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In Gondwana, Early Jurassic dinosaur track sites are especially concentrated in Lesotho. Despite intensive investigations during the third quarter of the twentieth century, a limited number of vertebrate track sites of this country have been studied with rigorous ichnological and sedimentological methodology. Here, we present a previously mentioned, but undescribed track site in the upper Elliot Formation (Hettangian?) of Lesotho, located near Roma (at Lephoto dam). Two tridactyl ichnite morphologies, made by bipedal vertebrate trackmakers are recognised. The first can be identified as Grallator-like, an ichnotaxon common in the Lower Jurassic of both Laurasia and Gondwana that can be attributed to small and medium-size theropod dinosaurs. In contrast, the second ichnite type is reminiscent of Trisauropodiscus, which is a rare ichnotaxon that resembles tracks of small birds and is known with certainty in Lesotho from only a few places. We suggest that at our upper Elliot Formation study site, Trisauropodiscus was potentially made by a heterodontosaurid ornithischian dinosaur. Our work provides further evidence that the ichnological record of the Stormberg Group of southern Africa is in a unique position to shed light not only on Early Jurassic biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments but also on the biodiversity and palaeobiology of early dinosaurs.  相似文献   

The oldest unequivocal records of Dinosauria were unearthed from Late Triassic rocks (approximately 230 Ma) accumulated over extensional rift basins in southwestern Pangea. The better known of these are Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis, Pisanosaurus mertii, Eoraptor lunensis, and Panphagia protos from the Ischigualasto Formation, Argentina, and Staurikosaurus pricei and Saturnalia tupiniquim from the Santa Maria Formation, Brazil. No uncontroversial dinosaur body fossils are known from older strata, but the Middle Triassic origin of the lineage may be inferred from both the footprint record and its sister‐group relation to Ladinian basal dinosauromorphs. These include the typical Marasuchus lilloensis, more basal forms such as Lagerpeton and Dromomeron, as well as silesaurids: a possibly monophyletic group composed of Mid‐Late Triassic forms that may represent immediate sister taxa to dinosaurs. The first phylogenetic definition to fit the current understanding of Dinosauria as a node‐based taxon solely composed of mutually exclusive Saurischia and Ornithischia was given as “all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of birds and Triceratops”. Recent cladistic analyses of early dinosaurs agree that Pisanosaurus mertii is a basal ornithischian; that Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis and Staurikosaurus pricei belong in a monophyletic Herrerasauridae; that herrerasaurids, Eoraptor lunensis, and Guaibasaurus candelariensis are saurischians; that Saurischia includes two main groups, Sauropodomorpha and Theropoda; and that Saturnalia tupiniquim is a basal member of the sauropodomorph lineage. On the contrary, several aspects of basal dinosaur phylogeny remain controversial, including the position of herrerasaurids, E. lunensis, and G. candelariensis as basal theropods or basal saurischians, and the affinity and/or validity of more fragmentary taxa such as Agnosphitys cromhallensis, Alwalkeria maleriensis, Chindesaurus bryansmalli, Saltopus elginensis, and Spondylosoma absconditum. The identification of dinosaur apomorphies is jeopardized by the incompleteness of skeletal remains attributed to most basal dinosauromorphs, the skulls and forelimbs of which are particularly poorly known. Nonetheless, Dinosauria can be diagnosed by a suite of derived traits, most of which are related to the anatomy of the pelvic girdle and limb. Some of these are connected to the acquisition of a fully erect bipedal gait, which has been traditionally suggested to represent a key adaptation that allowed, or even promoted, dinosaur radiation during Late Triassic times. Yet, contrary to the classical “competitive” models, dinosaurs did not gradually replace other terrestrial tetrapods over the Late Triassic. In fact, the radiation of the group comprises at least three landmark moments, separated by controversial (Carnian‐Norian, Triassic‐Jurassic) extinction events. These are mainly characterized by early diversification in Carnian times, a Norian increase in diversity and (especially) abundance, and the occupation of new niches from the Early Jurassic onwards. Dinosaurs arose from fully bipedal ancestors, the diet of which may have been carnivorous or omnivorous. Whereas the oldest dinosaurs were geographically restricted to south Pangea, including rare ornithischians and more abundant basal members of the saurischian lineage, the group achieved a nearly global distribution by the latest Triassic, especially with the radiation of saurischian groups such as “prosauropods” and coelophysoids.  相似文献   

