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Summary Six monosomic addition lines were produced in which different Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy chromosomes were added to the chromosome complement of Triticum durum Desf. cv. Creso. Each added alien chromosome was found to have a specific effect on plant morphology and fertility. Transmission rate varied widely (from 7.5 to 27.7%) among the six univalent chromosomes. Different monotelosomic addition plants derived by a relatively high frequency of chromosome misdivision were isolated. The addition lines should be useful for studying Dasypyrum chromosome homoeology and the introduction of alien variation into durum and common wheats.Research supported by a grant from the Italian Research Council for Finalized Project IPRA. Sub-project Plant Breeding, Paper No. 1095  相似文献   

Gliadins are seed storage proteins which are characterized by high intervarietal polymorphism and can be used as genetic markers. As a result of our work, a considerably extended catalogue of allelic variants of gliadin component blocks was compiled for durum wheat; 74 allelic variants for four gliadin-coding loci were identified for the first time. The extended catalogue includes a total of 131 allelic variants: 16 for locus Gli-A1(d), 19 for locus Gli-B1(d), 41 for locus Gli-A2(d), and 55 for locus Gli-B2(d). The electrophoretic pattern of the standard cultivar and a diagram are provided for every block identified. The number of alleles per family is quite small for loci Gli-A1(d) and Gli-B1(d) of durum wheat, as contrasted to loci Gli-A2(d) and Gli-B2(d) that are characterized by large families including many alleles. The presence of large block families determines a higher diversity of durum wheat for loci Gli-A2(d) and Gli-B2(d) as compared to Gli-A1(d) and Gli-B1(d). The catalogue of allelic variants of gliadin component blocks can be used by seed farmers to identify durum wheat cultivars and evaluate their purity; by breeders, to obtain homogenous cultivars and control the initial stages of selection; by gene bank experts, to preserve native varieties and the original biotypic composition of cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt to produce a set of addition lines of Aegilops sharonensis to the wheat variety Chinese Spring produced only one addition line. This was due to preferential transmission of one chromosome from Ae. sharonensis. This chromosome was studied in detail by established cytological methods of chromosome observation and by the newer techniques of C-banding and in situ hybridization of a cloned DNA sequence. The chromosome was found to be partially homologous to an Ae. sharonensis chromosome of similar behaviour in another wheat addition line. The incomplete homology of the two Ae. sharonensis chromosomes was due to the presence of a translocated segment of a wheat chromosome. — Substitution lines of the Ae. sharonensis chromosome for wheat homoeologous group 4 were produced and the Ae. sharonensis chromosome thereby designated 4 S l .  相似文献   

A collection of 134 durum wheat accessions, mainly including cultivars (cvs.) representative of the major gene pools, was assembled and characterized with 70 SSRs for genetic diversity and level of long-range linkage disequilibrium (LD). Results of both a distance-based and a model-based (Bayesian) cluster analysis evidenced the presence of a structured diversity. In the model-based analysis, six to eight main distinct subpopulations were identified based on the molecular data. Only a relatively small portion (20%) of the molecular variation was accounted for by the geographical origin of the accessions. Major differences were detected between the North American and the Mediterranean cvs., while a considerable overlap characterized the cvs. from CIMMYT-ICARDA and Italy. The North American cvs. showed the highest within group mean genetic similarity (GSm = 0.68). French cvs. revealed sizeable similarities with both the North American as well as the Italian and CIMMYT-ICARDA pools. Considering the germplasm as a whole, high levels of LD were found both at locus pairs with an intrachromosomal distance <50 cM as well as at those with distances more than 50 cM and independent (86, 52 and 54% of SSR pairs at p < 0.01, respectively). After re-evaluating LD within each of the three main subgroups identified through the analysis of the germplasm structure, the LD level remained high for tightly to moderately linked locus pairs (<20 cM apart), but was greatly reduced in the loosely linked (more than 50 cM apart) and independent locus pairs. The implications of these findings as to the possibility of using association mapping for gene/QTL discovery in durum wheat are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Tetraploid triticale with the genome constitution (ABD) (ABD)RR (2n=4x=28) selected from the progenies of DDRR x (AB)(AB)RR hybrids (D(AB)RR) were karyotyped using C-banding. The aneuploidy frequency was 10.7% with 4.4% hypoploids and 6.3% hyperploids in the F5. Among 67 plants having 28 chromosomes, 41.8% had a stabilized karyotype, while 58.2% were unstabilized with at least one homoeologous group segregating for A-, B- or D-genome chromosomes. The stabilized plants represented ten different karyotypes that contained one to five disome substitutions of D-genome chromosomes for A- or B-genome chromosomes. Two (BD) (BD)RR tetraploids had no A-genome chromosomes. The average number of D substitutions was 3.0 per line. Of the seven substitutions possible only one, 4D(4B), was not present. In the progeny of plants selected for fertility a selection pressure acted against wheat chromosomes 1B, 3B, 4D and 7D. The most favoured chromosome constitution of the (ABD) mixed genome was 1D, 2A, 3D, 4B, 5B, 6A and 7B. Plants of that karyotype but with a heterologous pair of chromosomes 5B and 5D had the best seed set. Evolutionary and breeding aspects of tetraploid triticale are discussed.  相似文献   

