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Human and animal footprints found in the Valsequillo Basin were formed on the upper bedding planes surfaces of a volcanic ash (Xalnene Ash) deposited by a subaqueous volcano along the shores of a Pleistocene lake. The footprints were made on lake shorelines and the exposed lake floor during low stands associated, either with water displacement during the volcanic eruption, or due to climatically-driven fluctuations in the water balance. The Xalnene Ash has been dated to at least 40 K BP and consequently the human footprints provide evidence for much earlier colonization of the Americas than is often accepted. The methodology used to record, analyze and conserve these footprints used three-dimensional laser scanning, with sub-millimeter precision. This data were used to reproduce polymer models of individual footprints using the application of rapid-prototyping technology. This technology has wide significance for the study of ichnofacies in general. The characteristics of the human footprints and some problems associated with the volcanic ash as a molding medium for the clarity of these characteristics are given. These human footprints and their dating resolve the controversy related to the age of the archaeological and associated megafaunal remains that were reported in the Valsequillo Gravels in the 1960s and 1970s.  相似文献   

Hominin footprints have not traditionally played prominent roles in paleoanthropological studies, aside from the famous 3.66 Ma footprints discovered at Laetoli, Tanzania in the late 1970s. This contrasts with the importance of trace fossils (ichnology) in the broader field of paleontology. Lack of attention to hominin footprints can probably be explained by perceptions that these are exceptionally rare and “curiosities” rather than sources of data that yield insights on par with skeletal fossils or artifacts. In recent years, however, discoveries of hominin footprints have surged in frequency, shining important new light on anatomy, locomotion, behaviors, and environments from a wide variety of times and places. Here, we discuss why these data are often overlooked and consider whether they are as “rare” as previously assumed. We review new ways footprint data are being used to address questions about hominin paleobiology, and we outline key opportunities for future research in hominin ichnology.  相似文献   

四川威远恐龙足迹一新属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1985年,自贡恐龙博物馆的朱时达、高人彦、彭光照根据四川威远县荣胜乡沙坝村村民李元吉、李鸣章的报告和地矿部第二地质大队提供的资料,在威远县荣胜乡老鸦坡下侏罗统珍珠冲组下部黄色砂岩上发掘出6个连续恐龙足迹化石,并把这批标本运回自贡恐龙博物馆保存。  相似文献   

Three fossilized trackways of human footprints were discovered in a pyroclastic flow dated to 385–325 ka, along the western margin of the Roccamonfina volcanic complex in Southern Italy. The pyroclastic flow is zeolite-rich and was probably emplaced at a relatively low temperature, forming a nonwelded pyroclastic deposit. The well-preserved footprints show the interesting strategies used by ancient humans in descending steep slopes. The footprints, short and very broad, are entaxonic, plantigrade, with an average length of 24cm and an average width of 10 cm. The three trackways are narrow with an oblique pace of about 60 cm and a stride of about 120 cm.

If dating constraints are correct, the Roccamonfina human fossil footprints are the oldest known in Europe and among the oldest in the world. Moreover, they are preserved on a steep slope lying in a subaerial setting and are associated with handprints. For their potential in preserving evidence of behavior, these tracks provide unique insight into the activities of some of the earliest known Europeans.  相似文献   

内蒙古查布地区下白垩统巨齿龙足印化石   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
内蒙古鄂尔多斯市鄂托克旗查布地区下白垩统中产有大量的蜥脚类和兽脚类恐龙足迹及鸟类足迹化石,作者对这个地区的足迹化石进行全面普查,发现许多新暴露出来的恐龙足迹化石,包括兽脚类恐龙足迹一新属新种Chapuslockleyiichnogen.etichnosp.nov.属于巨齿龙类(megalosaurid)所留。与兽脚类足迹保存在一起的蜥脚类足迹Brontopodusbirdi分布凌乱,反映了造迹恐龙搏斗的场面。通过测量连续的兽脚类足迹计算,Chapuslockleyi的造迹恐龙的行走速度为4.33km/h。通过足迹化石还识别出造迹恐龙的病态特征。  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of phylogenetic footprints in the two known horn shark Hox clusters and the four mammalian clusters shows that the shark HoxN cluster is HoxD-like. This finding implies that the most recent common ancestor of jawed vertebrates had at least four Hox clusters, including those which are orthologous to the four mammalian Hox clusters.  相似文献   