Ornithischia is a morphologically and taxonomically diverse clade of dinosaurs that originated during the Late Triassic and were the dominant large‐bodied herbivores in many Cretaceous ecosystems. The early evolution of ornithischian dinosaurs is poorly understood, as a result in part of a paucity of fossil specimens, particularly during the Triassic. The most complete Triassic ornithischian dinosaur yet discovered is Eocursor parvus from the lower Elliot Formation (Late Triassic: Norian–Rhaetian) of Free State, South Africa, represented by a partial skull and relatively complete postcranial skeleton. Here, the anatomy of Eocursor is described in detail for the first time, and detailed comparisons are provided to other basal ornithischian taxa. Eocursor is a small‐bodied taxon (approximately 1 m in length) that possesses a plesiomorphic dentition consisting of unworn leaf‐shaped crowns, a proportionally large manus with similarities to heterodontosaurids, a pelvis that contains an intriguing mix of plesiomorphic and derived character states, and elongate distal hindlimbs suggesting well‐developed cursorial ability. The ontogenetic status of the holotype material is uncertain. Eocursor may represent the sister taxon to Genasauria, the clade that includes most of ornithischian diversity, although this phylogenetic position is partially dependent upon the uncertain phylogenetic position of the enigmatic and controversial clade Heterodontosauridae. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 648–684.  相似文献   

Were some dinosaurs gregarious?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A careful survey of the dinosaur footprints and trackways (identified as Eubrontes, Anchisauripus and Grallator) at the Mt. Tom site north of Holyoke, Massachusetts, and plots of their orientations reveal that an improbable percentage (70%) of the tracks are oriented in a nearparallel course. All but one of these coincident ancient traverses were probably made by the same kind of Triassic dinosaur (the footprints of which are referred to as Eubrontes). Comparable trackway orientation patterns have been reported by Albritton (1942) near Comanche, Texas for an Early Cretaceous dinosaur (iguanodobntid?) and Bird (1941, 1944) cited paralled sauporod trackways of Early Cretaceous age near the Paluxy River in Texas. Probability dictates that these sub-parallel traverses were not independent events and the presence of other deviating trackways at all three sites indicates that the trackmakers probably were not confined in their passage by physical barriers. Furthermore, the coincidental occurrence of such natural barriers at all of the sites mentioned here seems highly improbable. the combinedevidence of the Massachusetts site and the two Texas localities, together with the apparently widespread occurrence of dinosaur trackway lineation, strongly indicates gregarious habits for several different kinds of dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Isolated Dinosaur teeth have been discovered in the Upper Triassic locality of Habay-la-Vieille, in southern Belgium. Ornithischia are represented by three dental morphotypes; two of them closely resemble isolated teeth from the Middle or Upper Jurassic of Portugal and England. The presence of sauropods in the Upper Triassic of Europe is confirmed. Sauropods already had a wide geographical distribution during the Latest Triassic, as fossils have been discovered in South Africa, Thailand and western Europe. At Habay-la-Vieille, sauropods and prosauropods co-existed at the end of the Triassic. Two dental morphotypes may tentatively be referred to as theropod dinosaurs. The study of isolated teeth indicates that dinosaurs were already well diversified in the Latest Triassic of western Europe. To cite this article: P. Godefroit, F. Knoll, C. R. Palevol 2 (2003) 3–11.  相似文献   

Research this century has greatly improved our knowledge of the origin and early radiation of dinosaurs. The unearthing of several new dinosaurs and close outgroups from Triassic rocks from various parts of the world, coupled with improved phylogenetic analyses, has set a basic framework in terms of timing of events and macroevolutionary patterns. However, important parts of the early dinosauromorph evolutionary history are still poorly understood, rendering uncertain the phylogenetic position of silesaurids as either non‐dinosaur Dinosauriformes or ornithischians, as well as that of various early saurischians, such as Eoraptor lunensis and herrerasaurs, as either noneusaurischians or members of the sauropodomorph or theropod lineages. This lack of agreement in part derives from a patchy distribution of traits among early members of the main dinosauromorph lineages and requires a more meticulous assessment of characters and homologies than those recently conducted. Presently, the oldest uncontroversial dinosaur records come from Late Triassic (Carnian) rocks of South America, southern Africa and India, hinting at a south‐western Pangaea origin of the group. Besides, macroevolutionary approaches suggest that the rise of dinosaurs was a more gradual process than previously understood. Obviously, these tentative scenarios need to be tested by new fossil finds, which should also help close the major gaps recognized in the fossil record of Triassic dinosauromorphs.  相似文献   

