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The development of dispersion in relation to burrows of young rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus L., was studied in a sand dune habitat between May and September 1984–1985. Generally, young rabbits did not show a close association with their original burrow. From the first week of life on the surface they used different burrows as well as the original one. No significant age-related changes in the mean distance from different kinds of burrows were observed. The mean distance from the nearest burrow remained always under 3 m, but this distance may have been due largely to the high density of burrows. The apparent freedom of movements of young rabbits around different burrows may be related to the social system of the adults in a sand dune habitat.  相似文献   

Eolian deposits and landforms are ubiquitous in western Kansas, particularly south of the Arkansas River with the presence of a stabilized dune field. Stratigraphic studies and associated optical dating reveal a complex depositional history for this dune field spanning the late Quaternary. The oldest eolian deposits from ca. 16 to 12 ka completely or partially bury high terraces with ages of ca. 16 and 33 ka. It is unknown whether these eolian deposits reflect regional aridity and/or a change in sediment availability with the transition of the Arkansas River from a single channel to a braided system. There is pervasive evidence for episodic eolian erosion and deposition ca. 9.8 to 6.3 ka, generally coincident with loess deposition on upland surfaces [Olson, C.G., Nettleton, W.D., Porter, D.A., Brasher, B.R., 1997. Middle Holocene aeolian activity on the High Plains of west-central Kansas. Holocene, 7(3): 255–261], and thus it is inferred to reflect regional aridity. Sites within the dune field show a sequence of eolian sands and weak buried soils, reflecting either dune migration or sand sheet accretion at ca. 1490, 430, 380–320, 180, and 70 yr ago, which correspond well with continental-scale droughts in the tree-ring record. Eolian sand in the Arkansas River dune field may be derived principally with variability in fluvial activity and in climate during the late Pleistocene to the middle Holocene, with substantial reactivation of eolian systems during decadal-scale drought variability in the past 2000 yr.  相似文献   

Ghost crabs are distributed worldwide on sandy beaches, and several studies have associated the number of ghost crab burrows with the levels of anthropogenic impacts on the beaches under study. However, our results show that the use of ghost crab Ocypode quadrata burrows to assess levels of anthropogenic impacts on sand beaches may not be accurate, as previously thought, because the number of burrows does not represent an estimate of the population size. In addition, we propose three hypotheses to explain the extremely low number of individuals/number of burrows ratio: the “secret chamber”, the “multiple openings”, and the “one crab, several burrows” hypotheses. We also observed an unusual sex ratio.  相似文献   

Measuring the benefit of habitat selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used a behavioral bioassay to estimate the advantages thattwo species of gerbils (Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum)experienced by preferring a semistabilized dune habitat overa stabilized sand habitat. We used the magnitude of foragingeffort by the gerbils to signal the difference between thetwo habitats. When they were foraging as much in stabilizedsand as in semistabilized dune, we inferred that these habitatswere providing equivalent rewards. We performed a series ofexperiments in two 1-ha field enclosures, each containing similarproportions of stabilized sand and semistabilized dune. Eachenclosure contained a population of only one of the species.By varying the amount of seeds added (either 0.5, 1, 2, or 3g of seeds in 18 seed trays) to each habitat and monitoringthe behavior of the gerbils, we were able to fit a curve thatreflected the change in habitat preference as a function ofseed addition rate. We were also able to show how much seedaddition had to be added to bring the two habitats into equaluse. Each species required only 13 g/ha/night to entirely offsetthe advantage of the semistabilized dune.  相似文献   

Capsule: Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the burrows of Sand Martins Riparia riparia increase with depth but have no detectable impact on fledging success.

Aims: To investigate whether burrow depth and CO2 concentrations influence reproductive success in Sand Martins.

Methods: We monitored two Sand Martin colonies along the River Lune, Lancashire, UK, to investigate the effect of burrow depth on reproductive success. We also measured CO2 levels in a sample of burrows to test whether burrow depth predicts CO2 concentration, and to test for a relationship between CO2 concentration and breeding success.

