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Tony Thulborn 《Ichnos》2017,24(1):1-18
A remarkable assemblage of dinosaur trackways in the Winton Formation (Albian–Cenomanian) at Lark Quarry, in western Queensland, Australia, has long been regarded as evidence of a stampede involving small theropods, whose tracks were classified in the ichnogenus Skartopus, and small ornithopods, whose tracks represented a second ichnogenus, Wintonopus. However, one recently-published study has claimed that existing interpretation of Lark Quarry is incorrect: it maintains that all the track-makers were ornithopods, that the ichnogenus Skartopus is a variant form of Wintonopus, and that most of the Lark Quarry track-makers were not running but more probably swimming downstream in a current of water. Those iconoclastic claims are investigated here and shown to be untenable. They derive from overgeneralized interpretation of the Lark Quarry track assemblage and invoke ad hoc auxiliary hypotheses which are either untestable or demonstrably incorrect. Closer inspection of the evidence underpinning those claims corroborates the existing interpretation of Lark Quarry as the site of a dinosaurian stampede and confirms the validity of the original distinction between theropod tracks (Skartopus) and ornithopod tracks (Wintonopus).  相似文献   

A systematically excavated track site in a 243.5 Myr old Middle Triassic (Karlstadt Formation, Pelsonian, middle Anisian) intertidal carbonate mud‐flat palaeoenvironment at Bernburg (Saxony‐Anhalt, central Germany) has revealed extensive horseshoe crab trackways attributable to the Kouphichnium Nopsca, 1923 ichnogenus. The exposed track bed of a Germanic Basin‐wide spanned intertidal megatrack site is a mud‐cracked biolaminate surface on which detailed tracks have been preserved because of rapid drying and cementation as a result of high temperatures, followed by rapid covering with a protective layer of arenitic storm or tsunami sediments. The different trackway types and their orientations have allowed a tidal sequence to be reconstructed, with the initial appearance of swimming horseshoe crabs followed by half‐swimming/half‐hopping limulids under the shallowest water conditions. The Bernburg trackways, which have mapped lengths of up to 40 m, were all produced by adult animals and exhibit a variety of shapes and patterns that reflect a range of subaquatic locomotion behaviour more typical of mating than of feeding activities. The closest match to the proportions and dimensions of the horseshoe crab tracks at Bernburg is provided by the largest known Middle Triassic limulid Tachypleus gadeai, which is known from the north‐western Tethys in Spain. The horseshoe crab body fossils recognized in the German Mesozoic intertidal zones, instead, are from juveniles. The uniformly adult size indicated by the trackways therefore suggests that they may record the oldest intertidal reproductive zones of horseshoe crabs known from anywhere in the world, with the track‐makers having possibly migrated thousands of kilometres from shallow marine areas of the north‐western Tethys to reproduce in the intertidal palaeoenvironments of the Germanic Basin. Chirotherium trackways of large thecodont archosaurs also appeared on these flats where they appear to have fed on the limulids. With the tidal ebb, smaller reptiles such as Macrocnemus (Rhynchosauroides trackways) appeared on the dry intertidal flats, probably feeding on marine organisms and possibly also on horseshoe crab eggs. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 76–105.  相似文献   

Two tridactyl footprints from the Chuanjie Formation (Middle Jurassic) of Yunnan Province, China are morphological characteristics of thyreophoran tracks. They show some similarities to Shenmuichnus, known from the Early Jurassic strata of both Shaanxi and Yunnan provinces, but are somewhat larger, thereby resembling the ichnogenus Stegopodus. Based on their general morphology and size being congruent with this ichnogenus, they are tentatively assigned here to cf. Stegopodus. This is the fourth report of large ornithischian (probably thyreophoran) tracks from the Lower-Middle Jurassic of China that indicates relatively large trackmakers that were likely to be taxonomically distinct from much smaller and gracile Anomoepus trackmakers, also of ornithischian affinity. The larger tracks indicate a hitherto unreported abundance, size range and diversity of track types attributed to this group. The parallel orientation of the two best preserved trackways may indicate gregariousness.  相似文献   

