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Jie Hou  Tianqi Wu  Renzhi Cao  Jianlin Cheng 《Proteins》2019,87(12):1165-1178
Predicting residue-residue distance relationships (eg, contacts) has become the key direction to advance protein structure prediction since 2014 CASP11 experiment, while deep learning has revolutionized the technology for contact and distance distribution prediction since its debut in 2012 CASP10 experiment. During 2018 CASP13 experiment, we enhanced our MULTICOM protein structure prediction system with three major components: contact distance prediction based on deep convolutional neural networks, distance-driven template-free (ab initio) modeling, and protein model ranking empowered by deep learning and contact prediction. Our experiment demonstrates that contact distance prediction and deep learning methods are the key reasons that MULTICOM was ranked 3rd out of all 98 predictors in both template-free and template-based structure modeling in CASP13. Deep convolutional neural network can utilize global information in pairwise residue-residue features such as coevolution scores to substantially improve contact distance prediction, which played a decisive role in correctly folding some free modeling and hard template-based modeling targets. Deep learning also successfully integrated one-dimensional structural features, two-dimensional contact information, and three-dimensional structural quality scores to improve protein model quality assessment, where the contact prediction was demonstrated to consistently enhance ranking of protein models for the first time. The success of MULTICOM system clearly shows that protein contact distance prediction and model selection driven by deep learning holds the key of solving protein structure prediction problem. However, there are still challenges in accurately predicting protein contact distance when there are few homologous sequences, folding proteins from noisy contact distances, and ranking models of hard targets.  相似文献   

Jinbo Xu  Sheng Wang 《Proteins》2019,87(12):1069-1081
This paper reports the CASP13 results of distance-based contact prediction, threading, and folding methods implemented in three RaptorX servers, which are built upon the powerful deep convolutional residual neural network (ResNet) method initiated by us for contact prediction in CASP12. On the 32 CASP13 FM (free-modeling) targets with a median multiple sequence alignment (MSA) depth of 36, RaptorX yielded the best contact prediction among 46 groups and almost the best 3D structure modeling among all server groups without time-consuming conformation sampling. In particular, RaptorX achieved top L/5, L/2, and L long-range contact precision of 70%, 58%, and 45%, respectively, and predicted correct folds (TMscore > 0.5) for 18 of 32 targets. Further, RaptorX predicted correct folds for all FM targets with >300 residues (T0950-D1, T0969-D1, and T1000-D2) and generated the best 3D models for T0950-D1 and T0969-D1 among all groups. This CASP13 test confirms our previous findings: (a) predicted distance is more useful than contacts for both template-based and free modeling; and (b) structure modeling may be improved by integrating template and coevolutionary information via deep learning. This paper will discuss progress we have made since CASP12, the strength and weakness of our methods, and why deep learning performed much better in CASP13.  相似文献   

Scoring model structure is an essential component of protein structure prediction that can affect the prediction accuracy tremendously. Users of protein structure prediction results also need to score models to select the best models for their application studies. In Critical Assessment of techniques for protein Structure Prediction (CASP), model accuracy estimation methods have been tested in a blind fashion by providing models submitted by the tertiary structure prediction servers for scoring. In CASP13, model accuracy estimation results were evaluated in terms of both global and local structure accuracy. Global structure accuracy estimation was evaluated by the quality of the models selected by the global structure scores and by the absolute estimates of the global scores. Residue-wise, local structure accuracy estimations were evaluated by three different measures. A new measure introduced in CASP13 evaluates the ability to predict inaccurately modeled regions that may be improved by refinement. An intensive comparative analysis on CASP13 and the previous CASPs revealed that the tertiary structure models generated by the CASP13 servers show very distinct features. Higher consensus toward models of higher global accuracy appeared even for free modeling targets, and many models of high global accuracy were not well optimized at the atomic level. This is related to the new technology in CASP13, deep learning for tertiary contact prediction. The tertiary model structures generated by deep learning pose a new challenge for EMA (estimation of model accuracy) method developers. Model accuracy estimation itself is also an area where deep learning can potentially have an impact, although current EMA methods have not fully explored that direction.  相似文献   