This work assessed in situ, copper (Cu) uptake and phytotoxicity for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) cropped in a range of Cu-contaminated, former vineyard soils (pH 4.2–7.8 and total Cu concentration 32–1,030 mg Cu kg−1) and identified the underlying soil chemical properties and related root-induced chemical changes in the rhizosphere. Copper concentrations in plants were significantly and positively correlated to soil Cu concentration (total and EDTA). In addition, Cu concentration in roots which was positively correlated to soil pH tended to be larger in calcareous soils than in non-calcareous soils. Symptoms of Cu phytotoxicity (interveinal chlorosis) were observed in some calcareous soils. Iron (Fe)–Cu antagonism was found in calcareous soils. Rhizosphere alkalisation in the most acidic soils was related to decreased CaCl2-extractable Cu. Conversely, water-extractable Cu increased in the rhizosphere of both non-calcareous and calcareous soils. This work suggests that plant Cu uptake and risks of Cu phytotoxicity in situ might be greater in calcareous soils due to interaction with Fe nutrition. Larger water extractability of Cu in the rhizosphere might relate to greater Cu uptake in plants exhibiting Cu phytotoxic symptoms.  相似文献   

Summary The first foliage leaf ofTriticum durum Desf., cvs. Capelli and Creso, was studied for the action of light and gibberellic acid on different aspects of plant growth. Creso is a short-strawed cultivar carrying theRht 1 gene, that influences both plant height and sensitivity to applied gibberellins. In this study, a cytophotometric analysis of chromosome endoreduplication in bulliform cells of the leaf epidermis was undertaken. The bulliform cells are arranged in long rows and comprise 4C, 8C, and 16C cells. The relative percentage of these cells was recorded under different light regimes and in the presence or absence of gibberellic acid (GA3). Our data indicate that light strongly affects the occurrence of chromosome endoreduplication. Although cvs. Cappelli and Creso show the same frequency of endo-reduplicated cells in the dark, all light treatments induce lower endo-polyploidy in cv. Creso whereas, in cv. Cappelli, a reduction in endo-polyploidy is observed when plants are irradiated with blue-lacking lights. This indicates that the action of a blue-light responsive photo-receptor determines high endopolyploidy. With respect to GA3 treatment, cv. Creso is again shown to be insensitive to hormone application, whereas in cv. Cappelli, gibberellic acid influences endopolyploidy level in the dark, causing very high frequencies of 8C cells and relatively high frequencies of 16C cells.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Sergio Baroncelli, Professor of Plant Breeding at the University of Pisa.  相似文献   

