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More than two thirds of beds in the lowest Jurassic, Blue Lias Formation lack ammonites, which are commonly preserved in irregular or planar-bedded, bioturbated limestones, very rarely in laminated limestones and almost never in laminated black shales. Ammonites are preserved in 3D in nodular and planar-bedded limestones and at any orientation to bedding. Co-occurrence with macrobenthos and absence from beds without benthos suggest that Blue Lias ammonites were nektobenthonic. Scour structures and imbrication of ammonites in the Best Bed imply presence of traction currents. Lack of epifauna on large cephalopod shells (and other fossils) implies rapid deposition in event beds. Blue Lias deposition was episodic, not slow and continuous as the fine grain size implies. Undistorted trace fossils, uncrushed ammonites and stable isotope values all suggest early cementation of limestone beds from pore waters of a similar composition to contemporary Jurassic sea water. A clear diagenetic trend exists, with limestones having least, and laminated black shales most, modified stable isotope values. Contrast between trace fossil fills and host sediment demonstrates that Blue Lias rhythms are primary, but limestone beds have been diagenetically cemented.  相似文献   

Abstract: Eight remarkably preserved specimens of ichthyosaurs from the lower Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) of Strawberry Bank (Ilminster, Somerset, England) are described fully for the first time. Whereas previously these ichthyosaurs were assigned to one species, Stenopterygius hauffianus, our study shows there are two, Stenopterygius triscissus and Hauffiopteryx typicus. S. triscissus is a small‐ to medium‐sized ichthyosaur up to 3.5 m long, characterised by three apomorphies: long and slender rostrum, large elliptical supratemporal fenestra and bipartite pelvis. H. typicus is a small ichthyosaur up to 2.95 m long, with five apomorphies: short and extremely slender rostrum, very large orbit, small rounded supratemporal fenestra and tripartite pelvis, which is fused distally. Cladistic analysis is equivocal about their relationships, suggesting either that Hauffiopteryx and perhaps also Stenopterygius are members of a clade Eurhinosauria or that this clade does not exist, and both genera are members of a wider clade Thunnosauria. Further, the clade Stenopterygiidae, in which Hauffiopteryx had been located, is not identified. Most striking is that the specimens are all juveniles (five specimens) or infants (three specimens), ranging from one‐tenth to one‐half the normal adult length of the species.  相似文献   

Summary Trace fossils occur abundantly in Middle Jurassic rocks of the Kachchh Basin. They are found in environments ranging from beach sequences down to central parts of the basin. For stratinomic reasons, they are particularly well preserved in storm deposits. Their distribution pattern exhibits a clear relationship to the hydrodynamic conditions and, secondarily, to bathymetry, and follows the classic ichnofacies concept ofSeilacher (1967). High energy nearshore areas and submarine shoals are represented by members of the Skolithos ichnofacies such asOphiomorpha nodosa, Arenicolites, Diplocraterion parallelum, andRhizocorallium jenense. The storm-influenced ramp contains both members of the Cruziana ichnofacies (e.g.Rhizocorallium irregulare, Thalassinoides suevicus, Taenidium serpentinum, Chondrites) and the Skolithos ichnofacies (in particularOphiomorpha). The former were produced during interstorm phases, the latter are of post-storm origin. Carbonate ramp environments of low to intermediate energy also contain members of the Cruziana ichnofacies, whilst equivalent siliciclastic environments are characterized by a low-diversity Zoophycos ichnofacies. Low energy basinal environments of fine-grained substrates contain an impoverished Cruziana ichnofacies consisting ofChondrites, Trichichnus andThalassinoides suevicus. 32 ichnotaxa are briefly described, among themSphaerichnus lobatus ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov.  相似文献   