Galve (Teruel, Spain) is a town in the interior of a synclinal fold with Upper Jurassic marine limestones along its flanks, and, in its core, Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous continental and shoreline sediments crop out. The core sediments cover an area about 8 km2, and contain a concentration of sites with footprints, bones, and eggshells of dinosaurs. The footprints are both shafts and natural casts. Some casts are attributed to stegosaurs (Deltapodus). The Deltapodus casts are characterized by features that allow us to make direct observations on the skin formed by polygonal scales, and ellipsoidal “hooves,” as well as deductions on the movement of the limbs during walking. According to the opinion of some authors, dinosaur footprints are indicators of the motion of their limbs and sometimes of the whole body. So far, results have been deduced from theropod, ornithopod, and sauropod footprints. This article shows the results obtained from analis of the aforementioned Deltapodus casts, i.e., forelimb movement similar to that of the forelimbs of sauropods, and the rigid structure of the autopodial part of the hind limb.  相似文献   

Reports of human footprints from North American archaeological sites are summarized and described. Although some human footprints have been claimed to be of Pleistocene and earlier ages, the earliest authenticated prints in America north of Mexico, as distinct from Central or South America, date to the Holocene. The earliest of these prints is at least 5,070 years old, and the youngest are late prehistoric period, only about 400 years old. Footprint sites are reported in the U.S. Southeast, Southwest, and California. Activities indicated by ancient North American human footprints include the mundane, such as daily tasks in a riparian zone and domestic behaviors inside a habitation. Footprints were also left by prehistoric peoples undertaking more esoteric activities deep in cave interiors, including exploration, mineral extraction, and ritual.  相似文献   

The Las Losas site (approximately 500 m2) was cleared in July 1998 and revealed 375 theropod dinosaur footprints. Statistical surveys of their biomorphical and morphometrical data are congruent with a continuous morphological transition among the theropod footprints—a transition which does not allow us to differentiate ichnogroups. Certain footprints show a longitudinal groove in their toes. The foot movement of their trackmakers can be inferred from these grooves. There are also, in this outcrop, i) trackways whose ichnites are either regular or anomalous according to the position of crossing, ii) semiplantigrade trackways with digitigrade sections and iii) trackways that cross the footprint site without variation in their footprints. These facts allow us to infer that: i) the substrate hardness was different in different zones at particular moments, and ii) the variation in the regularity and shape of the footprints depended upon the mud conditions at the moment they were made. Three preferential directions of march are shown by the trackways, suggesting different phases of activity.  相似文献   

环境足迹的核算与整合框架——基于生命周期评价的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方恺 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7228-7234
环境足迹及其与生命周期评价(LCA)的关系是工业生态学关注的新热点。从探讨环境足迹与LCA的关系入手,以碳足迹、水足迹、土地足迹和材料足迹为例,分别对每一项足迹指标两个版本的核算方法进行了比较。根据清单加和过程的特点,将所有足迹指标划分为基于权重因子和基于特征因子两类,总结了两者的适用性和局限性。在此基础上提出了一个环境足迹核算与整合的统一框架。该框架基于LCA视角建立,但对系统边界和清单数据的要求相对灵活,因而也适用于生命周期不甚明确的情形。研究在一定程度上揭示了足迹指标的方法学实质,同时也为环境影响综合评估提供了一条规范化的途径。  相似文献   