Results: Burrow depth was significantly correlated with fledging success, but the correlation was positive in first broods and negative in second broods. The highest CO2 concentration recorded was 73?650?ppm and the mean concentration across burrows was 31?757?ppm. However, while CO2 concentrations were positively correlated with burrow depth after controlling for the number and age of nestlings, they were not correlated with reproductive success.

Conclusion: There are reproductive costs associated with deeper burrows in second broods, but these could not be attributed to CO2 concentrations despite the exceptionally high levels recorded. This study highlights the need for further investigation into gas exchange and the potential impacts of, or adaptations to, CO2 accumulation in avian burrows.  相似文献   

New discoveries show that very small theropod tracks (cf. Wildeichnus) are abundant in the upper part of the Moab Member, recently assigned to the Curtis Formation (formerly considered part of the Entrada Formation) in the Mid-?Late Jurassic of eastern Utah. The tracks represent a distinct small-theropod ichnofacies associated with eolian dune deposits that is easily differentiated from the water-lain beds of the overlying Megalosauripus-Therangospodus ichnofacies, which comprises the single-surface Moab megatracksite. Pterosaur track assemblages, representing the Pteriachnus ichnofacies, are found a few meters above the megatracksite surface in the upper tongue of the Summerville Formation.

The small theropod ichnofacies is reminiscent of other early Mesozoic dune facies ichnofaunas from the Wingate and Navajo formations (Late Triassic and Early Jurassic) where small theropod tracks occur in association with other small tetrapod footprints. All such examples evidently represent a recurrent dune facies ecosystem dominated by diminutive vertebrates. Because the small theropod ichnofacies is one of three ichnofacies found in a thin stratigraphic sequence (<20 m) that contains no body fossils, it is clear that vertebrate tracks play an important role in providing insight into the paleoecology of units previously considered devoid of any useful fossil evidence. The three successive ichnofacies represent a transgressive transition from sand dunes, through sandy shoreline to shallow marine environments, each with its quite distinct vertebrate fauna.  相似文献   

For many ecosystems, one of the primary avenues of climate impact may be through changes to foundation species, which create habitats and sustain ecosystem services. For plants, microbial symbionts can often act as mutualists under abiotic stress and may mediate foundational plant responses to climate change. We manipulated the presence of endophytes in Ammophila breviligulata, a foundational sand dune species, to evaluate their potential to influence plant responses to climate change. We simulated projected climate change scenarios for temperature and precipitation using a growth chamber experiment. A 5 °C increase in temperature relative to current climate in northern Michigan reduced A. breviligulata survival by 45 %. Root biomass of A. breviligulata, which is critical to dune stabilization, was also strongly reduced by temperature. Plants inoculated with the endophyte had 14 % higher survival than endophyte-free plants. Contrary to our prediction, endophyte symbiosis did not alter the magnitude or direction of the effects of climate manipulations on A. breviligulata survival. However, in the absence of the endophyte, an increase in temperature increased the number of sand grains bound by roots by 80 %, while in symbiotic plants sand adherence did not significantly respond to temperature. Thus, plant–endophyte symbiosis actually negated the benefits in ecosystem function gained under a warmer climate. This study suggests that heat stress related to climate change in the Great Lakes may compromise the ability of A. breviligulata to stabilize dune ecosystems and reduce carbon storage and organic matter build-up in these early-successional systems due to reduced plant survival and root growth.  相似文献   

Vegetation patterns are strongly influenced by sand mobility in desert ecosystems. However, little is known about the spatial patterns of Artemisia ordosica, a dominant shrub in the Mu Us desert of Northwest China, in relation to sand fixation. The aim of this study was to investigate and contrast the effects of sand dune stabilization on the population and spatial distribution of this desert shrub. Spatial autocorrelation, semi-variance analysis, and point-pattern analysis were used jointly in this study to investigate the spatial patterns of A. ordosica populations on dunes in Yanchi County of Ningxia, China. The results showed that the spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity declined gradually, and the distance between the clustered individuals shortened following sand dune fixation. Seedlings were more aggregated than adults in all stage of dune stabilization, and both were more aggregated on shifting sand dunes separately. Spatial associations of the seedlings with the adults were mostly positive at distances of 0–5 m in shifting sand dunes, and the spatial association changed from positive to neutral in semi-fixed sand dunes. The seedlings were spaced in an almost random pattern around the adults, and their distances from the adults did not seem to affect their locations in semi-fixed sand dunes. Furthermore, spatial associations of the seedlings with the adults were negative in the fixed sand dune. These findings demonstrate that sand stabilization is an important factor affecting the spatial patterns of A. ordosica populations in the Mu Us desert. These findings suggest that, strong association between individuals may be the mechanism to explain the spatial pattern formation at preliminary stage of dune fixation. Sand dune stabilization can change the spatial pattern of shrub population by weakening the spatial association between native shrub individuals, which may affect the development direction of desert shrubs.  相似文献   


