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Genetic selection for milking speed is feasible. The existence of a correlation structure between milking speed and milk yield, however, necessitates a selection strategy to increase milking speed with no repercussion on genetic merit for milk yield. Residual milking duration (RMD) and residual milking duration including somatic cell score (RMDS), defined as the residuals from a regression model of milking duration on milk yield or milk yield plus somatic cell score (SCS) have been advocated. The objective of this study was to undertake a first ever genetic analysis of these novel traits. Data on electronically recorded milking duration and other milking characteristics from 235 005 test-day records on 74 608 cows in 1075 Irish dairy herds were available. Variance components for the milking characteristic traits were estimated using animal linear mixed models and covariances with other performance traits, including udder-related type traits, were estimated using sire models. The heritability of milking duration, RMD and RMDS was 0.20, 0.22 and 0.18, respectively. There were little differences in the heritability of RMD or RMDS when defined using genetic regression. The genetic standard deviation of RMDS defined on the phenotypic or genetic level was 36.8 s and 37.6 s, respectively, clearly indicating considerable exploitable genetic variation in milking duration independent of both milk yield and SCS. The genetic correlation between phenotypically derived RMDS and milk yield was favourable (−0.43), but RMDS was unfavourably genetically correlated with SCS (−0.30); the genetic correlations with both traits when RMDS was defined at a genetic level were zero. RMDS defined at the phenotypic level was negatively (i.e. unfavourable) genetically correlated (−0.35; s.e. = 0.15) with mastitis; however, when defined using genetic regression, shorter RMDS was not associated with greater expected incidence of mastitis. RMDS, defined at the genetic level, is a useful heritable trait with ample genetic variation for inclusion in a national breeding strategy without influencing genetic gain in either milk yield or udder health.  相似文献   

Hand-milking methods to assess the completeness of milking in dairy cows need to be reliable as well as quick to apply in order to avoid delays in group milking parlours. A previous study comparing different methods demonstrated that a defined milking handgrip with a strip frequency of 1 Hz was most suitable to assess the completeness of milk-out in dairy cows. In a first step, the present study aimed to investigate how much milk can be hand-milked by the defined handgrip, strip frequency and within a time limit of 15 s per quarter. In a second step, the question was how many udder quarters of a cow needed to be hand-milked for a reliable prediction of the amount of rest milk in the udder. The experiment comprised 28 German-Holstein cows of one herd. The cows were hand-milked after cluster detachment by an experienced milker using the defined milking handgrip. All four quarters per cow were hand-milked during nine consecutive milking sessions. The strip yield per quarter per 15 s hand-milking (SY15) was collected in four different containers and weighed with a digital scale. Afterwards, the remaining milk of all four quarters was collected and weighed in a fifth container with a maximum volume equivalent to a net weight of 540 g milk. The analysis showed that neither the position of the quarter nor the chronological order, in which hand-milking was carried out, had an influence on SY15. The amount of rest milk in the udder could be estimated best by hand-milking all four quarters.  相似文献   

Cow routines and behavioral responses are altered substantially following the installation of robot milking. The present study was designed to analyze the effect that switching from milking parlor to automatic milking system (AMS) had on the culling rate (due to various causes) of dairy cattle. For this purpose, culling records and causes for culling were tracked in 23 dairy farms in the Galicia region (NW Spain). The animals in these farms were monitored for 5 years. For the present study, that length of time was divided into three different stages, as follows: 2 years before switching from a milking parlor to AMS (stage 1), the 1st year following the implementation of AMS (stage 2) and the 2nd and 3rd years succeeding the implementation of AMS (stage 3). Cox models for survival analysis were used to estimate the time to culling due to different reasons during stage 1 in relation to stages 2 and 3. The data indicated that the risk of loss due to death or emergency slaughter decreased significantly following the installation of AMS. In contrast, the risk of culling due to low production, udder problems, infertility or lameness increased significantly. Low-production cows (such as cows in advanced lactation due to infertility) or sick cows (such as mastitic or lame cows) allegedly have a noticeable effect both on the performance and the amortization of the cost of AMS, which in turn would lead to a higher probability of elimination than in conventional systems.  