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Empruthotrema kearni n. sp. and Thaumatocotyle pseudodasybatis Hargis, 1955 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) are reported from the nasal fossae of the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari Euphrasen, 1790, from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. The discovery of E. kearni n. sp. is the first record of this genus from the Myliobatidae and a new geographical record for the genus. A comparison of T. pseudodasybatis from Florida, USA and from Queensland, Australia revealed morphometrical and microhabitat differences. The discovery of T. pseudodasybatis in Australian waters is a new geographical record for this species.  相似文献   

报道了山东植物2个新记录属:荚果蕨属(Matteuccia Todaro)及其新记录种荚果蕨(Matteuccia struthiopteris(Linnaeus)Todaro),觿茅属(Dimeria Robert Brown)及其新记录种觿茅(Dimeria ornithopoda Trinius)。凭证标本均存放于山东中医药大学药学院标本室(SDCM)。  相似文献   

An adult male of Maynard's Longnose Sand Snake (Lytorhynchus maynardi) was collected on 24 July 2009 from the east of Sistan and Baluchistan Province in south-eastern Iran. The new locality is the westernmost record of this species in western Asia, and the first record for 42 years from Iran. Information on the geographic distribution of the genus Lytorhynchus Peters, 1863 in Iran, comparative morphology and some ecological data are presented here.  相似文献   

报道中国象天牛族3新纪录种:齿带瘤象天牛Coptops ocellifera Breuning,1965,黑带埃象天牛Ereis subfasciata Pic,1925和哈朗瘦象天牛Leptomesosa langana(Pic,1917)。其中埃象天牛属Ereis Pascoe,1865是中国新纪录属。圆尾长臂象天牛Golsinda basicornis Gahan,1894是贵州省新纪录种,皱胸角象天牛Mesocacia rugicollis Gressitt,1940被作为圆尾长臂象天牛的新异名,并指定了圆尾长臂象天牛的正副选模标本。  相似文献   

A new species of Late Cretaceous clawed lobster, Paraclytia valashtensis, is described. The discovery is a notable addition to the sparse decapod fossil record of Iran, and this is the first record of the genus outside central Europe. The four previously known species of Paraclytia are from Germany and the Czech Republic, so this discovery represents a significant expansion of the palaeogeographic range of the genus.  相似文献   

2022年9月和2023年4月在浙江省温州市鹿城区仰义水库分别采集到1条脊蛇属(Achalinus)物种幼体尸体标本(标本编号分别为2022AZJLCN1和2023AZJLCN2)。形态上它们分别与黄家岭脊蛇(A. huangjietangi)和云开脊蛇(A. yunkaiensis)接近。基于线粒体COI基因片段的最大似然树结果,两蛇样本序列分别与这两种脊蛇聚为一个支系;2023AZJLCN2标本与云开脊蛇的遗传距离为0.10,低于中国境内分布脊蛇属物种间的遗传距离(0.12~0.16);2022AZJLCN1标本与黄家岭脊蛇的遗传距离为0.09,在黄家岭脊蛇种内遗传距离(0.04~0.12)范围内。综上,鉴定2023AZJLCN2标本为云开脊蛇,2022AZJLCN1标本为黄家岭脊蛇。此前记录云开脊蛇分布于我国广东和广西,本次在浙江温州市鹿城区的发现为浙江蛇类新分布记录种;黄家岭脊蛇分布于安徽和浙江,此次在在温州市鹿城区的发现是温州市首次新分布记录。这两种脊蛇的新分布记录提示它们有更广的分布范围。  相似文献   


The dermapteran faunas of Niue Island and the Cook Islands are composed entirely of cosmopolitan species. Niue I. has two species, Chelisoches morio and Euborellia annulipes (the latter is a new record). The Cook Is have three species—the two found on Niue, and Marava arachidis, which is a new record.  相似文献   