Nied?wiedzki, G., Gorzelak, P. & Sulej, T. 2010: Bite traces on dicynodont bones and the early evolution of large terrestrial predators. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 87–92. Dicynodont (Synapsida: Anomodontia) bones from the Late Triassic (late Norian/early Rhaetian) of Poland yield characteristic tooth marks that can be attributed to three ichnotaxa (Linichnus serratus, Knethichnus parallelum and Nihilichnus nihilicus). The general shape and dimension of these traces perfectly match the dental morphology of a co‐occurring carnivorous dinosaur. It is therefore concluded that early carnivorous dinosaurs were feeding on dicynodonts. This discovery constitutes one of the oldest evidence of dinosaur predator–prey interaction. It is suggested that an evolutionary increase in the size of dicynodonts across the Late Triassic may have been driven by selection pressure to reach a size refuge from early dinosaur predators. □Bite traces, dicynodonts, dinosaurs, predation, Triassic.  相似文献   

Brachychirotherium is the common ichnogenus of Late Triassic chirothere footprints well known from western Europe, North America, Argentina and South Africa. Although it has long been agreed by most workers that the trackmaker of Brachychirotherium was a derived crurotarsan archosaur, the trackmaker has been identified as either a rauisuchian or an aetosaur, and some workers attribute it to a primitive crocodylomorph (sphenosuchian). New knowledge of the osteology of the manus and pes of a large aetosaur, Typothorax coccinarum, indicates a close correspondence between the manus and pes structure of aetosaurs and the morphology of Brachychirotherium. Furthermore, functional analysis of complete skeletons indicates aetosaurs plausibly placed their feet in the narrow gauge, nearly the overstepped walk characteristic of Brachychirotherium. Brachychirotherium and aetosaurs have matched distributions, that is, they were Pangea-wide during the Late Triassic. The manus and pes morphology of rauisuchians and early crocodylomorphs (sphenosuchians) deviate from Brachychirotherium footprint morphology in key features, thus excluding their identification as trackmakers. Aetosaurs made Brachychirotherium footprints.  相似文献   

An assemblage of abundant and well-preserved tetrapod footprints has been discovered in the Tanamert Member (T3) of the Triassic Timezgadiouine Formation (Argana basin, western High Atlas, Morocco). It is the first fossil record from T3. Surfaces from different localities show a uniform tetrapod ichnofauna that consists of chirotherian and small lacertoid forms. The chirotherians are assigned to the plexus Protochirotherium—Synaptichnium, their trackmakers interpreted as basal archosaurs. The lacertoid imprints show close affinities with Rhynchosauroides and may reflect archosauromorphs or lepidosauromorphs. Protochirotherium—Synaptichnium assemblages are characteristic of the Early Triassic and were known previously only from units of this age in central Europe. Biostratigraphically, the European record implies a wide-spread pre-Anisian Protochirotherium—Synaptichnium dominated assemblage preceding the first appearance of Chirotherium barthii near the Olenekian-Anisian boundary. The stratigraphic position of T3 between Late Permian (uppermost T2) and Middle Triassic (T4) and the European correlatives suggest an Early Triassic age of this unit. It is the first record of Early Triassic continental deposits in Morocco. The surfaces from T3 open up perspectives for further contributions to ecology, biogeography and locomotion of early archosaurs. Furthermore, excellent outcrops and quality of footprint preservation in the Argana basin offer a potential for clarification of ichnotaxonomic and biostratigraphic issues.  相似文献   

A consideration of all the available data on Triassic vertebrate faunas, and their stratigraphic location reveals a relatively sudden extinction event among the last of the mammal-like reptiles and the herbivorous rhynchosaurs in the Norian of the Upper Triassic. This event was apparently quickly followed by the radiation of the dinosaurs, also in the Norian. This conclusion suggests that competition was not the main factor in the initial success of the dinosaurs, but opportunistic radiation following the extinction of major reptile groups. A global review of Triassic sedimentary facies shows that there were climatic and floral changes towards the end of the Triassic. It is envisaged that increasing aridity in the later Triassic, resulting from plate motions and particularly affecting Gondwanaland and southwestern Laurasia, brought about floral changes and then the reptile extinctions. With the rapid evolution of new floras of conifers and bennettitaleans, the dinosaurs came to dominate all terrestrial faunas within the space of only a few million years.  相似文献   