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly identify temporal deviations of an animal from its norm will be important in the management of individual cows in large herds. Furthermore, predictors of genetic merit for especially health traits are useful to augment the accuracy of selection, and thus genetic gain, in breeding programs. The objective of this study was to estimate the repeatability of milking order and to quantify the contribution of differences in additive genetic variation to phenotypic differences (i.e., heritability). The data used in this study included 9813 herd milk recording test-day records with time of milking from 85,532 cows in 1143 herds across an 8-year period. Milking order was available for both morning and evening milking for each cow with, on average, 3.33 milk test-day records (i.e., 6.66 milking events) per lactation, and on average 1.62 lactations per cow. Variance components for milking order were estimated using animal linear mixed models; covariance components between milking order and milk yield, milk composition and somatic cell score (i.e., logarithm10 somatic cell count) were estimated also using animal linear mixed models. The heritability of milking order was 0.20 indicating partial genetic control of milking order. The repeatability of milking order within test-day, within lactation, and across lactations was 0.63, 0.51, and 0.47, respectively. Milking order was positively (P < 0.001), but weakly, phenotypically correlated with milk yield (r = 0.04), and milk fat concentration (r = 0.01) and negatively (P < 0.001), but weakly, correlated with milk protein concentration (r = −0.02) and somatic cell score (r = −0.05). Milking order was positively (P < 0.05), although weakly, genetically correlated with milk yield (r = 0.07) and negatively (P < 0.05), but also weakly, genetically correlated with somatic cell score (r = −0.08). This study is the first to show a contribution of additive genetics to milking order in dairy cattle but the genetic correlation between milking order and somatic cell score was weak.  相似文献   

Behavioural and cardiac responses of multiparous dairy cows (n=24) during milking in a 2×4 stall herringbone milking system were evaluated in this study. Heart rate (HR), parasympathetic tone index (high frequency component, HF) of heart rate variability and sympathovagal balance indicator LF/HF ratio (the ratio of the low frequency (LF) and the HF component) were analysed. Measurement periods were established as follows: (1) standing calm (baseline), (2) udder preparation, (3) milking, (4) waiting after milking in the milking stall and (5) in the night (2 h after milking). Step behaviour was recorded and calculated per minute for the three phases of the milking process (udder preparation, milking and waiting after milking). HR was higher during udder preparation and milking compared with baseline (P=0.03, 0.027, respectively). HF was significantly lower than baseline levels during waiting in the milking stall after milking (P=0.009), however, during udder preparation, milking and 2 h after milking did not differ from baseline (P>0.05, in either case). LF/HF during the three phases of the milking process differed neither from baseline levels nor from each other. Steps occurred more often during waiting after milking than during udder preparation (P=0.042) or during milking (23; P=0.017). Our results suggest that the milking procedure itself was not stressful for these animals. After milking (following the removal of the last teat cup and before leaving the milking stall), both decreased parasympathetic tone (lower HF) and increased stepping rate indicated a sensitive period for animals during this phase.  相似文献   

Animal health issues are a problem on many dairy farms, and much is already known about clinical treatments and the behaviour of sick animals. Animal health issues can influence behaviour seen around the milking parlour, but less is known about the relationship between the number of previous medical treatments and the queuing to be milked, the ‘milking order’. Information was collected on five afternoon milking sessions, the individual cows’ age and the medical treatment history of each cow in a group of 100 cows. The question addressed was whether the age and the medical treatment history of each cow in the herd affected its milking order. In addition, milking order was tested day to day, and was found to be consistent. A significant positive correlation was found between medical treatment history and milking order rank, meaning that cows with a higher medical treatment history tended to enter the milking parlour later than cows with a lower medical treatment history. In contrast with this finding, it was found that older cows were more likely to enter the milking parlour early when compared to younger animals, a finding which is supported by previous studies. These somewhat contradictory effects of (a) age and (b) medical treatment history on milking order suggest that health disorders may have long-term measurable effects on the position of a cow in the milking order, even when the effect of age on milking order is accounted for.  相似文献   