Background: Tropical sand dunes are ideal systems for understanding drivers of community assembly as dunes are subject to both deterministic and stochastic processes. However, studies that evaluate the factors that mediate plant community assembly in these ecosystems are few.

Aims: We evaluated phylogenetic community structure to elucidate the role of deterministic and stochastic processes in mediating the assembly of plant communities along the north of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Methods: We used plastid genetic markers to evaluate phylogenetic relationships in 16 sand-dune communities. To evaluate the role of climate in shaping plant community structure we carried out linear regressions between climatic variables and mean phylogenetic distance. We estimated the Net Relatedness Index and Nearest Taxon Index to identify ecological processes mediating community assembly.

Results: Observed phylogenetic structure was not different from random, suggesting that stochastic processes are the major determinants of community assembly. Climate was slightly correlated with phylogenetic diversity suggesting that abiotic environment plays a minimal role in community assembly.

Conclusions: Random assembly appears to be the primary factor structuring the studied sand dune plant communities. Environmental filters may represent a secondary factor contributing to the observed phylogenetic structure. Thus, both processes may act simultaneously to mediate the assembly of sand-dune plant communities.  相似文献   

Although spiders are a very diverse group on vegetation, their associations with plants are poorly known. Some salticid species specifically use Bromeliaceae as host plants in some regions of South America. In this study, I report the geographic range of these spider‐bromeliad associations, and whether the spiders inhabit particular bromeliad species and vegetation types, as well as open areas or interior of forests. Nine salticid species were found to be associated with up to 23 bromeliad species in cerrados (savanna‐like vegetation), semideciduous and seasonal forests, coastal sand dune vegetation, restingas, inselbergs, highland forests, chacos, and rain forests at 47 localities in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. Some species were typically specialists, inhabiting almost exclusively one bromeliad species over a large geographic range (e.g., Psecas chapoda on Bromelia balansae), whereas others were generalists, occurring on up to 7–8 bromeliad species (e.g., Psecas sp., Eustiromastix nativo, and Coryphasia sp. 1). The regional availability of bromeliad species among habitats may explain this pattern of host plant use. More jumping spiders were found on bromeliads in open areas than on bromeliads in the interior of forests. These results show that several jumping spider species may be strictly associated with the Bromeliaceae in the Neotropics. This is one of the few studies to show host‐specific associations for spiders on a particular plant type over a wide geographic range.  相似文献   

Salix cheilophila Schneid. is a naturally occurring Salix species in Mu Us Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia, China. We focused on the morphological adaptability of S. cheilophila to sand dune burial. For morphological measurements, 32 S. cheilophila seedlings were removed from a community which was in the process of being buried by a shifting sand dune. Each seedling collected included the entire root system. We measured the number, length, and biomass of the adventitious roots, primary lateral roots, and taproot, and compared the morphological characteristics of the root system, including adventitious roots, for seedlings buried to various levels in the sand. The growth range of adventitious roots increased as the length of the buried portion of the main shoot increased. In addition, the total dry weight of all current-year shoots tended to increase gradually with increasing total dry weight of the adventitious roots. These results suggest that S. cheilophila tends to make use of the sedimentary sand layer that accompanies shifting sand dunes. However, there was no correlation between biomass or number of adventitious roots and the length of the buried part of the main shoot. Thus, S. cheilophila does not grow adventitious roots proportional to the buried part. These morphological characteristics of the root system, including the adventitious roots, may indicate that S. cheilophila has poor morphological adaptability to sand dune burial.  相似文献   