陕西子洲县中侏罗统延安组砂岩中,同一地点共厚约1.7 m的5个层面发现4种食肉类恐龙足迹,自上而下分别为:1)第5层面大型三趾型足迹,实雷龙足迹科王氏子洲足迹(新遗迹属、新遗迹种)Zizhoupus wangi ichnogen.et ichnosp,nov.;2)第4和第3层面中型三趾型足迹,实雷龙足迹科龙尾峁张北足迹(新遗迹种)Changpeipus longweimaoensis inchnosp.nov.;3)第2层面小型三趾或四趾型足迹,虚骨龙类小理河陕西足迹(新遗迹种)Shensipus xiaoliheensis inchnosp.nov.;4)第1层面小型三趾型足迹,虚骨龙类的铜川陕西足迹Shensipus tungchuanensis.  相似文献   

Spencer G. Lucas 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):5-38
Tetrapod footprints have a fossil record in rocks of Devonian-Neogene age. Three principal factors limit their use in biostratigraphy and biochronology (palichnostratigraphy): invalid ichnotaxa based on extramorphological variants, slow apparent evolutionary turnover rates and facies restrictions. The ichnotaxonomy of tetrapod footprints has generally been oversplit, largely due to a failure to appreciate extramorphological variation. Thus, many tetrapod footprint ichnogenera and most ichnospecies are useless phantom taxa that confound biostratigraphic correlation and biochronological subdivision. Tracks rarely allow identification of a genus or species known from the body fossil record. Indeed, almost all tetrapod footprint ichnogenera are equivalent to a family or a higher taxon (order, superorder, etc.) based on body fossils. This means that ichnogenera necessarily have much longer temporal ranges and therefore slower apparent evolutionary turnover rates than do body fossil genera. Because of this, footprints cannot provide as refined a subdivision of geological time as do body fossils. The tetrapod footprint record is much more facies controlled than the tetrapod body fossil record. The relatively narrow facies window for track preservation, and the fact that tracks are almost never transported, redeposited or reworked, limits the facies that can be correlated with any track-based biostratigraphy.

A Devonian-Neogene global biochronology based on tetrapod footprints generally resolves geologic time about 20 to 50 percent as well as does the tetrapod body fossil record. The following globally recognizable time intervals can be based on the track record: (1) Late Devonian; (2) Mississippian; (3) Early-Middle Pennsylvanian; (4) Late Pennsylvanian; (5) Early Permian; (6) Late Permian; (7) Early-Middle Triassic; (8) late Middle Triassic; (9) Late Triassic; (10) Early Jurassic; (11) Middle-Late Jurassic; (12) Early Cretaceous; (13) Late Cretaceous; (14) Paleogene; (15) Neogene. Tetrapod footprints are most valuable in establishing biostratigraphic datum points, and this is their primary value to understanding the stratigraphic (temporal) dimension of tetrapod evolution.  相似文献   

In this study, we present an analysis of the average wages paid for producing direct and indirect imports of nations using employment and income footprints. An employment footprint includes a country's domestic employment and that occurring along the supply chains of, and hence embodied in, its imported goods and services. Our results allow us to group the world's nations into “masters” that enjoy a lifestyle supported by workers in other countries and “servants” that support the lifestyle of master countries. We show that, in 2010, employment footprints of countries differed substantially from their own workforce footprints. Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and Switzerland occupy the top‐ranking positions of master countries, whereas many African and Asian countries are servants. Our findings show that the commodities that are “servant intensive,” such as electronics, agricultural products, and chemicals, tend to have complex supply chains often originating in third‐world countries. The quantification of these master‐servant relationships and the exposing of implicated supply chains could be of benefit to those concerned with their corporate social responsibility and committed to fairer trading or those developing policy around fair globalization.  相似文献   

Since classical times and earlier, footprints in stone have intrigued humanity. Sometimes the supposed footprints were mere indentations produced by the chances of erosion; sometimes they were invertebrate fossils; and sometimes they were faked; but quite often they were the tracks of extinct creatures. The interpretations resulting from observations of these phenomena included legends of gods, heroes and saints: but, on occasion, the envisioning of the track‐maker was remarkably accurate. This account of the folklore of footprints surveys legends from Europe, North and South America, Africa and Australia; it concludes with the beginning of their scientific observation.  相似文献   

