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Ichnologic note     
Radek Mikulàš 《Ichnos》2013,20(2):133-137
The brittle star Taeniaster bohemicus was found in association with the trace fossil Asteriacites lumbricalis in the Upper Ordovi‐cian of central Bohemia. Morphological features of the trace, coupled with spatial interrelationships between trace and body fossils, provide evidence that the brittle star represents the trace‐maker of this Asteriacites. The cubichnial burrows probably represent negative phototaxis among the ophiuroids.  相似文献   

Ichnologic note     
Paolo Arduini 《Ichnos》2013,20(3):239-240

A discovery of a new site with dinosaur tracks from central Italy dramatically alters former palaeontological and paleogeographical hypotheses on the Jurassic of this area.  相似文献   

A new ichnospecies of Cardioichnus, Cardioichnus biloba isp. nov., is described and documented from shallow marine strata of Cretaceous (Late Albian) age in southern New Mexico, USA. It is a heart-shaped resting trace which, unlike all other ichnospecies of Cardioichnus, is epichnial and increases in width to a bilobate trace, often with a raised anterior terminus. Only the posterior end of this trace is associated with Bichordites burrows, and the anterior end is bilobate and undisturbed. This represents a resting position which differs from other known species of this cubichnium, which are hypichnial and subquadrate in symmetry. The tracemaker is a spatangoid echinoid, most likely Heteraster d'Orbigny, 1853.  相似文献   

William Buckland not only was an eccentric scientist either liked or disliked by his peers but, in the early 1800s, was also the foremost authority on coprolites. The latter were a source of considerable amusement to some of his friends.  相似文献   

Abundant asterozoan trace fossils in the Lower Cretaceous Apeleg Formation of southern Chile were produced by the infilling of traces made by asteroids and ophiuroids on a muddy surface. Most are preserved as hypichnial ridges formed as casts on the bottom of fine-grained sandstone laminae. Star-shaped Asteriacites lumbricalis are interpreted as the infillings of shallow excavations made by asteroids. Hook-shaped and sinuous ridges of the newly defined ichnogenus and ichnospecies Ophioichnus aysenensis are interpreted as the casts of imprints made by the walking action of the arms of ophiuroids. Deposition probably took place in an offshore tide-swept marine shelf environment. In life the animals formed an assemblage equivalent to echinoderm aggregations on the modern sea floor.  相似文献   

Burmite (Burmese amber) from the Hukawng Valley in northern Myanmar is a remarkable valuable and obviously the most important amber for studying terrestrial diversity in the mid-Cretaceous.The diversity of Burmite inclusions is very high and many new taxa were found,including new order,new family/subfamily,and new genus.Till the end of 2016,14 phyla,21 classes,65 orders,279 families,515 genera and 643 species of organisms are recorded,which are summized and complied in this catalogue.Among them,587 species are arthropods.In addtion,the specimens which can not be identified into species are also listed in the paper.The information on type specimens,other materials,host and deposition of types are provided.  相似文献   


The validity of the monotypic ichnogenus Thatchtelithichnus has been called into question due to an inference that it is a bioclaustration. Close analysis of the Thatchtelithichnus holmani holotype reveals that no part of this ichnotaxon involves a bioclaustration, and thus it remains a valid ichnotaxon. Thatchtelithichnus holmani has been observed on the bottom shell (plastron) of cryptodiran and pleurodiran turtles in North America and Egypt where it is interpreted to represent an attachment trace of aquatic ectoparasites. It has also been observed on dinosaur long bones where it may represent the activity of beetle larvae.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of a Lower Cretaceous conifer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Remains of Pseudofrenelopsis parceramosa (Fontaine) Watson (Cheirolepidiaceae) from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight have been examined from the point of view of the branching and mode of growth of the plant. Evidence is presented that the tree exhibited seasonal growth and that the young extension shoots bore numerous temporary ultimate branch? is of limited growth. The tree was probably adapted to warm seasonally arid conditions.  相似文献   

A new species, Keteleerioxylon kamtschatkiense, is described from the Cretaceous of the northwestern Kamchatka Peninsula on the basis of wood anatomy. Fossil wood showing anatomical characters of the modern genus Keteleeria is described from the Cretaceous of the Russian Far East for the first time.  相似文献   

Mainly based on the characters of the fertile segments, two new species of the Early Cretaceous ferns:Athyrium hulunianurn Chen, Ren et Deng (sp. nov. )and A. hailaerianurn Deng et Chen (sp. nov. ) have been nominated from the Yimin Formation, Zhalainuoer, Nei Monggol.  相似文献   

Fossil record of Early Cretaceous birds may be geographically biased, and eggs and eggshells predating the Late Cretaceous were unknown. Here, we report the oldest known bird eggshell (FPDM-V-0009175) collected from the upper Barremian Kitadani Formation in Katsuyama City, Fukui, Japan. The Kitadani Formation likely represents fluvial environments. Thin-section and scanning electron microscope analyses revealed diagnostic characters of FPDM-V-0009175, including thin (0.44 mm) shell, smooth external surface, non-branching and narrow pore canals with relatively constant width, three structural layers, oblique crystal orientation from vertical in the external layer, and mammillary to continuous to external layer thickness ratio of 1:1:0.44. These characters allow assignment of FPDM-V-0009175 to a new oogenus and oospecies, Plagioolithus fukuiensis, and suggest it belonging to a bird. The three-layered eggshell structure is seen in extant and extinct birds, Plagioolithus fukuiensis, and non-avian theropods. Therefore, such structure may be plesiomorphic among theropods, appearing in the late Barremian or earlier. As the first bird body fossil from the Mesozoic of Japan, Plagioohlithus fukuiensis suggests extensive distribution and abundance of birds in the Barremian East Asia. Plagioolithus fukuiensis indicates that the late-Barremian birds inhabited and reproduced in the fluvial environments within a basin located along the eastern margin of the Asian continent.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:90A8CCE8-57F7-473C-855C-B2CCE2BBD1A2  相似文献   

