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The Late Triassic—Early Jurassic ichnofauna described mainly by Paul Ellenberger from southern Africa (Lesotho) is a valuable window on first phases of dinosaur diversification. Unfortunately, the present taxonomic status of several forms from that ichnofauna is unclear. The revision of this material has been frequently invoked and partially done without reaching many definitive results. Due to the enormous amount of data, a global revision seems at present impossible and must be accomplished in smaller steps. A small number of Ellenberger's ichnogenera including Tetrasauropus, Pseudotetrasauropus, Pentasauropus, Paratetrasauropus, Sauropodopus and Deuterosauropodopus, which different authors have ascribed to basal sauropodomorphs, are here revised in a consistent manner and their attribution to osteological clades is considered. Tetrasauropus and Pseudotetrasauropus are here validated as the only ichnotaxa related to sauropodomorphs. Pentasauropus is retained as valid, and a therapsid trackmaker is suggested. Paratetrasauropus and Sauropodopus are also validated and ascribed to non-dinosaurian trackmakers, and Deuterosauropodopus is synonymized with Sauropodopus.  相似文献   

河南织机洞旧石器遗址的洞穴堆积和沉积环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MIS3阶段晚期是末次冰期中一个气候比较温暖的间冰阶,当时人类活动相当活跃,在世界各地这一时期的人类文化遗址不仅数量多,而且文化面貌也发生明显的变化。织机洞遗址是一处以旧石器时代中晚期为主的洞穴遗址,洞穴中堆积地层可以划分为四层:下部含丰富的打制石器称下文化层,属旧石器中晚期;中部不含石器;上部含少量打制石器称中文化层,属旧石器晚期;顶部含有裴李岗和秦汉时期的文化遗存称上文化层,属全新世时期。根据光释光年代测定,文化遗存最为丰富的下文化层,年龄为距今3·5—5万年,相当于MIS3阶段的中晚期,正处于"旧石器晚期革命"的前夕。孢粉分析结果表明,下文化层所处的MIS3阶段气候比较温暖湿润,为暖温带草原-疏树草原环境,良好的气候环境有利于当时古代人类的生存与繁衍。  相似文献   

Body masses of some South American dinosaurs are estimated. The sauropod Argentinosaurus huinculensis reached 73 tonnes, and therefore, is the largest of all land animals whose mass has been rigorously obtained. Another sauropod, Antarctosaurus giganteus, was the second largest, at nearly 69 tonnes, while Antarctosaurus wichmannianus reached 34 tonnes. A third sauropod, the bizarre-looking Amargasaurus cazaui, was much smaller, with a body mass of only 2.5 tonnes. Among theropods, the body mass of the strangely looking, horned Carnotaurus sastrei, was volumetrically estimated at 1.5 tonnes, while allometric equations on limb measurements yielded overestimations. Moreover, the holotype specimen of Giganotosaurus carolinii (MUCPv-CH-1) was about as large as the average-sized Tyrannosaurus rex, and only marginally smaller than “Sue”, the largest specimen. However, a new dentary of Giganotosaurus (MUCPv-95) is 8% longer than that of the holotype. Assuming geometric similarity, that individual must have had a body mass above 8 tonnes and hence must have been the largest theropod ever found.  相似文献   

James M. Clark  Xing Xu 《Evolution》2009,2(2):236-247
Dinosaurs have captured the popular imagination more than any other extinct group of organisms and are therefore a powerful tool in teaching evolutionary biology. Most students are familiar with a wide variety of dinosaurs and the relative suddenness of their extinction, but few are aware of the tremendous longevity of their time on Earth and the richness of their fossil record. We first review some of the best-known groups of dinosaurs and discuss how their less-specialized relatives elucidate the path through which each evolved. We then discuss our recent discovery of Yinlong downsi, a distant relative of Triceratops, and other fossils from Jurassic deposits in China to exemplify how the continuing discovery of fossils is filling out the dinosaur family tree.  相似文献   