Minor bedforms within the mudstone-dominated Early Jurassic Hettangian Saltford Shale Member (Liasicus up to Angulata Chronozone) of the Blue Lias Formation in central England, indicate weak seafloor erosion in a mid to outer ramp setting. Distal storm flows below maximum storm wave base are proposed as the most likely generative mechanism for silty scour and gutter casts that enclose concentrations of well-preserved schlotheimiid ammonites and arthropod trace fossils. Within the upper part of the Saltford Shale (probably Angulata Chronozone), a discrete layer of reworked and bioencrusted limestone nodules signifies an episode of more persistent seafloor erosion. The immediately overlying strata, transitional to the Hettangian–Sinemurian Rugby Limestone Member, are relatively bioturbated and feature fossils of macrobenthos, as well as shell concentrations resembling relatively proximal storm beds. This suggests that the reworked nodule horizon marks sea-level fall, rather than stratigraphic condensation associated with sediment starvation. The biostratigraphic evidence raises the possibility that this erosional episode correlates with a mid-Angulata Chronozone hiatus documented from the Wessex Basin, southwest England. Equally however, it could be linked to contemporaneous movement on one or more nearby faults, affecting the southern part of the English East Midlands Shelf.  相似文献   

A fin spine previously described as ‘Myriacanthus paradoxus’ Agassiz from the Lower Lias (Lower Jurassic) of Lyme Regis, is allocated to the new genus and species Recurvacanthus uniserialis. The spine is unusual in possessing a single median row of four large, hook-like, downturned denticles on the distal part of the posterior wall. It is concluded that the unique specimen should be classified with the myriacanthoid chimaeriform holocephalans since it possesses a tubercular ornament on the lateral walls.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new suite of arthropod trace fossils, attributed to a decapod crustacean, is described from the Lower Jurassic Saltford Shale Member of the Blue Lias Formation of Southam Cement Works Quarry, eastern Warwickshire, England. Solusichnium southamensis igen. et isp. nov. consists of small, isolated, bilaterally symmetrical, suboval hypichnia, comprising three regions. The concave anterior region contains imprints of chelate appendages, antennae and antennules. The elongate middle region contains abdominal appendage imprints that extend laterally, separated by a bifurcated medial imprint. The convex posterior region terminates in a globular V-shaped telson imprint. The large sample size and range of trace morphologies allows identification of five morphotypes within a taphoseries. S. southamensis is found on the base of siltstone lenses in what is otherwise a dysaerobic laminated mudstone unit, associated with epichnial Rusophycus , and the suite of trace fossils is interpreted as the resting traces (Cubichnia) and escape reactions (Fugichnia) of small decapods that were trapped below a distal storm deposit. The producer of S. southamensis was possibly an Eryon -like decapod, similar to those known from the slightly older Wilmcote Limestone Member of southwestern Warwickshire.  相似文献   

A 19 m thick package of well-sorted lowermost Jurassic (Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian?) sandstones within the Shemshak Formation of the southeastern Alborz Mountains displays features characteristic of foreshore to upper shoreface environments such as tabular bedding, low-angle lamination, trough cross-stratification, parting lineation, and oscillation ripples. In contrast to most other beach successions recorded in the literature the sandstones contain a trace fossil assemblage characterised by low abundance but comparatively high diversity. The assemblage, comprising 14 ichnotaxa, is dominated by Palaeophycus heberti, Rhizocorallium irregulare, Gyrochorte comosa, and Parahaentzschelinia surlyki. Contrary to predictions, which assume a dominance of suspension-feeders in such high-energy environments, the trace fossil assemblage represents a variety of ethological groups ranging from suspension-feeders to deposit-feeders, detritus-feeders, scavengers, and a possible trap constructor (Ctenopholeus), whereby deposit-feeders predominate. This anomaly is explained by a high amount of organic detritus in the sediment, indicated by abundant plant material, and a position of the beach in the vicinity of a river mouth.  相似文献   

