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A long continuous trackway of a shorebird (cf. Charadriipeda) and a suite of possible Pantodonta (?Corophydon) or Dinocerata tracks are reported from the Eocene Karaj Formation. Fossil footprints are still rare in Iran, described only from two Jurassic and three Tertiary sites. Thus the current record, the third in the Teritary, adds to a sparse record and increases the diversity of known track types.  相似文献   


Sir William Jardine was a polymath; he was one of the world's foremost ornithologists, and ichthyologists, as well as a knowledgeable geologist, entomologist and botanist. He was a talented and skilled artist and engraver and a keen hunter and fisherman. He was also the author of the book The Ichnology of Annandale that represents the first book ever published on the subject of ichnology. It was here in this volume that Jardine coined the word ichnology. It is also one of the rarest ichnology publications, as it is believed that only 135–140 copies were ever printed. This volume remains the most lavishly illustrated book in vertebrate ichnology literature. This paper discusses the work of Jardine, the finds from his estate and his role in defining ichnology as a science.  相似文献   

Microremains of various sharks, actinopterygians and crocodiles have been recovered from two sites in the Douiret Formation and three sites in the Aïn el Guettar Formation in southern Tunisia. The presence of an actinistian is also suggested based on histological study of hemisegments of lepidotrichia. Convergence in dental enameloid microstructure between neoselachian sharks and actinopterygians sharing a tearing dentition is also documented. The vertebrate assemblage of the Douiret Formation suggests a pre-Aptian age for this formation and the presence of Bernissartia in the Aïn el Guettar Formation confirms faunal exchange between Africa and Europa during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Two new dinosaur tracksites are reported from the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation in the Sichuan Basin, Qijiang District of Chongqing. These are the Gaoqing-Yongsheng and the Huibu tracksites, which represent the 13th and 14th reports from this formation. The Gaoqing-Yongsheng tracksite reveals the trackway of a large biped (ornithopod) in association with isolated sauropod tracks and large indeterminate undertracks with radial cracks. These features are preserved as natural casts with pebble infillings in a coarse, cross bedded and very thick bedded sandstone sequence. The Huibu tracksite reveals isolated theropod tracks and ornithopod tracks, the latter having a quadripartite, Caririchnium-like morphology, preserved in a thin bedded sandstone sequence with intercalated mudstone.  相似文献   

脊椎动物雌雄生长差异的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了有关脊椎动物雌雄生长差异的研究,分别从摄食消化、生长与生殖能量配置、物种遗传、基因型与表现型、类固醇激素水平和生长轴基因表达等几个方面分析了脊椎动物雌雄生长差异的原因.  相似文献   

Public lands in the Rocky Mountain West are home to an abundance of vertebrate paleontological resources. These fossils typically are found in badlands terrain and at some distance from convenient transportation. These and other factors often make conventional surveying and mapping techniques time-consuming and problematic. Even obtaining quality images, at useful scales with limited distortions, can be difficult. In order to preserve the value of these unique paleontological resources, an integrated approach to close-range photogrammetry and high-accuracy ground-control surveying was developed in northern Wyoming for the documentation of tracks at the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite. At this site, several methods for taking high-resolution, low-distortion photographs of localities were investigated. These methods included using tripods of various heights, remote-controlled airplanes, and an Aerial Camera Blimp System. In addition, the use of a variety of ground-control collection methods, including high accuracy GPS and Light Detection and Ranging, have also been investigated. These various field data collection methods were successfully integrated using soft copy photogrammetry to produce digital terrain models, which can represent the surface to a precision of 1 cm or less. The three-dimensional data were brought into GIS software where they are displayed, combined with photographs, and rotated for viewing from different perspectives. As a result of the success of these technologies in Wyoming, studies of other dinosaur tracksites in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming (as well as bonebeds) have utilized these methods. The information gained from these sites is aiding in our understanding of community dynamics and preservational history of dinosaur populations in the Rocky Mountain West.  相似文献   

