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Wolanin PM  Webre DJ  Stock JB 《Biochemistry》2003,42(47):14075-14082
Response regulator proteins are phosphorylated on a conserved aspartate to activate responses to environmental signals. An intrinsic autophosphatase activity limits the duration of the phosphorylated state. We have previously hypothesized that dephosphorylation might proceed through an intramolecular attack, leading to succinimide formation, and such an intramolecular dephosphorylation event is seen for CheY and OmpR during mass spectrometric analysis [Napper, S., Wolanin, P. M., Webre, D. J., Kindrachuk, J., Waygood, B., and Stock, J. B. (2003) FEBS Lett 538, 77-80]. Succinimide formation is usually associated with the spontaneous deamidation of Asn residues. We show here that an Asp57 to Asn mutant of the CheY chemotaxis response regulator undergoes an unusually rapid deamidation back to the wild-type Asp57, supporting the hypothesis that the active site of CheY is poised for succinimide formation. In contrast, we also show that the major route of phosphoaspartate hydrolysis in CheY occurs through water attack on the phosphorus both during autophosphatase activity and during CheZ-mediated dephosphorylation. Thus, CheY dephosphorylation does not usually proceed via a succinimide or any other intramolecular attack.  相似文献   

CheZ catalyzes the dephosphorylation of the response regulator CheY in the two-component regulatory system that mediates chemotaxis in Escherichia coli. CheZ is a homodimer with two active sites for dephosphorylation. To gain insight into cellular mechanisms for the precise regulation of intracellular phosphorylated CheY (CheYp) levels, we evaluated the kinetic properties of CheZ. The steady state rate of CheZ-mediated dephosphorylation of CheYp displayed marked sigmoidicity with respect to CheYp concentration and a k(cat) of 4.9 s(-1). In contrast, the gain of function mutant CheZ-I21T with an amino acid substitution far from the active site gave hyperbolic kinetics and required far lower CheYp for half-saturation but had a similar k(cat) value as the wild type enzyme. Stopped flow fluorescence measurements demonstrated a 6-fold faster CheZ/CheYp association rate for CheZ-I21T (k(assoc) = 3.4 x 10(7) M (-1) s(-1)) relative to wild type CheZ (k(assoc) = 5.6 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)). Dissociation of the CheZ.CheYBeF(3) complex was slow for both wild type CheZ (k(dissoc) = 0.040 s(-1)) and CheZ-I21T (k(dissoc) = 0.023 s(-1)) and, when taken with the k(assoc) values, implied K(d) values of 7.1 and 0.68 nm, respectively. However, comparison of the k(dissoc) and k(cat) values implied that CheZ and CheYp are not at binding equilibrium during catalysis and that once CheYp binds, it is almost always dephosphorylated. The rate constants were collated to formulate a kinetic model for CheZ-mediated dephosphorylation that includes autoregulation by CheYp and allowed prediction of CheZ activities at CheZ and CheYp concentrations likely to be present in cells.  相似文献   

CheY is a response regulator in the well studied two-component system that mediates bacterial chemotaxis. Phosphorylation of CheY at Asp(57) enhances its interaction with the flagellar motor. Asn(59) is located near the phosphorylation site, and possible roles this residue may play in CheY function were explored by mutagenesis. Cells containing CheY59NR or CheY59NH exhibited hyperactive phenotypes (clockwise flagellar rotation), and CheY59NR was characterized biochemically. A continuous enzyme-linked spectroscopic assay that monitors P(i) concentration was the primary method for kinetic analysis of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. CheY59NR autodephosphorylated at the same rate as wild-type CheY and phosphorylated similarly to wild type with acetyl phosphate and faster (4-14x) with phosphoramidate and monophosphoimidazole. CheY59NR was extremely resistant to CheZ, requiring at least 250 times more CheZ than wild-type CheY to achieve the same dephosphorylation rate enhancement, whereas CheY59NA was CheZ-sensitive. However, several independent approaches demonstrated that CheY59NR bound tightly to CheZ. A submicromolar K(d) for CheZ binding to CheY59NR-P or CheY.BeF(3)(-) was inferred from fluorescence anisotropy measurements of fluoresceinated-CheZ. A complex between CheY59NR-P and CheZ was isolated by analytical gel filtration, and the elution position from the column was indistinguishable from that of the CheZ dimer. Therefore, we were not able to detect large CheY-P.CheZ complexes that have been inferred using other methods. Possible structural explanations for the specific inhibition of CheZ activity as a result of the arginyl substitution at CheY position 59 are discussed.  相似文献   



Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites and rely upon the host cell for different steps in their life cycles. The characterization of cellular genes required for virus infection and/or cell killing will be essential for understanding viral life cycles, and may provide cellular targets for new antiviral therapies.  相似文献   

The glucose analog 2-deoxyglucose (2dGlc) inhibits the growth and multicellular development of Myxococcus xanthus. Mutants of M. xanthus resistant to 2dGlc, designated hex mutants, arise at a low spontaneous frequency. Expression of the Escherichia coli glk (glucokinase) gene in M. xanthus hex mutants restores 2dGlc sensitivity, suggesting that these mutants arise upon the loss of a soluble hexokinase function that phosphorylates 2dGlc to form the toxic intermediate, 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate. Enzyme assays of M. xanthus extracts reveal a soluble hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose-6-phosphotransferase; EC activity but no phosphotransferase system activities. The hex mutants have lower levels of hexokinase activities than the wild type, and the levels of hexokinase activity exhibited by the hex mutants are inversely correlated with the ability of 2dGlc to inhibit their growth and sporulation. Both 2dGlc and N-acetylglucosamine act as inhibitors of glucose turnover by the M. xanthus hexokinase in vitro, consistent with the finding that glucose and N-acetylglucosamine can antagonize the toxic effects of 2dGlc in vivo.  相似文献   

Previous drug selection experiments resulted in the isolation of a human cytomegalovirus (CMV) UL97 phosphotransferase mutant resistant to the benzimidazole compound maribavir (1263W94), reflecting the anti-UL97 effect of this drug. Three other CMV strains were plaque purified during these experiments. These strains showed lower-grade resistance to maribavir than the UL97 mutant. Extensive DNA sequence analyses showed no changes from the baseline strain AD169 in UL97, the genes involved in DNA replication, and most structural proteins. However, changes were identified in UL27 where each strain contained a different mutation (R233S, W362R, or a combination of A406V and a stop at codon 415). The mutation at codon 415 is predicted to truncate the expressed UL27 protein by 193 codons (32% of UL27) with a loss of nuclear localization. The expression of full-length UL27 as a green fluorescent fusion protein in uninfected fibroblasts resulted in nuclear and nucleolar fluorescence, whereas cytoplasmic localization was observed when codons 1 to 415 were similarly expressed. Viable UL27 deletion mutants were created by recombination and showed slight growth attenuation and maribavir resistance in cell culture. Marker transfer experiments confirmed that UL27 mutations conferred maribavir resistance. The UL27 sequence was well conserved in a sample of 16 diverse clinical isolates. Mutation in UL27, a betaherpesvirus-specific early gene of unknown biological function, may adapt the virus for growth in the absence of UL97 activity.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase is an essential enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides for use in DNA synthesis. Ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli consists of two subunits, R1 and R2. The R2 subunit contains an unusually stable radical at tyrosine 122 that participates in catalysis. Buried deep within a hydrophobic pocket, the radical is inaccessible to solvent although subject to inactivation by radical scavengers. One such scavenger, hydroxyurea, is a highly specific inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductase and therefore of DNA synthesis; thus it is an important anticancer and antiviral agent. The mechanism of radical access remains to be established; however, small molecules may be able to access Tyr-122 directly via channels from the surface of the protein. We used random oligonucleotide mutagenesis to create a library of 200,000 R2 mutants containing random substitutions at five contiguous residues (Ile-74, Ser-75, Asn-76, Leu-77, Lys-78) that partially comprise one side of a channel where Tyr-122 is visible from the protein surface. We subjected this library to increasing concentrations of hydroxyurea and identified mutants that enhance survival more than 1000-fold over wild-type R2 at high drug concentrations. Repetitive selections yielded S75T as the predominant R2 mutant in our library. Purified S75TR2 exhibits a radical half-life that is 50% greater than wild-type R2 in the presence of hydroxyurea. These data represent the first demonstration of R2 protein mutants in E. coli that are highly resistant to hydroxyurea; elucidation of their mechanism of resistance may provide valuable insight into the development of more effective inhibitors.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis, a means for motile bacteria to sense the environment and achieve directed swimming, is controlled by flagellar rotation. The primary output of the chemotaxis machinery is the phosphorylated form of the response regulator CheY (P~CheY). The steady-state level of P~CheY dictates the direction of rotation of the flagellar motor. The chemotaxis signal in the form of P~CheY is terminated by the phosphatase CheZ. Efficient dephosphorylation of CheY by CheZ requires two distinct protein-protein interfaces: one involving the strongly conserved C-terminal helix of CheZ (CheZC) tethering the two proteins together and the other constituting an active site for catalytic dephosphorylation. In a previous work (J. Guhaniyogi, V. L. Robinson, and A. M. Stock, J. Mol. Biol. 359:624-645, 2006), we presented high-resolution crystal structures of CheY in complex with the CheZC peptide that revealed alternate binding modes subject to the conformational state of CheY. In this study, we report biochemical and structural data that support the alternate-binding-mode hypothesis and identify key recognition elements in the CheY-CheZC interaction. In addition, we present kinetic studies of the CheZC-associated effect on CheY phosphorylation with its physiologically relevant phosphodonor, the histidine kinase CheA. Our results indicate mechanistic differences in phosphotransfer from the kinase CheA versus that from small-molecule phosphodonors, explaining a modest twofold increase of CheY phosphorylation with the former, observed in this study, relative to a 10-fold increase previously documented with the latter.  相似文献   