A new ichnogenus, Vagorichnus, is figured and described from Jurassic lacustrine turbidites of the Anyao Formation, Henan Province, Central China. Vagorichnus consists of complex burrow systems composed of discontinuous curved to meandering segments in which irregular networks are formed. The ichnospecies V. anyao covers burrow systems characterized by constricted and irregularly annulated segments, and ridge‐like knobs. Although traces are preserved as hypichnial ridges on the sole of turbidite sandstones, several lines of evidence indicate that these ichnofossils record the activity of a post‐event infauna. Vagorichnus occurs as discrete and compound ichnotaxa. In the latter case, it grades into Gordia and Tuberculichnus. Vagorichnus is interpreted as invertebrate feeding structures (Fodinichnia).  相似文献   

Zhang W  Yao Y  Ren D 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):185-198
A new genus with a new species of Saldidae, Brevrimatus pulchalifergen. et sp. n., is described and illustrated. The fossil specimen was found from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Duolun County, Inner Mongolia, China. Phylogenetic analyses within Saldidae were performed, and the results indicate Brevrimatus pulchalifergen. et sp. n. should be assigned to the subfamily Chiloxanthinae.  相似文献   

浙江天台晚白垩世伤齿龙(troodontids)蛋化石的新发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浙江天台上白垩统赤城山组中发掘出属伤齿龙类的棱柱形蛋化石。研究认为,棱柱形蛋从伤齿龙类恐龙中产出就具有较高刚度的蛋壳,可直接插入松软的泥沙里,明显区别于其他大多数恐龙及现代爬行类所产的韧性蛋壳蛋,韧性蛋壳的恐龙蛋往往因重力作用产生变形而呈扁球形和扁椭球形。伤齿龙类的棱柱形蛋的刚性蛋壳很接近现代鸟蛋的蛋壳,暗示伤齿龙类恐龙生殖系统在蛋壳形成方面与现代鸟类有一定相似性。同时,伤齿龙类的棱柱形蛋或多或少地以向外倾斜的形式排布,反映出伤齿龙类恐龙产卵时可能面向巢穴外,是一种对生存环境的适应行为。  相似文献   

Museum specimens, particularly old collections, typically lack comprehensive field data and determination of substrate, sampling biases, etc., is problematic. Diversity at the generic level of all identifiable latest Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) echinoderm remains in major museum collections from the Mons (southern Belgium) and Danish (Jylland (Jutland) and Sjælland (Zealand)) basins were compared to those of the Liège-Limburg Basin. The last-named has been studied in detail, including microscopical analysis of ossicles picked from bulk samples. Echinoids of the Mons Basin show similarities to those of the Liège-Limburg Basin, but crinoids, asteroids and ophiuroids remain poorly known from the former. Echinoderms of the Danish Basin resemble those of similar chalk lithofacies in the Liège-Limburg Basin, despite significant geographical separation. These disparities can be explained, at least in part, by collector bias in sampling methodology, although differences in substrate presumably also had an influence.  相似文献   

南极乔治王岛始新统化石山组含多种类型遗迹化石,常与鸟类足迹相伴产出。记述的1新遗迹属及所属的5新遗迹种,从遗迹化石形态两侧对称,纵向延伸,缺乏疣足及其它附肢构造等特征看,推测造迹者为软体蠕虫类,很可能属于寡毛纲的动物。这些化石反映了浅水河湖的沉积环境。  相似文献   

Bichordites monastiriensis Plaziat and Mahmoudi 1988, produced by burrowing spatangoid echinoids, is figured and described from shallow marine siliciclastic strata of the Pleistocene Old Pera Beds (Coastal Group) of southeast Jamaica. Its occurrence there represents only the second formal recording of this monospecific ichno‐taxon and extends its geographic range from the Mediterranean region to the Caribbean. The spatangoid species that produced this trace fossil is unknown, but, unlike examples from other areas, it is unlikely to be Echinocardium.  相似文献   

Several morphological varieties of trace fossils abound in Middle and Late Triassic fluvial redbeds in the Pranhita‐Godavari Valley, south India, including Skolithos, Palaeophycus, Taenidium, escape burrows, and a type of trace very similar to ‘small stuffed burrows’ from the Triassic of Greenland. Burrow morphology was influenced by local hydrodynamic conditions. The distribution of burrows was facies controlled; some forms are restricted to channel deposits whereas others occur only in floodplains. Vertical dwelling burrows (Skolithos) occur in both channel and floodplain deposits. Horizontal structures representing deposit feeding (Taenidium) are confined to nondepositional surfaces within parallel‐laminated sandstones having parting lineations that represent catastrophically emplaced sand‐sheets in channels and proximal floodplains. Vertical escape burrows are confined to what were slowly but continually accreting parallel‐laminated sands of channel bars. Horizontal dwelling burrows (Palaeophycus) and ‘small stuffed burrows’ are virtually restricted to the smaller sandsheets of floodplain drainage systems.

The burrow assemblages do not occur as recurrent associations throughout the redbed sequence, and variations in different stratigraphic levels seem to be controlled by minor differences within a broadly similar environment. The entire assemblage has components of both the Scoyenia and Rusophycus ichnocoenoses reported from East Greenland but may be considered as the Scoyenia ichnofacies characteristic of redbeds deposited in extensive floodplains dissected by small streams, even though no Scoyenia individuals are present.  相似文献   

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