Sixty Triticum tauschii (Aegilops squarrosa, 2n=2x=14, DD) accessions were evaluated for the variability of high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenins, gliadins and isozymes of seed esterase, -amylase and glucose-phosphate isomerase. Wide variability was observed for HMW-glutenins and gliadins. The implications of unique HMW-glutenin alleles for quality parameters are discussed. Isozyme evaluations indicated more variability for the Est-D t 5 locus as compared to the Est-D5 of bread-wheat. The polymorphism for -Amy-D t 1 was less than that of -Amy-D1. Similar to the bread-wheat situation, Gpi-D t 1 showed no polymorphism. The variability observed with the traits evaluated can be readily observed in T. turgidum x T. tauschii synthetic hexaploids (2n=6x=42, AABBDD) suggesting that T. tauschii accessions may be a rich source for enhancing the genetic variability of T. aestivum cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary The diversity of high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits of 502 varieties of durum wheat (Triticum durum) from 23 countries was studied using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Twenty-nine types of patterns were observed with 18 mobility bands. A total of 18 alleles were identified by comparing the mobilities of their subunits to those previously found in hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum) and in Triticum turgidum var. dicoccum. Five new alleles were detected: two on the Glu A1 and three on the Glu B1 locus. Comparison of the frequency of alleles in the three species T. aestivum, T. dicoccum and T. durum was investigated. Significant differences exist between each of these species on the basis of the frequency distributions of their three and four common alleles at the Glu A1 and Glu B1 locus, respectively. The Glu B1c allele occuring very frequently in hexaploid wheats was not found in the two tetraploid species. More than 83% of the T. durum analysed were found to have the Glu A1c (null) allele.  相似文献   

Summary The transmission of chromosome 4S l from Aegilops sharonensis was observed in a range of wheat genetic backgrounds. Chromosome 4S l was transmitted at a very high frequency (at least 97.8%) in all crosses. The genetic background appears to only have a small effect on transmission. The frequency of transmission of chromosome 4S l was the same in each genetic background through both the male and female gametes.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to transfer genes for salt tolerance and other desirable traits from the diploid wheatgrasses, Thinopyrum bessarabicum (2n=2x=14; JJ genome) and Lophopyrum elongatum (2n=2x=14; EE genome), into durum wheat cv Langdon (2n=4x=28; AABB genomes), trigeneric hybrids with the genomic constitution ABJE were synthesized and cytologically characterized. C-banding analysis of somatic chromosomes of the A, B, J, and E genomes in the same cellular environment revealed distinct banding patterns; each of the 28 chromosomes could be identified. They differed in the total amount of constitutive heterochromatin. Total surface area and C-banded area of each chromosome were calculated. The B genome was the largest in size, followed by the J, A, and E genomes, and its chromosomes were also the most heavily banded. Only 25.8% of the total chromosome complement in 10 ABJE hybrids showed association, with mean arm-pairing frequency (c) values from 0.123 to 0.180 and chiasma frequencies from 3.36 to 5.02 per cell. The overall mean pairing was 0.004 ring IV + 0.046 chain IV + 0.236 III + 0.21 ring II + 2.95 rod II + 20.771. This is total pairing between chromosomes of different genomes, possibly between A and B, A and J, A and E, B and J, B and E, and J and E, in the presence of apparently functional pairing regulator Ph1. Because chromosome pairing in the presence of Ph1 seldom occurs between A and B, or between J and E, it was inferred that pairing between the wheat chromosomes and alien chromosomes occurred. The trigeneric hybrids with two genomes of wheat and one each of Thinopyrum and Lophopyrum should be useful in the production of cytogenetic stocks to facilitate the transfer of alien genes into wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Callus cultures were initiated from immature embryos of oneTriticum aestivum and threeT. durum cultivars. Growing morphogenic calli were exposed to different concentrations of NaCl (0, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7%) added to the culture medium during two subsequent subcultures (4 wk each). The growth rate of the calli was determined by the relative fresh weight callus growth (RFWCG). The callus growth of all investigated genotypes was slightly changed in the presence of 0.3 and 0.5% NaCl, but strongly inhibited by 0.7% NaCl. Selected NaCl-tolerant clones were isolated and plants were regenerated on MS-based regeneration medium without NaCl. The regeneration capacity of the selected calli was highly reduced compared to the control. The highest number of regenerants was scored for cv. Gladiator (T. aestivum). All regenerated plants were morphologically normal and many developed to maturity and set seeds. Seedlings from the R1 generation of selected and control plants were treated with 0.5% NaCl in vivo in liquid cultures for 6 wk. Salt tolerance of the progenies of selected plants appeared in all cultivars, but those derived from calli grown on medium with 0.7% NaCl showed the highest survival rate.T. aestivum showed higher tolerance to NaCl salinity thanT. durum.  相似文献   