Achieving a consistent level of robot utilisation throughout 24 h maximises automatic milking system (AMS) utilisation. However, levels of robot utilisation in the early morning hours are typically low, caused by the diurnal feeding behaviour of cows, limiting the inherent capacity and total production of pasture-based AMS. Our objective was to determine robot utilisation throughout 24 h by dairy cows, based on milking frequency (MF; milking events per animal per day) in a pasture-based AMS. Milking data were collected from January and February 2013 across 56 days, from a single herd of 186 animals (Bos taurus) utilising three Lely A3 robotic milking units, located in Tasmania, Australia. The dairy herd was categorised into three equal sized groups (n=62 per group) according to the cow’s mean daily MF over the duration of the study. Robot utilisation was characterised by an interaction (P< 0.001) between the three MF groups and time of day, with peak milking time for high MF cows within one h of a fresh pasture allocation becoming available, followed by the medium MF and low MF cows 2 and 4 h later, respectively. Cows in the high MF group also presented for milking between 2400 and 0600 h more frequently (77% of nights), compared to the medium MF group (57%) and low MF group (50%). This study has shown the formation of three distinct groups of cows within a herd, based on their MF levels. Further work is required to determine if this finding is replicated across other pasture-based AMS farms.  相似文献   

The automated milking system provides breeders with a large amount of automatically collected information about each cow in herd that cannot be easily obtained in non-robotised systems. This knowledge can be used in breeding programs improving somatic cell count (SCC) level. The objective of this study was to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations among test-day (TD) somatic cell score (SCS) and selected milking traits, such as daily milk yield (MY), milking frequency (MF), milking time (MT) and milking speed (MS), attachment time (AT) to single teat cups, electrical conductivity (EC) and milk temperature (MTEMP). Data were collected for 1 899 Polish Holstein-Friesian primiparous cows milked in an automatic milking system. Genetic parameters of the studied traits were estimated using Bayesian method via Gibbs sampling and two-trait random regression animal model with fixed effect of herd x TD, fixed regressions on days in milk (DIM) nested within age at calving by season of calving and RR for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. Both fixed and RR were fitted with fourth-order Legendre polynomials on DIM. The estimated daily heritabilities were in the following ranges: MY – 0.162–0.338, MF – 0.156–0.444, MT – 0.090–0.320, MS – 0.252–0.665, AT – 0.105–0.394, EC – 0.269–0.466, MTEMP – 0.135–0.304 and SCS – 0.155–0.321. The heritabilities for traits expressed on a 305-d basis were moderate to high: 0.460 for MY, 0.514 for MF, 0.315 for MT, 0.431 for MS, 0.256 for AT, 0.386 for EC, 0.407 for MTEMP and 0.359 for SCS. Genetic correlations between traits on a 305-d basis showed that SCS was most strongly genetically correlated with MTEMP (0.572) and MS (0.480), whereas genetic relationships of SCS with MT (0.221) and EC (− 0.216) were moderate. Phenotypic correlations between traits on a 305-d basis were moderate or low. Somatic cell score was negatively phenotypically correlated with MY, MF and MT, with the highest relationship with MT (− 0.302). The largest positive phenotypic correlations were observed between SCS and MS (0.311) and with MTEMP (0.286). In summary, it is concluded that there is a chance to carry out effective selection for lower SCS and for some other traits, in particular MS and MTEMP. The obtained results are promising enough to conduct further research to evaluate how these traits can be used both to increase the accuracy of genetic evaluations of SCC and to improve udder health.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate if cows milked twice per day have more difficulty lying down and getting up and spend less time lying than cows milked three times per day. Seventeen cows of the Swedish Red and White Cattle Breed were studied, seven of which were milked twice daily (2M) and ten were milked three times (3M) daily. They were kept in individual cubicles, that were closed in the rear end with a rope. They had free access to a mixture of silage, hay and concentrate. The individual cows were video-recorded for 24h every fourth week, starting four weeks after calving for four times. The 2M cows stood significantly longer, 128.11min, than the 3M cows, 64.88min, (P<0.01) during the 4h before morning milking. The 2M cows also had a tendency for longer duration of standing rumination (P=0.059) as well as significantly more bouts of standing rumination (P<0.01) during these hours than the 3M cows. The cows in the 3M group spent less time on the getting up movement (P<0.05) during the 4h before morning milking. The distribution of the lying bouts during these 4h differed significantly between the groups, where the 3M cows had fewer lying bouts shorter than 15min and more lying bouts longer than 90min. The results indicate that milking three times a day contributes to increased comfort in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte functions in dairy cows in hot environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was carried out to ascertain the effects of intense high environmental