recognized: 1) Structural remodelling typical for the origin of hominids and australopithecine evolution, and 2) proportional remodelling of lower limb long bones which is connected with the Australopithecus/Homo transition (i.e. mainly Homo habilis stage). The results confirm the increasing trend of bipedal adaptations on the early hominid lower limb skeleton. Analysis of microevolutionary trends on the Homo sapiens femur and tibia indicates at least three different morphological patterns, Paleolithic, Neolithic and Recent, with numerous specific features in morphology and proportions. Neanderthal morphology is very derived. Upper Paleolithic/Mesolithic/Neolithic transition has a key character for the understanding of post-Paleolithic morphology. A very high sexual dimorphism of the femur and tibia has been demonstrated for Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic populations. Presented at the Foundation of Different Approaches to the Study of Human Evolution edited by B. Sigmon & V.V. Leonovicova-Liblice, September 1–3, 1989  相似文献   

Recent archeological research at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park indicates that the story behind the imprinting of at least 1773 human footprints preserved in the Ka’u Desert ash is more complex than originally thought. Footprint impressions found in desert ash layers were previously believed to have been created by the army of the Hawaiian Chief Keoua on its way back from battle in 1790. When Kilauea is said to have erupted, apparently suffocating one group, the others made it out alive, apparently leaving their footprints in the then-wet ash, which evidently dried and hardened. These features have since been preserved, often under layers of volcanic sand. This simple explanation of an event still remembered in oral tradition, is not supported by the geologic evidence and the recent discovery of hundreds of archaeological features which indicate much more prehistoric activity in the area for at least two centuries prior to 1790. This suggests other people contributed to the footprints preserved in the desert ash.  相似文献   

Abstract: New dinosaur tracksites are described from the Bajocian–Bathonian Bemaraha Formation of western Madagascar. Two track‐bearing surfaces can be followed over a distance of at least 4 km, suggesting the existence of a hitherto unrecognized megatracksite. The track assemblage is theropod dominated, but sauropod tracks also occur at one site. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the abundant theropod track material suggests that most, if not all, theropod footprints are attributable to a single trackmaker and are referred to Kayentapus isp. Although this ichnogenus, originally described from the Lower Jurassic of North America, has never been recorded from Gondwana nor from the Middle Jurassic, track morphology strongly suggests this attribution. Palaeogeographical, sedimentological and ichnological data suggest that the dinosaur tracks formed in an intertidal to supratidal setting where the coastline influenced the preferred walking direction of the animals.  相似文献   

Palaeontological and palaeoichnological studies were made along the southeastern coast of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Continental Late Pleistocene and continental, transitional and marine Holocene stratigraphic units were identified. The former are represented by fossil mammal bones and ichnites dated from 16,000 to 12,000 y. B.P. Continental Early Holocene beds dated circa 8,100 years B.P. contain fish, rodent and bird remains. Middle Holocene sediments 6,930 to 6,570 years B.P. are recorded by deposits bioturbated by estuarine crabs. During the Late Holocene, between 5,000 and 4,800 B.P., a marine transgression is recorded by a very rich mollusc fauna. The palaeoenvironmental variety recorded along a few tens of kilometers of the coast is a distinctive feature of this part of the Argentine coastal region. At Monte Hermoso beach, in the eastern part of the studied zone, archaeological materials were dated 7,300 years B.P., and human footprints dated 7,125 years B.P. were also recorded. In January 2005 some isolated human footprints were found at Pehuen-Co palaeoichnological site, which are older than those found at Monte Hermoso beach and of the same age as the oldest human archaeological findings in Patagonia, that is about 12,000 yeas B.P.  相似文献   

The ichnogenus Radulichnus Voigt, 1977 Voigt, E. 1977. On grazing traces produced by the radula of fossil and recent gastropods and chitons. In Trace fossils 2, eds. T. P. Crimes, and J. C. Harper, 335346. Geological Journal, Special Issue 9. [Google Scholar] is recorded for the first time from a bivalve, Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin, 1791 Gmelin, J. F. 1791. Caroli a Linné, Systema Naturae. Tom. I, Pars VI. Leipzig: G.E. Beer, pp. 30213910. [Google Scholar]), in a late Pleistocene molluskan assemblage from the southern Brazilian coastal plain. Grazing traces comprise short (<1?mm), parallel furrows, arranged in rows on the inner (concave) shell surface and mostly concentrated in its central area. Radulichnus accommodates scratches on hard substrates produced by the radula of grazing gastropod or polyplacophorans. Our literature survey on fossil and extant traces, as well as studies on the grazing mechanism in living mollusks, document at least two distinct morphotypes that are related to differences in the feeding modes of the producers. We propose to distinguish a second ichnospecies of Radulichnus, in addition to the type, R. inopinatus Voigt, 1977 Voigt, E. 1977. On grazing traces produced by the radula of fossil and recent gastropods and chitons. In Trace fossils 2, eds. T. P. Crimes, and J. C. Harper, 335346. Geological Journal, Special Issue 9. [Google Scholar] (produced by gastropods), which is named R. transversus isp. nov., and attributed to polyplacophorans. Grazing traces on the shell of A. brasiliana match the morphotype produced by polyplacophorans mollusks, and are indicative of its complex taphonomic history in comparison with other shells in this assemblage.  相似文献   