The ecosystem impact of megaherbivorous dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation would have depended on their abundance (number of animals per unit of habitat area) on the landscape. We constrain Morrison megaherbivore abundance by modelling dinosaur abundance in terms of carrying capacity (K), average body mass (ABM) and animal's energy needs. Two kinds of model are presented: ‘demand-side’ models that estimate K in terms of the aggregate energy demand of the dinosaur community, and ‘supply-side’ models that estimate K in terms of retrodicted primary productivity. Baseline values of K, ABM and energy needs for the models are further derived from comparisons with modern large herbivores, and from the composition of the megaherbivore fauna from a particular stratigraphic interval of the Morrison, but in all models a broad range of fractions and multiples of these baseline parameters are considered. ‘Best-guess’ estimates of Morrison megaherbivore abundance suggest an upper limit of a few hundred animals across all taxa and size classes per square kilometre, and up to a few tens of individuals of large subadults and adults.  相似文献   

Previous research on chemical communication among hypogean fishes have suggested that these species are attracted, as are epigean species, by the odour of non-injured conspecifics. Considerations on the biological meaning of such responses and some doubts about the reliability of the experimental procedure previously utilised, have led us to reconsider the matter and verify the results already obtained in the cave cyprinid Phreatichthys andruzzii. Using a new methodological approach we ascertained not only the absence of positive chemotaxis to odour of known or unknown conspecifics, but also the presence of a strong negative chemotaxis towards the odour of unfamiliar conspecifics and of individuals belonging to the closely related species Barbus conchonius. The biological meaning and the adaptive value of these reactions are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A large bipedal tridactyl dinosaur trackway from the Late Jurassic of Serwah, near Madar, Arhab district, Republic of Yemen, has been attributed to an ornithopod trackmaker. As the distinction between theropod and ornithopod dinosaurs can pose a challenge, we present additional data to support and reconfirm the previous attribution.  相似文献   

The Amudian (late Lower Paleolithic) site of Qesem Cave in Israel represents one of the earliest examples of habitual use of fire by middle Pleistocene hominids. The Paleolithic layers in this cave were studied using a suite of mineralogical and chemical techniques and a contextual sedimentological analysis (i.e., micromorphology). We show that the lower ca. 3m of the stratigraphic sequence are dominated by clastic sediments deposited within a closed karstic environment. The deposits were formed by small-scale, concentrated mud slurries (infiltrated terra rosa soil) and debris flows. A few intervening lenses of mostly in situ burnt remains were also identified. The main part of the upper ca. 4.5 m consists of anthropogenic sediment with only moderate amounts of clastic geogenic inputs. The deposits are strongly cemented with calcite that precipitated from dripping water. The anthropogenic component is characterized by completely combusted, mostly reworked wood ash with only rare remnants of charred material. Micromorphological and isotopic evidence indicates recrystallization of the wood ash. Large quantities of burnt bone, defined by a combination of microscopic and macroscopic criteria, and moderately heated soil lumps are closely associated with the wood-ash remains. The frequent presence of microscopic calcified rootlets indicates that the upper sequence formed in the vicinity of the former cave entrance. Burnt remains in the sediments are associated with systematic blade production and faunas that are dominated by the remains of fallow deer. Use-wear damage on blades and blade tools in conjunction with numerous cut marks on bones indicate an emphasis on butchering and prey-defleshing activities in the vicinity of fireplaces.  相似文献   