Diverse tetrapod track assemblages with Scoyenia invertebrate traces were discovered in the Triassic Timezgadiouine and Bigoudine formations of the Argana Basin (Western High Atlas, Morocco). The ichnofossils occur in alluvial plain sandstones and mudstones of the Irohalène Member (T5) and Tadart Ouadou Member (T6) considered Carnian-Norian in age by vertebrate remains and palynomorphs. Tetrapod footprints are assigned to Apatopus, Atreipus-Grallator, Eubrontes isp., Parachirotherium, cf. Parachirotherium postchirotherioides, Rhynchosauroides ispp., and Synaptichnium isp. They can be referred to lepidosauromorph/ archosauromorph, basal archosaur, and dinosauromorph trackmakers. Apatopus, represented by 11 tracks of a more than 4 m long trackway, is recorded for the first time outside of North America and Europe. The assemblage concurs with the proposed Late Triassic age of the track-bearing beds by the occurrence of Apatopus, Atreipus-Grallator, and Eubrontes. If this is accepted, the stratigraphic range of Synaptichnium and Parachirotherium, hitherto known only from Early or Middle Triassic deposits, has to be extended to the Carnian-Norian. The occurrence of Eubrontes in the Irohalene Member (T5) provides further evidence for large theropods in pre-Jurassic strata. All assemblages are referred to the Scoyenia ichnofacies indicating continental environments with alternating wet and dry conditions.  相似文献   

Major extinctions occurred both in the sea and on land during the Late Triassic in two major phases, in the middle to late Carnian and, 12–17 Myr later, at the Triassic‐Jurassic boundary. Many recent reports have discounted the role of the earlier event, suggesting that it is (1) an artefact of a subsequent gap in the record, (2) a complex turnover phenomenon, or (3) local to Europe. These three views are disputed, with evidence from both the marine and terrestrial realms. New data on terrestrial tetrapods suggests that the late Carnian event was more important than the end‐Triassic event. For tetrapods, the end‐Triassic extinction was a whimper that was followed by the radiation of five families of dinosaurs and mammal‐like reptiles, while the late Carnian event saw the disappearance of nine diverse families, and subsequent radiation of 13 families of turtles, crocodilomorphs, pterosaurs, dinosaurs, lepidosaurs and mammals. Also, for many groups of marine animals, the Carnian event marked a more significant turning point in diversification than did the end‐Triassic event.  相似文献   

The Late Triassic—Early Jurassic ichnofauna described mainly by Paul Ellenberger from southern Africa (Lesotho) is a valuable window on first phases of dinosaur diversification. Unfortunately, the present taxonomic status of several forms from that ichnofauna is unclear. The revision of this material has been frequently invoked and partially done without reaching many definitive results. Due to the enormous amount of data, a global revision seems at present impossible and must be accomplished in smaller steps. A small number of Ellenberger's ichnogenera including Tetrasauropus, Pseudotetrasauropus, Pentasauropus, Paratetrasauropus, Sauropodopus and Deuterosauropodopus, which different authors have ascribed to basal sauropodomorphs, are here revised in a consistent manner and their attribution to osteological clades is considered. Tetrasauropus and Pseudotetrasauropus are here validated as the only ichnotaxa related to sauropodomorphs. Pentasauropus is retained as valid, and a therapsid trackmaker is suggested. Paratetrasauropus and Sauropodopus are also validated and ascribed to non-dinosaurian trackmakers, and Deuterosauropodopus is synonymized with Sauropodopus.  相似文献   



The evolutionary history of Mesozoic terrestrial vertebrates from the Arabian Peninsula is virtually unknown. Despite vast exposures of rocky outcrops, only a handful of fossils have yet been described from the region. Here we report a multi-taxon dinosaur track assemblage near Madar village, 47 km north of Sana''a, Republic of Yemen. This represents the first dinosaur tracksite from the Arabian Peninsula, and the only multi-taxon dinosaur ichnosite in the Middle East.


Measurements were taken directly from trackway impressions, following standard ichnological conventions. The presence of bipedal trackmakers is evidenced by a long series of pes imprints preserving smoothly rounded posterior margins, no evidence of a hallux, bluntly rounded digit tips and digital divarication angles characteristic of ornithopod dinosaurs. Nearby, eleven parallel quadrupedal trackways document a sauropod herd that included large and small individuals traveling together. Based on the morphology of manus impressions along with a narrow-gauged stance, the quadrupedal trackways were made by non-titanosauriform neosauropods. Additional isolated tracks and trackways of sauropod and ornithopod dinosaurs are preserved nearby.