Mutations in the essential cell division gene ftsZ confer resistance to SulA, a cell division inhibitor that is induced as part of the SOS response. In this study we have purified and characterized the gene products of six of these mutant ftsZ alleles, ftsZ1, ftsZ2, ftsZ3, ftsZ9, ftsZ100, and ftsZ114, and compared their properties to those of the wild-type gene product. The binding of GTP was differentially affected by these mutations. FtsZ3 exhibited no detectable GTP binding, and FtsZ9 and FtsZ100 exhibited markedly reduced GTP binding. In contrast, FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 bound GTP almost as well as the wild type, and FtsZ114 displayed increased GTP binding. Furthermore, we observed that all mutant FtsZ proteins exhibited markedly reduced intrinsic GTPase activity. It is likely that mutations in ftsZ that confer sulA resistance alter the conformation of the protein such that it assumes the active form.  相似文献   

It is well established that the response regulator of the chemotaxis system of Escherichia coli, CheY, can undergo acetylation at lysine residues 92 and 109 via a reaction mediated by acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs). The outcome is activation of CheY, which results in increased clockwise rotation. Nevertheless, it has not been known whether CheY acetylation is involved in chemotaxis. To address this question, we examined the chemotactic behaviour of two mutants, one lacking the acetylating enzyme Acs, and the other having an arginine-for-lysine substitution at residue 92 of CheY - one of the acetylation sites. The Deltaacs mutant exhibited much reduced sensitivity to chemotactic stimuli (both attractants and repellents) in tethering assays and greatly reduced responses in ring-forming, plug and capillary assays. Likewise, the cheY(92KR) mutant had reduced sensitivity to repellents in tethering assays and a reduced response in capillary assays. However, its response to the addition or removal of attractants was normal. These observations suggest that Acs-mediated acetylation of CheY is involved in chemotaxis and that the acetylation site Lys-92 is only involved in the response to repellents. The observation that, in the cheY(92KR) mutant, the addition of a repellent was not chemotactically equivalent to the removal of an attractant also suggests that there are different signalling pathways for attractants and repellents in E. coli.  相似文献   