A comprehensive outline of the Jurassic ammonoid superfamily Aequiloboidea is here presented: this group is known from? Rhaetian-early Hettangian to early Pliensbachian and it is exclusively found within the Mediterranean Tethys (Austrian Alps, Bavarian Prealps, Tuscany, Umbria-Marche and Abruzzi Apennines, Morocco, Tunisia, western Hungary). On the basis of the available documentation, it is composed by two families (Aequilobidae and Sinuiceratidae), to which five genera belong: Aequilobus Bilotta (previously informally indicated as “genus from Monte Bove”), Dudresnayiceras Rakús, Sinuiceras Venturi and Ferri, and Sphenoacanthites Venturi, Nannarone and Bilotta, plus Xenoloboceras nov. gen., which position at the family level is uncertain. All of them share a peculiar combination of morpho-structural characters, which was never observed in any form referable to known groups. Due to the particularities presented by the Aequiloboidea and to the scarce documentation on the earliest Jurassic in the Mediterranean regions, it is currently impossible to demonstrate that this taxon originated within any of the already-known Jurassic ammonoid orders (Phylloceratida and Psiloceratida). An at least partially independent derivation cannot be excluded, as suggested also by the results of a cladistic analysis.  相似文献   

Microbial lipids in stalagmites are increasingly used to reconstruct the paleoclimate change, necessitating the investigations on microbial communities in dripping waters. A pilot molecular survey was conducted on bacterial communities of dripping waters at two sites (1D and 3D) in Heshang Cave of Hubei Province in central China for a period of 2008 to 2013. The samples were subjected to genome DNA extraction, 16S rRNA gene amplification, clone library construction and phylogenetic analysis to explore the seasonal variation of bacterial communities and their association with environmental factors including regional air temperature, precipitation, cave temperature, pH, conductivity and dripping rate of the water samples. Seasonal variations were clearly observed in components and diversities of bacterial communities at both sites. Bacterial community was dominated by Gammaproteobacteria in autumn and winter, whereas Betaproteobacteria became dominant in samples collected in summer and spring. Among the environmental factors investigated, regional air temperature was found to have a strong impact on bacterial communities indicated by cluster and redundancy analysis. Moreover the bacterial biodiversity was observed to increase with the temperature rising. Bacteria identified in dripping water were either oligotrophs or able to acquire nutrients from minerals under oligotrophic conditions. They may also be able to induce calcite precipitation in cave systems. Our data shed light on the potential of microbes used as a tool for the reconstruction of paleo-temperature as well as on the ecological functions of bacterial communities in oligotrophic caves.  相似文献   

Minor bedforms within the mudstone-dominated Early Jurassic Hettangian Saltford Shale Member (Liasicus up to Angulata Chronozone) of the Blue Lias Formation in central England, indicate weak seafloor erosion in a mid to outer ramp setting. Distal storm flows below maximum storm wave base are proposed as the most likely generative mechanism for silty scour and gutter casts that enclose concentrations of well-preserved schlotheimiid ammonites and arthropod trace fossils. Within the upper part of the Saltford Shale (probably Angulata Chronozone), a discrete layer of reworked and bioencrusted limestone nodules signifies an episode of more persistent seafloor erosion. The immediately overlying strata, transitional to the Hettangian–Sinemurian Rugby Limestone Member, are relatively bioturbated and feature fossils of macrobenthos, as well as shell concentrations resembling relatively proximal storm beds. This suggests that the reworked nodule horizon marks sea-level fall, rather than stratigraphic condensation associated with sediment starvation. The biostratigraphic evidence raises the possibility that this erosional episode correlates with a mid-Angulata Chronozone hiatus documented from the Wessex Basin, southwest England. Equally however, it could be linked to contemporaneous movement on one or more nearby faults, affecting the southern part of the English East Midlands Shelf.  相似文献   

Abstract: The sauropod dinosaur, Barapasaurus tagorei, is known from the Early Jurassic Kota Formation (Sinemurian to Pliensbachian) of India. The taxon is represented by c. 300 bones that were found associated with large fossilized tree trunks and were collected from the interface of sandstone and mudstone units covering an area of c. 276 m2. The collection includes one partial skeleton; most of the remainder of the bones were disarticulated, disassociated and dispersed, but taphonomic analysis permits recognition of associated elements comprising several individuals. Skeletal anatomy of Barapasaurus includes several teeth, vertebrae from the caudal cervicals rearward to the terminal caudals, and most elements of the appendicular skeleton. Barapasaurus is characterized by spoon‐shaped teeth with bulbous bases and grooves on the anterolabial and posterolingual sides of the crown, coarse tubercles on the carina, acamerate cranial and dorsal vertebrae, lateral laminae of the middle and caudal dorsal neural spines composed of spinodiapophyseal and spinopostzygapophyseal laminae, neural canal of the mid‐dorsal vertebrae opens dorsally through a narrow slit into a large cavity and sacrum with four co‐ossified vertebrae. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Barapasaurus is basal in comparison with Vulcanodon and is removed from Eusauropoda.  相似文献   