Accumulation of cadmium (Cd) in crop plants is of great concern due to the potential for food chain contamination through the soil-root interface. Although Cd uptake varies considerably with plant species, the processes which determine the accumulation of Cd in plant tissues are affected by soil factors. The influence of soil type on Cd uptake by durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum L.) and flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) was studied in a pot experiment under environmentally controlled growth chamber conditions. Four cultivars/lines of durum wheat (Kyle, Sceptre, DT 627, and DT 637) and three cultivars/lines of flax (Flanders, AC Emerson, and YSED 2) were grown in two Saskatchewan soils: an Orthic Gray Luvisol (low background Cd concentration; total/ABDTPA extractable Cd: 0.12/0.03 mg kg-1, respectively) and a Dark Brown Chernozem (relatively high background Cd concentration; total/ABDTPA Cd: 0.34/0.17 mg kg-1 respectively). Plant roots, stems, newly developed heads, and grain/seeds were analyzed for Cd concentration at three stages of plant growth: two and seven weeks after germination, and at plant maturity. The results showed that Cd bioaccumulation and distribution within the plants were strongly affected by both soil type and plant cultivar/line. The Cd concentration in roots leaves and stems varied at different stages of plant growth. However, all cultivars of both plant species grown in the Chernozemic soil accumulated more Cd in grain/seeds than plants grown in the Orthic Gray Luvisol soil. The different Cd accumulation pattern also corresponded to the levels of ABDTPA extractable and metal-organic complex bound soil Cd found in both soils. Large differences were found in grain Cd among the durum wheat cultivars grown in the same soil type, suggesting the importance of rhizosphere processes in Cd bioaccumulation and/or Cd transport processes within the plant. Distribution of Cd in parts of mature plants showed that durum grain contained up to 21 and 36% of the total amount of Cd taken up by the plants for the Orthic Gray Luvisol and Chernozemic soils, respectively. These results indicate the importance of studying Cd speciation, bioaccumulation and cycling in the environment for the management of agricultural soils and crops.  相似文献   

A Triticum durum cDNA library prepared from developing endosperm (22 days after flowering (DAF)) was screened using synthetic oligonucleotide probes covering part of the CM3 and CM16 N-terminal protein sequences. A full-length cDNA clone (pTd78) encoding the CM16 protein (chloroform/methanol-soluble protein) was isolated and characterized. To our knowledge this is the first characterization of a clone coding for a wheat CM protein. The CM16 protein is synthesized as a preprotein with a signal peptide of 24 residues, the molecular weight of the mature protein being 13 438 Da. As other members of the cereal trypsin/-amylase inhibitor family, the CM16 protein contains 10 cysteine residues, their position being well conserved. In developing endosperm the highest level of CM16 mRNA was detected at mid-maturation.  相似文献   