The Westland petrel (Procellaria westlandica) is an endemic New Zealand species and one of the very few burrowing seabird species still breeding on mainland New Zealand. It nests only on a series of coastal ridgelines near to Punakaiki on the West Coast of the South Island. Between 2002 and 2005, surveys were undertaken at 28 of the 29 known colonies. The area occupied by the colonies was 73 ha; most colonies had fewer than 50 burrows, but six colonies had 201–500 burrows and four colonies had more than 1000 burrows. We find that the current breeding range of Westland petrel and the location of individual colonies are similar to those reported in both the 1950s and 1970s. Based on total burrow counts at 28 colonies and burrow occupancy rates determined by annual monitoring, the annual breeding population is estimated to be between 2954 and 5137 breeding pairs.  相似文献   


The term machair is commonly applied to the landform/vegetation systems of many dune pasture areas of parts of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Definition of such areas appears to rest on locational, morphological, vegetational and soil criteria. Closer examination suggests that the main diagnostic feature is the soil parent material, shell-rich blown sand, which gives rise to high calcium carbonate and pH conditions. Secondary criteria include the morphological maturity of the machair surface, the absence of depositional processes, specific plant associations (notably the elimination of long dune grasses) and a history of grazing and, possibly, cultivation. Machair areas must also be set in a cool, moist maritime climatic regime.  相似文献   

张娟  贺学礼  赵丽莉  许伟  闫姣 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1095-1103
克隆植物,尤其是游击型克隆植物,具有很强的扩展能力,通过克隆扩展可侵入到不同生境斑块。克隆植物入侵可能会影响入侵地土壤营养状况和微生物群落。为了探明克隆植物入侵对DSE(dark septate endophytes)活动和土壤理化性质的影响,于2013年6月在克隆植物羊柴(Hedysarum laeve)和沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)群落空地沿根状茎延伸方向设置样方,分别于6月、8月和10月在样方内分0—10、10—20、20—30、30—40、40—50 cm土层采集土样和根样,研究了不同采样时间羊柴和沙鞭群落空地DSE和土壤理化性质时空变化。结果表明,从6月到10月,随时间后延,克隆植物逐渐侵入群落空地,沙鞭入侵群落空地数和分株数高于羊柴。羊柴群落空地根系DSE定殖率随采样时间后延,逐渐降低,最大值在6月;沙鞭群落空地根系DSE定殖率随采样时间后延,逐渐升高,最大值在10月。随着克隆植物入侵,入侵地土壤中可利用的营养物质含量显著提高,羊柴入侵提高了入侵群落空地土壤碱解N、有效P和速效K含量,沙鞭入侵提高了入侵群落空地土壤碱解N和有效P含量。相关性分析表明,羊柴群落空地DSE定殖率与土壤p H值和电导率显著正相关,沙鞭群落空地DSE定殖率与土壤p H值极显著负相关,与电导率、碱解N和有效P极显著正相关。克隆植物入侵使得土壤环境更有利于克隆植物自身生长,为荒漠植被恢复提供了前提。  相似文献   


A new trace fossil, Lunulichnus tuberosus, is described from fluvial deposits of the Wasatch Formation (early Eocene) at Fossil Butte National Monument, southwestern Wyoming, USA. L. tuberosus are straight, vertical to obliquely oriented, unlined cylindrical burrows with pronounced crescent-shaped wall sculptings. In situ examples of these trace fossils are most commonly preserved as sand-filled casts emanating from the erosional bases of fluvial channel sandstone bodies into underlying floodplain mudstone/siltstone beds. L. tuberosus is interpreted as the dwelling trace of a stream-dwelling decapod crustacean. Excellent preservation of fine detail, particularly their diagnostic crescent-shaped wall sculptings, support the hypothesis that L. tuberosus were excavated in firm substrata subjacent to fluvial erosional surfaces. As such, they are interpreted as constituents of alluvial Glossifungites trace fossil assemblages.  相似文献   