Incorporating footprints from shod humans into ichnotaxonomical nomenclature presents several problems in that the track maker does not actually touch the sediment, and further the wear of shoes represents a behavioral choice as well as evidence of technological developments in shoemaking. If footprints of shod humans were to be treated ichnotaxonomically, they should be regarded as traces of compound behavior comprising bipedal walking, wearing and production of shoes. Footprints of naked feet offer no restrictions in being classified into the ichnotaxonomical system.  相似文献   

Russell H. Tuttle 《Ichnos》2013,20(3-4):158-165
In 1978 and 1979 at Laetoli, Northern, Tanzania, Mary D. Leakey and assistants excavated the most compelling evidence for the existence of bipedalism in Pliocene (3.5 Ma) hominids. They have stimulated controversy over the extent to which the three individuals had feet and gaits that are like those of humans versus having ape-like features and gaits. A short trail of bipedal tracks discovered in 1977 at Laetoli site A are probably not those of a hominid and more closely resemble the prints of bears. One of the original researchers on the Laetoli prints claimed that she could identify individual modern humans from their footprints, partial footprints and shoe prints because each individual has distinctive foot morphology on a par with the individuality of fingerprints. Courts of law should not have allowed her unproven (and now discredited) method to be used forensically prior to thorough review by scientific peers.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper contains the first comprehensive ichnotaxonomic review of the Triassic tetrapod track record in Argentina, including previous accounts and new material recently discovered, and an analysis of its composition and stratigraphic distribution. Triassic footprints have been recorded from three basins: the Ischigualasto-Villa Unión and Cuyo basins in north-west Argentina, and the Los Menucos depocentre in northern Patagonia. Most are in successions of Middle Triassic age; a lower number are from the Late Triassic, and there are two records from Early Triassic rocks. The known track types include: Brachychirotherium isp., cf. Brachychirotherium isp., Chirotherium barthii , Dicynodontipus ispp., Grallator isp., Rhynchosauroides isp., Rigalites ischigualastianus , Rigalites isp., Tetrasauropus isp., and bird-like, chirotheriid and unidentified tridactyl footprints. The ichnogenera Gallegosichnus Casamiquela, 1964, Calibarichnus Casamiquela, 1964, Palaciosichnus Casamiquela, 1964 and Stipanicichnus Casamiquela, 1975 are considered to be synonyms of Dicynodontipus (Hornstein, 1876). In addition, the abandonment of the following ichnogenera (and single ichnospecies) that are based on poorly preserved material is suggested: Ingenierichnus sierrai Casamiquela, 1964, Rogerbaletichnus aguilerai Casamiquela, 1964 and Shimmelia chirotheroides Casamiquela, 1964. At least eight Triassic ichnofaunas can be recognized. The most peculiar is that of the Late Triassic Los Menucos depocentre, which is characterized by the dominance of therapsid footprints ( Dicynodontipus ispp.). The track assemblages from the Cuyo Basin display the highest ichnodiversity, with five footprint types.  相似文献   

Abstract:  New findings of dinosaur footprints are described from the Upper Jurassic Iouaridène ichnosite of Morocco. On the top of two surfaces, stratigraphically close to that bearing the famous Breviparopus taghbaloutensis trackways, two footprints were excavated and assigned to the ichnogenus Deltapodus . This ichnogenus is well known from the Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire and also occurs in Upper Jurassic deposits from Iberia and the United States. This finding represents the first record of Deltapodus from Africa. These footprints, probably produced by stegosaurian dinosaurs, add new data on the distribution of this type of dinosaur and on the connection between the northern and southern margin of Tethys. 3D models have been generated to allow more detailed studies and to record these unique footprints.  相似文献   

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