temperatures (HET) on lymphocyte functions in periparturient dairy cows. The study was undertaken from the beginning of March through the end of July 2003 in a commercial dairy unit located approximately 40 km north of Rome. Thirty-four Holstein cows were utilised in the study. Twenty-two of these cows gave birth in spring (SP cows), from 28 March to 30 April. The remaining 12 cows gave birth in summer (SU cows), between 15 June and 2 July. The two groups of cows were balanced for parity and were fed the same rations. Blood samples were taken 4, 3, 2 and 1 week before calving, and 1, 2 and 4 weeks after calving, in order to evaluate peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) function in vitro, and to determine plasma cortisol concentrations. After isolation, the PBMC were stimulated with mitogens and their response in terms of DNA synthesis and IgM secretion was measured. During spring, either the day (9–20 h) or the night (21–8 h) temperature humidity index (THI) was below the upper critical THI (72) established for dairy cows. During summer, the mean daily THI values were 79.5±2.9 during the day and 70.1±4.7 during the night. Furthermore, during summer, three heat waves (a period of at least 3 consecutive days during which there were less than 10 recovery hours) occurred. Recovery hours were intended hours with a THI below 72. The first heat wave lasted 5 days, the second 6 days, and the third 15 days. Compared to the SP cows, over the entire periparturient period the extent of DNA synthesis and IgM secretion levels were lower (P ranging from <0.01 to 0.0001) and higher (P<0.01) respectively, in the SU cows. Before calving, the SU cows also presented higher (P<0.01) concentrations of plasma cortisol compared to the SP cows. This study indicates that the effects of HET on the immune response depend on the specific immune function under consideration, and that neuroendocrinal changes due to HET may play a role in the perturbation of immune functions.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of milking frequency and nutritional level on some aspects of animal health. Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 60) were assigned post calving to a factorial arrangement of treatments; twice a day (TAD) milking on a high or low nutritional level; once a day (OAD) milking on a high or low nutritional level. Milking characteristics were recorded daily. Blood samples to evaluate changes in the composition of the blood cells, milk leakage, udder tension and locomotory ability were measured on four occasions. Teat-ends were classified for hyperkeratosis (HK) monthly post partum. TAD had longer daily milking times (P < 0.001) compared with OAD cows. There was no effect of milking frequency or nutritional level on morning milking time, time to milk letdown or peak milk flow rate (P>0.05). High nutritional level cows had higher average flow-rates (P < 0.05) than low nutritional level cows. Neither milking frequency nor nutritional level affected HK (P>0.05). However, HK values were positively correlated with daily milking time for OAD cows for 6 months of lactation (P < 0.05). This correlation was significant (P < 0.01) for cows milked OAD on high nutrition during the peak lactation period. OAD cows had higher levels of milk leakage compared with TAD cows during the month of May (P < 0.01). Cows on high nutrition milked OAD showed higher udder firmness scores than cows milked once or twice daily at the low nutrition level in June and July (P < 0.05). OAD cows had higher locomotion scores compared with TAD cows (P < 0.001). Locomotion and udder firmness scores were significantly correlated for OAD in June (P < 0.05). OAD cows had lower blood lymphocyte counts, numerically higher counts of neutrophil and a higher monocyte count at peak lactation compared with TAD cows suggesting that OAD cows had altered immune responses. The increase in milk leakage, higher udder firmness and locomotion scores in conjunction with changes in blood cells, suggests that OAD milking may have caused some discomfort to the cows during peak lactation. A reduction in the concentrate input to OAD cows during this period could ameliorate this problem.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the individual variation, repeatability and correlation of methane (CH4) production from dairy cows measured during 2 different years. A total of 21 dairy cows with an average BW of 619±14.2 kg and average milk production of 29.1±6.5 kg/day (mean±s.d.) were used in the 1st year. During the 2nd year, the same cows were used with an average BW of 640±8.0 kg and average milk production of 33.4±6.0 kg/day (mean±s.d.). The cows were housed in a loose housing system fitted with an automatic milking system (AMS). A total mixed ration was fed to the cows ad libitum in both years. In addition, they were offered concentrate in the AMS based on their daily milk yield. The CH4 and CO2 production levels of the cows were analysed using a Gasmet DX-4030. The estimated dry matter intake (EDMI) was 19.8±0.96 and 23.1±0.78 (mean±s.d.), and the energy-corrected milk (ECM) production was 30.8±8.03 and 33.7±5.25 kg/day (mean±s.d.) during the 1st and 2nd year, respectively. The EDMI and ECM had a significant influence (P<0.001) on the CH4 (l/day) yield during both