The taxonomic treatment of trace fossils needs a uniform approach, independent of the ethologic groups concerned. To this aim, trace fossils are rigorously defined with regard to biological taxa and physical sedimentary structures. Potential ichnotaxobases are evaluated, with morphology resulting as the most important criterion. For trace fossils related to bioerosion and herbivory, substrate plays a key role, as well as composition for coprolites. Size, producer, age, facies and preservation are rejected as ichnotaxobases. Separate names for undertracks and other poorly preserved material should gradually be replaced by ichnotaxa based on well-preserved specimens. Recent traces may be identified using established trace fossil taxa but new names can only be based on fossil material, even if the distinction between recent and fossil may frequently remain arbitrary. It is stressed that ichnotaxa must not be incorporated into biological taxa in systematics. Composite trace fossil structures (complex structures made by the combined activity of two or more species) have no ichnotaxonomic standing but compound traces (complex structures made by one individual tracemaker) may be named separately under certain provisions. The following emendations are proposed to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature: The term 'work of an animal' should be deleted from the code, and ichnotaxa should be based solely on trace fossils as defined herein.  相似文献   

Sara Höpner 《Ichnos》2017,24(4):259-282
Bone is a substrate for bioerosion at equal rank with xylic and lithic substrates. Accordingly, borings in bone have to be identified in an analogous way to other ichnogenera coined for one type of substrate. In due course, the new ichnogenera Osteichnus n. igen. and Clavichnus n. igen. are established within the new ichnofamily Osteichnidae. Gastrochaenolites and Trypanites are here restricted to lithic substrates, and Asthenopodichnium only occurs in xylic substrates. Only with this approach, ichnotaxobases of trace fossils in bone are identical to those in other hard substrates. Cuniculichnus variabilis n. igen. n. isp. is introduced for variably shaped pits to tunnels bored into bone by beetle (arguably dermestid) larvae; its ethological character is close to a pupichnion.  相似文献   


Peculiar meniscate burrows with three sediment cords occur in early to middle Miocene tidal-flat deposits of southwestern Japan. Two of the cords are situated at the bottom and the other is at its center. Detailed observations of the burrow structures and comparative neoichnological studies of modern spatangoid burrows in a tidal flat revealed that the former two were true drainage tubes and the latter was fecal in origin. The trace fossil was thus assigned to the ichnogenus Scolicia. Based on these findings, a new ichnospecies Scolicia shirahamensis isp. nov. has been described here. The central sediment cord is seemingly identical to the drainage tube of the ichnogenus Bichordites, another ichnogenus that has been commonly ascribed to a fossil spatangoid burrow, similar to Scolicia. Careless ichnogeneric identification of a spatangoid burrow, based only on the central sediment cord, therefore, may produce an incorrect identification.  相似文献   

Understanding how a circular economy (CE) can reduce environmental pressures from economic activities is crucial for policy and practice. Science provides a range of indicators to monitor and assess CE activities. However, common CE activities, such as recycling and eco‐design, are contested in terms of their contribution to environmental sustainability. This article assesses whether and to what extent current approaches to assess CE activities sufficiently capture environmental pressures to monitor progress toward environmental sustainability. Based on a material flow perspective, we show that most indicators do not capture environmental pressures related to the CE activities they address. Many focus on a single CE activity or process, which does not necessarily contribute to increased environmental sustainability overall. Based on these results, we suggest complementing CE management indicators with indicators capturing basic environmental pressures related to the respective CE activity. Given the conceptual linkage between CE activities, resource extraction, and waste flows, we suggest that a resource‐based footprint approach accounting for major environmental inputs and outputs is necessary—while not sufficient—to assess the environmental sustainability of CE activities. As footprint approaches can be used across scales, they could aid the challenging process of developing indicators for monitoring progress toward an environmentally sustainable CE at the European, national, and company levels.  相似文献   


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