Relatively large tetrapod footprints from Lower Pennsylvanian strata of the Pottsville Formation in the Warrior basin coal field of Alabama were previously assigned to the ichnogenus Attenosaurus. However, three morphotypes are present, and we assign these tracks to Attenosaurus, a new ichnogenus (Alabamasauripus) and Dimetropus. Most of these tracks apparently were made by large pelycosaurs, for which there is no bone record older than Late Pennsylvanian.  相似文献   

A dinosaur tracksite in the Lower Jurassic Ziliujing Formation of Sichuan Province, China consists of a spectacular sub-vertical exposure, with multiple track-bearing levels and trackways showing parallel and bimodal orientations. Based on well-preserved material, the new ichnogenus and ichnospecies, Liujianpus shunan ichnogen. nov. ichnosp. nov. is erected to accommodate distinctive sauropodomorph trackways occurring in this assemblage. Liujianpus has a unique combination of features, some relating to the early Jurassic basal sauropodomorph (prosauropod in traditional usage) ichnogenus Otozoum, others to the sauropod ichnogenus Brontopodus. Despite such a mix of basal sauropodomorph- and sauropod-like features, the trackmaker of Liujianpus is likely a basal sauropodomorph. This identification is consistent with the occurrence of basal sauropodomorph skeletons from geographically and chronologically close localities. The other distinct morphotype from the tracksite is linked to a sauropod trackmaker. As such, the ichnofauna consisting of two distinct foot morphotypes reflects the diversity of sauropodomorph dinosaurs in the Early Jurassic of Asia.  相似文献   

Spencer G. Lucas 《Ichnos》2015,22(3-4):136-154
Devonian tetrapod tracks and trackways can be recognized by three criteria: morphology of the manus and pes impressions that matches known Devonian tetrapod skeletal morphology, manus smaller than pes, and the alternating trackway pattern that results from lateral sequence walking in quadrupedal tetrapod locomotion. The first reported Devonian tetrapod track, named Thinopus antiquus, from Pennsylvania, is not a tetrapod track and is likely an impression of a fish coprolite(s). A critical review of the published Devonian track record indicates only three can be verified as produced by a tetrapod trackmaker—Genoa River, Australia; Easter Ross, Scotland; and Valentia Island, Ireland. The supposed tetrapod tracks from the Middle Devonian of the Zache?mie quarry, Poland, fail the criteria for identification as Devonian tetrapod tracks. Indeed, no convincing case has been made that the Zache?mie structures are tetrapod tracks. Instead, they are reinterpreted as fish nests/feeding traces (ichnogenus Piscichnus). The oldest Devonian tetrapod trackway is Givetian and this is the oldest record of a tetrapod, but the sparse record of Devonian tetrapod tracks is of no other biostratigraphic and little paleobiogeographic significance. Bona fide Devonian tetrapod tracks are from nonmarine facies, so they do not support a marginal marine origin of tetrapods. They indicate lateral sequence walking and pelvic-limb-propelled, fully terrestrial (subaerial) locomotion in freshwater environments by at least some Devonian tetrapods.  相似文献   

We describe an arthropod body impression associated with arthropod trackways of the ichnogenus Stiaria from the Lower Permian (upper Wolfcampian) Robledo Mountains Formation (Hueco Group) in the Prehistoric Trackways National Monument of southern New Mexico. The probable producer of these traces was a scorpion, and we name the likely scorpionid resting trace Alacranichnus braddyi, new ichnogenus and ichnospecies. There are no prior reports of scorpionid body impressions from terrestrial settings in the fossil record.  相似文献   

M. Romano  M. A. Whyte  S. J. Jackson 《Ichnos》2013,20(3-4):257-270
A new parameter, the Trackway Ratio (TR), is proposed to supplement the previously used trackway gauge to describe and quantify the relative width of trackways in dinosaur quadrupedal gaits. It is expressed as the ratio of the width of the tracks relative to the total width of the trackway (both measured perpendicular to the long axis of the trackway). The ratio may be used with either pes (PTR) or manus (MTR) tracks. The PTR range of values for wide-, medium- and narrow-gauge trackways of previous authors are provisionally suggested to be ≤35%, 36–49% and ≥50%, respectively. The application of such a ratio would permit a more consistent ichnotaxonomy to be adopted where both track morphology and trackway parameters are used to define ichnotaxa.