An ichnofauna consisting of 18 ichnospecies (one of them new) in 14 ichnogenera are described for the first time from the Middle Jurassic Ridang Formation in Sajia County, South Tibet. The ichnofauna can be subdivided into two ichnoassemblages in ascending stratigraphic order: the Palaeophycus–Megagrapton ichnoassemblage in the lower and middle parts of the Ridang Formation, followed by the CosmorhapheNereites–Paleodictyon ichnoassemblage in the upper Ridang Formation. Overall, the trace fossils occur in a middle–distal turbidite fan sequence, as evidenced by both sedimentological analysis and the composition of the trace fossils. Several subenvironments of the middle–distal fan system have been recognized on the basis of the spatial distribution of the trace fossils. Typically, the channel-fill deposits in the middle part of the turbidite fan lack trace fossils, the interchannel and upper channel-fill (levee) subenvironments of the middle turbidite fan contain abundant facies-crossing trace fossils, in contrast to the distal part of the turbidite fan where deep-water trace fossils are dominant. The ichnofauna is similar to typical flysch ichnofaunas from Europe and North America in characteristics, and is interpreted to represent a typical deep-sea Nereites ichnofacies. The presence of these deep-sea trace fossils therefore would suggest that a continental slope environment existed in southern Tibet during the Middle Jurassic and the study area was located in a slope-abyssal plain setting.  相似文献   

Biogenic structures in Holocene sediments from the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea, were characterized through the analysis of X-ray images of four cores collected from water depths between 32 and 66 m. In the area, initial colonization of endobenthic invertebrates occurred at 7800 ± 80 calendar years BP. The trace assemblage at this level is low-diversity, small-diameter, shallowly tiered, and Palaeophycus-dominated; rare Arenicolites are also observed. Early colonization coincides with increasing marine influence in the post-glacial lacustrine setting just before the dramatic onset of brackish-water conditions established after 7600 BP. The post-incursion brackish-water assemblage possesses a higher diversity of traces (Planolites, Arenicolites, Lockeia, Teichichnus), which is taken to reflect the enhanced salinity and trophic state of the basin. The shift from Palaeophycus-mottling to a Planolites-dominated fabric represents changed behavioural patterns in the endobenthic community due to changed substrate properties. The ethology of the succeeding trace assemblage also represents a switch from domicile-based activities, such as predation, scavenging and interface-dominated deposit feeding to shallow-tier deposit feeding. Finally, traces are excluded from thinly laminated intervals, demonstrating that seafloor oxygen deficiency commonly reached levels that were detrimental to colonization of the sediment substrate.  相似文献   


Jurassic deposits of shallow to marginal marine (delta) environments are widely reported from different continents of the world. This study shows inter-relationship of the animal-sediment behaviours in shallow and marginal marine conditions, suggesting an interpretation of the possible ichnodisparity. The Jurassic succession exposed at Washtawa Dome and Adhoi Anticline of Wagad highland, Kachchh comprises an approximately 341 m thick succession, divided into two formations – Lower Washtawa and Upper Wagad Sandstone. Eight sparsely to highly bioturbated sedimentary units show twenty-three identifiable ichnospecies from fifteen ichnogenera representing five ichnoassemblages broadly attributable to the Skolithos and the Cruziana ichnofacies, and developed in shallow-marine strandplain shoreface and delta depositional facies. The relative frequency statistical data reveals the dominant occurrence of feeding structures generated by polychaetes preferentially in quartz arenites. These structures represent sub-horizontal, sub-vertical and complex burrows, and show twelve and six categories of architectural designing Callovian-Oxfordian of shallow-marine shoreface and Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian shallow-water delta successions, respectively. The lower ichnodiversity and ichnodisparity associated with the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian deltaic intervals represents a decrease in the exploitation of under-used ecospace, due to unfavourable environmental conditions rather than an expression of evolutionary radiation.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic (Late Bathonian) Mammal Bed at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, has yielded a rich assemblage of small vertebrates including mammals, frogs, salamanders and small reptiles. This paper describes the skull of a new diapsid reptile, Marmorelta oxoniensis, which was common within the fauna. The skull is gracile with large orbits and relatively long external nares. The frontals and parietals are single in the adult and almost separated on the roof of the skull by the postfrontals. The temporal region shows a mosaic of primitive and derived character states. The quadrate was firmly held to the skull by a large squamosal and a small, free, quadratojugal was retained. However, reduction of the anterior process of the quadratojugal and of the posterior process of the jugal left the lower temporal fenestra broadly open. Comparison with other diapsids leads to the conclusion that Marmoretta was a lepidosauromorph, most probably the sister taxon of Lepidosauria.  相似文献   