报道了河南省五加科(Araliaceae)1个分布新记录属及其属下1新记录种,梁王茶属(Metapanax J. Wen & Frodin),异叶梁王茶[Metapanax davidii (Franchet) J. Wen & Frodin]。该种为常绿灌木,叶为单叶或掌状分裂,花聚生为伞形花序,再组成顶生的圆锥花序,苞片早落,花梗具关节,子房2室,核果,扁球形,花期7~8月,果期9~11月。讨论了该种叶、花、果的形态学变异特征和其区系地理学意义。该新记录的发现对梁王茶属的系统分类、迁移演化以及药用植物资源开发具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

About 50 species in more than 20 genera of the microdrile oligochaete families Tubificidae, Naididae, Opistocystidae, and Enchytraeidae and the freshwater megadrile families Sparganophilidae and Alluroididae were identified in recent collections made in Guyana. Only seven species in these families were previously recorded from Guyana. The aquatic oligochaete fauna has similar components to those of the southeastern United States, other locations in South America, and across lower latitudes in the northern hemisphere. A high diversity of species is found in the naidids especially in the genera Pristina and Pristinella, especially considering the small number of locations that have been sampled. The collections include approximately 12 new species of rhyacodrilines (Tubificidae), Dero, Pristina, Pristinella (Naididae), Brinkhurstia (Alluroididae), Hemienchytraeus and Aspidodrilus (Enchytraeidae). This is the first record of Aspidodrilus from outside of Africa and the first new record since 1952.  相似文献   

Seven species of Centrorhynchus Lühe, 1911 are present in the Parasitic Worms Collection of The Natural History Museum, London: C. aluconis (Müller, 1780) Lühe, 1911 from Strix aluco Linnaeus in Great Britain; C. buteonis (Schrank, 1788) Kostylev, 1914 from Accipiter virgatus (Temminck) (new host record) in Sri Lanka (new geographical record); C. clitorideus (Meyer, 1931) Golvan, 1956 from Athene brama (Temminck) (new host record) in India; C. crotophagicola Schmidt & Neiland, 1966 (encysted juveniles in the stomach wall) from Anolis lineatopus Grey (new host record) and A. sagrei Duméril & Bibron (new host record) from Jamaica (new geographical record); C. falconis (Johnston & Best, 1943) Golvan, 1956 from Spilornis cheela (Latham) in Sri Lanka (new geographical record); C. globocaudatus (Zeder, 1800) Lühe, 1911 from Falco ardosiaceus Vieillot (new host record) in West Africa; and C. milvus Ward, 1956 from Milvus migrans (Boddaert) in India. The species are described and figured on the basis of this material.  相似文献   


Camels are exceptionally rare in the Plio-Pleistocene fossil record of Africa, hindering attempts to understand the evolution of this family on the continent. Here we describe recently collected camel specimens from the Shungura Formation, Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia, and attribute these remains to Camelus grattardi. The new specimens date to the late Pliocene (~3 to 2.6 Ma) and consist of three upper molars, one upper premolar, and two proximal metatarsals. The dental specimens confirm this species’ small P4 relative to its molars, a trait that differs significantly from all extant and fossil Old World camels. The metatarsals indicate that C. grattardi was similar in size to the living Bactrian camel, C. bactrianus. Phylogenetically, we find no suitable ancestor, sister, or descendant of the eastern African fossil camel, which suggests greater lineage diversity in Plio-Pleistocene Camelus than previously recognised. Microwear analyses suggest that C. grattardi was likely a mixed-feeder preferring browse, which is consistent with carbon isotopes of enamel from the Turkana Basin. A review of the fossil record of African camels suggests no clear paleoenvironmental association, as fossil camels occur in a range of environments from dry savannas with no permanent water bodies to closed woodlands along the paleo-Omo River.  相似文献   