Protein target structures for the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction round 13 (CASP13) were split into evaluation units (EUs) based on their structural domains, the domain organization of available templates, and the performance of servers on whole targets compared to split target domains. Eighty targets were split into 112 EUs. The EUs were classified into categories suitable for assessment of high accuracy modeling (or template-based modeling [TBM]) and topology (or free modeling [FM]) based on target difficulty. Assignment into assessment categories considered the following criteria: (a) the evolutionary relationship of target domains to existing fold space as defined by the Evolutionary Classification of Protein Domains (ECOD) database; (b) the clustering of target domains using eight objective sequence, structure, and performance measures; and (c) the placement of target domains in a scatter plot of target difficulty against server performance used in the previous CASP. Generally, target domains with good server predictions had close template homologs and were classified as TBM. Alternately, targets with poor server predictions represent a mixture of fast evolving homologs, structure analogs, and new folds, and were classified as FM or FM/TBM overlap.  相似文献   

We present our assessment of tertiary structure predictions for hard targets in Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction round 13 (CASP13). The analysis includes (a) assignment and discussion of best models through scores-aided visual inspection of models for each evaluation unit (EU); (b) ranking of predictors resulting from this evaluation and from global scores; and (c) evaluation of progress, state of the art, and current limitations of protein structure prediction. We witness a sizable improvement in tertiary structure prediction building on the progress observed from CASP11 to CASP12, with (a) top models reaching backbone RMSD <3 å for several EUs of size <150 residues, contributed by many groups; (b) at least one model that roughly captures global topology for all EUs, probably unprecedented in this track of CASP; and (c) even quite good models for full, unsplit targets. Better structure predictions are brought about mainly by improved residue-residue contact predictions, and since this CASP also by distance predictions, achieved through state-of-the-art machine learning methods which also progressed to work with slightly shallower alignments compared to CASP12. As we reach a new realm of tertiary structure prediction quality, new directions are proposed and explored for future CASPs: (a) dropping splitting into EUs, (b) rethinking difficulty metrics probably in terms of contact and distance predictions, (c) assessing also side chains for models of high backbone accuracy, and (d) assessing residue-wise and possibly residue-residue quality estimates.  相似文献   

We report the results of two fully automated structure prediction pipelines, “Zhang-Server” and “QUARK”, in CASP13. The pipelines were built upon the C-I-TASSER and C-QUARK programs, which in turn are based on I-TASSER and QUARK but with three new modules: (a) a novel multiple sequence alignment (MSA) generation protocol to construct deep sequence-profiles for contact prediction; (b) an improved meta-method, NeBcon, which combines multiple contact predictors, including ResPRE that predicts contact-maps by coupling precision-matrices with deep residual convolutional neural-networks; and (c) an optimized contact potential to guide structure assembly simulations. For 50 CASP13 FM domains that lacked homologous templates, average TM-scores of the first models produced by C-I-TASSER and C-QUARK were 28% and 56% higher than those constructed by I-TASSER and QUARK, respectively. For the first time, contact-map predictions demonstrated usefulness on TBM domains with close homologous templates, where TM-scores of C-I-TASSER models were significantly higher than those of I-TASSER models with a P-value <.05. Detailed data analyses showed that the success of C-I-TASSER and C-QUARK was mainly due to the increased accuracy of deep-learning-based contact-maps, as well as the careful balance between sequence-based contact restraints, threading templates, and generic knowledge-based potentials. Nevertheless, challenges still remain for predicting quaternary structure of multi-domain proteins, due to the difficulties in domain partitioning and domain reassembly. In addition, contact prediction in terminal regions was often unsatisfactory due to the sparsity of MSAs. Development of new contact-based domain partitioning and assembly methods and training contact models on sparse MSAs may help address these issues.  相似文献   