The geographic origins and distributional patterns of Gondwanan teleosauroids during the Jurassic have been fiercely debated over many years. Unlike the rich thalattosuchian fossil record from Laurasia, teleosauroids described from Gondwanan ecosystems are relatively scarce. Most of the known occurrences consist of isolated and fragmentary bones collected in Madagascar, Morocco, Tunisia, India, and Ethiopia. Nevertheless, these specimens, although fragmentary, have provided substantial information for assessing the evolutionary scenarios of multiple teleosauroid lineages and have shown that certain teleosauroid taxa were widespread rather than endemic to Western Europe. Here, a partial skeleton of a teleosauroid crocodylomorph is described. It was found in the late Middle Jurassic (Callovian) deposits of southeastern Tunisia by a team of French and Tunisian paleontologists; however, it has not been thoroughly studied at both macro- and microscopic scale until now. The new specimen is composed of an incomplete symphyseal portion of a lower jaw in addition to isolated teeth, osteoderms (both dorsal and ventral), thoracic and caudal vertebrae, and several thoracic ribs. The specimen has several morphological characters that are reminiscent of longirostrine teleosauroids. Due to the total absence of other cranial bones, as well as the pectoral and pelvic girdles, the specimen is not diagnostic to the generic level. However, these new remains represent the youngest ascertained occurrence of a definitive non-machimosaurin teleosauroid in Africa, provide additional insights into the geographic distribution of Thalattosuchia, and raise once again the question whether the origins of this clade were Gondwanan or Laurasian.  相似文献   

In his considerations of “organs of extreme perfection,” Charles Darwin described the evidence that would be necessary to support the evolutionary origin of the eye, namely, demonstration of the existence of “numerous gradations” from the most primitive eye to the most perfect one, where each such tiny change had provided a survival advantage (however slight) to the organism possessing the subtly altered form. In this paper, we discuss evidence indicating that the vertebrate eye did indeed evolve through numerous subtle changes. The great majority of the gradual transitions that did occur have not been preserved to the present time, either in the fossil record or in extant species; yet clear evidence of their occurrence remains. We discuss the remarkable “eye” of the hagfish, which has features intermediate between a simple light detector and an image-forming camera-like eye and which may represent a step in the evolution of our eye that can now be studied by modern methods. We also describe the important clues to the evolutionary origin of the vertebrate eye that can be found by studying the embryological development of our own eye, by examining the molecular genetic record preserved in our own genes and in the genes of other vertebrates, and through consideration of the imperfections (or evolutionary “scars”) in the construction of our eye. Taking these findings together, it is possible to discuss in some detail how the vertebrate eye evolved.  相似文献   

从八十年代初开始的、通过突变体分离早期胚胎发育基因的研究,揭示了无脊椎动物果蝇形态发生的分子机制,成为1995年诺贝尔生理或医学奖的主要内容,同时也标志着发育生物学已经成为生物学的带头学科。该成果的取得得益于果蝇具备发育生物学研究模型的特点,即可同时进行胚胎学和发育遗传学研究。在脊椎动物发育生物学研究方面,由于缺少适当的研究模型,有关早期胚胎发育基因表达调控的研究始终未获突破性进展。包括小鼠、鸡、爪蟾等在内的一些脊椎动物都只适用于胚胎学或者遗传学某一学科的研究,均不是理想的发育生物学研究模型。一种小型的鲤科鱼———斑马鱼,逐渐成为发育生物学研究的最佳脊椎动物模型。它光周期产卵,卵大,胚胎在体外发育,胚胎发育速度快,早期胚胎完全透明,这些特点使它成为很好的脊椎动物胚胎学研究模型;同时,它个体小,产卵量大,产卵周期短,单倍体、雌核发育二倍体的制作和突变体的获得均较容易,精子可以冷冻保存,所有这些特点又使斑马鱼非常适合于发育遗传学研究。本文将详细论述斑马鱼作为脊椎动物发育生物学研究模型的特点,以及作为模型动物正在进行的有关工作。  相似文献   

M. A. Whyte  M. Romano  D. J. Elvidge 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):117-129
Globally, skeletal remains of dinosaurs are particularly rare throughout much of the Middle Jurassic. Thus, other sources of evidence, and most importantly ichnofaunas, are important indicators of the contemporary terrestrial vertebrate communities. The outcrops of the Ravenscar Group (Aalenian—Bajocian) within the Cleveland Basin of Yorkshire, UK, which have recently been recognised as a megatracksite of global significance, provide one such major source of ichnofaunal information of this age. A comprehensive database on the variety and occurrence of dinosaur and other vertebrate traces within the Ravenscar Group has been built from a long-term and detailed study of the sequence. Thirty different and distinct morphotypes of vertebrate traces have been recognised and are being analysed and further differentiated morphometrically. Some of the morphotypes represent behavioural, preservational and perhaps ontogenetic variants of other morphotypes, but nevertheless the range of quadrupedal and bipedal prints allows an overall fauna of sauropod, stegosaurian, ornithopod and theropod dinosaurs along with crocodiles, pond turtles and fish to be reconstructed. The distribution and abundance of prints and print types within the succession shows evidence of environmental control on the behaviour and distribution of the vertebrates. Case studies highlight both the advantages and disadvantages of this type of data in reconstructing palaeocommunities.  相似文献   