A total of nine silica-scaled chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae: two species each in Spiniferomonas and Paraphysomonas; Synurophyceae: five Mallomonas species), 16 heliozoa, and two scaled flagellates were recorded from 19 samples collected from Edo State, Nigeria, over a period covering both dry and rainy seasons in 2006–2007. Identifications were based on transmission electron microscopy. Eleven are new records for Africa, including a new species of Mallomonas, M. cribridomus. Also observed were two siliceous scaled colourless free-living thaumatomonad flagellates, Thaumatomastix nigeriensis and Gyromitus limax, the latter also a new record for Africa.  相似文献   

Abstract: The fossil record of the callianassid genus Glypturus (Decapoda, Axiidea) is re‐evaluated. Our systematic revision, both of extant and fossil taxa, is based on major cheliped morphology only, thus providing an important impetus for palaeontological studies. Both spination and tuberculation of chelipeds are herein considered of great taxonomic importance. Presence of spines on the upper margins of the merus and propodus and the lower margin of the carpus are significant for generic assignment, whereas the extent of tuberculation on lateral surfaces of the propodus is important for assignment at the species level. Altogether, four extant and six exclusively fossil species of Glypturus are recognized. Several extinct callianassid taxa are now transferred to the genus, namely Callianassa berryi, Callianassa fraasi, Callianassa munieri, Callianassa pugnax and Callianassaspinosa; Callianassa pseudofraasi is considered a junior synonym of C. fraasi. Based on a comparison of ecological preferences of extant representatives, the presence of Glypturus in the fossil record is considered to be linked with tropical to subtropical, nearshore carbonate environments of normal salinity. We argue that Glypturus is of Tethyan origin, with a stratigraphical range going as far back as the Eocene. Since then, the genus migrated both westwards and eastwards, establishing present‐day communities in the western Atlantic and Indo‐West Pacific which both comprise several distinct species. In the presumed area of origin, the genus does no longer occur today. The exlusively fossil (middle Eocene) genus Eoglypturus from Italy is considered closely related to Glypturus and is thus assigned to the subfamily Callichirinae as well.  相似文献   

Seven hyphomycete isolates from forest environments of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, were identified to Gliocephalotrichum microchlamydosporum and G. simplex. The former species is a new record in Japan. Although the five known species in the genus Gliocephalotrichum including two isolates of G. microchlamydosporum and four of G. simplex in this study are all soilborne, another isolate of G. simplex was first isolated from an unidentified basidiocarp tissue.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the hypotrich ciliate Uroleptoides longiseries, isolated from sandy soil beside the Yellow River, Suide, Yulin, Shaanxi Province, China, was investigated using protargol staining. The main events during binary fission are as follows: (1) the long frontoventral row is formed by a single anlage; (2) five frontoventral‐transverse cirral anlagen are formed in primary mode; (3) only the posterior part of the parental adoral zone of the membranelles is renewed; and (4) the oral primordium of the opisthe is formed intrakinetally. This is the first detailed record of all stages of morphogenesis for Uroleptoides. We also provide the first record of the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences for U. longiseries. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rDNA sequences data show that Uroleptoides longiseries clusters with U. magnigranulosa with moderate to high support which together form a clade with Orthoamphisiella breviseries. These three species share the morphogenetic feature of the long frontoventral row being formed by a single anlage.  相似文献   

Abstract: All known etyid crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the upper Albian – lower Cenomanian Aldoirar coralgal‐dominated patch reef (Albeniz Unit, Eguino Formation), as exposed at the disused Koskobilo quarry in Navarra, northern Spain, are described, discussed and illustrated. A new species, Xanthosia koskobiloensis, the first member of the genus on record from southern Europe, is erected, and a variety that appears closely related to this, Xanthosia cf. X. koskobiloensis, is recognised. This new taxon could be a forerunner of the early Palaeocene (Danian) Xanthosia gracilis from Fakse (Sjælland, eastern Denmark), with which it shares a morphologically closely similar carapace. On the basis of a revised overview here of all species assigned to it, the genus Xanthosia may have evolved in an environment dominated by deposition of siliciclastics, rather than chalks. In addition, Etyxanthosia fossa has been collected at Koskobilo, and as the distribution of all known specimens demonstrates, E. fossa inhabited various environments. Another new species, Caloxanthus paraornatus, is closely similar as well to a species from Fakse, Caloxanthus ornatus, and constitutes the first record of the genus for southern Europe.  相似文献   