We present the assembly category assessment in the 13th edition of the CASP community-wide experiment. For the second time, protein assemblies constitute an independent assessment category. Compared to the last edition we see a clear uptake in participation, more oligomeric targets released, and consistent, albeit modest, improvement of the predictions quality. Looking at the tertiary structure predictions, we observe that ignoring the oligomeric state of the targets hinders modeling success. We also note that some contact prediction groups successfully predicted homomeric interfacial contacts, though it appears that these predictions were not used for assembly modeling. Homology modeling with sizeable human intervention appears to form the basis of the assembly prediction techniques in this round of CASP. Future developments should see more integrated approaches where subunits are modeled in the context of the assemblies they form.  相似文献   

Georg Kuenze  Jens Meiler 《Proteins》2019,87(12):1341-1350
Computational methods that produce accurate protein structure models from limited experimental data, for example, from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, hold great potential for biomedical research. The NMR-assisted modeling challenge in CASP13 provided a blind test to explore the capabilities and limitations of current modeling techniques in leveraging NMR data which had high sparsity, ambiguity, and error rate for protein structure prediction. We describe our approach to predict the structure of these proteins leveraging the Rosetta software suite. Protein structure models were predicted de novo using a two-stage protocol. First, low-resolution models were generated with the Rosetta de novo method guided by nonambiguous nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) contacts and residual dipolar coupling (RDC) restraints. Second, iterative model hybridization and fragment insertion with the Rosetta comparative modeling method was used to refine and regularize models guided by all ambiguous and nonambiguous NOE contacts and RDCs. Nine out of 16 of the Rosetta de novo models had the correct fold (global distance test total score > 45) and in three cases high-resolution models were achieved (root-mean-square deviation < 3.5 å). We also show that a meta-approach applying iterative Rosetta + NMR refinement on server-predicted models which employed non-NMR-contacts and structural templates leads to substantial improvement in model quality. Integrating these data-assisted refinement strategies with innovative non-data-assisted approaches which became possible in CASP13 such as high precision contact prediction will in the near future enable structure determination for large proteins that are outside of the realm of conventional NMR.  相似文献   

In recent years in silico protein structure prediction reached a level where fully automated servers can generate large pools of near‐native structures. However, the identification and further refinement of the best structures from the pool of models remain problematic. To address these issues, we have developed (i) a target‐specific selective refinement (SR) protocol; and (ii) molecular dynamics (MD) simulation based ranking (SMDR) method. In SR the all‐atom refinement of structures is accomplished via the Rosetta Relax protocol, subject to specific constraints determined by the size and complexity of the target. The best‐refined models are selected with SMDR by testing their relative stability against gradual heating through all‐atom MD simulations. Through extensive testing we have found that Mufold‐MD, our fully automated protein structure prediction server updated with the SR and SMDR modules consistently outperformed its previous versions. Proteins 2015; 83:1823–1835. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Most protein structure prediction methods use templates to assist in the construction of protein models. In this paper, we analyse the current state of template-based modelling approaches and reach an estimate of the empirical limits of these methods. Our analysis show that current prediction methods are already reaching these empirical accuracy limits in the easier cases, where finding a close homologue to the native target structure is not a problem. However, we find that even in the absence of alignment errors and using optimal templates, template-based methods have intrinsic limitations, suggesting that other methodologies, such as ab initio procedures, must be used if accuracy is ultimately to be improved.  相似文献   

We present heuristic-based predictions of the secondary and tertiary structures of the cyclins A, B, and D, representatives of the cyclin superfamily. The list of suggested constraints for tertiary structure assembly was left unrefined in order to submit this report before an announced crystal structure for cyclin A becomes available. To predict these constraints, a master sequence alignment over 270 positions of cyclin types A, B, and D was adjusted based on individual secondary structure predictions for each type. We used new heuristics for predicting aromatic residues at protein-protein interfaces and to identify sequentially distinct regions in the protein chain that cluster in the folded structure. The boundaries of two conjectured domains in the cyclin fold were predicted based on experimental data in the literature. The domain that is important for interaction of the cyclins with cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) is predicted to contain six helices; the second domain in the consensus model contains both helices and a β-sheet that is formed by sequentially distant regions in the protein chain. A plausible phosphorylation site is identified. This work represents a blinded test of the method for prediction of secondary and, to a lesser extent, tertiary structure from a set of homologous protein sequences. Evaluation of our predictions will become possible with the publication of the announced crystal structure.  相似文献   