A comparison of structure and pattern of the soil seed bank was made between active and stabilized sand dunes in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. The objective of this paper was to determine the significance of seed bank in vegetation restoration of sand dunes. The results showed that (1) average seed density decreased from stabilized sand dune to interdune lowland of stabilized sand dune, to interdune lowland of active sand dune, and to active sand dune; (2) horizontally, along the transect from interdune lowland to ecotone and to sand dune top, a ‘V’ shaped pattern was presented in the active dune system, and a reverse ‘V’ shaped pattern in the stabilized sand dune system; (3) vertically, the proportion (accounting for the total seeds) of seeds found in 0–20 mm soil profile decreased from stabilized sand dune to interdune lowland of stabilized sand dune, to interdune lowland of active sand dune, and to active sand dune. The same order was also found in 20–50 mm and 50–100 mm soil profiles; (4) the Sokal and Sneath similarity indices in the species-composition between soil seed bank and above-ground vegetation were ranked as: the stabilized sand dune (24%) > the interdune lowland of active sand dune (21%) > the interdune lowland of stabilized sand dune (18%) > the active sand dune (5%); and (5) vegetation restoration of active sand dunes depends on the dispersal of seeds from nearby plant communities on the interdune lowlands. Much effort must be made to preserve the lowlands, as lowlands are the most important seed reservoir in the active sand dune field.  相似文献   

Scholars have rarely reflected upon dune sand in any context other than that of environmental hazard. Yet recent anthropological research conducted among ethnic Mongol herders in the Keerqin Sandy Lands of Northeast China indicates that native inhabitants exhibit a surprising degree of tolerance, appreciation, and even preference for dune sand at specific spatio-temporal scales. Survey data, gathered primarily through the use of photographic prompts and pile sort exercises during household interviews, reveal that many residents even regard dune sand as the constituent element of a distinctive home environment and cherished way of life. This research underscores the relevance of perception to the policies and practices of human resource management. It also calls into question the authority with which officials and scholars in China and elsewhere indiscriminantly depreciate the various social utilities of dune sand in stock-herding populations.  相似文献   

Delay in seed release is found in the dune ecosystem. However, its functions have been rarely reported. We studied delayed seed release in the Agriophyllum squarrosum (Chenopodiaceae), an annual psammophyte, and the Artemisia wudanica (Asteraceae), a psammophilous subshrub in an active sand dune field in Inner Mongolia, China, to get insights into its functions in dealing with sand movement. We concluded that delay in seed release in the dune ecosystem are as follows: (1) postponing dispersal of a portion of seeds until the end of windy season and the start of growing season; (2) regulating the spatiotemporal pattern of seed bank; (3) helping psammophytes adapt to wind erosion on the active sand dune; and (4) helping psammophytes realize long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Uca pugilator, the sand fiddler crab, constructs two kinds of burrows in protected, sandy upper-intertidal and supratidal substrates on the west coast of Florida. Temporary burrows are built and used as a refuge by non-breeding crabs during high tide periods and at night when crabs cease feeding in the intertidal zone. Breeding burrows are constructed and defended by courting males and are the site of mating, oviposition and the incubation of eggs by females. Up to three ovigerous females may be accommodated in a single breeding burrow, each female sequestered in a separate terminal chamber. The construction and defence of burrows specialized for breeding may be an adaptive response by males to the preferences females exhibit when selecting a breeding site.  相似文献   

The data of the comprehensive study of deposits of dune sand massifs—the Makhatta and Kysyl-Syr Tukulans—in the Vilyui River Basin (Central Yakutia) are given. We have revealed the structure and preliminarily reconstructed the evolution of tukulans in the Vilyui River basin and the environmental conditions of the surrounding area in the Late Pleistocene–Holocene period (the chronological period of the formation of tukulans) on the basis of lithological and palynological data and 17 radiocarbon datings. It has been revealed that the tukulans should be assigned to eolian deposits formed on sediments of complicated facial structure. We have distinguished four stages in the vegetation evolution within the last 40000-year period and three chronostratigraphical phases in the development of dune massifs.  相似文献   

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