years. The daily CH4 (l/day) production was significantly higher (P<0.05) during the 2nd year compared with the 1st year. The EDMI (described by the ECM) appeared to be the key factor in the variation of CH4 release. A correlation (r=0.54) of CH4 production was observed between the years. The CH4 (l/day) production was strongly correlated (r=0.70) between the 2 years with an adjusted ECM production (30 kg/day). The diurnal variation of CH4 (l/h) production showed significantly lower (P<0.05) emission during the night (0000 to 0800 h). The between-cows variation of CH4 (l/day, l/kg EDMI and l/kg ECM) was lower compared with the within-cow variation for the 1st and 2nd years. The repeatability of CH4 production (l/day) was 0.51 between 2 years. In conclusion, a higher EDMI (kg/day) followed by a higher ECM (kg/day) showed a higher CH4 production (l/day) in the 2nd year. The variations of CH4 (l/day) among the cows were lower than the within-cow variations. The CH4 (l/day) production was highly repeatable and, with an adjusted ECM production, was correlated between the years.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to better understand the regulation of milk yield in response to once-daily milking and feed restriction. Glucose is the principal precursor for the synthesis of lactose (a major osmotic agent in milk), and participates in determining the milk volume produced. When applying these two breeding factors, reductions in milk yield are associated with a reduction in milk lactose yield and in the arterial flow of glucose, due to a decrease in the mammary blood flow. The ability of the udder to extract glucose is altered with once-daily milking but not necessarily with feed restriction. Lactose synthesis is down-regulated in response to once-daily milking and feed restriction but the percentage of the extracted glucose which is converted into lactose is differently affected in response to treatments. No marked change is observed with once daily milking whereas this would be increased with feed restriction and in contrast, depressed with fasting.  相似文献   

Selection in dairy cattle for a higher milk yield has coincided with declined fertility. One of the factors is reduced expression of estrous behavior. Changes in systems that regulate the estrous behavior could be manifested by altered gene expression. This literature review describes the current knowledge on mechanisms and genes involved in the regulation of estrous behavior. The endocrinological regulation of the estrous cycle in dairy cows is well described. Estradiol (E2) is assumed to be the key regulator that synchronizes endocrine and behavioral events. Other pivotal hormones are, for example, progesterone, gonadotropin releasing hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1. Interactions between the latter and E2 may play a role in the unfavorable effects of milk yield-related metabolic stress on fertility in high milk-producing dairy cows. However, a clear understanding of how endocrine mechanisms are tied to estrous behavior in cows is only starting to emerge. Recent studies on gene expression and signaling pathways in rodents and other animals contribute to our understanding of genes and mechanisms involved in estrous behavior. Studies in rodents, for example, show that estrogen-induced gene expression in specific brain areas such as the hypothalamus play an important role. Through these estrogen-induced gene expressions, E2 alters the functioning of neuronal networks that underlie estrous behavior, by affecting dendritic connections between cells, receptor populations and neurotransmitter releases. To improve the understanding of complex biological networks, like estrus regulation, and to deal with the increasing amount of genomic information that becomes available, mathematical models can be helpful. Systems biology combines physiological and genomic data with mathematical modeling. Possible applications of systems biology approaches in the field of female fertility and estrous behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se), an essential micronutrient, is believed to enhance neutrophil functions. This study aimed to compare the effects of supplemented organic (Sel-Plex®) and inorganic (sodium selenite) Se on neutrophil functions in high-producing dairy cows, during the periparturient period. Twenty-five Holstein cows were randomly allocated to five dietary treatments as follows: control diet (basal diet without Se supplementation), IN 0.3 (basal diet supplemented with inorganic Se at 0.3 mg/kg dry matter (DM)), IN 0.5 (inorganic Se at 0.5 mg/kg DM), OR 0.3 (organic Se at 0.3 mg/kg DM) and OR 0.5 (organic Se at 0.5 mg/kg DM). Some evaluated parameters included neutrophil functions and plasma Se concentrations in cows and plasma Se concentrations in calves. Neutrophil phagocytosis did not significantly differ among the five groups. However, organic Se supplementation significantly increased (P < 0.01) the respiratory burst of neutrophils when compared to cows fed IN 0.3 and the control diet. In comparison to inorganic Se, neutrophil apoptosis was decreased (P < 0.01) when cows were fed organic Se or the control diets. These effects of organic Se on respiratory burst activities and apoptosis of neutrophils were in a dose-dependent manner. Calf plasma Se concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) when cows were fed OR 0.5 and IN 0.5.  相似文献   