DNA methyltransferases are not only sequence specific in their action, but they also differentiate between the alternative methylation states of a target site. Some methyltransferases are equally active on either unmethylated or hemimethylated DNA and consequently function as de novo methyltransferases. Others are specific for hemimethylated target sequences, consistent with the postulated role of a maintenance methyltransferase in perpetuating a pattern of DNA modification. The molecular basis for the difference between de novo and maintenance methyltransferase activity is unknown, yet fundamental to cellular activities that are affected by different methylation states of the genome. The methyltransferase activity of the type I restriction and modification system, EcoK, is the only known prokaryotic methyltransferase shown to be specific for hemimethylated target sequences. We have isolated mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 which are able to modify unmethylated target sequences efficiently in a manner indicative of de novo methyltransferase activity. Consistent with this change in specificity, some mutations shift the balance between DNA restriction and modification as if both activities now compete at unmethylated targets. Two genes encode the methyltransferase and all the mutations are loosely clustered within one of them.  相似文献   

CheY is the response regulator protein serving as a phosphorylation-dependent switch in the bacterial chemotaxis signal transduction pathway. CheY has a number of proteins with which it interacts during the course of the signal transduction pathway. In the phosphorylated state, it interacts strongly with the phosphatase CheZ, and also the components of the flagellar motor switch complex, specifically with FliM. Previous work has characterized peptides consisting of small regions of CheZ and FliM which interact specifically with CheY. We have quantitatively measured the binding of these peptides to both unphosphorylated and phosphorylated CheY using fluorescence spectroscopy. There is a significant enhancement of the binding of these peptides to the phosphorylated form of CheY, suggesting that these peptides share much of the binding specificity of the intact targets of the phosphorylated form of CheY. We also have used modern nuclear magnetic resonance methods to characterize the sites of interaction of these peptides on CheY. We have found that the binding sites are overlapping and primarily consist of residues in the C-terminal portion of CheY. Both peptides affect the resonances of residues at the active site, indicating that the peptides may either bind directly at the active site or exert conformational influences that reach to the active site. The binding sites for the CheZ and FliM peptides also overlap with the previously characterized CheA binding interface. These results suggest that interaction with these three proteins of the signal transduction pathway are mutually exclusive. In addition, since these three proteins are sensitive to the phosphorylation state of CheY, it may be that the C-terminal region of CheY is most sensitive for the conformational changes occurring upon phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The swimming behavior of Escherichia coli at any moment is dictated by the intracellular concentration of the phosphorylated form of the chemotaxis response regulator CheY, which binds to the base of the flagellar motor. CheY is phosphorylated on Asp57 by the sensor kinase CheA and dephosphorylated by CheZ. Previous work (Silversmith et al., J. Biol. Chem. 276:18478, 2001) demonstrated that replacement of CheY Asn59 with arginine resulted in extreme resistance to dephosphorylation by CheZ despite proficient binding to CheZ. Here we present the X-ray crystal structure of CheYN59R in a complex with Mn(2+) and the stable phosphoryl analogue BeF(3)(-). The overall folding and active site architecture are nearly identical to those of the analogous complex containing wild-type CheY. The notable exception is the introduction of a salt bridge between Arg59 (on the beta3alpha3 loop) and Glu89 (on the beta4alpha4 loop). Modeling this structure into the (CheY-BeF(3)(-)-Mg(2+))(2)CheZ(2) structure demonstrated that the conformation of Arg59 should not obstruct entry of the CheZ catalytic residue Gln147 into the active site of CheY, eliminating steric interference as a mechanism for CheZ resistance. However, both CheYE89A and CheYE89Q, like CheYN59R, conferred clockwise flagellar rotation phenotypes in strains which lacked wild-type CheY and displayed considerable (approximately 40-fold) resistance to dephosphorylation by CheZ. CheYE89A and CheYE89Q had autophosphorylation and autodephosphorylation properties similar to those of wild-type CheY and could bind to CheZ with wild-type affinity. Therefore, removal of Glu89 resulted specifically in CheZ resistance, suggesting that CheY Glu89 plays a role in CheZ-mediated dephosphorylation. The CheZ resistance of CheYN59R can thus be largely explained by the formation of the salt bridge between Arg59 and Glu89, which prevents Glu89 from executing its role in catalysis.  相似文献   