Sampling of a lenticular concentration of vertebrate debris and associated sediments from the lower Kimmeridgian of southern England has allowed the study of a diverse and abundant assemblage of chondrichthyan remains. A number of previously undescribed species are recorded, of which three new species are named; Squatina? frequens, Synechodus plicatus and Protospinax planus. Additional diagnosis of the genus Paracestracion Koken is given to allow its identification from dental remains. Several nominal batoid species are synonymised with Spathobatis bugesiacus Thiolliere. This assemblage is considered to be typical of Middle–Late Jurassic neritic environments, and is compared to other contemporaneous selachian faunas.  相似文献   

Dictyodora occurs in the Hauptquarzit (Late Ordovician; D. zimmermanni) and Bordenschiefer (Early Carboniferous; D. liebeana) of Thuringia, East Germany. It is absent in the Early Devonian Nereitenquarzit, and analysis of the trace fossil assemblages points to environmental partitioning within the ‘deep-sea’Nereites Association. The Carboniferous Dictyodora was much larger than the Early Palaeozoic forms and had a long respiratory (?) wall organ. This may have been an adaptation to feeding deeper in anoxic sediments, and the animal developed large ‘parapodia’ to effect its progression through the sediment.  相似文献   

Middle Eocene, non-marine sediments from southern England contain examples of Teredolites borings in two contrasting palaeoenvironmental settings, viz.: (A) as in situ borings in an allochthonous lignite in an abandoned river channel and (B) as bored logs in cross-bedded fluvial sandstones of probable point-bar origin. The lignite is 0.30 m thick, of which the upper 0.20 m is intensely bored. Rounded pebbles of ?charcoal at its base also show small borings. A log in a fluvial sandstone shows densely-packed. radial club-shaped borings. now filled with sandstone. The wood substrate has subsequently been oxidized away. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed account of Teredolites from an ancient freshwater setting.  相似文献   

Kentaro Izumi 《Ichnos》2013,20(1):62-72
Elemental and mineralogical analyses of Phycosiphon incertum from the Lower Jurassic Higashinagano Formation and Pliocene Shiramazu Formation revealed that the core and mantle have significantly different compositions; the Al2O3/SiO2 ratio, a general proxy for phyllosilicates to tectosilicates, showed a significantly (P < 0.01) higher value in the core than in the mantle. The obtained data strongly suggest that clay minerals are certainly concentrated in the core while coarse grains (i.e., quartz, feldspar) are enriched in the mantle. This is in agreement with the commonly believed interpretation of the Phycosiphon-producer; namely, it selectively ingested and excreted the clay-sized sediment grains and sorted out coarse grains. Difference in the degree of particle selection was also recognized; the tracemaker of the Higashinagano P. incertum showed greater degree of selectivity. This may be due to the differences in optimal foraging deposit-feeding activities affected by clay mineralogy of the host sediments, or in mechanistic consequences of particle selection induced by organic matter content, or in the number of other ichnotaxa recognized from each formation.  相似文献   