In the Grotta di Fumane (GdF), five figuratively painted vault fragments were found in the debris of the cave floor. Dating to 35,000 B.P., the paintings are among the oldest known paintings in Europe. The paintings have been dated to an early phase of the Aurignacian. This should explain the “primitive” character of the works. We interpret the paintings as very accurate depictions of geophytes with an emphasis on their underground storage organs. Since the taxa presented here are also used in present-day HG communities, we conclude that there was a corresponding use by the inhabitants of Grotta di Fumane.  相似文献   

Remains of 13 individuals with 3/1 male/female ratio of the extinct Upper Pleistocene lion Panthera leo spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810) from the Zoolithen Cave near Burggeilenreuth (Bavaria, Germany) include the holotype skull and all paratype material. The highest mortality rate for the Zoolithen Cave lions is in their reproductive adult ages. Bite marks on lion bones or skulls are results of hyena activities, or rare cannibalism of lions under stress situations. Lions were possibly also killed in battles with cave bears during predation on hibernating bears in winter times. This cave bear hunt specialisation in caves overlaps with the ecological behaviour of cave bear feeding by Ice Age-spotted hyenas. Both largest Ice Age predators, lions and hyenas, had to specialise on feeding herbivorous cave bears in boreal forest mountainous cave rich regions, where the mammoth steppe megafauna prey was absent. This cave bear hunt by felids, and scavenging by hyenas and other large carnivores such as leopards and wolves explains why cave bears hibernated deep in to the European caves, for protection reasons against predators. Within such lion–cave bear and even lion–hyena conflicts in the caves lions must have been killed sometimes, explaining mainly the skeleton occurrences in different European caves.  相似文献   

Trackways described as Batrachopus (Batrachopodidae Lull, 1904 Lull, R. S. 1904. Fossil footprints of the Jura-Trias of North America. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, 5: 461557.  [Google Scholar]) from the Lower Jurassic of Europe are rare and in some cases different from the type trackways from North America. Differences may be in part attributable to preservation, but current evidence suggests that there is inherent variability in Batrachopodidae morphotypes, beyond that attributable to differential preservation. Type Batrachopus is a stout-toed form, with minimal digit divarication (i.e., a long foot), whereas Antipus describes slender-toed forms with a wider foot and wider digit divarications.

Antipus is also similar to Crocodylopodus (ichnofamily Crocodylopodidae: Fuentes Vidarte and Meijide Calvo, 1999 Fuentes Vidarte, C. and Meijide Calvo, M. 1999. Primeras Huellas de Cocodrilo en el Weald de Cameros (Sria, Espana) Nueva Familia Crocodilopodidae: Nuevo icnogenero: Crocodylopodus Nueva icnoespecie: C. meijidei. Actas de las jornadas internacionales sobre paleontologia de dinosairios y su entorno. Sala de los infantes (Burgos, Espana). Collectivo Arqueologico-Paleontologico de Salas, : 329338.  [Google Scholar]) from near the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Spain. Crocodylopodus has a relatively large manus, and a less outwardly rotated trackway, but is not sufficiently different from Batrachopodidae to warrant its own ichnofamily. Manus-pes size (area) ratios (heteropody) may also be important in differentiating different crocodylomorph ichnotaxa, as is the case with other archosaurian ichnotaxa. However, heteropody may change with size, and be less pronounced in large individuals. Manus and pes rotation patterns, and trackway width are variable and may be of use for differentiation of ichnotaxa but may also be a function of speed.  相似文献   