Determination of the TR, as well as other parameters, will be affected by track preservation quality. Recent experiments on track simulation in the laboratory have shed further light on observations made in the field concerning the value of track measurements (in particular track length and width) recorded from below the surface on which the maker was moving. Experimental track simulations in the laboratory have shown that the dimensions of transmitted tracks preserved below the surface on which the foot was impressed may vary from 65% to 135% of the true dimensions of the indenter. Two case studies are presented that quantify the errors that may be made on calculating TR and the size, gait and speed of the maker, from trackways if the preservation of the tracks are not fully understood.

It is shown that in individual trackways the PTR may vary along the length of the trackway; so that part of the trackway may be classified as wide-gauge and other parts medium-gauge. There is a relationship between variation in PTR and that of pace angulation along the length of a single trackway. An analysis of 42 trackways, principally sauropod, shows a temporal distribution that does not agree closely with previous suggestions relating to narrow- and wide-gauge trackways.  相似文献   

In 2002 a new dinosaur tracksite was discovered in calcareous laminites of early Late Kimmeridgian age along the future course of the “Transjurane” highway in Courtedoux, Canton Jura, Northern Switzerland. The site has an extraordinary scientific potential, as the laminites, which have been deposited in an intertidal to supratidal environment, contain at least 6 track-bearing levels in a total thickness of about 1 m. The laminites are being systematically excavated by the “Section de paleontologie” over an area of approximately 1500 m2. So far the main track level has been uncovered over an area of about 650 m2, which reveals 2 trackways of theropods and 17 trackways of sauropods. The sauropod tracks are the smallest known in the Kimmeridgian so far, and the trackways belong to the ichnogenus Parabrontopodus, which has been revealed for the first time in Switzerland. The tracksite belongs to the “Middle Kimmeridgian megatracksite” sensu Meyer (2000), and represents the most important dinosaur tracksite in Switzerland, perhaps with the potential for development into one of the world's largest sauropod tracksites. It will be protected in situ underneath an especially constructed highway-bridge, thus offering opportunities for future research and the development of an interpretative center for education and tourism.  相似文献   

Cretaceous tetrapod (dinosaur and pterosaur) tracks from Zhaojue County in Sichuan Province are locally very abundant. Large scale quarrying operations at the Sanbiluoga Copper Mine site have produced extensive exposures, and track material for detailed study. However, natural track-bearing outcrops also occur at a site in Jiefang Township. The traditions of the local Yi people, indigenous to the area, attribute such tracks to Zhigealu, a central creator hero-ancestor, who made the footprints while riding his heavenly steed through the area. Through seeing tracks exposed by quarrying the local people offered these legend-based interpretations, and reported the Jiefang site which was previously unknown to scientists from outside the area. Thus, it is important to pay attention to local legends about track makers since they may lead directly to significant fossil footprint discoveries. Thereby paleontology and ichnological research can benefit largely from archeological sciences as well as from oral narratives from the local people. The recently discovered sauropod trackway from Jiefang is an excellent example. It comprises 16 pes-manus sets arranged in a narrow-gauge pattern. A peculiarity is the combination of this feature with morphological characteristics known from typical wide-gauge Brontopodus trackways suggesting a tentative assignment to cf. Brontopodus. The discovery enlarges the distribution and diversity of Brontopodus-like trackways and their producers in the Cretaceous Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   

Recently discovered evidence of tracks in the continental beds of the Late Cretaceous Tremp Formation in the southern Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula) has been identified as scratch marks made by buoyant crocodiles. The tracks are preserved in two distinct environments and substrates (marly limestones originating in a littoral mud flat and fine‐grained sandstones deposited in fluvial settings). Most of the crocodylian traces are ascribed to ichnogenus Characichnos, whereas a single plantigrade pes track is assigned to ichnogenus cf. Crocodylopodus. The crocodylian swim traces (Characichnos ichnofacies) found in the early and late Maastrichtian co‐occur with Brontopodus ichnofacies attributable to terrestrial tetrapods (titanosaur sauropods, cf. Brontopodus ichnogenus; and hadrosaurid ornithopods, Hadrosauropodus ichnogenus). Analysis of the tracks allows the interpretation of palaeoenvironmental settings and track production. Thus, in lagoonal environments, swim tracks of crocodylians were produced during the rise of the water level in successive tide cycles; in fluvial settings, the swim traces of crocodylians were produced within the channel at the low‐water stage. To date, there are no reports of Late Cretaceous crocodylian tracks in Europe, and the studied evidence represents the first and youngest track record of the group in the latest part of the Cretaceous (C29r) in this continent and probably in the world.  相似文献   