Computational methods in protein structure prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review presents the advances in protein structure prediction from the computational methods perspective. The approaches are classified into four major categories: comparative modeling, fold recognition, first principles methods that employ database information, and first principles methods without database information. Important advances along with current limitations and challenges are presented.  相似文献   

We describe AlphaFold, the protein structure prediction system that was entered by the group A7D in CASP13. Submissions were made by three free-modeling (FM) methods which combine the predictions of three neural networks. All three systems were guided by predictions of distances between pairs of residues produced by a neural network. Two systems assembled fragments produced by a generative neural network, one using scores from a network trained to regress GDT_TS. The third system shows that simple gradient descent on a properly constructed potential is able to perform on par with more expensive traditional search techniques and without requiring domain segmentation. In the CASP13 FM assessors' ranking by summed z-scores, this system scored highest with 68.3 vs 48.2 for the next closest group (an average GDT_TS of 61.4). The system produced high-accuracy structures (with GDT_TS scores of 70 or higher) for 11 out of 43 FM domains. Despite not explicitly using template information, the results in the template category were comparable to the best performing template-based methods.  相似文献   

蛋白质结构预测的理论方法及阶段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙侠  殷志祥 《生物学杂志》2007,24(1):16-17,15
一直以来,蛋白质结构预测都是人们研究的焦点,综述了蛋白质结构预测的几种理论方法和不同阶段。  相似文献   

CASP13 has investigated the impact of sparse NMR data on the accuracy of protein structure prediction. NOESY and 15N-1H residual dipolar coupling data, typical of that obtained for 15N,13C-enriched, perdeuterated proteins up to about 40 kDa, were simulated for 11 CASP13 targets ranging in size from 80 to 326 residues. For several targets, two prediction groups generated models that are more accurate than those produced using baseline methods. Real NMR data collected for a de novo designed protein were also provided to predictors, including one data set in which only backbone resonance assignments were available. Some NMR-assisted prediction groups also did very well with these data. CASP13 also assessed whether incorporation of sparse NMR data improves the accuracy of protein structure prediction relative to nonassisted regular methods. In most cases, incorporation of sparse, noisy NMR data results in models with higher accuracy. The best NMR-assisted models were also compared with the best regular predictions of any CASP13 group for the same target. For six of 13 targets, the most accurate model provided by any NMR-assisted prediction group was more accurate than the most accurate model provided by any regular prediction group; however, for the remaining seven targets, one or more regular prediction method provided a more accurate model than even the best NMR-assisted model. These results suggest a novel approach for protein structure determination, in which advanced prediction methods are first used to generate structural models, and sparse NMR data is then used to validate and/or refine these models.  相似文献   

Given a set of alternative models for a specific protein sequence, the model quality assessment (MQA) problem asks for an assignment of scores to each model in the set. A good MQA program assigns these scores such that they correlate well with real quality of the models, ideally scoring best that model which is closest to the true structure. In this article, we present a new approach for addressing the MQA problem. It is based on distance constraints extracted from alignments to templates of known structure, and is implemented in the Undertaker program for protein structure prediction. One novel feature is that we extract noncontact constraints as well as contact constraints. We describe how the distance constraint extraction is done and we show how they can be used to address the MQA problem. We have compared our method on CASP7 targets and the results show that our method is at least comparable with the best MQA methods that were assessed at CASP7. We also propose a new evaluation measure, Kendall's τ, that is more interpretable than conventional measures used for evaluating MQA methods (Pearson's r and Spearman's ρ). We show clear examples where Kendall's τ agrees much more with our intuition of a correct MQA, and we therefore propose that Kendall's τ be used for future CASP MQA assessments. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Prediction of protein structure from sequence has been intensely studied for many decades, owing to the problem's importance and its uniquely well-defined physical and computational bases. While progress has historically ebbed and flowed, the past two years saw dramatic advances driven by the increasing “neuralization” of structure prediction pipelines, whereby computations previously based on energy models and sampling procedures are replaced by neural networks. The extraction of physical contacts from the evolutionary record; the distillation of sequence–structure patterns from known structures; the incorporation of templates from homologs in the Protein Databank; and the refinement of coarsely predicted structures into finely resolved ones have all been reformulated using neural networks. Cumulatively, this transformation has resulted in algorithms that can now predict single protein domains with a median accuracy of 2.1 Å, setting the stage for a foundational reconfiguration of the role of biomolecular modeling within the life sciences.  相似文献   