Taken together, these discoveries present the most evocative window to date into the evolutionary history of dinosaurs of the Arabian Peninsula. Given the limited Mesozoic terrestrial record from the region, this discovery is of both temporal and geographic significance, and massive exposures of similarly-aged outcrops nearby offer great promise for future discoveries.  相似文献   


A newly discovered track in the Chinle Group north of Moab, Utah, is attributable to the ichnogenus Atreipus, an ichnotaxon that is relatively common in eastern North America (Newark Supergroup) but very rare in the Late Triassic of the western part of the continent. This is only the second report of the genus from the Chinle Group. Atreipus has been attributed to a silesaurid dinosauriform, and dinosauriform taxa are relatively abundant by skeletal material in the Late Triassic of western North America, but track evidence in the same units is dominated by ichnotaxa attributed to dinosaurs. The rarity of Atreipus is currently an anomaly in the region.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(1):103-117
Until 1960, the record of dinosaurs was rather poor in Switzerland. Between 1960 and 1980, several new localities with plateosaurid remains as well as prosauropod and theropod tracks were found in Late Triassic sabkha and floodplain environments. The discovery of large surfaces with sauropod tracks in the Late Jurassic of the Jura Mountains in 1987 triggered a stream of new data. More than 20 new localities with tracks from both sauropod and theropod dinosaurs in different stratigraphic levels have been found since then. The latest discoveries include trackways of iguanodontids from the Early Cretaceous of the central Swiss Alps and a large Late Jurassic surface with trackways of small sauropods in the northernmost part of the Jura Mountains. The best skeletal record comes from the Late Triassic, with scattered data from the Late Jurassic. The track and trackway record appears to be best in the Late Jurassic. To cite this article: C.A. Meyer, B. Thüring, C. R. Palevol 2 (2003) 103–117.  相似文献   

Kevin Padian 《Ichnos》2013,20(2-4):115-126
The tracks ascribed to pterosaurs from the Late Jurassic limestones at Crayssac, France, must be pterosaurian because the manus prints are so far outside those of the pes, the pes print is four times longer than wide, and the manus prints appear to preserve distinct traces of a posteromedially directed wing-finger. These tracks are different in important ways from previously described Pteraichnus trackways, which have been variably considered pterosaurian, crocodilian, or indeterminate. No Pteraichnus (sensu stricto: those not from Crayssac) tracks have diagnostic features of pterosaurs and in none can a complete phalangeal or digital formula be reconstructed; however, all published Pteraichnidae tracks fulfill the criteria of poor preservation, and some have some diagnostic features of crocodile tracks. Reconstructions of pterosaurs walking in pteraichnid tracks do not fit those tracks well, but crocodiles do. In contrast, the Crayssac tracks demonstrate the erect stance and parasagittal gait previously reconstructed for pterosaurs. They also demonstrate that the footfall pattern was not as in typical reptiles (LH-RF-RH-LF), but that the manus must have been raised before the next forward step of the ipselateral foot (LH-LF-RH-RF), suggesting that the quadrupedal pattern was secondary. The metatarsus in pterosaurs was set low at the beginning of a stride, as it is in crocodilians and basal dinosaurs. The diagnosis of the Ichnofamily Pteraichnidae comprises features of possible crocodilian trackmakers, but not of possible pterosaurian trackmakers. Trackways considered for attribution to pterosaurs should show (1) manus prints up to three interpedal widths from midline of body, and always lateral to pes prints, (2) pes prints four times longer than wide at the metatarso-phalangeal joint, and (3) penultimate phalanges longest among those of the pes.  相似文献   

Argentinian dinosaurs Dinosaurs are amazing! We enjoy imagining how they lived, walked around, what they ate and the way they fight. First of all the Giants attract our interest – the long‐necked herbivore sauropods and the dreadful predatory dinosaurs. Argentina offers fantastic conditions concerning the reconstruction of the successful dinosaur evolution and Gigantism respectively. Fossils of the “terrible lizards” are found through all the three eras of the Mesozoic – Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. A potential forerunner of the dinosaurs – an archosaur – was the size of a hen. Eoraptor, the oldest known real dinosaur, was only as large as a little dog. In contrast, Argentinosaurus huinculensis was a 40 Meter long sauropod weighting 80 tons.  相似文献   

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