Three parallel, manus-only sauropod trackways from the Coffee Hollow A-Male tracksite (Glen Rose Formation, Kendall County, Texas) were studied separately by researchers from the Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country and the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Footprint and trackway measurements generally show good agreement between the two groups’ data sets. Footprints appear to be shallowly impressed true tracks rather than undertracks. One of the Coffee Hollow trackways shows marked asymmetry in the lengths of paces that begin with the left as opposed to the right forefoot, and two of the Coffee Hollow trackways are unusually broad. The Coffee Hollow trackways differ enough from the manus portions of other Glen Rose Formation sauropod trackways to suggest that they were made by a different kind of sauropod. Greater differential pressure exerted on the substrate by the forefeet than the hindfeet probably explains the Coffee Hollow trackways, like other manus-only sauropod trackways, but the possibility that they indicate unusual locomotion cannot at present be ruled out.  相似文献   

More than 1500 sauropod and theropod tracks have been discovered and excavated on the floor of a disused 3800 m2 quarry, near the village of Loulle (French Jura). These levels correspond to a tidal-flat environment, from intertidal to supratidal zone, dated from the earliest Kimmeridgian (∼157 M.a.). Eighteen sauropod trackways have been recognized, ranging from 3.8 m to 51.5 m in length. These trackways do not correspond to a unique herd passage, because trackways are diversely oriented, most of them are crossing others and prints are more or less deeply marked, depending of different stages of substratum competence. According to the trackway gauges, the three types (narrow-, medium and wide-gauge) are represented. Some trackways could be referred to the ichnogenus Brontopodus Farlow et al., 1989, and others to Parabrontopodus Lockley et al., 1994a. Based on footprint size, the body-sizes of these 18 sauropod trackways range from tiny (Pes Length < 25 cm) to large individuals (PL > 75 cm), showing a regular continuum of sizes. Several biometrical ratios classically used in sauropod ichnology appear to be closely related to size (e.g., the smallest individuals apparently moved faster than the largest; large individuals are all narrow-gauge while small individuals are all wide-gauge; large specimens are characterized by a high heteropody ratio when the smallest show a low heteropody ratio). Associated with these sauropod trackways, four theropod trackways have also been recorded. Three small to medium-sized theropod are referred to the ichnogenus Carmelopodus Lockley et al., 1998a, while a large individual (PL = 77 cm) is tentatively referred to Megalosauripus Lessertisseur, 1955.  相似文献   

Small, gracile mostly tridactyl tracks from the Middle Jurassic of Henan Province represent the first example of the ichnogenus Anomoepus from this region. They represent a growing number of reports (at least eight) of this ichnogenus from the Jurassic of China. In conjunction with Changpeipus and Eubrontes, they appear characteristic of known global footprint biochrons. Anomoepus indicates the presence of ornithischian dinosaurs that are often scarce or unknown from skeletal remains in coeval deposits. When first discovered, these tracks were informally referred to as bird tracks. This interpretation reflects convergence between small Jurassic Anomoepus and avian theropod tracks that are hitherto known only from the Cretaceous and the Cenozoic. However, most Anomoepus are larger and more robust than any hitherto known Mesozoic avian tracks.  相似文献   

Dinosaur track assemblages from the Houcheng Formation in the small continental Shangyi Basin of northern Hebei Province, China bridge a gap in the record of vertebrates from this unit and enrich our knowledge of ichnofaunas from the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary. Their stratigraphic position between the Middle Jurassic Yan-Liao Biota and the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Biota gives them a special importance. New discoveries allow a re-assessment of theropod and possible ornithopod tracks that are present with several trackways. Seventy-three footprints were examined and documented. Despite their smaller size, the tridactyl mesaxonic theropod tracks show morphological similarities with the ichnogenus Therangospodus known from the Upper Jurassic deposits of North America, Europe, and Central Asia. The possible ornithopod tracks lack an associated manus imprint, suggesting a bipedal trackmaker. These possible ornithopod tracks from the Houcheng Formation provide evidence for the presence of small basal ornithopods or basal Cerapoda in the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous in this region. The depositional environment was the margin of an extensive shallow lake with fluctuating water levels under seasonally dry climate.  相似文献   