An assemblage of abundant and well-preserved tetrapod footprints has been discovered in the Tanamert Member (T3) of the Triassic Timezgadiouine Formation (Argana basin, western High Atlas, Morocco). It is the first fossil record from T3. Surfaces from different localities show a uniform tetrapod ichnofauna that consists of chirotherian and small lacertoid forms. The chirotherians are assigned to the plexus Protochirotherium—Synaptichnium, their trackmakers interpreted as basal archosaurs. The lacertoid imprints show close affinities with Rhynchosauroides and may reflect archosauromorphs or lepidosauromorphs. Protochirotherium—Synaptichnium assemblages are characteristic of the Early Triassic and were known previously only from units of this age in central Europe. Biostratigraphically, the European record implies a wide-spread pre-Anisian Protochirotherium—Synaptichnium dominated assemblage preceding the first appearance of Chirotherium barthii near the Olenekian-Anisian boundary. The stratigraphic position of T3 between Late Permian (uppermost T2) and Middle Triassic (T4) and the European correlatives suggest an Early Triassic age of this unit. It is the first record of Early Triassic continental deposits in Morocco. The surfaces from T3 open up perspectives for further contributions to ecology, biogeography and locomotion of early archosaurs. Furthermore, excellent outcrops and quality of footprint preservation in the Argana basin offer a potential for clarification of ichnotaxonomic and biostratigraphic issues.  相似文献   

Abstract: The ‘perleidiform’Mendocinichthys and Pseudobeaconia from the Potrerillos and Santa Clara Abajo formations (Upper Triassic; Argentina) are reviewed. Mendocinichthys has been known from a review of this species that is not based on the type material, but on referred specimens in the American Museum of Natural History. However, those specimens are found here to represent a new species of Pseudobeaconia, Pcelestae sp. nov. Consequently, Mendocinichthys is restricted here to the type material and, within it, to the only specimen that clearly represents a distinct taxon and is thus designated lectotype. We further performed a cladistic analysis and propose a new family, Pseudobeaconiidae for these two South American Triassic genera, which is mainly characterized by the presence of an incomplete dorsal ridge of spine‐like scales between the skull and the dorsal fin, and scales with straight posterior border, an elevated central region and marginal concentric ridges of ganoine. The cladistic analysis further indicates the existence of some lineages endemic to certain areas of Gondwana and Europe. Pseudobeaconia celestae sp. nov. represents the first record of Pseudobeaconia in the Cacheuta sub‐basin of the Cuyana Basin. The genus was previously known from the Santa Clara sub‐basin of the Cuyana Basin only, and the new record confirms the previous hypothesis of correlation between the sedimentary infilling of these sub‐basins.  相似文献   

Tayassu pecari is widely distributed across the Neotropical region, from northern Argentina to south-eastern Mexico. However, its fossil record is scarce; it is recorded since the middle Pleistocene to Holocene in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. This paper aims to: (1) update the systematic synonymy of this species; (2) review and update its geographic chronologic distribution and provide a new Lujanian record of Tayassu pecari in Buenos Aires Province and (3) discuss the paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical implications of this record. Considering the quantitative analysis performed, the fossil here recorded clearly integrates the group of Tayassu pecari. This specimen corresponds to the first record of Tayassu pecari in the central-northern region of the Buenos Aires Province. During Late Pleistocene, Tayassu pecari was distributed southern to its recent range, probably evidencing different paleoenvironment conditions. This species is the better adapted peccary to tropical and subtropical rainforests, but may also be present in arid environments. Consequently, Tayassu by itself is insufficient to infer the prevailing environmental conditions. However, according to the fauna associated with the specimen described here, it is possible to infer an open or semi-open and arid or semi-arid environment for the central-northern Buenos Aires region by Late Pleistocene times.  相似文献   

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