The objective of this field study with an automatic milking system was to evaluate the effects of omitting the dry period on health and productivity during the subsequent lactation in dairy cows. A total of 98 German Simmental cows of six Southern German farms were assigned randomly to two experimental groups: The first group was dried-off 56 days before calving (D for dried-off, n=49), and the second group was milked continuously during this period until calving (CM for continuous milking, n=49). From the latter a third group emerged, including cows that dried-off themselves spontaneously (DS for dried-off spontaneously, n=14). Blood serum values of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and IGF-1 showed most pronounced fluctuations in D cows. Over the entire study period, the concentrations of BHBA and NEFA were markedly lower in the CM and DS groups. Furthermore, IGF-1 concentration was lowest for D cows and also decrease in back fat thickness was more pronounced. Mean concentration of milk protein was markedly higher in CM and DS cows (3.70% and 3.71%) compared with D cows (3.38%). Owing to the lower 305-day milk yield (−15.6%) and the lower total milk yield (−3.1%), the total amount of produced protein in the subsequent lactation was 2.5% (6.8 kg) lower, although the additional protein amount in CM cows from week −8 to calving was 35.7 kg. The greatest benefit resulted from positive effects on fertility and the lower incidence of diseases: CM cows had their first oestrus 1 week earlier compared with D cows, they also conceived earlier and showed a significantly lower risk of developing hypocalcaemia, ketosis and puerperal disorders. The present study showed that the costs of medical treatment and milk losses were twice as high in D cows, compared with CM and DS cows, and thus the reduced costs because of the more stable health outweighed the financial losses of milk yield by +18.49 € per cow and lactation.  相似文献   

Worldwide, there is a trend towards increased herd sizes, and the animal-to-stockman ratio is increasing within the beef and dairy sectors; thus, the time available to monitoring individual animals is reducing. The behaviour of cows is known to change in the hours prior to parturition, for example, less time ruminating and eating and increased activity level and tail-raise events. These behaviours can be monitored non-invasively using animal-mounted sensors. Thus, behavioural traits are ideal variables for the prediction of calving. This study explored the potential of two sensor technologies for their capabilities in predicting when calf expulsion should be expected. Two trials were conducted at separate locations: (i) beef cows (n = 144) and (ii) dairy cows (n = 110). Two sensors were deployed on each cow: (1) Afimilk Silent Herdsman (SHM) collars monitoring time spent ruminating (RUM), eating (EAT) and the relative activity level (ACT) of the cow, and (2) tail-mounted Axivity accelerometers to detect tail-raise events (TAIL). The exact time the calf was expelled from the cow was determined by viewing closed-circuit television camera footage. Machine learning random forest algorithms were developed to predict when calf expulsion should be expected using single-sensor variables and by integrating multiple-sensor data-streams. The performance of the models was tested using the Matthew’s correlation coefficient (MCC), the area under the curve, and the sensitivity and specificity of predictions. The TAIL model was slightly better at predicting calving within a 5-h window for beef cows (MCC = 0.31) than for dairy cows (MCC = 0.29). The TAIL + RUM + EAT models were equally as good at predicting calving within a 5-h window for beef and dairy cows (MCC = 0.32 for both models). Combining data-streams from SHM and tail sensors did not substantially improve model performance over tail sensors alone; therefore, hour-by-hour algorithms for the prediction of time of calf expulsion were developed using tail sensor data. Optimal classification occurred at 2 h prior to calving for both beef (MCC = 0.29) and dairy cows (MCC = 0.25). This study showed that tail sensors alone are adequate for the prediction of parturition and that the optimal time for prediction is 2 h before expulsion of the calf.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to record the oxytocin (OT) release during milking (M) without or with calf presence, suckling (S) and finally calf removal just before the next milking in cows during postpartum or early lactation periods. Furthermore, the release of OT was examined during S and M in unknown surroundings (parlour). A total of 20 Brown Swiss cows kept under loose housing environment were used in our experiment. In both periods, the cows were milked twice daily at 07.00 and 18.00h and suckled three times daily at 09.00, 14.00 and 20.00h in the stall (tie housing). In the postpartum period, 13 cows were suckled and milked in the presence of their calves in the stall for the first 5 days of postpartum. Five from seven primiparous cows were additionally suckled by their own calves in the parlour on day 5 at 20.00h. On day 6, calves were separated and moved from mothers to