Despite considerable reduction of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV through use of maternal and infant antiretroviral therapy (ART), over 150,000 infants continue to become infected with HIV annually, falling far short of the World Health Organization goal of reaching <20,000 annual pediatric HIV cases worldwide by 2020. Prior to the widespread use of ART in the setting of pregnancy, over half of infants born to HIV-infected mothers were protected against HIV acquisition. Yet, the role of maternal immune factors in this protection against vertical transmission is still unclear, hampering the development of synergistic strategies to further reduce MTCT. It has been established that infant transmitted/founder (T/F) viruses are often resistant to maternal plasma, yet it is unknown if the neutralization resistance profile of circulating viruses predicts the maternal risk of transmission to her infant. In this study, we amplified HIV-1 envelope genes (env) by single genome amplification and produced representative Env variants from plasma of 19 non-transmitting mothers from the U.S. Women Infant Transmission Study (WITS), enrolled in the pre-ART era. Maternal HIV Env variants from non-transmitting mothers had similar sensitivity to autologous plasma as observed for non-transmitting variants from transmitting mothers. In contrast, infant variants were on average 30% less sensitive to paired plasma neutralization compared to non-transmitted maternal variants from both transmitting and non-transmitting mothers (p = 0.015). Importantly, a signature sequence analysis revealed that motifs enriched in env sequences from transmitting mothers were associated with broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) resistance. Altogether, our findings suggest that circulating maternal virus resistance to bnAb-mediated neutralization, but not autologous plasma neutralization, near the time of delivery, predicts increased MTCT risk. These results caution that enhancement of maternal plasma neutralization through passive or active vaccination during pregnancy may potentially drive the evolution of variants fit for vertical transmission.  相似文献   

The protein (Escherichia coli CheY) that controls the direction of flagellar rotation during bacterial chemotaxis has been shown to be phosphorylated on the aspartate 57 residue. The residue phosphorylated is present within a conserved sequence in every member of a family of bacterial regulatory proteins. The phosphorylation is transient, with a much shorter half-life than that expected of a simple acyl phosphate intermediate, indicating that the sequence and conformation of the protein is designed to achieve a rapid hydrolysis. The CheY-phosphate linkage can be reductively cleaved by sodium borohydride. High-performance tandem mass-spectrometric analysis of proteolytic peptides derived from [3H]borohydride-reduced phosphorylated CheY protein was used to identify the position of phosphorylation. Mutants with altered aspartate 57 exhibited no chemotaxis. When aspartate 13, another conserved residue, was changed, greatly reduced chemotaxis was observed, suggesting an important role for aspartate 13. The rate-determining step of chemotactic signaling is governed by the kinetics of formation and hydrolysis of the CheY protein phosphoaspartate bond. The CheY protein apparently functions as a protein phosphatase that possesses a transient covalent intermediate. Transient phosphorylation of an aspartate residue is an effective mechanism for producing a biochemical signal with a short concentration-independent half-life. The duration of the signal can be controlled by small structural elements within the phosphorylated protein.  相似文献   

The silent information regulator (Sir2) family proteins are NAD+‐dependent deacetylases. Although a few substrates have been identified, functions of the bacteria Sir2‐like protein (CobB) still remain unclear. Here the role of CobB on Escherichia coli chemotaxis was investigated. We used Western blotting and mass spectrometry to show that the response regulator CheY is a substrate of CobB. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) indicated that acetylation affects the interaction between CheY and the flagellar switch protein FliM. The presence of intact flagella in knockout strains ΔcobB, Δacs, Δ(cobB) Δ(acs), Δ(cheA) Δ(cheZ), Δ(cheA) Δ(cheZ) Δ(cobB) and Δ(cheA) Δ(cheZ) Δ(acs) was confirmed by electron microscopy. Genetic analysis of these knockout strains showed that: (i) the ΔcobB mutant exhibited reduced responses to chemotactic stimuli in chemotactic assays, whereas the Δacs mutant was indistinguishable from the parental strain, (ii) CheY from the ΔcobB mutant showed a higher level of acetylation, indicating that CobB can mediate the deacetylation of CheY in vivo, and (iii) deletion of cobB reversed the phenotype of Δ(cheA) Δ(cheZ). Our findings suggest that CobB regulates E. coli chemotaxis by deacetylating CheY. Thus a new function of bacterial cobB was identified and also new insights of regulation of bacterial chemotaxis were provided.  相似文献   