The low Lower Cambrian rocks from the Sierra de Córdoba contain one of the best successions in Europe, which consists of well exposed mixed facies with abundant fossil assemblages showing long stratigraphical ranges throughout the Pedroche Formation. These assemblages include diverse Ovetian archaeocyaths, trilobites, small shelly fossils, calcimicrobes, trace fossils and stromatolites. Trace fossils are still poorly known, and thus they are the main objective of this work. Ichnological data are obtained from the Arroyo de Pedroche 1, Arroyo de Pedroche 2 and Puente de Hierro sections. Trace fossils include the ichnogenera Bergaueria, aff. Bilinichnus, Cochlichnus, aff. Cosmorhaphe?, Cylindrichnus, Dactyloidites, Dimorphichnus, Diplichnites, Monocraterion, Palaeophycus, aff. Phycodes, Planolites, Psammichnites, Rusophycus, Skolithos, Torrowangea and Treptichnus, as well as faecal pellets, meniscate trace fossils and others. They are abundant in shales and sandstones, and indicate important changes in the benthic conditions with respect to the underlying Torreárboles Formation. Changes in fossil assemblages within Member I of the Pedroche Formation indicate palaeoecological disruptions, which led to the disappearance of numerous archaeocyath species and the decrease of stromatolite biodiversity. This was followed by dominance of trilobite and brachiopod assemblages, accompanied by trace fossils of the Psammichnites ichnosp. A ichnoassociation. This biotic turnover (Pedroche event) occurred at the lower part of the archaeocyath Zone III, within the Bigotina bivallata biozone. The diagnoses of the ichnospecies Cochlichnus anguineus and Dactyloidites cabanasi are emended.  相似文献   

James M. Clark  Xing Xu 《Evolution》2009,2(2):236-247
Dinosaurs have captured the popular imagination more than any other extinct group of organisms and are therefore a powerful tool in teaching evolutionary biology. Most students are familiar with a wide variety of dinosaurs and the relative suddenness of their extinction, but few are aware of the tremendous longevity of their time on Earth and the richness of their fossil record. We first review some of the best-known groups of dinosaurs and discuss how their less-specialized relatives elucidate the path through which each evolved. We then discuss our recent discovery of Yinlong downsi, a distant relative of Triceratops, and other fossils from Jurassic deposits in China to exemplify how the continuing discovery of fossils is filling out the dinosaur family tree.  相似文献   

To date, only two species of the genus Sharasargus are known. These Upper Jurassic species were found in Mongolia and Kazakhstan, respectively. We herein describe two new species from the Middle Jurassic, which were found in Inner Mongolia, China. They are the oldest known fossils of this genus. A key to Sharasargus species is given.  相似文献   

A sequence of Lower Ordovician (Arenig) turbidites in Co. Wexford, Eire, has yielded one of the earliest diverse ichnofaunas yet recorded from deep water sediments comprising: Chondrites, Glockerichnus, Gordia, Helminthopsis, Lorenzinia, Neonereites, Palaeophycus, Paleodictyon, Planolites, Sublorenzinia, Taenidium, Taphrhelminthopsis, Teichichnus and Tomaculum. This ichnofauna is critical in any analysis of the colonisation of the deep seas by trace fossil‐producing animals.

A world‐wide review shows that the earliest trace fossils are mainly from Late Precambrian shelf sea environments, but many more evolved during very rapid diversification in the pre‐trilobite Lower Cambrian.

There was little increase in diversity in shallow water after the Lower Cambrian but a progressive colonisation of the deep ocean took place and this accelerated during the Ordovician, when the main lineages of deep sea trace fossils were established there. Rosetted, patterned, meandering and simple spiral forms evolved in shallow water in the Upper Precambrian and pre‐trilobite Lower Cambrian and only later migrated into the deep sea, whereas complex, closely programmed, spiral traces may have evolved there.  相似文献   

Tube structure, ultrastructure and mineralogy support serpulid affinities of the problematic worm fossil ‘Serpulaetalensis from the Lower Jurassic of Germany. The original tube mineralogy of ‘Serpulaetalensis is purely aragonitic and is preserved in Upper Pliensbachian specimens from eastern Germany. ‘Serpulaetalensis represent the earliest record of aragonitic mineralogy for serpulids. The tube is formed of irregularly oriented prismatic crystals that are 3–6 µm in length and 0.5–1.0 µm in diameter. Calcitic specimens of ‘Serpulaetalensis from Upper Sinemurian of southwestern Germany were recrystallized during the diagenesis and lack the original tube ultrastructure.  相似文献   

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