the calf barn 10min before morning M. After evening milking cows were relocated to the herd within the same stable and milked in the parlour for a period of 4 weeks without contact to their calf. For control, additional seven primiparous cows without calf presence (not suckled) were also milked in the tie housing. In the early lactation period, suckled cows were moved back to the tie housing 2 days before the start of two consecutive days of S by their own calves and milking. Afterwards, 10min before M calves were separated again. Before S, two consecutive M were considered as controls. Results: The S stimulus during postpartum resulted in a higher OT release as compared with M in the calf presence and M after calf separation but not during M of not suckled cows. S in parlour reduced OT release. However, when not suckled primiparous cows were first milked in parlour, OT release was more reduced and in some cows total inhibition was observed. In early lactation during the first S, release of OT was lower than during control M, but increased gradually with repeated S and reached a maximum already on the second day. After two S, during evening M, the M related OT release was reduced as compared with controls. Calf removal 10min before M reduced OT release as compared with control M or M in calf presence. In conclusion, the calf presence and its removal can negatively influence OT secretion during M. Conditioning to machine milking caused a short-term reduction of OT release during first suckling, which normalised within 1 day.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) emissions by dairy cows vary with feed intake and diet composition. Even when fed on the same diet at the same intake, however, variation between cows in CH4 emissions can be substantial. The extent of variation in CH4 emissions among dairy cows on commercial farms is unknown, but developments in methodology now permit quantification of CH4 emissions by individual cows under commercial conditions. The aim of this research was to assess variation among cows in emissions of eructed CH4 during milking on commercial dairy farms. Enteric CH4 emissions from 1964 individual cows across 21 farms were measured for at least 7 days/cow using CH4 analysers at robotic milking stations. Cows were predominantly of Holstein Friesian breed and remained on the same feeding systems during sampling. Effects of explanatory variables on average CH4 emissions per individual cow were assessed by fitting a linear mixed model. Significant effects were found for week of lactation, daily milk yield and farm. The effect of milk yield on CH4 emissions varied among farms. Considerable variation in CH4 emissions was observed among cows after adjusting for fixed and random effects, with the CV ranging from 22% to 67% within farms. This study confirms that enteric CH4 emissions vary among cows on commercial farms, suggesting that there is considerable scope for selecting individual cows and management systems with reduced emissions.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to study the relationship between milk flow emission variables recorded during milking of dairy goats with variables related to milking routine, goat physiology, milking parameters and milking machine characteristics, to determine the variables affecting milking performance and help the goat industry pinpoint farm and milking practices that improve milking performance. In total, 19 farms were visited once during the evening milking. Milking parameters (vacuum level (VL), pulsation ratio and pulsation rate, vacuum drop), milk emission flow variables (milking time, milk yield, maximum milk flow (MMF), average milk flow (AVMF), time until 500 g/min milk flow is established (TS500)), doe characteristics of 8 to 10 goats/farm (breed, days in milk and parity), milking practices (overmilking, overstripping, pre-lag time) and milking machine characteristics (line height, presence of claw) were recorded on every farm. The relationships between recorded variables and farm were analysed by a one-way ANOVA analysis. The relationships of milk yield, MMF, milking time and TS500 with goat physiology, milking routine, milking parameters and milking machine design were analysed using a linear mixed model, considering the farm as the random effect. Farm was significant (P<0.05) in all the studied variables. Milk emission flow variables were similar to those recommended in scientific studies. Milking parameters were adequate in most of the farms, being similar to those recommended in scientific studies. Few milking parameters and milking machine characteristics affected the tested variables: average vacuum level only showed tendency on MMF, and milk pipeline height on TS500. Milk yield (MY) was mainly affected by parity, as the interaction of days in milk with parity was also significant. Milking time was mainly affected by milk yield and breed. Also significant were parity, the interaction of days in milk with parity and overstripping, whereas overmilking showed a slight tendency. We concluded that most of the studied variables were mainly related to goat physiology characteristics, as the effects of milking parameters and milking machine characteristics were scarce.  相似文献   

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