Some small and medium-sized crocodylomorph footprints are described from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) coastal and deltaic units of the northern Spain (Asturias). There are at least four footprint morphotypes. Three of them, with well preserved trackways, are included in the ichnogenus Crocodylopodus (Crocodylopodus isp. and Crocodylopodus meijidei); the fourth one, documented by some isolated large footprints, is referable to the ichnogenus Hatcherichnus. This ichnoassociation confirms the presence of small crocodilians in palaeoenvironments apparently dominated by dinosaurs. The presence of Hatcherichnus seems to confirm the affinity between the Iberian and North American ichnofaunas.  相似文献   

Therangospodus oncalensis is a Berriasian theropod ichnotaxon from the Cameros Basin (Soria Province, Spain). We discovered new trackways assigned to this ichnotaxon during cleaning and conservation works at the type locality (Fuentesalvo), enabling us to describe it more precisely. Therangospodus oncalensis was made by a medium-sized theropod dinosaur and is characterized by a single tapering pad on each toe, a rounded heel impression and a narrow trackway. In addition to having similar morphometric characteristics, most of the trackways at the Fuentesalvo site show comparable size and biometric features. This indicates that, in terms of size and age, a homogeneous population of a single theropod species could have produced these tracks. Moreover, the similar orientation (lying within a range of only 15°) and estimated speed suggested by most of the trackways, lend weight to the hypothesis that the trackmaker of Therangospodus oncalensis was able, at least at times, to move in structured packs displaying gregarious behaviour. Furthermore, this is the first structured pack of theropods to be described.  相似文献   

We describe a recently discovered trace fossil from a eurypterid Konservat‐Lagerstätte in the upper Silurian Tonoloway Formation of Pennsylvania, and formally describe contemporaneous traces from the Williamsville Formation Lagerstätte of Ontario. The traces from both localities are assigned here to Arcuites bertiensis igen. et isp. nov. Based on comparisons with previously described eurypterid trackways, neoichnological experiments, and the co‐occurrence with eurypterid remains, Arcuites is interpreted as having been made by the swimming leg (sixth prosomal appendage) of swimming juvenile to adult eurypteroid eurypterids, and represents the first unambiguous trace fossil evidence for eurypterid swimming behaviour. The morphology of Arcuites indicates that eurypteroid eurypterids swam using drag‐based rowing, whereby the animal propelled itself forward by moving its oar blade‐like swimming paddles in an in‐phase backstroke. Arcuites morphology also indicates that the eurypteroid swimming appendage had a greater degree of movement than was previously suggested, and a revised rowing model is proposed. Differences in the abundance of A. bertiensis in the Tonoloway and Williamsville formations suggest a bathymetric control on eurypterid swimming behaviour and trace production. The association of Arcuites with eurypterid body fossils in both units indicates that these Lagerstätten were autochthonous assemblages and provides additional evidence for eurypterid inhabitation of shallow subtidal marine environments in the late Silurian.  相似文献   

Tracks of large theropods and a single sauropod footprint are reported from red beds at Beikeshan locality in the Middle Jurassic Chuanjie Formation, of Lufeng County, near the large World Dinosaur Valley Park complex. The Chuanjie theropod tracks are assigned to the ichnogenus Eubrontes and the large sauropod track is given the provisional label Brontopodus. All occur as isolated tracks, i.e., trackways are not preserved. Saurischian dominated ichnofaunas are relatively common in the Jurassic of China. The producers of the Chuanjie tracks may have been similar to the basal tetanuran theropod Shidaisaurus and to mamenchisaurid sauropods, which were widely distributed throughout China, during the Jurassic, and are known from skeletal remains found in the same unit. Other potential sauropod trackmakers include titanosauriforms or as-yet-unknown basal eusauropods. The ichno- and skeletal records from the Jurassic of the Lufeng Basin are largely consistent, and both document the presence of middle-large sized theropods and sauropods.  相似文献   

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