CheY, the excitatory response regulator in the chemotaxis system of Escherichia coli, can be modulated by two covalent modifications: phosphorylation and acetylation. Both modifications have been detected in vitro only. The role of CheY acetylation is still obscure, although it is known to be involved in chemotaxis and to occur in vitro by two mechanisms—acetyl-CoA synthetase-catalyzed transfer of acetyl groups from acetate to CheY and autocatalyzed transfer from AcCoA. Here, we succeeded in detecting CheY acetylation in vivo by three means—Western blotting with a specific anti-acetyl-lysine antibody, mass spectrometry, and radiolabeling with [14C]acetate in the presence of protein-synthesis inhibitor. Unexpectedly, the level and rate of CheY acetylation in vivo were much higher than that in vitro. Thus, before any treatment, 9-13% of the lysine residues were found acetylated, depending on the growth phase, meaning that, on average, essentially every CheY molecule was acetylated in vivo. This high level was mainly the outcome of autoacetylation. Addition of acetate caused an incremental increase in the acetylation level, in which acetyl-CoA synthetase was involved too. These findings may have far-reaching implications for the structure-function relationship of CheY.  相似文献   

Administration of either lamivudine (2'-deoxy-3'-thiacytidine) or L-FMAU (2'-fluoro-5-methyl-beta-L-arabinofuranosyluracil) to woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) induces a transient decline in virus titers. However, within 6 to 12 months, virus titers begin to increase towards pretreatment levels. This is associated with the emergence of virus strains with mutations of the B and C regions of the viral DNA polymerase (T. Zhou et al., Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 43:1947-1954, 1999; Y. Zhu et al., J. Virol. 75:311-322, 2001). The present study was carried out to determine which of the mutants that we have identified conferred resistance to lamivudine and/or to L-FMAU. When inserted into a laboratory strain of WHV, each of the mutations, or combinations of mutations, of regions B and C produced a DNA replication-competent virus and typically conferred resistance to both nucleoside analogs in cell culture. Sequencing of the polymerase active site also occasionally revealed other mutations, but these did not appear to contribute to drug resistance. Moreover, in transfected cells, most of the mutants synthesized viral DNA nearly as efficiently as wild-type WHV. Computational models suggested that persistence of several of the WHV mutants as prevalent species in the serum and, by inference, liver for up to 6 months following drug withdrawal required a replication efficiency of at least 10 to 30% of that of the wild type. However, their delayed emergence during therapy suggested replication efficiency in the presence of the drug that was still well below that of wild-type WHV in the absence of the drug.  相似文献   

Protozoan microtubules are sensitive to disruption by dinitroanilines, compounds that kill intracellular Toxoplasma gondii parasites without affecting microtubules in vertebrate host cells. We previously isolated a number of resistant Toxoplasma lines that harbor mutations to the alpha1-tubulin gene. Some of the mutations are localized in or near the M and N loops, domains that coordinate lateral interactions between protofilaments. Other resistance mutations map to a computationally identified binding site beneath the N loop. Allelic replacement of wild-type alpha1-tubulin with the individual mutations is sufficient to confer dinitroaniline resistance. Some mutations seem to increase microtubule length, suggesting that they increase subunit affinity. All mutations are associated with replication defects that decrease parasite viability. When parasites bearing the N loop mutation Phe52Tyr are grown without dinitroaniline selection, they spontaneously acquired secondary mutations in the M loop (Ala273Val) or in an alpha-tubulin-specific insert that stabilizes the M loop (Asp367Val). Parasites with the double mutations have both reduced resistance and diminished incidence of replication defects, suggesting that the secondary mutations decrease protofilament affinity to increase parasite fitness.  相似文献   

The six copies of the response regulator CheY from Rhodobacter sphaeroides bind to the switch protein FliM. Phosphorylation by acetyl phosphate (AcP) was detected by tryptophan fluorescence quenching in three of the four CheYs that contain this residue. Autophosphorylation with Ac(32)P was observed in five CheY proteins. We also show that all of the cheY genes are expressed simultaneously; therefore, in vivo all of the CheY proteins could bind to FliM to control the chemotactic response. Consequently, we hypothesize that in this complex chemotactic system, the binding of some CheY proteins to FliM, does not necessarily imply switching of the flagellar motor.  相似文献   

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