The Nihewan Basin of China preserves one of the most important successions of Paleolithic archeological sites in Eurasia. Stratified archeological sites and mammalian fossils, first reported in the 1920s, continue to be recovered in large‐scale excavation projects. Here, we review key findings from archeological excavations in the Nihewan Basin ranging from ~1.66 Ma to 11.7 ka. We place particular emphasis on changes in stone tool technology over the long term. Though Pleistocene lithic industries from East Asia are often described as simple in character, re‐evaluation of the stone tool evidence from the Nihewan Basin demonstrates significant, though periodic, innovations and variability in manufacturing techniques through time, indicating adaptive and technological flexibility on the part of hominins. Synthesis of paleoenvironmental and archeological data indicate changes in hominin occupation frequency in the Nihewan Basin, with chronological gaps suggesting that continuous presence in high, seasonal latitudes was not possible prior to the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The significant mass extinction attributed to the Early Toarcian anoxic event had a severe impact on the phylum Brachiopoda. Beyond a serious decrease of species diversity, the extinction of the orders Spiriferidina and Athyridida is connected with this episode. The order Athyridida was represented by the family Koninckinidae in the Early Jurassic. The stratigraphical and geographical distribution of the three Early Jurassic koninckinid genera ( Koninckella, Koninckodonta, Amphiclinodonta ) shows a definite radiative pattern. The number of their nominal species increased from 2 to 17 from the Sinemurian to Early Toarcian; in the same time interval, their area increased from the Alpine region to the whole Mediterranean and the NW-European domains. This radiative evolution can be explained as the result of different factors: (1) morphological adaptation to muddy bottoms, (2) fundamental changes in the current pattern in the Tethys/Laurasian Seaway, and, possibly, (3) utilization of methane-based chemosynthesis as alternative food source. The radiation of koninckinids, leading from the cryptic habitats of the Tethyan rocky floors to the extensive muddy bottoms of the open European shelves, was abruptly terminated by the anoxic event in the Early Toarcian Falciferum Zone. The main causes of the extinction might be: (1) the excessive warming of Tethyan deep waters by thermohaline circulation, (2) the anoxic event, which was not survived by the spire-bearers, handicapped by their stiff, calcareous spiralia. Brachiopoda, Early Jurassic, Europe, extinction, Koninckinidae, radiation, Tethys.  相似文献   

The biogeography of Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) brachiopods in western Tethys is investigated using complementary multivariate tools including metric and non-metric ordination, additive cluster and bootstrapped spanning network analyses, as well as one-way analysis of similarity and similarity percentage analysis. All analyses were conducted using the Dice and Simpson similarity indices for presence/absence data on occurrence datasets involving 24 assemblages homogenized at the species level, including (403 taxa) or excluding (210 taxa) species found in only one assemblage. The analyses present a highly consistent biogeographical picture involving three main clusters: the Euro-Boreal, Mediterranean and Pontic biochores. The brachiopod species typical of the newly defined Pontic biochore are illustrated. The three assemblages from the Atlas area are interpreted as a fourth biochore, compositionally intermediate between those of the Euro-Boreal and Mediterranean. The Mediterranean biochore can be further divided into an intra- and a peri-Mediterranean group. These five, palaeogeographically well-constrained biochores show moderate to high degrees of species endemicity, ranging from 20% (Atlas) to 58% (Euro-Boreal). Based on available evidence, and after a reasonable cutback of the customary scale of ranks, the following biogeographical categories and names are suggested for the western Tethyan Pliensbachian brachiopod biochores: Euro-Boreal Province, Mediterranean Province (including an intra-Mediterranean and a peri-Mediterranean Subprovince), Pontic Province and Atlas Subprovince. In addition, a still poorly documented brachiopod biochore occurs on the Gondwana margin as a possible precursor of the extensive Middle to Late Jurassic Ethiopian Province.  相似文献   

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