Erenoglu  B.  Nikolic  M.  Römheld  V.  Cakmak  I. 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(2):251-257
Using two bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) and two durum wheat (Triticum durum) cultivars differing in zinc (Zn) efficiency, uptake and translocation of foliar-applied 65Zn were studied to characterize the role of Zn nutritional status of plants on the extent of phloem mobility of Zn and to determine the relationship between phloem mobility of Zn and Zn efficiency of the used wheat cultivars. Irrespective of leaf age and Zn nutritional status of plants, all cultivars showed similar Zn uptake rates with application of 65ZnSO4 to leaf strips in a short-term experiment. Also with supply of 65ZnSO4 by immersing the tip (3 cm) of the oldest leaf of intact plants, no differences in Zn uptake were observed among and within both wheat species. Further, Zn nutritional status did not affect total uptake of foliar applied Zn. However, Zn-deficient plants translocated more 65Zn from the treated leaf to the roots and remainder parts of shoots. In Zn-deficient plants about 40% of the total absorbed 65Zn was translocated from the treated leaf to the roots and remainder parts of shoots within 8 days while in Zn-sufficient plants the proportion of the translocated 65Zn of the total absorbed 65Zn was about 25%. Although differences in Zn efficiency existed between the cultivars did not affect the translocation and distribution of 65Zn between roots and shoots. Bread wheats compared to durum wheats, tended to accumulate more 65Zn in shoots and less 65Zn in roots, particularly under Zn-deficient conditions. The results indicate that differences in expression of Zn efficiency between and within durum and bread wheats are not related to translocation or distribution of foliar-applied 65Zn within plants. Differential compartementation of Zn at the cellular levels is discussed as a possible factor determining genotypic variation in Zn efficiency within wheat.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the level of genetic diversity in the modern durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) elite germplasm may have declined due to the high selection pressure applied in breeding programs. In this study, 58 accessions covering a wide spectrum of genetic diversity of the cultivated durum wheat gene pool were characterized with 70 microsatellite loci (or simple sequence repeats, SSRs). On average, SSRs detected 5.6 different allelic variants per locus, with a mean diversity index (DI) equal to 0.56, thus revealing a diversity content comparable to those previously observed with SSRs in other small-grain cereal gene pools. The mean genetic similarity value was equal to 0.44. A highly diagnostic SSR set has been identified. A high variation in allele size was detected among SSR loci, suggesting a different suitability of these loci for estimating genetic diversity. The B genome was characterized by an overall polymorphism significantly higher than that of the A genome. Genetic diversity is organised in well-distinct sub-groups identified by the corresponding foundation-genotypes. A large portion (92.7%) of the molecular variation detected within the group of 45 modern cvs was accounted for by SSR alleles tracing back to ten foundation-genotypes; among those, the most recent CIMMYT-derived founders were genetically distant from the old Mediterranean ones. On the other hand, rare alleles were abundant, suggesting that a large number of genetic introgressions contributed to the foundation of the well-diversified germplasm herein considered. The profiles of recently released varieties indicate that the level of genetic diversity present in the modern durum wheat germplasm has actually increased over time.Communicated by F. Salamini  相似文献   

Summary The winter wheat varieties Starke and Cappelle Desprez and the spring wheat Chinese Spring were analysed for structural chromosome rearrangements that resulted in the formation of multivalents in F1 hybrids. The analyses were carried out using hybrids involving euploids, monosomic and ditelosomic stocks, and double-monotelodisomic constructs. The study confirmed that Cappelle Desprez differs from Chinese Spring in a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 5B and 7B (Riley et al. 1967); a translocation involving chromosomes 3B and 3D could not be verified. Furthermore, the analysis showed that Starke differs from Chinese Spring in a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 7A and 7D. Both translocations have a coefficient of multivalent realisation of about 0.84. Further multivalents in euploid Starke, in euploid and some aneuploid stocks of Cappelle Desprez, and in euploid as well as various types of aneuploid hybrids between all three varieties could nearly all be explained hypothesizing that chromosome 2B of both Starke and Cappelle Desprez is a duplication-deficiency chromosome. In the hypothesis a part of the long arm of 2B is missing and replaced by a duplicated part of the long arm of chromosome 2D. The multivalents of this rearrangement showed an average coefficient of realisation of about 0.09.Sven Ellerström died in December 1985  相似文献   

尾状山羊草(AegilopscaudataL.)具有丰富的抗病虫和高赖氨酸、高蛋白优良性状,是进行小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)遗传改良的重要遗传资源。合成了硬粒小麦(TriticumdurumDesf.)-尾状山羊草双二倍体、进行了普通小麦与双二倍体的杂交。并以作者克隆的尾状山羊草C基因组特异重复序列PAeca212为探针,对上述杂交后代的花粉母细胞进行了染色体原位杂交检测。证实了新合成的双二倍体中有7对C基因组染色体;在F2中检测到C基因组染色体的自发纯合易位,显示出从C基因组向小麦转移外源基因的光明前景。  相似文献   

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