贵州习水国家级自然保护区脊椎动物区系初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵州习水国家级自然保护区位于贵州北部的习水县境内,总面积486.7km^2,野生脊椎动物相当丰富,初步调查有34目91科340种,其中兽类8目25科74种,鸟类16目36科144种,爬行类3目10科34种,两栖类2目9科31种,鱼类5目11科57种,有国家一级重点保护动物5种,国家二级重点保护动物27种,贵州重点保护动物38种,是华南虎和小熊猫的重要栖息地,动物的区系组成很复杂,这与习水保护区的地貌和小气候多样性有关。  相似文献   

The Molecular Evolution of the Vertebrate Trypsinogens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We expand the already large number of known trypsinogen nucleotide and amino acid sequences by presenting additional trypsinogen sequences from the tunicate (Boltenia villosa), the lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), the pufferfish (Fugu rubripes), and the frog (Xenopus laevis). The current array of known trypsinogen sequences now spans the entire vertebrate phylogeny. Phylogenetic analysis is made difficult by the presence of multiple isozymes within species and rates of evolution that vary highly between both species and isozymes. We nevertheless present a Fitch-Margoliash phylogeny constructed from pairwise distances. We employ this phylogeny as a vehicle for speculation on the evolution of the trypsinogen gene family as well as the general modes of evolution of multigene families. Unique attributes of the lamprey and tunicate trypsinogens are noted. Received: 12 July 1997  相似文献   

The fossil record of vertebrate tracks in Mexico is taxonomically rich and geographically diverse, and ranges in age from Middle Jurassic to Pleistocene and possibly Holocene. Middle Jurassic saurischian dinosaur tracks from Oaxaca represent the oldest record of vertebrate tracks in Mexico. Tracks attributed to Late Jurassic theropods and ornithopods are known from Michoacán. Theropod tracks of supposed Jurassic age are known from Durango. Lower Cretaceous Saurischian and ornithopod tracks are known from southern Puebla. Central Mexico has yielded Late Cretaceous hadrosaurid and sauropod tracks (Puebla), and tracks belonging to Theropoda and Ornithopoda (El Aguaje, Michoacan). In Coahuila several tracksites occur within the Cerro del Pueblo Formation and include tracks of mesoreptiles, pterosaurs, small to large theropods, bipedal and quadrupedal ornithopods, birds and possibly a mammal. A tracksite in the Olmos Formation includes tracks of turtles, crocodilians, medium-sized theropods, small ornithopods, and birds. Bird tracks of supposed Eocene age are known from Sinaloa. Two important Pleistocene ichnofaunas occur in the states of Puebla (Tepexi de Rodríguez) and Jalisco (San Juan de los Lagos), and include tracks of camelids, artiodactyls, small ungulates, elephants, large felids and birds. Pleistocene human tracks occur in Coahuila and Jalisco. Mexico's track record provides important insights into vertebrate diversity, paleoecology, and paleoenvironments. Given the rate of new discoveries since 1998, there is no doubt that new sites await to be found.  相似文献   

An ichnofauna consisting of 18 ichnospecies (one of them new) in 14 ichnogenera are described for the first time from the Middle Jurassic Ridang Formation in Sajia County, South Tibet. The ichnofauna can be subdivided into two ichnoassemblages in ascending stratigraphic order: the Palaeophycus–Megagrapton ichnoassemblage in the lower and middle parts of the Ridang Formation, followed by the CosmorhapheNereites–Paleodictyon ichnoassemblage in the upper Ridang Formation. Overall, the trace fossils occur in a middle–distal turbidite fan sequence, as evidenced by both sedimentological analysis and the composition of the trace fossils. Several subenvironments of the middle–distal fan system have been recognized on the basis of the spatial distribution of the trace fossils. Typically, the channel-fill deposits in the middle part of the turbidite fan lack trace fossils, the interchannel and upper channel-fill (levee) subenvironments of the middle turbidite fan contain abundant facies-crossing trace fossils, in contrast to the distal part of the turbidite fan where deep-water trace fossils are dominant. The ichnofauna is similar to typical flysch ichnofaunas from Europe and North America in characteristics, and is interpreted to represent a typical deep-sea Nereites ichnofacies. The presence of these deep-sea trace fossils therefore would suggest that a continental slope environment existed in southern Tibet during the Middle Jurassic and the study area was located in a slope-abyssal plain setting.  相似文献   