Contact order and ab initio protein structure prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Although much of the motivation for experimental studies of protein folding is to obtain insights for improving protein structure prediction, there has been relatively little connection between experimental protein folding studies and computational structural prediction work in recent years. In the present study, we show that the relationship between protein folding rates and the contact order (CO) of the native structure has implications for ab initio protein structure prediction. Rosetta ab initio folding simulations produce a dearth of high CO structures and an excess of low CO structures, as expected if the computer simulations mimic to some extent the actual folding process. Consistent with this, the majority of failures in ab initio prediction in the CASP4 (critical assessment of structure prediction) experiment involved high CO structures likely to fold much more slowly than the lower CO structures for which reasonable predictions were made. This bias against high CO structures can be partially alleviated by performing large numbers of additional simulations, selecting out the higher CO structures, and eliminating the very low CO structures; this leads to a modest improvement in prediction quality. More significant improvements in predictions for proteins with complex topologies may be possible following significant increases in high-performance computing power, which will be required for thoroughly sampling high CO conformations (high CO proteins can take six orders of magnitude longer to fold than low CO proteins). Importantly for such a strategy, simulations performed for high CO structures converge much less strongly than those for low CO structures, and hence, lack of simulation convergence can indicate the need for improved sampling of high CO conformations. The parallels between Rosetta simulations and folding in vivo may extend to misfolding: The very low CO structures that accumulate in Rosetta simulations consist primarily of local up-down beta-sheets that may resemble precursors to amyloid formation.  相似文献   

Many proteins need to form oligomers to be functional, so oligomer structures provide important clues to biological roles of proteins. Prediction of oligomer structures therefore can be a useful tool in the absence of experimentally resolved structures. In this article, we describe the server and human methods that we used to predict oligomer structures in the CASP13 experiment. Performances of the methods on the 42 CASP13 oligomer targets consisting of 30 homo-oligomers and 12 hetero-oligomers are discussed. Our server method, Seok-assembly, generated models with interface contact similarity measure greater than 0.2 as model 1 for 11 homo-oligomer targets when proper templates existed in the database. Model refinement methods such as loop modeling and molecular dynamics (MD)-based overall refinement failed to improve model qualities when target proteins have domains not covered by templates or when chains have very small interfaces. In human predictions, additional experimental data such as low-resolution electron microscopy (EM) map were utilized. EM data could assist oligomer structure prediction by providing a global shape of the complex structure.  相似文献   

Since Anfinsen demonstrated that the information encoded in a protein’s amino acid sequence determines its structure in 1973, solving the protein structure prediction problem has been the Holy Grail of structural biology. The goal of protein structure prediction approaches is to utilize computational modeling to determine the spatial location of every atom in a protein molecule starting from only its amino acid sequence. Depending on whether homologous structures can be found in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), structure prediction methods have been historically categorized as template-based modeling (TBM) or template-free modeling (FM) approaches. Until recently, TBM has been the most reliable approach to predicting protein structures, and in the absence of reliable templates, the modeling accuracy sharply declines. Nevertheless, the results of the most recent community-wide assessment of protein structure prediction experiment (CASP14) have demonstrated that the protein structure prediction problem can be largely solved through the use of end-to-end deep machine learning techniques, where correct folds could be built for nearly all single-domain proteins without using the PDB templates. Critically, the model quality exhibited little correlation with the quality of available template structures, as well as the number of sequence homologs detected for a given target protein. Thus, the implementation of deep-learning techniques has essentially broken through the 50-year-old modeling border between TBM and FM approaches and has made the success of high-resolution structure prediction significantly less dependent on template availability in the PDB library.  相似文献   

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