A really unexpected finding of sauropod and theropod footprints in southern Latium raises to four the number of the trampled levels recognized in central and southern Italy. After the recent findings in Latest Jurassic and Early, mid and Late Cretaceous carbonate platform deposits of the Periadriatic region, dinosaur footprints seem to provide very important paleogeographic constraints for reconstructing the geodynamic history of the Mediterranean area. The presence of a varied ichnoassociation makes acceptance of the current paleogeographic models concerning the relative and absolute position of the Laziale-Abruzzese-Campano and of Apulian-Dinaric domains during the Late Cretaceous more and more problematic. Dinosaur footprints, combined with other paleontological data, demonstrate that these areas were never completely pulled apart by deep seaways, while frequent or continuous links between them, and to southern and northern mainlands, probably persisted. These data also allowed us to improve our understanding of the timing of the Mesozoic plate motion in this segment of the Western Tethys.  相似文献   

The Qingquan dinosaur tracksite, from the Lower Cretaceous Dasheng Group, Shandong Province, China adds to the growing record of saurischian-dominated ichnofaunas of the region. The site reveals the presence of avian theropods (Koreanaornis) and non-avian theropods tentatively referred to Jialingpus. Sauropod tracks are referred to Brontopodus. One site shows evidence of extensive trampling attributable to sauropods and theropods that moved in the same westerly direction, though not necessarily at exactly the same time. This site is reminiscent of the famous Davenport Ranch site in Texas which has provoked much debate about the herding behavior of sauropods as a defense strategy against theropod predators.  相似文献   

Until recently fossil footprints were virtually unknown from the Cretaceous of the eastern United States. The discovery of about 300 footprints in iron-rich siliciclastic facies of the Patuxent Formation (Potomac Group) of Aptian age is undoubtedly one of the most significant Early Cretaceous track discoveries since the Paluxy track discoveries in Texas in the 1930s. The Patuxent tracks include theropod, sauropod, ankylosaur and ornithopod dinosaur footprints, pterosaur tracks, and miscellaneous mammal and other vertebrate ichnites that collectively suggest a diversity of about 14 morphotypes. This is about twice the previous maximum estimate for any known Early Cretaceous vertebrate ichnofauna. Among the more distinctive forms are excellent examples of hypsilophodontid tracks and a surprisingly large mammal footprint. A remarkable feature of the Patuxent track assemblage is the high proportion of small tracks indicative of hatchlings, independently verified by the discovery of a hatchling-sized dinosaur. Such evidence suggests the proximity of nest sites. The preservation of such small tracks is very rare in the Cretaceous track record, and indeed throughout most of the Mesozoic.

This unusual preservation not only provides us with a window into a diverse Early Cretaceous ecosystem, but it also suggests the potential of such facies to provide ichnological bonanzas. A remarkable feature of the assemblage is that it consists largely of reworked nodules and clasts that may have previously been reworked within the Patuxent Formation. Such unusual contexts of preservation should provide intriguing research opportunities for sedimentologists interested in the diagenesis and taphonomy of a unique track-bearing facies.  相似文献   

The concept of dynamic similarity between mechanical properties of vertebrates and engineered structures has served in previous work to suggest that there is a power law relationship between vertebrate speeds and stride length. This relationship, with some additional assumptions about hind limb height, has permitted the calculation of speeds from fossil trackways of dinosaurs. However, there are claims that uncertainties are large. In this work we analyze the accuracy of speed calculations for fossil vertebrates based on fossil trackways by using data derived from both athletic competitions and an experiment with humans walking and running on a beach. Our results show that although there are somewhat different running regimes, in general terms human speed can be described in a simple way, and differences between observed and predicted speeds usually are no more than 10–15%. Thus, while recognizing that some uncertainty remains in the estimation of hind limb height, we conclude that reliable speed calculations can be obtained from vertebrate fossil trackways. Our results also show that very reliable speed estimates can be obtained from human fossil trackways directly from stride length measurements.  相似文献   

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